maijs 23, 1998

Press Review

On 23 May the

On 23 May the Diena (Russian and Latvian versions) publishes a document On Implementation of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minority Recommendations prepared by the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The document lists the recommendations which are implemented and the recommendations which are not implemented, yet.

The Council of the

The Council of the Christian Democratic Union supported joining of the Green Party, the National Reform Party and the Work Party to make a political union for the elections of the 7th Saeima. Diena

Janis Urbanovics, member of the

Janis Urbanovics, member of the People's Harmony Union, states that he does not see a possibility to have Russian-Latvian relationship considerably stabilized this year, since the roots of the discord are very deep. He blames Tevzemei un Brivibai/ LNNK for destructivism concerning the citizenship law. Janis Urbanovics points out that the intention of TB/LNNK is not to amend the Citizenship Law, but to start a discussion in the Saeima. Besides, according to the TB/LNNK, these amendments might be adopted only by the next Saeima and come into force at the end of 1999, at its earliest. Diena

Last week the

Last week the B&B published an interview with the leader of the Union of Communists in Latvia Albert Lebedev in which he stated that the Union has its own security service, and that the Union of Communists in Latvia does not exclude methods of armed struggle for their justice. On Friday the Security Police brought a criminal action against him on charges of the call to overthrow the legal state power. B&B andChas questions the efficiency and motives of the security service in Latvia. According to the head of the Satversme Defence Bureau Lainis Kamaldins, the Bureau controls the activities of the Union , and until now there have not been anything criminal detected. SM, B&B

Diena(Russian version) publishes an informative letter by the Deputy Head of the DCMA Juris Dombrovskis about the procedure of inviting relatives and friends from the CIS countries to Latvia for summer holidays. Diena

European Commission experts who evaluated the work of various structures of the Interior Ministry, approved the work of the Latvian Immigration police and plans for the development of the Latvia’s eastern borders. At the same they expressed a regret that there were still no border agreements signed between Latvia and Russia ,and between Latvia and Belorus.

European Commission experts who evaluated the work of various structures of the Interior Ministry, approved the work of the Latvian Immigration police and plans for the development of the Latvias eastern borders. At the same they expressed a regret that there were still no border agreements signed between Latvia and Russia ,and between Latvia and Belorus. Diena

In an interview for the press agency Interfax the Latvian Minister of Defence Talavs Jundzis said that the co-operation between Latvian and Russian Armed Forces might promote building of trust between two countries. Mr. Jundzis said that this subject will be included into the discussion of Ministers of Defence of the Baltic and Northern European countries at their meeting in Oslo on 25-26 May.

In an interview for the press agency Interfax the Latvian Minister of Defence Talavs Jundzis said that the co-operation between Latvian and Russian Armed Forces might promote building of trust between two countries. Mr. Jundzis said that this subject will be included into the discussion of Ministers of Defence of the Baltic and Northern European countries at their meeting in Oslo on 25-26 May. Chas

On 23 February the Cabinet of Ministers decreed to work out regulations on compensation for those who leave for the permanent residence in Russia by 15 May. Now the project has been reviewed by the Ministries and discussed at the meeting of the State Secretaries. Basically, the Ministries support the project. Still, the Ministry of Justice emphasizes that there is no law on which these regulations could be based. It would be logical if the Saeima adopts the law regulating the emigration process, although it is unlikely that it might happen before the end of this year. Draft regulations prepared by the DCMA work group state three instances when the compensation might be paid, first when leaving the apartment which is under the jurisdiction of the municipality and cannot be privatized; secondly, to cover travel expenses, and the third, to assist the settling down in a new place.

On 23 February the Cabinet of Ministers decreed to work out regulations on compensation for those who leave for the permanent residence in Russia by 15 May. Now the project has been reviewed by the Ministries and discussed at the meeting of the State Secretaries. Basically, the Ministries support the project. Still, the Ministry of Justice emphasizes that there is no law on which these regulations could be based. It would be logical if the Saeima adopts the law regulating the emigration process, although it is unlikely that it might happen before the end of this year. Draft regulations prepared by the DCMA work group state three instances when the compensation might be paid, first when leaving the apartment which is under the jurisdiction of the municipality and cannot be privatized; secondly, to cover travel expenses, and the third, to assist the settling down in a new place. Neatkariga

Panorama Latvii publishes an article about the situation with non-citizen passports in the DCMA division of the Kurzemes district of Riga. People who aply for the "fast passports and pay 25 Lats fee, have to wait for two weeks instead of 2 days as set by the law.

Sergey Zaletaev, a journalist of

Sergey Zaletaev, a journalist of Panorama Latvii, urges his "countryman and fellow-noncitizens" to apply for naturalization, since only by becoming citizens and being united, it would be possible to preserve culture and education.

maijs 22, 1998


Press Review

On Thursday the Saeima adopted in the first reading the draft law Amendments to the Satversme of the Republic of Latvia anticipating to define more clearly the basic human rights. It is said in the draft law that all people in Latvia shall be equal before the Law and the Court, and realisation of obligations and freedoms fixed in the Satversme is ensured with no discrimination.

On Thursday the Saeima adopted in the first reading the draft law Amendments to the Satversme of the Republic of Latvia anticipating to define more clearly the basic human rights. It is said in the draft law that all people in Latvia shall be equal before the Law and the Court, and realisation of obligations and freedoms fixed in the Satversme is ensured with no discrimination. Neatkariga, Rita Zinas


informs about the case of Russian artist Fateyev who has to leave the country upon an expulsion order of the DCMA. According to the DCMA, Fateyev has acquired informs about the case of Russian artist Fateyev who has to leave the country upon an expulsion order of the DCMA. According to the DCMA, Fateyev has acquired propiska propiska and residence permit illegally and, after the fact had been established, refused to legalise his staying in a legal way. In his turn Fateyev maintains that his actions were legal, and the DCMA was guilty for this problem. Russian newspaper and residence permit illegally and, after the fact had been established, refused to legalise his staying in a legal way. In his turn Fateyev maintains that his actions were legal, and the DCMA was guilty for this problem. Russian newspaper ChasChas looks at this problem from a different angle. looks at this problem from a different angle. The Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs considers that expressions of the NHRO Director O.Bruveris concerning State Audit findings at the NHRO hinder Latvian co-operation with international organisations. The Head of the Saeima Human Rights Commission A.Seiks holds the same opinion.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs considers that expressions of the NHRO Director O.Bruveris concerning State Audit findings at the NHRO hinder Latvian co-operation with international organisations. The Head of the Saeima Human Rights Commission A.Seiks holds the same opinion. Neatkariga, Rita Zinas

The Riga City Council plans to ban

The Riga City Council plans to ban Latvian Socialist Party to organise any public events. Before the rally of May 14 LSP signed a document undertaking all responsibility for it. When the permission was granted, there were leaflets circulated with Neo-bolshevik content and the very rally turned into this mood. Neatkariga, Chas

The Chairman of the faction

The Chairman of the faction Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK J.Straume was elected the Deputy Speaker of the Saeima to replace A.Jirgens who stepped down from this post due to a scandal. Diena, Rita Zinas, Chas

The Saeima at its ordinary sitting has adopted the Law on General Education in the first reading. A member of the Saeima Committee on Education, Culture and Science A.Tomasuns considers that most lively debates could be on the state language. He thinks that this issue should be solved in such a way that Russia could not use it in “its games”. The Chairman of this commission Dz.Abikis stressed that it should be achieved that at least half of all subjects in secondary schools and all in professional education would be taught in the Latvian language till 2005.

The Saeima at its ordinary sitting has adopted the Law on General Education in the first reading. A member of the Saeima Committee on Education, Culture and Science A.Tomasuns considers that most lively debates could be on the state language. He thinks that this issue should be solved in such a way that Russia could not use it in its games. The Chairman of this commission Dz.Abikis stressed that it should be achieved that at least half of all subjects in secondary schools and all in professional education would be taught in the Latvian language till 2005. Jauna Avize

The Speaker of the Saeima A.Cepanis gave an interview to the newspaper

SM where he expressed his opinion on the situation with adopting the amendments to the Law on Citizenship. Cepanis thinks that the faction Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK will stick, although unwillingly, to its promise to the coalition partners to amend the Law on Citizenship. But they would use any means possibile to prevent the Saeima from adopting all the amendments. SM

maijs 21, 1998

Press Review

Yesterday the Saeima adopted as urgent the amendments to the Law on Citizenship. The draft law anticipates annulment of “window” mechanism and granting citizenship to children of non-citizens. Fifty two deputies voted for it, one was against and one - abstained.

Yesterday the Saeima adopted as urgent the amendments to the Law on Citizenship. The draft law anticipates annulment of window mechanism and granting citizenship to children of non-citizens. Fifty two deputies voted for it, one was against and one - abstained. Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK faction deputies supported the amendments, but the majority of DPS deputies did not vote at all. Neatkariga, Diena, Jauna Avize, Panorama Latvii, Chas, SM, Bizness & Baltiya

The National Security Council has taken a decision that Latvian Socialist Party and the people who organised a rally in Vermanis Garden in Riga against the draft Law on Education should be punished in accordance with the existing legislation. The Interior Minister A.Krastins said to the press Latvian legislation was too feeble dealing with such extremists, and the Interior Ministry had prepared proposals for the necessary amendments to the legislation.

Diena, Chas

Bizness & Baltiya

published an analytical article of the ideologist of published an analytical article of the ideologist of Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK, Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK, the Saeima Deputy J.Sinka on the problem why Russians were not loved in Latvia. He writes about the history of Latvia, and the need for every non-citizen to realise the grounds for his being in Latvia. He analyses the events in Vermanis Garden and finds the hatred of those youngsters rooting from their families. He also speaks about the important role of the Latvian language in the process of Naturalisation. the Saeima Deputy J.Sinka on the problem why Russians were not loved in Latvia. He writes about the history of Latvia, and the need for every non-citizen to realise the grounds for his being in Latvia. He analyses the events in Vermanis Garden and finds the hatred of those youngsters rooting from their families. He also speaks about the important role of the Latvian language in the process of Naturalisation.

maijs 20, 1998


Press Review

State President G.Ulmanis and representatives of major political parties consider that amendments to the Law on Citizenship based on OSCE recommendations should be adopted in the nearest future. It could be done till Jani (June 24). It was said during a meeting that took place on Tuesday.

State President G.Ulmanis and representatives of major political parties consider that amendments to the Law on Citizenship based on OSCE recommendations should be adopted in the nearest future. It could be done till Jani (June 24). It was said during a meeting that took place on Tuesday. Neatkariga, Diena, Jauna Avize, Chas

Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has informed Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs about the wish of G.Ulmanis to have a telephone conversation with B.Yeltsin. Latvian MFA representative E.Skuja said that now they just had to wait for the possible date of this conversation. For all that there was information in the mass media that in B.Yeltsin’s time table meeting with G.Ulmanis was not planned untill the end of this year. Nevertheless Skuja added, that if such a conversation was to take place, the presidents could themselves fix the date of this meeting.

Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has informed Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs about the wish of G.Ulmanis to have a telephone conversation with B.Yeltsin. Latvian MFA representative E.Skuja said that now they just had to wait for the possible date of this conversation. For all that there was information in the mass media that in B.Yeltsins time table meeting with G.Ulmanis was not planned untill the end of this year. Nevertheless Skuja added, that if such a conversation was to take place, the presidents could themselves fix the date of this meeting. Neatkariga

B.Yelstsin’s Press Secretary S.Yastrzhemsky announced on Tuesday that there were no changes in Russia’s policy concerning Latvia. According to his opinion, Russia will strictly stand on its position and support OSCE recommendations to make 18 amendments to the Law on Citizenship. He refused to comment on Yeltsin’s words about the possible meeting with G.Ulmanis. S.Yastrzhemsky thinks that such a meeting could only take place when Latvia would fulfil all recommendations. They have received requests for such a meeting several times, but Russian part has done nothing yet.

B.Yelstsins Press Secretary S.Yastrzhemsky announced on Tuesday that there were no changes in Russias policy concerning Latvia. According to his opinion, Russia will strictly stand on its position and support OSCE recommendations to make 18 amendments to the Law on Citizenship. He refused to comment on Yeltsins words about the possible meeting with G.Ulmanis. S.Yastrzhemsky thinks that such a meeting could only take place when Latvia would fulfil all recommendations. They have received requests for such a meeting several times, but Russian part has done nothing yet. Diena

Several officials, questioned by

Several officials, questioned by Diena, were negative concerning the critics of NHRO Director O.Bruveris, and it is expected that Prime Minister G.Krasts will express his distrust to O.Bruveris at the end of this week. Diena

Practical Latvian language Chair of Latvian University conducted a research test for those students who had graduated from Russian speaking schools. 59% of these students failed it. So the conclusion, made in this article, is that 59% of all Russian speaking school students do not know the Latvian language.

Practical Latvian language Chair of Latvian University conducted a research test for those students who had graduated from Russian speaking schools. 59% of these students failed it. So the conclusion, made in this article, is that 59% of all Russian speaking school students do not know the Latvian language. Neatkariga

Social opinion research centre Socially Correlative Data System conducted a research on the future of national situation of Latvia. The society does not have a common opinion whether there will be any contradictions between Latvians and other nationalities living in Latvia. 11.8% are sure for such contradictions to exist.

Social opinion research centre Socially Correlative Data System conducted a research on the future of national situation of Latvia. The society does not have a common opinion whether there will be any contradictions between Latvians and other nationalities living in Latvia. 11.8% are sure for such contradictions to exist. Neatkariga

The deputies of the Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe who are preparing a report on Latvia presented to the Survey Committee a proposal that could further improvement of Latvian - Russian relations. It was acceptable also for Russia. But they did not want to go into details. Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs could not make any comments on this.

The deputies of the Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe who are preparing a report on Latvia presented to the Survey Committee a proposal that could further improvement of Latvian - Russian relations. It was acceptable also for Russia. But they did not want to go into details. Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs could not make any comments on this. Neatkariga, Jauna Avize

Russian TV company ORT has acknowledged that behind so called campaign for protecting the rights of Russian speakers in Latvia are corporate interests of Russian industry groups. When reporting on Byelorussian Prime Minister S.Lingas visit to Latvia they voiced their lack of understanding for such a position of Byelorussian Prime Minister, especially about his meeting with G.Krasts. They offered two versions of this. One could be a treason of interests of Byelorussian - Russian union. The other could be a smart political move by the Kremlin to use A.Lukashenko administration of in their interests.

Dienas Bizness

Panorama Latvii

informs about the results of the hot line organised after the publication of Russian intelligentsia appeal to Russian speakers to naturalise in order to gain political influence in Latvia. Journalists asked the respondents to express their opinion on all matters connected to Naturalisation process in Latvia. Most of these people fell offended and humiliated and do not want Latvian citizenship at all. informs about the results of the “hot line” organised after the publication of Russian intelligentsia appeal to Russian speakers to naturalise in order to gain political influence in Latvia. Journalists asked the respondents to express their opinion on all matters connected to Naturalisation process in Latvia. Most of these people fell offended and humiliated and do not want Latvian citizenship at all.


writes about the frequent visits of European experts to Latvia in order to understand why Latvia, despite its attempt to enter EU, simultaneously does just the opposite to EU and OSCE recommendations, e.g., annulment of death penalty, not increasing the number of persons with no citizenship, etc. The Saeima deputies A.Seiksts and V.Dozorcevs give their explanations of this problem. writes about the frequent visits of European experts to Latvia in order to understand why Latvia, despite its attempt to enter EU, simultaneously does just the opposite to EU and OSCE recommendations, e.g., annulment of death penalty, not increasing the number of persons with no citizenship, etc. The Saeima deputies A.Seiksts and V.Dozorcevs give their explanations of this problem.

maijs 19, 1998


Press Review

“During 7 years Latvia has not managed to integrate its non-citizens. The dialogue among Latvian authorities, National Human Rights Office and organisations of non-citizens should be more intensive.” These are some of the conclusions made after the visit of experts of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe to Riga. Experts are especially worried about the practice to consider the children of non-citizens, born after August 21, 1991 as non-citizens, inclusion of history knowledge test in the process of Naturalisation and the demand to know the Latvian language in every sector of private business.

During 7 years Latvia has not managed to integrate its non-citizens. The dialogue among Latvian authorities, National Human Rights Office and organisations of non-citizens should be more intensive. These are some of the conclusions made after the visit of experts of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe to Riga. Experts are especially worried about the practice to consider the children of non-citizens, born after August 21, 1991 as non-citizens, inclusion of history knowledge test in the process of Naturalisation and the demand to know the Latvian language in every sector of private business. Neatkariga, Chas

Due to the amendments to the law on the status of an unemployed person, the National Employment Office foresees an increase of unemployment in Latvia. These amendments anticipate that an employment seeker may register at the NEO without any document proving his Latvian language knowledge level, and about 10 000 people more would receive the right to apply for receiving of this status.

Due to the amendments to the law on the status of an unemployed person, the National Employment Office foresees an increase of unemployment in Latvia. These amendments anticipate that an employment seeker may register at the NEO without any document proving his Latvian language knowledge level, and about 10 000 people more would receive the right to apply for receiving of this status. Neatkariga, Panorama Latvii

State Audit Office revision has discovered financial and economical violations at the National Human Rights Office. The Director of this Office O.Bruveris finds this statement very serious and insulting. Due to these findings and discordance between the Director and his Deputy K.Gertnere, she lost her post. The Auditor-in-Chief R.Cernajs withhold from any comments till the next meeting of the Council, but another party involved - UNDP in Latvia refuses Bruveris’s offence.

State Audit Office revision has discovered financial and economical violations at the National Human Rights Office. The Director of this Office O.Bruveris finds this statement very serious and insulting. Due to these findings and discordance between the Director and his Deputy K.Gertnere, she lost her post. The Auditor-in-Chief R.Cernajs withhold from any comments till the next meeting of the Council, but another party involved - UNDP in Latvia refuses Bruveriss offence. Neatkariga, Jauna Avize, Diena, Rita Zinas, Chas

State President G.Ulmanis asked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to address Russia in order to start preparation for his and Russian President B.Yelstsin’s visit. G.Ulmanis considers that a telephone conversation between them should take place in the nearest future. The Russian party has been already informed about this wish. No further information about this possible meeting has been received, yet.

State President G.Ulmanis asked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to address Russia in order to start preparation for his and Russian President B.Yelstsins visit. G.Ulmanis considers that a telephone conversation between them should take place in the nearest future. The Russian party has been already informed about this wish. No further information about this possible meeting has been received, yet. Neatkariga, Diena, Lauku Avize, Jauna Avize, Panorama Latvii, Chas

Winners of the USA and EU Democratic and Civic Society Award were named at the summit meeting of the USA and EU yesterday. In Latvia this award was given to the National Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Centre. The Director of the Centre N.Muiznieks was one of those 6 who received this award in London. Three more Latvian institutions were nominated for this award: NHRO, NGO Centre and European Movement in Latvia. These organisations received writs of honour.

Winners of the USA and EU Democratic and Civic Society Award were named at the summit meeting of the USA and EU yesterday. In Latvia this award was given to the National Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Centre. The Director of the Centre N.Muiznieks was one of those 6 who received this award in London. Three more Latvian institutions were nominated for this award: NHRO, NGO Centre and European Movement in Latvia. These organisations received writs of honour. Neatkariga, Diena, Chas

The representatives of

Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK and Latvijas Cels do not propose any changes to the Presidium of the Saeima to exchange the representatives of the opposition -the Speaker A.Cepanis and his Deputy A.Ameriks (Saimnieks). Politicians of the leading parties also consider that the decrease of influence of DPS in enterprise councils should take place in a sensible manner. Diena “For integration you need a favourable environment” - this in the title of a article in

For integration you need a favourable environment - this in the title of a article in Diena telling about the seminar Social Integration Process in Liepaja - Specifics, Successes, Problems, Perspectives organised by OSCE Mission to Latvia in co-operation with Social Sciences Centre of Liepaja Pedagogical High school. The corrspondent characterises the situation in Liepaja and speaks about the ideas put forward during this seminar. Diena

Last week,

Last week, Socialist Party, Movement Equality and Peoples Harmony Party signed a protocol on establishing a political union. It happened under the leadership of A.Rubiks former Communist Party leader in Latvia and political prisoner. He was very pleased about the fact and anticipated that this union could about 15 - 20 seats in the Saeima. Lauku Avize

Lithuanian Seima Speaker V.Landsbergis considers that EU should openly speap out about its reaction to the pressure on its associated and full-fledged members. Evaluating the latest events in Latvia, he stresses that they do not concern only Latvia, but is the future of all three Baltic States. He thinks that the pressure on Latvia is an “international game” to change the political direction before the Saeima election in October.

Lithuanian Seima Speaker V.Landsbergis considers that EU should openly speap out about its reaction to the pressure on its associated and full-fledged members. Evaluating the latest events in Latvia, he stresses that they do not concern only Latvia, but is the future of all three Baltic States. He thinks that the pressure on Latvia is an international game to change the political direction before the Saeima election in October. Rita Zinas


publishes an article written by J.Jurkans, the Chairman of publishes an article written by J.Jurkans, the Chairman of People’s Harmony PartyPeoples Harmony Party. There he expands on his understanding of the situation with Naturalisation process in Latvia. And the most guilty ones for creation of this situation he finds not . There he expands on his understanding of the situation with Naturalisation process in Latvia. And the most guilty ones for creation of this situation he finds not Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK, Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK, who were radical from the very beginningwho were radical from the very beginning, , but their coalition partners - but their coalition partners - DPSDPS and and Latvijas Cels. Latvijas Cels. Similar article is also inSimilar article is also in Segodnya. Segodnya.

Panorama Latvii

writes about the situation faced by many non-citizens in Latvia. It happens when these people, having submitted an application to the DCMA to draw up an ID, come to the office and they are told that additional examination of their documents is needed. When asked for an explanation, officials just answer, We do not know. Your documents have been sent to the top for an additional examination. There exist two categories of these problem people: first are ordinary non-citizens, and the most common problem with them is some contradiction in records of their documents. And people have to wait for months in ignorance and nervousness. The other category is former military servicemen of Soviet Military Forces and their family members. They have been registered and reregistered for so many times. But if you try to get any information for the reason of examining their passports, no explanation is given. writes about the situation faced by many non-citizens in Latvia. It happens when these people, having submitted an application to the DCMA to draw up an ID, come to the office and they are told that additional examination of their documents is needed. When asked for an explanation, officials just answer, “We do not know. Your documents have been sent to the top for an additional examination.” There exist two categories of these problem people: first are ordinary non-citizens, and the most common problem with them is some contradiction in records of their documents. And people have to wait for months in ignorance and nervousness. The other category is former military servicemen of Soviet Military Forces and their family members. They have been registered and reregistered for so many times. But if you try to get any information for the reason of examining their passports, no explanation is given.

Panorama Latvii

also publishes a letter from DCMA where they explain what people should do and what they should know when inviting their relatives or friends to Latvia for summer holidays. also publishes a letter from DCMA where they explain what people should do and what they should know when inviting their relatives or friends to Latvia for summer holidays. V.Altuhov comments in

V.Altuhov comments in Panorama Latvii on the amendments to the Law on Citizenship and thinks that they just seem to improve the situation of non-citizens in Latvia. Children after becoming 16 years of age will have to take the language test anyway, and the Saeima is discussing a stricter draft language law.

Panorama Latvii

writes about the conference in Novgorod Baltic Region in the New System of Geopolitical Coo-ordinates where representatives of the Baltic states and Russia with the help of Project of Ethnic relations USA tried to find common grounds to solve their problems. Whether they succeeded, journalists did not find out because they were asked to leave the room, but the positions of the parties were explained by their representatives after this meeting. writes about the conference in Novgorod “Baltic Region in the New System of Geopolitical Coo-ordinates” where representatives of the Baltic states and Russia with the help of “Project of Ethnic relations” USA tried to find common grounds to solve their problems. Whether they succeeded, journalists did not find out because they were asked to leave the room, but the positions of the parties were explained by their representatives after this meeting. When writing about the rally in Vermanis garden in Riga,

When writing about the rally in Vermanis garden in Riga, SM concentrates its attention to another aspect - so called bakarshovci who were very active during this event. Describing this movement. Latvian press was very negative, but SM finds them as people who stood up to protect the rights of Russian speakers in Latvia. The SM analyses the reasons for popularity of this organisation among students and finds as one of the reasons the present state language policy in Latvia.

Journalist Alla Petrapavlovskaya was one of the signatories of the appeal to Latvian non-citizens to become naturalised in order to get some political influence. She tells about her motives to the correspondent of

Journalist Alla Petrapavlovskaya was one of the signatories of the appeal to Latvian non-citizens to become naturalised in order to get some political influence. She tells about her motives to the correspondent of Chas. She does not see any other possibility for people living here to gain any influence on political processes in Latvia. You can participate in rallies, pickets, etc. but the problem is that people organising these events are not citizens of Latvia, so they may not vote. And as far as nothing depends on their votes, politicians will spit on them from the top shelves. Alla thinks that neither this action nor annulment of naturalisation windows will give any results because people feel very offended, dislike many things that take place in Latvia. The only way to make people naturalise is for the highest officials of Latvia to take some important steps proving that their attitude towards non-citizens has changed, making people feel needed here and that nobody will try to oust them from Latvia. Chas

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