jūnijs 19, 1997

Press Report

Press Report

Latvian politicians in their interviews criticized Prime-Minister Skele's statement on political situation in the country.

Latvian politicians in their interviews criticized Prime-Minister Skele's statement on political situation in the country. Saeima deputies believe that Mr. Skele has disparaged the role of political parties and displayed disrespect to the Saeima. Prime-Minister Skele's statement made on the national TV on 17 June was focused on recently discovered violations of the Anti-Corruption Law pointing at the signs of moral decay among the "ruling elite." Diena

Yesterday the

Yesterday the Saeima voted against an increase of Parliament members' salaries suggested by members of governing coalition factions. Diena

The Prosecutor General's Office will examine the contents of Mr. Juris Bojars' recent interview for the

The Prosecutor General's Office will examine the contents of Mr. Juris Bojars' recent interview for the "FOKUSS" weekly. Mr. Bojars, a leader of Latvian Social-Democrats, in his interview insisted on dismissing the Saeima calling its deputies "idiots". He also warned about possible violent protests of the country's populations against current policies of the Saeima and the Cabinet. SM The Russian Embassy handed over a note to the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the recent attempted blow up of the Monument to the Liberators of Riga. Director of the Information and Press Department of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Gennady Tarasov at his recent press-briefing mentioned the act of terrorism against the monument and expressed hope that the Latvian authorities would take all necessary measures to discover "the inspirers and organizers of the provocation". According to "BIZNES & BALTIYA", the Bureau for Protection of the Satversme has already found out all the details on the terrorists who were killed by the explosion. Still, the Bureau is not likely to proceed with investigating the alleged involvement of the "Aizsargi" organization in organizing the terrorist attack on the Monument. SM

Member of the Latvian Human Rights Committee Tatyana Zhdanok has studied the Tamazyans' case. The Tamazyan family fled to Latvia from Armenia several years ago. Mrs. Tamazyan and her children have been placed to the Olaine refugee camp recently while Mr. Tamazyan is currently kept in custody by the Immigration Police. He has contracted TB and therefore is not allowed to join his family in the Olaine camp. T. Zhdanok believes that the Latvian legislation ignores the fact that all former USSR republics have gained their independence quite recently. The legislation should have provided for a certain transition period that would allow to eliminate many of the problems encountered by former USSR citizens today, says Mrs. Zhdanok.

Member of the Latvian Human Rights Committee Tatyana Zhdanok has studied the Tamazyans' case. The Tamazyan family fled to Latvia from Armenia several years ago. Mrs. Tamazyan and her children have been placed to the Olaine refugee camp recently while Mr. Tamazyan is currently kept in custody by the Immigration Police. He has contracted TB and therefore is not allowed to join his family in the Olaine camp. T. Zhdanok believes that the Latvian legislation ignores the fact that all former USSR republics have gained their independence quite recently. The legislation should have provided for a certain transition period that would allow to eliminate many of the problems encountered by former USSR citizens today, says Mrs. Zhdanok.

jūnijs 17, 1997

Press Report

Minister of Culture Rihards Piks ("Saimnieks") resigned after the Prosecutor General's Office had discovered that he violated the Anti-Corruption Law. A representative of the Office told "DIENA" that none of the violation coud be clasified as a criminal offence. Prime-Minister Skele approved his decision and praised Mr. Piks for "acting courageously as a real poitician should." Today the Prime-Minister will address the nation on TV with a statement on the political situation in the country. The Prosecutor General's Office will consider alleged violation of the Anti-Corruption Law by forty-six Saeima deputies.

Minister of Culture Rihards Piks ("Saimnieks") resigned after the Prosecutor General's Office had discovered that he violated the Anti-Corruption Law. A representative of the Office told "DIENA" that none of the violation coud be clasified as a criminal offence. Prime-Minister Skele approved his decision and praised Mr. Piks for "acting courageously as a real poitician should." Today the Prime-Minister will address the nation on TV with a statement on the political situation in the country. The Prosecutor General's Office will consider alleged violation of the Anti-Corruption Law by forty-six Saeima deputies. Diena

"SM SEVODNYA" observer Andrey Vorontsov believes that the current corruption scandal was initiated by "Skele's team" to weaken the legislative power. The term of the current Saeima expires after one year and the Prime-Minister tries to establish a basis for his political allies in the next Saeima. Unlike some analysts, Vorontsov does not expect Skele to resign. On the opposite, the Prime-Minister and the Cabinet may use the Saeima vacations for using the rights provided by the Satversme and adopting legal acts that otherwise would not be passed by the Saeima. Vorontsov believes that the three major governing parties ("Latvijas Cels", "Saimnieks" and "Tevzemei un Brivibai" could agree on staging the parliamentary crisis by leaving the Cabint this autumn. The next step could be the re-election of the Prime-Minister and the President.

"SM SEVODNYA" observer Andrey Vorontsov believes that the current corruption scandal was initiated by "Skele's team" to weaken the legislative power. The term of the current Saeima expires after one year and the Prime-Minister tries to establish a basis for his political allies in the next Saeima. Unlike some analysts, Vorontsov does not expect Skele to resign. On the opposite, the Prime-Minister and the Cabinet may use the Saeima vacations for using the rights provided by the Satversme and adopting legal acts that otherwise would not be passed by the Saeima. Vorontsov believes that the three major governing parties ("Latvijas Cels", "Saimnieks" and "Tevzemei un Brivibai" could agree on staging the parliamentary crisis by leaving the Cabint this autumn. The next step could be the re-election of the Prime-Minister and the President. SM

"Latvijas Cels" faction objects to raising the salaries of Saeima deputies. The raise of the salary up to Ls 530 was suggested by twenty-eight deputies, most of them belonging to governing factions. The figure does not include benefits and free helth ensurance available to deputies. The suggestion also provided for a special pension for deputies that would constitute 75% of their average salaries.

"Latvijas Cels" faction objects to raising the salaries of Saeima deputies. The raise of the salary up to Ls 530 was suggested by twenty-eight deputies, most of them belonging to governing factions. The figure does not include benefits and free helth ensurance available to deputies. The suggestion also provided for a special pension for deputies that would constitute 75% of their average salaries. Diena, SM

The Chechen delegation visiting Lithuania and Latvia was not given a permission to enter Estonia. The Estonian Embassy to Latvia explained that members of the delegation had only former USSR passports not valid for entering the country.

The Chechen delegation visiting Lithuania and Latvia was not given a permission to enter Estonia. The Estonian Embassy to Latvia explained that members of the delegation had only former USSR passports not valid for entering the country. SM

Deputy-Head of the CID Legal Division Ainars Lavrinovics says that the Division suggested allowing holders of new aien passports to keep their former USSR pasports until Russia formally recognizes the alien passports. The suggestion is currently considered by the CID. PL

Deputy-Head of the CID Legal Division Ainars Lavrinovics says that the Division suggested allowing holders of new aien passports to keep their former USSR pasports until Russia formally recognizes the alien passports. The suggestion is currently considered by the CID. PL

jūnijs 16, 1997

Press Report

Minister of Foreign Affairs Birkavs believes that the corruption scandal in the Latvian government can become an obstacle to the country's admission to the European Union. During his meeting with representatives of the Latvian community in the US, Mr. Birkavs said that the EU "had problems of its own and was looking for a pretext for postponing talks with potential new members."

Minister of Foreign Affairs Birkavs believes that the corruption scandal in the Latvian government can become an obstacle to the country's admission to the European Union. During his meeting with representatives of the Latvian community in the US, Mr. Birkavs said that the EU "had problems of its own and was looking for a pretext for postponing talks with potential new members." Diena

jūnijs 14, 1997

Press Report

Press Report

Opposition deputies may submit a draft bill on dismissing Mr. Alfred Cepanis from the post of the

Opposition deputies may submit a draft bill on dismissing Mr. Alfred Cepanis from the post of the Saeima Speaker. The deputies criticized Cepanis for lobbying the interests of the "Kienast Metall" company. The German company was removing the wrecks of Russian war ships from the Liepaja port upon a contract with the Russian Ministry of Defense. Mr. Cepanis supported the company in obtaining a permission required for extending the contract. Diena

Five thousand inhabitants of Latvia have received citizenship through naturalization. Mrs. Stoniene, an ethnic Lithuanian, was the five-thousandth applicant receiving her citizen's passport last Friday in Jelgava. She was congratulated by Head of the Naturalization Board Aldermane and Lithuanian Ambassador Rimantas Karazija at the Jelgava City Hall.

Five thousand inhabitants of Latvia have received citizenship through naturalization. Mrs. Stoniene, an ethnic Lithuanian, was the five-thousandth applicant receiving her citizen's passport last Friday in Jelgava. She was congratulated by Head of the Naturalization Board Aldermane and Lithuanian Ambassador Rimantas Karazija at the Jelgava City Hall. Diena

Deputy-Director of the Bureau for Protection of Satversme Uldis Dzenitis told

Deputy-Director of the Bureau for Protection of Satversme Uldis Dzenitis told "SM" that the explosion at the Monument to the Liberators of Riga was organized by individual terrorist having no connection to any organized group. Both of them died during the explosion. SM

jūnijs 13, 1997

Press Report

The US Administration informed NATO about its plans to suggest three candidates for the bloc membership. Those are Poland, Hungary and Czech Republic. According to US Administration Press-Secretary Mackary, President Clinton believes that a limited number of countries should be covered by the first stage of NATO enlargement.

The US Administration informed NATO about its plans to suggest three candidates for the bloc membership. Those are Poland, Hungary and Czech Republic. According to US Administration Press-Secretary Mackary, President Clinton believes that a limited number of countries should be covered by the first stage of NATO enlargement. Neatkariga Director of the Bureau for Protection of the Satversme Lainis Kamaldins told "PANORAMA LATVII" that planting of a bomb at the Monument to the Liberators of Riga was an individual terrorist act. Two police identified two bodies discovered at the explosion site. Mr. Kamaldins admitted that both men killed by the explosion were former "Aizsargi" members. He said that the Latvian security service obtained information on a person (persons) who managed to escape from the scene of the crime. "NEATKARIGA" contacted of the two wings of the "Aizsargi" organization. Its head admitted that the two men who perished during the explosion were former members of the organization adding that they were "expelled for treason". PL, Neatkariga

Latvia is placed 92-nd in the UN annual report on human development going 37 points down as compared with the 1996 report. Mr. John Hendra of the UNDP explained Latvia's low rating by the use of outdated information for the report.

Latvia is placed 92-nd in the UN annual report on human development going 37 points down as compared with the 1996 report. Mr. John Hendra of the UNDP explained Latvia's low rating by the use of outdated information for the report. Neatkariga

Several analysts and

Several analysts and Saeima members believe that Prime-Minister Skele will resign irrespectively of the results of the investigation by the Prosecutor General's Office. The Prosecutor General's Office is investigating alleged violation of the Anti-Corruption Law by Cabinet members. Skele's resignation may strengthen the position held by "Saimnieks" in the Cabinet. SM

President Ulmanis in an interview for "

President Ulmanis in an interview for "SM" said that he would focus his attention on the drafting of the Law on Education and will consider possible amendments to the Law on Naturalization. Mr. Ulmanis believes that the naturalization fee should be decreased and suggests granting Latvian citizenship to all children born in Latvia. In his interview the President singled out legal, political and psychological aspects of naturalization. He agreed that some non-citizens might feel offended by having to undergo naturalization procedures while they were promised citizenship during Latvia's strife for independence. Still, he believes that they should not be indifferent to becoming a part of the country' society. Mr. Ulmanis also touched upon Latvia's relations with Russia. He hopes to meet President Yeltsin or Prime-Minister Chernomyrdin during his visit to Russia.

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