Aug. 8, 1994

Press Review

Names of new cabinet members are expected to be announced on Thursday. The joint meeting of the LNNK fraction and leaders will discuss the candidatures on Monday. According to "DIENA" the government declaration has been already prepared. In order to officially submit the lists of government members to the President and the Saeima the LNNK has to receive support from other Saeima fractions. "Latvijas Cels" is expected to announce its attitude towards the LNNK government on Monday. LNNK addressed "Latvijas Cels" with a suggestion to participate in a new government. Still, the LNNK letter did not mention the forming of a coalition. Mr.Andrejs Krastins in his interviews did not give a direct answer to the question about the possibility of amending the Citizenship Law. He stressed it again that he was trying to form a "professional government."

Names of new cabinet members are expected to be announced on Thursday. The joint meeting of the LNNK fraction and leaders will discuss the candidatures on Monday. According to "DIENA" the government declaration has been already prepared. In order to officially submit the lists of government members to the President and the Saeima the LNNK has to receive support from other Saeima fractions. "Latvijas Cels" is expected to announce its attitude towards the LNNK government on Monday. LNNK addressed "Latvijas Cels" with a suggestion to participate in a new government. Still, the LNNK letter did not mention the forming of a coalition. Mr.Andrejs Krastins in his interviews did not give a direct answer to the question about the possibility of amending the Citizenship Law. He stressed it again that he was trying to form a "professional government." Diena, Neatkariga

The investigation of Mr.Ruc's case has been completed by the Procurator's Office. The trial is expected to be held in September.

The investigation of Mr.Ruc's case has been completed by the Procurator's Office. The trial is expected to be held in September. Diena

There was no reaction to President Yeltsin's letter on the part of international community. Foreign diplomats interviewed by "DIENA" are not expecting any serious international response to Yeltsin's statement.

There was no reaction to President Yeltsin's letter on the part of international community. Foreign diplomats interviewed by "DIENA" are not expecting any serious international response to Yeltsin's statement.

The Ministry of Interior adopted a decision on travel identification documents for non-citizens. According to Head of Riga Inter-Regional Visa Department Mrs.Bunke the working out of the regulations for the issuance of new travel identification documents will take approximately 3 months. Currently the Ministry of Interior issues former USSR passports only in extraordinary cases.

The Ministry of Interior adopted a decision on travel identification documents for non-citizens. According to Head of Riga Inter-Regional Visa Department Mrs.Bunke the working out of the regulations for the issuance of new travel identification documents will take approximately 3 months. Currently the Ministry of Interior issues former USSR passports only in extraordinary cases. Diena

Aug. 6, 1994

Press Review

Representatives of the Council of Europe stated that President Yeltsin's letter would not in any manner influence their report to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council. Mr.Fogel said that Latvia's legislation allows it to join the Council of Europe. He also noted that language requirements should not be too high. Mr.Jespersen stressed that differences between the rights of citizens and non-citizens should not be to large and expressed hope that the remaining problems would be resolved after the adoption of the alien law. The joining of the Council of Europe by Latvia will not be connected with the adoption of that law. The Council of Europe will control the implementation of the Citizenship Law while Latvia will have to join the European Convention on Human Rights within one year after becoming a Council member.

Representatives of the Council of Europe stated that President Yeltsin's letter would not in any manner influence their report to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council. Mr.Fogel said that Latvia's legislation allows it to join the Council of Europe. He also noted that language requirements should not be too high. Mr.Jespersen stressed that differences between the rights of citizens and non-citizens should not be to large and expressed hope that the remaining problems would be resolved after the adoption of the alien law. The joining of the Council of Europe by Latvia will not be connected with the adoption of that law. The Council of Europe will control the implementation of the Citizenship Law while Latvia will have to join the European Convention on Human Rights within one year after becoming a Council member. Diena, SM Segodnya

The staff of the North-Western Group applied for temporary residence permits for officers who were not provided with apartments in Russia. According to Deputy-Head of the Bureau for the Control of the Troop Withdrawal Mr.Pavilonis TRP-s will be issued to those officers after August 31. The withdrawal has been delayed in several cases due to technical reasons. 

The staff of the North-Western Group applied for temporary residence permits for officers who were not provided with apartments in Russia. According to Deputy-Head of the Bureau for the Control of the Troop Withdrawal Mr.Pavilonis TRP-s will be issued to those officers after August 31. The withdrawal has been delayed in several cases due to technical reasons.Diena

Spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia Mr.Prihodko confirmed that Russia would act in adherence with agreements with Latvia and Estonia signed by President Yeltsin. He refused to comment on the situation that may arise in case one of the parties refuses to ratify the agreements.

Spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia Mr.Prihodko confirmed that Russia would act in adherence with agreements with Latvia and Estonia signed by President Yeltsin. He refused to comment on the situation that may arise in case one of the parties refuses to ratify the agreements. Neatkariga Cina

Aug. 5, 1994

Press Review

Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe during their meeting with heads of the Saeima fractions stressed the importance of guarantees for adequate implementation of the Citizenship Law. Article 29 of the Law provides for control of the implementation of the Law by a special Saeima commission. Head of the "Equal rights" fraction Mr.Stroganov pointed out that the Law did no specify the required level of the command of the Latvian language. Mr.Pantelejevs of "Latvijas Cels" noted that the joining of the Council of Europe by Latvia could be a guarantee for its observance. The Council of Europe representatives were content with the fact that the deputies did not suggest to amend the Law. The representatives of the Council of Europe also had meetings with Head of the Saeima Commission for Human Rights Mrs.Inese Birzniece and representatives of ethnic communities. The latter marked that several laws restricted economical rights of non-citizens.

Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe during their meeting with heads of the Saeima fractions stressed the importance of guarantees for adequate implementation of the Citizenship Law. Article 29 of the Law provides for control of the implementation of the Law by a special Saeima commission. Head of the "Equal rights" fraction Mr.Stroganov pointed out that the Law did no specify the required level of the command of the Latvian language. Mr.Pantelejevs of "Latvijas Cels" noted that the joining of the Council of Europe by Latvia could be a guarantee for its observance. The Council of Europe representatives were content with the fact that the deputies did not suggest to amend the Law. The representatives of the Council of Europe also had meetings with Head of the Saeima Commission for Human Rights Mrs.Inese Birzniece and representatives of ethnic communities. The latter marked that several laws restricted economical rights of non-citizens. Diena

President Yeltsin in his statement issued on August 4 criticized the Citizenship Law and informed the Latvian Government that the adoption of the Law will influence Russia's economical policies towards Latvia. He also stressed that Russia would grant its citizenship to all ethnic Russians residing abroad who wished to receive it. Latvian Ministry for Foreign Affairs expressed it regret in connection with the fact that Russian side had not assessed the Law on the basis of internationally recognized principles used by the CSCE, the Council of Europe, and the European Union. Russian Embassy to Latvia has not expressed its official point of view yet. Its Press-Secretary Mr.Yonkin expressed the opinion that the statement by President Yeltsin did not mean the suspension of troop withdrawal from Latvia.

President Yeltsin in his statement issued on August 4 criticized the Citizenship Law and informed the Latvian Government that the adoption of the Law will influence Russia's economical policies towards Latvia. He also stressed that Russia would grant its citizenship to all ethnic Russians residing abroad who wished to receive it. Latvian Ministry for Foreign Affairs expressed it regret in connection with the fact that Russian side had not assessed the Law on the basis of internationally recognized principles used by the CSCE, the Council of Europe, and the European Union. Russian Embassy to Latvia has not expressed its official point of view yet. Its Press-Secretary Mr.Yonkin expressed the opinion that the statement by President Yeltsin did not mean the suspension of troop withdrawal from Latvia. Diena, Neatkariga

The LNNK leadership promised to complete the list of a new government on Friday and to submit the list and the government's declaration to the Saeima and the President on Monday. The forming of the new government was delayed due to refusal by several candidates to take posts suggested to them. There are still several vacant posts including the Minister of Economics, the Minister of Transport, the Minister of Education and Culture. Mr.Aleksandrs Kirsteins refuses to take a post of the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

The LNNK leadership promised to complete the list of a new government on Friday and to submit the list and the government's declaration to the Saeima and the President on Monday. The forming of the new government was delayed due to refusal by several candidates to take posts suggested to them. There are still several vacant posts including the Minister of Economics, the Minister of Transport, the Minister of Education and Culture. Mr.Aleksandrs Kirsteins refuses to take a post of the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Diena, Labrit

Participants of the Forum of Political parties agreed on three basic demands towards a new government including the implementation of the Citizenship Law without attempting to introduce changes into it, support of the ratification of the agreements with Russia, respect for the integrity of the society, inacceptability of illegal political prosecution. A government declaration should contain clear statements regarding all these issues. Mr.Anbdrejs Krastins said that LNNK has no plans regarding the introduction of amendments to the Citizenship Law. The decision on the introduction of the amendments was made by the LNNK Council but not by the party itself. If the LNNK government is not approved by the Saeima "Lavtijas Cels" will try to form a coalition government with LNNK. The Extraordinary Session of the Saeima that will make a decision on the new cabinet is expected to be held after August 15.

Participants of the Forum of Political parties agreed on three basic demands towards a new government including the implementation of the Citizenship Law without attempting to introduce changes into it, support of the ratification of the agreements with Russia, respect for the integrity of the society, inacceptability of illegal political prosecution. A government declaration should contain clear statements regarding all these issues. Mr.Anbdrejs Krastins said that LNNK has no plans regarding the introduction of amendments to the Citizenship Law. The decision on the introduction of the amendments was made by the LNNK Council but not by the party itself. If the LNNK government is not approved by the Saeima "Lavtijas Cels" will try to form a coalition government with LNNK. The Extraordinary Session of the Saeima that will make a decision on the new cabinet is expected to be held after August 15. Diena, Labrit

The CID has discovered that the data contained in the official lists of retired servicemen provided by Russia contradicted the information at the disposal of the Department. Around 500 persons out of the total of 22,320 do not comply with conditions set by the agreements; they were demobilized after January 28, 1992. According to Head of the Saeima Commission for Foreign affairs Mr.Kirsteins those discrepancies will not influence the ratification of the agreements by the Saeima. It is possible that the Commission will postpone the consideration of agreements on pensioned officers until explanation on errors discovered in the lists is provided by the Russian party. Mr.Kirstein's opinion is that the agreements should be ratified only after they are ratified by the Russian Parliament. The Russian Parliament also postponed the ratification until October when it returns from summer vacations.

The CID has discovered that the data contained in the official lists of retired servicemen provided by Russia contradicted the information at the disposal of the Department. Around 500 persons out of the total of 22,320 do not comply with conditions set by the agreements; they were demobilized after January 28, 1992. According to Head of the Saeima Commission for Foreign affairs Mr.Kirsteins those discrepancies will not influence the ratification of the agreements by the Saeima. It is possible that the Commission will postpone the consideration of agreements on pensioned officers until explanation on errors discovered in the lists is provided by the Russian party. Mr.Kirstein's opinion is that the agreements should be ratified only after they are ratified by the Russian Parliament. The Russian Parliament also postponed the ratification until October when it returns from summer vacations. Diena, Neatkariga

Aug. 4, 1994

Press Review

Ambassador for Special Missions of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs Mr.Vovers informed "DIENA" that Latvia was interested in developing the role of the CSCE since it was essential for maintaining its security. According to Mr.Vovers Latvia has no alternative program for the development of the CSCE activities. The program will be developed before the end of this year. Similar program developed by Russia has been already handed over by Russian Ambassador to Latvian Government.

Ambassador for Special Missions of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs Mr.Vovers informed "DIENA" that Latvia was interested in developing the role of the CSCE since it was essential for maintaining its security. According to Mr.Vovers Latvia has no alternative program for the development of the CSCE activities. The program will be developed before the end of this year. Similar program developed by Russia has been already handed over by Russian Ambassador to Latvian Government. Diena

During the celebration of the one-year anniversary of the "Latvijas Cels" government Prime-Minister Birkavs stated that the fraction had already formed the Cabinet and prepared a declaration.

During the celebration of the one-year anniversary of the "Latvijas Cels" government Prime-Minister Birkavs stated that the fraction had already formed the Cabinet and prepared a declaration. Diena

It seems like the Forum of Political Parties will not adopt any decision on Mr.Krastins's government today. The Democratic Party and the Union of Economists are not ready to refuse to support the new cabinet. Head of the Union Mr.Kide confirmed again that he would not vote for the LNNK government if it decided to review the citizenship law. His fraction will request corresponding information from LNNK during consultations next week. The Democratic Party adopted a statement in support of a stable government. According to the statement Democrats are ready to participate in the new government.

It seems like the Forum of Political Parties will not adopt any decision on Mr.Krastins's government today. The Democratic Party and the Union of Economists are not ready to refuse to support the new cabinet. Head of the Union Mr.Kide confirmed again that he would not vote for the LNNK government if it decided to review the citizenship law. His fraction will request corresponding information from LNNK during consultations next week. The Democratic Party adopted a statement in support of a stable government. According to the statement Democrats are ready to participate in the new government. Diena, Neatkariga Cina

Representatives of the Council of Europe will have a meeting with Chairman of the Saeima Human Rights Commission Mrs.Inese Birzniece, representatives of ethnic communities, heads of the Saeima fractions, Latvian representative in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council and Chairman of the Saeima Juridical Commission Mr.Endzins, Chairman of the Saeima Mr.Gorbunovs, and State Minister for Human Rights Mr.Bruvers. The representatives of the Council will prepare a report on Latvia's compliance with the Council of Europe standards.

Representatives of the Council of Europe will have a meeting with Chairman of the Saeima Human Rights Commission Mrs.Inese Birzniece, representatives of ethnic communities, heads of the Saeima fractions, Latvian representative in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council and Chairman of the Saeima Juridical Commission Mr.Endzins, Chairman of the Saeima Mr.Gorbunovs, and State Minister for Human Rights Mr.Bruvers. The representatives of the Council will prepare a report on Latvia's compliance with the Council of Europe standards. Diena

The European Union issued a statement welcoming the agreements on troop withdrawal signed by Estonia and Russia and the adoption of the citizenship law in Latvia. The statement stresses that these steps contribute to the implementation of the Stability Pact. 

The European Union issued a statement welcoming the agreements on troop withdrawal signed by Estonia and Russia and the adoption of the citizenship law in Latvia. The statement stresses that these steps contribute to the implementation of the Stability Pact.Diena

"KECH - Domicile" mission started its activities last Friday. According to its head Mr.Igor Zgursky its objective is to assist KECH house inhabitants in settling of their registration and "propiska" problems and providing legal aid to them.

"KECH - Domicile" mission started its activities last Friday. According to its head Mr.Igor Zgursky its objective is to assist KECH house inhabitants in settling of their registration and "propiska" problems and providing legal aid to them. SM Segodnya

President Ulmanis had a meeting with British Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr.Hogg on August 3. The agenda included discussion of a peculiar ethnic situation in Latvia. Mr.Hogg met Deputy-Chairman of the Saeima Mr.Andreis Krastins and Chairman of the Saeima Commission for Foreign Affairs Mr.Aleksandrs Kirsteins. Mr.Hogg showed a particular interest in political forces representing a non-Latvian part of the population. He stressed that Latvia would encounter serious difficulties when entering the European Union if it did not overcome its internal contradictions and failed to settle problems connected with its relations with neighboring countries

President Ulmanis had a meeting with British Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr.Hogg on August 3. The agenda included discussion of a peculiar ethnic situation in Latvia. Mr.Hogg met Deputy-Chairman of the Saeima Mr.Andreis Krastins and Chairman of the Saeima Commission for Foreign Affairs Mr.Aleksandrs Kirsteins. Mr.Hogg showed a particular interest in political forces representing a non-Latvian part of the population. He stressed that Latvia would encounter serious difficulties when entering the European Union if it did not overcome its internal contradictions and failed to settle problems connected with its relations with neighboring countries. Labrit

The Saeima Defence and Security commission decided yesterday that the agreements with Russia should be ratified. Still according to Head of the Commission Mr.Ivars Silars that should be done after the agreements were ratified by the Russian parliament. According to Head of the Commission for Foreign Affairs Mr.Aleksandrs Kirsteins the issue of the ratification could be considered next Thursday. Still, he believes that only three of the four agreements should be ratified leaving out the agreement on social guarantees for pensioned servicemen which could be ratified later.

The Saeima Defence and Security commission decided yesterday that the agreements with Russia should be ratified. Still according to Head of the Commission Mr.Ivars Silars that should be done after the agreements were ratified by the Russian parliament. According to Head of the Commission for Foreign Affairs Mr.Aleksandrs Kirsteins the issue of the ratification could be considered next Thursday. Still, he believes that only three of the four agreements should be ratified leaving out the agreement on social guarantees for pensioned servicemen which could be ratified later. Neatkariga Cina

President Ulmanis received President Clinton's letter informing that the United States have decided to increase the amount allotted to the dismantling of the Skrunda radar up to $ 7 million. The US President expressed hope that Latvia will take all necessary measures to start the dismantling as soon as possible.

President Ulmanis received President Clinton's letter informing that the United States have decided to increase the amount allotted to the dismantling of the Skrunda radar up to $ 7 million. The US President expressed hope that Latvia will take all necessary measures to start the dismantling as soon as possible. SM Segodnya

Aug. 3, 1994

Press Review

On August 2 the LNNK fraction adopted a decision not to divulge the names of the members of the new cabinet. According to DIENA there is only one candidate for each post currently. Several candidates failed to pass the Commission for Investigation of Crimes Committed by Totalitarian Regimes which is responsible for "KGB files". Mr.Krastins made it clear that "Latvijas Cels" members would not participate in his government. He promised to announce the names of the new government members on August 8 and to start consultations with the Saeima fractions regarding their support for the government. It has become known that apart from LNNK members there are candidates form the Farmers' Union for several posts in the government. According tho LNNK Chairman Lambergs LNNK fraction supported the candidates for the posts in the new cabinet. According to LNNK Vice-Chairman Baiba Petersone "Latvijas Cels" presses upon persons who agreed to participate in the LNNK cabinet in order to stop them from joining the new government and called such actions a "political terror." The Consultation Forum of political Parties tends not to support the government formed by LNNK. The only parties that currently support the cabinet formed by Mr.Krastins are the Political Union of Economists and "Equal Rights". Still the Union will not vote for the government that will attempt to review the citizenship law. "Latvijas Cels", Peoples' Harmony, Democratic Party, and Social Democrats are concerned about possible changes in Latvia's policies towards Russia that will be inevitably introduced under the LNNK-controlled government.

On August 2 the LNNK fraction adopted a decision not to divulge the names of the members of the new cabinet. According to DIENA there is only one candidate for each post currently. Several candidates failed to pass the Commission for Investigation of Crimes Committed by Totalitarian Regimes which is responsible for "KGB files". Mr.Krastins made it clear that "Latvijas Cels" members would not participate in his government. He promised to announce the names of the new government members on August 8 and to start consultations with the Saeima fractions regarding their support for the government. It has become known that apart from LNNK members there are candidates form the Farmers' Union for several posts in the government. According tho LNNK Chairman Lambergs LNNK fraction supported the candidates for the posts in the new cabinet. According to LNNK Vice-Chairman Baiba Petersone "Latvijas Cels" presses upon persons who agreed to participate in the LNNK cabinet in order to stop them from joining the new government and called such actions a "political terror." The Consultation Forum of political Parties tends not to support the government formed by LNNK. The only parties that currently support the cabinet formed by Mr.Krastins are the Political Union of Economists and "Equal Rights". Still the Union will not vote for the government that will attempt to review the citizenship law. "Latvijas Cels", Peoples' Harmony, Democratic Party, and Social Democrats are concerned about possible changes in Latvia's policies towards Russia that will be inevitably introduced under the LNNK-controlled government. Diena, Labrit, Neatkariga

The Visa and Registration Department has suspended the issuance of travel passports to non-citizens. Next Monday persons who were refused travel passports will be picketing the Council of Ministers. Several hundreds people are expected to participate.

The Visa and Registration Department has suspended the issuance of travel passports to non-citizens. Next Monday persons who were refused travel passports will be picketing the Council of Ministers. Several hundreds people are expected to participate. SM Segodnya

A hunger-strike by parents and students of School 26 will be continued. The group of four people will stay in the school-yard, probably until the meeting of the City Council on August 16 when the problem of the school is expected to be discussed. It is also possible that the issue will be discussed on a later date.

A hunger-strike by parents and students of School 26 will be continued. The group of four people will stay in the school-yard, probably until the meeting of the City Council on August 16 when the problem of the school is expected to be discussed. It is also possible that the issue will be discussed on a later date. SM Segodnya

The US Congress decided to cancel its decision to connect economical aid to Russia with the withdrawal of its troops from the Baltic states.

The US Congress decided to cancel its decision to connect economical aid to Russia with the withdrawal of its troops from the Baltic states. Diena, Neatkariga Cina

During his meeting with Prime-Ministers of the three Baltic states in Vilnius British Prime-Minister Major was not enthusiastic about the European Union; at the same time he called upon the three countries to actively participate in all European institution. He stressed that such participation was also vital for the security of those countries. He also welcomed the newly adopted Latvian citizenship law as being important for the stability in the region.

During his meeting with Prime-Ministers of the three Baltic states in Vilnius British Prime-Minister Major was not enthusiastic about the European Union; at the same time he called upon the three countries to actively participate in all European institution. He stressed that such participation was also vital for the security of those countries. He also welcomed the newly adopted Latvian citizenship law as being important for the stability in the region. Diena, Labrit

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