marts 27, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

The DCMA has summarised the results of its last years activities and come to a conclusion that no major changes had taken place in the processes, only more and more people change their nationality or give up their Latvian citizenship. Last year the DCMA rendered 113 572 services related to issuing visas, issued 7634 PRPs, most of them to foreign citizens permanently residing in Latvia, issued 145 273 Latvian citizen passports and supplied with non-citizen passports about 55.5% of non-citizen population of Latvia. Last year 689 persons changed their nationality (in 1997 - 452). A rather large number of Latvian citizens expressed a wish to give up their citizenship the DCMA received 529 such applications, most of these people planned to leave for living abroad or had already been living outside Latvia or had received citizenship of some other state.

The DCMA has summarised the results of its last years activities and come to a conclusion that no major changes had taken place in the processes, only more and more people change their nationality or give up their Latvian citizenship. Last year the DCMA rendered 113 572 services related to issuing visas, issued 7634 PRPs, most of them to foreign citizens permanently residing in Latvia, issued 145 273 Latvian citizen passports and supplied with non-citizen passports about 55.5% of non-citizen population of Latvia. Last year 689 persons changed their nationality (in 1997 - 452). A rather large number of Latvian citizens expressed a wish to give up their citizenship the DCMA received 529 such applications, most of these people planned to leave for living abroad or had already been living outside Latvia or had received citizenship of some other state. Neatkariga

Russian Ambassador to Latvia condemns the Saeima decision to support NATO bombing of Yugoslavia. He assured that this position would not help to improve bilateral relations with Russia. The Ambassador also explained Russian position.

Russian Ambassador to Latvia condemns the Saeima decision to support NATO bombing of Yugoslavia. He assured that this position would not help to improve bilateral relations with Russia. The Ambassador also explained Russian position. Diena (Russian version)

The newspaper

The newspaper Panorama Latvii states that after adoption in the second reading the draft language law, it is evident that the Russian language is under threat to be ousted from the public life and organises a telephone opinion poll, asking people to call and express their opinion on this problem from 12 to 1 p.m. on Sunday. Panorama Latvii

March 29, 1999

March 29, 1999

This week the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will submit to the government a report on the procedure of harmonising the national legislation with EU normative acts. As the Press Secretary T.Baumanis informed that harmonising had been proceeding successfully, although the EU experts conclusion was that Latvia still had many things to complete but was on the right track.

This week the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will submit to the government a report on the procedure of harmonising the national legislation with EU normative acts. As the Press Secretary T.Baumanis informed that harmonising had been proceeding successfully, although the EU experts conclusion was that Latvia still had many things to complete but was on the right track. Neatkariga

Byelorussian Vice- Prime minister V.Koziks is arriving to on a tree day to Latvia. He plans to meet Latvian Prime Minister V.Kristopans, Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs and Minister of Communications A.Gorbunovs.

Byelorussian Vice- Prime minister V.Koziks is arriving to on a tree day to Latvia. He plans to meet Latvian Prime Minister V.Kristopans, Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs and Minister of Communications A.Gorbunovs. Neatkariga

Vladimir Buzayev, co-chairman of Latvian Human Rights Committee contemplates about the naturalisation process in Latvia. He starts with describing a meeting of the Co-ordination Council of Public Organisation where the Russian speaking public organisations discussed a document, proposed by the Russian Public Council on the possible system, to fight discrimination of non-citizens. Then he turns to the differences between citizens and non-citizens - naming such profession bans as being heads of enterprises having a license to provide security services. The same ban refers to alcohol and drug addicts, members of terrorist organisations, criminal groups, as well as persons not knowing the state language on the highest level.


The member of the Saeima faction For Human Rights in United Latvia Janis Urbanovics, commenting the findings of the Commission on Fighting Racism and Intolerance of the European Council that there were cases of aggressive nationalism, racism and anti-Semitism in Latvia, says that nothing else could be expected. The facts - blasts at the synagogue, publishing of Mein Kampf, etc. The MP, answering to the question on the possible consequences, states that such a conclusion could lead to serious trouble for Latvia up to imposing sanctions and postponing Latvias joining EU and NATO. Panorama Latvii

marts 26, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

Yesterday at the German, American and French Embassies in Riga some 20 persons were picketing against the NATO military actions in Yugoslavia. The Russian Ambassador in Latvia A. Udalcov told the BNS that the Latvia’s support of the NATO aggression toward Yugoslavia will not facilitate the understanding and co-operation in the Latvian-Russian relations. Yesterday at the press briefing the Consul of the Russian Embassy in Latvia M. Demurin said that the NATO has violated the basic principles of its own Constitution adopted in 1949. Speaking about the Latvia’s support to the NATO actions, Mr. Demurin said that taking into consideration Latvia’s history, it should have had different opinion concerning the attack of the military organisation on a sovereign country.

Yesterday at the German, American and French Embassies in Riga some 20 persons were picketing against the NATO military actions in Yugoslavia. The Russian Ambassador in Latvia A. Udalcov told the BNS that the Latvias support of the NATO aggression toward Yugoslavia will not facilitate the understanding and co-operation in the Latvian-Russian relations. Yesterday at the press briefing the Consul of the Russian Embassy in Latvia M. Demurin said that the NATO has violated the basic principles of its own Constitution adopted in 1949. Speaking about the Latvias support to the NATO actions, Mr. Demurin said that taking into consideration Latvias history, it should have had different opinion concerning the attack of the military organisation on a sovereign country. Diena, B&B, SM

SM publishes the statement by the Movement for Equality concerning the NATO aggression toward Yugoslavia in which it is said that the unauthorised by the UN bombing of Serbia can be qualified as a step towards the initiating the war.

SM publishes the statement by the Movement for Equality concerning the NATO aggression toward Yugoslavia in which it is said that the unauthorised by the UN bombing of Serbia can be qualified as a step towards the initiating the war. SM

The Russian Society in Latvia begins the registering of the volunteers who are ready “to help the Yugoslav people in the struggle against the NATO aggression.” B&B;

The Russian Society in Latvia begins the registering of the volunteers who are ready to help the Yugoslav people in the struggle against the NATO aggression. B&B

Panorama Latvii publishes the text of the Cabinet of Ministers Regulations on the Procedure of Receiving and Consideration the Applications for the Naturalisation.

marts 25, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

The Latvian politicians support the NATO resolution to start military actions against Yugoslavia. The negative position by Russia, however, raise the worries about the further instability in Europe. Commenting the military actions against Yugoslavia the Russian newspapers 

The Latvian politicians support the NATO resolution to start military actions against Yugoslavia. The negative position by Russia, however, raise the worries about the further instability in Europe. Commenting the military actions against Yugoslavia the Russian newspapersChas and Panorama Latvii state that it is the first military operation in the 50-years history of the NATO which is directed towards the sovereign European country. Diena, Chas

Today Latvia commemorates the victims of the Communist terror. Fifty years ago on 25 March 1949 more than 10, 000 families were deported to Siberia. All newspapers

Today Latvia commemorates the victims of the Communist terror. Fifty years ago on 25 March 1949 more than 10, 000 families were deported to Siberia. All newspapers

Despite the recent scandal concerning the investigation of the bombing of the Riga Synagogue last year, the National Security Council decided to re-nominate Lainis Kamaldins to the post of the Constitution Defence Bureau.

Despite the recent scandal concerning the investigation of the bombing of the Riga Synagogue last year, the National Security Council decided to re-nominate Lainis Kamaldins to the post of the Constitution Defence Bureau. Diena

Yesterday the Russian Minister on Ethnic Affairs Ramazan Abdulatipov was appointed to the post of the co-chairman of the Latvian-Russian intergovernmental commission.

Yesterday the Russian Minister on Ethnic Affairs Ramazan Abdulatipov was appointed to the post of the co-chairman of the Latvian-Russian intergovernmental commission. Chas

The Mayor of Moscow Jury Luzhkov passed a resolution on creating a fund providing assistance to the Russian pupils and students in the Baltic countries.

The Mayor of Moscow Jury Luzhkov passed a resolution on creating a fund providing assistance to the Russian pupils and students in the Baltic countries. Chas

Within the framework of the project on computerisation of the naturalisation process the Naturalisation Board received 84 new computers and printers yesterday that would allow to speed up the naturalisation. The project is financed by the EU Phare program, the Council of Europe, from the NB budget and the Latvian state investments.

Within the framework of the project on computerisation of the naturalisation process the Naturalisation Board received 84 new computers and printers yesterday that would allow to speed up the naturalisation. The project is financed by the EU Phare program, the Council of Europe, from the NB budget and the Latvian state investments. Diena, Rigas Balss

Commenting the Draft Concept of the State Integration Program, Mr. N. Vezhenieks states that it is the imitation of the consolidation of the two-community state rather than the activity plan involving whole political system of the country. According to the author of the article, a resident of Latvia will begin to believe in integration as the whole state business only when the Saeima annuls the laws discriminating the non-citizens, the Latvian political parties guarantee the realisation of the program, the parliament adopts a resolution obliging the government to have an appropriate provision in the governmental declaration that formulates the practical activities on the implementation of the integration program, and the Latvian mass media stop humiliating the Russians, Jews.

Commenting the Draft Concept of the State Integration Program, Mr. N. Vezhenieks states that it is the imitation of the consolidation of the two-community state rather than the activity plan involving whole political system of the country. According to the author of the article, a resident of Latvia will begin to believe in integration as the whole state business only when the Saeima annuls the laws discriminating the non-citizens, the Latvian political parties guarantee the realisation of the program, the parliament adopts a resolution obliging the government to have an appropriate provision in the governmental declaration that formulates the practical activities on the implementation of the integration program, and the Latvian mass media stop humiliating the Russians, Jews. Panorama Latvii

marts 24, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

The Head of the Naturalisation Board E.Aldermane presented the results of the first phase of a EU PHARE project aimed to establish a computerised system to proceed naturalisation applications in the Naturalisation Board. Ms.Aldermane said that this would help to speed up the process of considering applications for naturalisation and other related documents. The Naturalisation Board has received 84 computers, a fail server, 5 laptops, 34 laser printers and other necessary equipment and software. The project is planned to be completed by 2002 and total expenses will be 950 000 Lats.

The Head of the Naturalisation Board E.Aldermane presented the results of the first phase of a EU PHARE project aimed to establish a computerised system to proceed naturalisation applications in the Naturalisation Board. Ms.Aldermane said that this would help to speed up the process of considering applications for naturalisation and other related documents. The Naturalisation Board has received 84 computers, a fail server, 5 laptops, 34 laser printers and other necessary equipment and software. The project is planned to be completed by 2002 and total expenses will be 950 000 Lats. Neatkariga, Jauna Avize, Chas

Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs considers that the fact of electing Latvia into the administration of the 55th session of the UN Human Rights Commission is acknowledgement of the international community of the things achieved in human rights field in Latvia.

Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs considers that the fact of electing Latvia into the administration of the 55th session of the UN Human Rights Commission is acknowledgement of the international community of the things achieved in human rights field in Latvia. Neatkariga

The faction of the

The faction of the Union of Latvian Social Democrats proposed the Deputy Chairman of the Saeima Foreign Affairs Commission R.Labanovskis to the post of the State President and academician E.Vebers - to the post of the NHRO Director. Neatkariga, Diena, Jauna Avize

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, upon a request of the Prime Minister, will prepare a conclusion on the conformity of the state language law to international legal norms. MFA Press Secretary T.Baumanis explained that the Ministry, when preparing this conclusion, would consult experts from international organisations, e.g. OSCE .

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, upon a request of the Prime Minister, will prepare a conclusion on the conformity of the state language law to international legal norms. MFA Press Secretary T.Baumanis explained that the Ministry, when preparing this conclusion, would consult experts from international organisations, e.g. OSCE . Neatkariga

The Department of Culture of the Riga City Council plan to organise several mass events on March 25 to commemorate the victims of the mass deportation of March 25, 1949.

The Department of Culture of the Riga City Council plan to organise several mass events on March 25 to commemorate the victims of the mass deportation of March 25, 1949. Diena

Every resident of Latvia may apply now to the Resident Register with a request for information about him or herself. This service costs 5 Ls.

Every resident of Latvia may apply now to the Resident Register with a request for information about him or herself. This service costs 5 Ls. Chas

The National Council of Russia is planning to adopt new law prohibiting any economic contacts with Latvia. The initiators of this law prepared it already a year ago but started a discussion about adopting it after marching of former SS legionnaires in Riga.

The National Council of Russia is planning to adopt new law prohibiting any economic contacts with Latvia. The initiators of this law prepared it already a year ago but started a discussion about adopting it after marching of former SS legionnaires in Riga. SM

The Head of Riga Office of the International Organisation on Migration Ilmars Mezs tells the newspaper

The Head of Riga Office of the International Organisation on Migration Ilmars Mezs tells the newspaper SM about the activities of this organisation and its Riga office. SM

Panorama Latvii

published the answers of the Deputy Secretary of the Saeima A.Bartashevich, faction published the answers of the Deputy Secretary of the Saeima A.Bartashevich, faction For Human Rights in United Latvia,For Human Rights in United Latvia, to the letters and phone calls of the readers of this newspaper after in the the language law was adopted in the second reading disregarding the discussions with the OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel to Latvia during his last visit to Latvia. Answering to the question about a law on national minorities, A.Bartashevich said that in the whole world problems of national minority languages were regulated by the European Charter on the Languages of National Minorities, and the faction considered the second reading of the language law as not complying to those norms. The MP pointed out that Latvia had not joined this Charter, yet. OSCE representatives had promised A.Bartashevich that after adoption of this reading a group of international experts would come and analyse the conformity of this law to in the international norms. to the letters and phone calls of the readers of this newspaper after in the the language law was adopted in the second reading disregarding the discussions with the OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel to Latvia during his last visit to Latvia. Answering to the question about a law on national minorities, A.Bartashevich said that in the whole world problems of national minority languages were regulated by the European Charter on the Languages of National Minorities, and the faction considered the second reading of the language law as not complying to those norms. The MP pointed out that Latvia had not joined this Charter, yet. OSCE representatives had promised A.Bartashevich that after adoption of this reading a group of international experts would come and analyse the conformity of this law to in the international norms.

Panorama Latvii

organised a telephone opinion poll about the right for non-citizens to participate in municipal elections, and the common opinion was that non-citizen should have to have some influence on the life in their neighbourhood because they paid taxes and obeyed laws. organised a telephone opinion poll about the right for non-citizens to participate in municipal elections, and the common opinion was that non-citizen should have to have some influence on the life in their neighbourhood because they paid taxes and obeyed laws.

marts 23, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

Rigas Balss interviews the Head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane about the current situation in the NB offices. According to Ms. Aldermane the wish to naturalise is big, but the possibilities of the Naturalisation Board are limited, therefore, there are already long queues of persons waiting to submit the documents for naturalisation. In Riga City the situation is the most critical. For example, in the Vidzeme and the Latgale districts of Riga, persons who wish to naturalise is put on the waiting list for submitting the documents only in September. After the opening of the naturalisation windows, these NB offices have received 3960 applications. Ms. Aldermane hopes that the government will allocate additional means, so, that the NB will be able to hire new staff and to fasten the application consideration process. Rigas Balss

The Latvian Ambassador in the UN in Geneva Romans Baumanis is elected to UN Human Rights Commission’s Bureau. The Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs acknowledges that it will help to strengthen the Latvia’s reputation in the human rights sphere.

The Latvian Ambassador in the UN in Geneva Romans Baumanis is elected to UN Human Rights Commissions Bureau. The Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs acknowledges that it will help to strengthen the Latvias reputation in the human rights sphere. Diena, Neatkariga

The sample of primary education program for national minorities including four models of the bilingual education were distributed by the Ministry of Education to the teachers for the consideration. As the Director of the Education Strategy Department Baiba Petersone told

The sample of primary education program for national minorities including four models of the bilingual education were distributed by the Ministry of Education to the teachers for the consideration. As the Director of the Education Strategy Department Baiba Petersone told Diena, all models of the bilingual education are drafted to give a pupil an opportunity to acquire the Latvian language to the point when he/she would not experience difficulties in obtaining the secondary education in the state language.

Dienapublishes the summarised version of all four models. The first model provides for the gradual transition from the education in the native language to the education in the Latvian language. In the first grade 25-50% of subjects are taught in the Latvian language, in the 2nd and 3rd grades - 50 to 80%, in the 4th grade all subjects, except for the native language and literature, are taught in the Latvian language, and in the 5th and the 6th grades - 50 - 80%, in the remaining grades of the primary education level - almost all subjects are taught in the state language. This model is suggested to the pupils from the mixed families who have good knowledge of the Latvian language. This bilingual education model has been successfully implemented in the Riga Secondary School No 33 for already 5 years. The second model is meant for children whose family does not speak Latvian, but whose parents support the integration of their children into the Latvian society. This model provides for 5 to 50% of subjects taught in Latvian in the elementary school, while in the primary school the percentage of subjects taught in the state language would be from 40 to 40%. It is planned that in the last grades of the elementary school the geography, history and the civic studies would be taught in the Latvian language while the music and the exact sciences would be presented in the native language. The third model provides for one subject being taught in the Latvian language in the first grade. The number of the subjects in Latvian is gradually increased until in the 9th grade almost all subjects would be taught in the Latvian language. The fourth model which has not gained the popularity among the teachers of the minority schools, provide for approximately 50% subjects being taught in the Latvian language. According to the Director of the Riga Secondary School No 33 M. Kovalcuka the only thing that might create problems in the implementation of these models is the lack of professionally trained teachers. The state budget for this year provides 600, 000 Lats for the implementation of the education program for the national minorities. Diena

New Consul General of the Russian Federation Nikolay Bondarenko arrived to Daugavpils to replace the previous Consul General Gennady Kaznacheev.

New Consul General of the Russian Federation Nikolay Bondarenko arrived to Daugavpils to replace the previous Consul General Gennady Kaznacheev. Diena

The Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs will give the assessment of the compliance of the draft state language law with international law standards within a couple of weeks, the Press Secretary of the Latvian MFA Toms Baumanis informs. In preparing of the assessment, the Ministry will consult with international experts, including the OSCE experts.

The Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs will give the assessment of the compliance of the draft state language law with international law standards within a couple of weeks, the Press Secretary of the Latvian MFA Toms Baumanis informs. In preparing of the assessment, the Ministry will consult with international experts, including the OSCE experts. Jauna Avize

Panorama Latvii publishes the questions and the correct answers for the naturalisation exam on the Latvian history and constitution.

According to the SM journalist A. Elkin, the Russian Federation draft law on measures undertaken by the Russia to prevent the violation of the human rights of the RF countrymen in the Republic of Latvia which was prepared a year ago and whose consideration was suspended, will be soon reviewed by the Russian Duma in the first reading. The reason for “reanimation of this law” is marching of the legionnaires and rejecting by the Saeima of the draft law on the status of veterans of anti-Hitler coalition prepared by the fraction

According to the SM journalist A. Elkin, the Russian Federation draft law on measures undertaken by the Russia to prevent the violation of the human rights of the RF countrymen in the Republic of Latvia which was prepared a year ago and whose consideration was suspended, will be soon reviewed by the Russian Duma in the first reading. The reason for reanimation of this law is marching of the legionnaires and rejecting by the Saeima of the draft law on the status of veterans of anti-Hitler coalition prepared by the fraction For Human Rights. SM

SM publishes the opinions of several MP about the report of the European Commission arguing that there are cases of aggressive nationalism and anti-Semitism being observed in Latvia.

SM publishes an article by G. Evdakimov who expresses his opinion about the draft framework document on the state integration program. According to him, the integration á la Latvian means that everybody should know his/her place and be satisfied and not lay claim to somebody elses place. Latvians, according to Mr. Evdakimov, knows that this country belongs to them, and that they do not need to get integrated into anything, but for Russians it is different. If the Russians do not become satisfied with their place, there are laws that regulate the Russian life, including the Citizenship Law, Education Law, and Language Law. Mr. Evdakimov does not believe in integration, since the society is ill with the nationalism.

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