maijs 8, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

Estonian Prime Minister M.Laar, finishing his visit to Latvia, stated that there were no problems in Latvian - Estonian relations and promised that Estonia would do the utmost to help Latvia and Lithuania in their attempts to be invited for negotiations to join EU by the end of this year.

Estonian Prime Minister M.Laar, finishing his visit to Latvia, stated that there were no problems in Latvian - Estonian relations and promised that Estonia would do the utmost to help Latvia and Lithuania in their attempts to be invited for negotiations to join EU by the end of this year. Neatkariga, Diena, Chas

Latvian and Lithuanian experts worked for two days to establish precise co-ordinates of sea border between those two countries. Unfortunately, journalists did not manage to get any more information on the results due to the confidentiality of it.

Latvian and Lithuanian experts worked for two days to establish precise co-ordinates of sea border between those two countries. Unfortunately, journalists did not manage to get any more information on the results due to the confidentiality of it. Neatkariga

The government forming factions do not intend to propose a vote of non-confidence to the Minister of Economics A.Slesers. The expressions of TB/LNNK about the uncompleted tasks of the Ministry of Economics were not intended to dismiss A.Slesers from his post. The Prime Minister did not give any concrete evaluation of this minister although he had requested information about the things completed by A.Slesers.

The government forming factions do not intend to propose a vote of non-confidence to the Minister of Economics A.Slesers. The expressions of TB/LNNK about the uncompleted tasks of the Ministry of Economics were not intended to dismiss A.Slesers from his post. The Prime Minister did not give any concrete evaluation of this minister although he had requested information about the things completed by A.Slesers. Neatkariga, Diena

Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs officially submitted to the EC Secretary General D.Tarschys the protocol on Latvia’s joining the Sixth Protocol of the European Human Rights Convention on abolishing the capital penalty. The ratification protocol will take effect on June 1.

Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs officially submitted to the EC Secretary General D.Tarschys the protocol on Latvias joining the Sixth Protocol of the European Human Rights Convention on abolishing the capital penalty. The ratification protocol will take effect on June 1. Neatkariga

MFA Press Secretary T.Baumanis informed that soon Latvian residents, while being abroad, would be able to receive consular assistance in a case of need at 34 Estonian an Lithuanian foreign representatives because a mutual agreement on rendering mutual consular assistance would take effect.

MFA Press Secretary T.Baumanis informed that soon Latvian residents, while being abroad, would be able to receive consular assistance in a case of need at 34 Estonian an Lithuanian foreign representatives because a mutual agreement on rendering mutual consular assistance would take effect. Neatkariga, Jauna Avize (10.05.99)

Faction TB/LNNK has sent a letter to the Prime Minister V.Kristopans with a proposal not to amend the coalition agreement. The faction chairman A.Pozarnovs said that government forming factions could work basing on the current agreement, just the execution of individual articles of the agreement should be controlled more strictly.

Faction TB/LNNK has sent a letter to the Prime Minister V.Kristopans with a proposal not to amend the coalition agreement. The faction chairman A.Pozarnovs said that government forming factions could work basing on the current agreement, just the execution of individual articles of the agreement should be controlled more strictly. Neatkariga

Germany Minister of Foreign Affairs J.Fischer expressed a full support to Latvia on its road to EU during the talks with his Latvian counterpart in Bonn this Friday and pointed out a necessity to harmonise the state language law with the demands of the Union.

Germany Minister of Foreign Affairs J.Fischer expressed a full support to Latvia on its road to EU during the talks with his Latvian counterpart in Bonn this Friday and pointed out a necessity to harmonise the state language law with the demands of the Union. Diena

The Institute of European Integration Studies in Bonn will assist Latvian to elaborate a strategy to speed up Latvia’s joining EU.

The Institute of European Integration Studies in Bonn will assist Latvian to elaborate a strategy to speed up Latvias joining EU. Neatkariga, Diena, Jauna Avize (10.05.99)


published a large interview with the Head of the OSCE Mission to Latvia D.Johnson where he told the journalist about the current tasks of the Mission and its peception of the national public integration program. published a large interview with the Head of the OSCE Mission to Latvia D.Johnson where he told the journalist about the current tasks of the Mission and its peception of the national public integration program. Representatives of the Russian political organisation “Yabloko” have arrived to Latvia upon an invitation made by the

Representatives of the Russian political organisation Yabloko have arrived to Latvia upon an invitation made by the Peoples Harmony Party. They informed Latvian deputies that Russia did not demand anything more in the field of human rights in Latvia as it was stated in the demands of the EU. Russian National Council deputy V.Averchev said that Russia wished Russian speakers, residing in Latvia, to have a possibility to acquire citizenship while preserving their national identity. But it seemed that Latvian party wanted to get a reciprocation with the current draft language law for those concessions Latvia made by abolishing window mechanism. Rigas Balss (07.05.99)

In his interview to

In his interview to Lauku Avize the Head of the Saeima the Saeima Commission on Education, Culture and Science Dz.Abikis, speaks about the discussion results with the OSCE experts. The position of the experts was the same as the one expressed in High Commissioner Max van der Stoels letter, to regulate use of the state language as little as possible. And Mr. Abikis complained about unwillingness of the experts to understand Latvian attempts to establish an integrated society. Lauku Avize

maijs 7, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

The Russian Party Jabloko will vote against the draft law on the economic sanctions against Latvia, since does not support such measures, representatives of the Party V. Averchev and B. Moiseev who were on one day visit to Latvia, told journalists yesterday. Speaking about the party’s position concerning the situation of Russian countrymen residing in Latvia, both guests stated that the Jabloko opinion coincides with the assessments of the international experts.

The Russian Party Jabloko will vote against the draft law on the economic sanctions against Latvia, since does not support such measures, representatives of the Party V. Averchev and B. Moiseev who were on one day visit to Latvia, told journalists yesterday. Speaking about the partys position concerning the situation of Russian countrymen residing in Latvia, both guests stated that the Jabloko opinion coincides with the assessments of the international experts.

Yesterday at the meeting with the Saeima deputies the Russian representatives reproached Latvia for its failure to fulfil several recommendations by the international institutions concerning the national minorities and human rights issues. Mr, Averchev said that the granting to the non-citizens the rights to participate in the municipal elections would be an important step towards the social integration of Latvia, and improvement of the relations with Russia. He emphasised that all residents of Latvia should know the Latvian language, but the state should allow peoples to develop their national culture.

Yesterday at the meeting with the Saeima deputies the Russian representatives reproached Latvia for its failure to fulfil several recommendations by the international institutions concerning the national minorities and human rights issues. Mr, Averchev said that the granting to the non-citizens the rights to participate in the municipal elections would be an important step towards the social integration of Latvia, and improvement of the relations with Russia. He emphasised that all residents of Latvia should know the Latvian language, but the state should allow peoples to develop their national culture.

Neatkarigacomments that for some unclear reasons the press conference with the Russian deputies in the Saeima was conducted in the Russian language without the translations into the Latvian language. Diena, Chas, Neatkariga

In the interview for the B&B;, Mr. Averchev states that the matter of the admission of the new countries into the NATO is neither bureaucratic nor technical problem, but the evaluation of each country according to the real situation there. The report of the Council of Europe about Latvian is very critical, so is the OSCE assessment of the Law on State Language. According to Mr. Averchev, such Latvia does not associate with the system of European values. That, however, is the matter of Latvia’s internal development.

In the interview for the B&B, Mr. Averchev states that the matter of the admission of the new countries into the NATO is neither bureaucratic nor technical problem, but the evaluation of each country according to the real situation there. The report of the Council of Europe about Latvian is very critical, so is the OSCE assessment of the Law on State Language. According to Mr. Averchev, such Latvia does not associate with the system of European values. That, however, is the matter of Latvias internal development.

Mr. Averchev reminds that neither NATO nor the USA will risk the relations with Russia because of the Baltics. B&B;

Mr. Averchev reminds that neither NATO nor the USA will risk the relations with Russia because of the Baltics. B&B

Dienainforms that on 14 and 15 May in St. Petersburg the Foreign Affairs Ministers of the Baltic States, Scandinavian countries as well as Russia will meet to discuss the EU strategy in relations with Russia, the perspectives of the regional co-operation and the European security issues.

SM publishes the article about a court case against the DCMA on the issue of the distorted family name. Mr and Mrs. Rittiny sued the DCMA for having issued the passports with the Latvianized family name Ritini.

SM publishes an open letter of a non-citizen Ms. N. Palkova to the State President and the Saeima deputies in which she claims that due to the Latvian legislation her 82 years old mother who is the Russian citizen and resides in Russia, has not been issued residence permit to stay in Latvian with the relatives for more than 1 year. In March of the last year she had sent the letters to the Saeima Standing Committee on Human Rights, the OSCE Mission to Latvia and National Human Rights Office, asking to pay attention to the need to amend the appropriate laws. Unfortunately, she had not received any reply. SM

maijs 6, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

The provisions of the draft language law concerning the use of the language at the public events and in open announcements raised most disagreements between the Saeima deputies and the OSCE experts, the head of the Saeima Standing Committee on Education Dz. Abikis told the press. The OSCE experts support the free choice of the language used at the public events which are not organised by the state or municipal institutions. The Saeima deputies, on contrary, think that the Latvian language should be used at all public events or if a foreign language is used, the translation into the state language should be provided.

The provisions of the draft language law concerning the use of the language at the public events and in open announcements raised most disagreements between the Saeima deputies and the OSCE experts, the head of the Saeima Standing Committee on Education Dz. Abikis told the press. The OSCE experts support the free choice of the language used at the public events which are not organised by the state or municipal institutions. The Saeima deputies, on contrary, think that the Latvian language should be used at all public events or if a foreign language is used, the translation into the state language should be provided.
Concerning open announcements, advertisements and information, the OSCE experts suggest alongside the texts in the Latvian language to allow the translation into the foreign language, while some deputies believe that the public information forms the language environment and therefore it should be only in the state language. Mr. Abikis admits that the Saeima and the OSCE might no have the same opinion concerning these issues. According to Mr. Abikis, compromises are possible on other issues. For example, the phrase where there is the legitimate public interest could be included in the provisions about the knowledge and use of the Latvian language for employees. As Mr. Abikis told Neatkariga, more successful formulation of these provisions would satisfy the experts.

As the language specialist I. Druviete told

As the language specialist I. Druviete told Diena, the OSCE experts look at the draft law only from the legal aspect, but the socio-linguistic and political aspects should be also taken into account. Diena, Neatkariga

SM writes that the mission of the OSCE experts who arrived to prevent Latvia from the international scandal might turn out to be a failure, since there are doubts that the OSCE recommendations would be taken into account when adopting the draft language law. SM

The foreign investors working in Latvia believe that the adoption of the draft language law in the present version will create financial burden and administrative obstacles to foreign enterpreneurship in Latvia. It will in turn, cause the price rise or lower salaries for employees.

The foreign investors working in Latvia believe that the adoption of the draft language law in the present version will create financial burden and administrative obstacles to foreign enterpreneurship in Latvia. It will in turn, cause the price rise or lower salaries for employees. Diena

Dienain Russian publishes the interview with the Head of the OSCE Mission to Latvia David Johnson.

At the meeting of the representatives of the party For Human Rights with the Russian deputies from the party Jabloko the provisions of the draft language law, concept document of the State Integration Program, as well as the Russian-Latvian relations were discussed.

At the meeting of the representatives of the party For Human Rights with the Russian deputies from the party Jabloko the provisions of the draft language law, concept document of the State Integration Program, as well as the Russian-Latvian relations were discussed. Neatkariga

Co-chairman of the Union of the Ukrainians in Latvia V. Stroy comments the chapter on Information of the concept document of the State Integration Program and argues that it only discusses the integration of ethnic minorities and ignores the integration of other social groups. The Union of the Ukrainians in Latvia believe that this concept documents is not acceptable and offers its participation in the drafting new version.

Co-chairman of the Union of the Ukrainians in Latvia V. Stroy comments the chapter on Information of the concept document of the State Integration Program and argues that it only discusses the integration of ethnic minorities and ignores the integration of other social groups. The Union of the Ukrainians in Latvia believe that this concept documents is not acceptable and offers its participation in the drafting new version. Panorama Latvii

According to the regulations adopted by the Cabinet of Ministers non-citizen who will leave Latvia for the permanent residence in a foreign country, will receive compensation of the travel expenses and the allowance to obtain the apartment in the foreign country. The regulations will come into effect on 1 January 2001.

According to the regulations adopted by the Cabinet of Ministers non-citizen who will leave Latvia for the permanent residence in a foreign country, will receive compensation of the travel expenses and the allowance to obtain the apartment in the foreign country. The regulations will come into effect on 1 January 2001. SM

In the interview for the SM, Director of the Lithuanian Department on Emigration and National Minority Affairs R. Motuzas argues that the Lithuanian school in Latvia needs the state support the Lithuanian school in Latvia in order to survive.

In the interview for the SM, Director of the Lithuanian Department on Emigration and National Minority Affairs R. Motuzas argues that the Lithuanian school in Latvia needs the state support the Lithuanian school in Latvia in order to survive. SM

The students of the Driceni secondary school who are winners of the competition for the pupils “Towards the Civil Society” organised by the Naturalisation Board, believe that the social integration in Latvia is a long term process, and it will be more successful if by using the bilingual teaching methods schools gradually introduce the instruction only in the state language. The Head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane said that 20% of schools that participated in the competition were schools with the Russian as the language of instruction. She believes that if such a competition will be organised following years, more non-Latvian schools will take part in it.

The students of the Driceni secondary school who are winners of the competition for the pupils Towards the Civil Society organised by the Naturalisation Board, believe that the social integration in Latvia is a long term process, and it will be more successful if by using the bilingual teaching methods schools gradually introduce the instruction only in the state language. The Head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane said that 20% of schools that participated in the competition were schools with the Russian as the language of instruction. She believes that if such a competition will be organised following years, more non-Latvian schools will take part in it. Diena

maijs 5, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

Yesterday at the closed session the Saeima Standing Committee and the OSCE experts discussed the draft language law adopted in the 2nd reading and the amendments proposed by the OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel. According to

Yesterday at the closed session the Saeima Standing Committee and the OSCE experts discussed the draft language law adopted in the 2nd reading and the amendments proposed by the OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel. According to Diena, it is difficult to tell whether the Committee will support the OSCE attempts to achieve the compliance of the draft language law with the Latvias international obligations in the human rights sphere. As the Chair of the Committee Dz. Abikis told Diena, during the meeting the OSCE experts emphasised the need for bringing the draft law into the agreement with the Latvias international obligations. Therefore, the regulation of the language in the private sphere should be justified only for protection of consumer rights and the rights of employees, as well as for the safety purposes. The Saeima deputies explained to the experts the situation of the endangered Latvian language as the legacy of the occupation. Therefore, in order to improve the situation, it is necessary to adopt the law that would strengthen the position of the state language. Mr. Abikis pointed out that after the restoration of the independence the language policy has ensured the stability and has been right. Therefore, the state should not give up the requirements and norms, which have been included in the existing language law, for example, concerning the use of the Latvian language at open events and announcements.

Mr. Abikis said that the provisions of the language law are “loose concept”, therefore it is difficult to predict how the meetings of the Saeima deputies and experts end. The experts refrained from commenting the meeting.

Mr. Abikis said that the provisions of the language law are loose concept, therefore it is difficult to predict how the meetings of the Saeima deputies and experts end. The experts refrained from commenting the meeting. Diena

According to the information provided by

According to the information provided by Neatkariga, the experts and the committee members agreed that the consumer rights and the rights of employees should be protected. And Mr. Abikis has noted that an agreement about the flexible approach has been reached, since the interests of employees are a loose concept

The main requirement by the OSCE representatives was that the law should comply with the international documents. The Latvian experts, on contrary, believe that the existing draft law does comply with the Latvia’s international obligations. Mr. Abikis acknowledged that one can talk about some nuances, but no big amendments of the draft law conceptually will be done.

The main requirement by the OSCE representatives was that the law should comply with the international documents. The Latvian experts, on contrary, believe that the existing draft law does comply with the Latvias international obligations. Mr. Abikis acknowledged that one can talk about some nuances, but no big amendments of the draft law conceptually will be done.

At the meeting with the OSCE representatives the Latvian language experts Dz. Hirsa and I. Druviete were present. I. Druviete had stressed that no provisions that might undermine the national interests of the Latvian state should be adopted.

At the meeting with the OSCE representatives the Latvian language experts Dz. Hirsa and I. Druviete were present. I. Druviete had stressed that no provisions that might undermine the national interests of the Latvian state should be adopted.

Druviete told NEATKARIGA that a separate meeting of the OSCE experts with the Latvian specialists took place, and that it was the most constructive one so far. She expressed the hope that an agreement concerning the problematic issues, for instance the use of the language in the record keeping of the private enterprises, will be reached during the following meetings.

Druviete told NEATKARIGA that a separate meeting of the OSCE experts with the Latvian specialists took place, and that it was the most constructive one so far. She expressed the hope that an agreement concerning the problematic issues, for instance the use of the language in the record keeping of the private enterprises, will be reached during the following meetings. Neatkariga

B&B; states that all attempts by the OSCE experts to mitigate some provisions of the draft language law encountered the opposition of the Saeima Committee on Education.

B&B states that all attempts by the OSCE experts to mitigate some provisions of the draft language law encountered the opposition of the Saeima Committee on Education.

One of the experts John Packer stressed that the in recent years in the international practice the interests of private business prevail over the language, race and other issues. Mr. Packer expressed the hope that the Latvian legislators will take into account that the interference into the private sphere should be justified by the public interests.

One of the experts John Packer stressed that the in recent years in the international practice the interests of private business prevail over the language, race and other issues. Mr. Packer expressed the hope that the Latvian legislators will take into account that the interference into the private sphere should be justified by the public interests.

The MP A. Bartashevich told B&B; that if the law on state language will differ a lot from the draft law recommended by the OSCE, it is possible that the law’s compliance with the international law and various conventions on the rights of national minorities, will be considered by the European court.

The MP A. Bartashevich told B&B that if the law on state language will differ a lot from the draft law recommended by the OSCE, it is possible that the laws compliance with the international law and various conventions on the rights of national minorities, will be considered by the European court. B&B

Sergey Zaletaev,

Sergey Zaletaev, Panorama Latvii journalists, expresses dissatisfaction with the fact that the meeting of the Saeima Standing Committee on Education with the OSCE experts took place behind the closed doors for journalists.

Mr. P.Lakis, the head of the Latvian Academy of Culture, argues that there is a relative peace in the interethnic relations in Latvia, and any attempts to change the attitude of the particular groups towards the state’s course create the negative emotions. The Latvians and people of other nationalities, in most cases, are content with the existing interethnic situation, and are not ready for the real integration.

Mr. P.Lakis, the head of the Latvian Academy of Culture, argues that there is a relative peace in the interethnic relations in Latvia, and any attempts to change the attitude of the particular groups towards the states course create the negative emotions. The Latvians and people of other nationalities, in most cases, are content with the existing interethnic situation, and are not ready for the real integration. Jauna Avize

aprīlis 30, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

At the beginning of April the Cabinet of Ministers allocated additional 25, 000 Lats for the Naturalisation Board. The money was mainly used for hiring additional staff to process more applications. The NB informs that in May it will start reregistration of the persons who have been put on the waiting list for the submitting the naturalisation applications in Riga offices. The reregistration will provide them with the possibility to submit the applications earlier.

At the beginning of April the Cabinet of Ministers allocated additional 25, 000 Lats for the Naturalisation Board. The money was mainly used for hiring additional staff to process more applications. The NB informs that in May it will start reregistration of the persons who have been put on the waiting list for the submitting the naturalisation applications in Riga offices. The reregistration will provide them with the possibility to submit the applications earlier. Diena

Yesterday the Saeima did not support the draft decree on dismissal of Olafs Bruvers, the Director of the National Human Rights Office. Thus, Mr. Bruvers will keep this office further on.

Yesterday the Saeima did not support the draft decree on dismissal of Olafs Bruvers, the Director of the National Human Rights Office. Thus, Mr. Bruvers will keep this office further on. Diena

In the interview for

In the interview for Diena the commentator of the Free Europe Paul Gouble expresses the hope that the Latvian government understands that it is more favourable for Latvia to have the integrated society in which only few would not speak Latvian than a society with a big number of non-citizens or Russian citizens. Diena

Due to the fact that the Riga City Council did not allow the movement “Equality” to organise the picket at the Rainis Monument tomorrow, it plans to have the meeting of its deputies with the population, instead, which does not require any authorisation from the City Council.

Due to the fact that the Riga City Council did not allow the movement Equality to organise the picket at the Rainis Monument tomorrow, it plans to have the meeting of its deputies with the population, instead, which does not require any authorisation from the City Council. Chas

In the interview for the SM, the Chair of the Russian Duma Committee of Defence R. Popkov states that “the Baltic States with their defiant behaviour, their attempts to get into the NATO, will not scare Russia.” Answering to the question about the Baltic support to the NATO activities in Yugoslavia, he argues that the Baltic States for long time have had an aggressive, hostile policy against Russia, and he regrets that the they do not want to live in peace with their neighbours.

In the interview for the SM, the Chair of the Russian Duma Committee of Defence R. Popkov states that the Baltic States with their defiant behaviour, their attempts to get into the NATO, will not scare Russia. Answering to the question about the Baltic support to the NATO activities in Yugoslavia, he argues that the Baltic States for long time have had an aggressive, hostile policy against Russia, and he regrets that the they do not want to live in peace with their neighbours. SM

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