Sept. 10, 1997

Press Report

Press Report

Writer Marina Kostenetskaya, a former Popular Front activist, in an interview for

Writer Marina Kostenetskaya, a former Popular Front activist, in an interview for "DIENA" recalled statements by PF leaders made in 1991. In those days political leaders spoke in favor of granting Latvian citizenship to all non-Latvians loyal to Latvia's independence. The predominating idea was to grant citizenship to all persons (non-Latvians) who had been residing in the country for ten years and had the command of Latvian on a conversational level. The concept also provided for automatic granting of citizenship to all persons born in Latvia. Mrs. Kostenetskaya stressed that non-Latvians made a considerable contribution to Latvia's independence. She believes that many of those currently applying for citizenship through naturalization are led by the reasons that are purely pragmatic. Mrs. Kostenetskaya points to a growing indifference toward naturalization among the young. The existing citizenship policy brings about the spirit of defiance among the young. Many of them see both Latvia and Russia as their "step-mothers" and dream about emigrating to the West, believes Kostenetskaya. Diena

Prime-Minister Guntars Krasts warned the governing coalition factions against "violating coalition discipline" that could result in losing posts in the Cabinet. The statement was made after several

Prime-Minister Guntars Krasts warned the governing coalition factions against "violating coalition discipline" that could result in losing posts in the Cabinet. The statement was made after several "Latvijas Cels" and "Saimnieks" deputies had supported opposition factions and voted for holding an extraordinary Saeima session on transport issues. Some governing coalition deputies also supported draft amendments to the Law on the Land Tax suggested by the opposition. Mr. Krasts even mentioned the possibility of his resignation at the meeting of the "Tevzemei un Brivibai"/LNNK Council. Today the "discipline" problem will be on top of the agenda of the Co-operation Council meeting. Still, most of the governing coalition deputies do not believe the Prime-Minister to be serious about his possible resignation. B&B

Yesterday Mr. Imants Daudiss, currently Secretary of the

Yesterday Mr. Imants Daudiss, currently Secretary of the Saeima Presidium, was officially appointed Ambassador to Russia. Mr. Andris Piebalgs (Ambassador to Estonia) will take the post of Latvia's Ambassador to the European Union. B&B

The Vilnius City Court sentenced former First Secretary of the Lithuanian Embassy to Austria and Head of the Lithuanian Delegation to the OSCE Ajdas Puklavicus to four years in prison. Mr. Puklavicus is accused of forging the pay-sheets documenting the payment of Lithuania's OSCE membership fees by changing account numbers and transferring the payments to his own personal account. Mr. Puklavicus had a reputation of the best expert on OSCE in the Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The Vilnius City Court sentenced former First Secretary of the Lithuanian Embassy to Austria and Head of the Lithuanian Delegation to the OSCE Ajdas Puklavicus to four years in prison. Mr. Puklavicus is accused of forging the pay-sheets documenting the payment of Lithuania's OSCE membership fees by changing account numbers and transferring the payments to his own personal account. Mr. Puklavicus had a reputation of the best expert on OSCE in the Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. SM

Sept. 9, 1997

Press Report

Press Report

"Tevzemei un Brivibai"/LNNK

Chairman Maris Grinblats told the press that the party would insist on including the reference to the 1920 Peace Treaty between Latvia and Russia in the Border agreement with Russia. Chairman Maris Grinblats told the press that the party would insist on including the reference to the 1920 Peace Treaty between Latvia and Russia in the Border agreement with Russia. "TB"/LNNK"TB"/LNNK representatives will substantiate their standpoint during the upcoming meeting with Minister of Foreign Affairs Valdis Birkavs. The party believes the reference to be an evidence of the continuity of relations between the two countries. According to representatives will substantiate their standpoint during the upcoming meeting with Minister of Foreign Affairs Valdis Birkavs. The party believes the reference to be an evidence of the continuity of relations between the two countries. According to "DIENA""DIENA", Prime-Minister Guntars Krasts shares the opinion. The Prime-Minister stressed the importance of the Border Agreement for Latvia's integration in the EU at the recent meeting of the , Prime-Minister Guntars Krasts shares the opinion. The Prime-Minister stressed the importance of the Border Agreement for Latvia's integration in the EU at the recent meeting of the "TB"/LNNK"TB"/LNNK Council. Council. DienaDiena Yesterday (September 8) Head of the OSCE Mission to Latvia Charles Magee had a meeting with President Ulmanis. According to the President's Press Service, Mr. Magee hopes that the Latvian Government will take into consideration the President's opinion on citizenship issues and will search for practical solutions that would help to increase the number of citizens. (

Yesterday (September 8) Head of the OSCE Mission to Latvia Charles Magee had a meeting with President Ulmanis. According to the President's Press Service, Mr. Magee hopes that the Latvian Government will take into consideration the President's opinion on citizenship issues and will search for practical solutions that would help to increase the number of citizens. ("BIZNES & BALTIYA" noted that OSCE High Commissioner van der Stoel had clearly expressed his opinion on the problem more than once). The Head of the OSCE Mission during his meeting with the President said that the Mission would advise to decrease the naturalization fee and to simplify language and history tests. The OSCE Mission also believes that children born in Latvia after August 1991 should be granted Latvian citizenship. Mr. Magee marked a considerable improvement in the work of the CID. He positively evaluated the implementation of the agreement on the Skrunda radar and military pensioners and the activities of the Human Rights Office. President Ulmanis pointed to the importance of overcoming the psychological barrier formed during the occupation years. Diena, B&B

The European Statistical Committee (

The European Statistical Committee ("Eurostat") published an outdated information on the economic situation in Latvia. The statistical data appeared in a press-release by the "Eurostat" and contains figures taken from the 1995 reports. The European Commission Report on Latvia contained outdated figures as well. According to "DIENA@ , several EU executives publicly expressed their indignation at the inaccuracies in the report.

Sept. 8, 1997

Press Report

Press Report

Russian Premier Chernomyrdin in his speech at the Vilnius Conference stressed once again that Russia would strongly object to the joining of NATO by the three Baltic states. Mr. Chernomyrdin called the European Security Charter the only suitable comprehensive security model. Russia has already circulated a detailed plan of the document among the OSCE members. President Ulmanis, while commenting on the results of the meeting, noted that Prime-Minister Chernomyrdin did not address the issues traditionally raised by Russia. The agenda of Mr. Ulmanis' meeting with the Russian Prime-Minister included the border agreement and humanitarian issues. The Latvian President hopes to sign several important agreements during his visit to Moscow in the nearest future. (Still, the Council of

Russian Premier Chernomyrdin in his speech at the Vilnius Conference stressed once again that Russia would strongly object to the joining of NATO by the three Baltic states. Mr. Chernomyrdin called the European Security Charter the only suitable comprehensive security model. Russia has already circulated a detailed plan of the document among the OSCE members. President Ulmanis, while commenting on the results of the meeting, noted that Prime-Minister Chernomyrdin did not address the issues traditionally raised by Russia. The agenda of Mr. Ulmanis' meeting with the Russian Prime-Minister included the border agreement and humanitarian issues. The Latvian President hopes to sign several important agreements during his visit to Moscow in the nearest future. (Still, the Council of "Tevzemei un Brivibai"/LNNK during its meeting last Saturday decided to press its coalition partners to include a reference to the 1920 Peace Treaty in the Border Agreement with Russia). President Ulmanis told Premier Chernomyrdin that the Latvian Government was ready to accelerate the naturalization process by simplifying naturalization procedures. Mr. Ulmanis also met Byelorussian President Lukashenko. According to Mr. Lukashenko, the two countries are planning to sign an agreement on refugees. Among other issues discussed by the two Presidents was the closing of the Byelorussian Office of the Soros Foundation. Its bank account was blocked by the Byelorussian authorities and the Foundation was pressed to terminate its activities in Byelorussia. Diena, Neatkariga


interviewed Head of the interviewed Head of the "Latvijas Cels""Latvijas Cels" faction Andrejs Pantelejevs on the current political situation in Latvia and on faction Andrejs Pantelejevs on the current political situation in Latvia and on "LC""LC" policy in the policy in the SaeimaSaeima. Mr. Pantelejevs said that . Mr. Pantelejevs said that "LC""LC" would not agree to several demands currently put forward by would not agree to several demands currently put forward by "Tevzemei un Brivibai"/LNNK"Tevzemei un Brivibai"/LNNK. The . The "LC""LC" faction will insist on applying the Refugee Convention to all asylum-seekers (but not only to those coming from the West, as demanded by faction will insist on applying the Refugee Convention to all asylum-seekers (but not only to those coming from the West, as demanded by "TB"/LNNK"TB"/LNNK). The faction will also support the abolishment of restrictions on the employment of non-citizens and will vote against introducing Latvian as the only language of instruction in secondary schools. According to Mr. Pantelejevs,). The faction will also support the abolishment of restrictions on the employment of non-citizens and will vote against introducing Latvian as the only language of instruction in secondary schools. According to Mr. Pantelejevs, "LC" "LC" is supporting the acceleration of naturalization. Mr. Pantelejevs believes that "the window mechanism" should be replaced by quotas that would tremendously exceed the current annual number of applicants for citizenship. is supporting the acceleration of naturalization. Mr. Pantelejevs believes that "the window mechanism" should be replaced by quotas that would tremendously exceed the current annual number of applicants for citizenship. "LC""LC" will hold a conference on the forming of a political nation on September 20. Other issues on the agenda will include education, language, and cultural autonomy. will hold a conference on the forming of a political nation on September 20. Other issues on the agenda will include education, language, and cultural autonomy. SMSM "People's Harmony" faction deputy Janis Urbanovics criticizes the governing coalition for yielding to

"People's Harmony" faction deputy Janis Urbanovics criticizes the governing coalition for yielding to "TB"/LNNK pressure while preparing the Memorandum for the European Commission. Mr. Urbanovics stresses that "LC" is pursuing its own political interests and would not oppose the Nationalists while "Saimnieks" focuses on protecting its own economic interests. The author of the article proves that such policies impede Latvia's integration in Europe and slow down its overall economic and political development. Diena

Sept. 6, 1997

Press Report

The Luxembourg meeting of EU Ministers worked out a new approach to potential EU members. Each candidate country will be offered its own program and will have individual talks on its possible admission to the EU. The main purpose of the new approach is to minimize the tension between the candidates.

The Luxembourg meeting of EU Ministers worked out a new approach to potential EU members. Each candidate country will be offered its own program and will have individual talks on its possible admission to the EU. The main purpose of the new approach is to minimize the tension between the candidates. Diena

Last Saturday (October 4) the Third Congress of the Democratic Party

Last Saturday (October 4) the Third Congress of the Democratic Party Saimnieks adopted state nationalism as the partys ideology. Party Chairman Ziedonis Cevers opposed state nationalism to ethnic nationalism and stressed the importance of forming a political nation and integrating non-Latvians in the Latvian society. Mr. Cevers was elected Chairman of the Party for another term. Diena, Chas

“People’s Harmony” circulated an open letter to Prime-Minister Guntars Krasts signed by its Chairman Janis Jurkans. “PH” requests the Prime-Minister to demand a more simple procedure for the issuing of new alien passports. The letter points to a three-month term often required for issuing a passport. “PH” believes such delays to be purposeful. CID Deputy-Director Atis Leins told

Peoples Harmony circulated an open letter to Prime-Minister Guntars Krasts signed by its Chairman Janis Jurkans. PH requests the Prime-Minister to demand a more simple procedure for the issuing of new alien passports. The letter points to a three-month term often required for issuing a passport. PH believes such delays to be purposeful. CID Deputy-Director Atis Leins told Diena that applicants received new passports within twenty working days unless additional check-ups of Register of Inhabitants data were required. He believes that the slow exchange of old USSR passports for new alien passports could be explained by Russia having suspended the recognition of the new documents. According to BIZNES & BALTIYA only 5.45% of non-citizens have received new alien passports. B&B

Mr. George Soros visited Latvia for the annual presentation of the Soros Foundation Awards. In his speech delivered at the event Mr. Soros expressed concern about the indifference of the Latvian Government toward integration of non-Latvians in the Latvian society.

Mr. George Soros visited Latvia for the annual presentation of the Soros Foundation Awards. In his speech delivered at the event Mr. Soros expressed concern about the indifference of the Latvian Government toward integration of non-Latvians in the Latvian society. Chas

Sept. 5, 1997

Press Review

Press Review

Russian Premier Chernomyrdin told the

Russian Premier Chernomyrdin told the "Interfax" news agency that Russia was ready to discuss possible security guarantees with the three Baltic states. Mr. Chernomyrdin will address the international conference on security in Europe in Vilnius today. The Russian Prime-Minister said that Russia would not change its negative attitude toward the joining of NATO by the Baltic states. The step, according to Mr. Chernomyrdin, would produce "additional sources of distrust" in these countries' relations with Russia. Latvian President Ulmanis during his meeting with Prime-Minister Chernomyrdin will confirm that Latvia is ready to sign the border agreement with Russia. Mr. Ulmanis will put a special emphasis on the importance of the Inter-Governmental Commission. The agenda of the meeting will also include Latvia's decision to undertake a thorough analysis of employment restrictions applied to non-citizens. The Latvian side will discuss issues related to Baltic security but will not accept security guarantees from Russia. According to Chairman of the Saeima Committee for Foreign Affairs Indulis Berzins, "Tevzemei un Brivibai"/LNNK was the only governing party that opposed the signing of the border agreement with Russia without referring to the 1920 Peace Treaty. During their meeting with the President, all governing coalition parties objected to amending the Citizenship Law but agreed to consider employment restrictions. Diena, B&B

The Lithuanian Security Service arrested seven individuals suspected of planning a terrorist act during the Vilnius conference. All of them are members of the Lithuanian Voluntary Home Guard. Yesterday an unidentified person called the Estonian bureau of the BNS news agency and warned about a possible attempt upon the life of Estonian President Meri during his visit to Vilnius. The Estonian and Lithuanian security services are reported to take adequate measures.

The Lithuanian Security Service arrested seven individuals suspected of planning a terrorist act during the Vilnius conference. All of them are members of the Lithuanian Voluntary Home Guard. Yesterday an unidentified person called the Estonian bureau of the BNS news agency and warned about a possible attempt upon the life of Estonian President Meri during his visit to Vilnius. The Estonian and Lithuanian security services are reported to take adequate measures. Chas, B&B

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