maijs 6, 1998


Press Review

Yesterday the government accepted amendments to the Law on Citizenship granting Latvian citizenship to children of non-citizens that are born in independent Latvia if the child’s parents had requested it. Citizenship shall be granted to children without any preconditions - language, education or any other demands as it was suggested by the OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel. By accepting these recommendations, the government has fulfilled its promise to make amendments to the Law on Citizenship corresponding to OSCE recommendations.

Yesterday the government accepted amendments to the Law on Citizenship granting Latvian citizenship to children of non-citizens that are born in independent Latvia if the childs parents had requested it. Citizenship shall be granted to children without any preconditions - language, education or any other demands as it was suggested by the OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel. By accepting these recommendations, the government has fulfilled its promise to make amendments to the Law on Citizenship corresponding to OSCE recommendations. Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna Avize, SM, Bizness & Baltiya, Chas

The Chairman of

The Chairman of DP Saimnieks announced to the press that he had asked to summon an extraordinary party congress to elect a new party chairman. He had decided to resign from this post and as well from running for the post of the Prime Minister. He did not name any concrete reasons for this decision. Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna Avize, SM, Bizness & Baltiya

To achieve public integration, Latvia should become a multinational state. Such a historical model already existed in Latvia before WW II, and it does not mean assimilation of minorities but a union on common values. Therefore it is necessary to find such common values. These were the main ideas voiced on Monday and Tuesday at a conference “on the Road to an united society in Europe. The conference was organise by Latvian Foreign Policy Institute and the Delegation of EU in Latvia.

To achieve public integration, Latvia should become a multinational state. Such a historical model already existed in Latvia before WW II, and it does not mean assimilation of minorities but a union on common values. Therefore it is necessary to find such common values. These were the main ideas voiced on Monday and Tuesday at a conference on the Road to an united society in Europe. The conference was organise by Latvian Foreign Policy Institute and the Delegation of EU in Latvia. Diena, Bizness & Baltiya

GB Secretary of Foreign Affairs R.Cook as a representative of the Chairman-in-office state will have a telephone conversation with Foreign Affairs Ministers of Latvia and Russia this week. They will discuss Russia - Latvian relations. Nevertheless, EU does not plan to pass a declaration condemning Russia for imposing economic sanctions against Latvia.

GB Secretary of Foreign Affairs R.Cook as a representative of the Chairman-in-office state will have a telephone conversation with Foreign Affairs Ministers of Latvia and Russia this week. They will discuss Russia - Latvian relations. Nevertheless, EU does not plan to pass a declaration condemning Russia for imposing economic sanctions against Latvia. Diena

Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has reacted with in indignation to the explosion at Dobele Common graveyard. Latvian Ambassador to Russia I. Daudiss was summoned to the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and demanded that the damages should be repaired and the persons guilty - punished. Latvian party promised that all the damages would be repaired till May 9. Russia party considers that all the explosions, that have taken place lately, were links of one chain.

Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has reacted with in indignation to the explosion at Dobele Common graveyard. Latvian Ambassador to Russia I. Daudiss was summoned to the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and demanded that the damages should be repaired and the persons guilty - punished. Latvian party promised that all the damages would be repaired till May 9. Russia party considers that all the explosions, that have taken place lately, were links of one chain. Neatkariga, Rita Zinas, Chas, Diena

Estonian Minister of Foreign Affairs T.H.Ilvess announced yesterday at the EU Foreign Ministers Committee meeting that Latvia observed European human rights norms.

Jauna Avize

The newspaper

Rita Zinas analyses the situation with Russian economic sanctions against Latvia as a counter reaction to the human rights violations of Russian speaking population in Latvia and founds this statement just pure populism because the real reason is interests of Russian oil exporting companies.

maijs 5, 1998

Press Review

The Juridical Commission of the they were supported amendments to the Law on Citizenship anticipating annulment of “window” mechanism and granting rights to receive Latvian citizenship to children born in Latvia after restoration of its independence. The first reading of the draft law could take place in the Saeima next week.

The Juridical Commission of the they were supported amendments to the Law on Citizenship anticipating annulment of window mechanism and granting rights to receive Latvian citizenship to children born in Latvia after restoration of its independence. The first reading of the draft law could take place in the Saeima next week. Neatkariga, Rita Zinas

Latvian Prime Minister G.Krasts has invited the former Prime Minister of Estonia M.Lar to visit Latvia. He wants to to learn Estonian experience how to solve a situations of tense relations with Russia. M.Lar was Estonian Prime Minister in 1993 when Estonia decided to take over Russia military objects on its territory.

Latvian Prime Minister G.Krasts has invited the former Prime Minister of Estonia M.Lar to visit Latvia. He wants to to learn Estonian experience how to solve a situations of tense relations with Russia. M.Lar was Estonian Prime Minister in 1993 when Estonia decided to take over Russia military objects on its territory. Neatkariga

The Committee of the Cabinet of Ministers has adopted amendments to the CM Regulations on the status of an unemployed person annulling the illogical norm that a person, having no document certifying his state language knowledge, may not receive the status of an unemployed person and receive state allowance.

Neatkariga, Diena Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs met with his French colleague I.Verdin. Among other topics, they discussed also Latvian - Russian relations and came to the conclusion that economical pressure of Russia against Latvia was not a mean to solve problems.

Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs met with his French colleague I.Verdin. Among other topics, they discussed also Latvian - Russian relations and came to the conclusion that economical pressure of Russia against Latvia was not a mean to solve problems. Neatkariga, Jauna Avize, Rita Zinas, Chas

At a conference on public integration that took place on Monday, Latvian State President G.Ulmanis proposed to start working out a new constitution of Latvia. He did not specify what amendments should be maded to the existing constitution, just stated that many processes had taken place and it did not correspond to the current situation. G.Ulmanis considered that this new constitution could be elaborated during the next Saeima.

At a conference on public integration that took place on Monday, Latvian State President G.Ulmanis proposed to start working out a new constitution of Latvia. He did not specify what amendments should be maded to the existing constitution, just stated that many processes had taken place and it did not correspond to the current situation. G.Ulmanis considered that this new constitution could be elaborated during the next Saeima. Diena, Bizness & Baltiya

Diena publishes an article of US State Secretary M.Albright where she criticises US Senate for its indecisiveness when taking about expanding NATO to Central European countries. Opponents of this decision always concentrate their attention on Russias negative reaction to it, but there are about 20 countries in Central Europe and most of them did not even have common borders with Russia. Opponents automatically assume that Russia will always feel endangered and humiliated by the intention of its former satellite states to follow their own way. They think that neighbours of Russia have to put aside their legitimate rights for some uncertain time let Russia and the USA could get on well. These assumptions are dangerous. If we want Russia to finish its perestroika and become a modern European super power, it should be the last thing for us to act like Central Europe is still a zone of Russian influence. Diena

The Prime Minister G.Krasts has received a letter from OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel concerning amendments to the Law on Citizenship. When journalists, wanted to get more information about this letter, the answer was that the letter would be made public when ministers considered it.

The Prime Minister G.Krasts has received a letter from OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel concerning amendments to the Law on Citizenship. When journalists, wanted to get more information about this letter, the answer was that the letter would be made public when ministers considered it. Rita Avize, Jauna Avize, Chas, Bizness & Baltiya, Panorama Latvii

On Sunday night an explosion occurred in the Common Graveyard in Dobele. The explosion damaged the monument of WW II soldiers. Police started to investigate it immediately but did not connect this event to the previous explosions in Riga. They suspect a group of hooligans.

On Sunday night an explosion occurred in the Common Graveyard in Dobele. The explosion damaged the monument of WW II soldiers. Police started to investigate it immediately but did not connect this event to the previous explosions in Riga. They suspect a group of hooligans. Jauna Avize, Chas, SM

“Russia will not give in an inch,” said Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Y. Primakov in Strasbourg when speaking on observing rights of Russian speaking population in Latvia. Russia would demand that all norms discriminating this part of Latvian population should be annulled.

Russia will not give in an inch, said Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Y. Primakov in Strasbourg when speaking on observing rights of Russian speaking population in Latvia. Russia would demand that all norms discriminating this part of Latvian population should be annulled. SM, Panorama Latvii

maijs 2, 1998

Press Review

Fifty eight Saeima deputies voted for the government of G.Krasts on May 1. The rest of the deputies did not vote. The faction of the DP Saimnieks doubted legality of the meeting and would ask the Satversme Court to examine it because the Prime Minister had asked for a simultaneous vote for the current and four newly invited members of the government. The Chairman of

Fifty eight Saeima deputies voted for the government of G.Krasts on May 1. The rest of the deputies did not vote. The faction of the DP Saimnieks doubted legality of the meeting and would ask the Satversme Court to examine it because the Prime Minister had asked for a simultaneous vote for the current and four newly invited members of the government. The Chairman of Latvijas Cels A.Pantelejevs announced that the party had voted for the government in advance. Should there be a slightest deviation from the promises given in the additional agreement, LC held the right to act differently. Diena

Very often in Latvian press, especially when writing about violations of the law, the nationality of persons detained or suspected is mentioned. Lately they also mention citizenship. The worst situation is with Romany people. Their nationality has been mentioned even when there are some other persons involved, bet nothing has been said about their nationality. Representatives of Latvian Romany people and National Human Rights Office find this kind of action discriminating and creating prejudices towards the totality of this nation.

Very often in Latvian press, especially when writing about violations of the law, the nationality of persons detained or suspected is mentioned. Lately they also mention citizenship. The worst situation is with Romany people. Their nationality has been mentioned even when there are some other persons involved, bet nothing has been said about their nationality. Representatives of Latvian Romany people and National Human Rights Office find this kind of action discriminating and creating prejudices towards the totality of this nation. Die- na, Lauku Avize, Neatkariga, SM, Chas, Panorama Latvii

Deputies of PACE Supervision Commission are not going to write a report on the human rights situation in Latvia because they plan to return here and examine the it more carefully. They found the vote of confidence for the government very important because it would confirm intention of Latvia to fulfil the recommendations of international organisations. PACE deputy from GB Terry Davis said that their visit did not mean an exam for Latvia. They just listened to reproaches, discussed them with the government and then listened to the other party once again. The discussion would no be finished this week.

Deputies of PACE Supervision Commission are not going to write a report on the human rights situation in Latvia because they plan to return here and examine the it more carefully. They found the vote of confidence for the government very important because it would confirm intention of Latvia to fulfil the recommendations of international organisations. PACE deputy from GB Terry Davis said that their visit did not mean an exam for Latvia. They just listened to reproaches, discussed them with the government and then listened to the other party once again. The discussion would no be finished this week. Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna Avize,

Latvian Human Rights Committee have collected data on complains of Latvias residents during the period of time from December 1992 till April 1998. The total number was 18 143. The majority of them - 5382 were about refusal to be registered in the Resident Register.


Panorama Latvii informs about reconstruction of the Victory Monument that had been damaged in an explosion and about the planned rally of Red Army veterans on May 9.

aprīlis 28, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

Yesterday government forming factions started to co-ordinate their proposals for the coalition agreement. It was decided not to alter the agreement, instead it will be supplemented with an additional protocol outlining the tasks of the government. It is planned to sign the additional protocol on Wednesday. Prime Minister named the candidates for the vacant ministerial offices - Laimonis Strujevics (

Yesterday government forming factions started to co-ordinate their proposals for the coalition agreement. It was decided not to alter the agreement, instead it will be supplemented with an additional protocol outlining the tasks of the government. It is planned to sign the additional protocol on Wednesday. Prime Minister named the candidates for the vacant ministerial offices - Laimonis Strujevics ( Latvian Farmers' Union) for the post of the Minister of Economics, Andrejs Krastins( Latvian Reform Party/Green Party) - Minister of the Interior, Janis Gaigals (Latvijas Cels) - Minister of Education and Science, Janis Bunkss - State Minister of Municipalities. As informed, on Thursday the Saeima will take a vote of no-confidence for the Krasts' government. Diena, B&B

Upon departure for Italy the State President Guntis Ulmanis expressed the belief in a positive outcome for the Krasts' government in the Saeima's voting on Thursday.

Upon departure for Italy the State President Guntis Ulmanis expressed the belief in a positive outcome for the Krasts' government in the Saeima's voting on Thursday. Diena

Yesterday the Legal Commission of the Saeima considered two versions of amendments to the Satversme presented by the

Yesterday the Legal Commission of the Saeima considered two versions of amendments to the Satversme presented by the Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK and the special Saeima commission, and decided to prepare an alternative draft in which the proposals of both versions will be taken into account. For example, the alternative project might included the proposal of the Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK to provide for the Latvian language as the state language in the general part of the Satversme. Diena

In an interview for a Polish newspaper the Estonian President Lenard Meri said that Estonia may introduce the visa regime with Latvia and Lithuania, if the European Union sets it as a requirement for the EU membership.

In an interview for a Polish newspaper the Estonian President Lenard Meri said that Estonia may introduce the visa regime with Latvia and Lithuania, if the European Union sets it as a requirement for the EU membership. Jauna Avize

Panorama Latvii publishes answers of Genady Zaitsev, Consul of the Ukrainian Embassy in Latvia, to the readers' questions about the travelling to the Ukraine and the issues related with the Ukrainian citizenship. Panorama Latvii

Draft Criminal Code was submitted to the Saeima by the Saeima Commission on Defence and the Interior Affairs for the third (final) reading. Despite the recent discussions about the elimination of the death penalty, the new Criminal Code will contain this type of punishment.

Draft Criminal Code was submitted to the Saeima by the Saeima Commission on Defence and the Interior Affairs for the third (final) reading. Despite the recent discussions about the elimination of the death penalty, the new Criminal Code will contain this type of punishment. Neatkariga

SM publishes an article about the conference of representatives of the schools with Russian as the language of instruction in which the participants expressed their opinion on transition to the education in the state language. Participants discussed how the implementation of the education program will socially and psychologically affect children whose native language is Russian.

SM publishes an article about the conference of representatives of the schools with Russian as the language of instruction in which the participants expressed their opinion on transition to the education in the state language. Participants discussed how the implementation of the education program will socially and psychologically affect children whose native language is Russian. SM

aprīlis 27, 1998

Press Review

On Friday a group of people took part in a picket at the European Commission Delegation to Latvia to express their protest against any changes in the Citizenship Law that would soften requirements for citizenship. Participants of the picket also went to the OSCE Mission to Latvia where they were met by the Deputy Head of Mission Falk Lange who received the resolutions of the picket and promised to provide an answer. In a talk with

On Friday a group of people took part in a picket at the European Commission Delegation to Latvia to express their protest against any changes in the Citizenship Law that would soften requirements for citizenship. Participants of the picket also went to the OSCE Mission to Latvia where they were met by the Deputy Head of Mission Falk Lange who received the resolutions of the picket and promised to provide an answer. In a talk with Jauna Avize, Mr. Lange refused to comment on the handed resolutions, and noted that this would not be the right place where to protest against the amendments to the Citizenship Law." Jauna Avize

On Friday representatives of the business organizations met with officials of the Welfare Ministry, Ministry of Economics and Ministry of Regional Development to discuss the economic situation in the country. Business representatives noted that until now, two months after the beginning of disagreements between Latvia and Russia, ministries only have tried to define the amount of the economic sanctions, and nothing really has been done. The business representatives will ask the government to do everything to improve the internal situation in the country and to ensure the stable environment for the businesses.

On Friday representatives of the business organizations met with officials of the Welfare Ministry, Ministry of Economics and Ministry of Regional Development to discuss the economic situation in the country. Business representatives noted that until now, two months after the beginning of disagreements between Latvia and Russia, ministries only have tried to define the amount of the economic sanctions, and nothing really has been done. The business representatives will ask the government to do everything to improve the internal situation in the country and to ensure the stable environment for the businesses. Diena

On Saturday the Council of the

On Saturday the Council of the Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK party decided to support the submission of the amendments to the Citizenship adopted by the Cabinet of Ministers, to the Saeima Committees. The Council also decided that any amendments providing for the speeding up of the naturalization process can come into affect only one year after their adoption. After the meeting the Prime Minister Guntars Krasts said that he would propose to the government to create a new office - State Minister on Social Integration - in order to form a clear understanding about the integration process. Diena

At the meeting last Wednesday representatives of the Nationality Council decided within 10 days to prepare their own proposals for the social integration program and to submit them to the governmental work group and the State President.

At the meeting last Wednesday representatives of the Nationality Council decided within 10 days to prepare their own proposals for the social integration program and to submit them to the governmental work group and the State President. Diena


The Latvijas Cels has nominated its candidates for the vacant offices of the Minister of the Interior, Minister of Science and Education, and the State Minister on Municipalities. The Latvijas Cels will also ask the Prime Minister to restore the post of the State Minister on Forestry. Neatkariga

Panorama Latvii publishes an interview with the deputy of the Russian Duma (Parliament) Vladimir Nikitin in which he stresses that Russia does not ask from Latvia anything extraordinary, just to implement the requirements of the international experts. Panorama Latvii

An association of schools with Russian as the language of instruction was founded in Riga on Saturday. The participants of the founding conference passed a resolution to be submitted to the OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel, the Council of the Baltic Sea, and the Russian government, in which they ask the international experts evaluate the Draft Education Law.

An association of schools with Russian as the language of instruction was founded in Riga on Saturday. The participants of the founding conference passed a resolution to be submitted to the OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel, the Council of the Baltic Sea, and the Russian government, in which they ask the international experts evaluate the Draft Education Law. Neatkariga

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