aprīlis 25, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

After the meeting with the US Deputy State Secretary Mr. Talbout the Latvian Foreign Affairs Minister Valdis Birkavs said that the main task for Latvia is to fulfil the OSCE recommendations which are also advocated by the United States.

After the meeting with the US Deputy State Secretary Mr. Talbout the Latvian Foreign Affairs Minister Valdis Birkavs said that the main task for Latvia is to fulfil the OSCE recommendations which are also advocated by the United States. Diena, B&B

When meeting with the Russian Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister Avdeyev, EU Commissioner Hans van der Brook stressed that the economic sanctions against Latvia could not promote the integration of the Russian speaking people in Latvia. The Commissioner also noted that the European Commission was satisfied with the decision of the Latvian government to eliminate the "naturalization window" system, and to grant citizenship to children born after the restoration of the independence.

When meeting with the Russian Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister Avdeyev, EU Commissioner Hans van der Brook stressed that the economic sanctions against Latvia could not promote the integration of the Russian speaking people in Latvia. The Commissioner also noted that the European Commission was satisfied with the decision of the Latvian government to eliminate the "naturalization window" system, and to grant citizenship to children born after the restoration of the independence. Diena

Drivers who cross the Russian border should present the notarially certified translation of the drivers licence into Russian. Although this regulation adopted by the Russian government last summer, applys to all drivers whose licences are issued by foreign countries, it is implemented only in cases when the border is crossed by drivers from Latvia.

Drivers who cross the Russian border should present the notarially certified translation of the drivers licence into Russian. Although this regulation adopted by the Russian government last summer, applys to all drivers whose licences are issued by foreign countries, it is implemented only in cases when the border is crossed by drivers from Latvia. Diena

aprīlis 24, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

Yesterday in Brussels the State Secretary of the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Maris Riekstins met with the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia Alexander Avdeyev. According to Maris Riekstins, both parties agreed that the dialogue is the only solution to the strained relations between Russia and Latvia. Both parties agreed not to provide the press with the content of talks before the governments of both countries are informed. Yesterday Mr. Riekstins also met with the Director of the Foreign Affairs Directorate General of the European Commission Gunter Burghard. During the meeting the EC was informed about the latest developments in the social integration sphere in Latvia.

Yesterday in Brussels the State Secretary of the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Maris Riekstins met with the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia Alexander Avdeyev. According to Maris Riekstins, both parties agreed that the dialogue is the only solution to the strained relations between Russia and Latvia. Both parties agreed not to provide the press with the content of talks before the governments of both countries are informed. Yesterday Mr. Riekstins also met with the Director of the Foreign Affairs Directorate General of the European Commission Gunter Burghard. During the meeting the EC was informed about the latest developments in the social integration sphere in Latvia. Diena, B&B

Yesterday the amendments to the Citizenship Law were submitted to the Saeima Legal Commission and Human Rights Commission for the further consideration.

Yesterday the amendments to the Citizenship Law were submitted to the Saeima Legal Commission and Human Rights Commission for the further consideration. Diena, B&B

Press Secretary of the Russian President Sergey Jastrzhembski told the Interfax that the main requirement for lifting the economic undertakings against Latvia, is the co-ordination of Latvian legislation with the basic European and international standards. Referring to the amendments to the Citizenship Law, Mr. Jastrzhembski said that it is only the first step towards the observance of Russian -speaking people rights, and it is not enough for lifting of the economic undertakings. Diena

Press Secretary of the Russian President Sergey Jastrzhembski told the Interfax that the main requirement for lifting the economic undertakings against Latvia, is the co-ordination of Latvian legislation with the basic European and international standards. Referring to the amendments to the Citizenship Law, Mr. Jastrzhembski said that it is only the first step towards the observance of Russian -speaking people rights, and it is not enough for lifting of the economic undertakings. Diena

The Saeima Commission on Education, Culture and Science declined the proposal to prolong the term for submission of proposals for the draft Language law until 6 May, and yesterday the Saeima started to consider the draft Language Law in the second reading. The Saeima decided to support the proposal of Dzintars Abikis, Chair of the aforementioned commission, to amend the provision concerning the language of meetings in private companies by stating that the state language as the meeting language should be used only in companies with the state capital share. The Saeima will continue to consider the draft Language Law in the second reading in the next session.

The Saeima Commission on Education, Culture and Science declined the proposal to prolong the term for submission of proposals for the draft Language law until 6 May, and yesterday the Saeima started to consider the draft Language Law in the second reading. The Saeima decided to support the proposal of Dzintars Abikis, Chair of the aforementioned commission, to amend the provision concerning the language of meetings in private companies by stating that the state language as the meeting language should be used only in companies with the state capital share. The Saeima will continue to consider the draft Language Law in the second reading in the next session. Diena, Panorama Latvii

Yesterday in Moscow Latvian Ambassador in Russia Imants Daudiss told press that some ease is observed in the relations between Latvia and Russia. The Ambassador related it with the amendments in the Latvian legislation, and observance of the OSCE and UN recommendations by Latvian government.

Yesterday in Moscow Latvian Ambassador in Russia Imants Daudiss told press that some ease is observed in the relations between Latvia and Russia. The Ambassador related it with the amendments in the Latvian legislation, and observance of the OSCE and UN recommendations by Latvian government. Panorama Latvii

Yesterday the Russian Society in Latvia discontinued its protest action in the Peter I house and agreed to leave the building within two weeks. President of the Russian Society Harald Astachov said that the Society will continue to work with the Cabinet of Ministers and other state institutions to get the building back.

Yesterday the Russian Society in Latvia discontinued its protest action in the Peter I house and agreed to leave the building within two weeks. President of the Russian Society Harald Astachov said that the Society will continue to work with the Cabinet of Ministers and other state institutions to get the building back. Diena

Yesterday the Russian Society in Latvia organized a rally at the Saeima advocating the granting of the Latvian citizenship for all permanent residents of Latvia.

Yesterday the Russian Society in Latvia organized a rally at the Saeima advocating the granting of the Latvian citizenship for all permanent residents of Latvia. SM

aprīlis 23, 1998

Press Review

The Prime Minister G.Krasts will ask for a vote of confidence next Thursday. It was agreed upon at the meeting of the government forming factions. Now the fate of the government depends on the decision of the Council of

The Prime Minister G.Krasts will ask for a vote of confidence next Thursday. It was agreed upon at the meeting of the government forming factions. Now the fate of the government depends on the decision of the Council of Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK whether to support the party faction opinion on citizenship issues. The Chairman of LSZ/KDS faction R.Dilba told Diena that crisis could arise if this Council objected to the amendments accepted by the Co-operation Board.

The Prime Minister informed that the government forming factions had agreed to elaborate additional proposals to the government declaration, agreement, as well as to nominate candidates to the vacant positions of ministers till their Friday meeting.

The Prime Minister informed that the government forming factions had agreed to elaborate additional proposals to the government declaration, agreement, as well as to nominate candidates to the vacant positions of ministers till their Friday meeting. Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna Avize, Chas

On Wednesday, the government forming factions submitted to the Saeima the amendments to the Law on Citizenship annulling the “window” mechanism, easing the process of granting citizenship to children born in families of non-citizens in Latvia and granting extraordinary rights to get naturalized to Polish people. They requested to consider those proposals at Thursday meeting. TB/LNNK, LC and LSZ/KDS agreed last week that Naturalization windows would be annulled only for non-citizen born in Latvia, and it was not anticipated to repeal the norm stating that amendments became valid only after a year after they had been adopted. Nevertheless, the factions gave up their previous decision and supported complete annulment of the “window” mechanism as well as repealing of this norm. The decision was also unanimously supported by TB/LNNK faction.

On Wednesday, the government forming factions submitted to the Saeima the amendments to the Law on Citizenship annulling the window mechanism, easing the process of granting citizenship to children born in families of non-citizens in Latvia and granting extraordinary rights to get naturalized to Polish people. They requested to consider those proposals at Thursday meeting. TB/LNNK, LC and LSZ/KDS agreed last week that Naturalization windows would be annulled only for non-citizen born in Latvia, and it was not anticipated to repeal the norm stating that amendments became valid only after a year after they had been adopted. Nevertheless, the factions gave up their previous decision and supported complete annulment of the window mechanism as well as repealing of this norm. The decision was also unanimously supported by TB/LNNK faction. Diena, Neatkariga, Rigas Balss

It was announced that Latvian MFA State Secretary M.Riekstins will meet Russian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs A.Avdeyev in Brussels on Thursday. It will be the first meeting of MFA representatives of such level since tension between these two countries began. It is anticipated that both officials will discuss the current relations between those two countries and exchange opinions on perspective of co-operation. The meeting will take place after repeated Latvian appeals to renew the dialogue between Russia and Latvia.

It was announced that Latvian MFA State Secretary M.Riekstins will meet Russian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs A.Avdeyev in Brussels on Thursday. It will be the first meeting of MFA representatives of such level since tension between these two countries began. It is anticipated that both officials will discuss the current relations between those two countries and exchange opinions on perspective of co-operation. The meeting will take place after repeated Latvian appeals to renew the dialogue between Russia and Latvia. Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna Avize, SM

There was unofficial information that the Saeima deputies from

There was unofficial information that the Saeima deputies from Latvijas Cels - Dz.Abikis and J.Lagzdins plan to leave this party and join the newly established Popular Party led by A.Skele. When being asked about his, both deputies neither affirmed nor refused it. Vakara Zinas

Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has a positive opinion on the planned PACE observers visit to Latvian that will start on April 28. The observers will meet with representatives of the Saeima , government and NGOs.

Diena, Jauna Avize

The Prime Minister G.Krasts reported on the governmental plan to stabilise the economic situation in Latvia. He started with statements that national GDP had raised for 6.5%, export - for 20%. After having listened to this report, deputies started a long and garrulous discussion. As it seemed yesterday, the government had a minor but a majority.

Jauna Avize, Bizness & Baltiya, Chas

The newspaper Lauku Avize published an article on OSCE High Commissioner on Minorities Max van der Stoel describing his career and present duties.

The director of the firm Merks contacted with the representatives of Russian Community in Latvia (RCL), who blocked the entrance to the building of Peter the Great yesterday, and learned that there was planned a meeting of the community member meeting with representatives of the government. It was difficult to predict the results of this meeting, but the President of the Community promised that the blockade would be stopped and constructors could start working. Rigas Balss

Russian speaking newspapers have more updated information on this, and they affirm that RCL plan to stay in the building.

Russian speaking newspapers have more updated information on this, and they affirm that RCL plan to stay in the building. SM, Chas, Panorama Latvii

At the meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Nordic countries, the ministers proposed the Baltic states to ensure their security through a joint effort. In order to increase mutual openness, Sweden and Finland proposed their neighbouring countries in the region to inspect those military objects, located on their territories, that had not been named in international agreements. Along with this, the ministers suggested to make a list of activities (also military) within the framework of OSCE that would favour co-operation and trust on the regional level.

Bizness & Baltiya, Panorama Latvii Russian Duma at its yesterday’s meeting charged two committees to elaborate proposals to the government for taking additional steps to prevent discrimination of Russian speakers in Latvia. The initiator of this idea was the leader of one of the deputy groups - N.Rizhkov.

Russian Duma at its yesterdays meeting charged two committees to elaborate proposals to the government for taking additional steps to prevent discrimination of Russian speakers in Latvia. The initiator of this idea was the leader of one of the deputy groups - N.Rizhkov. Bizness & Baltiya, Chas

aprīlis 22, 1998

Press Review

The government has not fulfilled its decision to accept OSCE recommendations to amend the Law on Citizenship concerning children of non-citizens born in Latvia. This adoption is postponed for a week. The government has accepted only the part concerning the annulment of “window” mechanism. The working group responsible for preparing these amendments has decided to do an additional examining of legal norms regulating education and the state language matters so the need to preserve Latvian national identity would be observed when deciding about the possibility to grant citizenship to children of non-citizens. Ministers representing the faction

The government has not fulfilled its decision to accept OSCE recommendations to amend the Law on Citizenship concerning children of non-citizens born in Latvia. This adoption is postponed for a week. The government has accepted only the part concerning the annulment of window mechanism. The working group responsible for preparing these amendments has decided to do an additional examining of legal norms regulating education and the state language matters so the need to preserve Latvian national identity would be observed when deciding about the possibility to grant citizenship to children of non-citizens. Ministers representing the faction Latvijas Cels stated the fact that the government decision had not been fulfilled and managed a decision to be taken that necessary amendments to the Law on Citizenship were to be elaborated and submitted to the Saeima till Wednesday. Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna Avize, Panorama Latvii, Bizness & Baltiya

There were two rallies against amending the Law on Citizenship.

There were two rallies against amending the Law on Citizenship. Diena, Chas

Answering the appeal of Latvian Farmers Union to all government forming factions to come together and discuss the proposals how to stabilise situation in Latvia and agree on joint actions, the Prime Minister G.Krasts will meet with these factions. G.Krasts does not intend to ask for a vote of confidence. Faction

Answering the appeal of Latvian Farmers Union to all government forming factions to come together and discuss the proposals how to stabilise situation in Latvia and agree on joint actions, the Prime Minister G.Krasts will meet with these factions. G.Krasts does not intend to ask for a vote of confidence. Faction Latvijas Cels will wait till Thursday and then they will decide what steps are to be taken. Diena, Neatkariga, Chas, Bizness & Baltiya

One of Russian governors - Y.Nazdratenko - announced on the radio station “Exo Moskvi” on Monday that in a case of necessity Russia had to launch its “war machinery”. Commenting this, Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that a decision on the state policy should not be made from expressions made by one of its governors. Russian Ambassador to Latvia characterised such announcements as irresponsible.

One of Russian governors - Y.Nazdratenko - announced on the radio station Exo Moskvi on Monday that in a case of necessity Russia had to launch its war machinery. Commenting this, Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that a decision on the state policy should not be made from expressions made by one of its governors. Russian Ambassador to Latvia characterised such announcements as irresponsible. Diena

On Tuesday’s press briefing in Strasbourg, Russian delegation representative S.Glotov announced that Council of Europe was reacting inadequately to the rebirth of Fascism. Discussions on Latvian - Russian relations changed its mood when S.Glotov announced that Fascism was returning quickly to Latvia. Nevertheless these debates did not spread out the press centre because this issue was crossed off the PACE agenda on Monday. PACE President L.Fisher told several journalists that it was an issue to be solved between Russia and Latvia.

On Tuesdays press briefing in Strasbourg, Russian delegation representative S.Glotov announced that Council of Europe was reacting inadequately to the rebirth of Fascism. Discussions on Latvian - Russian relations changed its mood when S.Glotov announced that Fascism was returning quickly to Latvia. Nevertheless these debates did not spread out the press centre because this issue was crossed off the PACE agenda on Monday. PACE President L.Fisher told several journalists that it was an issue to be solved between Russia and Latvia. Diena, Neatkariga, Bizness & Baltiya

Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Nordic countries signed an announcement where they criticised Russia for its policy of threat towards Latvia. Nordic countries consider differences of opinion should be solved through a dialogue. They appealed to Russia to stop its economic sanction threat. This document was adopted during so called 5+3 talks in Sweden.

Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Nordic countries signed an announcement where they criticised Russia for its policy of threat towards Latvia. Nordic countries consider differences of opinion should be solved through a dialogue. They appealed to Russia to stop its economic sanction threat. This document was adopted during so called 5+3 talks in Sweden. Diena , Neatkariga

The Association of Russian Speaking Schools in Latvia has decided to be actively involved in education of Russian speaking population. Majority of these people do not understand how dangerous is the new draft elaborated by the Ministry of Education for gradual transition of all state schools to the Latvian language till 2007. The Association intends to show parents what will happen to Russian speaking schools after this happens.


Representatives of Russian community in Latvia blocked the entrance door to the building of Peter the Great in Riga and organised a rally in front of the building to protest against the evicting of Cultural Centre of Russians in Latvia from its premises. National Real Property Agency sold this building in an auction to a firm Meka and the firm planned to start repairs in this building. The decision for the auction was made because of the fact that the Centre owed about 40 000 Ls to the agency as rent fees and neglected the building completely thus causing its dilapidation.

Jauna Avize, Chas, Panorama Latvii, SM

aprīlis 21, 1998

 Press Review

Press Review

Forty-three deputies have signed a proposal to summon an extraordinary Saeima meting including in its agenda report of the Prime Minister G.Krasts’s report on government ‘s Action Plant to stabilise the economic situation in the country. It was the initiative of

Forty-three deputies have signed a proposal to summon an extraordinary Saeima meting including in its agenda report of the Prime Minister G.Krastss report on government ‘s Action Plant to stabilise the economic situation in the country. It was the initiative of Saimnieks. The draft project of expressing distrust to the government was not included in the agenda, but the opposition intends to propose it, said to Diena non-faction deputy J.Adamssons. Faction Latvijas Cels, representatives of which have signed the proposal to summon this extraordinary meeting, are considering a possibility to submit a draft decision to ask for a vote of confidence for the Prime Minister, if G.Krasts refuses to do it himself. Diena, Jauna Avize, Panorama Latvii, Chas, SM

The Prime Minister G.Krasts refused such a possibility yesterday. The Saeima should decide on the vote of confidence for the whole government not just the Prime Minister, said his Press Secretary R.Melniks.

The Prime Minister G.Krasts refused such a possibility yesterday. The Saeima should decide on the vote of confidence for the whole government not just the Prime Minister, said his Press Secretary R.Melniks. Jauna Avize

Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe on its Monday meeting did not include in its extraordinary discussion the question, raised by Russia, on human rights violations in Latvia. But answering to the protests of Russia deputy S.Zotov, they decided to send a group of PACE observers to Latvia in the nearest future.

Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe on its Monday meeting did not include in its extraordinary discussion the question, raised by Russia, on human rights violations in Latvia. But answering to the protests of Russia deputy S.Zotov, they decided to send a group of PACE observers to Latvia in the nearest future. Diena, Neatkariga

During the meeting of Latvian and Lithuanian Presidents, Lithuanian State President V.Adamkus expressed his support to G.Ulmanis’s position concerning public integration in Latvia. Both Presidents also discussed Latvian - Russian relations. Answering to the press questions, G.Ulmanis said that at that time everything depended on the very Russia. Latvia had voiced its interest in an active dialogue several times, but a hostile attitude could be felt from Russian party.

During the meeting of Latvian and Lithuanian Presidents, Lithuanian State President V.Adamkus expressed his support to G.Ulmaniss position concerning public integration in Latvia. Both Presidents also discussed Latvian - Russian relations. Answering to the press questions, G.Ulmanis said that at that time everything depended on the very Russia. Latvia had voiced its interest in an active dialogue several times, but a hostile attitude could be felt from Russian party. Diena

Russian officials have started to demand Latvian drivers, willing to enter Russia, to have certified translations of their driver’s license. Although there was such a decision taken at the beginning of this year, it has been neglected so far. As the Deputy Head of Traffic Police A.Brolitis told

Russian officials have started to demand Latvian drivers, willing to enter Russia, to have certified translations of their drivers license. Although there was such a decision taken at the beginning of this year, it has been neglected so far. As the Deputy Head of Traffic Police A.Brolitis told Diena, no other country had demanded such a translation in there were included English symbols as it was in Latvian case. Diena, Neatkariga

Many newspapers have published the Manifest of the new Popular Party lead by the former Prime Minister A.Skele and the list of its supporters (about 280 people).

Many newspapers have published the Manifest of the new Popular Party lead by the former Prime Minister A.Skele and the list of its supporters (about 280 people). Diena, Jauna Avize, Lauku Avize, Bizness & Baltiya, Panorama Latvii

European institutions did not intend make their demands to Latvia concerning amendments to the Law on Citizenship stricter due to Russian pressure. This was said to the Saeima Secretary I.Berzins during his meeting with the Head of Baltic Department of British MFA Mr. S.Page. During this meeting both officials have mostly discussed Latvian - Russia relations. Mr. Page also reminded that EU through GB as its presiding country had appealed to Russia to establish constructive relations with Latvia. I.Berzins and S.Page also discussed the amendments to the Latvian Law on Citizenship, and Mr. Page agreed with I. Berzins’s opinion that the beginning of talks with Latvia on its joining EU would be a signal to non-Latvians furthering their integration in Latvia.

European institutions did not intend make their demands to Latvia concerning amendments to the Law on Citizenship stricter due to Russian pressure. This was said to the Saeima Secretary I.Berzins during his meeting with the Head of Baltic Department of British MFA Mr. S.Page. During this meeting both officials have mostly discussed Latvian - Russia relations. Mr. Page also reminded that EU through GB as its presiding country had appealed to Russia to establish constructive relations with Latvia. I.Berzins and S.Page also discussed the amendments to the Latvian Law on Citizenship, and Mr. Page agreed with I. Berzinss opinion that the beginning of talks with Latvia on its joining EU would be a signal to non-Latvians furthering their integration in Latvia. Diena

Russian politicians were united in their negative attitude towards Latvia and there was no hope for improvements of the relations with Latvia, informed the Head of the Saeima European Affairs Commission E.Inkens and Deputy Speaker of the Saeima A.Ameriks. Last weekend they participated in an international conference “Architecture of a new, secure Europe and NATO”. There they have met with high Russian politicians - Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Primakov and his deputy A.Avdeyev. Those two Russian officials had different opinions on possibilities how those relations could be improved. Primakov had insisted that the main precondition was to observe international norms of human rights and particularly - amending the Law on Citizenship according to OSCE recommendations and pointed out that there were no officially adopted documents proving that Russia imposed economic sanctions against Latvia. According to Inkens such documents existed, they were just to be signed by Russian government.

Russian politicians were united in their negative attitude towards Latvia and there was no hope for improvements of the relations with Latvia, informed the Head of the Saeima European Affairs Commission E.Inkens and Deputy Speaker of the Saeima A.Ameriks. Last weekend they participated in an international conference Architecture of a new, secure Europe and NATO. There they have met with high Russian politicians - Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Primakov and his deputy A.Avdeyev. Those two Russian officials had different opinions on possibilities how those relations could be improved. Primakov had insisted that the main precondition was to observe international norms of human rights and particularly - amending the Law on Citizenship according to OSCE recommendations and pointed out that there were no officially adopted documents proving that Russia imposed economic sanctions against Latvia. According to Inkens such documents existed, they were just to be signed by Russian government. Jauna Avize, Bizness & Baltiya

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