Feb. 10, 1997

Press Review

Press Review

Today Prime-Minister Skele and the

Today Prime-Minister Skele and the Saeima factions are expected to sign a coalition agreement and a declaration. The factions have suggested numerous supplements to the Government Declaration. President Ulmanis in an interview for "DIENA" (10 Feb.) admitted that the Declaration could focus more on the country's foreign policz. "Latvijas Cels" suggested working out a program for integration into the EU and NATO. "LC" also stressed the importance of signing the border agreement with Russia and developing relations with the CIS states. "Tevzemei un Brivibai" suggested to adopt the Law on Education before 1 January 1998. "TB" insists that all teachers in non-Latvian schools should take Latvian language tests for the highest official category by September 1, 1998. Suggestions by the Farmers' Union and "Tautai un Taisnibai" deal mainly with agriculture and education.


proposed candidates for all posts in the Cabinet. Ziedonis Cevers issued a statement ( proposed candidates for all posts in the Cabinet. Ziedonis Cevers issued a statement ("NEATKARIGA""NEATKARIGA", 10 February) calling upon all factions participating in the forming of the Cabinet to follow, 10 February) calling upon all factions participating in the forming of the Cabinet to follow "Saimnieks'" "Saimnieks'" example and to name their candidates for all posts. Cevers believes that the Prime-Minister should have a larger choice of candidates and that retaining certain posts by certain factions should not develop into a "tradition". The most important conflict of political interests may be caused by both example and to name their candidates for all posts. Cevers believes that the Prime-Minister should have a larger choice of candidates and that retaining certain posts by certain factions should not develop into a "tradition". The most important conflict of political interests may be caused by both "Saimnieks""Saimnieks" and and "TB" "TB" expecting to take the posts of Minister of Justice and Minister of Economics. expecting to take the posts of Minister of Justice and Minister of Economics. "Saimnieks""Saimnieks" still suggests Turlais for Minister of the Interior. Observers believe that Cevers' candidature for the post was withdrawn by still suggests Turlais for Minister of the Interior. Observers believe that Cevers' candidature for the post was withdrawn by "Saimnieks""Saimnieks" to give the to give the LNNKLNNK a chance to retain the post of Minister of Defense currently held by Krastins. Earlier, a chance to retain the post of Minister of Defense currently held by Krastins. Earlier, "Saimnieks" "Saimnieks" suggested Turlais as a candidate for Minister of Defense while nominating Cevers Minister of the Interior. President Ulmanis made it clear that he would support Birkavs' ( suggested Turlais as a candidate for Minister of Defense while nominating Cevers Minister of the Interior. President Ulmanis made it clear that he would support Birkavs' ("Latvijas Cels""Latvijas Cels") candidature for Minister of Foreign Affairs. Still, there is a rumor that Birkavs could be replaced by Indulis Berzins (also ) candidature for Minister of Foreign Affairs. Still, there is a rumor that Birkavs could be replaced by Indulis Berzins (also "LC""LC") due to his strained relations with Skele. ) due to his strained relations with Skele. "LC""LC" expects to take the posts of Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Communications, and Minister of Environmental Protection and Regional Development. expects to take the posts of Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Communications, and Minister of Environmental Protection and Regional Development. B&B;, Diena, NeatkarigaB&B, Diena, Neatkariga

Feb. 7, 1997

Press Review

Press Review

Andris Skele in an interview for

Andris Skele in an interview for "DIENA" said that the canceling of "propiska" was not opposed by any of the factions expected to form the Cabinet. The new type of registration, according to Skele, will be based on an individuals place of registration as a taxpayer. When asked about the possibility of Melnik ("Saimnieks") taking the post of Minister of Finance, Skele said that he would not object against his candidature unless there was conclusive evidence against Melnik. The very fact of Melnik being nominated by his party as a candidate for Minister of Finance proves that "Saimnieks" has no doubts about his morals, said Skele. Skele confirmed that "Tevzemei un Brivibai" candidate Roberts Zile had declined his proposal to take the post. Diena

Recent statements by Western politicians show that Latvia will not be among the countries admitted to NATO at the first stage of its enlargement. US Ambassador to Sweden Thomas Siebert said that the Baltic states would not be invited to NATO summit in Madrid this summer. Still, he confirmed that US were supporting the admission of the three Baltic countries to NATO. The US Ambassador said that W.Perry's assessment of the three countries as potential NATO members had not been changed. Last year Perry said that the Baltic states were not prepared to join NATO at the first stage of its enlargement. Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press-Secretary Pildegovics commented on Siebert's statement saying that Latvia would adhere to its policy aimed at joining NATO irrespective of the outcome of this year's summit.

Recent statements by Western politicians show that Latvia will not be among the countries admitted to NATO at the first stage of its enlargement. US Ambassador to Sweden Thomas Siebert said that the Baltic states would not be invited to NATO summit in Madrid this summer. Still, he confirmed that US were supporting the admission of the three Baltic countries to NATO. The US Ambassador said that W.Perry's assessment of the three countries as potential NATO members had not been changed. Last year Perry said that the Baltic states were not prepared to join NATO at the first stage of its enlargement. Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press-Secretary Pildegovics commented on Siebert's statement saying that Latvia would adhere to its policy aimed at joining NATO irrespective of the outcome of this year's summit. Diena

Feb. 6, 1997

Press Review

Press Review

Andris Skele continued consultations with the

Andris Skele continued consultations with the Saeima factions on the forming of the Cabinet yesterday. Both sides focused mainly on the Government Declaration without discussing the distribution of posts. Andris Skele told the press that none of the factions has objected to the draft Declaration. Only minor amendments to the document were suggested by the deputies. All of those are to be submitted by Friday this week. "Tevzemei un Brivibai" is drafting amendments on legal issues, economics and education. Legal issues and economics will be also the subject of amendments by "Saimnieks". The faction will also submit its suggestions on foreign affairs and social welfare. According to "Latvijas Cels" leader Valdis Birkavs, "LC" suggests to amend and supplement the chapters on foreign affairs, regional development and communications. LNNK/the Greens are working out suggestions on self-governments and education, and the Farmers/the Christian Democrats believe the Declaration needs to be supplemented on civil service, social problems and on the development of rural areas. Skele believes that the Saeima could vote on the new Cabinet next Thursday if the factions give their final approval of the Government Declaration. The Farmers/ the Christian Democrats and "Tautai un Taisnibai" informed Skele about their support of the new Cabinet. The two factions suggest Roberts Dilba for Minister of Agriculture, Peteris Cimdins for Minister of Education and Science and Rihards Piks for Minister of Culture. It is still unclear whether LNNK/the Greens will obtain posts in the Cabinet. Although Maris Vitols (the Farmers/the Christian Democrats) said that his faction and "TT" had suggested several LNNK deputies to join the two factions in the forming of the Cabinet, Andrejs Krastins (LNNK) denied that his faction members would make such a step independently. Ivars Kezbers ("Saimnieks") explained that his faction, while suggesting its candidates for all the posts, expected its members to take the posts of Minister of Economics, Minister of the Interior, Minister for European Affairs or Minister of Welfare. "TB" will insist on taking the posts of Minister of Justice and Minister of Economics held currently by its members. Neatkariga, Diena

Feb. 5, 1997

Press Review

Press Review

Yesterday Andris Skele introduced the draft agreement between factions and the draft Government Declaration. Both documents are now being reviewed by the factions planing to join the Cabinet (

Yesterday Andris Skele introduced the draft agreement between factions and the draft Government Declaration. Both documents are now being reviewed by the factions planing to join the Cabinet ("Latvijas Cels", "Tevzemei un Brivibai", "Saimnieks", the Farmers' Union, the Union of Christian Democrats, LNNK and "Tautai un Taisnibai"). "LC" and "TB" drafted their own version of the agreement that gave the factions the right to retain posts in the Cabinet in case of their members' resignation (the "succession principle"). Skele's draft does not guarantee such a possibility. The draft agreement by Skele also is more flexible as for the consensus principle required by the existing agreement for adopting any amendments to the Citizenship Law. The draft requires full consensus only for adopting significant amendments to the Law. The draft Government Declaration suggests reorganizing the self-government system and canceling "propiska". "LC" and "TB" leaders have already told the press that they will make important additions to the documents drafted by Skele.

Yesterday Skele had talks with

Yesterday Skele had talks with "Saimnieks" and "LC". "LC" has not changed its priorities and expects taking the posts in the areas of regional development, the European Union and communication. "Saimnieks" suggested its candidates for all posts (including Melnik for Minister of Finance). Skele told the press that he had suggested Chairman of the Saeima Budget and Finance Committee Roberts Zile ("TB") to take the office of Minister of Finance. Zile refused to accept the offer explaining that "TB" was expecting to hold the post of Minister of Economics and could not monopolize the entire economic sector. According to "DIENA" the list of possible candidates is as follows:

Minister of Defense -

Minister of Defense -

Andrejs Krastins (

Andrejs Krastins (LNNK/the Latvian Farmers' Party)

Ivars Redisons (

Ivars Redisons ("Saimnieks")

Karlis Julijs Druva (the Farmers' Union)

Karlis Julijs Druva (the Farmers' Union)

Minister of Communications -

Minister of Communications -

Vilis Kristopans (

Vilis Kristopans ("LC")

Leonards Teniss (

Leonards Teniss ("Saimnieks")

Minister of Foreign Affairs -

Minister of Foreign Affairs -

Valdis Birkavs (

Valdis Birkavs ("LC")

Olafs Bruvers (

Olafs Bruvers ("Saimnieks")

Minister of Welfare -

Minister of Welfare -

Vladimirs Makarovs (

Vladimirs Makarovs ("TB")

Ludmila Kuprijanova (

Ludmila Kuprijanova ("Saimnieks")

Minister of Finance -

Minister of Finance -

Vasily Melnik (

Vasily Melnik ("Saimnieks")

Minister of Environmental Protection and Regional Development - Anatolijs Gorbunovs (

Minister of Environmental Protection and Regional Development - Anatolijs Gorbunovs ("LC")

Eriks Zunda (

Eriks Zunda ("Saimnieks")

Minister of the Interior -

Minister of the Interior -

Dainis Turlais (

Dainis Turlais ("Saimnieks")

Minister of Culture -

Minister of Culture -

Rihards Piks (the Farmers' Union)

Rihards Piks (the Farmers' Union)

Aloizs Brencs (

Aloizs Brencs ("Saimnieks")

Minister of Education and Science -

Minister of Education and Science -

Peteris Cimdins (the Farmers' Union)

Peteris Cimdins (the Farmers' Union)

Juris Celmins (

Juris Celmins ("Saimnieks")

Minister of Agriculture -

Minister of Agriculture -

Roberts Dilba (the Farmers' Union)

Roberts Dilba (the Farmers' Union)

Modris Goba (

Modris Goba ("Saimnieks"); Minister for European Union Affairs - Aleksandrs Kirsteins (LNNK/the Latvian Farmers' Party); Ivars Kezbers ("Saimnieks"). Diena, B&B

A decree by the Minister of Education and Science of 18 December 1996 requires that all Russian language school teachers should pass the third category Latvian language test by 1 September 1998. The test includes writing an essay in Latvian. According to

A decree by the Minister of Education and Science of 18 December 1996 requires that all Russian language school teachers should pass the third category Latvian language test by 1 September 1998. The test includes writing an essay in Latvian. According to "PANORAMA LATVII", the requirement means the firing of a large number of highly professional teachers.

The National Council on TV and Radio Broadcasting demanded that feature films, currently dubbed in Russian and broadcasted with Latvian subtitles, should be dubbed in Latvian or broadcasted in their original language with Latvian subtitles. B.Tsilevich agrees that the requirement formally complies with the provisions of the "Law on Radio and Television". The Law also limits time of broadcasting in languages other than Latvian to 30% of the total broadcasting time of a TV or radio channel. Tsilevich believes that international human rights acts allow Russian-speakers to appeal to corresponding UN bodies on the issue.

The National Council on TV and Radio Broadcasting demanded that feature films, currently dubbed in Russian and broadcasted with Latvian subtitles, should be dubbed in Latvian or broadcasted in their original language with Latvian subtitles. B.Tsilevich agrees that the requirement formally complies with the provisions of the "Law on Radio and Television". The Law also limits time of broadcasting in languages other than Latvian to 30% of the total broadcasting time of a TV or radio channel. Tsilevich believes that international human rights acts allow Russian-speakers to appeal to corresponding UN bodies on the issue. SM

Feb. 4, 1997

Press Report

Press Report

The Farmers' Union/the Christian Democrats and

The Farmers' Union/the Christian Democrats and "Tautai un Taisnibai" ("TT"--"For People and Justice") agreed to support Skele's Cabinet yesterday. The two factions will participate in the forming of the government as one political group. Leaders of the two factions (Pauls Putnins and Gunta Ganussa) have not agreed on the posts the group would intend to take and are waiting for Skele to draw up a more detailed concept of the new Cabinet. The Farmers/the Christian Democrats and "TT" have 15 seats (6 and 9, correspondingly) in the Saeima. Diena

Andris Skele told the press that he had several candidates for Minister of Finance. He added that the most probable candidate was "a well-known person and a member of a political party" (Cevers?).

Andris Skele told the press that he had several candidates for Minister of Finance. He added that the most probable candidate was "a well-known person and a member of a political party" (Cevers?). Latvijas Vestnesis

Chairman of the Riga City Council Committee on Non-Citizens and Stateless Persons Maris Plavnieks (former CID Director, member of the National-Democratic Party) in an interview for

Chairman of the Riga City Council Committee on Non-Citizens and Stateless Persons Maris Plavnieks (former CID Director, member of the National-Democratic Party) in an interview for "PANORAMA LATVII" admitted that non-citizens would have to face certain problems while applying for new passports. Most of the problems will be caused by additional check-ups of applicants' personal data. Plavnieks agreed that the check-up would cause certain inconvenience. Still, he believes it to be the only way to discover persons who had illegally obtained identification documents. The Riga City Council on Non-Citizens has received eight hundred complaints during last three years. Half of the cases were resolved in favor of the applicants. According to Plavnieks, the nationalists in the Riga City Council are attempting to disperse the Committee. He believes that the Committee will still be an important tool for eliminating the consequences of bureaucratic arbitrary rule.

Chairman of the President's Committee on Human Rights Vladimir Kartashkin believes that Russia should show more persistence in protecting the rights of its citizens abroad. In an interview for

Chairman of the President's Committee on Human Rights Vladimir Kartashkin believes that Russia should show more persistence in protecting the rights of its citizens abroad. In an interview for "SM" Kartashkin said that the Committee recommended the President and the Government to come up with a declaration on human rights to be signed by all CIS countries. The Committee suggested to established joint committees on human rights with former USSR republics including the Baltic states. Kartashkin marked "a certain improvement" in the human rights situation in Latvia and Estonia, mentioning the establishment of the State Human Rights Office in Latvia as a positive development. He believes that cooperation between the Committee and the Office could be helpful for both Latvia and Russia. Although Russia is not planning to bring up the problem of "compatriots abroad" at the European Court, it may use OSCE membership to influence domestic policy of a country violating the rights of Russian-speakers. Although Kartashkin speaks in favor of granting the right for dual citizenship to Russian-speakers in former USSR republics, he is against automatic Russian citizenship to all non-citizens outside Russia. This would be a violation of their right for a free choice, says Kartashkin. SM

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