Sept. 17, 1996

Press Report


Several Saeima members believe the Prime-Minister (and not the Council of the Governing Factions) is to deciside on Kreituss dismissal. Saimnieks Chairman Cevers says his faction would not raise the issue of Kreituss dismissal in the absence of the Prime Minister. Mr Skele is expected back from his visits abroad on September 26. Skele is said to be satisfied with Kreituss work . The only objection to Kreituss retaining the post might be caused by the fact that he is not a party member any more. It will be up to the governing factions to decide whether they would agree to have a minister not belonging to any of the governing parties. Neatkariga, Diena

The 1950 European Human Rights Convention still has not been ratified by the

The 1950 European Human Rights Convention still has not been ratified by the Saeima. Ratifying the Convention and supplementary protocols was among the CE Parliamentary Assembly recommendations of January 31, 1996. The Saeima Human Rights Committee started analysing the compliance of Latvias legislation with the first twelve articles of the Convention. Materials studied by the Committee have been prepared by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in collaboration with the Ministry of Justice, the State Human rights Bureau, and the Council of Sworn Attorneys. A meeting of the Latvian side with the Council of Europe experts was held in Riga last May. The meeting pointed out particular aspects of Latvias legislation contradicting the European norms. Among those were death penalty, canceling residence permits whose holders had been registered as drug addicts or alcoholics, and a ban on issuing residence permits to individuals suffering from diseases dangerous to the society. The CE experts agreed to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Report that suggested amending the Constitutional Law on the Rights and Obligations of an individual and a Citizen. The amendments would set restrictions required for guaranteeing the security of the state. The meeting named the end of October 1996 as a deadline for submitting a report on the remaining points of the Convention to the CE. Mrs Malinovska of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs says she does not see any reasons why the Saeima could not ratify the Convention by the end of this year. Mr Dozortsev of Peoples Harmony says the Ministry of Foreign Affairs should have been more active to allow ratifying the Convention within one year after it was signed by Latvia. Dozortsev believes there are serious discrepancies between Latvias legislation and the Convention. Among most important points he named the fact that human rights do not have a constitutional status in the countrys legislation. Dozortsev is not enthusiastic about the Saeimas ability to adopt all necessary amendments before the end of the year, since all the amendments are to pass three readings. Diena

The CID has fired Ugis Sulcs who was working for the Department as a contracted expert. Earlier Mr Sulcs had been dismissed along with several other CID officers by the Minister of the Interior from a post of the Director’s advisor. CID Director Mr Zitars told “DIENA” he would have allowed Sulcs “to contribute to the work of the Department”. Minister of the Interior Turlais refused to comment on the firing of Sulcs.

The CID has fired Ugis Sulcs who was working for the Department as a contracted expert. Earlier Mr Sulcs had been dismissed along with several other CID officers by the Minister of the Interior from a post of the Directors advisor. CID Director Mr Zitars told DIENA he would have allowed Sulcs to contribute to the work of the Department. Minister of the Interior Turlais refused to comment on the firing of Sulcs. Diena

Last week Minister of Welfare Vladimirs Makarovs

Last week Minister of Welfare Vladimirs Makarovs (Tevzemei un Brivibai) told the press the Latvian authorities were considering the possibility of taxing retire Russian servicemens pensions. The step, if taken, would dramatically aggravate Latvias relations with Russia and would be a violation of the agreement between the two countries. The Government press-service says the idea is not backed up by a draft law and is just a proposal made by Mr Makarovs. SM

Sept. 16, 1996

Press Review


interviewed Russias plenipotentiary for military pensioners affairs Nikolay Yevteyev. The issue of the interview was recent statements by Minister of Welfare Makarovs and Minister of Finance Kreituss on possible taxing of pensions exceeding a certain minimum. The suggested amendment to the tax law could apply also to retired Russian servicemen. Mr Yevteyev says that in accordance with the agreement between Russia and Latvia servicemens pensions are to be paid in a foreign currency and are interviewed Russia’s plenipotentiary for military pensioners’ affairs Nikolay Yevteyev. The issue of the interview was recent statements by Minister of Welfare Makarovs and Minister of Finance Kreituss on possible taxing of pensions exceeding a certain minimum. The suggested amendment to the tax law could apply also to retired Russian servicemen. Mr Yevteyev says that in accordance with the agreement between Russia and Latvia servicemen’s pensions are to be paid in a foreign currency and are tax-free tax-free. The provision was included into the agreement on Yevteyevs request. Russias Embassy asked Latvias Ministry of Foreign Affairs for comments on the issue. Yevteyev says the problem should be resolved within the framework set by the two countries agreement on pensioned servicemen. . The provision was included into the agreement on Yevteyev’s request. Russia’s Embassy asked Latvia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs for comments on the issue. Yevteyev says the problem should be resolved within the framework set by the two countries’ agreement on pensioned servicemen. Panorama Latvii Panorama Latvii On September 13 the

On September 13 the Saimnieks Party Council voted for expelling Mr Kreituss from the party and recalling him from the post of the Minister of Finance. Speaker of the Saeima Mrs Ilga Kreituse requested the Council to expel her as well. The Council could not vote on the issue without the party leadership having adopted a corresponding decision. During her press-conference last Friday Mrs Kreituse criticised Minister of Foreign Affairs Birkavs, Deputy Prime-Minister Cevers, and President Ulmanis for questioning the necessity of the Declaration on Occupation. Kreituse said the ministers and the President should not criticise a decision adopted by the parliament. According to ITAR-TASS, Mr Gennady Tarasov of Russias Ministry of Foreign Affairs commented on the statements made by Mr Ulmanis in connection with the Declaration. Mr Tarasov said Latvias more active policy in the East mentioned by Ulmanis could create prerequisites for future summits and would avert the nationalists attempts to reduce the rights of noncitizens. Neatkariga, Diena

Prime-Minister Skele told the press he would make a decision on Kreituss’ possible dismissal only after having studied the motives given by “Saimnieks” leaders. The Prime-Minister believes the issue should be reviewed by the Council for the Faction Co-operation. Mr Skele is most likely to give his opinion by the end of this month after his return from abroad. Mr Kreituss says he will take his seat in the

Prime-Minister Skele told the press he would make a decision on Kreituss possible dismissal only after having studied the motives given by Saimnieks leaders. The Prime-Minister believes the issue should be reviewed by the Council for the Faction Co-operation. Mr Skele is most likely to give his opinion by the end of this month after his return from abroad. Mr Kreituss says he will take his seat in the Saeima in case of dismissal although he still cannot name a party he would choose to collaborate with. He explains the attempt to recall him from the Ministers post by his refusal to put Saimnieks men in charge of the Ministry of Finance and the State Revenue Service. Diena

Minister of Foreign Affairs Birkavs in an article for

Minister of Foreign Affairs Birkavs in an article for DIENA stresses the importance of Latvias efforts to join the EU and NATO. He firmly believes finladisation cannot guarantee Latvias security. Latvia should focus on bringing its foreign and domestic policies in compliance with the EU and NATO standards, writes Birkavs. Diena

The Ministry of Welfare representatives and the Council of Europe experts told the press Latvia was ready to join the European Social Charter. The Charter declares economic and social rights of a country’s citizens. Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of Welfare Mrs Puriða says Latvia could join the Charter without ratifying its provisions on social welfare and benefits due to economic instability in the country.

The Ministry of Welfare representatives and the Council of Europe experts told the press Latvia was ready to join the European Social Charter. The Charter declares economic and social rights of a countrys citizens. Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of Welfare Mrs Puriða says Latvia could join the Charter without ratifying its provisions on social welfare and benefits due to economic instability in the country. Diena

Sept. 13, 1996

Press Report

Yesterday the meeting of

Yesterday the meeting of Saimnieks leaders expelled Kreituss from the party and decided to recall him from his post. Kreituss was accused in ignoring the party programme and disregarding the partys opinion on essential issues (pensions, teachers salaries, etc.). The party council is to make a final decision on Kreituss expulsion today. The meeting informed Prime-Minister Skele about its decision to recall Kreituss from the post of a Minister of Finance. The Prime-Minister will meet Kreituss today. The party leadership summoned Mrs. Kreituse to its next meeting. She will be asked to comment on her recent TV interview when Kreituse accused Cevers in destabilising the government. Kreituss says he will not resign and will discuss the situation with the Prime-Minister. According to unofficial information, Cevers had a meeting with Skele. The details of the meeting are unknown to the press. Representatives of other factions refused to comment on the possible resignation of the Minister of Finance. Deputy-Chairman of the Budget and Finance Committee Lambergs says it would be unwise to demand the resignation before the state budget is adopted. According to draft amendments to the Saeima Procedures, a report on the budget will be delivered by the Minister of Finance and not by the Chairman of the Budget Committee. Diena, Neatkariga

Yesterday Chairman of the

Yesterday Chairman of the Saimnieks faction Juris Kaksitis and Chairman of the Unity faction Edgars Bans signed an agreement on forming a political block. The block will have 27 seats (Saimnieks- 20, Unity- 7). The block will accept independent deputies. Diena


The Saeima adopted the second reading of draft amendments to the law on land in metropolitan areas. The amendments introduce a free land market although they apply only to company property and do not grant noncitizen and foreign individuals the right to own land. The Saeima voted against passing amendments to the Citizenship Law on extraordinary naturalisation of Polish citizens to the Commissions. Diena

The CID spokesmen says a recent decision by the Riga City Council on additional document to be required from noncitizens willing to privatise their apartments. The documents include a certificate from the CID confirming a person is holding or has a right to apply for a new noncitizen’s passport. Head of the CID passport Division Vaira Sprince says the Cabinet of Ministers has not set the procedure for the issuing of the new passports yet. The State Human Rights Office does consider the additional requirement suggested by the City Council to be a human rights violation.

The CID spokesmen says a recent decision by the Riga City Council on additional document to be required from noncitizens willing to privatise their apartments. The documents include a certificate from the CID confirming a person is holding or has a right to apply for a new noncitizens passport. Head of the CID passport Division Vaira Sprince says the Cabinet of Ministers has not set the procedure for the issuing of the new passports yet. The State Human Rights Office does consider the additional requirement suggested by the City Council to be a human rights violation. Diena

Sept. 12, 1996

Press Report

The Saeima Juridical Committee defined the rating of possible candidates for the posts of the Constitutional Court Judges. The Committee will not make public the results of the polling that was based on the analysis of the candidates’ applications and professional experience. According to unofficial information, Deputy-Chairman of the Juridical Committee Endzins (LC) is the most probable candidate for Chairman’s position. The candidates for the posts of judges could be Parliamentary Secretary of the Ministry of Communications Ilma Cepane, Romans Apsitis (LC), Valdis Cielava (LVP), Viktors Elksnis (LZS), Ivars Bukovskis (DPS), Velta Slaidina (KDS), and Valdis Rozukalns (TB). Each candidate has to win 51 vote to be elected. Mr. Kaksitis believes the Saeima will vote on the candidates in the beginning of October.

The Saeima Juridical Committee defined the rating of possible candidates for the posts of the Constitutional Court Judges. The Committee will not make public the results of the polling that was based on the analysis of the candidates applications and professional experience. According to unofficial information, Deputy-Chairman of the Juridical Committee Endzins (LC) is the most probable candidate for Chairmans position. The candidates for the posts of judges could be Parliamentary Secretary of the Ministry of Communications Ilma Cepane, Romans Apsitis (LC), Valdis Cielava (LVP), Viktors Elksnis (LZS), Ivars Bukovskis (DPS), Velta Slaidina (KDS), and Valdis Rozukalns (TB). Each candidate has to win 51 vote to be elected. Mr. Kaksitis believes the Saeima will vote on the candidates in the beginning of October. Diena, Neatkariga

“Saimnieks” Chairman Cevers told the press the Party Council would make a final decision on recalling Mr. Kreituss from a minister’s post this Friday. An official reason for replacing Kreituss is his failure to fulfil obligations taken by the party during the election campaign. According to Kreituss, Cevers’ campaign against him is caused by his refusal to support appointments suggested by Cevers. Today Kreituss is to respond to answers put by “Saimnieks” leaders regarding the fulfilment of the party program. Should the Prime-Minister refuse to support Kreituss’ dismissal, “Saimnieks” will submit a draft decree demanding his dismissal to be voted on by the Saeima. Prime-Minister Skele is not likely to agree to Kreituss’ dismissal.

Saimnieks Chairman Cevers told the press the Party Council would make a final decision on recalling Mr. Kreituss from a ministers post this Friday. An official reason for replacing Kreituss is his failure to fulfil obligations taken by the party during the election campaign. According to Kreituss, Cevers campaign against him is caused by his refusal to support appointments suggested by Cevers. Today Kreituss is to respond to answers put by Saimnieks leaders regarding the fulfilment of the party program. Should the Prime-Minister refuse to support Kreituss dismissal, Saimnieks will submit a draft decree demanding his dismissal to be voted on by the Saeima. Prime-Minister Skele is not likely to agree to Kreituss dismissal. Diena

Prime-Minister Skele will not visit Moscow to meet Chernomyrdin. The decision was made after consultations held by Latvian and Russian diplomats. A spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs still hopes Skele could visit Russia in October.

Prime-MinisterSkele will not visit Moscow to meet Chernomyrdin. The decision was made after consultations held by Latvian and Russian diplomats. A spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs still hopes Skele could visit Russia in October. Neatkariga

Latvia and Russia agreed on forming a joint commission to deal with transportation-related problems. New transportation rates for goods shipped vial Latvia will be on top of the agenda.

Latvia and Russia agreed on forming a joint commission to deal with transportation-related problems. New transportation rates for goods shipped vial Latvia will be on top of the agenda. Neatkariga

The International Humanitarian Co-operation and Human Rights Board of Russia’s Foreign Ministry analyses the rights of compatriots abroad. The Board submits the result of the analysis to the highest government officials and works out guidelines for Russia’s foreign policy.

The International Humanitarian Co-operation and Human Rights Board of Russias Foreign Ministry analyses the rights of compatriots abroad. The Board submits the result of the analysis to the highest government officials and works out guidelines for Russias foreign policy.

The highlights of the analysis of the situation in the Baltic states are as follows.

The highlights of the analysis of the situation in the Baltic states are as follows.



Positive features

Positive features

Extension of residence permits for demobilised servicemen to leave the country under its agreement with Russia.

Extension of residence permits for demobilised servicemen to leave the country under its agreement with Russia.

Failure of an attempt to collect the number of ballots sufficient for submitting an alternative Citizenship Law to the Saeima.

Failure of an attempt to collect the number of ballots sufficient for submitting an alternative Citizenship Law to the Saeima.

Dismissal of CID official known for their unlawful actions towards the country’s inhabitants (mostly towards Russian-speakers).

Dismissal of CID official known for their unlawful actions towards the countrys inhabitants (mostly towards Russian-speakers).

Adoption of the Law on Former USSR Citizens legalising to a certain extend the status of Latvia’s stateless inhabitants.

Adoption of the Law on Former USSR Citizens legalising to a certain extend the status of Latvias stateless inhabitants.

Latvian authorities take into consideration the OSCE recommendations on the implementation of the Citizenship Law and are trying to amend the legislation in force.

Latvian authorities take into consideration the OSCE recommendations on the implementation of the Citizenship Law and are trying to amend the legislation in force.

Negative features

Negative features

39 discriminating amendments were introduced into the Citizenship Law allowing local authorities to interpret it arbitrarily.

39 discriminating amendments were introduced into the Citizenship Law allowing local authorities to interpret it arbitrarily.

The legislation still provides for 68 differences between the rights of citizens and noncitizens. 30% of potential voters were deprived of the right to participate in the Saeima election in 1995.

The legislation still provides for 68 differences between the rights of citizens and noncitizens. 30% of potential voters were deprived of the right to participate in the Saeima election in 1995.

The Saeima declined “People’s Harmony” suggestion on granting noncitizens the right to participate in local elections.

The Saeima declined Peoples Harmony suggestion on granting noncitizens the right to participate in local elections.

Naturalisation is slow while noncitizen’s passports will be issued only after 1 January 1997 leading to restriction of noncitizens’ right to travel.

Naturalisation is slow while noncitizens passports will be issued only after 1 January 1997 leading to restriction of noncitizens right to travel.

The draft Language Law if adopted would limit the use of the Russian language to the minimum depriving Russian-speaking children of their right for education in their tongue.

The draft Language Law if adopted would limit the use of the Russian language to the minimum depriving Russian-speaking children of their right for education in their tongue.

School 9 has been passed over to Riga’s Ukrainian society in spite of protests from the Russian side.

School 9 has been passed over to Rigas Ukrainian society in spite of protests from the Russian side.



Positive features

Positive features

Estonian authorities recognised the existence of the problem of Russian-speakers and agreed it was necessary to find a solution to the problem.

Estonian authorities recognised the existence of the problem of Russian-speakers and agreed it was necessary to find a solution to the problem.

Estonian authorities took an obligation to consider all applications for residence permits and foreigner’s passports before July 12.

Estonian authorities took an obligation to consider all applications for residence permits and foreigners passports before July 12.

International organisations managed to press upon Estonia to draft the law on refugees.

International organisations managed to press upon Estonia to draft the law on refugees.

Estonian President declined a discriminating draft local election law banning noncitizens from participating in local elections.

Estonian President declined a discriminating draft local election law banning noncitizens from participating in local elections.

Estonia agreed to ratify an agreement with Russia on social guarantees for demobilised Russian servicemen.

Estonia agreed to ratify an agreement with Russia on social guarantees for demobilised Russian servicemen.

Negative features

Negative features

Estonian Citizenship Law discriminates Russian-speakers making 200 thousand inhabitants stateless.

Estonian Citizenship Law discriminates Russian-speakers making 200 thousand inhabitants stateless.

Naturalisation is extremely slow ( 200 in 1995).

Naturalisation is extremely slow ( 200 in 1995).

Holders of a foreigner’s passport do not a consular and legal support abroad.

Holders of a foreigners passport do not a consular and legal support abroad.

Legal acts on the state language give Russian the status of a foreign language limiting Russian-speakers’ employment opportunities.

Legal acts on the state language give Russian the status of a foreign language limiting Russian-speakers employment opportunities.

Education system for Russian-speakers is being “dismantled”.

Education system for Russian-speakers is being dismantled.

Numerous legal acts restrict noncitizens’ right for employment and their right to privatise apartments.

Numerous legal acts restrict noncitizens right for employment and their right to privatise apartments.



Positive features

Positive features
Lithuania has chosen the so-called zero-option granting citizenship to all its inhabitants. Russian citizens are given rights equal to those of Lithuanian citizens. Lithuanian authorities promptly react to recommendations by international organisations.

Negative features:

Negative features:
Cultural and information links with Russia are being narrowed. Stricter requirements of the mandatory use of the state language are being introduced. The state reduces the funding of Russian-language schools. The Board in its report points at considerable restriction of the use of the Russian language in all three republics and characterises their general policy toward Russian-speakers as discriminating. The Board suggests the Russian government to connect its policy toward the three states to the situation of Russian-speakers in these countries. Russia should conclude a bilateral or multilateral agreement with Baltic states on the status of citizens of one state constantly residing on the territory of another state. The report does not exclude the use of economic sanctions. The priority status in political relations with Russia should be given to the countries resolving citizenship problem in a civilised way. Diena

Sept. 10, 1996

Press Report

Head of the Latvian delegation Maris Riekstins told

Head of the Latvian delegation Maris Riekstins told DIENA a basic agreement with Lithuania might be reached by the end of next week. Lithuanian Minister of Foreign Affairs Povilas Gilis says a recent meeting with his Latvian colleague allows to hope Latvia will recognise the Kursh Spit a Lithuanian territory. Riekstins believes next round of marine border talks with Lithuania to be held soon. Diena, Neatkariga

Governing factions received a draft of a “supplementary agreement on co-operation”. Andrejs Pantelejevs” (“

Governing factions received a draft of a supplementary agreement on co-operation. Andrejs Pantelejevs (Latvijas Cels) says none of the factions has any objections against the document. It was drafted by a working group formed upon the Prime-Ministers initiative. The initial agreement between was opposed by Saimnieks, Tevzemei un Brivibai, and the Unity Party. Other factions also would not agree to excluding the principle of consensus from the agreement. The new agreement requires a unanimous voting on amendments to the Satversme or the Citizenship Law. Diena

President Yeltsin’s Press-Secretary Yastrzhembsky says Russia cannot under any circumstance be considered responsible for the policy of the former USSR toward the Baltic states. He interprets Latvia’s and Estonia’s calls for recognising the continuity of their 1920 agreements with Soviet Russia as an attempt to put territorial claims. Recognition of the 1920 agreements would lead to “introducing an even more severe regime for Russian-speakers in Latvia and Estonia”. “The Russian federation considers the Riga and the Yuryev agreements as having lost their force after 1940 when Latvia and Estonia joined the USSR,” says Yastrzhembovsky.

President Yeltsins Press-Secretary Yastrzhembsky says Russia cannot under any circumstance be considered responsible for the policy of the former USSR toward the Baltic states. He interprets Latvias and Estonias calls for recognising the continuity of their 1920 agreements with Soviet Russia as an attempt to put territorial claims. Recognition of the 1920 agreements would lead to introducing an even more severe regime for Russian-speakers in Latvia and Estonia. The Russian federation considers the Riga and the Yuryev agreements as having lost their force after 1940 when Latvia and Estonia joined the USSR, says Yastrzhembovsky.

Minister of the Interior Turlais fired former CID Deputy-Director Ugis Sulcs. After being relieved of a Deputy-Director’s duties Sulcs have been employed by the CID as a consultant on a contract basis. Current Deputy-Director Dombrovskis admits Sulcs “made mistakes” but still was an indispensable expert. Neatkariga

Minister of the Interior Turlais fired former CID Deputy-Director Ugis Sulcs. After being relieved of a Deputy-Directors duties Sulcs have been employed by the CID as a consultant on a contract basis. Current Deputy-Director Dombrovskis admits Sulcs made mistakes but still was an indispensable expert. Neatkariga

Most Russian schools find it difficult to implement amendments to the Law on Education. The amendments, to be observed starting September 1, demand mandatory teaching of several subjects in Latvian in elemntary schools. Although all teachers have passed at least the “second category” Latvian language tests, the command of the language is not sufficient to deliver lectures in Latvian. The situation is also complicated by a shortage of funds required for additional training of school teachers.

Most Russian schools find it difficult to implement amendments to the Law on Education. The amendments, to be observed starting September 1, demand mandatory teaching of several subjects in Latvian in elemntary schools. Although all teachers have passed at least the second category Latvian language tests, the command of the language is not sufficient to deliver lectures in Latvian. The situation is also complicated by a shortage of funds required for additional training of school teachers. Diena

On September 3 Chairman of the

On September 3 Chairman of the Saeima Human Rights Committee Antons Seiksts suggested amending the Citizenship Law to grant ethnic Poles the right for extraordinary naturalisation. The amendment would apply to all Poles permanently residing in Latvia who had been Polish citizens before 17 September 1939 and to their descendants. The idea is strongly opposed by the nationalists. They refer to the agreement between governing factions on not amending the Citizenship Law. The nationalists may be also concerned about the increase in the number of non-Latvian citizens not likely to vote for nationalistic parties. 55.3 thousand Poles might apply for citizenship in case amendments are adopted. 61.4 % of Poles are Latvian citizens. The author of the article in SM still believes the Saeima could finally accept the amendments since the step would help to improve Latvias image. SM

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