marts 1, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

The Cabinet of Ministers has made public the implementation plan of its declaration. It included a detailed list of activities for every ministry. The list enumerates more than 1000 things to be done, will be reconsidered four times a year and supplemented with new tasks.

The Cabinet of Ministers has made public the implementation plan of its declaration. It included a detailed list of activities for every ministry. The list enumerates more than 1000 things to be done, will be reconsidered four times a year and supplemented with new tasks. Neatkariga, Diena, Chas

State President G.Ulmanis in his interview to the press agency BNS said that the Prliament would have to solve the problem of Latvian soldiers’ commemoration day within one year. He considered that the Saeima, acknowledging the March 16 commemoration day, “has made such a double-dealing” that it was difficult for people to formulate their attitude.

State President G.Ulmanis in his interview to the press agency BNS said that the Prliament would have to solve the problem of Latvian soldiers commemoration day within one year. He considered that the Saeima, acknowledging the March 16 commemoration day, has made such a double-dealing that it was difficult for people to formulate their attitude. Neatkariga

M.Martinsone, Department Director of the UN Latvian Association Programs analyse the situaation with NHRO and why the present Director O.Bruveris should be exchanged.

M.Martinsone, Department Director of the UN Latvian Association Programs analyse the situaation with NHRO and why the present Director O.Bruveris should be exchanged. Neatkariga

Peoples Party

conferene takes place in Valmiera. Journalists suspect that this conference has only one objective - to nominate V.Paegle for the post of the State President. conferene takes place in Valmiera. Journalists suspect that this conference has only one objective - to nominate V.Paegle for the post of the State President. NeatkarigaNeatkariga Estonian and Russian delegations ratified a border agreement on land borders as well as sea border between these two countries.

Estonian and Russian delegations ratified a border agreement on land borders as well as sea border between these two countries. Neatkariga, Chas

Five military personell have received military penalties after an official investigation had been carried on the blowing up of a National Guards plane.

Five military personell have received military penalties after an official investigation had been carried on the blowing up of a National Guards plane. Diena, Chas

It is possible that at the end of March the Latvian - Russian intergovernmental commission will resume its activities. Two weeks age the Russian party made a first step - proposed to summon a joint meeting of experts in Moscow. The trip will be discussed the next Monday.

It is possible that at the end of March the Latvian - Russian intergovernmental commission will resume its activities. Two weeks age the Russian party made a first step - proposed to summon a joint meeting of experts in Moscow. The trip will be discussed the next Monday. Chas

War veterans of the Association of Anti-Hitleric Coalition sent an open letter to the State President, Speaker of the Saeima, Prime Minister and Riga City Council A.Berzins protesting against the decision to commemorate March 16 as the day of Latvian soldiers.

War veterans of the Association of Anti-Hitleric Coalition sent an open letter to the State President, Speaker of the Saeima, Prime Minister and Riga City Council A.Berzins protesting against the decision to commemorate March 16 as the day of Latvian soldiers. SM

Feb. 26, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

Yesterday with 60 votes for and 40 against the Saeima adopted the national budget of 1999. The Leader of the opposition party- the People’s Party - Andris Skele said that this budget will not promote the Latvia’s development, and the year of 1999 will be a difficult year.

Yesterday with 60 votes for and 40 against the Saeima adopted the national budget of 1999. The Leader of the opposition party- the Peoples Party - Andris Skele said that this budget will not promote the Latvias development, and the year of 1999 will be a difficult year. Diena

Last year on the 3rd of March more than thousand persons participated in the picket at the Riga City Council which later was interpreted by Russia as the violation of the human rights of the Russian speaking population. This week the Movement “Equality” asked the Riga City Council to allow to organise a picket on the 3rd of March in remembrance of the person who died from heart attach during the last year’s picket. Yesterday the Riga City Council issued such a permission.

Last year on the 3rd of March more than thousand persons participated in the picket at the Riga City Council which later was interpreted by Russia as the violation of the human rights of the Russian speaking population. This week the Movement Equality asked the Riga City Council to allow to organise a picket on the 3rd of March in remembrance of the person who died from heart attach during the last years picket. Yesterday the Riga City Council issued such a permission. Diena, B&B, Neatkariga

Discussing the spelling of the foreign names in the Latvian language, Mr.Veiko Spolitis, a PhD student of the International Relations, suggests to start using the original spelling of the names alongside with the Latvian spelling.

Discussing the spelling of the foreign names in the Latvian language, Mr.Veiko Spolitis, a PhD student of the International Relations, suggests to start using the original spelling of the names alongside with the Latvian spelling. Diena

Yesterday the official opening of the Baltic Defence College tool place in Tartu. The first students, including 8 students from Latvia, will begin the training in August.

Yesterday the official opening of the Baltic Defence College tool place in Tartu. The first students, including 8 students from Latvia, will begin the training in August. Diena

The CBSS Commissioner on Human Rights and National Minorities Ole Espersen will visit Latvia from the 2nd till the 4th of March.

The CBSS Commissioner on Human Rights and National Minorities Ole Espersen will visit Latvia from the 2nd till the 4th of March. Panorama Latvii

Panorama Latvii publishes the full text of the Cabinet of Ministers Regulations of Submitting and Considering of Applications for the Recognition of the Child as the Citizens of Latvia.

Chaspublishes a story of Arina Shlachta who successfully passed the naturalisation exams and was granted the citizenship of Latvia. According to her, the attitude of the Naturalisation Board officials were polite and the exams were easy.

Chas publishes the informative material explaining the procedure of the naturalisation.

On 1 March the new Civil Procedural Law comes into force, according to which the documents to be submitted to the court will have to be in the state language or provided with the notarised translation. The SM journalist N. Sevidova argues that in such a way the judiciary becomes a more closed system which is less available for a considerable part of the population in Latvia.

On 1 March the new Civil Procedural Law comes into force, according to which the documents to be submitted to the court will have to be in the state language or provided with the notarised translation. The SM journalist N. Sevidova argues that in such a way the judiciary becomes a more closed system which is less available for a considerable part of the population in Latvia. SM

Feb. 25, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

It is planned that today the Saeima will adopt the national budget of 1999 in the final reading.

It is planned that today the Saeima will adopt the national budget of 1999 in the final reading. B&B

Taking into consideration the intensified public interest about the 16 of March, yesterday the Ministry of the Interior, the Office of the Procurator General, the Constitution Defence Bureau, the Ministry of Defence and other security institutions formed a special working group which main task is to prevent any activities against the public safety.

Taking into consideration the intensified public interest about the 16 of March, yesterday the Ministry of the Interior, the Office of the Procurator General, the Constitution Defence Bureau, the Ministry of Defence and other security institutions formed a special working group which main task is to prevent any activities against the public safety. Diena

Mavriks Vulfsons calls the State President, the Prime Minister and the Saeima to use their rights of the legislative initiative to “transfer the Latvian Soldiers’ Commemoration Day” to the 11th of November - the traditionally celebrated Lacplesa Day.

Mavriks Vulfsons calls the State President, the Prime Minister and the Saeima to use their rights of the legislative initiative to transfer the Latvian Soldiers Commemoration Day to the 11th of November - the traditionally celebrated Lacplesa Day. Diena

Yesterday the Saeima Foreign Affairs Commission supported the ratification of the Protocol 6 of the European Human Rights Convention abolishing the death penalty, in the final reading in the Saeima. The Commission rejected the proposal to postpone the Protocol’s coming into the force until 2001 or until the Latvia’s accession to the European Union. It is planned that the ratification might take place around the Easter.

Yesterday the Saeima Foreign Affairs Commission supported the ratification of the Protocol 6 of the European Human Rights Convention abolishing the death penalty, in the final reading in the Saeima. The Commission rejected the proposal to postpone the Protocols coming into the force until 2001 or until the Latvias accession to the European Union. It is planned that the ratification might take place around the Easter. Diena

The Latvian government has decided to allocate 25 thousand US dollars for the Fund of the Holocaust victims established in 1997 in London. The Press Secretary of the Latvian Foreign Affairs Ministry Toms Baumanis said that this move symbolises the Latvian government’s and people’s understanding of the WW II tragedy.

The Latvian government has decided to allocate 25 thousand US dollars for the Fund of the Holocaust victims established in 1997 in London. The Press Secretary of the Latvian Foreign Affairs Ministry Toms Baumanis said that this move symbolises the Latvian governments and peoples understanding of the WW II tragedy. Diena, B&B

Yesterday after the meeting of the governmental coalition the Prime Minister Vilis Kristopans informed the journalist that the CM believes that the Director of the Human Rights Office Olafs Bruvers does not comply with the work duties, and therefore the Saeima will have to decide on the change of the Office leadership. The Social Democrats has already named Ineta Ziemele, Director of the LU Human Rights Institute as a candidate for the post of the NHRO Director

Yesterday after the meeting of the governmental coalition the Prime Minister Vilis Kristopans informed the journalist that the CM believes that the Director of the Human Rights Office Olafs Bruvers does not comply with the work duties, and therefore the Saeima will have to decide on the change of the Office leadership. The Social Democrats has already named Ineta Ziemele, Director of the LU Human Rights Institute as a candidate for the post of the NHRO Director. Diena, B&B

Yesterday the fraction For Human Rights met with the Head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane to talk about the discrepancies between the provisions of the Citizenship Law and the Regulations on Naturalisation. The Law on Citizenship state that the applicant should be provided with the response not later than one year after the submission date of all documents, while the Regulations on Naturalisation state the application shall be reviewed and the response provided within one year after passing the examinations. As MP Boris Tsilevich said, Ms. Aldermane’s arguments were not convincing enough. MP Tsilevich thinks that the discrepancies between regulations and the law allow the officials to take the arbitrary decisions .

Yesterday the fraction For Human Rights met with the Head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane to talk about the discrepancies between the provisions of the Citizenship Law and the Regulations on Naturalisation. The Law on Citizenship state that the applicant should be provided with the response not later than one year after the submission date of all documents, while the Regulations on Naturalisation state the application shall be reviewed and the response provided within one year after passing the examinations. As MP Boris Tsilevich said, Ms. Aldermanes arguments were not convincing enough. MP Tsilevich thinks that the discrepancies between regulations and the law allow the officials to take the arbitrary decisions . B&B, Neatkariga

Commenting the visit of the Vice Speaker of the Russian Duma Sergey Baburin to Latvia, the SM journalist Nikolay Kabanov states Latvia has a characteristic to show the highest confidence in relations with any foreign visitor. According to Mr. Kabanov, the central issue of the Latvian-Russian relation is the transit business, and it is more important for Latvia to have a modest talk with the Ministers of Energetic or of Transportation rather than with one of several Vice-speakers of the Russian Duma.

Commenting the visit of the Vice Speaker of the Russian Duma Sergey Baburin to Latvia, the SM journalist Nikolay Kabanov states Latvia has a characteristic to show the highest confidence in relations with any foreign visitor. According to Mr. Kabanov, the central issue of the Latvian-Russian relation is the transit business, and it is more important for Latvia to have a modest talk with the Ministers of Energetic or of Transportation rather than with one of several Vice-speakers of the Russian Duma. SM

The Head of the State Language Inspectorate Maris Birzgalis thinks that those 284 false certificates about the state language proficiency which held by the educators which were found some time ago, is only visible part of the iceberg, therefore the Inspectorate continues examining the documents held by the teachers.

The Head of the State Language Inspectorate Maris Birzgalis thinks that those 284 false certificates about the state language proficiency which held by the educators which were found some time ago, is only visible part of the iceberg, therefore the Inspectorate continues examining the documents held by the teachers. Rigas Balss

Feb. 24, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

Yesterday the Cabinet of Ministers decided that no Minister will participate in the public events of the Commemorations Day of the Latvian Soldiers on 16 March,. The decision is binding on the National Armed Forces military persons. The government calls the society, the mass media, the political and non-governmental organisations to be understanding and tolerant towards the events organised by the veterans, as well as not to succumb to a provocation to destabilise the situation in the country.

Yesterday the Cabinet of Ministers decided that no Minister will participate in the public events of the Commemorations Day of the Latvian Soldiers on 16 March,. The decision is binding on the National Armed Forces military persons. The government calls the society, the mass media, the political and non-governmental organisations to be understanding and tolerant towards the events organised by the veterans, as well as not to succumb to a provocation to destabilise the situation in the country. Diena

Panorama Latvii interviews the MP Janis Urbanovics (For the Human Rights) about the proposed amendments to the Law on Municipal Elections providing the non-citizens with the rights to participate in the elections of the local authorities. According to Mr. Urbanovics, the fraction will do everything to amend the law. He thinks that the European structures which for long time think that these elections should be democratised, will support the fraction. Panorama Latvii

Yesterday the Vice Speaker of the Russian Duma Sergey Baburin met with the representatives of the Russian public organisations in Latvia to discuss the situation of Russian speaking population. “We came to Riga with a hope for significant changes in the Latvian-Russian relations, and in relations of the Latvian authorities with the Russian speaking population. The time goes, but nothing practically changes,” Mr. Baburin said. He told that during the meetings with the Latvian officials the Russian delegation drew their attention to the human rights violations, issues of non-citizens, and the tendency towards elimination of the education in the Russian language. The representatives of the Russian public organisations in Latvia provided the Russian delegation with the specific examples of the human rights violations, including the closing of the Russian schools, the dismissing the teachers who have not passed the Latvian language examination, the restrictions on naturalisation. “The position of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs is clear and strict: the Latvian authorities should give up the naive assumption that without solving the problem of education in the Russian language, citizenship issues and others, it will be possible to have successful economic co-operation with Russia,” Mr. Baburin said. The Russian Duma delegates assured the participants of the meeting that the Russian Federation will actively protect its countrymen.

Yesterday the Vice Speaker of the Russian Duma Sergey Baburin met with the representatives of the Russian public organisations in Latvia to discuss the situation of Russian speaking population. We came to Riga with a hope for significant changes in the Latvian-Russian relations, and in relations of the Latvian authorities with the Russian speaking population. The time goes, but nothing practically changes, Mr. Baburin said. He told that during the meetings with the Latvian officials the Russian delegation drew their attention to the human rights violations, issues of non-citizens, and the tendency towards elimination of the education in the Russian language. The representatives of the Russian public organisations in Latvia provided the Russian delegation with the specific examples of the human rights violations, including the closing of the Russian schools, the dismissing the teachers who have not passed the Latvian language examination, the restrictions on naturalisation. The position of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs is clear and strict: the Latvian authorities should give up the naive assumption that without solving the problem of education in the Russian language, citizenship issues and others, it will be possible to have successful economic co-operation with Russia, Mr. Baburin said. The Russian Duma delegates assured the participants of the meeting that the Russian Federation will actively protect its countrymen. Panorama Latvii

A while ago the daft law on ratification of the 6th Protocol to the European Human Rights Convention providing the abolition of the death penalty, was adopted by the Latvian parliament in the 1st reading. Some MP’s think that after the tragedy in Gulbene the deputies will be reluctant to support the draft law in the second reading. MP Kristiana Libane thinks that in the context of this tragedy the majority of the parliament might support the position of the MP Dzintars Rasnacs stating that the Protocol should come into force no earlier than within two years.

A while ago the daft law on ratification of the 6th Protocol to the European Human Rights Convention providing the abolition of the death penalty, was adopted by the Latvian parliament in the 1st reading. Some MPs think that after the tragedy in Gulbene the deputies will be reluctant to support the draft law in the second reading. MP Kristiana Libane thinks that in the context of this tragedy the majority of the parliament might support the position of the MP Dzintars Rasnacs stating that the Protocol should come into force no earlier than within two years. SM

Yesterday the Saeima Commission on Education discussed the proposals for the second reading of the Draft Language Law. The majority did not support the proposal of the fraction

Yesterday the Saeima Commission on Education discussed the proposals for the second reading of the Draft Language Law. The majority did not support the proposal of the fraction For Human Rights defining the role of the state in providing the national minorities with the opportunities to learn the Latvian language. The commission also discussed the provisions concerning the use of the language in announcements, bills and posters. B&B

Feb. 23, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

The Vice Speaker of the Russian Duma Sergey Baburin believes that after the elections and the referendum in Latvia there are grounds for positive developments in the Latvian-Russian relations, and in the future it might lead to elimination of the economic and political obstacles. The Chair of the Saeima Human Rights Commission Antons Seiksts, after the meeting with Mr. Baburin, said that this is the first time when such high ranking Russian official expresses readiness to develop the neighbourly relations with Latvia as an equal partner. Still, Mr. Baburin criticised the situation of the Russian speaking population in Latvia. According to him, the Citizenship Law contains “many bombs which can blast the Latvian-Russian relations.” He called the conclusion of the OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel concerning the citizenship in Latvia, hasty.

The Vice Speaker of the Russian Duma Sergey Baburin believes that after the elections and the referendum in Latvia there are grounds for positive developments in the Latvian-Russian relations, and in the future it might lead to elimination of the economic and political obstacles. The Chair of the Saeima Human Rights Commission Antons Seiksts, after the meeting with Mr. Baburin, said that this is the first time when such high ranking Russian official expresses readiness to develop the neighbourly relations with Latvia as an equal partner. Still, Mr. Baburin criticised the situation of the Russian speaking population in Latvia. According to him, the Citizenship Law contains many bombs which can blast the Latvian-Russian relations. He called the conclusion of the OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel concerning the citizenship in Latvia, hasty. SM quotes Mr. Baburin saying that in Latvia there are contradictions not only with the European conventions but also with the Universal Human Rights Declaration. The shortcomings in the language and education policy were also stressed. Diena, Neatkariga

Quotations from Mr. Baburin’s statements concerning the citizenship, language and education issues, the 16th of March, the Russian-Latvian relations, are published by

Quotations from Mr. Baburins statements concerning the citizenship, language and education issues, the 16th of March, the Russian-Latvian relations, are published by Chas.

Yesterday the Prime Minister Vilis Kristopans met with the Head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane to discuss the naturalisation process. Ms Aldermane informed that since the elimination of the naturalisation windows the number of the applications for naturalisation has increased considerably. For example, persons who come to the Riga NB divisions now, are put on the waiting list for submitting the necessary documents at the end of April or even in May. Ms. Aldermane warned that certain forces may interpret this situation as a deliberate hindering of the naturalisation. The NB has asked the Cabinet of Ministers to allocate additional 48.5 thousand Lats for creating additional staff units.

Yesterday the Prime Minister Vilis Kristopans met with the Head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane to discuss the naturalisation process. Ms Aldermane informed that since the elimination of the naturalisation windows the number of the applications for naturalisation has increased considerably. For example, persons who come to the Riga NB divisions now, are put on the waiting list for submitting the necessary documents at the end of April or even in May. Ms. Aldermane warned that certain forces may interpret this situation as a deliberate hindering of the naturalisation. The NB has asked the Cabinet of Ministers to allocate additional 48.5 thousand Lats for creating additional staff units. Diena, Neatkariga, Panorama Latvii, Chas

The State President Guntis Ulmanis will not call off the moratorium on the death penalty after the yesterday’s tragedy in a kindergarten in Gulbene where three children and the kindergarten teacher were killed by a 20-year old, the Press Secretary of the State President told the BNS.

The State President Guntis Ulmanis will not call off the moratorium on the death penalty after the yesterdays tragedy in a kindergarten in Gulbene where three children and the kindergarten teacher were killed by a 20-year old, the Press Secretary of the State President told the BNS. Neatkariga

Yesterday in an interview for the Latvian Radio, the State President Guntis Ulmanis said that the government and the Saeima will have to review the decision of the previous Saeima concerning the 16th of March Commemoration Day. According to Mr. Ulmanis, representatives of the Soldiers’ Associations with whom he had met to discuss the issue, have expressed incomprehension about the previous Saeima decision to declare the 16th of March as the Commemoration Day of the Latvian Soldiers, while there are 11 November - Lacplesa Day, 18 November - Independence Day, 8 May - Commemoration Day of Victims of the Second World War.

Yesterday in an interview for the Latvian Radio, the State President Guntis Ulmanis said that the government and the Saeima will have to review the decision of the previous Saeima concerning the 16th of March Commemoration Day. According to Mr. Ulmanis, representatives of the Soldiers Associations with whom he had met to discuss the issue, have expressed incomprehension about the previous Saeima decision to declare the 16th of March as the Commemoration Day of the Latvian Soldiers, while there are 11 November - Lacplesa Day, 18 November - Independence Day, 8 May - Commemoration Day of Victims of the Second World War. Neatkariga

Panorama Latvii publishes the answers to the readers question about the naturalisation provided by Mr. Vitaly Rutkovsky, the head of the Legal Division of the Naturalisation Board.

Panorama Latvii publishes a story of Mr. Balykovski who successfully passed the naturalisation exams. According to him, the exams were easy and the attitude of the NB officials welcoming.

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