jūlijs 24, 1999

Press Report


runs a commentary by Ineta Ziemele, urging Latvian authorities to take more initiative in international organisations and activities dealing with human rights issues. If not for the fighting around the Citizenship law, or the current discussions around the wording of the Education and Language laws and other provisions it is possible that the society in Latvia would not know about existence of such international commissioners, European courts and other international organisations, also, the experience of politicians and state administrators would have been incomparably smaller. runs a commentary by Ineta Ziemele, urging Latvian authorities to take more initiative in international organisations and activities dealing with human rights issues. “If not for the fighting around the Citizenship law, or the current discussions around the wording of the Education and Language laws and other provisions it is possible that the society in Latvia would not know about existence of such international commissioners, European courts and other international organisations, also, the experience of politicians and state administrators would have been incomparably smaller.” Ambassador of European Commission Delegation to Latvia believes that Latvia has every chance to get invitation to EU accession negotiations by the end of Finland’s presidency. The ambassador expressed this view when meeting Latvian prime minister Andris Skele July 23.

Ambassador of European Commission Delegation to Latvia believes that Latvia has every chance to get invitation to EU accession negotiations by the end of Finlands presidency. The ambassador expressed this view when meeting Latvian prime minister Andris Skele July 23. Diena

Last year 2554 protocols were created by the language inspectors in Latvia. In most cases - 1637 - the fines were paid for not using Latvian language in customer service. In 352 cases imported goods did not have labels in Latvian. In 308 cases inspectors found fake language proficiency certificates. 201 protocols were created for violations in public information: billboards had no information in Latvian or a foreign language was used along with Latvian in cases not provided for by the law. Other violations in a few cases include usage of wrong language, hiring people without sufficient knowledge of the language, keeping account records in a foreign language. The author of the article reveals his experience of visiting different places along with a language inspector who pays these visits after complaints filed by customers.

Last year 2554 protocols were created by the language inspectors in Latvia. In most cases - 1637 - the fines were paid for not using Latvian language in customer service. In 352 cases imported goods did not have labels in Latvian. In 308 cases inspectors found fake language proficiency certificates. 201 protocols were created for violations in public information: billboards had no information in Latvian or a foreign language was used along with Latvian in cases not provided for by the law. Other violations in a few cases include usage of wrong language, hiring people without sufficient knowledge of the language, keeping account records in a foreign language. The author of the article reveals his experience of visiting different places along with a language inspector who pays these visits after complaints filed by customers. CM

jūlijs 23, 1999

Press Review

US International Development Agency officially finished its operation in Latvia July 22. Its management and US officials believe that Latvia is a country strong enough to develop further independently. The program has worked in Latvia for eight years to implement more than 60 projects worth of roughly $57 million. The funds were mainly allocated to promote the economic development, as well as social programs and formation of a civic society.

US International Development Agency officially finished its operation in Latvia July 22. Its management and US officials believe that Latvia is a country strong enough to develop further independently. The program has worked in Latvia for eight years to implement more than 60 projects worth of roughly $57 million. The funds were mainly allocated to promote the economic development, as well as social programs and formation of a civic society. Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna Avize, BB

The ceremony of granting citizenship to 20 new persons who acquired citizenship through naturalisation in Jelgava was attended by the representative of the US International Development Agency to mark the successful co-operation with the Naturalisation Board since the opening of the Board in 1995. The US representative said that Latvia has managed to create a dialogue between citizens and non-citizens. The latest joint project was setting up an information centre to provide information about any issues related to citizenship and naturalisation. Since the beginning of naturalisation process in February of 1995 till this July Latvian citizenship was granted by the rule of the Cabinet of Ministers to 16,374 people, 6874 applications are still being considered. Of all the applicants, 66% were women, 58% were ethnic Russians, 13% - Lithuanians and Estonians. 96% passed the language and history examinations.

The ceremony of granting citizenship to 20 new persons who acquired citizenship through naturalisation in Jelgava was attended by the representative of the US International Development Agency to mark the successful co-operation with the Naturalisation Board since the opening of the Board in 1995. The US representative said that Latvia has managed to create a dialogue between citizens and non-citizens. The latest joint project was setting up an information centre to provide information about any issues related to citizenship and naturalisation. Since the beginning of naturalisation process in February of 1995 till this July Latvian citizenship was granted by the rule of the Cabinet of Ministers to 16,374 people, 6874 applications are still being considered. Of all the applicants, 66% were women, 58% were ethnic Russians, 13% - Lithuanians and Estonians. 96% passed the language and history examinations. Neatkariga, Diena

During the last week another Latvian top official made the speech in English at a public event. Latvian Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins spoke English with Latvian translation when addressing the audience at the closing ceremony of US International Development Agency’s assistance program. Minister said he spoke English to stress his personal attitude and the government’s position towards the US assistance program. Specialists say it was not a violation of the law but rather an issue of ethics.

During the last week another Latvian top official made the speech in English at a public event. Latvian Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins spoke English with Latvian translation when addressing the audience at the closing ceremony of US International Development Agencys assistance program. Minister said he spoke English to stress his personal attitude and the governments position towards the US assistance program. Specialists say it was not a violation of the law but rather an issue of ethics. Diena

Starting July 26 a new Russian language daily Vesti Segodna will replace the current newspaper CM. The paper is planned to be 6 pages big with the circulation of 10,000.

Starting July 26 a new Russian language daily Vesti Segodna will replace the current newspaper CM. The paper is planned to be 6 pages big with the circulation of 10,000. Diena


publishes an interview with the new Education Minister Silva Golde. Questions touch upon the planned changes in the system of education in general as well as the fate of the current Russian schools. After 2004 the language of instruction in secondary schools will be Latvian. Currently the schools of ethnic minorities can choose among four models of bi-lingual education. publishes an interview with the new Education Minister Silva Golde. Questions touch upon the planned changes in the system of education in general as well as the fate of the current Russian schools. After 2004 the language of instruction in secondary schools will be Latvian. Currently the schools of ethnic minorities can choose among four models of bi-lingual education.

jūlijs 22, 1999

Press Review


AvizeAvize publishes an interview with the head of Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane. Among general information about the work her office does she expresses her views on topical issues, like the shift to Latvian language of instruction in secondary schools by 2004 provided for by the education law. She suggests that the term should be differentiated from 2001 till 2008 depending on the local situation: in Kurzeme and Vidzeme the shift could take place immediately while in Latgale pupils need to go first through all the 9 years of primary school with bi-lingual instruction to be able to study in Latvian in secondary school. Also, she mentions the work on Integration program planned to be submitted to the Cabinet of Ministers on August 5. Speaking about the naturalisation tests she explains the story behind the changes introduced in the history exam. As for the Latvian language exam, Daugavpils is said to have the biggest percentage of those who fail: It happens that only 3 or 4 pass out of 15 who take the test. Aldermane firmly believes that the centralised Latvian language exam in non-Latvian schools should replace the naturalisation exam. publishes an interview with the head of Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane. Among general information about the work her office does she expresses her views on topical issues, like the shift to Latvian language of instruction in secondary schools by 2004 provided for by the education law. She suggests that the term should be differentiated from 2001 till 2008 depending on the local situation: in Kurzeme and Vidzeme the shift could take place immediately while in Latgale pupils need to go first through all the 9 years of primary school with bi-lingual instruction to be able to study in Latvian in secondary school. Also, she mentions the work on Integration program planned to be submitted to the Cabinet of Ministers on August 5. Speaking about the naturalisation tests she explains the story behind the changes introduced in the history exam. As for the Latvian language exam, Daugavpils is said to have the biggest percentage of those who fail: “It happens that only 3 or 4 pass out of 15 who take the test.” Aldermane firmly believes that the centralised Latvian language exam in non-Latvian schools should replace the naturalisation exam. Head of Daugavpils Naturalization Board said that it is mostly people in the ages 30 to 50 who apply for citizenship. There are very few secondary school students and even less of those who want to register their children born after August of 1991. There were only 6 children registered this year although at least 100 non-citizen children are born per year in Daugavpils. The main obstacle for naturalisation is the poor language skills. 45% failed in May, 40% in June.

Head of Daugavpils Naturalization Board said that it is mostly people in the ages 30 to 50 who apply for citizenship. There are very few secondary school students and even less of those who want to register their children born after August of 1991. There were only 6 children registered this year although at least 100 non-citizen children are born per year in Daugavpils. The main obstacle for naturalisation is the poor language skills. 45% failed in May, 40% in June. Neatkariga

The successful co-operation between the UN and Latvia could be used as a model for UN relations with transition countries, said head of the UN representative office to Latvia Jan Sand Sorensen during the meeting with Latvian Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins. Berzins thanked Sorensen for the effort taken by UN to attract funding for the Latvian language training program. Both officials agreed that the program is an important instrument for integration of the society in Latvia.

The successful co-operation between the UN and Latvia could be used as a model for UN relations with transition countries, said head of the UN representative office to Latvia Jan Sand Sorensen during the meeting with Latvian Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins. Berzins thanked Sorensen for the effort taken by UN to attract funding for the Latvian language training program. Both officials agreed that the program is an important instrument for integration of the society in Latvia. Neatkariga after LETA

The only OSCE observer from Latvia Georgs Kerlins received a disciplinary punishment for not fulfilling his duties while on the mission in Macedonia. Since the violation committed by Kerlins was not deliberate the punishment is said not to influence his future carrier at Baltbat, he could be promoted to the position of deputy company commander.

The only OSCE observer from Latvia Georgs Kerlins received a disciplinary punishment for not fulfilling his duties while on the mission in Macedonia. Since the violation committed by Kerlins was not deliberate the punishment is said not to influence his future carrier at Baltbat, he could be promoted to the position of deputy company commander. Neatkariga

Latvian Prime Minister Andris Skele plans to meet heads of the parliament factions to discuss holding of an extraordinary Saeima session to amend the state budget. The government is scheduled to accept amendments to the budget July 27 and then submit the draft to the Saeima. The government will try to cut the budget expenditure by 40 million lats.

Latvian Prime Minister Andris Skele plans to meet heads of the parliament factions to discuss holding of an extraordinary Saeima session to amend the state budget. The government is scheduled to accept amendments to the budget July 27 and then submit the draft to the Saeima. The government will try to cut the budget expenditure by 40 million lats. Diena

jūlijs 21, 1999

Press Review

There are diametrically opposed opinions in Latvian society about the President’s decision to return the Language Law to the Saeima. By the end of July 19 the President’s Office received 30 letters expressing their attitude toward the President’s decision. Those who disagree with the decision write that this move would mean giving in to the foreign pressure. The supporters mention that the legal inaccuracies in the law would allow for inadequate interpretation and the following possibility to manipulate with this law.

There are diametrically opposed opinions in Latvian society about the Presidents decision to return the Language Law to the Saeima. By the end of July 19 the Presidents Office received 30 letters expressing their attitude toward the Presidents decision. Those who disagree with the decision write that this move would mean giving in to the foreign pressure. The supporters mention that the legal inaccuracies in the law would allow for inadequate interpretation and the following possibility to manipulate with this law. Jauna Avize

July 20, in a radio interview the new Latvian Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins announced that Latvia does not intend to create any obstacles for the development of relations with Russia. He informed the audience that Latvia has not received any official signals from Russia about improvement of the relations between the two countries, however, representatives from the Russian embassy to Latvia during informal talks had mentioned that the positive development started during the rule of the previous government will be continued. The minister added that Latvia’s strategic partners would like to see good relations between Latvia and Russia. The relations with the neighbouring country are planned to based on regional co-operation as well as co-operation between the Baltic Sea countries and within the project Northern Dimensions. The interstate commission headed by Anatolijs Gorbunovs will continue its work.

July 20, in a radio interview the new Latvian Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins announced that Latvia does not intend to create any obstacles for the development of relations with Russia. He informed the audience that Latvia has not received any official signals from Russia about improvement of the relations between the two countries, however, representatives from the Russian embassy to Latvia during informal talks had mentioned that the positive development started during the rule of the previous government will be continued. The minister added that Latvias strategic partners would like to see good relations between Latvia and Russia. The relations with the neighbouring country are planned to based on regional co-operation as well as co-operation between the Baltic Sea countries and within the project Northern Dimensions. The interstate commission headed by Anatolijs Gorbunovs will continue its work. Neatkariga, Chas, Panorama Latvii, CM

28 more non-citizen children born after August 21, 1991 were granted Latvian citizenship July 20. They all reside in Riga, ages between 1 and 8. In total parents of 190 children have requested Latvian citizenship for their children. In total, the Cabinet of Minsters July 20 granted Latvian citizenship through naturalization to 447 persons, 91 of them are younger than 18. 68% of them were Russians, 11% Belorussians, 7% Ukrainians, also, Lithuanians, Poles, people of other ethnic origin. 16,367 people have been granted citizenship through naturalization so far.

28 more non-citizen children born after August 21, 1991 were granted Latvian citizenship July 20. They all reside in Riga, ages between 1 and 8. In total parents of 190 children have requested Latvian citizenship for their children. In total, the Cabinet of Minsters July 20 granted Latvian citizenship through naturalization to 447 persons, 91 of them are younger than 18. 68% of them were Russians, 11% Belorussians, 7% Ukrainians, also, Lithuanians, Poles, people of other ethnic origin. 16,367 people have been granted citizenship through naturalization so far. Diena, Panorama Latvii

Panorama Latvii runs an article about the future of the military town in Skrunda called In A Half Year A Town Will Die expressing pitty for the fact that some objects slated for dismantling could be still used by the local residents, for instance, as a sportscenter or a metal workshop, the apartment buildings are suggested to be given to Latvians repatriating from Russia.

jūlijs 20, 1999

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