Nov. 3, 2000

Press Report

Also the next year in Latvia will be realised different projects to further ethnic concordance and mastering of the state language because the Soros Foundation – Latvia within the framework of Human Rights and Ethnic Concordance Project has allocated 15 000Ls for 15 projects to further public integration and ethnic concordance. Money for such projects is assigned once a year, but this year was special because the Commission received 96 projects and many of them were from distant regions of Latvia.

Also the next year in Latvia will be realised different projects to further ethnic concordance and mastering of the state language because the Soros Foundation – Latvia within the framework of Human Rights and Ethnic Concordance Project has allocated 15 000Ls for 15 projects to further public integration and ethnic concordance. Money for such projects is assigned once a year, but this year was special because the Commission received 96 projects and many of them were from distant regions of Latvia. Diena

Since November 1 the Advisor to the State President on History is habilitated history doctor Antonijs Zunda. The former Advisor Elga Zalite has moved to the USA.

Since November 1 the Advisor to the State President on History is habilitated history doctor Antonijs Zunda. The former Advisor Elga Zalite has moved to the USA. Diena, Neatkariga

The new amendments to the law On the Entry and Residence of Foreign Citizens and Stateless Persons in the Republic of Latvia adopted by the Saeima stipulate that documents to receive a Latvian visa may be submitted not only in the Latvian language but also in English, Russian, French or German as well as in the language of the state where the diplomatic representatives on Latvia are located. Also documents to receive a TRP may be submitted in Latvian, English, Russian, French or German.

The new amendments to the law On the Entry and Residence of Foreign Citizens and Stateless Persons in the Republic of Latvia adopted by the Saeima stipulate that documents to receive a Latvian visa may be submitted not only in the Latvian language but also in English, Russian, French or German as well as in the language of the state where the diplomatic representatives on Latvia are located. Also documents to receive a TRP may be submitted in Latvian, English, Russian, French or German. Neatkariga

Yesterday after the Saeima New Party faction meeting the Head of the faction I.Udre assured that faction remained united and supported the government of A.Berzins disregarding the announcement of the former party leader R.Pauls about his disobedience to the coalition decisions. At the same time faction was not satisfied with the behaviour of three its members – A.Slesers, R.Mezeckis and J.Stalidzane who did not attend faction sittings at all.

Yesterday after the Saeima New Party faction meeting the Head of the faction I.Udre assured that faction remained united and supported the government of A.Berzins disregarding the announcement of the former party leader R.Pauls about his disobedience to the coalition decisions. At the same time faction was not satisfied with the behaviour of three its members – A.Slesers, R.Mezeckis and J.Stalidzane who did not attend faction sittings at all. Rigas Balss

The Ministry of Economics made a brave forecast stating that total increase of Latvia GDP this year could be 5% instead of former 4.5%. This forecast is based on the results of the first quarter when the increase was 5.3%.

The Ministry of Economics made a brave forecast stating that total increase of Latvia GDP this year could be 5% instead of former 4.5%. This forecast is based on the results of the first quarter when the increase was 5.3%. Respublika

On Thursday met all former Latvian Prime Ministers. The meeting took place behind closed doors. According to unofficial information they also discussed current political situation.

On Thursday met all former Latvian Prime Ministers. The meeting took place behind closed doors. According to unofficial information they also discussed current political situation. Vesti Segodnya

On November 5 in the common graveyard in Lestene will be opened a monument to Latvian SS legionnaires. The name of this monument - “Motherland – Latvia”. To the opening ceremony are invited the Minister of Defence and other high officials of the Ministry of Defence and state institutions. Vesti Segodnya

On November 5 in the common graveyard in Lestene will be opened a monument to Latvian SS legionnaires. The name of this monument - Motherland – Latvia. To the opening ceremony are invited the Minister of Defence and other high officials of the Ministry of Defence and state institutions. Vesti Segodnya

Nov. 2, 2000

Press Report

Although at the Coalition Council on Wednesday decided in principle to support the proposal of the government to amend this year budget by increasing its deficit, it is likely that the Saeima might support assigning additional financing to several projects that the government did not support, thus increasing the budget deficit up to 3.2% from GDP.

Although at the Coalition Council on Wednesday decided in principle to support the proposal of the government to amend this year budget by increasing its deficit, it is likely that the Saeima might support assigning additional financing to several projects that the government did not support, thus increasing the budget deficit up to 3.2% from GDP. Diena, Respublika

The election of Chairman of Latvian Way at the party congress on December 9 might become rather tough because along with the current Chairman A.Pantelejevs for this post may run also Prime Minister A.Berzins. People proposing him call to return to European practice that party Chairman is also the head of the government.

The election of Chairman of Latvian Way at the party congress on December 9 might become rather tough because along with the current Chairman A.Pantelejevs for this post may run also Prime Minister A.Berzins. People proposing him call to return to European practice that party Chairman is also the head of the government. Diena


informs also about the coming congress of FF/LNNK that take place already this week. There is unofficial information that M.Grinblats could remain the Chairman but could have new deputies. It is possible that Russia will offer the world a new concept – strategic plan for relations with compatriots abroad. This plan refers only to the former USSR republics. So far Moscow did not have any future orientated program for these relations. All activities were and are conducted basing in impulse – mass media with support of state institutions (MFA, individual politicians or even the Kremlin) start a short term campaign against some neighbouring country for real or supposed violations of compatriots’ rights. The developers of the strategy accuse Russian authorities for not doing anything to express their attitude towards 50 million Russians living in the neighbouring countries.

It is possible that Russia will offer the world a new concept – strategic plan for relations with compatriots abroad. This plan refers only to the former USSR republics. So far Moscow did not have any future orientated program for these relations. All activities were and are conducted basing in impulse – mass media with support of state institutions (MFA, individual politicians or even the Kremlin) start a short term campaign against some neighbouring country for real or supposed violations of compatriots rights. The developers of the strategy accuse Russian authorities for not doing anything to express their attitude towards 50 million Russians living in the neighbouring countries. Neatkariga

The newspaper

The newspaper Jauna Avize interviewed the Minister of Justice I.Labucka about the things achieved and planned during her half a year in this position. One of the most serious problems during this period of time is that many people are kept in detention for long time without any court decree. 3527 persons are still waiting for their sentence. I.Labucka has signed an order for responsible institutions to submit a full review of them and she plans to analyse the situation. Concerning her future plans, the Minister wants to raise the prestige of the court system.

Political scientists foresee blackmailing wars to start before the next municipal election. Party representatives refuse a possibility that their political forces are prepared to run for post in local governments with such methods, but they admit that this is one of methods of fight. The press has already published materials on possible anti-corruption law violations by Minister of Economics A.Kalvitis and Saeima Juridical Commission Chairman L.Mucins. The leader of Social Democrats faction E.Baldzens thinks that the real fighting has not started yet, parties “just demonstrate their muscles”.

Political scientists foresee blackmailing wars to start before the next municipal election. Party representatives refuse a possibility that their political forces are prepared to run for post in local governments with such methods, but they admit that this is one of methods of fight. The press has already published materials on possible anti-corruption law violations by Minister of Economics A.Kalvitis and Saeima Juridical Commission Chairman L.Mucins. The leader of Social Democrats faction E.Baldzens thinks that the real fighting has not started yet, parties just demonstrate their muscles. Rigas Balss, Chas

Many heads of local governments will have to join some political party or coalition to be able to run for this election because amendments to the local government election law stipulate that in towns with more than 5000 population election candidate lists may be submitted only by parties. In the last election many people voted for such unions as “We for our city” or “ Region’s Development” but this time they will have to use some party name to be able to run. Many of local government heads have chosen Latvian Way. The Chairman of Latvian Way A.Pantelejevs explaining this said that such a choice was made basing on their experience with the major political parties – “They have co-operated with the government for a long time and came to a conclusion which coalition partner was the best for co-operation.

Many heads of local governments will have to join some political party or coalition to be able to run for this election because amendments to the local government election law stipulate that in towns with more than 5000 population election candidate lists may be submitted only by parties. In the last election many people voted for such unions as We for our city or Regions Development but this time they will have to use some party name to be able to run. Many of local government heads have chosen Latvian Way. The Chairman of Latvian Way A.Pantelejevs explaining this said that such a choice was made basing on their experience with the major political parties – They have co-operated with the government for a long time and came to a conclusion which coalition partner was the best for co-operation. Lauku Avize

Yesterday took place the meeting of foreign donors organised to support the 3rd phase of the State Language Training Program. The chairperson of this meeting was Minister of Education K.Greiskalns. He assured that mastering of the state language in the context of public integration remained to be a priority of the Latvian government, pointing out that for the 1st time in the draft budget of the next year was included financing for National State Language Training Program – 429 000Ls.

Yesterday took place the meeting of foreign donors organised to support the 3rd phase of the State Language Training Program. The chairperson of this meeting was Minister of Education K.Greiskalns. He assured that mastering of the state language in the context of public integration remained to be a priority of the Latvian government, pointing out that for the 1st time in the draft budget of the next year was included financing for National State Language Training Program – 429 000Ls. Latvijas Vestnesis

Yesterday the Saeima Commission of Foreign Affairs in a closed meeting discussed implementation of the concept of Latvian foreign policy. The journalist explained the fact that the meeting was closed with the fact that the topics of discussion were not a success.

Yesterday the Saeima Commission of Foreign Affairs in a closed meeting discussed implementation of the concept of Latvian foreign policy. The journalist explained the fact that the meeting was closed with the fact that the topics of discussion were not a success. Vesti Segodnya learned that Latvian parliamentarians were very dissatisfied with the work of the government and MFA in the field of promoting the idea of European integration. According to the lasts opinion polls the majority of population are very sceptical about Latvia joining EU. Even more negative attitude is about joining NATO. It means that the population does not support the two basic priorities of Latvian government. And one more of priorities – good relations with Russia is a complete failure. Vesti Segodnya

A new public organisation was registered by the Ministry of Justice – Union of People of Latvia. One of the leaders of this organisation Professor Kalnberzs said that the aim of this organisation was to change relations within the state, establish contacts with neighbours – Russia, Estonia, Lithuania and Byelorussia. The organisation will also develop economical contacts with regions of Russia.

A new public organisation was registered by the Ministry of Justice – Union of People of Latvia. One of the leaders of this organisation Professor Kalnberzs said that the aim of this organisation was to change relations within the state, establish contacts with neighbours – Russia, Estonia, Lithuania and Byelorussia. The organisation will also develop economical contacts with regions of Russia. Vesti Segodnya

The Chairman of the Central Election Commission A.Cimdars is worried about the fact that many old age people could not have a possibility to vote at the next municipal election. At the last Saeima election 5000 people voted at home but according to calculation about 2500 did not have a chance to do it. Therefore he invited to the CEC representatives of different “supported” organisations – Federation of Pensioners, Society of Blind People, Society of Handicapped People, etc., to discuss the draft law under discussion stipulating that people with locomotion problems could vote by mail and some other options how to implement the right of such people to vote.

The Chairman of the Central Election Commission A.Cimdars is worried about the fact that many old age people could not have a possibility to vote at the next municipal election. At the last Saeima election 5000 people voted at home but according to calculation about 2500 did not have a chance to do it. Therefore he invited to the CEC representatives of different supported organisations – Federation of Pensioners, Society of Blind People, Society of Handicapped People, etc., to discuss the draft law under discussion stipulating that people with locomotion problems could vote by mail and some other options how to implement the right of such people to vote. Vesti Segodnya, Chas

Oct. 31, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

The draft of the education development program for 2000-2004 has been presented for public discussion. For the upcoming years it includes the following priorities in the sphere of education– improvement of education, more cautious money operations, equal opportunities to have education to everyone. However, the draft lacks any indication on financial sources for its realisation.

The draft of the education development program for 2000-2004 has been presented for public discussion. For the upcoming years it includes the following priorities in the sphere of education– improvement of education, more cautious money operations, equal opportunities to have education to everyone. However, the draft lacks any indication on financial sources for its realisation. Diena, Neatkariga

“Latvia does not deal with the integration of recently immigrated persons or persons with refugee status into society of Latvia,” considers the UN Commissariat on Refugee Issues Baltic Bureau. Latvia’s Foreigner Association (LFA) was founded in order to support foreigners residing in Latvia, foreign students and refugees. LFA has already launched discussions with the State Employment Service and the State Language Centre. LFA vice-president Haisam Abuu Abda said that the biggest difficulty for anyone who immigrates to a foreign country is non-proficiency of the state language.

Latvia does not deal with the integration of recently immigrated persons or persons with refugee status into society of Latvia, considers the UN Commissariat on Refugee Issues Baltic Bureau. Latvias Foreigner Association (LFA) was founded in order to support foreigners residing in Latvia, foreign students and refugees. LFA has already launched discussions with the State Employment Service and the State Language Centre. LFA vice-president Haisam Abuu Abda said that the biggest difficulty for anyone who immigrates to a foreign country is non-proficiency of the state language. Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna, Chas

Latvia’s presidency in the EC was the main discussion subject during the meeting of Latvia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins and Russia’s Ambassador to Latvia A.Udalcovs. I.Berzins gave the description of planned actions, as well as briefly mentioned the priorities, which Latvia will place as a presiding country. They also discussed bilateral relations and necessity to develop more active inter-parliamentary co-operation.

Latvias presidency in the EC was the main discussion subject during the meeting of Latvias Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins and Russias Ambassador to Latvia A.Udalcovs. I.Berzins gave the description of planned actions, as well as briefly mentioned the priorities, which Latvia will place as a presiding country. They also discussed bilateral relations and necessity to develop more active inter-parliamentary co-operation. Neatkariga, Lauku Avize, Respublika, Vesti Segodnja

At the meeting with British journalists the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga invited them to visit Latvia and learn about the situation in the country and its achievements. The journalists presented

At the meeting with British journalists the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga invited them to visit Latvia and learn about the situation in the country and its achievements. The journalists presented BBC, Financial Times, The Times, Spokesman, Public Information Europe, Polarities, The Parliament Magazine, Europe Magazine. Neatkariga

In these days the General Assembly of the Atlantic Treaty Association will decide upon admittance of Latvia’s Trans Atlantic Organisation as its associated member. Many high officials, among them NATO General Secretary, ministers of Austria, Italy, Greece, take part at the General Assembly. The Ministry of Defence G.V.Kristovskis and Latvia’s Ambassador to the NATO I.Liegis represent the Government of Latvia. I.Liegis will present the speech on the issues concerning Russia.

In these days the General Assembly of the Atlantic Treaty Association will decide upon admittance of Latvias Trans Atlantic Organisation as its associated member. Many high officials, among them NATO General Secretary, ministers of Austria, Italy, Greece, take part at the General Assembly. The Ministry of Defence G.V.Kristovskis and Latvias Ambassador to the NATO I.Liegis represent the Government of Latvia. I.Liegis will present the speech on the issues concerning Russia. Neatkariga, Jauna, Lauku Avzie

A new non-governmental organisation the

A new non-governmental organisation the Unity of Latvias People was established. The founders of the organisation are scientists, people coming from the spheres of culture and education, entrepreneurs. The aim of the organisation is to unite inhabitants of Latvia irrespectively of their nationality, religion, social status and party membership. Neatkariga, Respublika, Vesti Segodnja, Panorama Latvii

As of the next year the travelling procedure to Russia will be changed – all non-citizens, even if they are non-citizens of their residing countries, will have to have a visa to travel to Russia. There will not be any exceptions for non-citizens from the Baltic countries.

As of the next year the travelling procedure to Russia will be changed – all non-citizens, even if they are non-citizens of their residing countries, will have to have a visa to travel to Russia. There will not be any exceptions for non-citizens from the Baltic countries. Vesti Segodnja

The embassy of Russia did not provide the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia with a specific explanation why FF/LNNK deputy J.Vidins was denied entrance to Russia. “Accordingly to the international practice the embassy has rights not to give explanation on visa denial” is said in the response letter.

The embassy of Russia did not provide the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia with a specific explanation why FF/LNNK deputy J.Vidins was denied entrance to Russia. Accordingly to the international practice the embassy has rights not to give explanation on visa denial is said in the response letter. Vesti Segodnja

The draft proposing amendments to the Law on Meetings, Public Gatherings and Protest Activities which would set more strict requirements towards people who organise meetings and protest activities was not approved by the Committee of the Cabinet of Ministers. The Union of Latvia’s Free Unions protested against these amendments as in their opinion they would restrict rights to democracy in the country.

The draft proposing amendments to the Law on Meetings, Public Gatherings and Protest Activities which would set more strict requirements towards people who organise meetings and protest activities was not approved by the Committee of the Cabinet of Ministers. The Union of Latvias Free Unions protested against these amendments as in their opinion they would restrict rights to democracy in the country. Vesti Segodnja, Panorama Latvii

The member of the Saeima Committee on Human Rights Miroslav Mitrafanov comments amendments to the Administrative Violation Code regarding the Law on the State Language and regulations. In his opinion these amendments are “nothing new - the same norms, already effective now, but not working in practice”. He says that “the most important is to remember that all other but Latvian language speakers have rights to talk to the representatives of the state and municipal institutions in his/her language. And the representatives are obliged to answer you”.

The member of the Saeima Committee on Human Rights Miroslav Mitrafanov comments amendments to the Administrative Violation Code regarding the Law on the State Language and regulations. In his opinion these amendments are nothing new - the same norms, already effective now, but not working in practice. He says that the most important is to remember that all other but Latvian language speakers have rights to talk to the representatives of the state and municipal institutions in his/her language. And the representatives are obliged to answer you. Panorama Latvii.

Yesterday Latvia, Russia and Byelorussia ratified the agreement on border passing point of three countries.

Yesterday Latvia, Russia and Byelorussia ratified the agreement on border passing point of three countries. Chas, Respublika

The Committee of the Cabinet of Ministers accepted the draft of amendments in the Law on the Status of the Foreign Armed Forces in the Republic of Latvia”. The amendments foresees to delegate to the Ministry of Defence the rights to take decisions on joint military training of Latvia’s National Army and foreign armies in cases when the number of foreign military persons does not exceed 500.

The Committee of the Cabinet of Ministers accepted the draft of amendments in the Law on the Status of the Foreign Armed Forces in the Republic of Latvia. The amendments foresees to delegate to the Ministry of Defence the rights to take decisions on joint military training of Latvias National Army and foreign armies in cases when the number of foreign military persons does not exceed 500.

The draft of amendments was also accepted in the Law on “Participation of Latvia’s National Armed Forces in International Operations” – the amendments foresee to abolish restriction regarding the number of foreign military persons, who can stay in Latvia at a time.

The draft of amendments was also accepted in the Law on Participation of Latvias National Armed Forces in International Operations – the amendments foresee to abolish restriction regarding the number of foreign military persons, who can stay in Latvia at a time. Latvijas Vestnesis

In her address at the London School of Economic the President V.Vike-Freiberga regarding the society integration program said: “Our Government has undertaken a major project – the elaboration of a national programme for the integration of society in Latvia. This programme is unique and is structured around three main areas:1)civic participation and political integration 2)social and regional integration 3)education, language and culture, including the languages and cultures of minorities”.

In her address at the London School of Economic the President V.Vike-Freiberga regarding the society integration program said: Our Government has undertaken a major project – the elaboration of a national programme for the integration of society in Latvia. This programme is unique and is structured around three main areas:1)civic participation and political integration 2)social and regional integration 3)education, language and culture, including the languages and cultures of minorities. Latvijas Vestnesis

24 October the draft of “Regulations on the State Language Proficiency Level Necessary to Carry Out Professional and Job Duties and on the Language Proficiency Examination Procedure” supplemented with the list of professions from the private sphere for which the state language is compulsory was submitted to the Cabinet of Ministers. Right now the draft is discussed at the ministries.

24 October the draft of Regulations on the State Language Proficiency Level Necessary to Carry Out Professional and Job Duties and on the Language Proficiency Examination Procedure supplemented with the list of professions from the private sphere for which the state language is compulsory was submitted to the Cabinet of Ministers. Right now the draft is discussed at the ministries. Latvijas Vestnesis

Oct. 30, 2000

Press Report

Faction For Human Rights in United Latvia deputy B.Cilevich speaks about the ombudsmen institution in Latvia and assures that Latvian Human Rights Office, established in 1995, may be considered a quasi-ombudsmen institution because its authority in limited in comparison with the one usually given to ombudsmen. E.g. Human Rights Office has no authority to intervene in local government activities, and that is an essential drawback. B.Cilevich thinks that there is no need to establish one more ombudsmen institution, the solution could be reorganising the Human Rights Office.

Faction For Human Rights in United Latvia deputy B.Cilevich speaks about the ombudsmen institution in Latvia and assures that Latvian Human Rights Office, established in 1995, may be considered a quasi-ombudsmen institution because its authority in limited in comparison with the one usually given to ombudsmen. E.g. Human Rights Office has no authority to intervene in local government activities, and that is an essential drawback. B.Cilevich thinks that there is no need to establish one more ombudsmen institution, the solution could be reorganising the Human Rights Office. Jauna Avize

According to Russian law starting from January 2001 will be abolished the stamps in the violet non-citizen passports as a permit to enter Russia. So-called permit records in non-citizen passports. The newspaper

According to Russian law starting from January 2001 will be abolished the stamps in the violet non-citizen passports as a permit to enter Russia. So-called permit records in non-citizen passports. The newspaper Chas wanted to find out about the future of this procedure and asked Latvian Ambassador to Russia I.Daudiss who answered that they had not received any proposals from the Russian party.

Writing about the People’s Party conference dedicated to education problems

Writing about the Peoples Party conference dedicated to education problems Chas picked out one line from the final resolution – the main subject in schools should be the Latvian language (author of this remark was Dz.Abikis)

A journalist from Chas participated in the action of municipal police to check the passport regime. It turned out to be something completely different from similar actions in Moscow. As policemen explained the journalist that they mostly reacted to signals received from people on suspicious persons living in their building or checked places popular among criminal elements.

A journalist from Chas participated in the action of municipal police to check the passport regime. It turned out to be something completely different from similar actions in Moscow. As policemen explained the journalist that they mostly reacted to signals received from people on suspicious persons living in their building or checked places popular among criminal elements.

Oct. 28, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

Public organisation European Movement in Latvia has published a booklet to encourage naturalisation of the most passive part of non-citizen population – 20 – 29 years old men. EML President A.Dimants said that one of the aims of this booklet was to inform non-citizens that they would not be able to become EU citizens without becoming citizens of Latvia.

Public organisation European Movement in Latvia has published a booklet to encourage naturalisation of the most passive part of non-citizen population – 20 – 29 years old men. EML President A.Dimants said that one of the aims of this booklet was to inform non-citizens that they would not be able to become EU citizens without becoming citizens of Latvia. Diena, Neatkariga, Vesti Segodnya

To the Cabinet of Ministers are submitted draft amendments to the regulations on the state language proficiency level necessary to perform one’s professional and positional duties, supplementing them with a list of professions in private businesses that have to know the state language.

To the Cabinet of Ministers are submitted draft amendments to the regulations on the state language proficiency level necessary to perform ones professional and positional duties, supplementing them with a list of professions in private businesses that have to know the state language. Neatkariga

Vesti Segodnya

gives more detailed information about the content of this list. The newspaper Chas interviewed the leader of the Saeima faction For Human Rights in United Latvia J.Jurkans about the future plans of the faction after the next municipal election – they are expected to receive about 25% of seats in Riga City Council and do well in the major cities of Latvia. But the interview was started with a question about Latvian and Russian languages. J.Jurkans answered that nothing wrong would happen with those both languages while there were Latvians and Russians in this world. What concerned the action of non-violent resistance, J.Jurkans considered that the faction deputies should better use all legal possibilities in the Saeima. Speaking about the municipal election J.Jurkans said that they expect to win 15 from 60 seats in the Riga City Council and that would be a very serious achievement.

The newspaper Chas interviewed the leader of the Saeima faction For Human Rights in United Latvia J.Jurkans about the future plans of the faction after the next municipal election – they are expected to receive about 25% of seats in Riga City Council and do well in the major cities of Latvia. But the interview was started with a question about Latvian and Russian languages. J.Jurkans answered that nothing wrong would happen with those both languages while there were Latvians and Russians in this world. What concerned the action of non-violent resistance, J.Jurkans considered that the faction deputies should better use all legal possibilities in the Saeima. Speaking about the municipal election J.Jurkans said that they expect to win 15 from 60 seats in the Riga City Council and that would be a very serious achievement. Chas, Neatkariga (30.10)

Information that the Russian National Council allotted some funds for supporting Russian speaking press in the CIS and Baltic States to form the public opinion here turned out to be false. Russian officials stated that such support was planned neither this years nor the next one. There was only a small sum of money to help some veteran organisations in the CIS and Baltic States to subscribe “Russkaya Gazeta”.

Information that the Russian National Council allotted some funds for supporting Russian speaking press in the CIS and Baltic States to form the public opinion here turned out to be false. Russian officials stated that such support was planned neither this years nor the next one. There was only a small sum of money to help some veteran organisations in the CIS and Baltic States to subscribe Russkaya Gazeta. Vesti Segodnya

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