maijs 18, 1998

Press Report

State President G.Ulmanis acknowledged to the press agency

State President G.Ulmanis acknowledged to the press agency BNS that Russia pressure concerning Latvian citizenship had decreased lately. The President thought that the non-citizen issue was also being solved due to inner necessity, not only due to foreign pressure. He found the announcement of B.Yeltsin on a possible meeting with G.Ulmanis a wish to form better relations. Neatkariga, Diena, Rita Zinas, Bizness & Baltiya

Latvian and Byelorussian Prime Ministers met in Daugavpils. (

Latvian and Byelorussian Prime Ministers met in Daugavpils. (Neatkariga 98.05.16) During this meeting they signed several important documents - on co-operation to fight organised crime, co-operation in customs, principles of co-operation, etc. Diena, Jauna Avize

Continuing the series of articles on revival of Russian nationalism,

Continuing the series of articles on revival of Russian nationalism, Diena publishes an article analysing a national radical organisation Russian National Union led by 20 year old Yevgeniy Osipov. It was established, as its leader explained, because Russian people could not longer stay quit observing as Russians were killed morally and mentally. Similar organisation have been founded also in Estonia, Ukraine, and Byelorussia. Diena

Press Secretary of B.Yeltsin S.Yastrzhemsky announced at a press briefing in Birmingham on Saturday that a meting of Russian and Latvian presidents was possible only on the grounds of Latvian request. He stressed that was difficult to expect any progress in Russian - Latvian relations if there were no changes in Latvian legislation concerning citizenship. Press Secretary of G.Ulmanis said that Latvian President was expecting any explanatory information from Moscow.

Press Secretary of B.Yeltsin S.Yastrzhemsky announced at a press briefing in Birmingham on Saturday that a meting of Russian and Latvian presidents was possible only on the grounds of Latvian request. He stressed that was difficult to expect any progress in Russian - Latvian relations if there were no changes in Latvian legislation concerning citizenship. Press Secretary of G.Ulmanis said that Latvian President was expecting any explanatory information from Moscow. Jauna Avize

SM publishes comments of N.Kabanov on the appeal Russian intelligence in Latvia to become naturalised in order to gain political influence. He is quite negative about it and give his argumentation (e.g. Latvians understand integration as integration under one language). According to Mr. Kabanov Russian people just elementary do not want to bend down. He writes about his own experience of Naturalisation process because his grandfather was a Latvian). And one more important aspect is that the credit of confidence of Russian people towards the state is almost on zero level.

SM publishes comments of N.Kabanov on the appeal Russian intelligence in Latvia to become naturalised in order to gain political influence. He is quite negative about it and give his argumentation (e.g. Latvians understand integration as integration under one language). According to Mr. Kabanov Russian people just elementary do not want to bend down. He writes about his own experience of Naturalisation process because his grandfather was a Latvian). And one more important aspect is that the credit of confidence of Russian people towards the state is almost on zero level. SM.

Last weekend a conference “The Baltic Region in the new system of geopolitical co-ordinates” took place in Novgorod.

Last weekend a conference The Baltic Region in the new system of geopolitical co-ordinates took place in Novgorod. Panorama Latvii correspondent interviewed two Latvian representatives: Riga City Council Deputy Boris Celevichs and the Saeima Deputy Yuris Vidins. B.Celevichs thinks that Russian position on the situation of Russian speakers in Latvia is rather contradictory. It is strict and aggressive towards the Latvian government and sometimes also the Latvian nation, and it does not favour a dialogue. But in genera, this Russian position is the major factor that this issue is being discussed and started to be solved. But in general, there was much body movements and little sense. Y.Vidins had not noticed any pressure from Russia, but was a serious one from the West. And Vidins reminds the recent population request. According to its data, 70 % of Russian speaking population would stay aside of even side Russia in a case of a military conflict between Russia and Latvia. How dangerous the situation could be if we start persuade these people to become Latvian citizens. It is clear what they will vote for. Panorama Latvii

maijs 16, 1998

Press Review

During the meeting of G-8 countries in Birmingham, Russian President B.Yeltsin announced that he would meet Latvian President G.Ulmanis. G.Ulmanis finds this wish of Russian President to start a political dialogue between those two countries very positive.

During the meeting of G-8 countries in Birmingham, Russian President B.Yeltsin announced that he would meet Latvian President G.Ulmanis. G.Ulmanis finds this wish of Russian President to start a political dialogue between those two countries very positive. Neatkariga, Diena, Jauna Avize, Panorama Latvii

Several newspapers write about a rally of neo-fascists that took place in Vermanis garden to protest against the law on education and use of the Latvian language as the language of instruction. About 1000 youngsters gathered there led by the local leader of National Bolsheviks K.Mihailyuk. Most popular slogans among these people were “Lenin is with us, Stalin is with us!” “Give citizenship, do not ask the language!” Among speakers there was also a person representing the leader of Russian National Bolsheviks Limonov. Among the present there were men in black shirts with red arm bands with a sickle and hammer in a white circle.

Several newspapers write about a rally of neo-fascists that took place in Vermanis garden to protest against the law on education and use of the Latvian language as the language of instruction. About 1000 youngsters gathered there led by the local leader of National Bolsheviks K.Mihailyuk. Most popular slogans among these people were Lenin is with us, Stalin is with us! Give citizenship, do not ask the language! Among speakers there was also a person representing the leader of Russian National Bolsheviks Limonov. Among the present there were men in black shirts with red arm bands with a sickle and hammer in a white circle. Rigas Balss, Lauku Avize


publishes an opinion of the student of Riga Secondary School No 34 Tengiz Popov on the latest events concerning the state language law in Latvia. He thinks that the rally of Russian speaking youth in Vermanis Garden against the Latvian language as the language of training in their schools is just the consequences of this normative act. You may not implement such things by pressure. It will just provoke students to further opposition. This opposition could even arise in Latvian orientated Russian schools. Tengiz himself has learned the language voluntarily. publishes an opinion of the student of Riga Secondary School No 34 Tengiz Popov on the latest events concerning the state language law in Latvia. He thinks that the rally of Russian speaking youth in Vermanis Garden against the Latvian language as the language of training in their schools is just the consequences of this normative act. You may not implement such things by pressure. It will just provoke students to further opposition. This opposition could even arise in “Latvian orientated” Russian schools. Tengiz himself has learned the language voluntarily. CE experts passed a declaration yesterday where they joined the opinion of the State President G.Ulmanis and the Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs regretting that the Saeima had decided not to annul the capital penalty in Latvia. It is said in the declaration that this decision opposed the common tendency in Europe to annul this penalty.

CE experts passed a declaration yesterday where they joined the opinion of the State President G.Ulmanis and the Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs regretting that the Saeima had decided not to annul the capital penalty in Latvia. It is said in the declaration that this decision opposed the common tendency in Europe to annul this penalty. Neatkariga, Diena 98.05.18, Jauna Avize 98.05.18

The working group has prepared a report on the national program for furthering public integration project. It is to be discussed by all ministers represented in the working group. The program has to be elaborate till June 30. In the report, there is information on the things done: sittings of the working group, meetings with foreign diplomats, studying of foreign experience, discussion of the first draft.

The working group has prepared a report on the national program for furthering public integration project. It is to be discussed by all ministers represented in the working group. The program has to be elaborate till June 30. In the report, there is information on the things done: sittings of the working group, meetings with foreign diplomats, studying of foreign experience, discussion of the first draft. Neatkariga

Diena comments on the open letter to Russian speakers of Latvia, published in Russian newspapers on Friday, to naturalise in order to gain political influence in Latvia. Politicians, questioned by

Diena comments on the open letter to Russian speakers of Latvia, published in Russian newspapers on Friday, to naturalise in order to gain political influence in Latvia. Politicians, questioned by Diena, were positive about his address. This announcement is an evidence to the change of tactics because there were former appeals to become citizens of Russia or not to naturalise at all in order to press authorities to amend the Law on Citizenship. Positive is the trend that this is an invitation to a discussion because integration of non-Latvians into the civic society would further strengthening of the Latvian language, said Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK Deputy Chairman J.Dobelis. The Chairman of Latvijas Cels A.Pantelejevs also had a positive opinion on this letter. The Managing Director of Soros Foundation Latvia V.Terauda informed Diena that this announcement is a beginning of a large scale project aiming to inform non-citizens with rights to be naturalised. The project would cost about 80 000 USD, half of this sum would come from the Foundation, the rest - from Norwegian and Swedish governments. Diena

Panorama Latvii organises a telephone action on this appeal to become naturalised to get political influence on Sunday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Last weekend there was a conference “Baltic states on their road to EU” organised by K.Adenauer Foundation in Berlin. Among other issues, they also discussed Latvian - Russian relations, and EU was criticised for lack of strict reaction. Latvian representatives stated that Latvia needed a clear signal that it belonged to EU, and lack of strict reaction would encourage Russia to continue with its policy of threats. EU representatives did not agree that Latvia had been left alone - EU opinion had been voiced through diplomatic channels. A representative of Russia Ministry of Foreign Affairs A.Trofimov found this worsening of relations to be a logical result to the policy of Latvian government towards Russian speakers. He advised to open Naturalisation windows, grant citizenship to children of non-citizens born in Latvia, ease demands of Latvian and history knowledge test for applicants. H.Horstman pointed out that it was not Russia’s task to improve unilaterally OSCE recommendations on citizenship issue, and no country that is not a member of this organisation was given a right to vote on NATO expansion. When discussing the perspective of Latvian - Russian relations, H.Hoftman stressed that close co-operation of the Baltic states would make this region more attractive to EU, the USA and Russia. For the last he suggested to form its economic interests more clearly because 40% of all Russian foreign trade is with EU and most of it goes through the ports of the Baltic states.

Last weekend there was a conference Baltic states on their road to EU organised by K.Adenauer Foundation in Berlin. Among other issues, they also discussed Latvian - Russian relations, and EU was criticised for lack of strict reaction. Latvian representatives stated that Latvia needed a clear signal that it belonged to EU, and lack of strict reaction would encourage Russia to continue with its policy of threats. EU representatives did not agree that Latvia had been left alone - EU opinion had been voiced through diplomatic channels. A representative of Russia Ministry of Foreign Affairs A.Trofimov found this worsening of relations to be a logical result to the policy of Latvian government towards Russian speakers. He advised to open Naturalisation windows, grant citizenship to children of non-citizens born in Latvia, ease demands of Latvian and history knowledge test for applicants. H.Horstman pointed out that it was not Russias task to improve unilaterally OSCE recommendations on citizenship issue, and no country that is not a member of this organisation was given a right to vote on NATO expansion. When discussing the perspective of Latvian - Russian relations, H.Hoftman stressed that close co-operation of the Baltic states would make this region more attractive to EU, the USA and Russia. For the last he suggested to form its economic interests more clearly because 40% of all Russian foreign trade is with EU and most of it goes through the ports of the Baltic states. Diena


writes about a press conference given by one of the most respected Russian artist in Latvia Yuriy Fateyev. On May 13 he received a decree saying that he should leave Latvia during 7 days. His problems started when DCMA Jurmala office retroactively annulled his permanent residence stamp in his passport ( put there by the very office in 1993) and found him to be a Russian citizen illegally residing in Latvia. But according to a certificate issued by the Russia Embassy in Riga it is stated that Fateyev is not a Russian citizen. The artist plans to bring this case to the court. SM

maijs 15, 1998

Press Report

Some 400-500 people participated in a rally organized by the youth group of the Socialist Party of Latvia to protest against the draft Education law. Participants were holding posters demanding protection and the official status of the Russian language. At the end of the meeting they adopted a resolution addressed to the State President, Speaker of the Saeima, and Prime Minister, calling for the observance of the rights of national minorities to education in the native language. The task of the rally to show that young people are not indifferent toward the politics, was achieved.

Some 400-500 people participated in a rally organized by the youth group of the Socialist Party of Latvia to protest against the draft Education law. Participants were holding posters demanding protection and the official status of the Russian language. At the end of the meeting they adopted a resolution addressed to the State President, Speaker of the Saeima, and Prime Minister, calling for the observance of the rights of national minorities to education in the native language. The task of the rally to show that young people are not indifferent toward the politics, was achieved. Diena, Chas

Yesterday representatives of

Yesterday representatives of People's Harmony Party, the Socialist Party of Latvia and the movement of Equality of Rights agreed to found a political union For Human Rights in United Latvia. Representatives agreed that the political union will be headed by three co-chairmen - Sergey Dimanis (Equality of Rights), Oleg Denisov (Socialist Party), and Janis Urbanovics (People's Harmony Party). In its activities the union will promote human rights, rights of national minorities, real social integration, social welfare of people. Diena, Panorama Latvii

B&B publishes an article about famous Russian contemporary painter residing in Latvia Juriy Fateev who has been denied the permanent residence permit by the Jurmala DCMA division. B&B

Yesterday Minister of the Interior Andrejs Krastins did not show up at the meeting of the Saeima Commission on Implementation of the Citizenship Law. It was planned to discuss the issues related with the issuance of passports, since the DCMA still has not received the promised 250,000 Lats for the speeding up the issuance of non-citizen passports. The Commission decided to ask the Prime Minister to ensure the attendance of the further meetings by the Minister of the Interior.

Yesterday Minister of the Interior Andrejs Krastins did not show up at the meeting of the Saeima Commission on Implementation of the Citizenship Law. It was planned to discuss the issues related with the issuance of passports, since the DCMA still has not received the promised 250,000 Lats for the speeding up the issuance of non-citizen passports. The Commission decided to ask the Prime Minister to ensure the attendance of the further meetings by the Minister of the Interior. Diena

Answering to the question of the movement

Answering to the question of the movement For Latvia deputies about the Russian military persons who have not left Latvia, Minister of Defence Talavs Jundzis said that 22,360 military persons had to leave the territory of Latvia. 799 of them had rights to permanent residency in Latvia, and 166 have not legalized their status. According to the Russian side, there are 5 military persons still residing in Latvia who should leave the territory of Latvia. Neatkariga

All Russian newspapers (

All Russian newspapers (Diena, Panorama Latvii, B&B, Chas) publish an open letter signed by several publicly active persons (representatives of national minority groups and educational sphere, journalists) in which they urge those non-citizens who have rights to become citizens, do so in order to take an active part in all decision-making processes in Latvia.

maijs 14, 1998

Press Report

On Wednesday the Saeima decided to submit the amendments to the Citizenship law concerning the children born in the independent Latvia, to the standing committees for consideration.

On Wednesday the Saeima decided to submit the amendments to the Citizenship law concerning the children born in the independent Latvia, to the standing committees for consideration. Diena

At the press conference the CBSS Commissioner Ole Espersen emphasized the importance of adoption of the Citizenship Law amendments by the Saeima. Besides, the Labor Code and the Language law should be brought into conformity with the international standards.

At the press conference the CBSS Commissioner Ole Espersen emphasized the importance of adoption of the Citizenship Law amendments by the Saeima. Besides, the Labor Code and the Language law should be brought into conformity with the international standards. Diena, Neatkariga

Russian newspapers (

Russian newspapers (SM, B&B, Chas) pay more attention to the requirements set by the Russian government during the visit of Mr. Espersen to Moscow. Russia insists on removing the naturalization windows, granting citizenship to children of stateless persons, cancelling the history and language exams for naturalization, lifting bans for non-citizens to practice certain professions. Referring to the statements of three Baltic State Presidents about the economic and political pressure by Russia, Press Secretary of the Russian President Sergey Yastrzhembski said that Russias position remained the same, and Latvia should implement the recommendations of European experts connected with citizenship.

Panorama Latvii publishes an open letter of the Association Supporting Schools with Russian as the language of instruction, in which it warns the parents be careful with choosing schools with other language of instruction than the native one, since it will seriously affect psychological, social and educational development of children and will lead to the national-cultural assimilation.

Chaspublishes an excerpt from the interview withthe Latvian State President Guntis Ulmanis in the Russian newspaper IZVESTIYA in which the President states that citizenship is not a gift, it requires from the persons applying for it, to demonstrate his loyalty by acquiring the language, history, constitution and the anthem of the country.

Lauku Avize publishes an interview with Director of the National Human Rights Office Olafs Bruvers in which he states that there are no mass violation of human rights in Latvia. Still, there are spheres in which the rights of non-citizens are unjustifiably limited. For instance, non-citizens cannot work as private detectives and attorneys. Referring to the Language law provisions on the use of language in private companies, Olafs Bruvers expressed the opinion of the Nationa Human Rights Office that the private company should have the rights to choose the language of meetings. The translation into Latvian, however, should be provided if one of the employees ask for that. Lauku Avize

maijs 13, 1998

Press Report

Cabinet of Ministers adopted amendments to Regulations on Status of Unemployed Person providing that for receiving the status of unemployed a person will not need to present the state language knowledge certificate. The state language knowledge certificate will be necessary in a case when the unemployed person applies for the position which requires a certain level of the state language command.

Cabinet of Ministers adopted amendments to Regulations on Status of Unemployed Person providing that for receiving the status of unemployed a person will not need to present the state language knowledge certificate. The state language knowledge certificate will be necessary in a case when the unemployed person applies for the position which requires a certain level of the state language command. Diena

On Tuesday the Saeima Legal Affairs Commission approved the amendments to the Citizenship Law concerning the elimination of “naturalization windows” which were submitted by the government for consideration in the first reading.

On Tuesday the Saeima Legal Affairs Commission approved the amendments to the Citizenship Law concerning the elimination of naturalization windows which were submitted by the government for consideration in the first reading. Diena

National Human Rights Office thinks that Latvia should abolish the death penalty, since it contradicts with the rights to life.

National Human Rights Office thinks that Latvia should abolish the death penalty, since it contradicts with the rights to life. Diena

Diena(Russian version) publishes an article about Irma Tkeshelashvili who does not have a legal status in Latvia.

During the official visit in Norway Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs Valdis Birkavs told journalists that Latvia has implemented all the OSCE recommendations and "now Russians can ask for the Latvians citizenship." According to Valdis Birkavs, the problem is that Russians themselves are not eager to receive the citizenship, since it is related with undertaking of some obligations, for instance, the obligatory military service.

During the official visit in Norway Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs Valdis Birkavs told journalists that Latvia has implemented all the OSCE recommendations and "now Russians can ask for the Latvians citizenship." According to Valdis Birkavs, the problem is that Russians themselves are not eager to receive the citizenship, since it is related with undertaking of some obligations, for instance, the obligatory military service. Chas

According to a decree isued by the Prime Minister Guntars Krasts, a work group headed by the Head of the DCMA Ints Zitars will be formed for preparing a new form of Latvian citizen passports. The existing citizen passports do not comply with some technical requirements and can easily be counterfeited. It is planned to have a new sample of the citizen passport ready by 1 September.

According to a decree isued by the Prime Minister Guntars Krasts, a work group headed by the Head of the DCMA Ints Zitars will be formed for preparing a new form of Latvian citizen passports. The existing citizen passports do not comply with some technical requirements and can easily be counterfeited. It is planned to have a new sample of the citizen passport ready by 1 September. Chas

Chair of the Saeima Human Rights Commission Antons Seiksts told

Chair of the Saeima Human Rights Commission Antons Seiksts told SM that at this point the most important issue in discussion about the draft Language Law is a necessity to reduce the state influence on private sphere. Although at the meeting of the Commission on Wednesday deputies did not support proposals amending the particular provisions, Mr. Seiksts hopes that by August when, according the Chair of the Education Commission Dz.Abikis , the draft law will be submitted to the Saeima for the third reading, some progress will be made and the Language law will be in tact with the OSCE recommendations.

In an article for 

In an article forJauna Avize Dr.phil. Elmars Vebers states that the social integration is a gradual and long term process. One of its main prerequisites is changes in attitudes of non-Latvians toward the Latvian language. According to Mr. Vebers, school and the educational system, in general, will be the environment in which the integration would take a place.

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