Aug. 2, 1994

Press Review

On August 31 Mr.Andrejs Krastins informed the LNNK leadership and fraction about possible government members. Mr.Krastins believes that the two thirds of the new cabinet have been already formed. After a joint meeting of the LNNK leadership and fraction the largest Saeima fractions will be given the names of the government members. The official information on the new cabinet may be distributed on Wednesday. Mr.Krastins said that the government declaration would be issued early next week. The Farmers' fraction discussed its participation in the LNNK government on August 1. The fraction supports the candidature of Mr.Gundars Berzins for the post of the Minister of Agriculture and the candidature of Mr.Edmunds Krastins for the post of Minister of Finance. Both of them were proposed to take the post by the LNNK. The "Latvijas Cels" fraction will start consultations with other Saeima fractions in order to formulate its policies towards Mr.Krastin's government. "LC" is still waiting for official information on the new cabinet and for the declaration by the new government. "LC" is also forming its own cabinet in case LNNK fails to form the government.

On August 31 Mr.Andrejs Krastins informed the LNNK leadership and fraction about possible government members. Mr.Krastins believes that the two thirds of the new cabinet have been already formed. After a joint meeting of the LNNK leadership and fraction the largest Saeima fractions will be given the names of the government members. The official information on the new cabinet may be distributed on Wednesday. Mr.Krastins said that the government declaration would be issued early next week. The Farmers' fraction discussed its participation in the LNNK government on August 1. The fraction supports the candidature of Mr.Gundars Berzins for the post of the Minister of Agriculture and the candidature of Mr.Edmunds Krastins for the post of Minister of Finance. Both of them were proposed to take the post by the LNNK. The "Latvijas Cels" fraction will start consultations with other Saeima fractions in order to formulate its policies towards Mr.Krastin's government. "LC" is still waiting for official information on the new cabinet and for the declaration by the new government. "LC" is also forming its own cabinet in case LNNK fails to form the government. Diena

Russian Ambassador Rannikh met Prime-Minister Birkavs yesterday. The purpose of the meeting was handing over of a program for improving the efficiency of the CSCE activities developed by the Russian side. Latvian government is to assess the program and express its opinion. It is also possible that the program was also submitted to governments of other countries. A long-awaited visit by Prime-Minister Chernomirdin was also discussed during the meeting. Russian side connects the visit with the ratification of the agreements between Russia and Latvia by the Saeima. Possible date of the ratification of the agreements by the Saeima is not known.

Russian Ambassador Rannikh met Prime-Minister Birkavs yesterday. The purpose of the meeting was handing over of a program for improving the efficiency of the CSCE activities developed by the Russian side. Latvian government is to assess the program and express its opinion. It is also possible that the program was also submitted to governments of other countries. A long-awaited visit by Prime-Minister Chernomirdin was also discussed during the meeting. Russian side connects the visit with the ratification of the agreements between Russia and Latvia by the Saeima. Possible date of the ratification of the agreements by the Saeima is not known. Diena, Neatkariga

During his press-conference on August 1 head of the UNDP mission Mr.Burdekin expressed his belief that the understanding of the concept of human rights started to evolve in Latvia. Mr.Burdekin stressed that independent judicial system and democracy are not sufficient to maintain human rights to a full extend. Therefore a new mechanism is needed to work with complaints submitted by individuals. The Head of the mission did not give any detailed information of the recommendations by the mission since they had not been submitted to the government yet. He positively estimated the activities of the government and the fact that an independent mission had been invited to work on a national human rights program. He also noted that though there is a unique situation in Latvia the country's problems are similar to those of other states.

During his press-conference on August 1 head of the UNDP mission Mr.Burdekin expressed his belief that the understanding of the concept of human rights started to evolve in Latvia. Mr.Burdekin stressed that independent judicial system and democracy are not sufficient to maintain human rights to a full extend. Therefore a new mechanism is needed to work with complaints submitted by individuals. The Head of the mission did not give any detailed information of the recommendations by the mission since they had not been submitted to the government yet. He positively estimated the activities of the government and the fact that an independent mission had been invited to work on a national human rights program. He also noted that though there is a unique situation in Latvia the country's problems are similar to those of other states. Diena

Nationalist organizations not participating in the Saeima had a conference yesterday. Their representatives criticized the newly- adopted citizenship law and criticized LNNK fraction for its "pro-communist" policies.

Nationalist organizations not participating in the Saeima had a conference yesterday. Their representatives criticized the newly- adopted citizenship law and criticized LNNK fraction for its "pro-communist" policies. Labrit

According to the Troop Withdrawal control Bureau the Staff of North-Western Army Group have certain doubts about the chances that the withdrawal schedule would be observed. According to the Staff there were 2428 servicemen, 7365 family members, and 1725 tons of cargo awaiting transportation on August 1.

According to the Troop Withdrawal control Bureau the Staff of North-Western Army Group have certain doubts about the chances that the withdrawal schedule would be observed. According to the Staff there were 2428 servicemen, 7365 family members, and 1725 tons of cargo awaiting transportation on August 1. Diena

The Commission for the Dismantling of the Skrunda Radar had a meeting yesterday. According to Head of the Commission Mr.Janis Kositis eleven projects of dismantling of the old radar facility were submitted to the Commission.

The Commission for the Dismantling of the Skrunda Radar had a meeting yesterday. According to Head of the Commission Mr.Janis Kositis eleven projects of dismantling of the old radar facility were submitted to the Commission. Labrit

Prime-Minister of the three Baltic countries are having a meeting with British Prime-Minister Major in Vilnius today. On top of the agenda of the meeting are security issues.

Prime-Minister of the three Baltic countries are having a meeting with British Prime-Minister Major in Vilnius today. On top of the agenda of the meeting are security issues. Neatkariga

Delegation of European Commission arrived to Latvia yesterday in order to discuss an agreement of Latvia's associated membership in the European Union. The agreement will come into force after it is ratified by the Saeima and the parliaments of EU member-countries.

Delegation of European Commission arrived to Latvia yesterday in order to discuss an agreement of Latvia's associated membership in the European Union. The agreement will come into force after it is ratified by the Saeima and the parliaments of EU member-countries. Diena, Labrit

maijs 27, 1994

Press Review

Minister for Foreign of Estonia Juri Luik received a letter by Secretary of state Warren Christopher expressing the readiness of the United States to allot 1000 certificates to Latvia and Estonia for the purchase of apartments in Russia by pensioned Russian Army servicemen. The value of a certificate is not known yet.

Minister for Foreign of Estonia Juri Luik received a letter by Secretary of state Warren Christopher expressing the readiness of the United States to allot 1000 certificates to Latvia and Estonia for the purchase of apartments in Russia by pensioned Russian Army servicemen. The value of a certificate is not known yet. Diena

The problem of Russian-speaking minorities in the Baltic states and the withdrawal of Russian troops from the region were among top issues of the conference on the Stability Pact opened on May 26 in Paris. The Stability Pact will determine nine basic principles to regulate the foreign policies of Central and East European countries. The Stability Pact connects further broadening of the Union of Europe with agreements on territorial claims, and ethnic, religious and cultural rights of ethnic minorities. Mr.E.Levits said that Latvia would actively participate in the Pact. Russian Minister for Foreign affairs Mr.Koziryev said that Russia would not participate in the talks on the possible solution of ethnic problems in the Baltic states. According to Mr.Levits Russia has not decided on its participation in the Stability pact yet. It is expected that Mr.Levits will propose to organize the Baltic Regional Round Table in Riga in the framework of the Stability Pact. According to unofficial sources the speech delivered by Minister Koziryev today caused certain strain. Still, its is expected that Russia will participate in the Baltic Regional Round Table.

The problem of Russian-speaking minorities in the Baltic states and the withdrawal of Russian troops from the region were among top issues of the conference on the Stability Pact opened on May 26 in Paris. The Stability Pact will determine nine basic principles to regulate the foreign policies of Central and East European countries. The Stability Pact connects further broadening of the Union of Europe with agreements on territorial claims, and ethnic, religious and cultural rights of ethnic minorities. Mr.E.Levits said that Latvia would actively participate in the Pact. Russian Minister for Foreign affairs Mr.Koziryev said that Russia would not participate in the talks on the possible solution of ethnic problems in the Baltic states. According to Mr.Levits Russia has not decided on its participation in the Stability pact yet. It is expected that Mr.Levits will propose to organize the Baltic Regional Round Table in Riga in the framework of the Stability Pact. According to unofficial sources the speech delivered by Minister Koziryev today caused certain strain. Still, its is expected that Russia will participate in the Baltic Regional Round Table. Diena

Former Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR Viktor Alksnis has sent an open letter to President Ulmanis stating that there at least three high-ranking government officials who collaborated with the KGB. He does not give any names but except for their KGB nick-names. Mr.Alksins refers to the information received from the First Secretary of the Latvian Communist Party (later USSR Minister of Interior and one of the organizers of the coup) Boris Pugo. The letter has not been published yet because its the President is still on his visit to the USA.

Former Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR Viktor Alksnis has sent an open letter to President Ulmanis stating that there at least three high-ranking government officials who collaborated with the KGB. He does not give any names but except for their KGB nick-names. Mr.Alksins refers to the information received from the First Secretary of the Latvian Communist Party (later USSR Minister of Interior and one of the organizers of the coup) Boris Pugo. The letter has not been published yet because its the President is still on his visit to the USA. Diena, Neatkariga

The "Latvijas Cels" fraction nominated its deputy Lainis Kamaldins for the post of the Director of the bureau for the Protection of Satversme.

The "Latvijas Cels" fraction nominated its deputy Lainis Kamaldins for the post of the Director of the bureau for the Protection of Satversme. Labrit

The "Saskana Latvijai" fraction adopted its new name during its meeting on May 25. The new name is "Tautsaimnieku politisca apvieniba" ("Political Union of Industrial Executives"). According to fraction leader Mr.Edvins Kide that was done to avoid misunderstanding since the name of the party that has split from "Saskana Latvjai" is "Tautas saskanas partija" ("People's Harmony Party").

The "Saskana Latvijai" fraction adopted its new name during its meeting on May 25. The new name is "Tautsaimnieku politisca apvieniba" ("Political Union of Industrial Executives"). According to fraction leader Mr.Edvins Kide that was done to avoid misunderstanding since the name of the party that has split from "Saskana Latvjai" is "Tautas saskanas partija" ("People's Harmony Party"). Neatkariga

Director of independent social research center "PROGNOZ" Mr.Alexander Vasilyev points out that the parties having the best chances at the elections are LNNK/the Greens, the People's Harmony Party, the Socialist Party, and "Saimnieks."

Director of independent social research center "PROGNOZ" Mr.Alexander Vasilyev points out that the parties having the best chances at the elections are LNNK/the Greens, the People's Harmony Party, the Socialist Party, and "Saimnieks." SM Segodnja

In his interview for "BALTIYSKAYA GAZETA" Minister of Justice Levits agreed that there were certain inconsistencies in the legislation since it is a transitional system. He believes that there are three groups of the stateless individuals in Latvia. The first group will apply for citizenship and meet the corresponding demands regarding the knowledge of the Latvian language. The second group will choose to preserve their current status, while the third group will emigrate.

In his interview for "BALTIYSKAYA GAZETA" Minister of Justice Levits agreed that there were certain inconsistencies in the legislation since it is a transitional system. He believes that there are three groups of the stateless individuals in Latvia. The first group will apply for citizenship and meet the corresponding demands regarding the knowledge of the Latvian language. The second group will choose to preserve their current status, while the third group will emigrate.

maijs 26, 1994

Press Review

On May 25 during his interview for the Latvian radio Mr.Ulmanis said that he received reliable guarantees of the completion of the trop withdrawal within the terms stated by the agreement from the UN Secretary General, members of the UN Security Council, and the US President. According to the Mission of the Republic of Latvia to the UN Mr.Ulmanis stressed the role of the UN in the implementation of the Skrunda agreement; according to the agreement Russia should submit a document to the Security Council guaranteeing that the agreement will not be used against the sovereignty and interests of Latvia. President Clinton welcomed the signing of the agreements and confirmed that United States had participated in their preparation. President Ulmanis also had a meeting with the representatives of the Latvian community in Chicago. During his visit to Chicago a rally was held by local Latvians who protested against the ratification of the agreement with Russia.

On May 25 during his interview for the Latvian radio Mr.Ulmanis said that he received reliable guarantees of the completion of the trop withdrawal within the terms stated by the agreement from the UN Secretary General, members of the UN Security Council, and the US President. According to the Mission of the Republic of Latvia to the UN Mr.Ulmanis stressed the role of the UN in the implementation of the Skrunda agreement; according to the agreement Russia should submit a document to the Security Council guaranteeing that the agreement will not be used against the sovereignty and interests of Latvia. President Clinton welcomed the signing of the agreements and confirmed that United States had participated in their preparation. President Ulmanis also had a meeting with the representatives of the Latvian community in Chicago. During his visit to Chicago a rally was held by local Latvians who protested against the ratification of the agreement with Russia. Diena, Labrit

May 25 was the last day of the Third Session of the Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the Council of Baltic States. During the Session former Danish Minister of Justice Ole Espersen was appointed the Commissioner for Democratic Institutions and human Rights. According to Mr.Egils Levits the activities of the Commissioner will focus on the broad spectrum of issues approached from the point of view of relations between an individual and a citizen and the state. During his press-conference Mr.Espersen stressed that he would act independently and report only to the Council of Baltic States. Russian delegation presented a memorandum on the violations of the rights of Russian-speaking minority in Estonia. Estonian President Lennart Meri expressed hope that there would be new possibilities for the finding of an acceptable solution of the troop withdrawal-related problems. Mr.Koziryev said that there was enough time left to withdraw troops from Estonia before August 31. Territorial claims were not discussed. Mr.Koziryev stressed that Russia was not intending to discuss any territorial problems with the Baltic states or Ukraine. Still Estonian Minister for Foreign Affairs said that Estonia was planning to discuss its territorial claims at the meeting of European Ministers for Foreign affairs in Paris and suggest that the issue be discussed during the Stability Pact Conference.

May 25 was the last day of the Third Session of the Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the Council of Baltic States. During the Session former Danish Minister of Justice Ole Espersen was appointed the Commissioner for Democratic Institutions and human Rights. According to Mr.Egils Levits the activities of the Commissioner will focus on the broad spectrum of issues approached from the point of view of relations between an individual and a citizen and the state. During his press-conference Mr.Espersen stressed that he would act independently and report only to the Council of Baltic States. Russian delegation presented a memorandum on the violations of the rights of Russian-speaking minority in Estonia. Estonian President Lennart Meri expressed hope that there would be new possibilities for the finding of an acceptable solution of the troop withdrawal-related problems. Mr.Koziryev said that there was enough time left to withdraw troops from Estonia before August 31. Territorial claims were not discussed. Mr.Koziryev stressed that Russia was not intending to discuss any territorial problems with the Baltic states or Ukraine. Still Estonian Minister for Foreign Affairs said that Estonia was planning to discuss its territorial claims at the meeting of European Ministers for Foreign affairs in Paris and suggest that the issue be discussed during the Stability Pact Conference. Diena, Labrit

The list of the "Tautas Saskana" candidates to the self-governing bodies of the Daugavpils region has been revoked. The reason was the discovery of 18 forged signatures of voters in support of the list.

The list of the "Tautas Saskana" candidates to the self-governing bodies of the Daugavpils region has been revoked. The reason was the discovery of 18 forged signatures of voters in support of the list. Labrit

Tomorrow a joint meeting of the governing coalition dedicated to the draft citizenship law will be held. There are serious differences of opinions within the coalition not only between the two fractions but also within "Latvijas Cels". Five "Latvijas Cels" deputies suggested their own approach to the naturalization principle to be implemented in the law. According to their approach the "0.1% quota principle" will be applied to persons who entered Latvia after June 17, 1940. Such persons will start receiving citizenship after year 2000 with the annual number of naturalized persons not exceeding 0.1% of the number of citizens. Approximately 280,000 persons currently belong to this category, and the number of individuals annually naturalized in accordance with such approach will be around 1,800.

Tomorrow a joint meeting of the governing coalition dedicated to the draft citizenship law will be held. There are serious differences of opinions within the coalition not only between the two fractions but also within "Latvijas Cels". Five "Latvijas Cels" deputies suggested their own approach to the naturalization principle to be implemented in the law. According to their approach the "0.1% quota principle" will be applied to persons who entered Latvia after June 17, 1940. Such persons will start receiving citizenship after year 2000 with the annual number of naturalized persons not exceeding 0.1% of the number of citizens. Approximately 280,000 persons currently belong to this category, and the number of individuals annually naturalized in accordance with such approach will be around 1,800. Labrit

Minister of Economics Ojars Kehirs, Minister of Justice Egils Levits, and President of the Bank of Latvia Einars Repse issued a joint statement stressing the urgency of a prompt privatization and the introduction of amendments to the legislation to allow the creation of the land and real-estate market in Latvia.

Minister of Economics Ojars Kehirs, Minister of Justice Egils Levits, and President of the Bank of Latvia Einars Repse issued a joint statement stressing the urgency of a prompt privatization and the introduction of amendments to the legislation to allow the creation of the land and real-estate market in Latvia. Diena

maijs 25, 1994

Press Review

Estonian President Lennart Meri and Minister for Foreign Affairs Juri Luik had a meeting with Russian Minister for Foreign Affairs Koziryev in Tallinn on May 24 before the beginning of the Third Session of the Council of Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the Baltic States. The objective of the meeting was the discussion of the prospects for further negotiations between Russia and Estonia. Before departing for Estonia Mr.Koziryev stressed that the army would not be withdrawn from Estonia unless the issue of pensioned officers was resolved in a "civilized manner". Still he agreed that the army should be withdrawn. During the first day of the session Minister Liuk explained that in accordance with Estonian legislation pensioned officers can receive residence permits upon an individual consideration of each case.

Estonian President Lennart Meri and Minister for Foreign Affairs Juri Luik had a meeting with Russian Minister for Foreign Affairs Koziryev in Tallinn on May 24 before the beginning of the Third Session of the Council of Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the Baltic States. The objective of the meeting was the discussion of the prospects for further negotiations between Russia and Estonia. Before departing for Estonia Mr.Koziryev stressed that the army would not be withdrawn from Estonia unless the issue of pensioned officers was resolved in a "civilized manner". Still he agreed that the army should be withdrawn. During the first day of the session Minister Liuk explained that in accordance with Estonian legislation pensioned officers can receive residence permits upon an individual consideration of each case. Diena

On May 24 President Ulmanis had a meeting with President Clinton. The agenda included the relations between the two countries and Russian troop withdrawal from Latvia. Mr.Ulmanis also met the Secretary General of the UN.

On May 24 President Ulmanis had a meeting with President Clinton. The agenda included the relations between the two countries and Russian troop withdrawal from Latvia. Mr.Ulmanis also met the Secretary General of the UN. Diena

Head of the CSCE mission to Latvia Mr.Hamilton had a meeting with Saeima Chairman Mr.Gorbunovs. Mr.Gorbunovs expressed his firm belief that the citizenship law under development would satisfy the demands of the opposite poles of the political spectrum and would comply with the recommendations by the CSCE and the Council of Europe. When speaking about the ratification of the agreements with Russia by the Saeima Mr.Gorbunov stressed that the political basis for the ratification could be created by providing efficient international control of the implementation of the agreements on troop withdrawal and the Skrunda radar as well as by creating the foundation for the voluntary repatriation of pensioned officers.

Head of the CSCE mission to Latvia Mr.Hamilton had a meeting with Saeima Chairman Mr.Gorbunovs. Mr.Gorbunovs expressed his firm belief that the citizenship law under development would satisfy the demands of the opposite poles of the political spectrum and would comply with the recommendations by the CSCE and the Council of Europe. When speaking about the ratification of the agreements with Russia by the Saeima Mr.Gorbunov stressed that the political basis for the ratification could be created by providing efficient international control of the implementation of the agreements on troop withdrawal and the Skrunda radar as well as by creating the foundation for the voluntary repatriation of pensioned officers. Diena

A seminar on the rights of an individual organized by the Council of Europe was opened on May 24 in Riga. The first day of the seminar was dedicated to the administrative law practice in Latvia and Europe. The Commission of the Council of Europe has agreed to assist Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania in reforming their legal system.

A seminar on the rights of an individual organized by the Council of Europe was opened on May 24 in Riga. The first day of the seminar was dedicated to the administrative law practice in Latvia and Europe. The Commission of the Council of Europe has agreed to assist Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania in reforming their legal system. Diena

"Human Rights Watch/Helsinki" has addressed President Ulmanis, Chairman of Human Rights Commission of the Saeima Birzniece, US Ambassador to Latvia Kalnins, and CSCE Ambassador to Latvia Hamilton with an open letter. The letter touches upon two issues. The first one is the recent suspension of five deputy mandates which is referred to i the letter as a violation of a presumption of innocence principle. The second issue is the refusal of the Ministry of Justice to register the League of the Stateless Individuals.

"Human Rights Watch/Helsinki" has addressed President Ulmanis, Chairman of Human Rights Commission of the Saeima Birzniece, US Ambassador to Latvia Kalnins, and CSCE Ambassador to Latvia Hamilton with an open letter. The letter touches upon two issues. The first one is the recent suspension of five deputy mandates which is referred to i the letter as a violation of a presumption of innocence principle. The second issue is the refusal of the Ministry of Justice to register the League of the Stateless Individuals. SM Segodnya

The Ministry of Justice has been postponing the registration of the Latvian Union of Former Fascist Concentration Camp Prisoners under the pretext that the law on the politically oppressed has not been adopted yet. Members of the Union are former concentration camp prisoners irrespective of their nationality, citizenship, or the place of imprisonment.

The Ministry of Justice has been postponing the registration of the Latvian Union of Former Fascist Concentration Camp Prisoners under the pretext that the law on the politically oppressed has not been adopted yet. Members of the Union are former concentration camp prisoners irrespective of their nationality, citizenship, or the place of imprisonment. SM Segodnya

Co-Chairman of the Latvian Committee for Human Rights Mr.Buzayev presents the statistics of the complaints regarding the CID decisions in SM SEVODNYA and PANORAMA LATVII. Cases registered in the Committee files will be handed over to the CSCE Mission on May 26. The Committe also organizes a rally of protest that will be held in the afternoon of the same day.

Co-Chairman of the Latvian Committee for Human Rights Mr.Buzayev presents the statistics of the complaints regarding the CID decisions in SM SEVODNYA and PANORAMA LATVII. Cases registered in the Committee files will be handed over to the CSCE Mission on May 26. The Committe also organizes a rally of protest that will be held in the afternoon of the same day.

maijs 24, 1994

Press Review

The Third Session of the Council of Ministers for Foreign Affairs of Baltic States started on May 24 in Tallinn. The agenda will include the role of the Union of Europe in the region, economic and technical co-operation, support of democratic institutions, environmental issues, illegal migration, and organized crime. Latvia is represented by Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs Egils Levits and State Minister for Baltic and Nordic Countries of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs Gunars Mejerovics. During the session the commissioner for human rights of the Council will be elected. According to Mr.Mejerovics the commissioner's activities will to a certain extend coincide with the tasks performed by the CSCE mission to Latvia. He stressed that there was "no reason for Latvia to worry since all international norms will be adhered to". A representative of Denmark is expected to be suggested as a candidate for the post. Troop withdrawal-related issues will be discussed as well. The issue of territorial claims of Baltic states to Russia was not included in the agenda.

The Third Session of the Council of Ministers for Foreign Affairs of Baltic States started on May 24 in Tallinn. The agenda will include the role of the Union of Europe in the region, economic and technical co-operation, support of democratic institutions, environmental issues, illegal migration, and organized crime. Latvia is represented by Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs Egils Levits and State Minister for Baltic and Nordic Countries of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs Gunars Mejerovics. During the session the commissioner for human rights of the Council will be elected. According to Mr.Mejerovics the commissioner's activities will to a certain extend coincide with the tasks performed by the CSCE mission to Latvia. He stressed that there was "no reason for Latvia to worry since all international norms will be adhered to". A representative of Denmark is expected to be suggested as a candidate for the post. Troop withdrawal-related issues will be discussed as well. The issue of territorial claims of Baltic states to Russia was not included in the agenda. Diena, Labrit, Neatkariga

On May 23 the Committee for Foreign Affairs and Security of the Cabinet of Ministers considered the issue of anti-state organizations in Latvia. According to Minister of Justice Levits there are several organizations active in the country whose activities contradict Satversme. Still, he refused to give any names.

On May 23 the Committee for Foreign Affairs and Security of the Cabinet of Ministers considered the issue of anti-state organizations in Latvia. According to Minister of Justice Levits there are several organizations active in the country whose activities contradict Satversme. Still, he refused to give any names. Labrit

Minister of Economics Mr.Kehris, Minister of justice Mr.Levits, and President of the Bank of Latvia Mr.Repse have adopted a joint statement. The statement emphasizes the importance of the creation of the real estate market in Latvia. It is stressed that in order to attract foreign investments into Latvian economy a free market of land and real estate should be formed.

Minister of Economics Mr.Kehris, Minister of justice Mr.Levits, and President of the Bank of Latvia Mr.Repse have adopted a joint statement. The statement emphasizes the importance of the creation of the real estate market in Latvia. It is stressed that in order to attract foreign investments into Latvian economy a free market of land and real estate should be formed. Diena, Labrit

The Farmers' Union spokesmen objected against the criticism of its economic policies by "Latvijas Cels". It was stressed that the Union works in accordance with the program adopted by Saeima and incorporated into the agreement on the coalition. It was also mentioned that the Farmers have no intention to leave the coalition.

The Farmers' Union spokesmen objected against the criticism of its economic policies by "Latvijas Cels". It was stressed that the Union works in accordance with the program adopted by Saeima and incorporated into the agreement on the coalition. It was also mentioned that the Farmers have no intention to leave the coalition. Diena, Neatkariga Cina

Inspector General of the Ministry of Defence Herberts Linde has been detained for illegal possession of arms. His arrest has been connected with the activities of a company managed by the inspector.

Inspector General of the Ministry of Defence Herberts Linde has been detained for illegal possession of arms. His arrest has been connected with the activities of a company managed by the inspector. Diena

The Society of Former Political Prisoners has issued an open letter stating that this category of politically oppressed are deprived of their privileges by being excluded from the groups entitled to such privileges by the draft law on politically oppressed. The draft law does not apply to politically oppressed non-citizens.

The Society of Former Political Prisoners has issued an open letter stating that this category of politically oppressed are deprived of their privileges by being excluded from the groups entitled to such privileges by the draft law on politically oppressed. The draft law does not apply to politically oppressed non-citizens. SM Segodnya

The Council for the Co-ordination of the "Center for Democratic Initiative" party has decided not to participate in the election to the self-government bodies. The Council considers the law on local elections to be discriminating. The "Center for Democratic Initiative" suggested that a draft law "On the Conditions of the Naturalization of Permanent Inhabitants of the Republic of Latvia" developed on the basis of Van der Stoel's recommendations should be submitted to a nation-wide poll for non-citizens and then approved of by citizens during another poll.

The Council for the Co-ordination of the "Center for Democratic Initiative" party has decided not to participate in the election to the self-government bodies. The Council considers the law on local elections to be discriminating. The "Center for Democratic Initiative" suggested that a draft law "On the Conditions of the Naturalization of Permanent Inhabitants of the Republic of Latvia" developed on the basis of Van der Stoel's recommendations should be submitted to a nation-wide poll for non-citizens and then approved of by citizens during another poll. SM Segodnya

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