Jan. 17, 1997

Press Report

Yesterday the

Yesterday the Saeima voted for Vasily Melnik's candidature for the post of Minister of Finance. 44 deputies supported Melnik, 24 voted against the candidate, and 3 abstained. 15 coalition deputies voted against Melnik or abstained while another 15 did not take part in the voting. Ziedonis Cevers was disappointed by President Ulmanis saying that he would not vote for Melnik. During the debate Cevers, being a former Young Communist League, said that never being a League member was among Melnik's merits. Prime-Minister Skele that that he did not see anything extraordinary about the President's statement since the President has the right for an opinion of his own. The Saeima also voted for appointing Aija Poca State Minister of State Revenues. Diena

The National Security Council and the Government will consider draft regulations by the Cabinet of Ministers on the implementation of the Law on State Secrets. The regulations will define the procedure of access to state secrets. The adoption of the regulations was delayed by protests from the Ministry of the Interior against the provision of the Law banning no-citizens from access to secret information. Such a restriction, according to the Ministry, would seriously impede the work of the police. The Ministry of the Interior has distributed its assessment of the Law and expects suggestions from the Government bodies by the end of this month.

The National Security Council and the Government will consider draft regulations by the Cabinet of Ministers on the implementation of the Law on State Secrets. The regulations will define the procedure of access to state secrets. The adoption of the regulations was delayed by protests from the Ministry of the Interior against the provision of the Law banning no-citizens from access to secret information. Such a restriction, according to the Ministry, would seriously impede the work of the police. The Ministry of the Interior has distributed its assessment of the Law and expects suggestions from the Government bodies by the end of this month. Diena

Yesterday the

Yesterday the Saeima adopted amendments to the Law on Fire Security allowing the Fire and Rescue Department to employ non-citizens. Diena

President of the Russian Business Association Arkady Volsky told the press that he had not mentioned any negotiations between Russia and Latvia on a possible purchase of the Liepaja navy base. The base was only mentioned by Volsky in a historical context while addressing the issue of Russian investments into the port of Liepaja. Volsky suggested that he could be misquoted intentionally by "those, who would not like to see the rebirth of the Liepaja port."

President of the Russian Business Association Arkady Volsky told the press that he had not mentioned any negotiations between Russia and Latvia on a possible purchase of the Liepaja navy base. The base was only mentioned by Volsky in a historical context while addressing the issue of Russian investments into the port of Liepaja. Volsky suggested that he could be misquoted intentionally by "those, who would not like to see the rebirth of the Liepaja port." B&B

Jan. 16, 1997

Press Report


The Saeima factions resumed a discussion of the plan of optimizing the work of the Government suggested by Prime-Minister Skele. The Prime-Minister suggested canceling the posts of State Ministers to reduce the number of the Cabinet members to thirteen Ministers and two State Ministers. Neither "Latvijas Cels" nor the LNNK objects against the plan. "Saimnieks" believes that the Cabinet can do without all State Ministers. Diena

The Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a letter to Mayor of Liepaja Teodors Enins denies the fact of negotiations with Russia on the purchase of the Liepaja navy base. Press-Secretary of the Ministry Pildegovics says that the only talks taking place are negotiations between Latvian and Russian businessmen on Russian investments into the Liepaja port. The Press-Secretary refused to comment on a recent statement made by Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Primakov. The Russian Minister mentioned negative conclusions on the situation of Russian-speakers in Estonia made by European Committee representative van den Brook and the OSCE Mission to Estonia. According to Primakov, the assessment was not referred to by the press "due to unknown reasons."

The Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a letter to Mayor of Liepaja Teodors Enins denies the fact of negotiations with Russia on the purchase of the Liepaja navy base. Press-Secretary of the Ministry Pildegovics says that the only talks taking place are negotiations between Latvian and Russian businessmen on Russian investments into the Liepaja port. The Press-Secretary refused to comment on a recent statement made by Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Primakov. The Russian Minister mentioned negative conclusions on the situation of Russian-speakers in Estonia made by European Committee representative van den Brook and the OSCE Mission to Estonia. According to Primakov, the assessment was not referred to by the press "due to unknown reasons." B&B

Candidate for Minister of Finance Melnik is rumored to be involved in an attempt to smuggle a large shipment of alcohol into Latvia last year. The company accused of smuggling is said to have close relations with one of Melnik's businesses. The police refused to comment on the issue.

Candidate for Minister of Finance Melnik is rumored to be involved in an attempt to smuggle a large shipment of alcohol into Latvia last year. The company accused of smuggling is said to have close relations with one of Melnik's businesses. The police refused to comment on the issue. Neatkariga

Jan. 15, 1997

Press Report

Press Report

"Tevzemei un Brivibai", "Latvijas Cels"

, , "Tautai un Taisnibai""Tautai un Taisnibai" representatives told the press that the parties would support Vasily Melnik's candidature for Minister of Finance. The representatives told the press that the parties would support Vasily Melnik's candidature for Minister of Finance. The LNNKLNNK, the Farmers, the Farmers´´ Union, and the Unity Party will make their official opinion known to the press today. Union, and the Unity Party will make their official opinion known to the press today. "TB""TB" faction leader Straume said that his personal attitude to the candidate was negative. Still, he will vote in accordance with an agreement between the factions. Head of the faction leader Straume said that his personal attitude to the candidate was negative. Still, he will vote in accordance with an agreement between the factions. Head of the LNNKLNNK faction Lambergs also has certain doubts admitting that he has too little information on Mr. Melnik to make his final judgment. Melnik has violated an anti-corruption law by being a member of the Riga Port Board and the Riga Shipyard Board member simultaneously. Currently, the case is considered by the Procurator's Office. If appointed, Melnik will have to resign from the post of faction Lambergs also has certain doubts admitting that he has too little information on Mr. Melnik to make his final judgment. Melnik has violated an anti-corruption law by being a member of the Riga Port Board and the Riga Shipyard Board member simultaneously. Currently, the case is considered by the Procurator's Office. If appointed, Melnik will have to resign from the post of Lacon Ltd.Lacon Ltd. Vice-President. Vice-President. DienaDiena Owner of the Russian Ambassador's residence in Jurmala, Mr. Antons Benjamins, will not agree to accept two other houses offered to him by the Latvian Government as compensation for his property. Benjamins says that he has not been offered any adequate compensation or rent for the mansion. Being a US citizen, he addressed US Senators on the issue. One of them has already applied to the US Ambassador to Latvia with an inquiry on the issue. The Government can draft a law on nationalizing Benjamin's property in Jurmala to be adopted by the Saeima. If adopted, the law can be appealed in court. The Russian Embassy refused to comment on the issue.

Owner of the Russian Ambassador's residence in Jurmala, Mr. Antons Benjamins, will not agree to accept two other houses offered to him by the Latvian Government as compensation for his property. Benjamins says that he has not been offered any adequate compensation or rent for the mansion. Being a US citizen, he addressed US Senators on the issue. One of them has already applied to the US Ambassador to Latvia with an inquiry on the issue. The Government can draft a law on nationalizing Benjamin's property in Jurmala to be adopted by the Saeima. If adopted, the law can be appealed in court. The Russian Embassy refused to comment on the issue. Neatkariga

Boris Tsilevich in an article in

Boris Tsilevich in an article in "SM" analyzes the activities of the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs aimed at maintaining the country's attractive image in the UN. The Ministry prepared a report "On Issues of Human Rights Protection in the Republic of Latvia in 1994-1995". Tsilevich stresses that the report intentionally avoids mentioning several important points inLatvian legislation related to the rights of non-citizens. Its introductory part lays emphasis on the rights on an individual in a broad sense as opposed to a "narrow approach" to the issue focusing only on the rights of minorities. The report gives a detailed description of the Human Rights Office claiming it could be used as a model by other countries. Tsilevich believes an LNNK member has a strong chance of being appointed Director of the Office. The document praises the National Program for Human Rights Protection claiming it was drafted in close collaboration with Latvian NGO's. Tsilevich points at the fact that NGO representatives were invited to discuss the Program only after it had already been adopted. The Consultative Council on Minorities, its forming mentioned among Latvia's major achievements, has not reached any tangible results yet. The report claims that the state finances school education in Russian even when the number of students is low. According to the document, university education is available both in Latvian and Russian. The UNDP Program for the study of the Latvian language by non-Latvians is presented in its "UNDP version", i.e., as program for teaching Latvian as a second language. The Latvian side, according to Tsilevich, tries to use the program as a tool for introducing Latvian as the language of instruction in Russian schools. The report does not mention the fact that Latvia has not ratified the European Human Rights Convention. The part of the report on non-citizens does not refer to them as to the stateless. Using the term would mean that Latvia should base naturalization on the Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness.

Jan. 14, 1997

Press Report

Press Report

The Cabinet of Ministers adopted a program for bringing Latvian legislation in compliance with the European Union acts. The process will be divided into two stages. The first stage will be accomplished by 1999. The program does not define time-frames for the second stage. Its implementation will be considered by the Council for Integration into Europe at its monthly meetings.

The Cabinet of Ministers adopted a program for bringing Latvian legislation in compliance with the European Union acts. The process will be divided into two stages. The first stage will be accomplished by 1999. The program does not define time-frames for the second stage. Its implementation will be considered by the Council for Integration into Europe at its monthly meetings. Diena

Prime-Minister Skele agreed to

Prime-Minister Skele agreed to "Tevzemei un Brivibai" demands on land privatization in urban areas. The law on land privatization will not allow non-citizens to privatize land in towns and cities with an exception of land under buildings that have been already privatized. The Cabinet of Ministers is to adopt the law in accordance with Article 81 of the Satversme during the Saeima break. SM

The prime-Minister agreed to Vasily Melnik of

The prime-Minister agreed to Vasily Melnik of "Saimnieks" taking the post of Minister of Finance. Earlier, Skele declined Sarmite Jegere's candidature. According to the coalition agreement, the office is to be held by a "Saimnieks" member. SM

President Yeltsin in a letter addressed to Byelorussian President Lukashenko suggested holding a referendum on uniting the two countries. Deputy-Head of the President's Administration Shakhray said that the step would be the most adequate response to NATO enlargement. In his letter Yeltsin called upon the Byelorussian President to observe democratic norms and human rights.

President Yeltsin in a letter addressed to Byelorussian President Lukashenko suggested holding a referendum on uniting the two countries. Deputy-Head of the President's Administration Shakhray said that the step would be the most adequate response to NATO enlargement. In his letter Yeltsin called upon the Byelorussian President to observe democratic norms and human rights. Diena

Jan. 13, 1997

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