jūlijs 24, 1997

Press Report

Press Report

Valdis Birkavs, Chair of “

Valdis Birkavs, Chair of Latvijas Cels, criticizes the plan proposed by Prime-Minister Andris Skele, according to which fractions should submit candidates for the vacant ministerial offices for the Prime-Ministers approval by August 4. Otherwise, the Prime-Minister himself would name the candidates. According to Birkavs, the Prime-Minister does not understand what parliamentary democracy means. He also expresses doubts that this plan could actually solve the governmental crisis. Ziedonis Cevers, Chair of Democratic Party Saimnieks, expresses incomprehension about the Prime-Ministers readiness to accept the resigned ministers as new candidates. Latvian Farmers Union has decided to start consultations with other parties, having in mind a possibility to form a government with a politically responsible Prime-Minister. Diena

DIENA (in Latvian) informs that the Cabinet has decided to work out a draft for amendments in Naturalization regulations that would incorporate the following principles: to lower the naturalization fees for students of state and technical schools, and for persons of limited means, as well as to lessen the period between the first and repeated exams.

DIENA (in Latvian) informs that the Cabinet has decided to work out a draft for amendments in Naturalization regulations that would incorporate the following principles: to lower the naturalization fees for students of state and technical schools, and for persons of limited means, as well as to lessen the period between the first and repeated exams.

Sixty draftees intensively study Latvian in the draftee-camp Licupe. A three week course of the Latvian language for draftees in the Latvian Army was worked out by specialists of the UNDP State Language Program and was sponsored by the UN. Almost all draftees who are taking this course come from Daugavpils, Preili, Ludza and Riga where the majority of the population speak Russian. As one of the teachers, Uldis Svinks, told “DIENA”, although it is impossible to learn Latvian within 21 days, the draftees will acquire the basics of spoken language as well as military terminology in Latvian. Mr. Svinks also stressed that the draftees have a positive attitude toward this course.

Sixty draftees intensively study Latvian in the draftee-camp Licupe. A three week course of the Latvian language for draftees in the Latvian Army was worked out by specialists of the UNDP State Language Program and was sponsored by the UN. Almost all draftees who are taking this course come from Daugavpils, Preili, Ludza and Riga where the majority of the population speak Russian. As one of the teachers, Uldis Svinks, told DIENA, although it is impossible to learn Latvian within 21 days, the draftees will acquire the basics of spoken language as well as military terminology in Latvian. Mr. Svinks also stressed that the draftees have a positive attitude toward this course.

TAVA BALSS, a local newspaper of Valka District, writes about the visit of OSCE Mission to Latvia representatives Mr. Falk Lange and Mr. Martin Jensen to Valka on Wednesday, July 16. The representatives have noted that the situation in Valka and Valga was more complicated than on the Latvian-Lithuanian border. The conclusion was that this situation had not only created inconveniences for inhabitants of Valka and Valga, but also had made obstacles for Valka’s development.

TAVA BALSS, a local newspaper of Valka District, writes about the visit of OSCE Mission to Latvia representatives Mr. Falk Lange and Mr. Martin Jensen to Valka on Wednesday, July 16. The representatives have noted that the situation in Valka and Valga was more complicated than on the Latvian-Lithuanian border. The conclusion was that this situation had not only created inconveniences for inhabitants of Valka and Valga, but also had made obstacles for Valkas development. Tava Balss

jūlijs 23, 1997

Press Report 

Press Report

Yesterday Prime-Minister Skele met with leaders of the factions constituting the Government to discuss the solution to the governmental crisis. According to the plan proposed by Mr. Skele, factions should submit candidates for the vacant ministerial offices for the Prime-Minister’s approval by August 4. The Prime-Minister also proposed to convene the Saeima on August 6 to give new ministers a vote of confidence. The Prime-Minister noted that at the meeting none of the leaders mentioned the resignation of the Cabinet. With regard to the resolution of the European Commission on new candidates to the EU, the Prime-Minister suggested that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Foreign Affairs Commission in the Saeima within 10 days present a plan which by December would improve the work of foreign affairs departments and the Latvian diplomatic corps. The Minister for European Affairs should present a plan how to speed up Latvia’s preparation for integration into the EU. President Ulmanis thinks that the Government under the leadership of Mr. Skele should continue its work until the next elections of the Saeima.

Yesterday Prime-Minister Skele met with leaders of the factions constituting the Government to discuss the solution to the governmental crisis. According to the plan proposed by Mr. Skele, factions should submit candidates for the vacant ministerial offices for the Prime-Ministers approval by August 4. The Prime-Minister also proposed to convene the Saeima on August 6 to give new ministers a vote of confidence. The Prime-Minister noted that at the meeting none of the leaders mentioned the resignation of the Cabinet. With regard to the resolution of the European Commission on new candidates to the EU, the Prime-Minister suggested that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Foreign Affairs Commission in the Saeima within 10 days present a plan which by December would improve the work of foreign affairs departments and the Latvian diplomatic corps. The Minister for European Affairs should present a plan how to speed up Latvias preparation for integration into the EU. President Ulmanis thinks that the Government under the leadership of Mr. Skele should continue its work until the next elections of the Saeima. Diena

“SM” has published an interview with Janis Jaudzems, Advisor to the Director of the Citizenship and Immigration Department. He commented on the dismissal of Ms. Ermansone, Director of the CID of the Ziemelu District in Riga. The CID received many complaints not only from non-citizens but also from citizens about Ms. Ermansone’s activities. As an example Mr. Jaudzems mentioned a case when a woman was forced to renounce her Latvian citizenship that, in Ms. Ermansone’s opinion, was acquired in an illegal way. He also noted that Ms. Ermansone had been rude to visitors and had taken fees for issuing documents that were supposed to be free of charge. Referring to amendments in laws on citizens and non-citizens in Latvia, Mr. Jaudzems told that the CID had prepared amendments to three laws: on Entry and Stay of Foreigners, on Status of Former USSR Citizens, and on Citizenship. The amendment that stated that a person who at the moment of departure from Latvia had received financial help from Latvia or any other country cannot return to Latvia for permanent residency, was passed by the Saeima. Other proposals, such as the amendment that would allow to prolong the stay of elderly relatives from other countries, and the amendment that would simplify the system of “naturalization windows”, were put on hold. The CID had also proposed to eliminate the provision of mandatory permanent

SM has published an interview with Janis Jaudzems, Advisor to the Director of the Citizenship and Immigration Department. He commented on the dismissal of Ms. Ermansone, Director of the CID of the Ziemelu District in Riga. The CID received many complaints not only from non-citizens but also from citizens about Ms. Ermansones activities. As an example Mr. Jaudzems mentioned a case when a woman was forced to renounce her Latvian citizenship that, in Ms. Ermansones opinion, was acquired in an illegal way. He also noted that Ms. Ermansone had been rude to visitors and had taken fees for issuing documents that were supposed to be free of charge. Referring to amendments in laws on citizens and non-citizens in Latvia, Mr. Jaudzems told that the CID had prepared amendments to three laws: on Entry and Stay of Foreigners, on Status of Former USSR Citizens, and on Citizenship. The amendment that stated that a person who at the moment of departure from Latvia had received financial help from Latvia or any other country cannot return to Latvia for permanent residency, was passed by the Saeima. Other proposals, such as the amendment that would allow to prolong the stay of elderly relatives from other countries, and the amendment that would simplify the system of naturalization windows, were put on hold. The CID had also proposed to eliminate the provision of mandatory permanent propiska from the Law on Non-Citizens. According to Jaudzems, this could be possible after all inhabitants would have either citizen or non-citizen passports, and former USSR passports would be out of circulation. SM

jūlijs 22, 1997

Press Report

Press Report

After meeting with Vilis Kristopans, Minister of Communications, Prime Minister Skele told that he had decided to require the Minister’s resignation. “

After meeting with Vilis Kristopans, Minister of Communications, Prime Minister Skele told that he had decided to require the Ministers resignation. Tevzemei un Brivibai/ LNNK and Democratic Party Saimnieks representatives believe that the Cabinet will resign in the nearest future. Janis Straume, Chair of the TB/LNNK fraction in Saeima, said that he did not believe in a plan to save the government after the resignation of four ministers and zero trust between political parties and the Prime Minister. Valdis Birkavs, Chair of Latvijas Cels said that, first, the party would consult its electorate, and then would take a decision at the partys conference on August 4. Still, he stressed that the situation when basic democratic principles were being ignored and political parties were being set on each other could not continue. Diena

DIENA has published the opinion of Aigars Kimenis, General Secretary of “

DIENA has published the opinion of Aigars Kimenis, General Secretary of Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK, on the Presidents latest visit to Daugavpils. He expresses worries about the very serious and long-term problem with the integration of Russian - speaking citizens into the Latvian society, and Daugavpils is a clear example of that. According to Kimenis, there is an opposite process taking place - the integration of Latvians into the Russian-speaking community, and the President should consider if it is in Latvias interests.

“DIENA” has published an article by Nellija Locmele on the results of the seminar on elimination of the death penalty organized by the Council of Europe and the Lithuanian Human Rights center in July in Vilnius, Lithuania. The research on public opinion in the Baltics shows that the idea of elimination of the death penalty is not popular there - 85 % of respondents in Latvia are against it. In 1995 when Latvia joined the Council of Europe, it undertook the obligation to ratify the Protocol Number 6 eliminating the death penalty during peace-time within a year. The Council of Europe has several times expressed regret that the protocol still has not been ratified. Moreover, since 1996 two death sentences have been executed in Latvia. In February the Saeima passed the Penal Law draft where the death penalty remains as the punishment for first degree murder. Although the specialists’opinion is that the death penalty should not exist in a democratic society, Latvian politicians have not declared their support for elimination of the death penalty. Theoretically, Satversmes Tiesa (Constitutional Court in Latvia) could decide whether the death penalty complies with Satversme, Latvia’s Constitution.

DIENA has published an article by Nellija Locmele on the results of the seminar on elimination of the death penalty organized by the Council of Europe and the Lithuanian Human Rights center in July in Vilnius, Lithuania. The research on public opinion in the Baltics shows that the idea of elimination of the death penalty is not popular there - 85 % of respondents in Latvia are against it. In 1995 when Latvia joined the Council of Europe, it undertook the obligation to ratify the Protocol Number 6 eliminating the death penalty during peace-time within a year. The Council of Europe has several times expressed regret that the protocol still has not been ratified. Moreover, since 1996 two death sentences have been executed in Latvia. In February the Saeima passed the Penal Law draft where the death penalty remains as the punishment for first degree murder. Although the specialistsopinion is that the death penalty should not exist in a democratic society, Latvian politicians have not declared their support for elimination of the death penalty. Theoretically, Satversmes Tiesa (Constitutional Court in Latvia) could decide whether the death penalty complies with Satversme, Latvias Constitution. Diena

“SM” has published responses on readers’ questions about the Russian-Latvian Agreement on Military Pensioners. Mr. Stepanov, Deputy Chief of the Department of Social Welfare, says that the department tries to help people whose cases are unclear to legalize their status in Latvia. He mentions the positive outcome of Mr. Mitjay’s case who was held in custody because of his presumably illegal stay in Latvia. Mr. Bereza, senior assistant to the Chief, says that 14 out of 799 “disputable” military pensioners have been denied the legal status. Cases of the rest have been submitted to the Citizenship and Immigration Department. Mr. Rylov, Head of the Consular Department of the Russian Embassy, in response to a question about non-citizen passports says that the CID has promised to issue upon personal request the ”form Number 1” in which there would be all information from the USSR internal passport. He notes that in some cases old passports have been returned. Either the form or the old passport can be used for the simplified procedure of acquiring Russian citizenship.

SM has published responses on readers questions about the Russian-Latvian Agreement on Military Pensioners. Mr. Stepanov, Deputy Chief of the Department of Social Welfare, says that the department tries to help people whose cases are unclear to legalize their status in Latvia. He mentions the positive outcome of Mr. Mitjays case who was held in custody because of his presumably illegal stay in Latvia. Mr. Bereza, senior assistant to the Chief, says that 14 out of 799 disputable military pensioners have been denied the legal status. Cases of the rest have been submitted to the Citizenship and Immigration Department. Mr. Rylov, Head of the Consular Department of the Russian Embassy, in response to a question about non-citizen passports says that the CID has promised to issue upon personal request the form Number 1 in which there would be all information from the USSR internal passport. He notes that in some cases old passports have been returned. Either the form or the old passport can be used for the simplified procedure of acquiring Russian citizenship. SM

Genady Evdokimov in his article to “SM SEGODNYA” analyzes the success and failure of Russia’s politics in the Baltic States. He stresses the successful co-operation between the countries on some “small” issues, for example, in the humanitarian sphere. Still, there is no progress on major issues, for example, in the area of security. According to the author, Russia fails to find the solution to a NATO issue. Instead of letting the third party - European countries, USA and NATO - solve this problem, Russia itself should have tried to reach an agreement with the Baltic States. Besides the security issue Russia has not succeeded in ensuring that all Russian-speaking people get citizenship immediately. 

Genady Evdokimov in his article to SM SEGODNYA analyzes the success and failure of Russias politics in the Baltic States. He stresses the successful co-operation between the countries on some small issues, for example, in the humanitarian sphere. Still, there is no progress on major issues, for example, in the area of security. According to the author, Russia fails to find the solution to a NATO issue. Instead of letting the third party - European countries, USA and NATO - solve this problem, Russia itself should have tried to reach an agreement with the Baltic States. Besides the security issue Russia has not succeeded in ensuring that all Russian-speaking people get citizenship immediately.SM

Maris Riekstins, State Secretary of the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, denies that his wife’s travel firm “Via Riga” has profited by selling tickets to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Mr. Riekstins believes that he has not violated the Anti-Corruption Law because the MFA has no regulations with regard to which travel agencies it should choose. Beside “Via Riga” the MFA uses seven other travel agencies.

Maris Riekstins, State Secretary of the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, denies that his wifes travel firm Via Riga has profited by selling tickets to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Mr. Riekstins believes that he has not violated the Anti-Corruption Law because the MFA has no regulations with regard to which travel agencies it should choose. Beside Via Riga the MFA uses seven other travel agencies. Diena

jūlijs 21, 1997

Press Report

Press Report

On Friday at his press-conference Prime Minister Skele told journalists that there was a governmental crisis in Latvia. According to him, it was caused by some ministers’ neglectful attitude toward the Anti-Corruption Law as well as “ultimatum” announcements by some political parties that could be understood as “political blackmail”. He referred to the statements by some Latvijas Cels members. Andrejs Pantelejevs, leader of the LC fraction in Saeima, expressed incomprehension about the Prime Minister’s allegation. This week the Prime Minister will offer the solution to the governmental crisis.

On Friday at his press-conference Prime Minister Skele told journalists that there was a governmental crisis in Latvia. According to him, it was caused by some ministers neglectful attitude toward the Anti-Corruption Law as well as ultimatum announcements by some political parties that could be understood as political blackmail. He referred to the statements by some Latvijas Cels members. Andrejs Pantelejevs, leader of the LC fraction in Saeima, expressed incomprehension about the Prime Ministers allegation. This week the Prime Minister will offer the solution to the governmental crisis. Diena


(in Russian) published information about the former USSR internal passports. Mara Zile, the chief specialist at the Department of Citizenship and Immigration of the Interior Ministry, informed that the former USSR internal passports carried by Latvian citizens will not be recognized as valid by Latvian authorities starting November 1. It means that holders of such passports will not be able to carry out any official transactions. Persons who have not completed an exchange of the USSR passports for Latvian passports within 6 to 12 months will be fined. (in Russian) published information about the former USSR internal passports. Mara Zile, the chief specialist at the Department of Citizenship and Immigration of the Interior Ministry, informed that the former USSR internal passports carried by Latvian citizens will not be recognized as valid by Latvian authorities starting November 1. It means that holders of such passports will not be able to carry out any official transactions. Persons who have not completed an exchange of the USSR passports for Latvian passports within 6 to 12 months will be fined. “


published an article on the Presidents latest visit to Daugavpils and his meeting with inhabitants. On a request from his audience to speak also in Russian, the President had said that this would be the last time he spoke in Russian, and by his next visit everybody should have learned Latvian. If a pensioner asks a question in Russian, I will answer it - it is more difficult for them to learn [Latvian]. But I will not tolerate it with regard to young people. The author contrasts this announcement by the President with his claim for tolerance at the meeting at the multinational cultural center in Daugavpils. In his interview to the published an article on the President’s latest visit to Daugavpils and his meeting with inhabitants. On a request from his audience to speak also in Russian, the President had said that this would be the last time he spoke in Russian, and by his next visit everybody should have learned Latvian. “If a pensioner asks a question in Russian, I will answer it - it is more difficult for them to learn [Latvian]. But I will not tolerate it with regard to young people.” The author contrasts this announcement by the President with his claim for tolerance at the meeting at the multinational cultural center in Daugavpils. In his interview to the “NEATKARIGA RITA AVIZE”NEATKARIGA RITA AVIZE, the President said that his meetings in Daugavpils had raised some thoughts, first of all on the state of Latvian language proficiency. According to the President, Daugavpils should find the financial means for that purpose. Still, he noted that the acquiring of the state language is up to each persons interest and loyalty to the country in which he or she lives. , the President said that his meetings in Daugavpils had raised some thoughts, first of all on the state of Latvian language proficiency. According to the President, Daugavpils should find the financial means for that purpose. Still, he noted that the acquiring of the state language is up to each person’s interest and loyalty to the country in which he or she lives. Panorama Latvii, NeatkarigaPanorama Latvii, Neatkariga   Boris Cilevic in his article “Once More About Us and Them” for “

Boris Cilevic in his article Once More About Us and Them for SM returns to the discussion about the division of Latvias population into two groups - Latvians and non- Latvians. The author argues that in a modern and democratic society all its members have some common identity based on a common value system. In Latvia, on the contrary, the ethnocultural identity of one group - Latvians- is being presented as a unifying base for all people living here. Thus, those who seek to accept the Latvian identity belong to us, but those who refuse - to them. According to Cilevic, the official ideology denies the need for the formation of a common value system waiting for non-natives to accept the ethno-cultural values of Latvians. The author points out that although the official opinion does not deny the minority rights, in reality the niche for ‘other nations is only on the ‘kitchen level. As an example, he mentions the draft language law in which one of the provisions defines other than state languages as foreign in that way denying the very concept of minority rights. From Latvias political party spectrum Cilevic points out the Party of National Accordance as one representing the forces that do not accept the division between us and them. SM

jūlijs 19, 1997

Press Report

Press Report

Head of the Latvian Delegation to the OSCE Ivars Pundurs in an interview for

Head of the Latvian Delegation to the OSCE Ivars Pundurs in an interview for "NEATKARIGA" told about recent discussions over a future status of the OSCE Mission to Latvia. The Latvian Delegation during a recent meeting of the OSCE Permanent Committee in Vienna suggested that the OSCE Mission prepare a report on the results of its activities in Latvia since 1993 when the Mission was established. The report would contain, among other aspects, the account of Latvia's achievements. The proposal was supported by Head of the Mission Charles Magee. The Latvian Delegation also suggested to change the status of the Mission. Mr. Pundurs explained that missions with the similar status were working in the areas of armed conflicts and ethnic confrontations. Latvian diplomats believe that the presence of such a mission in Latvia undermines its international prestige. Mr. Pundurs noted that the essence of OSCE activities in Latvia differed from the objectives of OSCE missions in conflict areas. So should be the status of the OSCE representatives in Latvia, believes Mr. Pundurs. Still, the Vienna meeting declined Latvia's suggestion on changing the status of the Mission. Mr. Pundurs stressed that representatives of several OSCE countries spoke in support of the change after the voting. Mr. Pundurs does not agree that complicated naturalization tests account for a low naturalization rate. According to Pundurs, non-citizens are not willing to take Latvian citizenship and Western diplomats are becoming aware of the real situation. He hopes that the OSCE will still agree to change the status of the OSCE Mission to Latvia this autumn despite Russia's negative reaction. Mr. Pundurs explained that closing of the Mission would not mean the end of Latvia's co-operation with the OSCE. The country will benefit from receiving an unbiased assessment of the situation that would help to oppose ungrounded criticism by Russia. The Head of the Latvian Delegation mentioned the contribution of the OSCE Mission into resolving the problems of the Russian military presence in Latvia and repatriation of former Russian servicemen. Neatkariga

Yesterday Prime-Minister Skele had a meeting with

Yesterday Prime-Minister Skele had a meeting with "Tevzemei un Brivibai"/LNNK and "Latvijas Cels" representatives. "LC" faction Chairman Pantelejevs told "DIENA" that the participants of the meeting were optimistic about the situation in the Cabinet while "TB"/LNNK faction Chairman Straume characterized the situation as "unclear". The agenda of the meeting did not include the possibility of Skele's resignation. Still, an "SM" observer believes that the Cabinet will resign this autumn while "Saimnieks" will leave the Government. Diena, SM

18 men, 4 women and 9 children are still kept in the Olaine Refugee Camp. Most of them are illegal immigrants from Asia and Africa. Still, three persons are former USSR citizens. They will retain their status of illegal immigrants until the Law on Asylum Seekers and Refugees recently adopted by the

18 men, 4 women and 9 children are still kept in the Olaine Refugee Camp. Most of them are illegal immigrants from Asia and Africa. Still, three persons are former USSR citizens. They will retain their status of illegal immigrants until the Law on Asylum Seekers and Refugees recently adopted by the Saeima comes into force on January 1, 1998. One of the former USSR citizens staying at the camp fell a victim of bureaucratic procedures after divorcing his wife and losing "propiska" in Latvia. Almost all the refugees in the camp have health problems and live on the edge of starvation. Weekly rations for two persons consist of 18 potatoes, two chicken legs, half-rotten fish, two glasses of flour and rice and 200 grams of oil. Diena

Oleg Shorin in an article for

Oleg Shorin in an article for "SM" stresses that Latvia will not be able to join the EU without resolving the problem of non-citizens. Recent suggestions on revising the naturalization procedure made by President Ulmanis show that Latvian politicians are aware of the dilemma. Mr. Shorin believes that recent statements by European Commission Director Vinhas and Baltic Council Commissioner Espersen show the growing awareness of Western politicians of the situation in Latvia. SM

The Social Division of the Russian Embassy held a press-conference on the situation of retired Russian servicemen. Among the problems mentioned at the press-conference were medical care, privatization of apartments and passport problems. Retired servicemen do not enjoy discounts on medical insurance provided to all other pensioned residents of Latvia. Still, Russia annually transfers Ls 41 per each serviceman to Latvia to provide such discounts. Retired servicemen still have problems while trying to privatize their apartments since they were not issued with privatization certificates. Many servicemen took Russian citizenship and received former USSR travel passports with a stamp confirming their Russian citizenship. Still, such passports do not give them a secure status in Russia. Russian Consul Rylov managed to persuade the CID to return former USSR internal passports to such persons, at least for a time, for travel to Russia.

The Social Division of the Russian Embassy held a press-conference on the situation of retired Russian servicemen. Among the problems mentioned at the press-conference were medical care, privatization of apartments and passport problems. Retired servicemen do not enjoy discounts on medical insurance provided to all other pensioned residents of Latvia. Still, Russia annually transfers Ls 41 per each serviceman to Latvia to provide such discounts. Retired servicemen still have problems while trying to privatize their apartments since they were not issued with privatization certificates. Many servicemen took Russian citizenship and received former USSR travel passports with a stamp confirming their Russian citizenship. Still, such passports do not give them a secure status in Russia. Russian Consul Rylov managed to persuade the CID to return former USSR internal passports to such persons, at least for a time, for travel to Russia. SM

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