jūnijs 11, 1999

FROM: OSCE Mission to Latvia

FROM: OSCE Mission to Latvia

TO: Mr. Falk Lange

TO: Mr. Falk Lange

Cc. Ms. Helen Dahl Hansen

Cc. Ms. Helen Dahl Hansen

Cc. Ms. V.Sullivan

Cc. Ms. V.Sullivan

Press Review

Press Review

The Saeima Presidium decided that at the extraordinary session on 16 June it will be concluded that the draft language law is not ready for consideration and the session will be closed.

The Saeima Presidium decided that at the extraordinary session on 16 June it will be concluded that the draft language law is not ready for consideration and the session will be closed. Diena, SM

The Education Law provides for changes in education system such as expanding the age limits for acquiring primary education from 15 to 18 years of age; introduction of minority education programs as well as exact, humanities and vocation education programs. Different pedagogues interviewed by 

The Education Law provides for changes in education system such as expanding the age limits for acquiring primary education from 15 to 18 years of age; introduction of minority education programs as well as exact, humanities and vocation education programs. Different pedagogues interviewed byDiena evaluate these changes of teaching process differently, nevertheless positively.

Speaking about minority education programs, manager of accademic matters of the Riga High School No. with Russian language of instruction 17 Nehamijs Gasulis said that although mastering of any language is a value, pupils acquire subjects taught in the native language better than in the state language. He predicts that the number of backward pupils will increase. Mr. Gasulis stressed that teachers would support bilingual education if more lesson hours have been allocated for teaching a subject.

Speaking about minority education programs, manager of accademic matters of the Riga High School No. with Russian language of instruction 17 Nehamijs Gasulis said that although mastering of any language is a value, pupils acquire subjects taught in the native language better than in the state language. He predicts that the number of backward pupils will increase. Mr. Gasulis stressed that teachers would support bilingual education if more lesson hours have been allocated for teaching a subject. Diena

Yesterday the parliament adopted the Law on Vocational Education and the Law on General Education in the final reading.

Yesterday the parliament adopted the Law on Vocational Education and the Law on General Education in the final reading. Jauna Avize, Neatkariga, Chas

Yesterday the Saeima rejected the amendments to the Education Law providing that the pre-school education institutions have to be financed from the state budget and not from the budget of local municipalities.

Yesterday the Saeima rejected the amendments to the Education Law providing that the pre-school education institutions have to be financed from the state budget and not from the budget of local municipalities. Chas

State Real Estate Agency has addressed different ministries, organisations, enterprises and individuals inviting them to apply for use of buildings at the Skrunda Radar Station military town with a possibility to privatise these buildings later.

State Real Estate Agency has addressed different ministries, organisations, enterprises and individuals inviting them to apply for use of buildings at the Skrunda Radar Station military town with a possibility to privatise these buildings later.

As the Acting Director of the Agency J. Stepins told

As the Acting Director of the Agency J. Stepins told Jauna Avize, at the moment no potential tenant has applied. The Agency worries that these building might later get raided in the same way as similar buildings in the former Liepaja Military Port

Panorama Latvii publishes an open letter of several Russian organisations, including Russian Society in Latvia, Russian Community in Latvia as well as the Latvian Human Rights Committee, to the Russian Foreign Affairs Minister Ivanov in which they attract the Ministers attention to facts witnessing purposeful policy of revenge carried out by the Latvian authorities against persons whom they consider enemies. One of the mentioned facts is a court case against a veteran of the Second World War V. Kononov accused of having committed crimes against the Latvian people. Panorama Latvii

jūnijs 10, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has officially confirmed that the visit of the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs I. Ivanov to Latvia will take place on 12 and 13 June. He will meet with State President Guntis Ulmanis, Prime Minister Vilis Kristopans, as well as the Minister of Foreign Affairs Valdis Birkavs. Both sides will sign the memorandum of understanding on co-operation issues.

The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has officially confirmed that the visit of the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs I. Ivanov to Latvia will take place on 12 and 13 June. He will meet with State President Guntis Ulmanis, Prime Minister Vilis Kristopans, as well as the Minister of Foreign Affairs Valdis Birkavs. Both sides will sign the memorandum of understanding on co-operation issues. Diena, Neatkariga, B&B

Yesterday on the initiative of the For Fatherland and Freedom the Saeima Standing Committee on Education repeatedly voted on the language law issue. This was the third time when the Commission supported the postponing of the consideration till August. The leadership of

Yesterday on the initiative of the For Fatherland and Freedom the Saeima Standing Committee on Education repeatedly voted on the language law issue. This was the third time when the Commission supported the postponing of the consideration till August. The leadership of the Fatherland and Freedom still believes that it will manage to have the draft law considered on 16 June regardless of the absence of the conclusion from the responsible commission. Diena, Neatkariga, Chas

As the chair of the Commission Dzintars Abikis told NEATKARIGA, he will submit to the Saeima Presidium a letter explaining the reasons why the draft law has not been prepared for the third reading. Besides, he has planned to attach the table with all proposal, so that “the Presidium can decide what to do know.”

As the chair of the Commission Dzintars Abikis told NEATKARIGA, he will submit to the Saeima Presidium a letter explaining the reasons why the draft law has not been prepared for the third reading. Besides, he has planned to attach the table with all proposal, so that the Presidium can decide what to do know. Neatkariga

SM publishes an interview with V. Evteev, Head of the Representation of the Russian Federation Migration Service in Latvia. Mr. Evteev discusses issues related with the voluntary emigration of Latvian residents to Russia. SM

Journalist Dainis Ivans thinks that the language situation in Latvia depends on the willingness and the ability of Latvians themselves to speak Latvian and the Language law will neither promote nor lessen that.

Journalist Dainis Ivans thinks that the language situation in Latvia depends on the willingness and the ability of Latvians themselves to speak Latvian and the Language law will neither promote nor lessen that. Jauna Avize

He believes that the language law is needed for the integration of a politically and nationally divided society into united cultural environment rather than for the protection of the Latvianess.

He believes that the language law is needed for the integration of a politically and nationally divided society into united cultural environment rather than for the protection of the Latvianess. Jauna Avize

jūnijs 9, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

Yesterday the Saeima Standing Commission on Education, Culture and Science upheld its previous decision to postpone the consideration of the draft language law till August. Thus, at the extraordinary session of the parliament on 16 June summoned on the initiative of Fatherland and Freedom, the People’s Party and the Social democrats it will not be possible to consider the draft language law due to the absence of the conclusion from the responsible commission.

Yesterday the Saeima Standing Commission on Education, Culture and Science upheld its previous decision to postpone the consideration of the draft language law till August. Thus, at the extraordinary session of the parliament on 16 June summoned on the initiative of Fatherland and Freedom, the Peoples Party and the Social democrats it will not be possible to consider the draft language law due to the absence of the conclusion from the responsible commission.

Leadership of the Fatherland and Freedom, however, thinks that the draft law might be considered without the appropriate conclusion. The deputies could vote on submitted proposals separately.

Leadership of the Fatherland and Freedom, however, thinks that the draft law might be considered without the appropriate conclusion. The deputies could vote on submitted proposals separately. Diena, Jauna Avize, Neatkariga

SM comments this situation when the extraordinary session is summoned but there is no document to consider as the absurd theatre. SM

The Union of Social Democrats officially nominated Arnis Kalnins as its candidate for the presidential elections.

The Union of Social Democrats officially nominated Arnis Kalnins as its candidate for the presidential elections. Jauna Avize

2400 graduates of the minority school who combined the graduation examination of the Latvian language with the language examination for naturalisation, do not know yet whether their combined examination will be considered valid. The Saeima Standing Commission on Implementation of the Citizenship Law did not consider this issue due to the absence of the Minister of Education Janis Gaigals. Before taking the leave the Minister had asked not to consider this matter in his absence.

2400 graduates of the minority school who combined the graduation examination of the Latvian language with the language examination for naturalisation, do not know yet whether their combined examination will be considered valid. The Saeima Standing Commission on Implementation of the Citizenship Law did not consider this issue due to the absence of the Minister of Education Janis Gaigals. Before taking the leave the Minister had asked not to consider this matter in his absence. Diena

According to the information at the disposal of SM, the Russian Duma will consider the draft law on economic sanctions against Latvia in the second reading already this month.

According to the information at the disposal of SM, the Russian Duma will consider the draft law on economic sanctions against Latvia in the second reading already this month. SM

Famous ballet dancer Andris Liepa will be granted the Latvian citizenship for outstanding service for the benefit of Latvia. Andris Liepa renounced his Russian citizenship.

Famous ballet dancer Andris Liepa will be granted the Latvian citizenship for outstanding service for the benefit of Latvia. Andris Liepa renounced his Russian citizenship. Neatkariga, Jauna Avize

jūnijs 8, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

At the request of 36 deputies from

At the request of 36 deputies from the Fatherland and Freedom, the Peoples Party and Social Democratic Union the Saeima Presidium announced the summoning of the extraordinary session on 16 June to adopt the state language law in the final reading. Today the Saeima Standing Commission on Education, Science and Culture will decide whether to uphold the previous decision to postpone the consideration of the draft law till fall. If the commission decides to postpone the consideration, the Saeima will not be able to review the draft law on the 16th of June. In a case the commission decides to have the consideration of the draft law before the summer recess, it should prepare the draft law for the final reading by the end of this week. As Mr. Abikis told Diena, theoretically it is possible.

Chair of the fraction

Chair of the fraction For Fatherland and Freedom A. Pozharnovs thinks that it would be possible to review the proposals submitted for the final reading without a conclusion of the responsible commission - the Commission on Education, Science and Culture.(JAUNA AVIZE, 8 June)

The New Party

will ask will ask the Fatherland and Freedomthe Fatherland and Freedom to explain the hurried summoning of the extraordinary session because it does not see a reason for rushing with the adoption of the law. to explain the hurried summoning of the extraordinary session because it does not see a reason for rushing with the adoption of the law. Yesterday during the interview for the Latvian Radio the State President Guntis Ulmanis does not see a reason why the adoption of the state language law should be delayed.

Yesterday during the interview for the Latvian Radio the State President Guntis Ulmanis does not see a reason why the adoption of the state language law should be delayed. Diena, Neatkariga, SM, Panorama Latvii

Deputy of the fraction

Deputy of the fraction For Human Rights Janis Urbanovich believes that if the commission decides to prepare the draft law for the extraordinary session on 16 June, the state law will be adopted in the present version which contradicts with all international norms. As a result, for Latvia the road to the EU will be blocked, and the Latvian - Russian relations will worsen. SM

In an article for Rigas Balss Ph.D student of the Latvian University D. Baltaiskalna reminds that the present language policy has been implemented for more than 10 years. Its basic principles correspond with the fundamental statements of the international law binding on Latvia, namely - providing the functioning of the state language in all spheres of life, the state guaranteed development of the national minority languages and their use for certain functions. Moreover, many studies have showed that the existing state policy fulfils these tasks and the language conflicts have not increased. Therefore, there is not need to digress from the model set by the existing Language law.

In an article for Rigas Balss Ph.D student of the Latvian University D. Baltaiskalna reminds that the present language policy has been implemented for more than 10 years. Its basic principles correspond with the fundamental statements of the international law binding on Latvia, namely - providing the functioning of the state language in all spheres of life, the state guaranteed development of the national minority languages and their use for certain functions. Moreover, many studies have showed that the existing state policy fulfils these tasks and the language conflicts have not increased. Therefore, there is not need to digress from the model set by the existing Language law. Rigas Balss

Panorama Latvii and SM review the interview with chair of the For Fatherland and Freedom fraction A. Pozharnovs broadcast on the Latvian TV. Mr. Pozharnovs explained the position of the party on the draft language law.

Mr. Pozharnovs also told that his party together with social democrats have address the Constitutional Court with a request to assess the decision of the Naturalisation Board concerning the combining of the graduation exam of the Latvian language with the language exam for naturalisation. Mr. Pozharnovs believes that this decision was illegal.

Mr. Pozharnovs also told that his party together with social democrats have address the Constitutional Court with a request to assess the decision of the Naturalisation Board concerning the combining of the graduation exam of the Latvian language with the language exam for naturalisation. Mr. Pozharnovs believes that this decision was illegal. SM, Panorama Latvii

jūnijs 5, 1999

Press Review

On Friday

On Friday the Peoples Party and For Fatherland and Freedom had collected a half of needed amount of signatures for summoning an extraordinary session of the Saeima on 16 June to adopt the State Language law in the final reading. Social Democrats also support the initiative. However, the responsible commission - the Standing Commission on Education, Culture and Science has not prepared the draft language law for the consideration in the Saeima in the third reading, the Chair of the Commission Dz. Abikis told DIENA. As informed earlier, the commission decided to postpone the consideration till August. The Chair of the Saeima Legal Office G. Kusins argues that accordance with the Saeima Role of Procedure a final draft law should be prepared by the responsible commission. Moreover the parliament can consider a draft law only after it has been made available to deputies at least five days prior to the consideration. Thus, if upon the initiative of some deputies the extraordinary session is summoned, there will be no draft law to be considered since the responsible commission will not have prepared it. Diena

Neatkarigainforms about the collection of signatures for summoning the extraordinary session of the Saeima to adopt the state language law in the final reading. According to NEATKARIGA, the Latvian Way and the New Party will decide whether to support the initiative of the Peoples Party and For Fatherland and Freedom. The Social Democrats might sign the initiative while For Human Rights will not support it. Neatkariga

SM commenting the initiative of For Fatherland and Freedom to summon an extraordinary session of the Saeima to adopt the State Language Law, argues that deputies have ignored not only the opinion of national minorities who ask to amend the draft law, but also an advice of the OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel to postpone the consideration till the fall. SM

Subbota publishes an interview with a candidate for the State President’s office Anatolijs Gorbunovs who thinks that the social integration is the main issue to be dealt with when he becoms the State President. According to him, it is necessary to awaken in all people the feeling of belonging to this state and responsibility. The state, in its turn should provide security and stable life.

Subbota publishes an interview with a candidate for the State Presidents office Anatolijs Gorbunovs who thinks that the social integration is the main issue to be dealt with when he becoms the State President. According to him, it is necessary to awaken in all people the feeling of belonging to this state and responsibility. The state, in its turn should provide security and stable life. Subbota

In order to assess the Latvian history in the 20th century, especially emphasising the legacy of the Second World War, and to prevent wrong assumptions about those events, the commission of historians formed on the initiative of the State President, the Latvian History Institute, the National Archive and the Latvian University Department of History organises a conference “Latvia in the Second World War” on 14-15 June.

In order to assess the Latvian history in the 20th century, especially emphasising the legacy of the Second World War, and to prevent wrong assumptions about those events, the commission of historians formed on the initiative of the State President, the Latvian History Institute, the National Archive and the Latvian University Department of History organises a conference Latvia in the Second World War on 14-15 June.

At the event devoted to the 200th anniversary of the Russian Poet A. Pushkin some 300 (

At the event devoted to the 200th anniversary of the Russian Poet A. Pushkin some 300 (Neatkariga mentions - 150, while SM - 300 to 400 and CHAS - 500) people protested against the draft language law. Along with the reciting the Pushkins poems the participants criticised the draft language law which restricts the development and freedom of the Russian language.

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