jūnijs 19, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

Official representative of Russian MFA V.Rahmanin announced that there were no improvements in the “humanitarian situation” in Latvia. Russia is not satisfied with the postponement of adopting the amendments to the Law on Citizenship for the third reading and it considers that Latvia has also not fulfilled other recommendations of international and human rights organisations.

Official representative of Russian MFA V.Rahmanin announced that there were no improvements in the humanitarian situation in Latvia. Russia is not satisfied with the postponement of adopting the amendments to the Law on Citizenship for the third reading and it considers that Latvia has also not fulfilled other recommendations of international and human rights organisations. Neatkariga

NATO Secretary General H.Solana, concluding his brief visit to Latvia, expressed hope that the Saeima would adopt the amendment to the Law on Citizenship. He said that Latvian representatives informed him about discussions of these amendments at the Saeima.

NATO Secretary General H.Solana, concluding his brief visit to Latvia, expressed hope that the Saeima would adopt the amendment to the Law on Citizenship. He said that Latvian representatives informed him about discussions of these amendments at the Saeima. Neatkariga, Diena, Jauna Avize, Rita Zinas, SM, Chas, Panorama Latvii

About one hundred Russian teachers plan to participate in a rally at the building of the Ministry of Education and Science answering to the appeal of two Riga City Council deputies to protest against two years old decree of the Minister of Education that starting from September 1, 1998 have to know the Latvian language on the highest level.

About one hundred Russian teachers plan to participate in a rally at the building of the Ministry of Education and Science answering to the appeal of two Riga City Council deputies to protest against two years old decree of the Minister of Education that starting from September 1, 1998 have to know the Latvian language on the highest level. Neatkariga, SM,

Adviser to the State President composer R.Pauls informed on the agreement between him and the State President Chancellery that from July 6 he would resign from this post. Major reason for this decision was Pauls’s chairmanship in the New Popular Party. He thinks that President’s Chancellery should be politically neutral.

Adviser to the State President composer R.Pauls informed on the agreement between him and the State President Chancellery that from July 6 he would resign from this post. Major reason for this decision was Paulss chairmanship in the New Popular Party. He thinks that Presidents Chancellery should be politically neutral. Neatkariga, Diena, Bizness & Baltiya

PACE experts expressed their embitterment about Latvia not keeping its promise to annul the capital punishment and criticised too difficult, as they find them, demands for Naturalisation exams and the window mechanism. At the same time they hoped that in their report due to the end of this year they would be able to state that Latvia fulfilled its obligations.

Diena, Jauna Avize, Rita Zinas, Bizness & Baltiya

Panorama Latvii

writes about a meeting of writes about a meeting of Socialist Party of Latvia Socialist Party of Latvia deputies with PACE experts where they informed the guests about problems with non-citizen violate passport and language, i.e. training language at minority schools. The experts described the violate passport as a legal and juridical nonsense. Concerning the language problem, PACE experts expressed their concern about the situation and promised to inform the competent EU organisations. deputies with PACE experts where they informed the guests about problems with non-citizen violate passport and language, i.e. training language at minority schools. The experts described the violate passport as a legal and juridical nonsense. Concerning the language problem, PACE experts expressed their concern about the situation and promised to inform the competent EU organisations.

Yesterday there was a regular meeting of the State President G.Ulmanis and Prime Minister G.Krasts. They discussed possibility of adoption of the Law on Citizenship on June 22. The State President anticipated that the Saeima would adopt amendment corresponding to the OSCE recommendations. In his turn, G.Krasts thought that his contradictions with

Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK in the issue of citizenship was a normal thing when it concerned interests of wide layers of society. He was more concerned about amendments to the state budget. Rigas Balss

State President G.Ulmanis appealed Russia to start a dialogue on the problem of insuring the rights of Russian speaking population of Latvia. In his interview to the newspaper Asahi he characterised Russian reaction as unacceptable when it informed Latvia on the possibility to impose economic sanctions against Latvia. Commenting on this position, G.Ulmanis said that Russia, facing severe internal problems, tries to diverse public attention to the incident in Riga. Panorama Latvii

jūnijs 18, 1998

Press Review

Russian MFA has circulated an official announcement where it voiced its opinion that the decision of the Saeima to advertise abroad its Declaration on Occupation should be considered as a provocative action proving deceitfulness and hypocrisy of Latvian policy.

Russian MFA has circulated an official announcement where it voiced its opinion that the decision of the Saeima to advertise abroad its Declaration on Occupation should be considered as a provocative action proving deceitfulness and hypocrisy of Latvian policy. Neatkariga, Jauna Avize, SM, Panorama Latvii

Yesterday the Saeima amended the law on national festivities and remembrance days. It decided that henceforth March 16 would be the remembrance day of Latvian soldiers ( so far this was a meeting day of the old legionnaires) and the first Sunday of December - a day to remember Latvian people - victims of the totalitarian Communist regime.

Yesterday the Saeima amended the law on national festivities and remembrance days. It decided that henceforth March 16 would be the remembrance day of Latvian soldiers ( so far this was a meeting day of the old legionnaires) and the first Sunday of December - a day to remember Latvian people - victims of the totalitarian Communist regime. Neatkariga

Russian speaking newspapers are very negative about this March 16 remembrance day calling it a provocation from the Latvian side.

Russian speaking newspapers are very negative about this March 16 remembrance day calling it a provocation from the Latvian side. Chas, Panorama Latvii

Wednesday meeting of higher state officials, ambassadors of several countries, EU representatives and deputies of the Saeima faction

Wednesday meeting of higher state officials, ambassadors of several countries, EU representatives and deputies of the Saeima faction Latvijas Cels took place where they discussed the procedure of adoption and discussion of the Law on Citizenship. LC had received confirmation that, along with OSCE recommendations concerning amending the Law on Citizenship, to enter EU there would not be any other recommendations. The present ambassadors expressed repeatedly their willingness to support Latvia if Russia started any provocation against Latvia concerning the Law on Citizenship. LC representative K.Libane said that the goal of those recommendations were to create such a mechanism that all non-citizens would be demanded to show their Latvian language and history knowledge. Several ambassadors voiced an opinion that the main thing is to provide this mechanism and if the majority of non-citizens would not like to use this opportunity, it would not be an obstacle to join EU. Neatkariga, Rita Zinas, Jauna Avize

PACE deputies, who have come to Latvia to prepare a report on this country, have met with the Prime Minister, representatives of Saeima factions and commissions and showed their interest not only about citizenship issues, but also stressed the necessity to abolish the capital punishment.

PACE deputies, who have come to Latvia to prepare a report on this country, have met with the Prime Minister, representatives of Saeima factions and commissions and showed their interest not only about citizenship issues, but also stressed the necessity to abolish the capital punishment. Neatkariga, SM,

Panorama Latvii writes about the meeting of the Latvian Human Rights Committee representatives with these experts. Latvian party received confirmation that even in the case of adopting amendments to the Law on Citizenship PACE would follow carefully to all developments in the spheres of human rights and integration of non-citizens in Latvia.

Panorama Latvii writes about the meeting of the Latvian Human Rights Committee representatives with these experts. Latvian party received confirmation that even in the case of adopting amendments to the Law on Citizenship PACE would follow carefully to all developments in the spheres of human rights and integration of non-citizens in Latvia.

On Wednesday, Estonian Parliament started to discuss in the second reading amendments to the Law on Citizenship that plan to give the children of non-citizens the right to receive Estonian citizenship through eased procedure. But most likely is that the deputies, upon a proposal of the commission in charge, will postpone the final decision till autumn because there is no unity on this in the government coalition.

On Wednesday, Estonian Parliament started to discuss in the second reading amendments to the Law on Citizenship that plan to give the children of non-citizens the right to receive Estonian citizenship through eased procedure. But most likely is that the deputies, upon a proposal of the commission in charge, will postpone the final decision till autumn because there is no unity on this in the government coalition. Diena

During a discussion with journalists, the State President predicted that the Saeima, on its extraordinary meeting on June 22, would adopt amendments to the Law on Citizenship corresponding to OSCE recommendations not changing the position, agreed in the second reading, allowing to recognise children of non-citizens born after August 21as Latvian citizens, 1991.

During a discussion with journalists, the State President predicted that the Saeima, on its extraordinary meeting on June 22, would adopt amendments to the Law on Citizenship corresponding to OSCE recommendations not changing the position, agreed in the second reading, allowing to recognise children of non-citizens born after August 21as Latvian citizens, 1991. Diena

In the second reading, the Saeima rejected the proposal of the State President to abandon the capital punishment. NHRO voiced its opinion to

In the second reading, the Saeima rejected the proposal of the State President to abandon the capital punishment. NHRO voiced its opinion to Diena that the capital punishment should be abandoned in Latvia because it contradicted one of the basic human rights - the right to life. Also G.Ulmanis was negative about this decision but he would respect the Saeima opinion. Anyhow, the President still has the right to stop publication of the law for two months. Diena, Chas


publishes a large article where the Head of the Naturalisation Board E.Aldermane speaks about regional conferences organised within the program On the road to a civic society and the ideas generated there. One idea was common for all four conferences - Naturalisation is not to be considered as the basis of integration because a person after received Latvian citizenship should not be taken as already integrated in the Latvian society. One more - the Latvian language should be the state language. These conferences also stated one common feature in those four regions - the society has alienated from the state. In Riga conference an idea was raised that non-citizens should be given the right to participate in local elections in order to make them feel linked and responsible for the place they live. The Head of Saeima Human Rights and Social Affairs Commission A.Seiksts in his interview to the newspaper

The Head of Saeima Human Rights and Social Affairs Commission A.Seiksts in his interview to the newspaper Rigas Balss expressed his fear of the process when Latvian non-citizens would apply for Russia citizenship in mass ( there are already 50 000 of them ) and concern for the futureof A Latvia. Rigas Balss

jūnijs 17, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

“If Latvia neglects EU recommendations on amending the Law on Citizenship, it could find itself in an international isolation,” PACE deputy T.Davis told this to the Speaker of the Saeima A.Cepanis. T.Davis with his colleagues would like their critical remarks to be observed and used as arguments when debating the amendments to the Law on Citizenship. The aim of PACE delegation coming to Latvia is to prepare a report for PACE Supervision Committee how Latvia fulfils its obligations as a new member state of CE.

If Latvia neglects EU recommendations on amending the Law on Citizenship, it could find itself in an international isolation, PACE deputy T.Davis told this to the Speaker of the Saeima A.Cepanis. T.Davis with his colleagues would like their critical remarks to be observed and used as arguments when debating the amendments to the Law on Citizenship. The aim of PACE delegation coming to Latvia is to prepare a report for PACE Supervision Committee how Latvia fulfils its obligations as a new member state of CE. Neatkariga, Diena, Jauna Avize, SM, Panorama Latvii, Bizness & Baltiya, Panorama Latvii

Press agency BNS informs that disregarding no visa regime among the Baltic states, Latvian bordergards have lately started to demand visas from Estonian businessmen and heads of firms coming to Latvia, explaining this demand that these people have exceeded their no-visa entry limit.

Press agency BNS informs that disregarding no visa regime among the Baltic states, Latvian bordergards have lately started to demand visas from Estonian businessmen and heads of firms coming to Latvia, explaining this demand that these people have exceeded their no-visa entry limit. Neatkariga,SM

According to the social research centre

Sociali korelativie dati data, more than a half of Latvian people (54%) support the proposal of the State President G.Ulmanis to elaborate a new constitution. 24.5% are against it and 21% were not able to give any concrete answer. The most positive about this proposal are non-Latvians - 61%. Neatkariga, Diena Yesterday the Juridical commission of the Saeima finished to consider all proposals for amending the Law on Citizenship. The final reading of the law is planned on June 22. All together there were 83 proposals.

Yesterday the Juridical commission of the Saeima finished to consider all proposals for amending the Law on Citizenship. The final reading of the law is planned on June 22. All together there were 83 proposals. eatkariga, Diena, Rigas Balss, Chas

SM publishes comments of one of

SM publishes comments of one of Latvijas Cels leaders I.Berzins on the possible outcome and consequences of this reading.

The Minister of the Interior Ministry A.Krastins signed a decree to conduct a extraordinary attestation for IM specialists having special service ranks. Especial attention will be paid to the knowledge of the state language.

The Minister of the Interior Ministry A.Krastins signed a decree to conduct a extraordinary attestation for IM specialists having special service ranks. Especial attention will be paid to the knowledge of the state language. Diena

Vakara Zinas

published a page long article on the results of the research and action program On the road to a civic society where its correspondent interviews the Chairman of the Baltic Data House Board B.Zepa and the head of the Naturalisation Board E.Aldermane. Russian version of

Russian version of Diena writes about three girls - classmates from School No 86, Riga who decided to get naturalised. The are looking into future and belonging to Latvia and Europe for them means more than belonging to Russia.

Yesterday night the State President asked the deputies of

Yesterday night the State President asked the deputies of Saimnieks to support the amendments to the Law on Citizenship. He was forced to admit that due to obstructive policy of Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK, adoption of these amendments depend only on Saimnieks. He also apologised for accusing Saimnieks of cowardice some time ago. But the deputies of Saimnieks did not give any promises, they just announced that the decision on this would be made on the day of discussion. SM

Deputies of Riga City Council T.Zhdanok and Y. Pliner invite teachers, students and their parent to come for a rally at the Ministry of Education and Science on June 19 to protest against the decree of the Minister of Education that from September 1, 1998 all teachers must have the third category of the Latvian language knowledge.

Panorama Latvii

Panorama Latvii

correspondent V.Matyushenok writes about Naturalisation advertisement campaign. He finds it a very personal thing to naturalise or not, but when investigating the reason for this campaign, he finds the reason for this is a pressure on the leading political parties. These people have realised that they will have to solve this problem, but they did not want to do it. And the question whether a person needs to register or not should be like this, Do you want to help the guilty ones for the current situation to scramble out of it?

Panorama Latvii

writes about a case in Venspils when a mother of two children - citizens of Latvia, herself being a citizen of Russia, is arrested for illegal staying in Latvia because her TRP had expired, and DCMA refused to prolong it. The reason for her detention was an appeal of her divorced husband. Latvian authorities are ready to expel her from the state disregarding the fact that she is the mother of those two children.

jūnijs 16, 1998

Press Review

A public opinion poll on the most important preconditions for receiving Latvian citizenship, organised by the firm “Latvijas Fakti”, shows that factor No 1, according to the respondents, is the knowledge of the Latvian language - 41.4%. The second most important factor is loyalty and faithfulness to the Latvian state - 30.5% and the third - being born in Latvia - 18.4%.

A public opinion poll on the most important preconditions for receiving Latvian citizenship, organised by the firm Latvijas Fakti, shows that factor No 1, according to the respondents, is the knowledge of the Latvian language - 41.4%. The second most important factor is loyalty and faithfulness to the Latvian state - 30.5% and the third - being born in Latvia - 18.4%. Neatkariga

To continue collection of information about Latvia, two deputies of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe have arrived to Latvia. They plan to meet with top state officials, to discuss harmonising of Latvian legislation to EU normative acts, amendments to the Law on Citizenship, public integration program, After the first visit they did not express their opinion openly, and no written report followed. Short after their visit there was information that the deputies proposed a plan for solving human rights problems in Latvia that satisfied also Russia, but these proposals did not reach Latvia.

To continue collection of information about Latvia, two deputies of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe have arrived to Latvia. They plan to meet with top state officials, to discuss harmonising of Latvian legislation to EU normative acts, amendments to the Law on Citizenship, public integration program, After the first visit they did not express their opinion openly, and no written report followed. Short after their visit there was information that the deputies proposed a plan for solving human rights problems in Latvia that satisfied also Russia, but these proposals did not reach Latvia. Neatkariga, Jauna Avize, SM,

Yesterday was the deadline for the Saeima deputies and factions to submit their proposals for amendments to the Law on Citizenship to consider them in the third reading.

Yesterday was the deadline for the Saeima deputies and factions to submit their proposals for amendments to the Law on Citizenship to consider them in the third reading. DP Saimnieks managed to collect the necessary 34 signatures of deputies to summon an extraordinary Saeima meeting on June 22 to consider these amendments before the Saeima goes on vacation. Neatkariga, Diena, Jauna Avize, Bizness & Baltiya

EC considers that it would be good if the Saeima adopted the amendments to the Law on CitizenshipLaw on Citizenship till this autumn. This is one of the most important aspects that are planned to be included in the report on progress in Latvia. It was told to

EC considers that it would be good if the Saeima adopted the amendments to the Law on CitizenshipLaw on Citizenship till this autumn. This is one of the most important aspects that are planned to be included in the report on progress in Latvia. It was told to Diena by some EC official. EC has planned to prepare a report on progress in the candidate states till the end of November. Basing on this report, a decision could be taken to invite some candidate state from the second group to the first one. Diena


correspondent N.Locmele writes the situation concerning granting citizenship to the children of non-citizens. According to the data of public opinion poll, organised by the Baltic Data House, 82% of citizens and 95% of non-citizens think that at first Latvian citizenship should be granted to the children born in Latvia. Political balance in the Saeima allows to adopt these amendments. And the author analyses the position of major Saeima factions.


publishes one more article on Valka - Valga problem describing difficulties local authorities and people have to face due to unsolved legal issues. publishes one more article on Valka - Valga problem describing difficulties local authorities and people have to face due to unsolved legal issues. Naturalisation in Latvia is very similar to admitting to the CPSU during Soviet times. This is an opinion of A.Gilman in

Naturalisation in Latvia is very similar to admitting to the CPSU during Soviet times. This is an opinion of A.Gilman in SM. When speaking about the collapse of the USSR, the author finds Communists to be guilty for it, but in Latvia, those are citizens who destroy the country. SM

Psychologist A.Dombrovskiy writes about psychological aspect of naturalisation and finds it a purely individual problem. Every non-citizen has to decide whether he or she wants to become a citizen of Latvia. And all the fuss about citizenship is just a game that is politically or economically profitable for concrete persons.

Psychologist A.Dombrovskiy writes about psychological aspect of naturalisation and finds it a purely individual problem. Every non-citizen has to decide whether he or she wants to become a citizen of Latvia. And all the fuss about citizenship is just a game that is politically or economically profitable for concrete persons. SM


interviews the State Secretary of the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs M.Riekstins. The main topic of this interview is Latvian - Lithuanian sea border dispute and the new Latvian proposal to renew the talks. When speaking about the situation in Lithuania, M.Riekstins also mentiones the new position of Russia. It led them to discuss Latvian - Russian relations. Answering to the question on non-citizens in Latvia, the State secretary said that the situation in Latvia was much better than the one in the republics of Central Asia, but Russia even did not mention them. Now it was Latvia turn to receive Russian reproaches, threats and accuses. Estonia and Lithuania had already received their share. When asked if adoption of amendments to the Law on Citizenship could improve relations with Russia, M.Riekstins answered that he did not see any obstacles for improvement of relations, but it was possible that Russia could put forward new demands. In this situation, Latvia would have support from the West. interviews the State Secretary of the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs M.Riekstins. The main topic of this interview is Latvian - Lithuanian sea border dispute and the new Latvian proposal to renew the talks. When speaking about the situation in Lithuania, M.Riekstins also mentiones the new position of Russia. It led them to discuss Latvian - Russian relations. Answering to the question on non-citizens in Latvia, the State secretary said that the situation in Latvia was much better than the one in the republics of Central Asia, but Russia even did not mention them. Now it was Latvia turn to receive Russian reproaches, threats and accuses. Estonia and Lithuania had already received their share. When asked if adoption of amendments to the Law on Citizenship could improve relations with Russia, M.Riekstins answered that he did not see any obstacles for improvement of relations, but it was possible that Russia could put forward new demands. In this situation, Latvia would have support from the West.

jūnijs 15, 1998

Press Report

The Saeima has made a decision that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is to inform foreign states about the Declaration on Occupation adopted by the Saeima on August 22, 1996. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs plans to send it through diplomatic channels to its embassies to inform about it their host states.

The Saeima has made a decision that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is to inform foreign states about the Declaration on Occupation adopted by the Saeima on August 22, 1996. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs plans to send it through diplomatic channels to its embassies to inform about it their host states. Neatkariga, SM

US President Bill Clinton announced on Friday that he would appoint new ambassadors to several countries, Latvia was among them. The new US Ambassador to Latvia will be J.Holms, former US Ambassador to Ankara, Wellington and Oslo.

US President Bill Clinton announced on Friday that he would appoint new ambassadors to several countries, Latvia was among them. The new US Ambassador to Latvia will be J.Holms, former US Ambassador to Ankara, Wellington and Oslo. Neatkariga, Diena, Jauna Avize

During his visit to Lithuania, Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs J.Primakov stressed repeatedly that Lithuania had the best relationship with Russia among all Baltic states. He avoided to speak about Latvia and Estonia. As

During his visit to Lithuania, Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs J.Primakov stressed repeatedly that Lithuania had the best relationship with Russia among all Baltic states. He avoided to speak about Latvia and Estonia. As Diena corespondents managed to find out, Russian - Latvian relations were also discussed, and Lithuanian President V.Adamkus told his guest that Riga was ready to solve al bilateral problems. Answering to that, J.Primakov pointed out that the amendments to the Law on Citizenship that were under discussion a the Latvian Parliament did not correspond to OSCE standards. Diena, Bizness & Baltiya, SM

66% of all Latvian non-citizens find violet non-citizen passport to be a discriminating document, and 23% of citizens agree with them, but 61% of non-citizens added that this document did not interfere with their lives. These were the data from a questionnaire done by the Baltic Data House.

66% of all Latvian non-citizens find violet non-citizen passport to be a discriminating document, and 23% of citizens agree with them, but 61% of non-citizens added that this document did not interfere with their lives. These were the data from a questionnaire done by the Baltic Data House. Chas

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