Aug. 14, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

Prime Minister A.Skele after his meeting with the Acting Chairman of Satversme Court A.Endzins, informed that he had never spoken about a possible abolishment of this court. Both officials stress that the stir was over and a constructive work would go on to amend the normative acts to increase the authority of the court.

Prime Minister A.Skele after his meeting with the Acting Chairman of Satversme Court A.Endzins, informed that he had never spoken about a possible abolishment of this court. Both officials stress that the stir was over and a constructive work would go on to amend the normative acts to increase the authority of the court. Neatkariga

The Board of

The Board of Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK circulated an announcement where they expressed the opinion of the Board that there was no need to abolish the Satversme Court because it was one of the foundations of a democratic state. Jauna Avize

The Chairman of Central election Court A.Cimdars informed that the collection of signatures to organise a referendum on the pensions law would be collected from September 6 to October 5. The estimated expenses could be 194 000 Ls (

The Chairman of Central election Court A.Cimdars informed that the collection of signatures to organise a referendum on the pensions law would be collected from September 6 to October 5. The estimated expenses could be 194 000 Ls (Jauna Avize writes about 171 000 Ls), and the necessary number of signatures - 134 195. Neatkariga, Diena, Jauna Avize, Chas

According to the information received from the Naturalisation Board, during more than 4 years of naturalisation process 17 824 non-citizen were naturalised, including 1665 children.

According to the information received from the Naturalisation Board, during more than 4 years of naturalisation process 17 824 non-citizen were naturalised, including 1665 children. Neatkariga

Lauku Avize published an interview with the OSCE Mission to Latvia D.J.Johnson where the Ambassador told about his life as a diplomat.

Lauku Avize published an interview with the OSCE Mission to Latvia D.J.Johnson where the Ambassador told about his life as a diplomat.

The Saeima Speaker J.Straume thinks that a new pension law might be necessary to satisfy all parties. He made this statement during his meeting with local government officials in Rezekne.


Prime Minister A.Skele met with the Ambassadors of Russian Federation, Finland and Latvia to discuss acute issues of co-operation. A.Udaltsov expressed a hope that disregarding the complicated situation in Russia, the relations between the both countries would become more active. Among other issues, the future of the Language Law and the fate of Riga Aviation Institute were discussed. Neatkariga

The government plans to decrease the property tax - fixing the 2.5% as the maximum rate instead of former 4%. Municipalities are against it because it would decrease their revenues.

The government plans to decrease the property tax - fixing the 2.5% as the maximum rate instead of former 4%. Municipalities are against it because it would decrease their revenues. Diena

Almost 100 people participated in a picket at the USA Embassy in Riga to protest against the imprisonment of the former Soviet guerrilla commander A.Kononov. They asked to use the authority of the USA to liberate their hero.

Almost 100 people participated in a picket at the USA Embassy in Riga to protest against the imprisonment of the former Soviet guerrilla commander A.Kononov. They asked to use the authority of the USA to liberate their hero. Panorama Latvii, Diena (Russian version), Vesti Segodnya (former SM)

Aug. 13, 1999

Press Review

The ruling party deputies don’t have a unified opinion on the idea to reorganise the Constitutional Court and create a department at the Supreme Court for considering constitutional disputes. TB/LNNK is against reorganisation. Justice Minister Valdis Birkavs after meeting the acting chairman of the Constitutional Court Aivars Endzins could not tell the press which model he supported and why. After Birkavs, the limited scope of authority of the Court is the reason for its inefficiency. Both officials support a faster adoption of the amendments to the law On Constitutional Court and the Constitutional Proceedings Law. The lawyer Andris Grutups supports the Constitutional Court to be a part of the court system and does not speak about its liquidation.

The ruling party deputies dont have a unified opinion on the idea to reorganise the Constitutional Court and create a department at the Supreme Court for considering constitutional disputes. TB/LNNK is against reorganisation. Justice Minister Valdis Birkavs after meeting the acting chairman of the Constitutional Court Aivars Endzins could not tell the press which model he supported and why. After Birkavs, the limited scope of authority of the Court is the reason for its inefficiency. Both officials support a faster adoption of the amendments to the law On Constitutional Court and the Constitutional Proceedings Law. The lawyer Andris Grutups supports the Constitutional Court to be a part of the court system and does not speak about its liquidation. Diena, Neatkariga, BB

A “round-table” discussion on the relations between Latvia, Russia and Belarus is scheduled to take place in Jurmala on August 17. The discussion is organised by the director of the Institute of Eastern Europe, the former Saeima speaker Ilga Kreituse. The list of participants includes the head of the Russian Council for Foreign and Defence Policy Sergey Karaganov, deputy director of the Karnegy Centre in Moscow Dmitry Trenin and president of the Bank of Foreign Relations Georgy Yegorov from Belarus. Latvia will be represented by Ainars Dimants, president of the European Movement in Latvia, Ilga Kreituse, other historians, politicians, politology specialists.

A round-table discussion on the relations between Latvia, Russia and Belarus is scheduled to take place in Jurmala on August 17. The discussion is organised by the director of the Institute of Eastern Europe, the former Saeima speaker Ilga Kreituse. The list of participants includes the head of the Russian Council for Foreign and Defence Policy Sergey Karaganov, deputy director of the Karnegy Centre in Moscow Dmitry Trenin and president of the Bank of Foreign Relations Georgy Yegorov from Belarus. Latvia will be represented by Ainars Dimants, president of the European Movement in Latvia, Ilga Kreituse, other historians, politicians, politology specialists. BB, Chas

Aug. 12, 1999

Press Review

The acting president of the state Saeima Chairman Janis Straume Wednesday sent his announcement of delaying for two months proclaiming of the amendments to the Pension Law to be published in the official newspaper

The acting president of the state Saeima Chairman Janis Straume Wednesday sent his announcement of delaying for two months proclaiming of the amendments to the Pension Law to be published in the official newspaper Latvijas Vestnesis. The Central Election Committee now has to organise collecting of signatures for initiation of the referendum.

Social Democrats after the Wednesday’s meeting with the People’s Party say they could compromise the increase of pension age but insist on keeping pension and salary for working pensioners.

Social Democrats after the Wednesdays meeting with the Peoples Party say they could compromise the increase of pension age but insist on keeping pension and salary for working pensioners. Diena, Neatkariga

IMF welcomes the attempts of the new government to take immediate steps in order to reach fiscal consolidation in 19999 as well as the activities planned for 2000. IMF representative Dimitris Demekas said that IMF looks at the budget amendments as a step in the right direction as they have helped to reduce the deficit.

IMF welcomes the attempts of the new government to take immediate steps in order to reach fiscal consolidation in 19999 as well as the activities planned for 2000. IMF representative Dimitris Demekas said that IMF looks at the budget amendments as a step in the right direction as they have helped to reduce the deficit. Diena

90% of Latvia’s teachers-pensioners are irreplaceable, says information submitted by the school boards to the Education Ministry. After Education Ministry’s data there are 3251 teachers older than 60, 2871 of them are said to be irreplaceable.

90% of Latvias teachers-pensioners are irreplaceable, says information submitted by the school boards to the Education Ministry. After Education Ministrys data there are 3251 teachers older than 60, 2871 of them are said to be irreplaceable. Diena, Neatkariga

Justice Minister Valdis Birkavs is satisfied with the discussion concerning the Constitutional Court, however, he thinks that the discussion reflects only one side of the issue. “I don’t feel that this court is actually influencing legislative alignment process. It is not just about the number of considered cases. ”

Justice Minister Valdis Birkavs is satisfied with the discussion concerning the Constitutional Court, however, he thinks that the discussion reflects only one side of the issue. I dont feel that this court is actually influencing legislative alignment process. It is not just about the number of considered cases. Neatkariga

Members of the TB/LNNK party staged a rally across the Russian Embassy yesterday to protest non-observance of the 1920 peace treaty between Latvia and Russia. They brought up the Abrene issue and denounced granting of Latvian citizenship.

Members of the TB/LNNK party staged a rally across the Russian Embassy yesterday to protest non-observance of the 1920 peace treaty between Latvia and Russia. They brought up the Abrene issue and denounced granting of Latvian citizenship. Neatkariga, Jauna Avize, BB, Vesti Segodna, Chas

Lauku Avize

publishes an interview with the Latvian Ambassador to Russia Imants Daudiss about the state of Latvian-Russian relations. The idea he stresses is that Latvia is a bridge but it should be the bridge of economy and not politics between the East and the West. publishes an interview with the Latvian Ambassador to Russia Imants Daudiss about the state of Latvian-Russian relations. The idea he stresses is that Latvia is a bridge but it should be the bridge of economy and not politics between the East and the West. The former advisor to Vilis Kristopans on the issues of society integration Kaija Gertnere is elected to be the director of the NGO centre.

The former advisor to Vilis Kristopans on the issues of society integration Kaija Gertnere is elected to be the director of the NGO centre. Jauna Avize

Aug. 11, 1999

Press Report

Saeima Chairman Janis Straume informed the press that delaying the proclaiming of the amendments to the Pension Law for two months will be announced August 12 if all 35 MPs keep their signatures under the petition. Latvian lawyers when asked to comment whether the Pension Law falls under the category of laws that can be decided on in a referendum say that the term “budget” mentioned in the Article 73 of the Constitution means only the law or amendments to the law on state budget.

Saeima Chairman Janis Straume informed the press that delaying the proclaiming of the amendments to the Pension Law for two months will be announced August 12 if all 35 MPs keep their signatures under the petition. Latvian lawyers when asked to comment whether the Pension Law falls under the category of laws that can be decided on in a referendum say that the term budget mentioned in the Article 73 of the Constitution means only the law or amendments to the law on state budget. Diena

None of the four officials named by the Chairman of the Constitutional Court Aivars Endzins admit to having applied pressure concerning two cases considered by the Constitutional court. Instead, Endzins is said to have spread this information in fear of loosing his job after the discussion has started about the possible liquidation of the Court. In an interview to Neatkariga Endzins stresses that the only problem with the court is that currently it cannot initiate cases. They have developed amendments to the law on Constitutional Court allowing courts of all levels, Human Rights Office and individuals to turn to the Constitutional Court. There is another interview with Endzins in the Vesti Segodna where he expresses a hope that the move to close down the Court is not a sign to a tendency of creating a totalitarian regime in Latvia.

None of the four officials named by the Chairman of the Constitutional Court Aivars Endzins admit to having applied pressure concerning two cases considered by the Constitutional court. Instead, Endzins is said to have spread this information in fear of loosing his job after the discussion has started about the possible liquidation of the Court. In an interview to Neatkariga Endzins stresses that the only problem with the court is that currently it cannot initiate cases. They have developed amendments to the law on Constitutional Court allowing courts of all levels, Human Rights Office and individuals to turn to the Constitutional Court. There is another interview with Endzins in the Vesti Segodna where he expresses a hope that the move to close down the Court is not a sign to a tendency of creating a totalitarian regime in Latvia. Diena, Neatkariga, Chas, BB, PL, Vesti Segodna

The Latvian Embassy in Washington has started preparing for the visit of the Latvian President to the US in September to take part in the opening of the UN General Assembly session.

The Latvian Embassy in Washington has started preparing for the visit of the Latvian President to the US in September to take part in the opening of the UN General Assembly session. Neatkariga after LETA

The Cabinet of Ministers appointed Valdis Trubacs, the former head of the Saeima’s and the State President’s Security Service Headquarters, as the head of the Armed Forces Military Counter-Intelligence Service.

The Cabinet of Ministers appointed Valdis Trubacs, the former head of the Saeimas and the State Presidents Security Service Headquarters, as the head of the Armed Forces Military Counter-Intelligence Service. Neatkariga, Jauna Avize, Diena

Aug. 10, 1999

Press Review

Chairman of the Saeima’s Commission for Education, Culture and Science Dzintars Abikis told Neatkariga that the commission was technically ready to prepare the Language law for the second review and the parties have to make up their mind on whether the law is to be considered before the EU Helsinki meeting in December.

Chairman of the Saeimas Commission for Education, Culture and Science Dzintars Abikis told Neatkariga that the commission was technically ready to prepare the Language law for the second review and the parties have to make up their mind on whether the law is to be considered before the EU Helsinki meeting in December.

Vaira Paegle from People’s Party believes that the law should be adopted without delay otherwise “there is a possibility for blackmailing and passions”. Kristiana Libane mentioned that passing of the law was one of the criteria for the decision about starting EU accession negotiations with Latvia. Juris Dobelis from TB/LNNK thinks that adopting of the law should be delayed since Latvia will not manage to accomplish sufficient explaining of the situation around the law. Silvija Dreimane from the New Party is sure that the deputies should not hurry with the adoption as the law in its current version has serious drawbacks.

Vaira Paegle from Peoples Party believes that the law should be adopted without delay otherwise there is a possibility for blackmailing and passions. Kristiana Libane mentioned that passing of the law was one of the criteria for the decision about starting EU accession negotiations with Latvia. Juris Dobelis from TB/LNNK thinks that adopting of the law should be delayed since Latvia will not manage to accomplish sufficient explaining of the situation around the law. Silvija Dreimane from the New Party is sure that the deputies should not hurry with the adoption as the law in its current version has serious drawbacks. Neatkariga, Russian Diena after BNS

The acting chairman of the Constitutional Court Aivars Endzins speaking to LNT August 9 news program admitted that certain officials had exerted pressure toward the Constitutional Court concerning two cases: the one about publicising of the administration contracts and the other about the activities of the State Real Estate Agency assigning apartments to certain persons. After switching off the cameras Endzins named Andris Skele, Vilis Kristopans, the lawyer Andris Grutups, and Janis Straume.

The acting chairman of the Constitutional Court Aivars Endzins speaking to LNT August 9 news program admitted that certain officials had exerted pressure toward the Constitutional Court concerning two cases: the one about publicising of the administration contracts and the other about the activities of the State Real Estate Agency assigning apartments to certain persons. After switching off the cameras Endzins named Andris Skele, Vilis Kristopans, the lawyer Andris Grutups, and Janis Straume. Neatkariga

In her address to the forum of education leaders Education Minister Silva Golde said that the government plans to reduce the amount of classes taught at schools, close the inefficient schools and raise the teachers’ salaries.

In her address to the forum of education leaders Education Minister Silva Golde said that the government plans to reduce the amount of classes taught at schools, close the inefficient schools and raise the teachers salaries. Neatkariga, Diena, BB

Pensioner Federation has not released their opinion about the referendum on the amendments to the Pension Law. The decision will be made during the August 23 Federation council meeting. The Federation has expressed its support to the trade unions’ appeal to delay proclaiming the amendments.

Pensioner Federation has not released their opinion about the referendum on the amendments to the Pension Law. The decision will be made during the August 23 Federation council meeting. The Federation has expressed its support to the trade unions appeal to delay proclaiming the amendments. Neatkariga

Monday, August 9 the committee of the Cabinet of Ministers adopted draft regulations providing for the order of issuing identity documents for stateless persons. The document can be obtained starting the age of 16, it is valid from three months to two years. Russian

Monday, August 9 the committee of the Cabinet of Ministers adopted draft regulations providing for the order of issuing identity documents for stateless persons. The document can be obtained starting the age of 16, it is valid from three months to two years. Russian Diena after BNS

Amendments to the law On Meetings, Processions and Rallies are submitted to the government. The amendments ban using of Soviet, Latvian Socialist Republic and Nazi Germany symbols (the anthem, flag and the state emblem). If held indoors, such activities do not need the permission from the city council.

Amendments to the law On Meetings, Processions and Rallies are submitted to the government. The amendments ban using of Soviet, Latvian Socialist Republic and Nazi Germany symbols (the anthem, flag and the state emblem). If held indoors, such activities do not need the permission from the city council. Vesti Segodna

Monday, the Estonian Language Inspection announced its readiness to implement the new amendments to the State Language Law. Employees of the state institutions and NGOs have to pass language tests till October 1. The tests should be repeated every five years. Only graduates of Estonian language secondary schools are free from taking the test.

Monday, the Estonian Language Inspection announced its readiness to implement the new amendments to the State Language Law. Employees of the state institutions and NGOs have to pass language tests till October 1. The tests should be repeated every five years. Only graduates of Estonian language secondary schools are free from taking the test. BB

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