aprīlis 14, 1998

Press Report

Russian politicians and representatives of the authorities continue blaming Latvia for the worsening of the Latvian-Russian relations. Press Secretary of the Russian President Sergey Yastrzhembskii believes that "keys to the solution of the problem are in hands of the Latvian politicians." Alexander Avdejev, Deputy Foreign Minister of Russia, stated that the Russian Foreign Ministry will continue protect the interests of the national minorities in Latvia and other Baltic States.

Russian politicians and representatives of the authorities continue blaming Latvia for the worsening of the Latvian-Russian relations. Press Secretary of the Russian President Sergey Yastrzhembskii believes that "keys to the solution of the problem are in hands of the Latvian politicians." Alexander Avdejev, Deputy Foreign Minister of Russia, stated that the Russian Foreign Ministry will continue protect the interests of the national minorities in Latvia and other Baltic States. Diena

In an interview for

In an interview for SM, Advisor to the Russian President Mr. Prihodko said that the reducing of the oil transit through Latvian ports practically should not affect the Russian speaking people, since the transit business "is headed by representatives of the indigenous nation." According to Mr. Prihodko, the solution of the problem depends on Latvia, its willingness to carry out the recommendations of the European organizations as well as its readiness for the dialogue with Russia.

The governmental conception about the further development of the DCMA services for the next eight years provide for the specific tasks determined for the DCMA, the Naturalization Board and registry offices. The Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Justice have to prepare the corresponding legislative documents in which the tasks and responsibilities of the aforementioned institutions will be stated.

The governmental conception about the further development of the DCMA services for the next eight years provide for the specific tasks determined for the DCMA, the Naturalization Board and registry offices. The Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Justice have to prepare the corresponding legislative documents in which the tasks and responsibilities of the aforementioned institutions will be stated. Diena

On Saturday several Russian organizations of veterans and trade unions participated in a rally at the Latvian Embassy in Moscow.

On Saturday several Russian organizations of veterans and trade unions participated in a rally at the Latvian Embassy in Moscow. SM

Eighty percent of 

Eighty percent ofChas readers think that the Russia's economic sanctions against Latvia will bring good.


In Panorama Latvii a lawyer of the Latvian Committee on Human Rights Yurij Sokolovski answers to readers questions about the passports.

Panorama Latvii also publishes answers of the Head of the Novgorod regional division of the Russian Federal Migration Service Anatolij Kolodjazhniy to the readers' questions concerning the leaving for the permanent residence in Russia.

On Monday there was the first TV bridge between Latvia and Russia. The aim of the TV bridge was to promote the dialogue between two countries without the presence of politicians. The TV bridge will be translated on the first channel of the Latvian TV on 27 April.

On Monday there was the first TV bridge between Latvia and Russia. The aim of the TV bridge was to promote the dialogue between two countries without the presence of politicians. The TV bridge will be translated on the first channel of the Latvian TV on 27 April. Diena

aprīlis 11, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

Last Thursday representatives of the government forming fractions reached an agreement concerning the amendments to the Citizenship Law, leader of the work group Andris Ameriks informed the press. The representatives agreed to include the provision granting citizenship to children born in Latvia if, upon the reaching of the age of 16, they apply for the citizenship and have the command of the Latvian language. It is agreed to open the "naturalization windows" for non-citizens born in Latvia, and to provide for the possibility to become naturalized to the rest of non-citizens starting the year of 2001. The proposal of the

Last Thursday representatives of the government forming fractions reached an agreement concerning the amendments to the Citizenship Law, leader of the work group Andris Ameriks informed the press. The representatives agreed to include the provision granting citizenship to children born in Latvia if, upon the reaching of the age of 16, they apply for the citizenship and have the command of the Latvian language. It is agreed to open the "naturalization windows" for non-citizens born in Latvia, and to provide for the possibility to become naturalized to the rest of non-citizens starting the year of 2001. The proposal of the Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK to transfer the authority of granting of citizenship on the basis of outstanding service for the benefit of Latvia from the Saeima to the Cabinet of Ministers, was also supported by the representatives of the government forming fractions. Now the draft amendments are submitted to the Legal Commission of the Saeima. On 14 April the working group will repeatedly discuss the amendments. If approved, they will be passed to the Co-ordination Council of the government forming fractions for the further consideration. Diena, Chas

After the dismissal of the Minister of the Interior Ziedonis Cevers from the post on 10 April the Prime Minister Guntars Krasts started consultations with other coalition partners to ensure the majority vote for his government in the Saeima. All Saturday newspapers discuss the issue of the possible resignation of Krasts' government after

After the dismissal of the Minister of the Interior Ziedonis Cevers from the post on 10 April the Prime Minister Guntars Krasts started consultations with other coalition partners to ensure the majority vote for his government in the Saeima. All Saturday newspapers discuss the issue of the possible resignation of Krasts' government after the Saimnieks left the coalition. The main speculations are about the Latvijas Celss further decission either to support the present government or to participate in the formation of the new government. According to the party statutes, only at the party conference the Latvijas Cels can decide on leaving of the coalition and forming of a new government. The conference is scheduled for the 18 of April. Diena, Neatkariga

Guntars Krasts believes that majority of the Saeima deputies will support his government. According to Krasts, the present government could be supported by deputies of the

Guntars Krasts believes that majority of the Saeima deputies will support his government. According to Krasts, the present government could be supported by deputies of the Latvijas Cels, Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK, Farmers Union/Christian Democratic Party, and 3 deputies of the Green Party as well as independent deputies Mr. and Mrs. Kreituss. Rita Zinas

On Monday Prime Minister said that in a case this Cabinet resigns, the next government will not be able to work more or less independently from the influence of the foreign countries, since this resignation would have proved that the pressure by the foreign countries can instigate the governmental change. Prime Minister also noted that in the case the government resigns,

On Monday Prime Minister said that in a case this Cabinet resigns, the next government will not be able to work more or less independently from the influence of the foreign countries, since this resignation would have proved that the pressure by the foreign countries can instigate the governmental change. Prime Minister also noted that in the case the government resigns, the Saimnieks has no chances to get the post of the Prime Minister. Head of the Farmer's Union Laimonis Strujevics said that it was possible to keep the existing government only if all four political parties formed it. In the case the Saimnieks does not return to the coalition, the Farmers Union will nominate its own candidate for the Prime Minister's post. Diena

State President Guntis Ulmanis used his rights to convene extraordinary meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers for the discussion of the present situation in the country on 15 April.

State President Guntis Ulmanis used his rights to convene extraordinary meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers for the discussion of the present situation in the country on 15 April. Diena

Andrejs Pantelejevs (

Andrejs Pantelejevs (Latvijas Cels) toldNeatkariga that the Party waits for the Prime Minister's report at the extraordinary meeting of the Cabinet on Wednesday. According to Pantelejevs, at the present moment the most important issue is whether Guntars Krasts will be able to consolidate the political power. Andrejs Pantelejevs toldDiena that it is important to ensure that Western allies react to the Russia's campaign against Latvia.

State President Guntis Ulmanis received the letter from the President of the United State Bill Clinton in which he states that the deliberation of amendments to the Citizenship Law could be considered as the Latvia's resolution to carry out the OSCE recommendations which are also supported by the United States. The United States President emphasized the need for the dialogue with Russia, and highly spoke of the Latvian President's activities in discussion about the creation of integrated society and history

State President Guntis Ulmanis received the letter from the President of the United State Bill Clinton in which he states that the deliberation of amendments to the Citizenship Law could be considered as the Latvia's resolution to carry out the OSCE recommendations which are also supported by the United States. The United States President emphasized the need for the dialogue with Russia, and highly spoke of the Latvian President's activities in discussion about the creation of integrated society and history. Diena, Neatkariga, B&B

Leaders of the Ventspils trade unions think that the reducing of the oil transit through Ventspils will directly affect the interests of the Russian speaking people working in Ventspils. The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs refrains from the commenting of the protests of Russian speaking employees against the Russia's sanctions by arguing that it is the Latvia's internal affair. Trade union of the company "Ventamonjaks" sent a letter to the Russian Parliament with a request to lift the economic sanctions against Latvia.

Leaders of the Ventspils trade unions think that the reducing of the oil transit through Ventspils will directly affect the interests of the Russian speaking people working in Ventspils. The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs refrains from the commenting of the protests of Russian speaking employees against the Russia's sanctions by arguing that it is the Latvia's internal affair. Trade union of the company "Ventamonjaks" sent a letter to the Russian Parliament with a request to lift the economic sanctions against Latvia. Diena, SM, Chas

Share holders of the Ventspils Nafta (Ventspils Oil) company prepare for the visit to Russia to discuss with the business partners the oil transit problems directly.

Share holders of the Ventspils Nafta (Ventspils Oil) company prepare for the visit to Russia to discuss with the business partners the oil transit problems directly. Panorama Latvii

aprīlis 9, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

News No 1 in all newspapers - the Democratic Party

News No 1 in all newspapers - the Democratic Party Saimnieks announced its withdrawal from the government forming coalition and recalls its ministers from the government. The Chairman of the party Z.Cevers is ready to form the next government. DPS accuse TB/LNNK and the Prime Minister G.Krasts personally for policy that has cased tension within the country, created a negative image for Latvia abroad and authoritarian and selfish behaviour. The Prime Minister said that he was of very low opinion of that action and characterised this step as a cowardice. G.Krasts does not intend to resign, but plans to exchange the missing ministers and thinks that it is possible to work as a minority government. Diena, Neatkariga, Bizness & Baltiya, Chas, Panorama Latvii

The State President allowed a possibility to propose a dismissal of the Saeima. G.Ulmanis thinks that DPS, leaving the government forming coalition, has acted cowardly and the state is in a critical situation because neither the Parliament nor government are stable and promises to take actions during Easter to stabilise the situation.

The State President allowed a possibility to propose a dismissal of the Saeima. G.Ulmanis thinks that DPS, leaving the government forming coalition, has acted cowardly and the state is in a critical situation because neither the Parliament nor government are stable and promises to take actions during Easter to stabilise the situation. Diena

Russian President B.Yeltsin announced on Wednesday his support to the proposal of several regional governors and high ranking state officials to impose economical pressure on Latvia. Due to the fact that there was continued “a discriminative policy towards 700 000 Russian-speakers residing in Latvia, the President advised seriously the government to pay attention to the need to diverse Russian oil export directions,” said the Speaker of the President S.Yastrzhembsky. Yeltsin also supported the proposal to boycott Latvian goods and an appeal to Russian businessmen to avoid co-operation with Latvian entrepreneurs.

Russian President B.Yeltsin announced on Wednesday his support to the proposal of several regional governors and high ranking state officials to impose economical pressure on Latvia. Due to the fact that there was continued a discriminative policy towards 700 000 Russian-speakers residing in Latvia, the President advised seriously the government to pay attention to the need to diverse Russian oil export directions, said the Speaker of the President S.Yastrzhembsky. Yeltsin also supported the proposal to boycott Latvian goods and an appeal to Russian businessmen to avoid co-operation with Latvian entrepreneurs. Diena, Neatkariga, Bizness & Baltiya, Chas, SM

“The government must be ready to support businessmen to find other markets if Russia imposes economic sanctions against Latvia,” announced the Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs at a press briefing. At the same time he invited Russian officials and entrepreneurs to a dialogue. When commenting on Yeltsin’s announcement on making economic pressure on Latvia, he said that everybody should be calm, continue the things started, while directing attention of the world to the inadmissible development of Latvian - Russian relations. This announcement means real economic sanctions. Latvia has made several proposals to start talks, but they were rejected.

The government must be ready to support businessmen to find other markets if Russia imposes economic sanctions against Latvia, announced the Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs at a press briefing. At the same time he invited Russian officials and entrepreneurs to a dialogue. When commenting on Yeltsins announcement on making economic pressure on Latvia, he said that everybody should be calm, continue the things started, while directing attention of the world to the inadmissible development of Latvian - Russian relations. This announcement means real economic sanctions. Latvia has made several proposals to start talks, but they were rejected. Diena

The Deputy Prime Minister J.Kaksitis informed the press that the working group for preparation of public integration project has agreed on the plan to elaborate this program and on experts to be involved in this project. On March 31, the Prime Minister G.Krasts issued a decree to establish such a working group, and the program should be submitted to the Cabinet of Ministers till June 30. Kaksitis also told the press that the first working group report would be ready on May 15. The list of experts would be agreed upon on April 14. The group plans discussions with ambassadors of EU member states, OSCE, representatives of UN Development Program.

The Deputy Prime Minister J.Kaksitis informed the press that the working group for preparation of public integration project has agreed on the plan to elaborate this program and on experts to be involved in this project. On March 31, the Prime Minister G.Krasts issued a decree to establish such a working group, and the program should be submitted to the Cabinet of Ministers till June 30. Kaksitis also told the press that the first working group report would be ready on May 15. The list of experts would be agreed upon on April 14. The group plans discussions with ambassadors of EU member states, OSCE, representatives of UN Development Program. Diena

During a meeting with heads of traditional confessions represented in Latvia, the State President G.Ulmanis said that he and those people were the only remaining in their places till the end, and that Latvian politicians were irresponsible, so there was no other way to stabilise the situation as to summon the nation and the church for help. He asked the clergymen to explain the situation to their parish members and brothers-in-belief in other countries.

During a meeting with heads of traditional confessions represented in Latvia, the State President G.Ulmanis said that he and those people were the only remaining in their places till the end, and that Latvian politicians were irresponsible, so there was no other way to stabilise the situation as to summon the nation and the church for help. He asked the clergymen to explain the situation to their parish members and brothers-in-belief in other countries. Diena

The faction of the DPS has formulated its opinion on the amendments that should be made to the Law on Citizenship. It acknowledge that citizenship should be granted to children born in Latvia after August 21, 1991 if families of non-citizens. The faction is for modification of Naturalisation windows - it means to put no restrictions for naturalisation to all persons born in Latvia. “

The faction of the DPS has formulated its opinion on the amendments that should be made to the Law on Citizenship. It acknowledge that citizenship should be granted to children born in Latvia after August 21, 1991 if families of non-citizens. The faction is for modification of Naturalisation windows - it means to put no restrictions for naturalisation to all persons born in Latvia. Saimnieks also support the idea that Latvian citizenship should be granted extraordinary to persons who were citizens of Poland on September 17, 1939. They supported the proposal to ease the language knowledge test for pension age persons willing to naturalise making it as an interview. Neatkariga

aprīlis 8, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

The administration of Moscow summoned the central government and people of Russia to boycott Latvian goods “until a decision is taken on granting equal rights to all permanent residents of Latvia disregarding their nationality.” The Russian government was advised to ban the status of greatest favour in trade towards Latvia. The administration of Moscow considers that all possible attempts to persuade Latvia to change its policy towards Russian speakers have been exhausted. In his turn, Russian MFA representative V.Nesterushkin announced to the press agency Interfax that, “Moscow paid attention to that seriousness and responsibility with which Latvian authorities treat the investigation of the explosion at the Russian Embassy building in Riga.” Such an approach, according to this diplomat, proves that Riga acknowledges complexity of the situation and is worried about its negative influence on the international prestige of Latvia. At the same time he pointed out that it was too early to speak about any positive trends in the relations between those two countries. They would show only when Russia saw determination of the Latvian government to solve accumulated human problems.

The administration of Moscow summoned the central government and people of Russia to boycott Latvian goods until a decision is taken on granting equal rights to all permanent residents of Latvia disregarding their nationality. The Russian government was advised to ban the status of greatest favour in trade towards Latvia. The administration of Moscow considers that all possible attempts to persuade Latvia to change its policy towards Russian speakers have been exhausted. In his turn, Russian MFA representative V.Nesterushkin announced to the press agency Interfax that, Moscow paid attention to that seriousness and responsibility with which Latvian authorities treat the investigation of the explosion at the Russian Embassy building in Riga. Such an approach, according to this diplomat, proves that Riga acknowledges complexity of the situation and is worried about its negative influence on the international prestige of Latvia. At the same time he pointed out that it was too early to speak about any positive trends in the relations between those two countries. They would show only when Russia saw determination of the Latvian government to solve accumulated human problems. Diena, Jauna Avize, Panorama Latvii, SM, Bizness & Baltiya


publishes review of opinions of Russian politicians on the situation in Latvia. The Chairman of Duma committee on geopolitics considers that those actions were performed by national radicals. They also are in favour of groups supporting Latvias joining NATO. The same opinion is held by the rest of interviewed politicians. publishes review of opinions of Russian politicians on the situation in Latvia. The Chairman of Duma committee on geopolitics considers that those actions were performed by national radicals. They also are in favour of groups supporting Latvia’s joining NATO. The same opinion is held by the rest of interviewed politicians. SM SM Faction

Faction Latvijas Cels supports the idea of annulment of window mechanism for all non-citizens born in Latvia. Government forming factions have to clarify their opinion on five possible blocks of amendments to the Law on Citizenship till Thursday. None of these factions have proposed to annul the Naturalisation windows, but it is possible that they could be annulled for non-citizens born in Latvia. Diena was informed by the Chairman of Latvijas Cels A.Pantelejevs that the Board of the faction had supported the idea on Monday. It would concern 47% of all non-citizens of Latvia and would solve the citizenship problem for children born after restoration of Latvian independence, said LC member A.Ameriks. In this version the old window mechanism would be preserved for persons, who have immigrated to Latvia, and they would receive the right for Naturalisation only in 2001. The valid law anticipates that all persons born in Latvia would be able to naturalise starting with 2000. Diena

Yesterday on the building in Ziepniekkalns, where several officials of Russian Embassy resided, was a yellow flag with a white circle in the centre and a red swastika. Security police head J.Apelis announced that this offence belonged to the chain of provocation organised lately in Riga. Neither of those officials, nor the Russian Embassy have received any threats.

Yesterday on the building in Ziepniekkalns, where several officials of Russian Embassy resided, was a yellow flag with a white circle in the centre and a red swastika. Security police head J.Apelis announced that this offence belonged to the chain of provocation organised lately in Riga. Neither of those officials, nor the Russian Embassy have received any threats. Rita Zinas, Bizness & Baltiya,

Starting with January 1, 1999, Latvian residents will be ably to change the nationality record in their passport at a Registry office. The Cabinet of Ministers charged the Ministries of the Interior and Justice to prepare the necessary documents to elaborate a conception of citizenship and immigration. This conception would effect three state institutions - DCMA, Naturalisation Board and Registry Department. In the conception it is stated that those institution continue to work in their own status, only redistribution of functions is taking place. As the Minister of Justice Dz.Rasnacs said, in such a way the system of administrational institutions would be arranged.

Starting with January 1, 1999, Latvian residents will be ably to change the nationality record in their passport at a Registry office. The Cabinet of Ministers charged the Ministries of the Interior and Justice to prepare the necessary documents to elaborate a conception of citizenship and immigration. This conception would effect three state institutions - DCMA, Naturalisation Board and Registry Department. In the conception it is stated that those institution continue to work in their own status, only redistribution of functions is taking place. As the Minister of Justice Dz.Rasnacs said, in such a way the system of administrational institutions would be arranged. Rita Zinas

Yesterday, there were meetings of two structures responsible for security of Latvia - National Security Council and the Saeima parliamentary commission on national security. After the first meeting, the Interior Minister Z.Cevers told the press that in Latvia there are some political forces trying to create an image in the world that higher officials of armed forces may ignore the opinion of state institutions. He could not predict possible future events but, if no steps would be taken to increase control, it could lead to unpredictable results. The Prime Minister G.Krasts was more optimistic - he announced to the press after the second meeting that provocation of the last days will not influence neither stability of the government, nor Latvian - Russian relations. Members of the parliamentary commission on national security came to the conclusion that nobody controlled actions of politically extreme organisation. Security institutions did not enough forecasting of possible events and were just stating facts that had taken place.


aprīlis 7, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

On Monday night at 1.58 a.m. in Kronvalda Park, 50 m from the Russian Embassy, there was an explosion. It was an infantry mine. Criminal police considers this explosion to be performed by the same persons who carried out the explosion at Riga synagogue. The mine was of the type widely used by Soviet troops during the Afghan war. Within two hours the Interior Minister Z.Cevers had a meeting with the Ambassador of Russia A.Udaltsovand they shared the opinion that this was a provocation. At 5 a.m. Z.Cevers summoned a meeting of several top police officers, but at the meeting of police departments heads was present the State President G.Ulmanis.

On Monday night at 1.58 a.m. in Kronvalda Park, 50 m from the Russian Embassy, there was an explosion. It was an infantry mine. Criminal police considers this explosion to be performed by the same persons who carried out the explosion at Riga synagogue. The mine was of the type widely used by Soviet troops during the Afghan war. Within two hours the Interior Minister Z.Cevers had a meeting with the Ambassador of Russia A.Udaltsovand they shared the opinion that this was a provocation. At 5 a.m. Z.Cevers summoned a meeting of several top police officers, but at the meeting of police departments heads was present the State President G.Ulmanis. Diena; Bizness & Baltiya, Chas and Panorama Latvii have published the full text of the Russian Embassy announcement.

Latvian officials and politicians have expressed a categorical condemnation to the persons who had organised this explosion at the Embassy of Russia.

Latvian officials and politicians have expressed a categorical condemnation to the persons who had organised this explosion at the Embassy of Russia.

The MFA of Russia expressed a serious concern on the happened because lives and security of Russian citizens have been endangered, as well as damage done to the property of the Embassy. “This terror act is the result of anti-Russian hysterics that has been kindled up lately and support to National Socialism and Extremism. Explosions take place in Latvia, monuments are desecrated. nazis are raising their heads. An end must be put to this. We demand Latvian authorities to take decisive steps and punish the guilty.”

The MFA of Russia expressed a serious concern on the happened because lives and security of Russian citizens have been endangered, as well as damage done to the property of the Embassy. This terror act is the result of anti-Russian hysterics that has been kindled up lately and support to National Socialism and Extremism. Explosions take place in Latvia, monuments are desecrated. nazis are raising their heads. An end must be put to this. We demand Latvian authorities to take decisive steps and punish the guilty.

The State President G.Ulmanis also condemned this explosion and said that all forces should be combined to control the tense situation and prevent any terror acts.

The State President G.Ulmanis also condemned this explosion and said that all forces should be combined to control the tense situation and prevent any terror acts. Diena, Neatkariga, Vakara Zinas, Chas

The Prime Minister G.Krasts, answering to questions of

The Prime Minister G.Krasts, answering to questions of Diena correspondent, said that they were able to control the situation on the country. Such individual, unpredictable events did not have any far-reaching effect. Such terrorist activities could not put the situation in the country out of control. The authorities had not taken any extreme actions.

The Co-chairman of Jewish community G.Krupnikov, being asked about the recent events, did not want to make any direct personal, technical or material link between the rally of SS legionaries and desecration of Jewish monuments or explosion at Riga synagogue. Instead he would rather speak of psychological, emotional and historical ties. According to his opinion there was lack of understanding and acknowledging of its own history. There was still no proper explanation of Holocaust in Latvia.

The Co-chairman of Jewish community G.Krupnikov, being asked about the recent events, did not want to make any direct personal, technical or material link between the rally of SS legionaries and desecration of Jewish monuments or explosion at Riga synagogue. Instead he would rather speak of psychological, emotional and historical ties. According to his opinion there was lack of understanding and acknowledging of its own history. There was still no proper explanation of Holocaust in Latvia. Diena

“Anxiety that Russia could impose official sanctions against Latvia has no grounds because it would not correspond to obligations of Russia towards international organisations and would contradict Russia’s international position that economic sanctions must not be used if political interests of a state are to be touched upon,” this is the opinion of Latvian MFA experts.

Anxiety that Russia could impose official sanctions against Latvia has no grounds because it would not correspond to obligations of Russia towards international organisations and would contradict Russias international position that economic sanctions must not be used if political interests of a state are to be touched upon, this is the opinion of Latvian MFA experts. Diena

Yesterday the Prime Minister G.Krasts signed the decree demanding the Minister of Economics A.Sausnitis to resign. It means automatic dismiss of several his team members because according the law on the Cabinet of Ministers when a minister is dismissed , it also refers to the corresponding Parliamentary Secretary and State Secretary. Most probably, also several councillors of the Minister will have to resign. All this cased rumours on a possible fall of the government to start again.

Yesterday the Prime Minister G.Krasts signed the decree demanding the Minister of Economics A.Sausnitis to resign. It means automatic dismiss of several his team members because according the law on the Cabinet of Ministers when a minister is dismissed , it also refers to the corresponding Parliamentary Secretary and State Secretary. Most probably, also several councillors of the Minister will have to resign. All this cased rumours on a possible fall of the government to start again. Neatkariga

It is planned to build a TV bridge Latvia and Russia. It will be performed by several TV stations - Latvian TV and two Russia TV station. The organisers of it hope that it will help to improve relation between those two countries. Latvian showman will be Natalija Abols, her Russia counterpart - Vladimir Pozner. The idea to establish such a bridge is supported also by Russia.

It is planned to build a TV bridge Latvia and Russia. It will be performed by several TV stations - Latvian TV and two Russia TV station. The organisers of it hope that it will help to improve relation between those two countries. Latvian showman will be Natalija Abols, her Russia counterpart - Vladimir Pozner. The idea to establish such a bridge is supported also by Russia. Dienas Bizness, Panorama Latvii, Chas

The first sitting of the parliamentary group that is charged with the task to prepare the last reading of the amendments to the Law on Citizenship till April 14. The group tried to combine the proposals of all the factions. As the Chairman of this working group A.Ameriks told the correspondent, deputies of four major factions, represented in the group, were ready to show their willingness to solve this issue, therefore he hoped for a positive result.


At a press briefing the Minister of Communications V.Kristopans announced that Latvian authorities were too late to reconsider the Law on Citizenship. And not only the very law but also a large number of smaller restrictions. All that was the reason for the fuss in Latvia. He thinks that in order to join U , Latvia would have to sign border treaty with Russia. But to sign it Latvia would have to admit that it has problems with non-citizens. But the most interesting thing is that politicians are unwilling to mention it - it is unpopular. As the means to solve this problem, the Minister proposes to do away with all discriminative restrictions for population residing here and paying their taxes. Although he would not favour 0 version.

Panorama Latvii

A.Voroncov in

Segodnya calls for all Russians, Ukrainians, Byelorussians and Jews to unite in order to create a political force to protect their interests. He analyses the reasons for the necessity of such an union, political platform of it and the possible financial base.
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