marts 23, 1998

Press Review

Almost all newspapers in Latvia write about former KGB officer I.Mashonkin who was arrested and accused for genocide against the Latvian nation. The Russian Embassy have no claims for activities of Latvian law enforcement institutions but has expressed its opinion that, taking into consideration the age of this person, another security means could be used.

Almost all newspapers in Latvia write about former KGB officer I.Mashonkin who was arrested and accused for genocide against the Latvian nation. The Russian Embassy have no claims for activities of Latvian law enforcement institutions but has expressed its opinion that, taking into consideration the age of this person, another security means could be used.(Neatkariga 21.03) The Embassy of Russia to Latvia has expressed its support to this person and promised to provide the necessary juridical aid to set him free. (Svetdienas Zinas 21.03) Chas, Panorama Latvii. SM 21.03 informs that representatives of the Russian Embassy think this arrest could be performed due to political reasons.

Neatkariga 21.03

publishes an analytical article of Diana Berzina on kindling a national hatred. The events of the last two weeks have started a discussion on where the border between a personal opinion and intentional instigation to a national hatred. D.Berzina analyses severs cases of such publications (P.Lace, A.Voroncov and J.Rudevskis). More attention she pays to Rudesvkiss article because he was the only one against whom criminal proceedings were stared. publishes an analytical article of Diana Berzina on kindling a national hatred. The events of the last two weeks have started a discussion on where the border between a personal opinion and intentional instigation to a national hatred. D.Berzina analyses severs cases of such publications (P.Lace, A.Voroncov and J.Rudevskis). More attention she pays to Rudesvkis’s article because he was the only one against whom criminal proceedings were stared. EU representative Gunter Weiss warned Latvian pharmaceutists and politicians that Latvia’s joining EU would be problematic if they would stick to the opinion that only citizens might be owners of a pharmacy. But the EU representative was not informed that the Saeima had adopted amendments to the Pharmacy Law, among them also an article that both Latvian citizens and residents, holding alien’s passport and the neccessary education. might own a pharmacy.

EU representative Gunter Weiss warned Latvian pharmaceutists and politicians that Latvias joining EU would be problematic if they would stick to the opinion that only citizens might be owners of a pharmacy. But the EU representative was not informed that the Saeima had adopted amendments to the Pharmacy Law, among them also an article that both Latvian citizens and residents, holding aliens passport and the neccessary education. might own a pharmacy. Neatkariga, Rigas Balss 21.03. Lauku Avize describes how these amendments were adopted.

Minister of Defence and the leader of the Union of Christian Democrats Talavs Jundzis has made an announcement where he accuses Russia for mass importation colonists of strange mentality to Latvia. The Minister thought that Russia should apologise for the occupation and atrocities of occupants in Latvia. He accused Russia of doing nothing to help Latvia to reach the same standard of life as it was before the war.

Minister of Defence and the leader of the Union of Christian Democrats Talavs Jundzis has made an announcement where he accuses Russia for mass importation colonists of strange mentality to Latvia. The Minister thought that Russia should apologise for the occupation and atrocities of occupants in Latvia. He accused Russia of doing nothing to help Latvia to reach the same standard of life as it was before the war. SM 21.03.98; Rigas Balss 21.03

Panorama Latvii 21.03.

writes about the UNDP research program On the Road to a Civic Society. The author agrees that the intentions of this program are the best but has doubt about its results, e.g. the statement that 74% of non-citizens and 83% of citizens agreed to the statement that there were no differences between citizens and non-citizens. He also informs on the announcement made by the Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs that the Co-ordinating Council of ruling factions had made decision to form a working group consisting of six ministers. The main task of this group would be assisting to practical integration of non-citizens into Latvian society. The leader of this group was appointed the Deputy Prime Minister J.Kaksitis writes about the UNDP research program “On the Road to a Civic Society”. The author agrees that the intentions of this program are the best but has doubt about its results, e.g. the statement that 74% of non-citizens and 83% of citizens agreed to the statement that there were no differences between citizens and non-citizens. He also informs on the announcement made by the Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs that the Co-ordinating Council of ruling factions had made decision to form a working group consisting of six ministers. The main task of this group would be assisting to practical integration of non-citizens into Latvian society. The leader of this group was appointed the Deputy Prime Minister J.Kaksitis In

In SM 23.03 Boris Celevich comments on the fact of establishing such a group. He is not very optimistic, pointing out that it was a step forced by the EU documents published a week ago. These documents told Latvian ministers just the things people were protesting against in their demonstrations, e.g. on March 3.

Senior Counsellor of the Russian Embassy A.Rylov answered to SM correspondent’s questions on the situation with visas to Russia. Mr. Rylov informed that the Russian party submitted the draft of the new agreement on travelling between those two countries and it was planned to discuss it during the first part of this year, and the signing was planned at the end of the year. That would be a wider document because currently the valid Latvian - Russian agreement regulates travelling of citizens, not restricting travelling of non-citizens. During consulate consultations, both parties had agreed that for children under sixteen years of age holding citizenship of Latvia, family members of non-citizens visas to Russia would be drawn up without any invitation form. Being asked about the announcement of denouncing the Temporary Agreement, Mr Rylov explained that it was a surprise for Russian officials because the discussion was just about the regulations “On the procedure of travelling with violet passports of non-citizens and former USSR travel passports”.

Senior Counsellor of the Russian Embassy A.Rylov answered to SM correspondents questions on the situation with visas to Russia. Mr. Rylov informed that the Russian party submitted the draft of the new agreement on travelling between those two countries and it was planned to discuss it during the first part of this year, and the signing was planned at the end of the year. That would be a wider document because currently the valid Latvian - Russian agreement regulates travelling of citizens, not restricting travelling of non-citizens. During consulate consultations, both parties had agreed that for children under sixteen years of age holding citizenship of Latvia, family members of non-citizens visas to Russia would be drawn up without any invitation form. Being asked about the announcement of denouncing the Temporary Agreement, Mr Rylov explained that it was a surprise for Russian officials because the discussion was just about the regulations On the procedure of travelling with violet passports of non-citizens and former USSR travel passports. SM 23.03

Biznes I Baltiya 23.03

has acquired a document they can not guarantee its authenticity. It is a draft law of the Russian Federation On actions of the Russian Federation to prevent the violation of basic human rights and freedoms of citizens of the Russian Federation and Russian people in the Republic of Latvia. This is a description of economic sanctions Russia would impose on the Republic of Latvia. The newspaper says that, if these sanctions were be imposed, the Russian speaking population would receive the same support as in Checnya. has acquired a document they can not guarantee its authenticity. It is a draft law of the Russian Federation “On actions of the Russian Federation to prevent the violation of basic human rights and freedoms of citizens of the Russian Federation and Russian people in the Republic of Latvia”. This is a description of economic sanctions Russia would impose on the Republic of Latvia. The newspaper says that, if these sanctions were be imposed, the Russian speaking population would receive the same support as in Checnya. In

In Panorama Latvii 23.03 the Mayor of Daugavpils A.Vidauskis expresses his opinion that such sanctions would not be imposed.

Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly of has refused to further for consideration at a CEPA meeting the draft resolution “Latvian authorities violate basic human rights “ circulated by Russian delegates. Supervision Commission referents on Latvia are charged with an assignment to prepare a separate report whether the claims of Russia have any grounds. It is planned that referents Terry Davis (UK) and George Nemet (Hungary) will arrive to Latvia on June 15. It is a previously scheduled visit and has nothing in common with Russian reproaches.

Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly of has refused to further for consideration at a CEPA meeting the draft resolution Latvian authorities violate basic human rights circulated by Russian delegates. Supervision Commission referents on Latvia are charged with an assignment to prepare a separate report whether the claims of Russia have any grounds. It is planned that referents Terry Davis (UK) and George Nemet (Hungary) will arrive to Latvia on June 15. It is a previously scheduled visit and has nothing in common with Russian reproaches. Diena 23.03

Jauna Partija (The New Party) has expressed its support to the changes to the Law on Citizenship. The board of the Party said that the country had reached the dangerous border behind which the foreign policy cul-de-sack was seen. The party considers that the window system has become an obstacle in the process of Naturalisation and granting citizenship to children born after 1991 is supported by the majority of the society. Changes in the Law on Citizenship are necessary to speed up integration of Latvia into EU and would be a stimulus for starting a constructive dialogue with Russia.

Diena 21.03

To find out whether law enforcement institutions are reacting on an adequate level to the rather aggressive campaign against Latvia, the faction

Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK planed to meet with the Satversme Defence Office director L.Kamaldins, said the Chairman of the faction M.Grinblats. To his opinion underestimated were those publications in Russian speaking press that were directed against the Latvian nation and its language as the state language. During this discussion the faction would like to find out the co-operation among security services responsible for those issues. Diena, Chas, SM 23.03

marts 13, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

“Integration of non-citizens is the main and irrevocable precondition for Latvia to be accepted to EU.” This is the opinion of the European Parliament concerning candidate states to EU. “Therefore EU has to include in the short term priority list for Latvia reconsideration of its Naturalisation procedures.” EP adopted this document in Strasbourg on Wednesday. Till the end of March, when the EU expansion process is officially opened, the Council of EU has to adopt the pre-admission priorities prepared by the European Commission. At the same time every candidate state has to prepare and submit to EU till March 30 their national legislation harmonisation program.

Integration of non-citizens is the main and irrevocable precondition for Latvia to be accepted to EU. This is the opinion of the European Parliament concerning candidate states to EU. Therefore EU has to include in the short term priority list for Latvia reconsideration of its Naturalisation procedures. EP adopted this document in Strasbourg on Wednesday. Till the end of March, when the EU expansion process is officially opened, the Council of EU has to adopt the pre-admission priorities prepared by the European Commission. At the same time every candidate state has to prepare and submit to EU till March 30 their national legislation harmonisation program. Diena 13.03.98

G.Tarasov, a representative of Russian MFA announced that Moscow did not support the intention of Latvian MFA Birkavs to visit the capital of Russia because it was doubtful that this visit could add anything new to the relations between these two countries.

G.Tarasov, a representative of Russian MFA announced that Moscow did not support the intention of Latvian MFA Birkavs to visit the capital of Russia because it was doubtful that this visit could add anything new to the relations between these two countries.

As we understand, the Latvian party has proposed to discuss the event of March 3 and future economic co-operation. We think that these topics are outside the basic problem - generally unfair situation of Russian speaking population, and we consider that V.Birkavss visit would give little result in such a situation. Moscow is waiting not for discussion and promises, but real steps made to harmonise Latvian legislation with international human rights standards, Said G.Tarasov. “As we understand, the Latvian party has proposed to discuss the event of March 3 and future economic co-operation. We think that these topics are outside the basic problem - generally unfair situation of Russian speaking population, and we consider that V.Birkavs’s visit would give little result in such a situation. Moscow is waiting not for discussion and promises, but real steps made to harmonise Latvian legislation with international human rights standards,” Said G.Tarasov. Neatkariga, Diena, Bizness I BaltiyaNeatkariga, Diena, Bizness I Baltiya

SM interviewed Deputy Director of the Department of MFA of Russia Valery Nestryushkin. Russia not only did not change its attitude to the happening in Latvia, but it is possible that it would be forced to harden its position because new and new details come up, causing deep concern in Russia. Russian diplomat stressed that Russia had no intention to change its attitude.

Latvian MFA expressed its regret on Russia’s not willingness to have an open dialogue with Latvia. Great Britain, the current presiding state of EU, has spread an announcement that confrontation oriented announcements and threat would not encourage integration process in Latvia. Press secretary of Latvian MFA A.Pildegovics told

Latvian MFA expressed its regret on Russias not willingness to have an open dialogue with Latvia. Great Britain, the current presiding state of EU, has spread an announcement that confrontation oriented announcements and threat would not encourage integration process in Latvia. Press secretary of Latvian MFA A.Pildegovics told Diena that Moscows refusal to this visit was one more evidence that Russia was not interested in an open dialogue to find out the real facts about the things happened and situation in Latvia. Latvia has also received an answer to its note with the explanation of Russias position concerning the events of March 3. In this answer Russia just repeated its acquisitions and voided its opinion that the comments and the reaction had been adequate. A.Pildegovics also said that the statement circulated by several Russian agencies did not correspond to the truth that OSCE at its Council meeting planned to examine Riga events upon a request made by Russia. OSCE Mission Head had stated that the event should be considered from the point of view of public order because one of the major thoroughfares of Riga had been blocked. He also stated that those events should not be over dramatised. The only OSCE member countries disagreeing to this opinion were Russia and Byelorussia.

OSCE pointed in its statement out that the participants of this events and also policemen had been both Latvians and Russians. It would help the integration process if the incident would be reflected properly.

OSCE pointed in its statement out that the participants of this events and also policemen had been both Latvians and Russians. It would help the integration process if the incident would be reflected properly. Diena

The Council of government forming factions has made a decision to postpone the consideration of the law on State language till conclusions of European experts would be received. Also US Ambassador L. Napper has asked to do so. Faction

The Council of government forming factions has made a decision to postpone the consideration of the law on State language till conclusions of European experts would be received. Also US Ambassador L. Napper has asked to do so. Faction Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK has voiced its anxiety about such an interference in the internal affairs of Latvia. Nevertheless, the faction agreed to postpone the consideration till March 26 when all conclusion would have been received. On Thursday, there was a picket of several dozens of people protesting against the new language law. Some of them demanded the Russian language to be give the status of the state language, others demanded to strengthen the Latvian language. Diena, Chas, Panorama Latvii

Diena publishes its correspondent in Brussels Kristine Plamses opinion about one aspect of integration of non-citizens in Latvia - granting Latvian citizenship to children born after 1991. She thinks that children born here could not be blamed for crimes committed during those 50 years of Soviet power, and Latvia should take sample of the steps Estonia has made on its way to joining EU.

Bizness I Baltiya

publishes an article with an analysis of possible situation if Russia would impose economic sanctions against Latvia and comments of several politicians on this issue. Most of them think that such a situation would not be permissible although it could happen. publishes an article with an analysis of possible situation if Russia would impose economic sanctions against Latvia and comments of several politicians on this issue. Most of them think that such a situation would not be permissible although it could happen.

marts 12, 1998

Press Review

Latvia has not received the reply to the diplomatic note submitted to the Russian Embassy regarding the events of the 3rd March as well as to the proposal of the Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs to meet with the Russian counterpart, Press Secretary of the Latvian MFA Andrejs Pildegovics said. Although there are some unclear statements in press that Russia has not officially received the Minister's proposal, Mr. Pildegovics confirmed that the Latvian Ambassador in Russian has orally informed the Russian Ministry of the Foreign Affairs about the proposal. On Wednesday the Russian Duma (Parliament) considered drafts of three documents regarding the situation in Latvia: On vandalism act against the memorial of the Soldiers in Liepaja, On undertakings to eliminate the violations of rights and freedoms of the Russia's countrymen residing in Latvia, and On Humanitarian Assistance to Russia's countrymen residing in Latvia. The Duma adopted only the first document, while the other two were not even considered.

Latvia has not received the reply to the diplomatic note submitted to the Russian Embassy regarding the events of the 3rd March as well as to the proposal of the Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs to meet with the Russian counterpart, Press Secretary of the Latvian MFA Andrejs Pildegovics said. Although there are some unclear statements in press that Russia has not officially received the Minister's proposal, Mr. Pildegovics confirmed that the Latvian Ambassador in Russian has orally informed the Russian Ministry of the Foreign Affairs about the proposal. On Wednesday the Russian Duma (Parliament) considered drafts of three documents regarding the situation in Latvia: On vandalism act against the memorial of the Soldiers in Liepaja, On undertakings to eliminate the violations of rights and freedoms of the Russia's countrymen residing in Latvia, and On Humanitarian Assistance to Russia's countrymen residing in Latvia. The Duma adopted only the first document, while the other two were not even considered. Diena, Chas

On Wednesday the Deputy Head of the DCMA Andris Lejins informed journalists that the DCMA has decided to organize its work in three shifts. According to Lejins, starting April approximately 1600 might be issued per day. Besides, the Ministry of the Interior has prepared the draft of the amendments to the Cabinet of Minister Regulations that would allow non-citizens to travel to Russia with the former USSR external passports until the end of the year.

On Wednesday the Deputy Head of the DCMA Andris Lejins informed journalists that the DCMA has decided to organize its work in three shifts. According to Lejins, starting April approximately 1600 might be issued per day. Besides, the Ministry of the Interior has prepared the draft of the amendments to the Cabinet of Minister Regulations that would allow non-citizens to travel to Russia with the former USSR external passports until the end of the year. Diena

Elizabete Terbata in her analysis of the Russia's reaction to the 3rd March events points out that this would be the occasion when the OSCE Mission to Latvia and other international organizations could give an "independent and objective evaluation , thus, to refute the Russian propaganda."

Elizabete Terbata in her analysis of the Russia's reaction to the 3rd March events points out that this would be the occasion when the OSCE Mission to Latvia and other international organizations could give an "independent and objective evaluation , thus, to refute the Russian propaganda." Diena

The Riga City Council allows the movement "Lidztiesiba” and the Socialist Party to organize a demonstration on 17 March 1998. Participants will protest against the slow process of the passport issuance.

The Riga City Council allows the movement "Lidztiesiba and the Socialist Party to organize a demonstration on 17 March 1998. Participants will protest against the slow process of the passport issuance. Diena

Yesterday the Co-ordination Council of government forming factions supported the submitting of the draft of the Second Part of the Constitution on Human Rights prepared by the

Yesterday the Co-ordination Council of government forming factions supported the submitting of the draft of the Second Part of the Constitution on Human Rights prepared by the Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK to the Saeima. The Saeima has already received another draft from the special commission. If the Legal Commission of the Saeima is able to co-ordinate these two versions of the draft law, the Second Part of the Constitution might be adopted during the mandate of the 6th Saeima. The TB/LNNK version contains three issues radically different from the version of the special commission. First, the TB/LNNK does not support the abolishing of the death penalty. Secondly, it wants to determine the status of the state language in Article 4 of the Constitution and to state that it can be changed only by a referendum. And, finally, it supports a provision that only citizens have guaranteed rights to return to Latvia and have protection of the state in abroad. Diena

On Friday in Daugavpils there will be a round table concerning the language issues and the integration process in Latvia. Among the participants there are Ina Druviete, Co-ordinator of Work group on the Draft Language Law, Nils Muiznieks, Head of the Human Rights Center , Eizenija Aldermane, Head of the Nturailzation Board.

On Friday in Daugavpils there will be a round table concerning the language issues and the integration process in Latvia. Among the participants there are Ina Druviete, Co-ordinator of Work group on the Draft Language Law, Nils Muiznieks, Head of the Human Rights Center , Eizenija Aldermane, Head of the Nturailzation Board. Chas

By initiative of Russia the Permanent Council of the OSCE has agreed to consider the situation in Latvia regarding the 3rd March events today.

By initiative of Russia the Permanent Council of the OSCE has agreed to consider the situation in Latvia regarding the 3rd March events today. B&B

marts 11, 1998

Press Review

Minister of Foreign Affairs Valdis Birkavs is ready to meet the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Yevgeniy Primakov to discuss the events of the 3rd March and the Russia's reaction to them, Press Secretary of the MFA Andrejs Pildegovics informed journalists. The Russian Ambassador Udaltsov commenting the willingness of the Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs to meet with the Russian counterpart, said that the wording of the visit statement was, to certain extant, unusual. "Unless the visit has some propaganda objectives - which I hope is not the case of the Latvian side, there is a general practice of co-ordinating possibilities, purposes, time schedules, and the most important - the content of such visits," the Ambassador said.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Valdis Birkavs is ready to meet the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Yevgeniy Primakov to discuss the events of the 3rd March and the Russia's reaction to them, Press Secretary of the MFA Andrejs Pildegovics informed journalists. The Russian Ambassador Udaltsov commenting the willingness of the Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs to meet with the Russian counterpart, said that the wording of the visit statement was, to certain extant, unusual. "Unless the visit has some propaganda objectives - which I hope is not the case of the Latvian side, there is a general practice of co-ordinating possibilities, purposes, time schedules, and the most important - the content of such visits," the Ambassador said. Diena

On Tuesday the Latvian MFA sent a diplomatic note to the Russian Embassy in which there is an official opinion regarding the events at the Riga City Council last week. In the note it is stated that Latvia considers the tone of the statements by the Russian officials as unacceptable and violating diplomatic and ethic norms. Paul Gouble, Analyst of the Radio Free Europe, comments the Russian reaction to the 3rd March events as an attempt of some Russian politicians to get higher political rating. According to Gouble, the crisis in the Russian-Latvian relations shows that they are so unstable that might be undermined by a small incident. An official of the USA State Department who wanted to be anonymous, said that there are no proofs to the Russian statement that Latvia violated the human rights of picketing pensioners, and asked the Latvian government to investigate whether the Police have violated law. At the same time the representative of the State department expressed the support for rights of the Russian pensioners residing in Latvia to organize demonstrations to improve their living standards. 

On Tuesday the Latvian MFA sent a diplomatic note to the Russian Embassy in which there is an official opinion regarding the events at the Riga City Council last week. In the note it is stated that Latvia considers the tone of the statements by the Russian officials as unacceptable and violating diplomatic and ethic norms. Paul Gouble, Analyst of the Radio Free Europe, comments the Russian reaction to the 3rd March events as an attempt of some Russian politicians to get higher political rating. According to Gouble, the crisis in the Russian-Latvian relations shows that they are so unstable that might be undermined by a small incident. An official of the USA State Department who wanted to be anonymous, said that there are no proofs to the Russian statement that Latvia violated the human rights of picketing pensioners, and asked the Latvian government to investigate whether the Police have violated law. At the same time the representative of the State department expressed the support for rights of the Russian pensioners residing in Latvia to organize demonstrations to improve their living standards.Diena

Moscow will examine the official note of Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and will decide on the further activities, Deputy Director of the Information Department of the Russian MFA Valerie Nesterushkin said. According the representative of the Russian MFA, the strict reaction to the events of the 3rd March was instigated by the fact that this was not a single action, but the expression of general policy towards the non-native residents of Latvia practiced by the Latvian government .

Moscow will examine the official note of Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and will decide on the further activities, Deputy Director of the Information Department of the Russian MFA Valerie Nesterushkin said. According the representative of the Russian MFA, the strict reaction to the events of the 3rd March was instigated by the fact that this was not a single action, but the expression of general policy towards the non-native residents of Latvia practiced by the Latvian government . B&B

Aris Jansons, 

Aris Jansons,Diena commentator, analyzing the possible economic sanctions against Latvia, states that several Russian regions will also experience these sanctions, for example, the Novgorod region which was interested in joint ventures and investments. Besides, non-Latvians in Latvia are ones the closest related with the businesses in Russia, therefore the sanctions against Latvia will hit them first of all. In his comments Aris Jansons express the assumption that by imposing economic sanctions against Latvia, Russian wants to create an additional "friction" among the Baltic States.

Dienapublishes an article about the situation with non-citizen passports in the Latgales District DCMA, Riga. Some 1007 people are waiting in line, while the department can accept only 40 applications per day. As the deputy head of the Latgale district division told Diena, the issuance of passports is hindered mainly by the technological process. "Not all people have met the requirements of the Resident Register and have made an order in documents when getting married, divorced or changing the place of residence. Therefore it takes time to make order in the Resident's Register," - Deputy Head of the Division said. Diena

Panorama Latvii publishes the official letter of Ints Zitars, Head of the DCMA, to the Minister of the Interior Ziedonis Cevers in which he informs the minister about the hiring additional 30 persons for the passport issuance. At the same time he reminds about the necessity to have additional financing for the improvement of the passport issuance process. The newspaper also publishes the letter of the Minister of the Interior to the Minister of Finance regarding additional 254,092 Lats necessary for the improvement the situation with the non-citizen passport issuance. The third official letter published by Panorama Latvii is the letter of the Minister of the Interior to the Minister President regarding the picket at the Riga City Council on 3 March, 1998.

Panorama Latviialso informs readers about the meeting of the Saeima Human Rights Commission on Tuesday concerning the non-citizen passports. As Deputy Head of the DCMA A. Lejins informed the Commission, there are two ways how to solve the problem. One way is to prolong the term for travelling to Russia with the USSR external passports until October 1, and to prolong the term for returning to Latvia with the USSR internal passports until 30 June. The second way is to intensify the issuance of passports by hiring additional personnel . Panorama Latvii

An article in

An article in SM draws readers' attention to drafts of several legislative documents which "might hit people harder than the sticks used against women and the elderly people." The first one is a draft of the Second Part of the Constitution on Human Rights, namely the version presented by the Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK faction, in which it is stated that Latvia guarantees the rights to return to the country as well as the state protection in abroad only to the citizens of Latvia. The second document mentioned in the article is the Draft Language Law which "contains several provisions discriminating the national minorities, namely, it obliges to use the state language at meeting of private companies. Finally, there are amendments to the Citizenship Law prepared by the Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK which provide for the introduction of annul quotas for the naturalization. SM

Russian President Boris Yeltsin receives all information and is worried about the events in Latvia: the picket at the Riga City Council and an act of vandalism in Liepaja when the monument of the Soviet soldier was defiled, Advisor of the Russian President Sergey Prohodko informed

Russian President Boris Yeltsin receives all information and is worried about the events in Latvia: the picket at the Riga City Council and an act of vandalism in Liepaja when the monument of the Soviet soldier was defiled, Advisor of the Russian President Sergey Prohodko informed SM.

marts 10, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

At a briefing on Monday, Latvian MFA representative A.Pildegovics informed ambassadors of EU member and associate states, USA and OSCE Mission to Latvia head on the events that took place at the Riga City Council on March 3. Russian party would be informed on Latvian attitude towards these events and comments made by Russian officials through diplomatic channels. Mr.Pildegovics said that that ambassadors were informed all together because it was a practical possibility to prepare for a common foreign and security policy, as it was planned in EU. In his turn, the Saeima Speaker A.Cepanis announced on Monday that he planned to send a letter to Russian State Duma Speaker G.Seleznov on his opinion towards this event and the inadequate reaction of Russian officials. At a briefing on Monday, Latvian MFA representative A.Pildegovics informed ambassadors of EU member and associate states, USA and OSCE Mission to Latvia head on the events that took place at the Riga City Council on March 3. Russian party would be informed on Latvian attitude towards these events and comments made by Russian officials through diplomatic channels. Mr.Pildegovics said that that ambassadors were informed all together because it was a practical possibility to prepare for a common foreign and security policy, as it was planned in EU. In his turn, the Saeima Speaker A.Cepanis announced on Monday that he planned to send a letter to Russian State Duma Speaker G.Seleznov on his opinion towards this event and the inadequate reaction of Russian officials. Diena, NeatkarigaDiena, Neatkariga Minister of Communications V.Kristopans does not think that the announcements of Russian officials on imposing economic sanctions against Latvia should not be taken seriously. He thinks that the picket at the Riga City council is an ordinary thing.

Minister of Communications V.Kristopans does not think that the announcements of Russian officials on imposing economic sanctions against Latvia should not be taken seriously. He thinks that the picket at the Riga City council is an ordinary thing. (Diena, Rita Zinas) SM correspondent has different information. He writes that several administration institutions of Russian are elaborating strategy to put economic pressure on Latvia.

Atis Lejins, Director of Latvian Foreign Affairs Institute publishes his ideas on the current Latvian - Russian relations. When analysing the situation, he comes to a conclusion that these activities of Russian officials could arise from the need to divert public attention from their internal matters - bad social economic situation in Russia. Mr.Lejins also analyses some other possible reasons for this reaction.

Atis Lejins, Director of Latvian Foreign Affairs Institute publishes his ideas on the current Latvian - Russian relations. When analysing the situation, he comes to a conclusion that these activities of Russian officials could arise from the need to divert public attention from their internal matters - bad social economic situation in Russia. Mr.Lejins also analyses some other possible reasons for this reaction. Bizness & Baltija writes about the possible schedule of Russias future actions.

Weekly newspaper

Weekly newspaper Segodnya published several letters of people, who participated in the picket at Riga City Council.

Diena - Russian version: Solving the border dispute between Russia and Latvia depends on the situation of national minorities in Latvia. This statement was made by Deputy Chairman of State Duma Vladimir Rizhkov to the radio station Eho Moskvi. He stressed that Russian - Latvian relations were getting colder in all aspects.

Several newspapers inform about the rally of several political parties of Russia that was held in Pskow on Monday. About 1000 people gathered in front of the Latvian Consulate, burned Latvian flag and submitted an announcement where they characterised Riga event as a very cruel one and asked for economic sanctions against Latvian, resignation of Latvian Prime Minister and international isolation of Latvia.

Several newspapers inform about the rally of several political parties of Russia that was held in Pskow on Monday. About 1000 people gathered in front of the Latvian Consulate, burned Latvian flag and submitted an announcement where they characterised Riga event as a very cruel one and asked for economic sanctions against Latvian, resignation of Latvian Prime Minister and international isolation of Latvia. Neatkariga, Jauna Avize, Chas andBiznes I Baltiya analyses the possible situation if such economic sanctions were imposed.

On Monday Faction Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK adopted a draft human rights part of the Satversme and their proposals for amendments to the Law on Citizenship. They plan to include in the General part of the Satversme to include a provision the Latvian language being the state language and that this article could be amended only through a public referendum. They also propose to include a separate part on human rights but Chapter 8 under the title Basic Rights and offer their definition of a stateless person - “a person who does not belong to any state or has no right to such a belonging according to the valid laws”.

On Monday Faction Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK adopted a draft human rights part of the Satversme and their proposals for amendments to the Law on Citizenship. They plan to include in the General part of the Satversme to include a provision the Latvian language being the state language and that this article could be amended only through a public referendum. They also propose to include a separate part on human rights but Chapter 8 under the title Basic Rights and offer their definition of a stateless person - a person who does not belong to any state or has no right to such a belonging according to the valid laws. Neatkariga, Biznes I Baltiya, Chas

To speed up issuing of non-citizen passports, the Citizenship and Migration Affairs Board (CMAB) will work in three shifts all 24 hours. They plan to hire 30 more employees. Until February 19, there have been issued 119 375 non-citizen passports, but all together there are 650 800 non-citizens registered in the Resident Register. Currently, the CMAB can issue 16 800 passport a month. Internal Minister Z.Cevers has asked the Minster of Finances to allow the Board to use those 250 000 Ls they have collected as fees. This sum is necessary to finish issuing till January 1, 2000 what is the deadline.

To speed up issuing of non-citizen passports, the Citizenship and Migration Affairs Board (CMAB) will work in three shifts all 24 hours. They plan to hire 30 more employees. Until February 19, there have been issued 119 375 non-citizen passports, but all together there are 650 800 non-citizens registered in the Resident Register. Currently, the CMAB can issue 16 800 passport a month. Internal Minister Z.Cevers has asked the Minster of Finances to allow the Board to use those 250 000 Ls they have collected as fees. This sum is necessary to finish issuing till January 1, 2000 what is the deadline. Neatkariga

Panorama Latvii writes about the situation in Jekabpils where the local judge refuses to accept cases written in the Russian language from police inspectors. So, instead of starting to investigate the next case, an inspector has to interpret the filled in documents into Latvian himself thus extending the detention term of the suspect.

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