Aug. 7, 1997

Press Report

Press Report

Yesterday the leaders of

Yesterday the leaders of Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK, Democratic Party Saimnieks, Latvijas Cels, and Latvian Farmers Union/ Christian Democratic Union fractions signed the governmental declaration. Today the Saeima will vote on the new government. The new government will likely win parliamentary support, since the four government - forming parties command 67 votes in the parliament. Diena

The Russian federal tax police blocked correspondent accounts of several Baltic banks in St. Petersburg over alleged financial violations. Among them are such Latvian banks as

The Russian federal tax police blocked correspondent accounts of several Baltic banks in St. Petersburg over alleged financial violations. Among them are such Latvian banks as Rietumu Bank, Lateko Bank, Saules Bank, and Parekss Bank. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs plans to present an official note to Russia with a request to explain the situation. The Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs thinks that such activities by the Russian institutions undermine Russias prestige as a trade partner. Einars Repse, President of the Bank of Latvia, said that the arrest of correspondent accounts of Baltic banks might influence the economic relations between Latvia and Russia. According to Teodoras Tveryionas, President of Latvian Commercial Banks Association, it is a deliberate action of Russia against all Baltic banks. B&B

DIENA publishes an interview with Mr. Vadim Yentyakov, Head of the Russian Migration Department at the Russian Embassy. Mr. Yentiakov told that during last couple of years some 5,000 to 6,000 persons a year emigrated from Latvia to Russia, and it was not expected that the number would increase in the nearest future. According to Mr. Yentiakov, there are various factors that make people leave the country on seemingly “voluntarily basis”, for example, the requirement of state language for the applying for a job. On a question about the co-operation with the Latvian Citizenship and Immigration Department, Mr. Yentiakov responded that both sides had agreed to exchange information and to monitor the migration situation.

DIENA publishes an interview with Mr. Vadim Yentyakov, Head of the Russian Migration Department at the Russian Embassy. Mr. Yentiakov told that during last couple of years some 5,000 to 6,000 persons a year emigrated from Latvia to Russia, and it was not expected that the number would increase in the nearest future. According to Mr. Yentiakov, there are various factors that make people leave the country on seemingly voluntarily basis, for example, the requirement of state language for the applying for a job. On a question about the co-operation with the Latvian Citizenship and Immigration Department, Mr. Yentiakov responded that both sides had agreed to exchange information and to monitor the migration situation. Diena

SM publishes the excerpts from the question - answer action with Ms. Eizenija Aldermane, Director of the Naturalization Board, organized by the SM on July 30.

Aug. 6, 1997

Press Report

Press Report

It is planned that the governmental fractions will sign the declaration of the new Cabinet today. According to Mr. Krasts, the new declaration formulates many tasks that the previous government did not plan to do. Still, there are some issues that this government will not take over from the previous Cabinet, for example, the elimination of the

It is planned that the governmental fractions will sign the declaration of the new Cabinet today. According to Mr. Krasts, the new declaration formulates many tasks that the previous government did not plan to do. Still, there are some issues that this government will not take over from the previous Cabinet, for example, the elimination of the propiska system. The full text of the declaration will be available to the press today. Diena

During its last meeting the Skele Cabinet accepted 18 legal acts. Among them were amendments to the Law on Foreign Citizens’ and Stateless Persons’ Entry and Residence in Latvia. According to the amendments, foreign citizens and stateless persons who, according to the Latvian Law on Refugees, had received the refugee status, receive the permanent residence permit.

During its last meeting the Skele Cabinet accepted 18 legal acts. Among them were amendments to the Law on Foreign Citizens and Stateless Persons Entry and Residence in Latvia. According to the amendments, foreign citizens and stateless persons who, according to the Latvian Law on Refugees, had received the refugee status, receive the permanent residence permit. Diena, Latvijas Vestnesis

All ministries, except the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, have submitted proposals to the European Integration Bureau on how to speed up and improve the work on Latvia’s integration into the EU. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has promised to submit proposals today. The Bureau should summarize all suggestions, so that on August 12 the government could review and approve the memorandum to the European Commission and the EU countries.

All ministries, except the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, have submitted proposals to the European Integration Bureau on how to speed up and improve the work on Latvias integration into the EU. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has promised to submit proposals today. The Bureau should summarize all suggestions, so that on August 12 the government could review and approve the memorandum to the European Commission and the EU countries. Neatkariga

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported that the next round of border talks between Latvia and Russia will take place today and tomorrow in Riga. It is planned to focus on the technical aspects of the border issue.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported that the next round of border talks between Latvia and Russia will take place today and tomorrow in Riga. It is planned to focus on the technical aspects of the border issue. PL

Upon request of the Minister of Justice Mr. Rasnacs, the Director of Naturalization Board Eizenija Aldermane has prepared responses to the questions about the naturalization process in Latvia by the European Commission. According to the Naturalization Board, all reprimands by the European Commission regarding the status of non-citizens are unsubstantiated. According to the governmental regulations on the non-citizen passports, holders of these passports are guaranteed the legal protection abroad by the Latvian government. Only when Latvia ratifies the European Convention on Citizenship, it will be necessary to amend these legal acts. Ms. Aldermane noted that the situation with the children who were born in Latvia, but were not its citizens, was much more serious, since it contradicts the Convention on Children Rights that Latvia had already ratified.

Upon request of the Minister of Justice Mr. Rasnacs, the Director of Naturalization Board Eizenija Aldermane has prepared responses to the questions about the naturalization process in Latvia by the European Commission. According to the Naturalization Board, all reprimands by the European Commission regarding the status of non-citizens are unsubstantiated. According to the governmental regulations on the non-citizen passports, holders of these passports are guaranteed the legal protection abroad by the Latvian government. Only when Latvia ratifies the European Convention on Citizenship, it will be necessary to amend these legal acts. Ms. Aldermane noted that the situation with the children who were born in Latvia, but were not its citizens, was much more serious, since it contradicts the Convention on Children Rights that Latvia had already ratified. Diena

In an article on the language examinations Iveta Pelse, Chair of the Examination Commission at the Naturalization Board, notes that the main task of the commission is not to check the applicant’s Latvian grammar, but to determine whether a person is able to communicate in Latvian that, in turn, would help him or her integrate into the Latvian society. The commission reports that there were 9 cases on appeal during the whole period of naturalization, four of which were satisfied. An average of 98% of persons who take the language exam, pass it.

In an article on the language examinations Iveta Pelse, Chair of the Examination Commission at the Naturalization Board, notes that the main task of the commission is not to check the applicants Latvian grammar, but to determine whether a person is able to communicate in Latvian that, in turn, would help him or her integrate into the Latvian society. The commission reports that there were 9 cases on appeal during the whole period of naturalization, four of which were satisfied. An average of 98% of persons who take the language exam, pass it. Diena

Aug. 5, 1997

Press Report

Press Report

Guntars Krasts confirmed that a new governmental declaration would not differ from the plan of the former government, therefore no significant changes in the governmental policies were expected. Today the fractions will finalize the declaration draft, so that the Saeima could approve the new government on Thursday. Referring to the coalition agreement draft, Mr. Andrejs Pantelejevs said that “

Guntars Krasts confirmed that a new governmental declaration would not differ from the plan of the former government, therefore no significant changes in the governmental policies were expected. Today the fractions will finalize the declaration draft, so that the Saeima could approve the new government on Thursday. Referring to the coalition agreement draft, Mr. Andrejs Pantelejevs said that Latvijas Cels had proposed to emphasize the role of fractions, instead of delegating additional power to the Prime-Minister. Tevzemei un Brivibai/ LNNK announced that it would assume the political responsibility for the leadership of the new government. Besides, the party resolves to bring Latvian economic indicators up to the standards of the EU, speed up the integration into the EU and the NATO, and make no changes in the Citizenship Law during this Saeima. Latvijas Cels in the conference approved its candidates for the new government, including Vilis Kristopans as the Minister of Communications. Aleksandrs Kirsteins, Leader of the National Reform Party, conceded to a possibility that the NRP would not sign the governmental declaration since it could not assume the responsibility for its work. The National Reform Party has no members in the posts of the new government. Mr. Kirsteins predicted that the new government would not be able to remain in power until the new Saeima elections. Discussions on the budget of 1998 will bring about a new governmental crisis. Diena

In his interview to

In his interview to Diena Mr. Guntars Krasts claimed that he would make sure that the governmental declaration was actually followed. Referring to the liquidation of the Special post for the Minister of European Affairs, Mr. Krasts told that it was aimed at the improvement of the work on the Latvias integration into the EU. According to Krasts, there was no co-ordinated work between the Minister of European Affairs and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He had already discussed with Mr. Birkavs several options on how to assign some of the functions related to the EU integration to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.On the question about the integration of non-citizens into the Latvian society, Mr. Krasts responded that integration in its real meaning was not unwelcome. Many people, however, understand it as a simple enlargement of the number of citizens that, according to Krasts, only creates the danger of the double-community state. Referring to the naturalization windows, Mr. Krasts said that the present quotas were not being fulfilled which means that even people who have the right to naturalization are not willing to do that. Besides, the quota system was introduced with the purpose to have the naturalization process slow enough to let people integrate into the Latvian society. Mr. Krasts also commented on the relations between Latvia and Russia. He stressed that the economic circles that more and more influence the decision-making process in Russia, understand that there are no important human rights violations in Latvia. Moreover, they are willing to see an open neighbouring country that is ready to join the EU, has no various foreign trade regimes, and with which Russia could co-operate. Diena

As was told earlier, there were complaints about the unsatisfactory work of the Liepajas CID. Vaira Sprince, Acting Head of the Passport Department of the CID, told “NEATKARIGA” that the situation in Liepaja was serious, because the Liepaja’s officials had worked more slowly than their colleagues in other cities. The official inquiry did not show any abuse of power. The CID has submitted recommendations to the Liepaja’s CID about the work improvement. Until now there have not been any changes in the staff of the Liepaja’s CID.

As was told earlier, there were complaints about the unsatisfactory work of the Liepajas CID. Vaira Sprince, Acting Head of the Passport Department of the CID, told NEATKARIGA that the situation in Liepaja was serious, because the Liepajas officials had worked more slowly than their colleagues in other cities. The official inquiry did not show any abuse of power. The CID has submitted recommendations to the Liepajas CID about the work improvement. Until now there have not been any changes in the staff of the Liepajas CID. Neatkariga

Aug. 4, 1997

Press Reports

Press Reports

At the press-conference on Friday Andris Skele told journalists that all talks about the potential budget deficit were political speculation. According to Skele, parties only try to increase their prestige through the creation of the budget deficit and salary rise. Skele expressed regret that the existing stability could be destroyed in the name of political aims. Mr. Skele referred to the liquidation of the post of Special Minister for European Affairs as a wrong decision in times when Latvia should actively work with the European Union. Mr. Skele does not believe that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has people who would be able to work on introducing European Union instructions into the social, economic and agricultural spheres.

At the press-conference on Friday Andris Skele told journalists that all talks about the potential budget deficit were political speculation. According to Skele, parties only try to increase their prestige through the creation of the budget deficit and salary rise. Skele expressed regret that the existing stability could be destroyed in the name of political aims. Mr. Skele referred to the liquidation of the post of Special Minister for European Affairs as a wrong decision in times when Latvia should actively work with the European Union. Mr. Skele does not believe that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has people who would be able to work on introducing European Union instructions into the social, economic and agricultural spheres. Neatkariga, Rita Avize

There is still no agreement on a candidate for the post of Minister of Culture. Ramona Umblija from

There is still no agreement on a candidate for the post of Minister of Culture. Ramona Umblija from the Latvian Farmers Union and Aleksandrs Kirsteins from the National Reform Party have been named as potential candidates, and neither of parties wants to withdraw its claim for the office. Today the candidates start discussing a declaration. As Juris Dobelis, Deputy Chair of Tevzemei un Brivibai/ LNNK, told NEATKARIGA, Tevzemei un Brivibai would try to incorporate issues on citizenship and state language into the declaration. Kristiana Libane, Deputy Chair of the Latvijas Cels fraction, said that a new declaration in principle should not differ from the previous declaration. Diena, Neatkariga

At the press conference on reconstruction of the Victory monument Jazeps Barbejs, Specialist of the Joint-Stock Company

At the press conference on reconstruction of the Victory monument Jazeps Barbejs, Specialist of the Joint-Stock Company Komunalprojekts, told that on August 15 it would be clear how much money it would be needed to restore the monument. Tatjana Zdanoka, deputy of the Lidztiesiba noted that people did not have clear information about how they could donate money for the restoration of the monument. Twenty persons have already donated money in total of 221 Lats. Diena

SM comments on a readers question about the unsatisfactory work of the Liepajas CID. People who submitted their old passports for the exchange to non-citizen passports months ago, still have not received any document.

Ms. Sprence, Acting Head of the Passport Department of the CID, assured “SM” that “people will receive their documents”. Ms. Sprence, however, did not present any explanation on reasons why such a situation emerged in Liepaja.

Ms. Sprence, Acting Head of the Passport Department of the CID, assured SM that people will receive their documents. Ms. Sprence, however, did not present any explanation on reasons why such a situation emerged in Liepaja. SM

As was told earlier, the Representation of the Migration Department of the Russian Federation was opened in Riga. Vadim Yentyakov, Head of the Representation, told that the Representation would professionally help people applying for repatriation to move to Russia. He noted that any Russian-speaking person in Latvia could become a potential repatriate. A person might turn to the Representation and get the certificate of migration that would provide the repatriate with certain rights and benefits. Still, Mr Yentyakov stressed that repatriates from Latvia could not receive the status of “forced repatriate” that would provide them with the rights to some financial benefits in Russia.

As was told earlier, the Representation of the Migration Department of the Russian Federation was opened in Riga. Vadim Yentyakov, Head of the Representation, told that the Representation would professionally help people applying for repatriation to move to Russia. He noted that any Russian-speaking person in Latvia could become a potential repatriate. A person might turn to the Representation and get the certificate of migration that would provide the repatriate with certain rights and benefits. Still, Mr Yentyakov stressed that repatriates from Latvia could not receive the status of forced repatriate that would provide them with the rights to some financial benefits in Russia.

Boris Tsilevich in his article to “SM” claims that “moderate” parties (

Boris Tsilevich in his article to SM claims that moderate parties (Latvijas Cels and Saimnieks) were afraid to leave national radicals (Tevzemei un Brivibai) in opposition on the eve of the new Saeima elections, although without TB the government would have been able to solve some important questions related with the integration into the EU (for example, changes in the Citizenship Law, speeding up the process of naturalization). According to Tsilevich, Latvijas Cels and Saimnieks see a representative of TB in the post of the Prime-Minister as a compromise that would keep both parties in balance of power. Besides, Guntars Krasts is a weak, and obedient political figure. Referring to the European Commission report, Mr. Tsilevich describes it as a failure of foreign affairs by Mr. Birkavs and Latvijas Cels.Mr. Tsilevich predicts that former Prime-Minister Andris Skele will support the formation of a new Farmers Party. This party might be founded by Mr. Krustins, Editor of Lauku Avize, in the nearest future. SM

Director of the National Human Rights Office Mr. Olafs Bruvers in an interview to

Director of the National Human Rights Office Mr. Olafs Bruvers in an interview to SM said that any issue on citizenship and human rights of non-citizen gets tied up in the Coalition Council in which the representatives of the radical parties declared that they would leave the government if those questions were touched. He expressed hope that the government would find courage to let those opponents go. Olafs Bruvers also noted that the Human Rights Office was closely co-operating with the CID in order to eliminate any arbitrariness in its work. Mr. Bruvers told that at present analysts were preparing a report on the compliance of the situation in the socio-economic rights sphere in Latvia with the international conventions. He agreed with a journalist that the situation with non-Latvian schools also needed more detailed examination.

jūlijs 31, 1997

Press Report

Press Report

The Democratic Party Saimnieks and the Latvian Farmers Union named their candidates for the ministerial offices. They are Ziedonis Cevers for the post of the Minister of the Interior, Juris Celmins - Minister of Education, Atis Sausnitis - Minister of Economics, and Andris Ravins for the post of the Minister of Agriculture. “

The Democratic Party Saimnieks and the Latvian Farmers Union named their candidates for the ministerial offices. They are Ziedonis Cevers for the post of the Minister of the Interior, Juris Celmins - Minister of Education, Atis Sausnitis - Minister of Economics, and Andris Ravins for the post of the Minister of Agriculture. Latvijas Cels gave up the request for the post of the Minister of Defense. Guntars Krasts announced that there would not be a post for the special Minister for European Affairs in the new government. Besides, Mr. Krasts told that he would ask all candidates to certify that they do not have a conflict of interests that would repeat the situation with the Anti-Corruption Law. Diena

On Tuesday Valery Nesterushkin, Representative of Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, told journalists that Moscow hoped that a new Latvian government would continue to express an interest toward the development of good neighbourly relations with Russia. He also expressed the hope that Latvia would take into consideration the criticism from international, Russian and Latvian experts regarding the situation with the Russian-speaking population in Latvia.

On Tuesday Valery Nesterushkin, Representative of Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, told journalists that Moscow hoped that a new Latvian government would continue to express an interest toward the development of good neighbourly relations with Russia. He also expressed the hope that Latvia would take into consideration the criticism from international, Russian and Latvian experts regarding the situation with the Russian-speaking population in Latvia. Diena

On Tuesday the MFA started discussing the analysis of the European Commission report. As Aivars Vovers, Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, told journalists, the MFA completed work on a program for co-operation with the European Commission and the members of the European Union, and the recommendations to other ministries and state institutions for the speeding up of the integration process. Besides, the MFA has worked out a separate program that stresses the necessity to aim all official visits abroad at the integration into the EU. It will also make sure that all reports from Latvia to the EU will be not only received but also used in official documents. The MFA will repeat its request to the Cabinet to open Latvian diplomatic representatives in Ireland, Greece, Portugal and the Netherlands.

On Tuesday the MFA started discussing the analysis of the European Commission report. As Aivars Vovers, Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, told journalists, the MFA completed work on a program for co-operation with the European Commission and the members of the European Union, and the recommendations to other ministries and state institutions for the speeding up of the integration process. Besides, the MFA has worked out a separate program that stresses the necessity to aim all official visits abroad at the integration into the EU. It will also make sure that all reports from Latvia to the EU will be not only received but also used in official documents. The MFA will repeat its request to the Cabinet to open Latvian diplomatic representatives in Ireland, Greece, Portugal and the Netherlands. Diena

Ministry of Foreign Affairs has received a note from the MFA of the Russian Federation, in which it states that Russia recognizes Latvian non-citizen passports as valid documents for entrance into the Russian Federation. This agreement was reached during the consular consultations between both countries on June 1 and 2. The agreement comes into the force within 30 days from the signing date.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs has received a note from the MFA of the Russian Federation, in which it states that Russia recognizes Latvian non-citizen passports as valid documents for entrance into the Russian Federation. This agreement was reached during the consular consultations between both countries on June 1 and 2. The agreement comes into the force within 30 days from the signing date. Diena

According to the inter-governmental agreement on regulations of migration process signed by Latvia and Russia in 1993, the Representation of the Immigration Department of the Russian Federation is being opened in Riga today. Its task will be to inform people about the necessary documentation and to regulate the migration process.

According to the inter-governmental agreement on regulations of migration process signed by Latvia and Russia in 1993, the Representation of the Immigration Department of the Russian Federation is being opened in Riga today. Its task will be to inform people about the necessary documentation and to regulate the migration process. Neatkariga

Oleg Shorin in an article for “SM” notes that the non-citizen passport holders legally are “nothing” in Russia, since the Russian Federation recognizes those passports only as travel documents, not as identification documents. While in Russia, these people might be denied legal and financial help. According to Shorin, the solution could have been to allow non-citizens to keep their old former USSR passports for the use in Russia. He regrets that the Russian side has agreed to Latvian decision on withdrawal of old passports. SM

Oleg Shorin in an article for SM notes that the non-citizen passport holders legally are nothing in Russia, since the Russian Federation recognizes those passports only as travel documents, not as identification documents. While in Russia, these people might be denied legal and financial help. According to Shorin, the solution could have been to allow non-citizens to keep their old former USSR passports for the use in Russia. He regrets that the Russian side has agreed to Latvian decision on withdrawal of old passports. SM

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