Jan. 27, 1997

Press Report

President Ulmanis told the representatives of the Gulbene district authorities that he was planning to nominate a candidate for Prime-Minister on Wednesday, January 29. Last Friday Andris Skele had a meeting with "Latvijas Cels" ("LC") representatives. He is reported to say that participation of "LC" was essential for the forming of a new Cabinet. Earlier Skele said that he did not exclude the possibility of forming a government without one of the tree largest factions. Still, Skele's advisor Liepnieks told the press that the statement made by the Prime-Minister did not mean that he planned to do without "Saimnieks", "Tevzemei un Brivibai" ("TB") or "LC" in his new Cabinet. "Saimnieks", "LC" and "TB" representatives had a meeting last Saturday. The press was not admitted to the meeting held in the office of the "Tevzemei un Brivibai" Public Foundation. Its participants refused to give any comments on the issues discussed and Maris Grinblats ("TB") was the only politician who agreed to talk to journalists. He responded to their questions over an intercom unit saying that the press would receive information on the meeting only after the three parties reach a certain agreement. President Ulmanis held meetings with representatives of the "Farmers' Union" ("FU")/the Christian Democratic, the LNNK, "Tautai un Taisnibai" and the Unity Party factions. The meetings showed that the small factions supported Skele's candidature. These factions could also benefit from one of the major factions leaving the Cabinet giving an opportunity to take several seats in the cabinet top the smaller factions. The only faction that would not vote for Skele is Zigerist's party. The party criticizes the secret negotiations and suggests to re-elect the Saeima. "LC" has not decided on candidate to support yet. Boris Tsilevich believes that "LC" will support Krasts of "TB". Having Krasts for Prime-Minister, according to Tsilevich, may help "LC" to win competition with "TB" during next elections, since "TB" will be the one to blame for recession and declining living standards. He compares governing factions (with an exception of "TB") with large companies trying to agree on the spheres of their interests. All posts in the Cabinet that are important from an economic point of view are taken by either "Saimnieks" or "LC" members.

President Ulmanis told the representatives of the Gulbene district authorities that he was planning to nominate a candidate for Prime-Minister on Wednesday, January 29. Last Friday Andris Skele had a meeting with "Latvijas Cels" ("LC") representatives. He is reported to say that participation of "LC" was essential for the forming of a new Cabinet. Earlier Skele said that he did not exclude the possibility of forming a government without one of the tree largest factions. Still, Skele's advisor Liepnieks told the press that the statement made by the Prime-Minister did not mean that he planned to do without "Saimnieks", "Tevzemei un Brivibai" ("TB") or "LC" in his new Cabinet. "Saimnieks", "LC" and "TB" representatives had a meeting last Saturday. The press was not admitted to the meeting held in the office of the "Tevzemei un Brivibai" Public Foundation. Its participants refused to give any comments on the issues discussed and Maris Grinblats ("TB") was the only politician who agreed to talk to journalists. He responded to their questions over an intercom unit saying that the press would receive information on the meeting only after the three parties reach a certain agreement. President Ulmanis held meetings with representatives of the "Farmers' Union" ("FU")/the Christian Democratic, the LNNK, "Tautai un Taisnibai" and the Unity Party factions. The meetings showed that the small factions supported Skele's candidature. These factions could also benefit from one of the major factions leaving the Cabinet giving an opportunity to take several seats in the cabinet top the smaller factions. The only faction that would not vote for Skele is Zigerist's party. The party criticizes the secret negotiations and suggests to re-elect the Saeima. "LC" has not decided on candidate to support yet. Boris Tsilevich believes that "LC" will support Krasts of "TB". Having Krasts for Prime-Minister, according to Tsilevich, may help "LC" to win competition with "TB" during next elections, since "TB" will be the one to blame for recession and declining living standards. He compares governing factions (with an exception of "TB") with large companies trying to agree on the spheres of their interests. All posts in the Cabinet that are important from an economic point of view are taken by either "Saimnieks" or "LC" members. Diena, Neatkariga, SM

Jan. 25, 1997

Press Report

Commander-in-Chief of the swedish Armed Forces Ove Victorin criticized NATO enlargement plans last Thursday. He believes that the process will weaken the block and will be an open challenge to Russia. The Commander-in-Chief suggest further military co-operation within the "Partnership for Peace" program to be a more preferable option.

Commander-in-Chief of the swedish Armed Forces Ove Victorin criticized NATO enlargement plans last Thursday. He believes that the process will weaken the block and will be an open challenge to Russia. The Commander-in-Chief suggest further military co-operation within the "Partnership for Peace" program to be a more preferable option.

Jan. 23, 1997

Press Report

Currently, the Saeima factions do not have a uniform opinion on a possible candidate for Prime-Minister. Yesterday "Saimnieks", the Farmers’ Union/the Christian Democrats, LNNK, and "Tautai un Taisnibai" factions suggested Skele for Prime-Minister. "Latvijas Cels" representatives say they would agree to Gunars Krasts of "TB" taking the post if the candidate is supported by majority in the Saeima. Last Tuesday Cevers said that Skele's resignation was caused by a "political intrigue" and promised to give further explanations after talking to Minister of Foreign Affairs Birkavs. Birkavs commented on Cevers' statement saying that "attempts to connect his name with the Government crisis" were aimed at removing him from the political scene. Skele said that he did not decide on whether to accept a possible proposal to form a new Cabinet. Still, according to Cevers, Skele told the meeting of the "Saimnieks" faction that he would agree to take the post. Skele's advisor Liepnieks says that the former Prime-Minister's further steps fully depend on the opinion expressed by the Saeima factions and the President. Most analysts believe that a new Cabinet will be constituted mainly by "TB", "Saimnieks" and "LC" members, while other factions will not have as many posts as they do currently.

Currently, the Saeima factions do not have a uniform opinion on a possible candidate for Prime-Minister. Yesterday "Saimnieks", the Farmers Union/the Christian Democrats, LNNK, and "Tautai un Taisnibai" factions suggested Skele for Prime-Minister. "Latvijas Cels" representatives say they would agree to Gunars Krasts of "TB" taking the post if the candidate is supported by majority in the Saeima. Last Tuesday Cevers said that Skele's resignation was caused by a "political intrigue" and promised to give further explanations after talking to Minister of Foreign Affairs Birkavs. Birkavs commented on Cevers' statement saying that "attempts to connect his name with the Government crisis" were aimed at removing him from the political scene. Skele said that he did not decide on whether to accept a possible proposal to form a new Cabinet. Still, according to Cevers, Skele told the meeting of the "Saimnieks" faction that he would agree to take the post. Skele's advisor Liepnieks says that the former Prime-Minister's further steps fully depend on the opinion expressed by the Saeima factions and the President. Most analysts believe that a new Cabinet will be constituted mainly by "TB", "Saimnieks" and "LC" members, while other factions will not have as many posts as they do currently. Diena, B&B

Newly appointed Minister of Finance Melnik resigned yesterday. Ziedonis Cevers said that the decision was taken to avoid rumors of Melnik being responsible for the Cabinet crisis.

Newly appointed Minister of Finance Melnik resigned yesterday. Ziedonis Cevers said that the decision was taken to avoid rumors of Melnik being responsible for the Cabinet crisis. Diena

The Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press-Secretary Pildegovics told "DIENA" that the Ministry "regretted" misinterpretation of Latvia's collaboration with the OSCE High Commissioner by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Press-Secretary explained that the letter referred to by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Tarasov was only a small part of a regular exchange of opinions between High Commissioner van der Stoel and the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The letter criticized the Latvian Citizenship Law and a slow pace of naturalization. The Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs points at van der Stoel's positive assessment of the work of the Human Rights Office, the program of the teaching of the Latvian language, and the forming of the Consultative Council on Nationalities. Pildegovics stressed that political parties and media are discussing naturalization and citizenship problems. Still not all of the High Commissioner's suggestions could be implemented in the nearest future due to peculiar demographic situation in the country, said Pildegovics. Amending the legislation, according to the Press-Secretary, will take several stages and require thorough discussing.

The Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press-Secretary Pildegovics told "DIENA" that the Ministry "regretted" misinterpretation of Latvia's collaboration with the OSCE High Commissioner by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Press-Secretary explained that the letter referred to by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Tarasov was only a small part of a regular exchange of opinions between High Commissioner van der Stoel and the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The letter criticized the Latvian Citizenship Law and a slow pace of naturalization. The Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs points at van der Stoel's positive assessment of the work of the Human Rights Office, the program of the teaching of the Latvian language, and the forming of the Consultative Council on Nationalities. Pildegovics stressed that political parties and media are discussing naturalization and citizenship problems. Still not all of the High Commissioner's suggestions could be implemented in the nearest future due to peculiar demographic situation in the country, said Pildegovics. Amending the legislation, according to the Press-Secretary, will take several stages and require thorough discussing. Diena

Jan. 22, 1997

Press Report

Representatives of the largest

Representatives of the largest Saeima factions believe that Mr. Skele could still be nominated Prime-Minister while the Cabinet should be based on "Saimnieks", "Latvijas Cels" and "Tevzemei un Brivibai" (ATB@). Still, "TB" suggested its own candidate for the post (Guntars Krasts, currently Minister of Economics). Today "Saimnieks" is expected to make a decision on whether to suggest its candidate. Anatolijs Gorbunovs and Andris Berzins are unofficially reported to be the most possible "Latvijas Cels" candidates. Several politicians interviewed by "DIENA" think that Skele's resignation could be a maneuver aimed at restructuring of the Cabinet. The President had a meeting with Prime-Minister Skele. The official statement on the meeting reads that both parties have overcome mutual misunderstanding and agreed on the importance of responsibility and high moral standards in Latvian politics. President Ulmanis told the press that he would hold consultations with all political parties represented in the Saeima to ensure a wide support for a candidate. Diena, Neatkariga ASaimnieks@ leader Cevers said yesterday that Skele's resignation was a result of a political intrigue. He told the press that he might reveal some details today. According to some rumors, the Prime-Minister resigned after a leak of information on his illegal business activities. Such facts were mentioned by former Minister of the Interior Adamsons after Skele had been nominated Prime-Minister. SM

Ilga and Aivars Kreituss (former

Ilga and Aivars Kreituss (former ASaimnieks@ members) are about to form their own party. Other founders of the new "Workers' Party" are not known yet. According to Mr. Kreituss, the party will protect the interests of employees. According to "DIENA", some of the current "Saimnieks" members may join the new party.

Head of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press Department Gennady Tarasov referred to correspondence between OSCE High Commissioner van der Stoel and Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs Birkavs on citizenship issues. The correspondence has been circulated by the OSCE Secretariat recently. Mr. van der Stoel suggests amending Latvian legislation to cancel "the window mechanism" that slows down naturalization. Among steps that would liberalize the Citizenship Law Mr. Cvvan der Stoel suggests decreasing naturalization fees and exempting persons over sixty-five years of age from language exams. Tarasov stressed that the Russian side shares van der Stoel's opinion.

Head of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press Department Gennady Tarasov referred to correspondence between OSCE High Commissioner van der Stoel and Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs Birkavs on citizenship issues. The correspondence has been circulated by the OSCE Secretariat recently. Mr. van der Stoel suggests amending Latvian legislation to cancel "the window mechanism" that slows down naturalization. Among steps that would liberalize the Citizenship Law Mr. Cvvan der Stoel suggests decreasing naturalization fees and exempting persons over sixty-five years of age from language exams. Tarasov stressed that the Russian side shares van der Stoel's opinion. SM The OSCE agreed to include "Tevzemei un Brivibai" deputy Vidins in a group of election observers in Chechnya. Last year Russia refused to issue an entrance visa to Vidins. The reasons for the refusal were, most probably, his participation in the Saeima Group for Support of Chechnya and his negative attitude to Russian citizens residing in Latvia. SM

Jan. 21, 1997

Press Report

Prime-Minister Skele explained at a press-conference that his sudden resignation was caused by the President and prominent politicians doubting his honesty and commitment to the state interests. Skele told the press that he was accused of forcing Saeima deputies to take immoral decisions and to act against their own principles. The Prime-Minister has officially informed the President and the

Prime-Minister Skele explained at a press-conference that his sudden resignation was caused by the President and prominent politicians doubting his honesty and commitment to the state interests. Skele told the press that he was accused of forcing Saeima deputies to take immoral decisions and to act against their own principles. The Prime-Minister has officially informed the President and the Saeima Speaker of his resignation. The President is to appoint a new candidate for the post. He can also suggest Mr. Skele to form a new Cabinet. The legislation does not set any deadline for the President to suggest candidates for Prime-Minister. Although Mr. Skele said that he tried to contact President Ulmanis through the weekend, the President says that there were no attempts to notify him of the Prime-Minister's resignation. He also criticized Skele for complaining about " lack of support from the President". Skele's resignation took the Cabinet members by surprise as well. Newly elected Minister of Finance Melnik says that he is ready to resign it would help saving the Cabinet. "Saimnieks" leader Cevers believes President Ulmanis to be responsible for the government crisis and says that he has come to understand the reasons for the sudden resignation after having a meeting with Skele on the issue. According to sources in the Saeima, the most likely candidates for Skele's post are Gorbunovs (once held Prime-Minister="s" post) and Mayor of Ventspils Lembergs. Still, politicians and analysts do not exclude the possibility of Skele taking the post again, believing his resignation to be a political trick. Diena, Neatkariga, SM

Boris Tsilevich in an article published by

Boris Tsilevich in an article published by "SM" refers to several international acts to prove that granting the right to vote in self-government elections to foreigners is becoming a general practice in the European countries. Last year "People's Harmony" came up with a suggestion to give non-citizens an "active" right to vote in self-government elections. The suggestion was opposed by the coalition factions. Minister for European Affairs Kirsteins said that only seven European countries grant such a right to aliens. Tsilevich refers to the Maastricht Treaty that grants the right to vote in local elections to all the citizens of the European Union countries residing on the territory of any EU state. Although Latvian political leaders often mention Nordic countries as an example to be followed by Latvia, these counties are the ones providing aliens with more rights than any other country in Europe. Only four (Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, and Russia) out of the ten Baltic Council countries refuse to grant non-citizens the right to vote in local elections. Commissioner Ole Espersen recommended granting the right to participate in municipal elections to non-citizens permanently residing in these countries. Granting the right to non-citizens has also been recommended by the Council of Europe. Currently, five Russian language newspapers in Latvia are promoting the idea of a referendum, calling upon the Latvian citizens to support the an amendment in Latvia's legislation that would allow non-citizens to vote in self-government elections and to be elected to self-government bodies. SM

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