aprīlis 4, 1998

Press Review

The State President G.Ulmanis announced to the press that at the National Security Council meeting on Friday, there had been a unanimous decision that it was not possible for state police head A.Lieljuksis and National Armed Forces Commander- in-Chief J.Dalbins to remain in their posts. The meeting was summoned in connection with the blow at the Riga synagogue. For investigation of this crime there was established a special working group led by USA FBI specialists.

The State President G.Ulmanis announced to the press that at the National Security Council meeting on Friday, there had been a unanimous decision that it was not possible for state police head A.Lieljuksis and National Armed Forces Commander- in-Chief J.Dalbins to remain in their posts. The meeting was summoned in connection with the blow at the Riga synagogue. For investigation of this crime there was established a special working group led by USA FBI specialists. Diena

Rigas Balss writes about the local and international reaction of the blow at the Riga synagogue. All Latvian top officilas condemned this action, and the Saeima decree names it as a provocation. Both high foreign officials present in Latvia at that time - the High Commissioner on Minorities Max van der Stoel and USA former Deputy State Secretary R.Holbruck think that this event has made a serious damage to the image of Latvia in the world, and it was organised by forces, hostile to Latvia.

Rigas Balss writes about the local and international reaction of the blow at the Riga synagogue. All Latvian top officilas condemned this action, and the Saeima decree names it as a provocation. Both high foreign officials present in Latvia at that time - the High Commissioner on Minorities Max van der Stoel and USA former Deputy State Secretary R.Holbruck think that this event has made a serious damage to the image of Latvia in the world, and it was organised by forces, hostile to Latvia. Rigas Balss

The Prime Minister G.Krasts sent a letter to the government forming factions informing them on his attention to demand a demission of the Minister of Economics A.Sausnitis. This sdecision has several reasons, explained his Press Secretary R.Melniks. As the major reason was mentioned Susnitis position on privatisation of Latvenergo. One more reasomn was Ministeer’s reaction to the Prime Minister ‘s taks to prepare a report on what lossed could cause Russia’s economic sanctions. Instead of writing this report, Sausnitis organised a press briefing, thaus causing confusion among Latvian businesmen and made it more difficult to improve Latvian - Russian relations.

The Prime Minister G.Krasts sent a letter to the government forming factions informing them on his attention to demand a demission of the Minister of Economics A.Sausnitis. This sdecision has several reasons, explained his Press Secretary R.Melniks. As the major reason was mentioned Susnitis position on privatisation of Latvenergo. One more reasomn was Ministeers reaction to the Prime Minister ‘s taks to prepare a report on what lossed could cause Russias economic sanctions. Instead of writing this report, Sausnitis organised a press briefing, thaus causing confusion among Latvian businesmen and made it more difficult to improve Latvian - Russian relations. Diena, Neatkariga, SM, Chas, Panorama Latvii, Lauku Avize, Panorama Latvii, etc.

The State President G.Ulmanis considers that Naturalisation window mechanism should be abolished so that any permanent resident of Latvia could receive Latvian citizenship. G.Ulmanis planned to discuss this isue on his Friday meeting with the resident ambassadors of EU contries. As G.Ulmanis acknowledged before this meeting, he was interested to learn what ambassadors think of Latvia’s chances to join EU. The President expressed regret that it was not possible to convince the permanent residents of Latvia about the necesity to receive Latvian citizenship. G.Ulmanis thinks that the issue of granting citizenship to children born infamilies of non-citizens. He also thinks that Naturalisation “windows” shold be opened that are not operating in reality. Along with these changes, the attitude of Latvian citizens towards it should be analysed, “but the majority of Latvian society is for opening these “windows”, thinks the President.

The State President G.Ulmanis considers that Naturalisation window mechanism should be abolished so that any permanent resident of Latvia could receive Latvian citizenship. G.Ulmanis planned to discuss this isue on his Friday meeting with the resident ambassadors of EU contries. As G.Ulmanis acknowledged before this meeting, he was interested to learn what ambassadors think of Latvias chances to join EU. The President expressed regret that it was not possible to convince the permanent residents of Latvia about the necesity to receive Latvian citizenship. G.Ulmanis thinks that the issue of granting citizenship to children born infamilies of non-citizens. He also thinks that Naturalisation windows shold be opened that are not operating in reality. Along with these changes, the attitude of Latvian citizens towards it should be analysed, but the majority of Latvian society is for opening these windows, thinks the President. Diena

“Russia does not exclude a possibility to impose economis sanctions against Latvia,” Deputy Minister of Russian MFA A.Avdejev announced to the press agency Interfax. “We havs a set of sanctions, but we just investigate the possible options of their use.” He added that Moscow is taking active steps to make pressure on Riga with the help of international organisations, mainly UN, Council of Europe, OSCE. Russia’s position to the visit of Latvian Foreign Mininster V.Birkavs has not changed. “Russia does not see any sence for such a visit,” said the Deputy Minister.

Russia does not exclude a possibility to impose economis sanctions against Latvia, Deputy Minister of Russian MFA A.Avdejev announced to the press agency Interfax. We havs a set of sanctions, but we just investigate the possible options of their use. He added that Moscow is taking active steps to make pressure on Riga with the help of international organisations, mainly UN, Council of Europe, OSCE. Russias position to the visit of Latvian Foreign Mininster V.Birkavs has not changed. Russia does not see any sence for such a visit, said the Deputy Minister.

Sales of Latvian goods in Russia after the threat of the Mayor of Moscow Y.Luzhkow has decreased for 30%. The President of Latvian Trading Center R.Bullitis told

Sales of Latvian goods in Russia after the threat of the Mayor of Moscow Y.Luzhkow has decreased for 30%. The President of Latvian Trading Center R.Bullitis told Neatkariga after his visit to Moscow, Russian businessmen were afraid to purchase large quantities of Latvian goods in the case the Major would realise his threat. Neatkariga, Chas, Rigas Balss

Rigas Balss

comments on the OSCE High Commissioner on Minorities Max van der Stoels visit to Latvia. Panorama Latvii 98.04.06 does it from a different angle, strarting the comment with words God with usand mister Max van der Stoel and then addressing the issue of the rally of former SS Waffen legioneers. The author of the article ties radical change of attitude of the State President G.Ulmanis

aprīlis 2, 1998

Press Review

Yesterday after meetings with high officials of Latvia the OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel said that Latvia started a new phase of development which would assist the country and legitimate aspirations of non-citizens. Minister of Foreign Affairs Valdis Birkavs informed the High Commissioner about the governmental resolution to form a work group which would develop the integration program, and the resolution of the co-ordination council of the government forming fractions to start work on the amendments of the Citizenship Law. The Minister also said that this time the High Commissioner has not submitted any new recommendations. At the meeting with the Minister of the Interior Ziedonis Cevers the High Commissioner expressed a positive opinion about the attempts to solve the problems with non-citizen passports. The Minister promised that by 31 October non-citizen passports would be issued to all who wants to travel. On Wednesday the High Commissioner also met with the State President and the Saeima Commissions on Human Rights and Foreign Affairs to discuss the citizenship and language policy issues. The High Commissioner repeated his recommendations to grant citizenship to children who are born after the restoration of the independence and to eliminate the restrictions on the language use in private sphere. An exception might be the service sphere, the Saeima Press Service reported.

Yesterday after meetings with high officials of Latvia the OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel said that Latvia started a new phase of development which would assist the country and legitimate aspirations of non-citizens. Minister of Foreign Affairs Valdis Birkavs informed the High Commissioner about the governmental resolution to form a work group which would develop the integration program, and the resolution of the co-ordination council of the government forming fractions to start work on the amendments of the Citizenship Law. The Minister also said that this time the High Commissioner has not submitted any new recommendations. At the meeting with the Minister of the Interior Ziedonis Cevers the High Commissioner expressed a positive opinion about the attempts to solve the problems with non-citizen passports. The Minister promised that by 31 October non-citizen passports would be issued to all who wants to travel. On Wednesday the High Commissioner also met with the State President and the Saeima Commissions on Human Rights and Foreign Affairs to discuss the citizenship and language policy issues. The High Commissioner repeated his recommendations to grant citizenship to children who are born after the restoration of the independence and to eliminate the restrictions on the language use in private sphere. An exception might be the service sphere, the Saeima Press Service reported. Diena

Yesterday at the meeting with the State President Guntis Ulmanis the OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel expressed a hope that the relations between Latvia and Russia would normalize, and the dialogue between two countries would continue. Mr. Ulmanis, in turn, said that he was surprised about the demagogy started in Russia which was used to incite hatred of the Russian population towards Latvians. He also reproached Secretary General of the UN and the European Secretary General who, while being in Moscow, were attempting to adjust themselves to Russia's remarks.

Yesterday at the meeting with the State President Guntis Ulmanis the OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel expressed a hope that the relations between Latvia and Russia would normalize, and the dialogue between two countries would continue. Mr. Ulmanis, in turn, said that he was surprised about the demagogy started in Russia which was used to incite hatred of the Russian population towards Latvians. He also reproached Secretary General of the UN and the European Secretary General who, while being in Moscow, were attempting to adjust themselves to Russia's remarks. Diena, B&B

The Ministry of Economics predicts the decrease of Latvia's export to Russia for 50 %. The Prime Minister Guntars Krasts has no official information that Russia has started implementing of the economic sanctions. Still, several Latvian companies already experience "unfavourable attitude" of their Russian partners.

The Ministry of Economics predicts the decrease of Latvia's export to Russia for 50 %. The Prime Minister Guntars Krasts has no official information that Russia has started implementing of the economic sanctions. Still, several Latvian companies already experience "unfavourable attitude" of their Russian partners. Diena, Neatkariga

The government forming fractions agreed to form a work group which by 14 April would prepare amendments to the Citizenship Law by synthesising proposals of all fractions. Minister of Foreign Affairs Valdis Birkavs told the press that the government is ready for the discussion about the amendments of the Citizenship Law. Andrejs Pantelejevs,

The government forming fractions agreed to form a work group which by 14 April would prepare amendments to the Citizenship Law by synthesising proposals of all fractions. Minister of Foreign Affairs Valdis Birkavs told the press that the government is ready for the discussion about the amendments of the Citizenship Law. Andrejs Pantelejevs, Latvijas Cels, said that is possible that during this synthesis process the proposal of the Tevzemei un Brivibai eliminating the granting of citizenship for outstanding service for the benefit of Latvia, might be adopted. Diena, Chas

The Cabinet of Ministers has approved the draft law on General Education and sent it to the Saeima for the further consideration.

The Cabinet of Ministers has approved the draft law on General Education and sent it to the Saeima for the further consideration. Diena

Panorama Latvii publishes an interview with the Minister of Education Juris Celmins about the prospects of the educational system in Latvia. According to the Minister, until the year of 2005 there will be three types of schools in Latvia- first, schools with Latvian as the language of instruction; second, schools of the ethnic minorities; and third, specialized schools. Starting the year of 2005 the state financed schools will have only Latvian as the language of instruction.

aprīlis 1, 1998

Press Report

Yesterday the Prime Minister Guntars Krasts told 

Yesterday the Prime Minister Guntars Krasts toldDiena that there is no reason to dissolve the government, although several politicians have predicted the possibility of the resignation of the government. The outcome of the today's meeting of the co-ordination council of the government forming fractions will determine the destiny of the government. Diena

There is a "certain change" in the attitude of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Max van der Stoel, Dzintars Abikis, Chair of the Saeima Commission on Education, said after the meeting with the High Commissioner. Mr. Abikis noted that at the meeting Max van der Stoel was very tolerant and expressed his understanding of the Latvia's historical situation and Latvia’s rights to have its own language law. Besides, the High Commissioner hopes that after 20 years everybody in Latvia will know the Latvian language. It was agreed that in summer when the third reading of the State Language law is prepared in the Saeima, an OSCE expert will take part in that process, Mr. Abikis said. Yesterday the High Commissioner also met with the Speaker of the Saeima Alfreds Cepanis. During the meeting the High Commissioner expressed the worries about the slow naturalization process and the incompatibility of the draft language law with the international human right norms. The High Commissioner reminded that ignoring the recommendations of the European organizations concerning the language and citizenship might lead to the international isolation of Latvia.

There is a "certain change" in the attitude of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Max van der Stoel, Dzintars Abikis, Chair of the Saeima Commission on Education, said after the meeting with the High Commissioner. Mr. Abikis noted that at the meeting Max van der Stoel was very tolerant and expressed his understanding of the Latvia's historical situation and Latvias rights to have its own language law. Besides, the High Commissioner hopes that after 20 years everybody in Latvia will know the Latvian language. It was agreed that in summer when the third reading of the State Language law is prepared in the Saeima, an OSCE expert will take part in that process, Mr. Abikis said. Yesterday the High Commissioner also met with the Speaker of the Saeima Alfreds Cepanis. During the meeting the High Commissioner expressed the worries about the slow naturalization process and the incompatibility of the draft language law with the international human right norms. The High Commissioner reminded that ignoring the recommendations of the European organizations concerning the language and citizenship might lead to the international isolation of Latvia. Diena, B&B

In the press statement distributed yesterday, the State President Guntis Ulmanis asks the Saeima and the government to give political assessment of the commemoration events of the Legion Day on 16 March.

In the press statement distributed yesterday, the State President Guntis Ulmanis asks the Saeima and the government to give political assessment of the commemoration events of the Legion Day on 16 March. Diena

Yesterday the movement

Yesterday the movement Lidztiesiba (Equality of Rights) organized a rally in which around 1000 people (Russian newspapers give the number of 2000 to 3000 participants) demanded to prolong the validity term of the internal USSR passports for the travelling to the CIS countries until the year of 2000. Co-ordinator of the Lidztiesiba Tatjana Zdanoka told Diena the protesters will turn to the international organizations for help. The petition with the requirements of non-citizens will be submitted to the Council of the Baltic Sea Countries, the representation of the EU, as well as other diplomatic representation of the European Union countries accredited in Latvia. The OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel also will be informed about these demands. Diena

According to the calculations of the Ministry of Economics, in the case of continuing economic sanctions of Russia against Latvia approximately 4000 thousand people working in food industry and approximately 4300 people in textile industry might lose their jobs. That, in turn, will create additional burden on the social budget of the country. Russia has started implementing economic sanctions against Latvia in the sphere of the fish industry by reducing the quotas for cod fishing in Russia's territorial waters from 500 tons to 100 tons of the fish.

According to the calculations of the Ministry of Economics, in the case of continuing economic sanctions of Russia against Latvia approximately 4000 thousand people working in food industry and approximately 4300 people in textile industry might lose their jobs. That, in turn, will create additional burden on the social budget of the country. Russia has started implementing economic sanctions against Latvia in the sphere of the fish industry by reducing the quotas for cod fishing in Russia's territorial waters from 500 tons to 100 tons of the fish. Neatkariga, SM

The Saeima Commission on Human Rights and Social Affairs rejected the proposal of the Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK to state the 16th of March as the official Legion Day.

The Saeima Commission on Human Rights and Social Affairs rejected the proposal of the Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK to state the 16th of March as the official Legion Day. Neatkariga, SM

The Russian Society in Latvia, the Russian Community in Latvia and its Daugavpils’ section ask the Saeima to take the consideration of the draft language law off the agenda of the Saeima session on April 2 due to its incompatibility with the international conventions.

The Russian Society in Latvia, the Russian Community in Latvia and its Daugavpils section ask the Saeima to take the consideration of the draft language law off the agenda of the Saeima session on April 2 due to its incompatibility with the international conventions. Panorama Latvii

marts 31, 1998

Press Review

Andrejs Pantelejevs, leader of

Andrejs Pantelejevs, leader of Latvijas Cels, thinks that the disagreements between the government forming fractions concerning the recommendations of the European institutions to the draft Language law and the Citizenship might lead to the governmental crisis. The proposals for amendments of the Citizenship Law will be discussed tomorrow at the meeting of the co-ordination council of the government forming fractions. Representatives of the fractions hope that it will be possible to reach a compromise. Maris Grinblats, leader of the Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK, thinks that the instability of the government might be created by the attempts of "Latvia's economic groups to influence the partners of the governmental coalition. Prime Minister refers from commenting the statements of some politicians about the possible governmental crisis. Diena, Rita Zinas

Dzintars Abikis, Chair of the Saeima Commission on Education, Culture and Science, considers some of the recommendations of the High Commissioner Max van der Stoel being incompatible with the Latvia’s situation. According to Mr. Abikis, experts of the European Union do not take into consideration the fact that Latvia was occupied for 50 years, and therefore, the norms which are applicable to other countries, cannot be 100% applicable to Latvia. Besides, Mr. Abikis referred to the Oslo recommendations concerning the language legislation which provide for the state regulation of the language use in private business sphere, if it is in the interests of consumers. According to Abikis, the OSCE experts contradict their own recommendations.

Dzintars Abikis, Chair of the Saeima Commission on Education, Culture and Science, considers some of the recommendations of the High Commissioner Max van der Stoel being incompatible with the Latvias situation. According to Mr. Abikis, experts of the European Union do not take into consideration the fact that Latvia was occupied for 50 years, and therefore, the norms which are applicable to other countries, cannot be 100% applicable to Latvia. Besides, Mr. Abikis referred to the Oslo recommendations concerning the language legislation which provide for the state regulation of the language use in private business sphere, if it is in the interests of consumers. According to Abikis, the OSCE experts contradict their own recommendations. Rita Zinas, Jauna Avize

SM asks its readers to send letters to the State President, Prime Minister, Speaker of the Saeima and deputies with the request to initiate the amendments of the Citizenship Law, to eliminate the discrepancy between rights of citizens and non-citizens, and to start a dialogue in the society about the future relations with Russia.

SM continues publishing answers by the Alexander Rylov, Head of the Consular Section of the Russian Embassy in Latvia, to the readers' questions. Today's theme is the Russian citizenship.

Administrative action is brought against participants of the 3rd and 17th March demonstrations who used the placards with the Soviet symbols

Administrative action is brought against participants of the 3rd and 17th March demonstrations who used the placards with the Soviet symbols. Chas

PL publishes an open letter of a permanent resident of Latvia to the High Commissioner Max van der Stoel in which he asks the High Commissioner to have more than just a formal approach to the issues about the violation of human rights and rights of national minorities in Latvia, since it touches the lives of hundreds of thousands people. Panorama Latvii

SM publishes an interview with the Head of the OSCE Mission to Latvia Richard Samuel about the 3rd March events at the Riga City Council.

SM publishes an interview with the Head of the OSCE Mission to Latvia Richard Samuel about the 3rd March events at the Riga City Council. SM

According to the information provided by the State Language Center, approximately 1000 language proficiency certificates per year are being falsified. In a "language market" a falsified certificate costs from 20 to 70 Lats depending on the quality of the certificate.

According to the information provided by the State Language Center, approximately 1000 language proficiency certificates per year are being falsified. In a "language market" a falsified certificate costs from 20 to 70 Lats depending on the quality of the certificate. Neatkariga

marts 30, 1998

Press Review

At a press conference on Friday the Prime Minister Guntars Krasts said that he had no information at his disposal that Russia had started to implement economic sanctions against Latvia. After the extraordinary meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers on Saturday the Prime Minister expressed a hope that the new government of Russia will continue constructive relations with Latvia and find possibilities of the dialogue between two countries. At the same time according to Latvian Ambassador in Russia Imants Daudiss, the Russian Council of the Petroleum Transit has decided to decrease the petroleum transit through Ventspils (a Latvian port) for 30 percent.

At a press conference on Friday the Prime Minister Guntars Krasts said that he had no information at his disposal that Russia had started to implement economic sanctions against Latvia. After the extraordinary meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers on Saturday the Prime Minister expressed a hope that the new government of Russia will continue constructive relations with Latvia and find possibilities of the dialogue between two countries. At the same timeaccording to Latvian Ambassador in Russia Imants Daudiss, the Russian Council of the Petroleum Transit has decided to decrease the petroleum transit through Ventspils (a Latvian port) for 30 percent. Diena, Neatkariga

According to Andrejs Pantelejevs (

According to Andrejs Pantelejevs (Latvijas Cels), stability of the government depends on the meeting of the Co-operation Council of the government forming fractions on Wednesday when the amendments to the Citizenship Law will be discussed. Mr. Pantelejevs said that even if the Tevzemei un Brivibai does not support amendments, LC will submit its proposals to the Saeima, and formally it will not be the violation of the co-operation agreement of the government forming fractions. (Neatkariga, 30 March) At the meeting on Saturday the Council of the TB/LNNK decided not to give up the resolution not to amend the Citizenship Law during the mandate of this Saeima. Moreover, the TB/LNNK should work on having enough influence in the next Saeima, so that the Law would be made even more strict by introducing the annual quotas for naturalization. Diena

Neatkarigareports on the visit of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Max van der Stoel to Latvia before the second reading of the draft Language Law. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has no information that during his visit the High Commissioner will submit new recommendations. Andrejs Pildegovics, Press Secretary of the MFA, said that the visit was planned at the beginning of the year, therefore the MFA does not think that it is related with the consideration of the draft language law in the Saeima, or the recent events in Riga. Neatkariga

On Saturday the Cabinet of Ministers approved the general part of the 3rd National Program on Latvia's integration into the European Union. Specific issues will be discussed at the governmental meeting on 28 April. In the program the priority is given to the integration of the society, including the speeding up of the naturalization process and increasing of possibilities to acquire the state language, as well as the economic development, and the co-ordination of the legislation.

On Saturday the Cabinet of Ministers approved the general part of the 3rd National Program on Latvia's integration into the European Union. Specific issues will be discussed at the governmental meeting on 28 April. In the program the priority is given to the integration of the society, including the speeding up of the naturalization process and increasing of possibilities to acquire the state language, as well as the economic development, and the co-ordination of the legislation.

Chas reports that although the program is approved, there is no money in the state budget for implementing it. Diena, Neatkariga

On Saturday deputies of the Moscow City Council organized a rally at the Latvian Embassy in Moscow, in which Jury Luzhkov, Mayor of Moscow, gave a speech. According to Luzhkov, Russian-speaking population of Latvia has become "slaves - they cannot have private property, they are forbidden to do business, they cannot be elected in state offices, they do not have the same social rights as citizens." The Mayor of Moscow said that he had discussed with Acting Prime Minister of Russia Sergey Kirijenko the implementation of economic sanctions against Latvia and Estonia.

On Saturday deputies of the Moscow City Council organized a rally at the Latvian Embassy in Moscow, in which Jury Luzhkov, Mayor of Moscow, gave a speech. According to Luzhkov, Russian-speaking population of Latvia has become "slaves - they cannot have private property, they are forbidden to do business, they cannot be elected in state offices, they do not have the same social rights as citizens." The Mayor of Moscow said that he had discussed with Acting Prime Minister of Russia Sergey Kirijenko the implementation of economic sanctions against Latvia and Estonia. Diena, Neatkariga

Last week several journalists from the Russian TV companies visited Latvia to make programs about Latvia, to meet with the Latvian journalists and officials. According to journalists, the national conflict in Latvia exists among older people, while young people support the integration process.

Last week several journalists from the Russian TV companies visited Latvia to make programs about Latvia, to meet with the Latvian journalists and officials. According to journalists, the national conflict in Latvia exists among older people, while young people support the integration process. Diena

In SM Alexander Rylov, Head of the Consular Section of the Russian Embassy in Latvia, answers the readers' questions about the travelling to Russia.

In SM Alexander Rylov, Head of the Consular Section of the Russian Embassy in Latvia, answers the readers' questions about the travelling to Russia. SM

The movement "Lidztiesiba" organizes a rally on 31 March to advocate the prolongation of the validity term of the former USSR passports, the freedom of locomotion, and the solution of the non-citizen problems.

The movement "Lidztiesiba" organizes a rally on 31 March to advocate the prolongation of the validity term of the former USSR passports, the freedom of locomotion, and the solution of the non-citizen problems. SM

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