jūlijs 23, 1998

Press Review

“Fokuss” publishes an interview with the Head of the OSCE Mission to Latvia R.Samuel. Asked about the implementation of OSCE recommendations in Latvia, Mr. Samuel answered that considerable part of them had already been implemented and, if “window” mechanism is abolished and citizenship granted to children born in the independent Latvia, it would be a major step forwards. OSCE hoped that these amendments would be implemented as soon as possible. Speaking about the use of the state language in private businesses, Mr. Samuel voiced an opinion that it was not desirable to insist that private enterprise meetings, with no state language speakers present, had to be conducted in the state language. It could just slow down foreign businesses’ coming to Latvia. Commenting on the proposals of the CBSS Commissioner O.Espersen the Head of the Mission said that the Commissioner had not announced them as binding for Latvia. Proposing of such a system had never been neither on the OSCE agenda nor in the proposals of Mr. van der Stoel.

Fokuss publishes an interview with the Head of the OSCE Mission to Latvia R.Samuel. Asked about the implementation of OSCE recommendations in Latvia, Mr. Samuel answered that considerable part of them had already been implemented and, if window mechanism is abolished and citizenship granted to children born in the independent Latvia, it would be a major step forwards. OSCE hoped that these amendments would be implemented as soon as possible. Speaking about the use of the state language in private businesses, Mr. Samuel voiced an opinion that it was not desirable to insist that private enterprise meetings, with no state language speakers present, had to be conducted in the state language. It could just slow down foreign businesses coming to Latvia. Commenting on the proposals of the CBSS Commissioner O.Espersen the Head of the Mission said that the Commissioner had not announced them as binding for Latvia. Proposing of such a system had never been neither on the OSCE agenda nor in the proposals of Mr. van der Stoel.

Latvian Ambassador to Russia I.Daudiss, when talking to President Ulmanis, expressed an opinion that for improving Latvian - Russian relations there would be necessary a meeting with the officials of Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and B.Jeltsin’s councillors.

Latvian Ambassador to Russia I.Daudiss, when talking to President Ulmanis, expressed an opinion that for improving Latvian - Russian relations there would be necessary a meeting with the officials of Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and B.Jeltsins councillors. Neatkariga

The director of the NHRO O.Bruveris and several officials went to Valka to meet with local people and learn about their problems with border crossing. The majority of visitors were non-citizens who did not know the state language. They stressed the major problem - difficult border crossing system. People wanted the Riga guests to raise their problem to the highest levels and help to find a solution. At the end of this meeting O.Bruveris said that he would meet the State Minister of Municipal Affairs J.Bunkss who was the leader of working group dealing with Valka - Valga issue. The aim of this meeting would be to find out the most effective way for NHRO to be involved in the solution of this problem.

The director of the NHRO O.Bruveris and several officials went to Valka to meet with local people and learn about their problems with border crossing. The majority of visitors were non-citizens who did not know the state language. They stressed the major problem - difficult border crossing system. People wanted the Riga guests to raise their problem to the highest levels and help to find a solution. At the end of this meeting O.Bruveris said that he would meet the State Minister of Municipal Affairs J.Bunkss who was the leader of working group dealing with Valka - Valga issue. The aim of this meeting would be to find out the most effective way for NHRO to be involved in the solution of this problem. Neatkariga

Information received from Latvian diplomatic representatives shows that Latvians living abroad are not very active in signing the proposal for a referendum, yet. Three persons have signed the proposal in Minsk, one in Vitebsk. In other countries nobody has signed yet. All together 20 Latvian embassies, general consulates and honorary consulates are available for signing the proposal.

Information received from Latvian diplomatic representatives shows that Latvians living abroad are not very active in signing the proposal for a referendum, yet. Three persons have signed the proposal in Minsk, one in Vitebsk. In other countries nobody has signed yet. All together 20 Latvian embassies, general consulates and honorary consulates are available for signing the proposal. Diena

The newspaper

The newspaper Lauku Avize published the speech of EU Commisione Hans van den Broek in Latvia where he also touched upon the problem of integration of non-citizens in Latvia expressing a hope that the amendments to the Law on Citizenship would speed up the process of naturalisation and formation of integrated society.

After the last meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Minister of Education and Science J.Gaigals told the press that the government had formed a team of 23 experts to prepare a program for formation of a civic society right at schools to prevent formation of two community society.

After the last meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Minister of Education and Science J.Gaigals told the press that the government had formed a team of 23 experts to prepare a program for formation of a civic society right at schools to prevent formation of two community society. SM

jūlijs 22, 1998

Press Review

On the second day of signing for the proposal for a referendum, people still lacked information on the location of corresponding districts and the essence of the question itself - what they should sing for. Lack of information in great deal is due to scanty means allocated for this purpose to the Central Election Commission. It is also the reason why collectors of signatures can not visit old age and sick people disable to arrive to the districts themselves.

On the second day of signing for the proposal for a referendum, people still lacked information on the location of corresponding districts and the essence of the question itself - what they should sing for. Lack of information in great deal is due to scanty means allocated for this purpose to the Central Election Commission. It is also the reason why collectors of signatures can not visit old age and sick people disable to arrive to the districts themselves. Neatkariga

Rigas Balss

gives information on the signature collection districts, on persons allowed to participate in the campaign and describes a day in one of these districts located in Riga Secondary school No 2. gives information on the signature collection districts, on persons allowed to participate in the campaign and describes a day in one of these districts located in Riga Secondary school No 2. In Russian version of

In Russian version of Diena, MP I.Berzins writes about his reasons for not signing the proposal for a referendum. He thinks that the referendum has already started because singing or withdrawing is the expression of ones position in this issue.

The same newspaper in its column Citizenship writes about Dmitry Alehin - a young man who decided to get naturalised, and explains his reasons for such a decision.

The same newspaper in its column Citizenship writes about Dmitry Alehin - a young man who decided to get naturalised, and explains his reasons for such a decision. Diena

Martins Stauers, the head of the Union of Latvians in Montreal, describes the situation in the society of Canadian Latvians and their opinion about the proposal for a referendum. The question of a political position is not so important for those people any more and many of them are convinced that granting citizenship to children born in Latvia will be favourable for the country.

Martins Stauers, the head of the Union of Latvians in Montreal, describes the situation in the society of Canadian Latvians and their opinion about the proposal for a referendum. The question of a political position is not so important for those people any more and many of them are convinced that granting citizenship to children born in Latvia will be favourable for the country. Neatkariga

SM comments the book “Latviesu Egregors “ (Latvian Egregor) - a collection of short esoteric descriptions by M.Ozols. Mr. Ozols expresses in his work very nationalistic ideas. Thus, he thinks that only carefully tested non-citizens should be naturalised and considers integration of Russian people impossible. Instead of that, Latvians should organise pure Latvian districts, streets, etc. In order to avoid assimilation of Latvians by Russians, he proposes to organise a Russian autonomy in Daugavpils because it is not a Latvian city any more.

SM comments the book Latviesu Egregors (Latvian Egregor) - a collection of short esoteric descriptions by M.Ozols. Mr. Ozols expresses in his work very nationalistic ideas. Thus, he thinks that only carefully tested non-citizens should be naturalised and considers integration of Russian people impossible. Instead of that, Latvians should organise pure Latvian districts, streets, etc. In order to avoid assimilation of Latvians by Russians, he proposes to organise a Russian autonomy in Daugavpils because it is not a Latvian city any more.

jūlijs 21, 1998


Press Review

EU would be embittered if Latvian citizens voted against the amendments adopted by the Saeima, EU Commissioner Hans van den Broek said to the press. He also affirmed that EU did not support Russia’s attempts to mix economic and political issues in relation with Latvia.

EU would be embittered if Latvian citizens voted against the amendments adopted by the Saeima, EU Commissioner Hans van den Broek said to the press. He also affirmed that EU did not support Russias attempts to mix economic and political issues in relation with Latvia. Diena, Jauna Avize, Chas, Panorama Latvii, SM, Bizness & Baltiya

US and EU representatives have stated once more that they would not put forward any demands for amendments to the Law on Citizenship in addition to the existing ones. EU Commissioner van den Broek affirmed it during his visit to Riga. At the OSCE meeting in Vienna, Assistant to the Deputy State Secretary R.Asmus also pointed out that the US fully agreed to the announcement of OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel of July 17. Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs had a telephone conversation with Mr. van der Stoel , and OSCE Commissioner confirmed that there would be no more demands in the future.

US and EU representatives have stated once more that they would not put forward any demands for amendments to the Law on Citizenship in addition to the existing ones. EU Commissioner van den Broek affirmed it during his visit to Riga. At the OSCE meeting in Vienna, Assistant to the Deputy State Secretary R.Asmus also pointed out that the US fully agreed to the announcement of OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel of July 17. Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs had a telephone conversation with Mr. van der Stoel , and OSCE Commissioner confirmed that there would be no more demands in the future. Diena, Neatkariga

Despite of some activitiesof

Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK, not many people came to sign in favour of a referendum during the first day. This could be partially explained by lack of information signs about the location of signing districts. Neatkariga, Diena, Jauna Avize, Chas, SM, Bizness & Baltiya


. Janis Birzkops publishes his opinion on the process of integration in Latvia. He thinks that the process had been started from a wrong place. It should be started from de-occupation. As this is too difficult task for Latvia alone, it should ask for help from international institutions. But integration itself should be carried out very slowly and step by step. . Janis Birzkops publishes his opinion on the process of integration in Latvia. He thinks that the process had been started from a wrong place. It should be started from de-occupation. As this is too difficult task for Latvia alone, it should ask for help from international institutions. But integration itself should be carried out very slowly and step by step. NeatkarigaNeatkariga

Professor I.Lazovskis writes about different aspects of Latvian history and citizenship, but the main idea of the article is that no child, born in Latvia, should be considered as an occupant because this term as well as criminal acts are not hereditary.


The leader of Peoples Harmony Party J.Jurkans told the correspondent of Panorama Latvii his impressions about his visit to Moscow where he had a meeting with the Mayor of Moscow J.Luzhkov. He also spoke about the policy of left wing parties during the next elections. When asked abut the possible results of the signature collection campaign, Mr. Jurkans thought that TB would succeed because too much was put to stake and they would do their utmost to get the necessary number of signatures. Panorama Latvii

SM informs about a press conference organised by Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK where representatives J.Dobelis and I.Kalnins described the future campaign of collection of signatures and their political allies in this action. SM

jūlijs 20, 1998

Press Report

EU Commissioner of Foreign Affairs Hans van den Broek is coming for one day visit to Latvia. During this visit he plans to discus among other matters also citizenship issues. During his last week visit to Moscow Mr. van den Broek expressed his belief that Russia should react positively to the amendments to the Law on Citizenship. The Commissioner plans to meet with the head of the Naturalisation Board E.Aldermane to discuss issues of receiving citizenship, minorities and other human rights aspects.

EU Commissioner of Foreign Affairs Hans van den Broek is coming for one day visit to Latvia. During this visit he plans to discus among other matters also citizenship issues. During his last week visit to Moscow Mr. van den Broek expressed his belief that Russia should react positively to the amendments to the Law on Citizenship. The Commissioner plans to meet with the head of the Naturalisation Board E.Aldermane to discuss issues of receiving citizenship, minorities and other human rights aspects. Neatkariga

Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK

representatives in the government doubt the truthfulness of the announcement of OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel. These people think that OSCE could be dissatisfied with little interest of parents of non-citizen children to request citizenship for their children, that would lead to another demands for automatic granting of citizenship. Who can tell us what could happen in a year or two if only 5-10 % of those people would request citizenship for their children? asked the Chairman of representatives in the government doubt the truthfulness of the announcement of OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel. These people think that OSCE could be dissatisfied with little interest of parents of non-citizen children to request citizenship for their children, that would lead to another demands for automatic granting of citizenship. “Who can tell us what could happen in a year or two if only 5-10 % of those people would request citizenship for their children?” asked the Chairman of Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK M.Grinblats. His deputy J.Dobelis was skeptical about any promises of different foreign officials in general. M.Grinblats. His deputy J.Dobelis was skeptical about any promises of different foreign officials in general. NeatkarigaNeatkariga On July 18, the Union

On July 18, the Union Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK agreed to pay maximal effort to carry out collecting of signatures to propose a referendum about citizenship issue. To succeed in it, 133 434 votes are necessary. To further this campaign TB plans with advertising in mass media, circulating leaflets and controlling electoral districts to prevent illegal influencing of voters. Neatkariga, Diena, Jauna Avize, Bizness & Baltiya

41.2% of Latvian population consider that there are ethnic conflicts on every day life level. It was found out during a public opinion poll done by the research center Socially Correlative Data Systems. The director of this center A.Kaktins thinks that the poll gives evidence about ethnic problems and people’s negative experience in this field.

41.2% of Latvian population consider that there are ethnic conflicts on every day life level. It was found out during a public opinion poll done by the research center Socially Correlative Data Systems. The director of this center A.Kaktins thinks that the poll gives evidence about ethnic problems and peoples negative experience in this field. Diena

Andris Jansons in the newspaper

Andris Jansons in the newspaper Jauna Avize analyses the situation with collecting signatures for proposing a referendum on amending the Law on Citizenship and possible practical outcome of participation or refraining.

jūlijs 18, 1998

Press Review

On June 16, OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel circulated an announcement denying the worries voiced repeatedly by Prime Minister G.Krasts on possible additional OSCE demands after the already adopted amendments to the Law on Citizenship would be implemented. High Commissioner has not changed his opinion and does not plan to put forward any additional recommendations.

On June 16, OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel circulated an announcement denying the worries voiced repeatedly by Prime Minister G.Krasts on possible additional OSCE demands after the already adopted amendments to the Law on Citizenship would be implemented. High Commissioner has not changed his opinion and does not plan to put forward any additional recommendations. Neatkariga, Chas, Panorama Latvii - July 20, Bizness & Baltiya - July 20

Diena published full text of this announcement

Diena published full text of this announcement


published an article about the recommendations of OSCE High Commissioner on Minorities Max van der Stoel, stating that the original letters were available just for some officials. Latvian institutions dealing with popularisation or implementation of OSCE recommendations receive al information necessary from the Minister of Foreign Affairs. The author of this article addressed the Press Secretary of the Minister of Foreign Affairs A.Pildegovics who explained that Max van der Stoels letters had been forwarded to Latvia via the Minister of Foreign Affairs and according to the diplomatic etiquette they were confidential. published an article about the recommendations of OSCE High Commissioner on Minorities Max van der Stoel, stating that the original letters were available just for some officials. Latvian institutions dealing with popularisation or implementation of OSCE recommendations receive al information necessary from the Minister of Foreign Affairs. The author of this article addressed the Press Secretary of the Minister of Foreign Affairs A.Pildegovics who explained that Max van der Stoel’s letters had been forwarded to Latvia via the Minister of Foreign Affairs and according to the diplomatic etiquette they were confidential. OSCE representatives in Latvia, when asked about this, explained that letters to the Minister of Foreign Affairs were the main but not the only means how the society was informed about OSCE opinion on citizenship issue. During Max van der Stoel’s visits there were press conferences organised where Mr.Stoel had voiced his opinion in public and he had also meetings with high state officials where High Commissioner not only informed about his opinion but also listened to the opinion of Latvian officials.

OSCE representatives in Latvia, when asked about this, explained that letters to the Minister of Foreign Affairs were the main but not the only means how the society was informed about OSCE opinion on citizenship issue. During Max van der Stoels visits there were press conferences organised where Mr.Stoel had voiced his opinion in public and he had also meetings with high state officials where High Commissioner not only informed about his opinion but also listened to the opinion of Latvian officials.

On Friday during the meeting withPresident G.Ulmanis, Deputy Head of USAID Harriet Babit who is also a representative of the American government in the Board of Baltic American Partnership Foundation (BAPF) said that the USA supported adopted amendments to the Law on Citizenship. USAID started its activities in Latvia in 1991 and since that time it has infested in Latvia 40 million USD. Now it has allocated 500 000 USD for Naturalisation process in Latvia to render technical assistance to the Naturalisation Board, to pay salaries to American experts, to organise a new Social Integration Information Centre.

On Friday during the meeting withPresident G.Ulmanis, Deputy Head of USAID Harriet Babit who is also a representative of the American government in the Board of Baltic American Partnership Foundation (BAPF) said that the USA supported adopted amendments to the Law on Citizenship. USAID started its activities in Latvia in 1991 and since that time it has infested in Latvia 40 million USD. Now it has allocated 500 000 USD for Naturalisation process in Latvia to render technical assistance to the Naturalisation Board, to pay salaries to American experts, to organise a new Social Integration Information Centre. Diena (Russian version)

Newspaper “Fokuss” interviewed Prime Minister G.Krasts to find out an explanation to the fact that from the very beginning he supported OSCE recommendations and then suddenly gave it up and called for a referendum. G.Krasts answered that a referendum was a very logical thing to do to find out the opinion of the nation.

Newspaper Fokuss interviewed Prime Minister G.Krasts to find out an explanation to the fact that from the very beginning he supported OSCE recommendations and then suddenly gave it up and called for a referendum. G.Krasts answered that a referendum was a very logical thing to do to find out the opinion of the nation. SM

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