Oct. 7, 2013

  • Janis Urbanovics: Russophobia is implanted by the politicians


NRA interviewed the leader of the Concord Centre (CC) Janis Urbanovics. According to Mr Urbanovics, the ruling coalition falsely accuses CC through the state TV, affiliated political scientists and newspapers. One accusation is that CC does not recognise Latvia's continuity with the republic established in 1918 and the occupation in 1940, thus portraying CC as enemies of the state and the people of Latvia. Mr. Urbanovics emphasises that he prizes Latvian values as high as the government parties do. Mr Urbanovics believes that Russophobia is implanted by the politicians and it is easier for the governmental parties to proclaim that "Russians are coming!" instead of doing anything real for the benefit of the people. 

Oct. 4, 2013

  • Newspapers reflect on the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the Latvian Popular Front
  • Riga Russian Theatre celebrated its 130th anniversary


Newspapers reflect on the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the Latvian Popular Front (LPF) which brought country to independence. 250,000 people of different ethnicities participated in the activities of LPF. Diena, Latvijas Avize, NRA, Vesti Segodnya


Riga Russian Theatre celebrated its 130th anniversary. The event was attended by the numerous representatives of theatrical community from Latvia and abroad, as well as some Latvian officials Russian representatives. According to the newspaper, this is the oldest Russian theatre outside Russia. Vesti Segodnya

Oct. 3, 2013

  • 15,957 foreigners have Latvian temporary residence permits 

NRA reports that 15,957 foreigners have Latvian temporary residence permits. 5,546 foreigners received temporary residence permits on the ground of employment, 4,717 - on the ground of family ties,  1,972 - foreign students. The newspaper also highlights that while the nationalist politicians are calling to revoke the provision of residence permits to foreing investors, the number of such permits is actually small comparing to the overall numer - 1,911 investors and their family members.


Oct. 2, 2013

  • National Census: the majority of Latvian residents or 62% speaks Latvian language at home

According to the results of the National Census conducted in 2011, the majority of Latvian residents or 62% speaks Latvian language at home. 37,2% of population speak Russian at home. Only 0,7 % of Latvian residents speak at home in other languages such as Ukrainian, Belorussian, Polish etc. The biggest number of Latvian speaking residents is in Vidzeme region – 91,2%. In Kurzeme region, it is 79,7%, in Zemgale region 76%, and in Riga – 73,5%. 8,8% of Latvian residents also use Latgalian language in every day life. 95% of Latvian residents in the age 25 – 64 speak at least one foreign language. Telegraf

Oct. 1, 2013

  • New Citizenship Law enters into force
  • Conference Participation of Minority Consultative Mechanisms in Decision Making organised in Riga

Diena reports, as of 1 October, the new Citizenship Law enters into force. Following the new legal provisions, about 23,000 persons might apply for dual citizenship with Latvia. According to political scientists interviewed by the newspapers, despite the possible increase of the number of citizens in the future, the number of potential electors at the up-coming parliamentary elections most likely will not change significantly.

On 26-27 September, the Latvian Centre for Human Rights (LCHR) organised a conference Participation of Minority Consultative Mechanisms in Decision Making. The aim of the conference was to analyse the successes, problems and challenges of society integration and minority consultative mechanisms (councils, commissions) established at the state and municipal level in Latvia. Representatives from Estonia and Sweden (Municipality of Sodertalje) also shared their respective experiences. In the framework of the conference, the LCHR presented itsalternative or “shadow report” on the Implementation of the Council of Europe Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities in Latvia. The conference was organised within the framework of the project "Strengthening Integration Dialogue Platforms."

More about the conference: http://cilvektiesibas.org.lv/en/news/sonference-participation-of-minority-consultative--256/

Link to the alternative report: http://cilvektiesibas.org.lv/en/publications/second-alternative-report-on-the-implementation-of-258/


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