marts 9, 1998

Press Review

Diena, Panorama Latvii, Biznes I Baltiya, Jauna Avize

, etc. inform about the possible economic sanctions of Russia against Latvia for human rights violations during Tuesdays picket. Yeltsins press secretary S.Yastrzhemsky announced that Presidents councillors would propose the President to limit trade relations with Latvia. He considered this sanction a completely adequate and normal measure. , etc. inform about the possible economic sanctions of Russia against Latvia for human rights violations during Tuesday’s picket. Yeltsin’s press secretary S.Yastrzhemsky announced that President’s councillors would propose the President to limit trade relations with Latvia. He considered this sanction “a completely adequate and normal measure. Bizness I BaltiyaBizness I Baltiya wonders about this policy and ties to find an explanation for this phenomenon. Russia feels sorry for Latvian pensioners bur completely forgets about its own. But you can not interpret policy as a chain of separate events. And this reaction is just a point of quantity turning into quality, i.e. after those seven years of independent Latvia wit its Law on Citizenship, prohibition of professions for non-citizen, etc. wonders about this policy and ties to find an explanation for this phenomenon. “Russia feels sorry for Latvian pensioners bur completely forgets about its own. But you can not interpret policy as a chain of separate events. And this reaction is just a point of quantity turning into quality, i.e. after those seven years of independent Latvia wit its Law on Citizenship, prohibition of professions for non-citizen, etc.” At Saturday’s Cabinet of Ministers meeting its participants, after learning the information provided by the Interior Minister Z.Cevers, acknowledged the fact that police activities during the picket had been proper.

At Saturdays Cabinet of Ministers meeting its participants, after learning the information provided by the Interior Minister Z.Cevers, acknowledged the fact that police activities during the picket had been proper. (Neatkariga, Diena)

A new picket will be organised on March 17 with about 1000 participants.

A new picket will be organised on March 17 with about 1000 participants. (Jauna Avize, Chas) People have decided to protest against the system of issuing non-citizen passport marching along Riga streets. Movement Equality and Latvian Socialist Party have requested a permission to Riga City Council, but it is not clear whether the permission will be granted.

marts 7, 1998

Press Review

Actuality No 1 - still the effect of Tuesday’s picket at Riga City Council and the reaction of government representatives- both Russian and Latvian. Newspapers write about Russian Prime Minister Chernomirdin’s public announcement where he claimed this event to be the worst human rights violation case and condemned Latvian Prime Minister G.Krasts for his words that this picket could have been a provocation of Russia

Actuality No 1 - still the effect of Tuesdays picket at Riga City Council and the reaction of government representatives- both Russian and Latvian. Newspapers write about Russian Prime Minister Chernomirdins public announcement where he claimed this event to be the worst human rights violation case and condemned Latvian Prime Minister G.Krasts for his words that this picket could have been a provocation of Russia (Chas, SM, Diena, etc.). Latvian newspapers Neatkariga and Diena find his words offensive for the whole state, and Latvian government officials consider the whole reaction inadequate. President Ulmaniss press office have published an official announcement Diena on this, saying that such expressions would not help to improve co-operation between those two countries. The participants of this picket had blocked one of the major streets of Riga and there was no doubt that police had to establish order. Another thing was the means used for that, and they should be evaluated.

But local newspapers pay more attention to the amount of this reaction, finding it tendentious. Thus Russian newspaper Chas correspondent S.Zaletayev even titled his article “They hit you on your back not on your ... non-citizen passport”.

But local newspapers pay more attention to the amount of this reaction, finding it tendentious. Thus Russian newspaper Chas correspondent S.Zaletayev even titled his article They hit you on your back not on your ... non-citizen passport.

marts 6, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

All newspapers of Latvia, both Russian and Latvian write about the reaction to the picket at the Riga City Council and a protest rally held by several dozens of peole at the Latvian Ambassy in Moscow.

All newspapers of Latvia, both Russian and Latvian write about the reaction to the picket at the Riga City Council and a protest rally held by several dozens of peole at the Latvian Ambassy in Moscow.

Russian newspapers

Russian newspapers SM, Chas, Panorama Latvii inform about a rally led by the leaders of Trudovaya Rossija, Officers Union and National Bolsheviks Party and the international reaction to Riga event.

The President of Russia B.Yeltsin supports the description of dispersing the picket given by Russia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Primakov. Yeltsin’s press-secretary S.Yastrozhemsky said, that taking into consideration what had happened in Riga, there could not even be a discussion on preparation of Yeltsin - Ulmanis meeting.

The President of Russia B.Yeltsin supports the description of dispersing the picket given by Russias Minister of Foreign Affairs Primakov. Yeltsins press-secretary S.Yastrozhemsky said, that taking into consideration what had happened in Riga, there could not even be a discussion on preparation of Yeltsin - Ulmanis meeting.

Byelorussian MFA has announced that it officially agrees with the opinion of Russia, expressed hope that Latvia would solve national minority problems in accordance with the OSCE spirit. Latvian newspapers

Byelorussian MFA has announced that it officially agrees with the opinion of Russia, expressed hope that Latvia would solve national minority problems in accordance with the OSCE spirit. Latvian newspapers Neatkariga, Valkara Zinas, Rita Zinas, when writing about these events, also add the opinion of the Prime Minister G.Krasts and several deputies that the picket at the Riga City Council could be a provocation of Russia. They found it strange that Russian TV representatives were at the right place in the right moment.


Faction Tevzemei un Brivibai is working on the draft of the second part of the Satversme (Constitution) On Human Rights in which all human rights will be only for citizens but not for all residents of Latvia, faction leader J.Straume informed Diena.

It was last autumn, when a special commission of the Saeima prepared a draft of the second part, but the project had not been addopted by the Saeima in total. Representatives of

It was last autumn, when a special commission of the Saeima prepared a draft of the second part, but the project had not been addopted by the Saeima in total. Representatives of Tevzemei un Brivibai explained that their version coincided with the commissions version for 90%. But from Straumes announcement you can understand that the differences are very essential. It means that TB proposes all human rights, listed in the second part, to refer only to the citizens of Latvia.

marts 5, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

News # 1 in all Latvian newspapers - the picket at the Riga City Council building on Tuesday and the reaction caused by the actions of Municipal police in Latvia and Russia.

News # 1 in all Latvian newspapers - the picket at the Riga City Council building on Tuesday and the reaction caused by the actions of Municipal police in Latvia and Russia.

On Tuesday, answering to the invitation made by the newspaper

On Tuesday, answering to the invitation made by the newspaper Panorama Latvii about fifteen hundred pensioners (mostly Russian speakers) gathered at the Riga City Council building to protest against their low living standard. The crowd blocked the nearest thoroughfare, thus creating a severe traffic problem. Municipal police came to clear the street and their attempts provoked conflicts, making policemen to use truncheons and brutal power. This incident caused sharp reaction in Moscow. Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Y.Primakov described this as a gross human rights violation. The Council of Russia Deputy Kuznecov even asked to postpone the planned visit of the Council Chairman G.Seleznov to Latvia, but this proposal was declined. Latvian MFA published an announcement saying that Russian authorities tried intentionally to politicize this event and interpret it as it pleased them better. Local politicians condemn the actions of police and ask the guilty ones to be punished. At the same time, Municipal police has accused the newspaper Panorama Latvii to be guilty for organising this unsanctioned picket and brought it to the court.


publishes an interview with Byelorussian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Antonovich. Answering to the question on the situation of Byelorussians in Latvia, he said that during the discussion with his Latvian partner he had learned that the administration of Latvia had an intention to make the status of all residents of Latvia united, but the Minister could not go into details. publishes an interview with Byelorussian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Antonovich. Answering to the question on the situation of Byelorussians in Latvia, he said that during the discussion with his Latvian partner he had learned that the administration of Latvia had an intention to make the status of all residents of Latvia united, but the Minister could not go into details.

Panorama Latvii

comments on the draft law On the State Language. It finds this law to become the main weapon against the Russian language and a mean to oust the still remaining rights to use this language. comments on the draft law “On the State Language”. It finds this law to become the main weapon against the Russian language and a mean to oust the still remaining rights to use this language.

marts 3, 1998

Press Review

Yesterday at the extraordinary meeting that was called up by the Prime Minister Krasts, the Saeima decided not to consider the issue about the vote of confidence to the Cabinet of Ministers in point of a fact. Yesterday morning the Prime Minister announced that he needed the vote of confidence from the Saeima in order to continue the Cabinet’s work. “The resources that we have in the government at the moment, are qualitative - the situation with the budget is ideal, the process of reforms in all spheres are successful. The situation is good. The question is whether all fractions agree with it, and whether all want to work, ” Prime Minister said. After the meeting the Prime Minister expressed a regret about the deputies’ decision and said that in a couple of days he would have a plan for the further activities of the government.

Yesterday at the extraordinary meeting that was called up by the Prime Minister Krasts, the Saeima decided not to consider the issue about the vote of confidence to the Cabinet of Ministers in point of a fact. Yesterday morning the Prime Minister announced that he needed the vote of confidence from the Saeima in order to continue the Cabinets work. The resources that we have in the government at the moment, are qualitative - the situation with the budget is ideal, the process of reforms in all spheres are successful. The situation is good. The question is whether all fractions agree with it, and whether all want to work, Prime Minister said. After the meeting the Prime Minister expressed a regret about the deputies decision and said that in a couple of days he would have a plan for the further activities of the government. Diena

The Russian Consul General in Liepaja Gennady Kurochkin hopes that the meeting of the Latvian and Russian Presidents takes place already in this year. The Russian Ambassador to Latvia Alexander Udaltsev has already expressed the possibility of this meeting this year. The visit is being prepared, but the question is the timing and the content of the meeting.

The Russian Consul General in Liepaja Gennady Kurochkin hopes that the meeting of the Latvian and Russian Presidents takes place already in this year. The Russian Ambassador to Latvia Alexander Udaltsev has already expressed the possibility of this meeting this year. The visit is being prepared, but the question is the timing and the content of the meeting. Panorama Latvii, Rita Zinas

According the Latvian Ministry of the Foreign Affairs, the transfer of Valerie Serov, the Co-chairman of the Latvian-Russian Intergovernmental Commission, to another post might slow down the commission’s work. Co-chairman from the Latvian side Anatolijs Gorbunovs expressed a hope that the earlier prepared schedule for signing intergovernmental agreements would be met, although the new co-chairman would need time to get acquainted with them.

According the Latvian Ministry of the Foreign Affairs, the transfer of Valerie Serov, the Co-chairman of the Latvian-Russian Intergovernmental Commission, to another post might slow down the commissions work. Co-chairman from the Latvian side Anatolijs Gorbunovs expressed a hope that the earlier prepared schedule for signing intergovernmental agreements would be met, although the new co-chairman would need time to get acquainted with them. Jauna Avize

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