Feb. 15, 1997

Press Review

Press Review

Russia is trying actively to make Latvia simplify naturalization conditions for its permanent legal residents. In this connection,

Russia is trying actively to make Latvia simplify naturalization conditions for its permanent legal residents. In this connection, "DIENA" quotes a long-term doctrine for Russia's relations with the Baltic states drafted upon president Yeltsin's initiative. The document puts granting of Latvian citizenship to all Latvia's inhabitants among the priorities of Russian foreign politics. Russian Ambassador to Latvia Udaltsov during his meeting with Saeima Deputy-Speaker Ameriks also criticized naturalization tests for being too complicated. Head of the Naturalization Board Aldermane told "DIENA" that the Board was working on a special naturalization procedure for elderly applicants. The Board suggests relieving elderly people of the written test and to limit the test by offering applicants to fill out an official form. Mrs. Aldermane agrees that rendering a text in a written form may be difficult for an elderly person suffering from poor hearing. Part of the elderly non-Latvians is loyal to Latvia and is willing to take its citizenship. All of them, except Lithuanians and Estonians, are to pass naturalization tests to obtain citizenship. 33% of Latvian residents currently having the right to obtain citizenship through naturalization are over sixty-one years of age. Elderly people can choose whether to take a written or a verbal test. Mrs. Aldermane recommends taking a verbal test. She says that potential applicants should not pay too much attention to newspaper articles describing naturalization tests as an utterly negative experience. The process is not humiliating or embarrassing, says Aldermane referring to international experts who have monitored the tests. The Naturalization Board believes that citizenship cannot be granted to all permanent residents automatically. Diena

Saeima Speaker Alfred Cepanis in an interview for the

Saeima Speaker Alfred Cepanis in an interview for the BNS news agency criticized Latvia for not paying sufficient attention to its relations with Russia. Mr. Cepanis admits that Russia has interpreted the Declaration on Occupation by the Saeima as an unfriendly gesture. He believes that the Declaration was a document for "internal use" adopted to bring moral contentment to all those having suffered from German and Soviet occupation. Mr. Cepanis said that he would explain that to the Russian side during his visit to Moscow. The Saeima Speaker stressed the importance of the border agreement with Russia. He believes that it should be a purely technical agreement without any connection to the 1920 Riga Peace Treaty. Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press-Secretary Pildegovics refused to comment on Cepanis' statements before the Ministry obtains the full text of his interview.Diena

Duma Deputy-Speaker Sergey Baburin (The Russian National Union) in an interview for "SM" said that the Russian Government was considering possible economic sanctions against Latvia and Estonia to be applied in case the two countries refused "to stop discriminating against their Russian-speaking population". According to Baburin, Russia could choose other transit routes for exporting its goods and resources to the West to by-pass Latvia and Estonia. SM

Feb. 14, 1997

Press Report

Yesterday the

Yesterday the Saeima voted for the Cabinet formed by five and supported by six factions. 70 deputies voted for the Cabinet with one deputy abstaining and 17 (Zigerist's party, the Socialists/the Equal Rights and several independent deputies) voting against Skele's Cabinet. The posts were distributed among the governing factions as follows:

"Latvijas Cels"

Deputy Prime-Minister, Minister of Environmental Protection and Regional Development -- Anatoly Gorbunovs

Deputy Prime-Minister, Minister of Environmental Protection and Regional Development -- Anatoly Gorbunovs

Minister of Foreign Affairs -- Valdis Birkavs

Minister of Foreign Affairs -- Valdis Birkavs

Minister of Communications -- Vilis Kristopans

Minister of Communications -- Vilis Kristopans

State Minister of State Revenues -- Aija Poca

State Minister of State Revenues -- Aija Poca

"Tevzemei un Brivibai"

Minister of Economics -- Guntars Krasts

Minister of Economics -- Guntars Krasts

Minister of Justice -- Dzintars Rasnacs

Minister of Justice -- Dzintars Rasnacs

Minister of Welfare -- Vladimirs Makarovs

Minister of Welfare -- Vladimirs Makarovs

State Minister of Public Health -- Juris Vinkelis

State Minister of Public Health -- Juris Vinkelis


Deputy Prime-Minister -- Juris Kaksitis

Deputy Prime-Minister -- Juris Kaksitis

Minister of the Interior -- Dainis Turlais

Minister of the Interior -- Dainis Turlais

Minister of Education and Science -- Juris Celmins

Minister of Education and Science -- Juris Celmins

State Minister for Self-Governments -- Eriks Zunda

State Minister for Self-Governments -- Eriks Zunda

The Farmers' Union/the Christian Democrats and the

The Farmers' Union/the Christian Democrats and the LNNK/the Greens

Minister of Defense -- Andrejs Krastins (

Minister of Defense -- Andrejs Krastins (LNNK)

Minister for EU Affairs -- Aleksandrs Kirsteins (

Minister for EU Affairs -- Aleksandrs Kirsteins (LNNK)

Minister of Agriculture -- Roberts Dilba (the Farmers' Union)

Minister of Agriculture -- Roberts Dilba (the Farmers' Union)

Minister of Culture -- Rihards Piks (the Farmers' Union)

Minister of Culture -- Rihards Piks (the Farmers' Union)

State Minister of Environmental Protection -- Indulis Emsis

State Minister of Environmental Protection -- Indulis Emsis

Andris Skele will perform the duties of Minister of Finance until the governing factions will agree on the candidate. Ziedonis Cevers agreed to withdraw his candidature for the post. The only changes brought by the Government crisis is the replacement of Maris Grinblats of

Andris Skele will perform the duties of Minister of Finance until the governing factions will agree on the candidate. Ziedonis Cevers agreed to withdraw his candidature for the post. The only changes brought by the Government crisis is the replacement of Maris Grinblats of "TB" by Juris Celmins of "Saimnieks" and Juris Kaksitis' appointment as Deputy Prime-Minister. "Saimnieks'" leader Cevers said that his party agreed to a compromise "not be moved out of the common apartment" and made it clear that "Saimnieks" would try to clear the apartment later.Diena, Neatkariga, SM

Deputy Speaker of the Russian

Deputy Speaker of the Russian Duma Sergey Baburin (the Communist Party) has been appointed head of the group responsible for receiving the Latvian delegation. Russian Ambassador to Latvia Aleksandr Udaltsov told Saeima Deputy-Speaker Andris Ameriks that Russia expected the Latvian side to show its understanding of Russia's interests. Those include the observance of the rights of Russian-speakers and a less complicated naturalization procedure. The Ambassador said that Russia was not putting an ultimatum. Still, the situation of non-Latvians, according to Udaltsov, is far from being an ideal one. The Ambassador also mentioned the closing of Russian schools. He said that Latvia should be consequent in following recommendations by international experts. Mr. Ameriks told the Ambassador that many Russian-speakers were sending their children to Latvian schools and kindergartens decreasing the number of students in Russian schools. He also informed Udaltsov about economic and social problems that might be faced by ethnic Latvians permanently residing in Russia in case they took Latvian citizenship. Diena

Feb. 13, 1997

Press Review

Press Review

Andris Skele rejected Ziedonis Cevers' candidature for Minister of Finance yesterday proposed by

Andris Skele rejected Ziedonis Cevers' candidature for Minister of Finance yesterday proposed by "Saimnieks". "Saimnieks" members left the meeting of the governing factions after Skele introduced his list of Government members. Cevers, while talking to journalists, accused Skele of trying to press "Saimnieks" out of the government. The Prime-Minister offered the post of Minister of Finance to Atis Sausnitis (Head of the Saeima Committee on National Economics), also a "Saimnieks" member. Today "Saimnieks" is expected to decide on its further steps. Skele is invited to the meeting of the "Saimnieks" faction leaders today. Ziedonis Cevers told the press that Skele insisted on Sausnitis taking the post while the latter declined the offer. Currently, the Cabinet suggested by Skele is as follows:

Andrejs Krastins (

Andrejs Krastins (LNNK) - Minister of Defense

Valdis Birkavs

Valdis Birkavs ("Latvijas Cels") - Minister of Foreign Affairs

Guntars Krasts (

Guntars Krasts ("Tevzemei un Brivibai") - Minister of Economics

Dainis Turlais (

Dainis Turlais ("Saimnieks") - Minister of the Interior

Juris Celmins

Juris Celmins ("Saimnieks") - Minister of Education and Science

Roberts Dilba (the Farmers' Union) - Minister of Agriculture

Roberts Dilba (the Farmers' Union) - Minister of Agriculture

Vilis Kristopans (

Vilis Kristopans ("Latvijas Cels") - Minister of Communications

Vladimirs Makarovs

Vladimirs Makarovs ("Tevzemei un Brivibai") - Minister of Welfare

Dzintars Rasnacs

Dzintars Rasnacs ("Tevzemei un Brivibai") - Minister of Justice

Anatolijs Gorbunovs

Anatolijs Gorbunovs ("Latvijas Cels") - Minister of Regional Development

Rihards Piks (the Farmers' Union) - Minister of Culture

Rihards Piks (the Farmers' Union) - Minister of Culture

Aleksandrs Kirsteins (

Aleksandrs Kirsteins (LNNK) - Minister for EU Affairs. The "Tautai un Taisnibai" faction has chosen not to participate in the forming of the Government but declared its support of Skele's Cabinet. Today the Saeima will vote on the list of candidates. Still, Andris Skele suggested the Saeima to vote on an incomplete list that would not include candidates for Minister of Finance, Minister of Justice and Minister of the Interior. According to Skele, the decision has been supported by all the factions including "Saimnieks". Even if "Saimnieks" votes against the Cabinet suggested by Skele, it will still have 55 votes in its favor. The Farmers' Union currently has 11 seats after it was joined by Raitis Apalups, formerly of the "Unity" faction. The Cabinet will be also supported by independent deputy Guntis Enins and several Unity Party members.Diena, Neatkariga, B&B

President Yeltsin's Press-Service has distributed the basic points of the long-term doctrine for Russia's relations with the Baltic states. Russia believes that the joining of NATO by Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania would be a serious obstacle to the forming of "constructive cooperation in the region". According to the document, protecting the interests of Russian-speakers in the three counties should be an important long-term task of Russian foreign politics. "Creating conditions for granting of citizenship to all inhabitants of Latvia and Estonia who had a permanent "propiska" on the territory of these countries , simplifying the naturalization procedure, providing the right for citizenship to all born on the territories of these countries and the right for family reunion to all their inhabitants" are named among Russia's priorities. The document stresses the unacceptability of any territorial claims toward Russia and links the signing of the border agreement with Estonia to the improvement of Russian-speakers' situation in the country. Russia's goals also include maintaining "a secure basis for economic cooperation between Russia and the three Baltic states". Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs Birkavs told the press that he expected Russia to take a firmer stand toward the Baltic states as the date of the NATO summit was approaching. Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press-Secretary Pildegovics says that all humanitarian problems existing between Russia and Latvia should be resolved on the basis of European standards. According to Pildegovics, Latvia cannot be accused of putting territorial claims and has the right to choose its partners.

President Yeltsin's Press-Service has distributed the basic points of the long-term doctrine for Russia's relations with the Baltic states. Russia believes that the joining of NATO by Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania would be a serious obstacle to the forming of "constructive cooperation in the region". According to the document, protecting the interests of Russian-speakers in the three counties should be an important long-term task of Russian foreign politics. "Creating conditions for granting of citizenship to all inhabitants of Latvia and Estonia who had a permanent "propiska" on the territory of these countries , simplifying the naturalization procedure, providing the right for citizenship to all born on the territories of these countries and the right for family reunion to all their inhabitants" are named among Russia's priorities. The document stresses the unacceptability of any territorial claims toward Russia and links the signing of the border agreement with Estonia to the improvement of Russian-speakers' situation in the country. Russia's goals also include maintaining "a secure basis for economic cooperation between Russia and the three Baltic states". Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs Birkavs told the press that he expected Russia to take a firmer stand toward the Baltic states as the date of the NATO summit was approaching. Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press-Secretary Pildegovics says that all humanitarian problems existing between Russia and Latvia should be resolved on the basis of European standards. According to Pildegovics, Latvia cannot be accused of putting territorial claims and has the right to choose its partners. Diena, SM

Boris Tsilevich in his analysis of the current political situation in Latvia suggests that

Boris Tsilevich in his analysis of the current political situation in Latvia suggests that "Saimnieks" could win more votes in previous local elections if it was "pragmatic enough" to support the granting of the right of vote in local elections to non-citizens. Tsilevich does not believe that any considerable changes may occur on the Latvian political scene. The newly formed parties (as the Union for Reforms) are found by former National Block member willing to boost their political careers. These parties, according to Tsilevich, are trying to conceal their nationalism, and may even attract non-Latvian voters. Still, the essence of their policy toward non-Latvians will remain clearly nationalistic. Same holds true for the Social Democrats, writes Tsilevich. SM

Feb. 12, 1997

Press Review

Press Review

Last night Prime-Minister Skele suggested yet another model for forming the Cabinet. It gives the post of Minister of Justice to

Last night Prime-Minister Skele suggested yet another model for forming the Cabinet. It gives the post of Minister of Justice to "Tevzemei un Brivibai" as well as two other posts. The rest two large factions ("Latvijas Cels" and "Saimnieks") are to hold tree posts each. The smaller factions ("The Farmers Union"/the Christian Democrats, "Tautai un Taisnibai" and the LNNK) are to nominate their candidates for four posts. Today (12 February) Andris Skele expects the faction to comment on his proposals. The most serious problem may be caused by "TB" and "Saimnieks" suggesting their candidates for the post of Minister of Justice. "TB" has nominated current Minister of Justice for the post while "Saimnieks" has nominated Head of the Saeima Juridical Committee Juris Kaksitis candidate for the same post. "TB" leaders Maris Grinblats and Janis Straume told "DIENA" yesterday that the faction could leave the governing coalition in case it did not receive the posts of Minister of Justice and Minister of Economics. "Saimnieks" representatives told the press that the faction was not going to leave the coalition should it not be given the post of Minister of Justice. The three smaller factions demand five posts in the Cabinet instead of four offered by Skele (Minister of Agriculture - Dilba, Minister of Culture - Piks (both of "The Farmers' Union"), Minister for EU Affairs - Kirsteins (the LNNK), Minister of Defense - Krastins (the LNNK), Minister of Welfare - Saulitis ("Tautai un Taisnibai"). "TB" does not insist on retaining the post of Minister of Welfare. Andris Skele has not named his candidate for Minister of Finance yet. Diena, SM A group of Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs experts had consultations with their Latvian colleagues in Riga. The aim of the visit was to review the existing agreements between the two countries and to discuss the drafting of agreements yet to be concluded. Head of the Russian expert group Sergey Prihodko told "SM" that the Latvian side was focusing mainly on economic agreements while Russia was concerned about resolving "humanitarian problems". Those problems, according to Prihodko, were inhibiting the progress in relations between the two countries. SM

Boris Tsilevich believes that the Social-Democrats will win a considerable number of votes in the upcoming local elections. He explains the expected tendency by disillusionment of poorer voters in centrist and nationalist parties. Most of the voters being ethnic Latvians, the Social-Democrats are to promote the concept of "the priority of ethnic Latvians' interests". Their election campaign will be based on populist slogans. A similar tactic was used by Zigerist's and Kauls' parties in last elections. Both parties lost a considerable part of their popularity proving to be unable to influence important decision both on the local and national level.

Boris Tsilevich believes that the Social-Democrats will win a considerable number of votes in the upcoming local elections. He explains the expected tendency by disillusionment of poorer voters in centrist and nationalist parties. Most of the voters being ethnic Latvians, the Social-Democrats are to promote the concept of "the priority of ethnic Latvians' interests". Their election campaign will be based on populist slogans. A similar tactic was used by Zigerist's and Kauls' parties in last elections. Both parties lost a considerable part of their popularity proving to be unable to influence important decision both on the local and national level. SM

Feb. 11, 1997

Press Report

Yesterday Andris Skele,

Yesterday Andris Skele, "Saimnieks", "Latvijas Cels", "Tevzemei un Brivibai", the Farmers' Union, the Christian Democrats, the LNNK/the Greens, and "Tautai un Taisnibai" signed the Government Declaration. Still, the factions and the Prime-Minister failed to agree on the basic cooperation principles. "Tevzemei un Brivibai" was the only faction objecting to the agreement. "TB" refused to accept reorganization of the Citizenship and Immigration Department and the Naturalization Board. The Government Declaration includes supplements on foreign politics suggested by "Latvijas Cels". According to Ziedonis Cevers, the document contains "the complete set" of amendments suggested by "Saimnieks". Although the agreement was not adopted yesterday, the coalition factions and Andris Skele accepted an amendment suggested by "LC" and "TB". The amendment cancels a paragraph of the agreement depriving a faction of the right to impose mandatory voting on its members if the faction votes against decisions supported by a majority in the Cooperation Council. The agreement also gives a faction the right to nominate its candidate in case of its member's resignation "if not decided otherwise" by the factions. The factions did not agree on the distribution of posts. Andris Skele suggested that "Saimnieks" could take four posts, "LC" and "TB" -- three posts each, the Farmers' Union and "Tautai un Taisnibai" -- one post each, and the LNNK -- one post. "TB" and "LC" suggest distributing the post equally among the first three groups (three for each one) with one post being left to the LNNK. Neatkariga, B&B

Socialists Modris Lujans and Alexandr Bartashevich during their yesterday's meeting with Skele offered their faction’s support of the Cabinet. Conditions put by the Socialists include eliminating the differences between the rights of citizens and non-citizens and establishing the post of State Minister for Eastern Affairs.

Socialists Modris Lujans and Alexandr Bartashevich during their yesterday's meeting with Skele offered their factions support of the Cabinet. Conditions put by the Socialists include eliminating the differences between the rights of citizens and non-citizens and establishing the post of State Minister for Eastern Affairs. Diena

Saeima Speaker Alfreds Cepanis, Chairman of the

Saeima Speaker Alfreds Cepanis, Chairman of the Saeima Committee on Foreign Affairs Indulis Berzins, Head of the Latvian-Russian Parliamentary Group Janis Jurkans, "Saimnieks" Chairman Ziedonis Cevers, Juris Sinka of "Tevzemei un Brivibai" and a group of Latvian bankers and businessmen will visit Moscow on February 17. The agenda of the visit will include meetings with Duma Speaker Gennady Seleznev and Head of the President's Administration Anatoly Chubais. The group will probably meet Mayor of Moscow Luzhkov. Mr. Cepanis told the press that he was expecting the "Russian treatment" of the human rights situation in Latvia, and had studied international human rights instruments thoroughly. Mr. Cepanis also plans to meet Head of the Naturalization Board Aldermane. Diena

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