aprīlis 15, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

In the letter to the Latvian Prime Minister the foreign investors, including the Presidents of the US, the UK and Swedish Cambers of Commerce and the President of the German -Latvian business association state that the requirement to use the Latvian language in the private enterprises will create the administrative obstacles to the foreign businesses in Latvia, undermining the government’s attempts to improve the business environment and to attract the foreign investors. They are not contempt with three particular requirements of the law, namely, the requirement for the employees to know and use the state language to the extent it is necessary for the performance of the professional and employment duties, the requirement for the enterprises to provide the information needed for the employee to carry out his/her employment duties in the state language, as well as the requirement to use the state language in the record-keeping and all internal documents. The business representatives ask the Prime Minister to postpone the final reading of the draft language law until the constructive proposals from the business community are received. Yesterday the Coalition Council agreed that the Prime Minster personally will submit to the Saeima Standing Committee on Education the proposals for the third reading of the language law prepared by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Coalition Council did not support the suggestion to prolong the term of submitting the proposals for the third reading . All proposals should be submitted by 18 April. The OSCE assessment of the draft language law adopted in the second reading is expected to arrive at the end of this week.

In the letter to the Latvian Prime Minister the foreign investors, including the Presidents of the US, the UK and Swedish Cambers of Commerce and the President of the German -Latvian business association state that the requirement to use the Latvian language in the private enterprises will create the administrative obstacles to the foreign businesses in Latvia, undermining the governments attempts to improve the business environment and to attract the foreign investors. They are not contempt with three particular requirements of the law, namely, the requirement for the employees to know and use the state language to the extent it is necessary for the performance of the professional and employment duties, the requirement for the enterprises to provide the information needed for the employee to carry out his/her employment duties in the state language, as well as the requirement to use the state language in the record-keeping and all internal documents. The business representatives ask the Prime Minister to postpone the final reading of the draft language law until the constructive proposals from the business community are received. Yesterday the Coalition Council agreed that the Prime Minster personally will submit to the Saeima Standing Committee on Education the proposals for the third reading of the language law prepared by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Coalition Council did not support the suggestion to prolong the term of submitting the proposals for the third reading . All proposals should be submitted by 18 April. The OSCE assessment of the draft language law adopted in the second reading is expected to arrive at the end of this week. Diena

Yesterday the Saeima Standing Committee on Human Rights rejected all proposals by the fraction

Yesterday the Saeima Standing Committee on Human Rights rejected all proposals by the fraction For Human Rights concerning the use of the language in the private sphere. The only proposal which was supported by the Committee provides the freedom to choose the language at the religious events. Commenting the yesterdays meeting of the Standing Committee on Human Rights, SM states that Latvia convincingly moves toward the language police state. B&B

In the interview for the

In the interview for the Panorama Latvii, the MP A. Bartashevich argue that the Latvian national-radicals refuse to understand that in order to join the EU, Latvia will have to sign the European Charter on regional and minority languages. Consequently, the Language Law and other laws will have to correspond with the European standards. At the moment the draft Language law completely contradicts this European document. Mr. Bartashevich assures the readers that the fraction For Human Rights will do the best to bring the draft language law in line with the European standards.

The disagreements between the coalition partners -

The disagreements between the coalition partners - New Party and For Fatherland and Freedom, concerning the necessity of two ministerial offices currently held by the Fatherland and Freedom (Special Minister on European Affairs, and Special Minister on Co-operations with the International Institutions) increase. Yesterday the Special Minister on European Affairs Mr. Guntars Krasts said that if the New Party continues to play this political game, it is free to leave the government, since its presence in the government is no decisive. The Prime Minster refrains from commenting the growing disagreements within the coalition. Meanwhile, the New Party suggests to supplement the Coalition agreement with a new chapter on the status of the social democrats in the coalition. Jauna Avize

Today the Saeima plans to consider the ratification of the 6th Protocol of the European Convention of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms concerning the elimination of the death penalty, in the final reading.

Today the Saeima plans to consider the ratification of the 6th Protocol of the European Convention of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms concerning the elimination of the death penalty, in the final reading. Neatkariga

aprīlis 14, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

Latvia should not submit to the pressure by international organisations on drafting of the language law, but should struggle for the position of the Latvian language similarly as the Flemish people did in Belgium. Such a suggestion was expressed by the President of Brussels Institute for European Affairs I. Peters at the seminar on language legislation and its implementation, organised by the aforementioned institute and the Latvian Language Institute. Dzintra Hirsa, the Director of the Latvian Language Institute, said that the amending of the draft law and official recognition of two state languages might lead to the dominance of the Russian language and extending of the Russian boundaries. At the same time, during the interview at Latvian Radio yesterday the Foreign Affairs Minster Valdis Birkavs said that the regulation of the language use in the private sphere might prevent form the investing into Latvia.

Latvia should not submit to the pressure by international organisations on drafting of the language law, but should struggle for the position of the Latvian language similarly as the Flemish people did in Belgium. Such a suggestion was expressed by the President of Brussels Institute for European Affairs I. Peters at the seminar on language legislation and its implementation, organised by the aforementioned institute and the Latvian Language Institute. Dzintra Hirsa, the Director of the Latvian Language Institute, said that the amending of the draft law and official recognition of two state languages might lead to the dominance of the Russian language and extending of the Russian boundaries. At the same time, during the interview at Latvian Radio yesterday the Foreign Affairs Minster Valdis Birkavs said that the regulation of the language use in the private sphere might prevent form the investing into Latvia. Diena

In an article published by  Ilmars Mezs compares the situation with the Latvian language in Latvia and the situation with the Irish language in Ireland and concludes that many European nations can envy the Latvian language for ability to endure the assimilation. He suggests the Latvian parliament not to be pretend to be greater catholic than the Pope is, meaning that any European parliament in a similar situation would have adopted more radical language law.

In an article published by Ilmars Mezs compares the situation with the Latvian language in Latvia and the situation with the Irish language in Ireland and concludes that many European nations can envy the Latvian language for ability to endure the assimilation. He suggests the Latvian parliament not to be pretend to be greater catholic than the Pope is, meaning that any European parliament in a similar situation would have adopted more radical language law. Diena

B&B informs about the unofficial meeting of the Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs Valdis Birkavs with the OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel during Mr. Birkavs visit to Hague. They discussed the compliance of the draft language law with the OSCE directives. Mr. Van der Stoel was positive that the final version of the draft law will be done in the adequate manner. Mr. Birkavs holds the same position. Yesterday he announced that there will be no problems with harmonisation of the State Language Law with the international standards. The next visit of the High Commissioner to Latvia will take place in May. B&B

At the meeting with the Latvian journalists, the governor of Novgorod region and the Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee at the Federation Council Mikhail Prusak said that the draft law on economic sanctions against Latvia discussed by the Russian Duma is a good example of “stupid and short-sighted policy” since Russia needs the transport corridor through Latvia, as well as Latvia needs Russian cargo going through.

At the meeting with the Latvian journalists, the governor of Novgorod region and the Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee at the Federation Council Mikhail Prusak said that the draft law on economic sanctions against Latvia discussed by the Russian Duma is a good example of stupid and short-sighted policy since Russia needs the transport corridor through Latvia, as well as Latvia needs Russian cargo going through. Jauna Avize, B&B

The Saeima Standing Committee on Implementation of the Citizenship Law will attend the naturalisation exams at the Naturalisation Board Vidzeme and Centre districts of Riga City to evaluate the work of the examination commission.

The Saeima Standing Committee on Implementation of the Citizenship Law will attend the naturalisation exams at the Naturalisation Board Vidzeme and Centre districts of Riga City to evaluate the work of the examination commission. Jauna Avize, B&B

Panorama Latvii publishes a story of Igor Maisiuk, resident of the town Aluksne, whose passport was taken away by the DCMA and the identity number annulled. Despite the fact that he was born in Latvia, he was asked to leave Latvia. Mr. Maisiuk has brought the claim to the court. Panorama Latvii

Referring to the document which was prepared by the Co-ordination Council of 19 public organisations as a response to the draft integration program, Mr. V. Filatov is glad that finally the Russian and other organisations have joined to have unified position.

Referring to the document which was prepared by the Co-ordination Council of 19 public organisations as a response to the draft integration program, Mr. V. Filatov is glad that finally the Russian and other organisations have joined to have unified position. SM

Gennady Kotov, co-chairman of the Latvian Human Rights Committee, argues that the draft social integration program contains contradictory provisions. For example, while declaring the integration as the voluntary process, it declares the necessity to recognise the Latvian language as the only state language which should be used in the public life. Mr. Kotov reminds that 43% of the population are non-Latvians. Mr. Kotov questions issues of loyalty of national minorities towards the state. According to him, the state should also be loyal in relation with the individual. Mr. Kotov states that the titular nation will have to make a choice whether to have Latvian Latvia or an integrated society. He warns that the Latvian Latvia will be Latvia of two hostile communities, full of conflicts and ready to explode.

Gennady Kotov, co-chairman of the Latvian Human Rights Committee, argues that the draft social integration program contains contradictory provisions. For example, while declaring the integration as the voluntary process, it declares the necessity to recognise the Latvian language as the only state language which should be used in the public life. Mr. Kotov reminds that 43% of the population are non-Latvians. Mr. Kotov questions issues of loyalty of national minorities towards the state. According to him, the state should also be loyal in relation with the individual. Mr. Kotov states that the titular nation will have to make a choice whether to have Latvian Latvia or an integrated society. He warns that the Latvian Latvia will be Latvia of two hostile communities, full of conflicts and ready to explode. Diena

aprīlis 13, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

The social democrats submitted to the Saeima a draft law on the dismissal of the director of the National Human Rights Olafs Bruvers.

The social democrats submitted to the Saeima a draft law on the dismissal of the director of the National Human Rights Olafs Bruvers. Jauna Avize

Yesterday at the conference organised by the Soros Fund-Latvia the language experts discussed the State Integration Program’s Chapter on Language. Regarding the language issues, the framework document was severely criticised. Many presenters noted that for strengthening of the Latvian language position, there should be the strict language law, since the economic factors and the language environment in Latvia do not encourage non-Latvians voluntarily master the Latvian language. It was also noted that the Latvians should free themselves from the linguistic minority syndrome and regain the self-esteem.

Yesterday at the conference organised by the Soros Fund-Latvia the language experts discussed the State Integration Programs Chapter on Language. Regarding the language issues, the framework document was severely criticised. Many presenters noted that for strengthening of the Latvian language position, there should be the strict language law, since the economic factors and the language environment in Latvia do not encourage non-Latvians voluntarily master the Latvian language. It was also noted that the Latvians should free themselves from the linguistic minority syndrome and regain the self-esteem. Jauna Avize refers the MP Dzintars Abikis stating that the education system is the most effective tool for the realisation of the state language training program within the framework of the social integration process whileChas claims Mr. Abikis saying that since Russian teachers are never going to master the Latvian language to the perfection of the style, they will need to be replaced with the Latvian teachers.

According to

According to Diena, it is expected that this week the OSCE will give its assessment of the draft language law adopted in the second reading. On Wednesday the governmental coalition plans to discuss the assessment of the draft language law provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. On Monday the Prime Minister Vilis Kristopans told journalists that the law should be strict, but at the same time it should correspond with the international standards, and all coalition parties should agree on this sensitive issue. He refrained from commenting the assessment of the Foreign Affairs Ministry before the coalition council has discussed it. Diena, Chas

Dienain Russian informs about another conference that took place yesterday in which representatives of 16 organisations, including the Russian Society in Latvia, Russian Community in Latvia, Latvian Committee on Human Rights, criticised the draft document on the social integration. According to Chairman of the Latvian Committee of Human Rights Gennady Kotov the basis of the draft document on the social integration is the values of the nationalistic part of the Latvian society. A working group consisting of representatives of all national minorities should be formed, since without it no integration is possible.

Yesterday at the interview for the Latvian Radio the State President Guntis Ulmanis said that at the moment the Latvian-Russian relations are in neutral position, but in the second half of the year there might be some improvements.

Yesterday at the interview for the Latvian Radio the State President Guntis Ulmanis said that at the moment the Latvian-Russian relations are in neutral position, but in the second half of the year there might be some improvements. Diena

Panorama Latvii interviews Chair of the Russian Society in Latvia V. Altuhov who recently passed the exams for the naturalisation. According to Mr. Altuhov, any literate person can pass the examinations. For him, the Latvian citizenship is necessary to fight with the existing discrimination which is incompatible with the real democracy.

MP Janis Urbanovich (For Human Rights) who recently visited Moscow to meet with the representatives of the Russian Duma and the MFA believe that such visits change Russia’s attitude towards Latvia as unified nationalistic environment. Russian politicians learn that among Latvians there are people who understand the necessity to have normal, non-discriminating relations with all nationalities residing in Latvia.

MP Janis Urbanovich (For Human Rights) who recently visited Moscow to meet with the representatives of the Russian Duma and the MFA believe that such visits change Russias attitude towards Latvia as unified nationalistic environment. Russian politicians learn that among Latvians there are people who understand the necessity to have normal, non-discriminating relations with all nationalities residing in Latvia. Panorama Latvii

In the interview for

In the interview for Lauku Avize, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Valdis Birkavs states that despite the significant steps that Latvia makes in the legislative alignment stage - the referendum, the Language un Education laws, doors to Russia remain closed. Moreover, Russia continues to impose economic sanctions against Latvia. According to Mr. Birkavs there are people do not like the outcome of the referendum and who are dissatisfied with the naturalisation program and the integration strategy. Nevertheless, Latvia has the best language training program in the Eastern Europe. Mr. Birkavs compares the social integration program with the draft of the Rambouillet peace treaty on which both parties have to agree. Mr. Birkavs is not satisfied with the pace of the public discussion of the social integration program. According to him, people are not informed about the program and therefore they cannot express their opinion.

aprīlis 12, 1999

Press Report

On Saturday,

On Saturday, Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK Council refrained from expressing their attitude towards the proposal of the New Party on the need to form a majority government and evaluate the necessity for several existing governmental posts. The Deputy Chairman of the party A.Straume expressed an opinion that the faction would decline these proposals on Monday. He pointed out that some elements on government instability were observed, and the attempts to swing the government boat to solve some privatisation issues, hiding behind political passions, could create problems. Diena, Bizness & Baltiya

Farmers Union and

Farmers Union and Social Democrats have responded to the call of the Democratic Party Saimnieks for closer co-operation of all centrist and left-centrist powers, but none of them have a clear opinion how to do it. Diena, Bizness & Baltiya

Prime Minister V.Kristopans, reporting on the government activities during the first 100 days at the conference of

Prime Minister V.Kristopans, reporting on the government activities during the first 100 days at the conference of Latvijas Cels, said that there was a need for two new state ministers. He commented his government as one of the most stable ones and expressed readiness to start consultations on expanding it. Diena

A conference

A conference Transition to a standard education system in Latvia, problems and solutions took place in Liepaja. The participants - teachers from Liepaja, Riga, Venspils and Pavilosta, came together to find out how ready Latvian minority schools are to start working according to the unified bilingual education system. The teachers were worried about the lack of qualified specialists who could work both in the Latvian and Russian languages, text books and training courses for teachers. It was the first time when the problems of psychological aspects of bilingual education and integration, preservation of ethnic identity of national minorities students were discussed. Diena

Press agency BNS conducted a public opinion poll and found out that about 40 % of the population considered V.Kristopans’s government to be unstable. They did not believe that this government could last till the end of 7th Saeima.

Press agency BNS conducted a public opinion poll and found out that about 40 % of the population considered V.Kristopanss government to be unstable. They did not believe that this government could last till the end of 7th Saeima. Jauna Avize

aprīlis 10, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

A meeting of Latvian and Lithuanian Ministers of Foreign Affairs took place in Lithuanian town Palanga. Both Ministers came to a conclusion that there were no problems in relations between those two countries - talks on see border would start already in April, and the problem of import taxes for agricultural goods had been solved. Nevertheless, the Latvian MFA is still waiting for an official document to be able to clarify whether Lithuania annuls the taxes or just reduces them.

A meeting of Latvian and Lithuanian Ministers of Foreign Affairs took place in Lithuanian town Palanga. Both Ministers came to a conclusion that there were no problems in relations between those two countries - talks on see border would start already in April, and the problem of import taxes for agricultural goods had been solved. Nevertheless, the Latvian MFA is still waiting for an official document to be able to clarify whether Lithuania annuls the taxes or just reduces them. Neatkariga

Diena adds that V.Birkavs after this meeting expressed a hope that the border dispute would be solved, but it was not guaranteed that the agreement could be signed already in this century.

Diena adds that V.Birkavs after this meeting expressed a hope that the border dispute would be solved, but it was not guaranteed that the agreement could be signed already in this century.

Russian newspaper Vremya MN considers that due to cold Russian - NATO relations Latvia could close access for Russian oil to Venspils oil terminals, and therefore it is vitally important for Russia to construct the Baltic pipeline system, bypassing the three Baltic states.

Russian newspaper Vremya MN considers that due to cold Russian - NATO relations Latvia could close access for Russian oil to Venspils oil terminals, and therefore it is vitally important for Russia to construct the Baltic pipeline system, bypassing the three Baltic states. Neatkariga

In the Russian version of

In the Russian version of Diena Ms. Baiba Rulle writes about the plan of this Baltic pipeline system in more details.

The draft law, included in the agenda of the Russian National Council, prohibits any kind of economic contacts with Latvia, and it may be adopted in the first reading in the nearest future. The title of this draft law is “On activities of the Russian Federation to prevent violations of basic rights and freedoms of Russian citizens and Russian compatriots in the Republic of Latvia”.

The draft law, included in the agenda of the Russian National Council, prohibits any kind of economic contacts with Latvia, and it may be adopted in the first reading in the nearest future. The title of this draft law is On activities of the Russian Federation to prevent violations of basic rights and freedoms of Russian citizens and Russian compatriots in the Republic of Latvia. Diena

The Deputy Chairman of the Saeima faction

The Deputy Chairman of the Saeima faction For Human Rights in United Latvia J.Urbanovics told about his meeting with the representatives of the Commission of CIS Affairs and Contacts with Russian Compatriots of the Russian National Council and their promise to inform the FHRIUL faction about all draft laws the Russian Parliament was preparing against Latvia. The reason for this urgent meeting was the draft law on economic sanctions against Latvia. The Russian officials had explained that their goal was not to harm Latvia but to make it to stop discrimination of Russian speaking population. SM (12.04.99)


Newspaper Chas writes about the findings of the Latvian MFA in the draft language law. The MFA has found eight contradictions to European standards - the draft law stipulates too much interference of the Latvian language in private businesses, contradictory to European recommendations to limit this interference only to the cases, concerning protection of legal interests of the society.

Bizness & Baltiya

writes about the planned meeting of Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs and the Minister on European Affairs D.Benshop in the Hague and asked K.Eihenbaums, Latvian representative to the Netherlands, about a possibility for V.Birkavs to meet the OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel and this official did not exclude such a possibility. This meeting would attract a lot of interest, especially taking into consideration that OSCE experts are coming soon to Latvia to evaluate the draft language law. writes about the planned meeting of Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs and the Minister on European Affairs D.Benshop in the Hague and asked K.Eihenbaums, Latvian representative to the Netherlands, about a possibility for V.Birkavs to meet the OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel and this official did not exclude such a possibility. This meeting would attract a lot of interest, especially taking into consideration that OSCE experts are coming soon to Latvia to evaluate the draft language law. Bizness & BaltiyaBizness & Baltiya (12.04.99) (12.04.99)  

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