marts 15, 1999

Press Report

More that 16 000 applications for naturalisation are now at different regional offices of the Naturalisation Board. It is interesting that women are majority - 65.5%. Russians are the most active among representatives of different nations - 55%. The number of applicants has increased considerably, and now people are lining up for submitting a request already for the end of June. To increase the speed of naturalisation process, the Naturalisation Board has requested for additional resources for this year.

More that 16 000 applications for naturalisation are now at different regional offices of the Naturalisation Board. It is interesting that women are majority - 65.5%. Russians are the most active among representatives of different nations - 55%. The number of applicants has increased considerably, and now people are lining up for submitting a request already for the end of June. To increase the speed of naturalisation process, the Naturalisation Board has requested for additional resources for this year. Neatkariga

Latvian Embassy in Brussels say that introduction of no visa regime with Benelux countries could be postponed for a longer period of time as it was expected. It was announced that Latvian citizens could go without visa to these countries already at the end of April, but due to the long ratification procedure in the parliaments of Benelux countries, it seemed that even in June the agreement would not take effect.

Latvian Embassy in Brussels say that introduction of no visa regime with Benelux countries could be postponed for a longer period of time as it was expected. It was announced that Latvian citizens could go without visa to these countries already at the end of April, but due to the long ratification procedure in the parliaments of Benelux countries, it seemed that even in June the agreement would not take effect. Jauna Avize

As it seems, the strict reaction of Liepaja authorities on Barkasovets rally has impressed hotheads in Liepaja and they organised the Latvian soldiers commemoration day events on Saturday. There are two more organisations - Latvian Socialist Party and Russian Community in Latvia that insist to have their pickets on March 16, but the authorities did not give any permission.

Bizness & Baltiya

marts 13, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

In the official Latvian MFA answer it is said that it appreciates the interest of Russia to start practical activities to renew the work of Latvian - Russian iter-governmental commission. The Ministry considers that renewal of Commission’s activities in a full scale would favourred by appointing the co-chairman from the Russian side and organising a meeting of this bilateral Commission. At the same time Latvia supports the idea to renew the activities of the experts groups. Latvian Ministry MFA repeats that along with social and humanitarian issues there are many more problems to be considered. If this proposal is accepted, the meeting time of the experts groups could be agreed through diplomatic channels.

In the official Latvian MFA answer it is said that it appreciates the interest of Russia to start practical activities to renew the work of Latvian - Russian iter-governmental commission. The Ministry considers that renewal of Commissions activities in a full scale would favourred by appointing the co-chairman from the Russian side and organising a meeting of this bilateral Commission. At the same time Latvia supports the idea to renew the activities of the experts groups. Latvian Ministry MFA repeats that along with social and humanitarian issues there are many more problems to be considered. If this proposal is accepted, the meeting time of the experts groups could be agreed through diplomatic channels. Neatkariga

On 16 of March, the Saeima established commemoration day, 22 MPs, several ministers and State President G.Ulmanis will be outside the country. Politicians themselves do not consider it as an escape from this day, but newspapers have a different opinion.

On 16 of March, the Saeima established commemoration day, 22 MPs, several ministers and State President G.Ulmanis will be outside the country. Politicians themselves do not consider it as an escape from this day, but newspapers have a different opinion. Neatkariga, Diena, Jauna Avize (15.03.99)

After the concept of the program“Public integration in Latvia” had been presented for public discussion, yesterday there was the first discussion about this concept. Among the present there were the Head of the Naturalisation Board E.Aldermane, several other authors of this document and mass media representatives.

After the concept of the programPublic integration in Latvia had been presented for public discussion, yesterday there was the first discussion about this concept. Among the present there were the Head of the Naturalisation Board E.Aldermane, several other authors of this document and mass media representatives. Neatkariga

Panorama Latvii, when writing about this concept, is very negative and see a very clear distinction between us - citizens and them - national minorities.

A.Stroy in Russian version of

A.Stroy in Russian version of Diena considers this process too late and accuses the authors of the concept that no representatives of the to be integrated society had been asked to take part in the elaboration of this program.

Panorama Latvii of March 15 wonders whether this program is ment to integrate or assimilate.

The Saeima Speaker J.Straume discusses the importance of March 16 in the history of Latvia and thinks that the importance of this day should not be overestimated. If the Saeima has announced this to be a commemoration day, it is a duty of the nation to commemorate its heroes, especially knowing that these people had not been members of National Socialist Party.

The Saeima Speaker J.Straume discusses the importance of March 16 in the history of Latvia and thinks that the importance of this day should not be overestimated. If the Saeima has announced this to be a commemoration day, it is a duty of the nation to commemorate its heroes, especially knowing that these people had not been members of National Socialist Party. Neatkariga

State President considers that parties should discuss more about political values not arithmetic calculations. This statement was said about the Saeima decision to increase the mandatory number of a party’s members to establish a new party.

State President considers that parties should discuss more about political values not arithmetic calculations. This statement was said about the Saeima decision to increase the mandatory number of a partys members to establish a new party. Diena

Interior Ministry has no information that any of the parties that will take part in the events of the Latvian Soldiers commemoration days are preparing “Molotov cocktails” or palnning any violent actions.

Interior Ministry has no information that any of the parties that will take part in the events of the Latvian Soldiers commemoration days are preparing Molotov cocktails or palnning any violent actions. Diena , Chas (15.03.99)

marts 12, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

Today the social integration management group in co-operation with the Soros Fund - Latvia organises the round table discussion on the draft framework document of the State Program on the Social Integration in Latvia.

Today the social integration management group in co-operation with the Soros Fund - Latvia organises the round table discussion on the draft framework document of the State Program on the Social Integration in Latvia. Jauna Avize

Yesterday the Russian MFA official representative A. Rachmanin called the decision to declare the 16th of March the national celebration day as “the desecration of those who fought against the fascism.” The Press Secretary of the Latvian MFA T. Baumanis assessed this statement as inaccurate because it does not take into consideration the public discussion about the 16th of March, as well as the State President’s and the governmental stand concerning this issue.”

Yesterday the Russian MFA official representative A. Rachmanin called the decision to declare the 16th of March the national celebration day as the desecration of those who fought against the fascism. The Press Secretary of the Latvian MFA T. Baumanis assessed this statement as inaccurate because it does not take into consideration the public discussion about the 16th of March, as well as the State Presidents and the governmental stand concerning this issue. Diena, Jauna Avize, B&B

Yesterday the Saeima adopted the Amendments to the Law on the Granting of the Status of the Politically Repressed Person according to which this status may be granted also to the citizens of Lithuania and Estonia.

Yesterday the Saeima adopted the Amendments to the Law on the Granting of the Status of the Politically Repressed Person according to which this status may be granted also to the citizens of Lithuania and Estonia. Jauna Avize

Yesterday the Saeima adopted the Amendments to the Law on Repatriation providing that the right to enter Latvia together with the repatriate is granted to his/her spouse, minor children or dependants, as well as parents who are in his/her care. The amendments also provide that the right to material assistance is granted only to those repatriates who had left Latvia by 4 May 1990.

Yesterday the Saeima adopted the Amendments to the Law on Repatriation providing that the right to enter Latvia together with the repatriate is granted to his/her spouse, minor children or dependants, as well as parents who are in his/her care. The amendments also provide that the right to material assistance is granted only to those repatriates who had left Latvia by 4 May 1990. Jauna Avize

The Saeima rejected the draft amendments to the Constitution submitted by the social democrats which provided for guaranteeing the right to sufficient food, clothing and housing.

The Saeima rejected the draft amendments to the Constitution submitted by the social democrats which provided for guaranteeing the right to sufficient food, clothing and housing. Jauna Avize

The Social Democrats will submit the petition to the Constitutional Court requesting to assess the restrictions on the nomination of the former KGB, Communist Party members and members of other banned organisations for the elections. The Social Democrats believe that these restrictions violate the Constitution.

The Social Democrats will submit the petition to the Constitutional Court requesting to assess the restrictions on the nomination of the former KGB, Communist Party members and members of other banned organisations for the elections. The Social Democrats believe that these restrictions violate the Constitution. Diena

The fraction

The fraction For Human Rights believes that during the first 100 days of its work the Latvian government has not managed move from the good intentions to the real deeds in improving the relations with Russia. In the statement distributed yesterday, the fraction argues that even though Russia is not always an easy partner, it is unacceptable to see it as an enemy or the source of potential threat. Diena

Diena publishes an article about the Latvias prospects in relation with the NATO enlargement. According to the Director of the Security Police and International Organisations Department at the Latvian MFA I. Pundurs it is uncertain whether during the Washington summit Latvia will be named among the countries which will be included into the NATO Membership action law. The Director of the Latvian Foreign Affairs Institute A. Lejins, on countrary, is absolutely sure that the Baltic States will be asked to prepare the action plan for the integration into the allience. Speaking about the Russias influence on the NATO enlargement process, Mr. Lejins argues that the Russias recession might either speed up the accession of the Baltic States to the NATO or slow down the process. At the same time, he acknowledges that Russia has lost the influence on the NATO enlargement issue. Mr. Pundurs believes that although Russia objects the NATO enlargement eastwards, Russias opinion will not play a decisive role in the case of the Baltic States. Diena

After several attempts to receive a permission to organise a protest picketing on the 16th of March, the Russian Society in Latvia was finally been granted it. So,

After several attempts to receive a permission to organise a protest picketing on the 16th of March, the Russian Society in Latvia was finally been granted it. So, Panorama Latvii informs that everybody who wants to express the protest against the marching of the ex-legionnaires in the capital city of Latvia, is invited to take part in the picketing.

marts 11, 1999

Press Review

To start a wide, open discussion on integration issues, the draft concept of the Public Integration Program was put for public discussion yesterday. The discussion on these issues was appreciated by the Russian MFA. Prime Minister V.Kristopans acknowledged that the concept was formed so it could be referred to the integration of the whole society. V.Kristopans invited everybody to take part in this discussion.

To start a wide, open discussion on integration issues, the draft concept of the Public Integration Program was put for public discussion yesterday. The discussion on these issues was appreciated by the Russian MFA. Prime Minister V.Kristopans acknowledged that the concept was formed so it could be referred to the integration of the whole society. V.Kristopans invited everybody to take part in this discussion. Neatkariga, Diena, Panorama Latvii

Latvia is ready to start discussions in the working group on human and social issues should Russia agree in principle to renew the activities of the whole intergovernmental commission. This was announced yesterday by Latvian MFA Press Secretary T.Baumanis. It is planned to send the answer letter to Russia today.

Latvia is ready to start discussions in the working group on human and social issues should Russia agree in principle to renew the activities of the whole intergovernmental commission. This was announced yesterday by Latvian MFA Press Secretary T.Baumanis. It is planned to send the answer letter to Russia today. Neatkariga

Latvian State President finds inappropriate the wish of Russia to discuss only social and human aspects during intergovernmental discussions, but the Minister of Foreign Affairs doubts the reality of this wish.

Latvian State President finds inappropriate the wish of Russia to discuss only social and human aspects during intergovernmental discussions, but the Minister of Foreign Affairs doubts the reality of this wish. Diena

Several Latvian citizens have faced problems to receive a visa for going to the Benelux countries. Now Latvian diplomats are trying to solve this problem with foreign affairs institutions of these countries.

Several Latvian citizens have faced problems to receive a visa for going to the Benelux countries. Now Latvian diplomats are trying to solve this problem with foreign affairs institutions of these countries. Neatkariga, SM

Latvian MFA considers that the Saeima faction

Latvian MFA considers that the Saeima faction For Human Rights in United Latvia has not answered in its announcement to four questions important for implementing a unique foreign policy. And these questions are whether Russia should or should not sign the prepared border agreement and other documents, does she prevents or not prevent the development of a high level inter-governmental dialogue and renewing the activities of the intergovernmental commission. There is no answer also to the question if Russia should cancell economic sanctions against Latvia and pay her debts to Latvian entrepreneurs and if she has or does not have the right to demand from some countries more than it is stipulated by international standards. By answering to these questions the faction could support establishing of good neighbour relations with Russia. Neatkariga

Liepaja City Council will not permit any pickets and rallies on March 16. Such events could increase splitting of the society and kindle hatred between Russians and Latvians. In his turn the Riga City Mayor A.Berzins asked people not to participate in the events of March 16 but just commemorate soldiers by laying flowers on their graveyards.

Liepaja City Council will not permit any pickets and rallies on March 16. Such events could increase splitting of the society and kindle hatred between Russians and Latvians. In his turn the Riga City Mayor A.Berzins asked people not to participate in the events of March 16 but just commemorate soldiers by laying flowers on their graveyards. Diena

Majority in the Saeima could support the proposal of

Majority in the Saeima could support the proposal of Peoples Party that no less than 1000 Latvian citizens could form a party. The Saeima administration and Self-government Commission voted against this proposal, but on Thursday when the Saeima was going to vote on the amendments to the law on public organisations and their unions, TB/LNNK, Peoples Party and Social Democrats had decided to support it. Diena, Jauna Avize

None of the Saeima factions has expressed its readiness to propose the dismissal of O.Bruveris from the post of the Director of the NHRO, but within the factions they discuss possible candidates to this post.

Social Democrats propose I.Vebers but only on the condition if all the government forming factions would support their proposal. Also the New Party is planning to put forward their candidate, but it does not intend to propose dismissal of O.Bruveris . Jauna Avize Yesterday Russian MFA warned that Estonians should not expect a fast ratification of the border agreement in the new Estonian government did not behave. At the yesterday briefing the official representative of the Russian MFA refused to comment the election results in Estonia but said that the ratification would depend on the future development of Estonian - Russian relations.

Yesterday Russian MFA warned that Estonians should not expect a fast ratification of the border agreement in the new Estonian government did not behave. At the yesterday briefing the official representative of the Russian MFA refused to comment the election results in Estonia but said that the ratification would depend on the future development of Estonian - Russian relations. Bizness & Baltiya

M.Mitrofanov from the Saeima faction

For Human Rights in United Latvia informs the readers of the newspaper Panorama Latvii about their request on discrepancy of the Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers on the procedure of Naturalisation to the citizenship law. According to the law, a claimant of citizenship is to receive an answer within one year from the day of handing in the necessary documents. In the Regulations it is stated that an answer shall be given within one year after passing the naturalisation exams. The Commission of Requests considered this request and refused it. Panorama Latvii

Panorama Latvii

dedicates a whole page to its telephone opinion poll about March 16 commemoration day, and all the respondents were very negative about this decision of the Saeima. dedicates a whole page to its telephone opinion poll about March 16 commemoration day, and all the respondents were very negative about this decision of the Saeima.

marts 10, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

Although the State President G. Ulmanis officially admitted that the declaration of the 16th of March as the Latvian Soldiers’ Commemoration Day was his and the parliament’s mistake, he will not call the parliament to annul the decree.

Although the State President G. Ulmanis officially admitted that the declaration of the 16th of March as the Latvian Soldiers Commemoration Day was his and the parliaments mistake, he will not call the parliament to annul the decree. Diena, Neatkariga

Deputy Director of the Satversme (Constitution) Defence Bureau Uldis Dzenitis and the Deputy Chief of the Security Police Janis Reiniks believe that on the 16th of March the members of the extreme organisations which are not registered in Latvia, will attempt to provoke conflict situations. Both officials assured that the security services have enough time to be sufficiently prepared to prevent illegal activities or the provocation.

Deputy Director of the Satversme (Constitution) Defence Bureau Uldis Dzenitis and the Deputy Chief of the Security Police Janis Reiniks believe that on the 16th of March the members of the extreme organisations which are not registered in Latvia, will attempt to provoke conflict situations. Both officials assured that the security services have enough time to be sufficiently prepared to prevent illegal activities or the provocation. Rigas Balss

The State President believes that Russia, inviting Latvia to discuss only social and humanitarian issues, continues “improper diplomatic practice” in relation with Latvia. According to Mr. Ulmanis, Russia over--emphasises some issues and does not want to discuss others. The Foreign Affairs Minister Valdis Birkavs questions Russia’s readiness to resume the dialogue, since it wants to discuss only the humanitarian issues.

The State President believes that Russia, inviting Latvia to discuss only social and humanitarian issues, continues improper diplomatic practice in relation with Latvia. According to Mr. Ulmanis, Russia over--emphasises some issues and does not want to discuss others. The Foreign Affairs Minister Valdis Birkavs questions Russias readiness to resume the dialogue, since it wants to discuss only the humanitarian issues. Neatkariga

In order to inform the public about the draft social integration program, promote the discussion and summarise the opinions, the Prime Minister Vilis Kristopans is presenting the prepared draft framework document for the social integration program today. Yesterday the Cabinet of Ministers decided to allocate financing for the organising the public discussion of the program. The estimated expenses are 69, 391 Lats.

In order to inform the public about the draft social integration program, promote the discussion and summarise the opinions, the Prime Minister Vilis Kristopans is presenting the prepared draft framework document for the social integration program today. Yesterday the Cabinet of Ministers decided to allocate financing for the organising the public discussion of the program. The estimated expenses are 69, 391 Lats. Neatkariga

Dienapublishes the summarised version of this framework document. The document states that the basis for the social integration is the loyalty to the Latvian state, the command of the Latvian language, common values, the consciousness that each individuals future and the personal well-being are closely tied to the future, stability and security of Latvia. The framework document acknowledges that the bilingual education and the civic education play the important role in the promotion of the successful integration process. Acnowledging the importance of the unified national information policy, the framework document calls for creating series of the broadcasts on the social integration, paying special attention to the language instruction programs, promoting advertising of the cultural, art and sports events as the society unifying element. Regarding the citizenship and naturalisation issues, the document emphasises the raising the prestige of the Latvian citizenship and informing the public about the naturalisation. Diena

As the Latvian Attaché of Education and Science Ministry in Brussels Nils Saks told

As the Latvian Attaché of Education and Science Ministry in Brussels Nils Saks told Diena, in the education sphere there is only one directive of the EU that Latvia should observe, namely, about the education of the migrants children, providing every EU citizen and (or) his/her children with the right to education in any other EU country. Such a provision has already been included in the adopted Education Law. At the legislation screening meeting on Monday the EC representatives have expressed the content with the Latvias achievements.

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