Aug. 17, 1996

Press Report

Russian Prime-Minister Chernomyrdin during his telephone conversation with Prime-Minister Skele invited the head of the Latvian government to visit Moscow in early September. Mr. Skele told the press it would be a short working visit that might give a new impetus to the work of the joint governmental commission. According to the Russian Prime-Minister's Press-Secretary Mr. Chernomyrdin in his conversation with Skele connected possible improvement of relations between the two countries with "Observance of the rights of the Russian-speaking minority in Latvia". Chernomyrdin told Skele special transportation rates for transit through Latvia and Estonia would not be changed before the meeting of the joint governmental commission.

Russian Prime-Minister Chernomyrdin during his telephone conversation with Prime-Minister Skele invited the head of the Latvian government to visit Moscow in early September. Mr. Skele told the press it would be a short working visit that might give a new impetus to the work of the joint governmental commission. According to the Russian Prime-Minister's Press-Secretary Mr. Chernomyrdin in his conversation with Skele connected possible improvement of relations between the two countries with "Observance of the rights of the Russian-speaking minority in Latvia". Chernomyrdin told Skele special transportation rates for transit through Latvia and Estonia would not be changed before the meeting of the joint governmental commission. Diena, SM

According Director of the Soros Foundation Program on Ethnic Relations and Human Rights Nils Muiznieks Gypsies are an unprotected minority although 90% of them are Latvian citizens. Chairman of the Gypsy Cultural Society Karlis Rudevics says there are 7.5 thousand Gypsies registered in Latvia. He believes the actual number of ethnic Gypsies to be much higher since many of them are officially registered as other nationalities. The Soros foundation has financed the publishing of the Gypsy language textbook and the Gypsy-Latvian dictionary.

According Director of the Soros Foundation Program on Ethnic Relations and Human Rights Nils Muiznieks Gypsies are an unprotected minority although 90% of them are Latvian citizens. Chairman of the Gypsy Cultural Society Karlis Rudevics says there are 7.5 thousand Gypsies registered in Latvia. He believes the actual number of ethnic Gypsies to be much higher since many of them are officially registered as other nationalities. The Soros foundation has financed the publishing of the Gypsy language textbook and the Gypsy-Latvian dictionary. Diena

Mr. Modris Lujans expects the agenda of today's

Mr. Modris Lujans expects the agenda of today's Saeima session to include the document on Latvia's occupation. The document drafted by Mrs. Kreitusse and the Juridical Committee is more moderate than similar statements suggested by "Tevzemei un Brivibai" and "Latvijai". The Saeima will also discuss possible changes in the Saeima Presidium after "TB" demanded replacing Deputy-Speaker Ameriks ("Saimnieks") by a "TB" member.Panorama Latvii


reported on the visit of OSCE Mission members Pirkka Tapiola, Boguslaw Romantowski, and Falk Lange to Liepaja. The article points at the increase of the number of complaints handed over to the Mission members as compared with their previous visit last year. According to the author of the article, the city authorities complained about Russian-speakers, former servicemen in particular, refusing to study Latvia. A member of the City Council asked OSCE representatives whether the OSCE could assist Latvia in deporting non-Latvians after the Saeima adopted an official statement on Soviet occupation. The Mission members explained that most non-Latvians living in Liepaja had legally entered Latvia and, according to its laws, have the right to reside in the country. reported on the visit of OSCE Mission members Pirkka Tapiola, Boguslaw Romantowski, and Falk Lange to Liepaja. The article points at the increase of the number of complaints handed over to the Mission members as compared with their previous visit last year. According to the author of the article, the city authorities complained about Russian-speakers, former servicemen in particular, refusing to study Latvia. A member of the City Council asked OSCE representatives whether the OSCE could assist Latvia in deporting non-Latvians after the Saeima adopted an official statement on Soviet occupation. The Mission members explained that most non-Latvians living in Liepaja had legally entered Latvia and, according to its laws, have the right to reside in the country. Panorama LatviiPanorama Latvii

Aug. 16, 1996

Press Report


interviewed the interviewed the SaeimaSaeima deputies on the recent proposal of forming the Baltic security pact made by Estonian politicians. All Latvian parliament members welcomed the idea stressing its political importance as a basis for strengthening the unity of the three Baltic countries. deputies on the recent proposal of forming the Baltic security pact made by Estonian politicians. All Latvian parliament members welcomed the idea stressing its political importance as a basis for strengthening the unity of the three Baltic countries. Chairman of the

Chairman of the Saeima Committee on Defence and Internal affairs Julijs Druva told the press the law on military service might be reviewed in its second reading on August 22. Journalists expect massive protest rallies to accompany the discussion, since the current draft law provides for the drafting of all university graduates holding bachelor and master degrees. Mr. Druva does not exclude the possibility of granting noncitizens and women the right to serve in the army on a voluntary basis. He suggests noncitizens could be granted Latvian citizenship for a flawless service. Still, he had to note that the norm would require amending the Citizenship Law. Although the governing factions signed an obligation not to suggest or support amendments to the Law, Chairman of the Human Rights Committee Antons Seiksts believes the Law should not be "a sacred cow" remaining unamended forever. B&B

Mr. Vladlen Dozortsev ("People's Harmony" parliamentary group) presented the list of 68 restrictions of noncitizens' rights to the Saeima Human Rights Committee.

Mr. Vladlen Dozortsev ("People's Harmony" parliamentary group) presented the list of 68 restrictions of noncitizens' rights to the Saeima Human Rights Committee. "NEATKARIGA" quotes a letter by Minister of Justice Rasnacs to the Saeima Human Rights Committee. The letter sharply criticized by Dozortsev claims the comparison of citizens' and noncitizens' rights to be biased as it ignores citizens' obligations. Dozortsev recommends forming a work group on the issue within the State Human Rights Office. Neatkariga


"interviewed Human Rights office actin Director Zinta Meizane, Head of complaint department Inita Krizevic, and Senior Officer at the Information Department Roberts Putnis. The Human Rights Office still does not have an officially appointed director having the right to reconciliate arguing parties. The officers interviewed by "interviewed Human Rights office actin Director Zinta Meizane, Head of complaint department Inita Krizevic, and Senior Officer at the Information Department Roberts Putnis. The Human Rights Office still does not have an officially appointed director having the right to reconciliate arguing parties. The officers interviewed by "SM""SM" believe the Cabinet of Ministers regulations on the Human Rights Office adopted last year do not restrict its rights. The first reading of the law on the Human Fights Office was reviewed to a great extend thanks sharp comments made by The UN High Commissioner Brian Burdekin. The second reading of the law gives the Office a much higher degree of independence. The functions of the Office are wider than those of the ombudsman. Unlike the ombudsman, the office can analyze draft legal acts and comment on them. The Office has received more than one hundred CID-connected complaints. Many complaints are also related to dwelling issues and situation in prisons. believe the Cabinet of Ministers regulations on the Human Rights Office adopted last year do not restrict its rights. The first reading of the law on the Human Fights Office was reviewed to a great extend thanks sharp comments made by The UN High Commissioner Brian Burdekin. The second reading of the law gives the Office a much higher degree of independence. The functions of the Office are wider than those of the ombudsman. Unlike the ombudsman, the office can analyze draft legal acts and comment on them. The Office has received more than one hundred CID-connected complaints. Many complaints are also related to dwelling issues and situation in prisons. SMSM A poll by "SM" shows that many noncitizens are considering taking Russian citizenship by 2000. Some of the Russian citizens interviewed by "SM" are not going to apply for a permanent residence permit believing the CID might issue a TRP instead, or the recent amendments on permanent residence permits might be canceled.

A poll by "SM" shows that many noncitizens are considering taking Russian citizenship by 2000. Some of the Russian citizens interviewed by "SM" are not going to apply for a permanent residence permit believing the CID might issue a TRP instead, or the recent amendments on permanent residence permits might be canceled.

Aug. 15, 1996

Press Report

Yesterday Prime-Minister Skele presented the draft agreement between factions at the meeting of the Council for Cooperation between Governing Factions. The Council refused commenting on the draft or making it public before it is studied by all governing factions. According to

Yesterday Prime-Minister Skele presented the draft agreement between factions at the meeting of the Council for Cooperation between Governing Factions. The Council refused commenting on the draft or making it public before it is studied by all governing factions. According to "DIENA", the draft agreement provides for adopting decisions by a qualified majority of votes in the Council even if one of the factions does not support a decision. The agreement also excludes the possibility of mandatory voting within a faction refusing to support a decision adopted by the rest of the coalition factions. Diena Deputy-Chairman of the Estonian Parliament Ruitel, former Minister of Defence Einseln, and member of the parliament Tarto circulated a statement proposing the forming of the Baltic military and political union. They call for concluding the Baltic security pact that would guarantee security for Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania until the three countries are admitted to NATO. The statement expresses concern about the possibility of "a backstage deal leaving the Baltic states in Russia's sphere of influence in exchange for a partial expansion of NATO". Estonian politicians suggest that USA, Germany, Russia, Sweden, Poland, Finland, and Denmark could join the pact. Diena

Yesterday the

Yesterday the Saeima Human Rights Committee refused to accept Vladlen Dozortsev's ("People's Harmony") proposal on drafting an official list of differences between the rights of citizens and noncitizens. Chairman of the Committee Antons Seiksts told the press it would be improper to give unofficial status to documents discrediting Latvia. Still, he agrees that certain restrictions currently in force should be canceled. He also supports granting noncitizens the right to volunteer for the army service. His views are shared by the Committee on Defence and Internal Affairs currently reviewing the draft law on military service. The Human Rights Committee addressed several state institutions with a request to analyze the existing restrictions of noncitizens' social rights. Some government officials gave purely formal responses. In that connection Mr. Dozortsev mentioned a letter by Minister of Justice Rasnacs ("Tevzemei un BrivibaI") refrring to it as "offending". Member of the Committee Juris Vidins ("Tevzemei un Brivibai") refused to discuss the issue claiming all noncitizens to be "colonizers" and objected against "legalizing their status in the country". The Committee decided that the "Peoples' Harmony" faction will submit its proposals on decreasing the number of restrictions on the rights of noncitizens while the Committee will review each restriction and will decide whether to draft a corresponding amendment to an applicable law. Diena, SM

Aug. 14, 1996

Press Report

Today the Council for Cooperation between the Governing Factions will discuss the cooperation agreement drafted by Prime-Minister Skele. According to

Today the Council for Cooperation between the Governing Factions will discuss the cooperation agreement drafted by Prime-Minister Skele. According to "DIENA", the draft agreement allows the factions to adopt a decision even if it is opposed by one or two coalition factions. Although Skele suggested that all deputies should sign the agreement it will be signed only be the heads of the factions. The agreement is not likely to be signed this week, as some factions are putting forward their conditions. "Tevzemei un Brivibai" demands the post of the Saeima Deputy-Speaker for its member and objects against "Saimnieks" having three seats in the Saeima Presidium. The Prime-Minister hopes the agreement will facilitate decision-making in the Saeima. Analysts believe it will actually eliminate the "internal opposition" within the governing coalition while the "external opposition" has a minor importance after the split of the "Peoples' Harmony' and "Latvijai" factions. Diena, SM

The Latvian Human Rights Committee in its monthly report published by the

The Latvian Human Rights Committee in its monthly report published by the "SM" points at an increase of the number of complaints related to dwelling issues. The Committee doubts the efficiency of the measures recently taken by the Minister of The Interior to ensure the observance of the law by the CID. The CID issued thirteen expulsion orders and canceled twenty-six Register stamps in July. The CID officers continue the practice of pressing noncitizens to take foreign citizenship in order to obtain a residence permit. The Committee claims the issuing of residence permits to Russian citizenship ("instead of the Register of Inhabitants" stamp") to be illegal. The report quotes a letter by a provincial town procurator denying the right to reside in Latvia to a person who renounced her "propiska" in the country in 1989 and returned to Latvia in 1991. The procurator ignores the "Law on the Status of Former USSR Citizens..." that grants the right to return to Latvia to those who had "propiska' in the country "BEFORE" (but not "AS OF") June 1, 1992. The report also informs about the founding of the party "For Social Justice and Equality" with its program focused on human rights problems. Tatjana Zhdanok has been elected its Coordinator. SM

aprīlis 30, 1996

Press Report

The Russian parliamentary delegation laid an accent on human rights problems and Rubiks' case. According to Chairman of the Saeima Committee for Foreign Affairs Antons Seiksts, the Russian side was suffering the "big brother" syndrome. Head of the delegation Vladimir Lukin ("Yabloko"("Apple") says the main problems are the low intensity of relations between the two countries and "inadequate" treatment of noncitizens. Sergey Glotov ("Narodovlastiye" ("People's Power") named the human rights problems as the main subject for further discussions. In that connection he also mentioned 63 differences between the rights of citizens and noncitizens. Mr. Seiksts argued the point saying that by criticizing Latvia's laws Russia's representatives also criticized the Council of Europe, the laws being approved by that international body. Members of the Saeima Human Rights Committee dispelled the accusations of a deliberately planned discrimination of Russians in Latvia. Antons Seiksts told the press that he had expected Russian parliament members to be better informed of the situation in Latvia. Speaking about security issues, Mr. Lukin said the efforts to join NATO were contradicting Latvia's national interests. He said that Latvia would never be admitted to NATO and stressed that Russia was against the expansion of the block. He advised Latvia to consider a system that would allow both Russia and Latvia to "feel secure". Both parties were satisfied by the fact that the dialogue had been started by defining the problems of mutual interest. Valdis Birkavs and Vladimir Lukin during their meeting stressed the importance of making practical steps toward resolving the existing problems.

The Russian parliamentary delegation laid an accent on human rights problems and Rubiks' case. According to Chairman of the Saeima Committee for Foreign Affairs Antons Seiksts, the Russian side was suffering the "big brother" syndrome. Head of the delegation Vladimir Lukin ("Yabloko"("Apple") says the main problems are the low intensity of relations between the two countries and "inadequate" treatment of noncitizens. Sergey Glotov ("Narodovlastiye" ("People's Power") named the human rights problems as the main subject for further discussions. In that connection he also mentioned 63 differences between the rights of citizens and noncitizens. Mr. Seiksts argued the point saying that by criticizing Latvia's laws Russia's representatives also criticized the Council of Europe, the laws being approved by that international body. Members of the Saeima Human Rights Committee dispelled the accusations of a deliberately planned discrimination of Russians in Latvia. Antons Seiksts told the press that he had expected Russian parliament members to be better informed of the situation in Latvia. Speaking about security issues, Mr. Lukin said the efforts to join NATO were contradicting Latvia's national interests. He said that Latvia would never be admitted to NATO and stressed that Russia was against the expansion of the block. He advised Latvia to consider a system that would allow both Russia and Latvia to "feel secure". Both parties were satisfied by the fact that the dialogue had been started by defining the problems of mutual interest. Valdis Birkavs and Vladimir Lukin during their meeting stressed the importance of making practical steps toward resolving the existing problems. Diena, Neatkariga, SM Segodnya

Before starting the official program of its visit, the Duma delegation had a meeting human right activists, prominent social figures, and representatives of war veteran organizations. The issues discussed at the meeting included education and the rights of noncitizens. The Latvian Human Right Committee presented documents on human rights violations including 32 unlawful deportations. Some participants of the meeting called upon Russia to connect oil transit through Latvia with cultural, educational, and economic aid to Latvia's Russians.

Before starting the official program of its visit, the Duma delegation had a meeting human right activists, prominent social figures, and representatives of war veteran organizations. The issues discussed at the meeting included education and the rights of noncitizens. The Latvian Human Right Committee presented documents on human rights violations including 32 unlawful deportations. Some participants of the meeting called upon Russia to connect oil transit through Latvia with cultural, educational, and economic aid to Latvia's Russians. SM Segodnya

Russia's defence Institute Analyst Anatoly Surikov, believed to be one of the authors of the country's defence doctrine, made a extraordinary statement in a recent interview. He said that the joining of NATO by one of the three Baltic states would inevitably result in Russia invading the countries. He added that the Baltic states would still retain their independence after new governments were formed and Russian troops were withdrawn.

Russia's defence Institute Analyst Anatoly Surikov, believed to be one of the authors of the country's defence doctrine, made a extraordinary statement in a recent interview. He said that the joining of NATO by one of the three Baltic states would inevitably result in Russia invading the countries. He added that the Baltic states would still retain their independence after new governments were formed and Russian troops were withdrawn. SM

Russia's representatives at the Baltic Sea and European security Seminar in St. Petersburg stressed that NATO expansion would be unacceptable to Russia irrespective of who won the upcoming presidential elections. According to "DIENA's" observer Nordic Countries were concerned about Russia's approach while Finland's representative made it clear that the country might review its defence policies and could under certain circumstance join NATO. Among alternative schemes suggested at the seminar was the use of the OSCE, the Council of Europe, and the Baltic Council potentials to a full extend instead of discussing a possible admission of Baltic states to NATO. Other concepts included concentrating on the role of the OSCE and forming the Council for European Security with the following disbanding of NATO.

Russia's representatives at the Baltic Sea and European security Seminar in St. Petersburg stressed that NATO expansion would be unacceptable to Russia irrespective of who won the upcoming presidential elections. According to "DIENA's" observer Nordic Countries were concerned about Russia's approach while Finland's representative made it clear that the country might review its defence policies and could under certain circumstance join NATO. Among alternative schemes suggested at the seminar was the use of the OSCE, the Council of Europe, and the Baltic Council potentials to a full extend instead of discussing a possible admission of Baltic states to NATO. Other concepts included concentrating on the role of the OSCE and forming the Council for European Security with the following disbanding of NATO. Diena

According to "NEATKARIGA", Russian Embassy officials in private conversations about the number of Russian citizens residing in Latvia mention the figure of 50,000. 6,000 took part in the Duma elections while only 3,000 are registered with the CID. This allows to assume that thousands of Latvia's inhabitants hold both Russian passports and passports issued in Latvia.

According to "NEATKARIGA", Russian Embassy officials in private conversations about the number of Russian citizens residing in Latvia mention the figure of 50,000. 6,000 took part in the Duma elections while only 3,000 are registered with the CID. This allows to assume that thousands of Latvia's inhabitants hold both Russian passports and passports issued in Latvia.

"Tevzemei un Brivibai" Secretary General Aigars Kimenis while analyzing the "conflict" between the Ministry of the Interior and the CID points at different interpretation of the law by those institutions. He compares four groups handled differently by the Ministry and the CID. 1) Persons enlisted on the Latvian territory and demobilized after July 1, 1992. In this case the CID applies Article 1 Paragraph 4 of Decree # 266 by the Cabinet of Ministers of October 8, 1991, updated by Article 3 of Decree # 355 by the Cabinet of Ministers of August 25, 1992. According to the said documents the Law "On Foreigners and Stateless Persons' Entrance to and Stay in the Republic of Latvia" should be applied to this category. The Ministry of the Interior applies Article 1 of the Law "On Former USSR Citizens not having Citizenship of Latvia or of any other State" demanding to include the group into the Register of inhabitants through a general procedure. 2) Foreigners, mainly Russian citizens, with court decrees in their favor, who do not have all documents required for receiving a residence permit. The CID believes these persons not to be exempt of providing all required documents as determined by "The Regulations on the Term of Residence and Procedure for the issuing of Permanent Residence permits". The Ministry ignores the requirements. 3) Persons who had propiska in Latvia before July 1, 1992, and repatriated or left for the third country. According to the CID, such persons can enter Latvia only according to the Law "On Foreigners' and Stateless Persons' Entrance to and Stay in the Republic of Latvia". Part One of Article 1 of the Law "On the Status of Former USSR Citizens..." can be interpreted in the context of Articles 1 and 2 of the Decree "On the Procedure of the Coming into Force of the Law "On Foreigners' and Stateless Persons' Entrance to and Stay in the Republic of Latvia". This means that the law on Former USSR Citizens applies to individuals who had propiska in Latvia on July 1, 1992. While the Ministry applies the Law to all persons who had propiska in Latvia any time before the date. 4) Members of Russian servicemen's families, whose entrance to Latvia was not initially connected with the distribution of Russian troops, and who concluded marriages with Russian servicemen, left Latvia, and later entered the country already as a part of the army contingent. The CID believes the status of these persons top be depend on the nature of their last entry (Article 1, Paragraph 3, Subparagraph 3 of the Law "On Former USSR Citizens..."). The Ministry of the Interior insist on taking into consideration their first entry. Mr. Kimenis stresses that the Ministry of the Interior interprets all arguable points in favor of the "colonists" and insists on stopping "the attempts to interfere with the work of the CID."

"Tevzemei un Brivibai" Secretary General Aigars Kimenis while analyzing the "conflict" between the Ministry of the Interior and the CID points at different interpretation of the law by those institutions. He compares four groups handled differently by the Ministry and the CID. 1) Persons enlisted on the Latvian territory and demobilized after July 1, 1992. In this case the CID applies Article 1 Paragraph 4 of Decree # 266 by the Cabinet of Ministers of October 8, 1991, updated by Article 3 of Decree # 355 by the Cabinet of Ministers of August 25, 1992. According to the said documents the Law "On Foreigners and Stateless Persons' Entrance to and Stay in the Republic of Latvia" should be applied to this category. The Ministry of the Interior applies Article 1 of the Law "On Former USSR Citizens not having Citizenship of Latvia or of any other State" demanding to include the group into the Register of inhabitants through a general procedure. 2) Foreigners, mainly Russian citizens, with court decrees in their favor, who do not have all documents required for receiving a residence permit. The CID believes these persons not to be exempt of providing all required documents as determined by "The Regulations on the Term of Residence and Procedure for the issuing of Permanent Residence permits". The Ministry ignores the requirements. 3) Persons who had propiska in Latvia before July 1, 1992, and repatriated or left for the third country. According to the CID, such persons can enter Latvia only according to the Law "On Foreigners' and Stateless Persons' Entrance to and Stay in the Republic of Latvia". Part One of Article 1 of the Law "On the Status of Former USSR Citizens..." can be interpreted in the context of Articles 1 and 2 of the Decree "On the Procedure of the Coming into Force of the Law "On Foreigners' and Stateless Persons' Entrance to and Stay in the Republic of Latvia". This means that the law on Former USSR Citizens applies to individuals who had propiska in Latvia on July 1, 1992. While the Ministry applies the Law to all persons who had propiska in Latvia any time before the date. 4) Members of Russian servicemen's families, whose entrance to Latvia was not initially connected with the distribution of Russian troops, and who concluded marriages with Russian servicemen, left Latvia, and later entered the country already as a part of the army contingent. The CID believes the status of these persons top be depend on the nature of their last entry (Article 1, Paragraph 3, Subparagraph 3 of the Law "On Former USSR Citizens..."). The Ministry of the Interior insist on taking into consideration their first entry. Mr. Kimenis stresses that the Ministry of the Interior interprets all arguable points in favor of the "colonists" and insists on stopping "the attempts to interfere with the work of the CID." Diena

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