Aug. 5, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

About thirty young members of Russian Liberal Democratic Party hold a picket at the Latvian Embassy in Moscow. They did not burn a Latvian flag there as they had promised before, but at their headquarters afterwards.

About thirty young members of Russian Liberal Democratic Party hold a picket at the Latvian Embassy in Moscow. They did not burn a Latvian flag there as they had promised before, but at their headquarters afterwards. Neatkariga, Diena, SM

Tuesday was the last day for parties to submit their candidate lists for the Saeima elections. Central Election Commission has received altogether 21 lists, but the number of lists accepted will be known only after CEC today’s meeting.

Tuesday was the last day for parties to submit their candidate lists for the Saeima elections. Central Election Commission has received altogether 21 lists, but the number of lists accepted will be known only after CEC todays meeting. Neatkariga, Diena

At the meeting of Co-operation Council (CC) of the government forming factions it was decided that the question of NHRO Director O.Bruveris conformity to his post would be considered at the next CC meeting.

At the meeting of Co-operation Council (CC) of the government forming factions it was decided that the question of NHRO Director O.Bruveris conformity to his post would be considered at the next CC meeting. Neatkariga

The government forming factions agreed that they supported joining of the new coalition faction to the government coalition and that representatives of this faction would participate in the government activities. Prime Minister G.Krasts said after the CC meeting that such an agreement was achieved last week and the new coalition member would not claim any minister’s post.

The government forming factions agreed that they supported joining of the new coalition faction to the government coalition and that representatives of this faction would participate in the government activities. Prime Minister G.Krasts said after the CC meeting that such an agreement was achieved last week and the new coalition member would not claim any ministers post. Neatkariga

Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs announced that Latvia would not give up its intention to demarcate one unilaterally the Latvian - Russian border. The Minister pointed out that Latvia had fulfilled many Russian demands - amendments to the Law on Citizenship among them. Therefore Latvia was not guilty for not signing this border agreement.

Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs announced that Latvia would not give up its intention to demarcate one unilaterally the Latvian - Russian border. The Minister pointed out that Latvia had fulfilled many Russian demands - amendments to the Law on Citizenship among them. Therefore Latvia was not guilty for not signing this border agreement. Jauna Avize, Neatkariga, Chas, Bizness & Baltiya

Diena publishes also A.Ozolins’scomments on the Russian position in this respect.

Diena publishes also A.Ozolinsscomments on the Russian position in this respect.

According to the data of a sociological research only six parties would overcome 5% barrier if the election to the Saeima were held in the nearest future. They are -

According to the data of a sociological research only six parties would overcome 5% barrier if the election to the Saeima were held in the nearest future. They are - Peoples Party (20.3%), Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK (15.2%), Union of Latvian Social Democrats 1(0.5%), Latvijas Cels (8.2), New Party (7.5%), Democratic Party Saimnieks (5.3%). Neatkariga, Jauna Avize

In its column “Citizenship” Russian version of

In its column Citizenship Russian version of Diena writes about Valerija Rode, a Latvian non-citizen, eligible for naturalisation because of her husband, a Latvian citizen, but she refuses it till the time when the same right would be granted to her relatives - mother and brother.

Panorama Latvii

informs about the Latvian language courses for unemployed women, organised by the Club of Business Women. These courses are free of charge because the money for organising them comes from the Finnish Embassy. informs about the Latvian language courses for unemployed women, organised by the Club of Business Women. These courses are free of charge because the money for organising them comes from the Finnish Embassy.

Aug. 4, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

V.Rahmanin, official representative of Russian MFA announced yesterday that Russia called Latvia to give up one sided demarcation of its border. He said that the dialogue on concluding Latvian - Russian border agreement would be continued, but it was necessary for Latvia to give up one-sided border demarcation and solve Russian speakers’ problems in accordance with international norms by reconsidering the Law on Citizenship and restrictions to hold certain posts for persons not knowing the state language. V.Rahmanin explained that the border agreement had not been signed due to the Latvian party because it had not retracted its demand to mention Latvian - Russian peace treaty of 1920 in this agreement. Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs announced yesterday that Latvia was ready to sing the agreement, establish a demarcation commission and start a joined demarcation of the border with Russia.

V.Rahmanin, official representative of Russian MFA announced yesterday that Russia called Latvia to give up one sided demarcation of its border. He said that the dialogue on concluding Latvian - Russian border agreement would be continued, but it was necessary for Latvia to give up one-sided border demarcation and solve Russian speakers problems in accordance with international norms by reconsidering the Law on Citizenship and restrictions to hold certain posts for persons not knowing the state language. V.Rahmanin explained that the border agreement had not been signed due to the Latvian party because it had not retracted its demand to mention Latvian - Russian peace treaty of 1920 in this agreement. Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs announced yesterday that Latvia was ready to sing the agreement, establish a demarcation commission and start a joined demarcation of the border with Russia. Neatkariga, Jauna Avize

Representatives of The Youth Initiative Support Centre held a picket at the Latvian Embassy in Moscow demanding to stop genocide of Russian speakers in Latvia. One of the leaders of the Centre explained that this picket was not connected with any particular fact of genocide.

Representatives of The Youth Initiative Support Centre held a picket at the Latvian Embassy in Moscow demanding to stop genocide of Russian speakers in Latvia. One of the leaders of the Centre explained that this picket was not connected with any particular fact of genocide. Neatkariga, Diena, Chas

Latvian State Minister o Municipalities Affairs J.Bunkss, who is also leading the working group on solving Valka - Valga problem, said that Latvian party did not see any reason why a treaty on a simplified border crossing for people living next to the border could not be signed in September. Now there are two problems to be solved: one - social guaranties for residents of Savieniba Street; second - establishing a border crossing point on this street.

Latvian State Minister o Municipalities Affairs J.Bunkss, who is also leading the working group on solving Valka - Valga problem, said that Latvian party did not see any reason why a treaty on a simplified border crossing for people living next to the border could not be signed in September. Now there are two problems to be solved: one - social guaranties for residents of Savieniba Street; second - establishing a border crossing point on this street. Neatkariga

More than 20 000 signatures for the proposal have been collected till the beginning of this week. There are no data about the weekend, but the activity of people has increased during this time.

More than 20 000 signatures for the proposal have been collected till the beginning of this week. There are no data about the weekend, but the activity of people has increased during this time. Neatkariga, Diena

Director of the Consular Department of Latvian MFA S.Mellupe told

Director of the Consular Department of Latvian MFA S.Mellupe told Diena that German experts have introduced them with drawbacks of Latvian passports in connection with the possible introduction of no visa agreement with Germany. The main problem is with the first page of a passport and the photo. The photo is glued in but not scanned and therefor it can be exchanged. There are not so many forged passports discovers yet, but when the no visa agreement is signed with Germany, security of such a travel document will be very important because it allows you to travel freely in all Europe. Deputy Director of DCMA A.J.Lejins explained why Latvian passports were like this. When a tender on printing these passports was announced, Latvia had no experience, and the main criteria was cheapens. S.Mellupe informs that the Cabinet of Ministers has affirmed a working group that has to prepare terms of an international tender for passport printing firms. Still both those officials stress that there is no reason to worry that all citizens will be forced to exchange their passports. People holding passports issued for 50 years and who do not plan to go abroad will not need to exchange their passports. At least, is planned so. And there is no plan to exchange non-citizens passports. Diena

Aug. 3, 1998

Press Report

The President of Finland M.Ahtisari has arrived to an unofficial visit to Latvia. During the meeting with his Latvian colleague, M.Ahtisari also said that neither EU nor Finland would put forward any new demands concerning citizenship issue and expressed his hope that the adopted law giving possibilities for faster integration of non-Latvians in the society would come into force soon.

The President of Finland M.Ahtisari has arrived to an unofficial visit to Latvia. During the meeting with his Latvian colleague, M.Ahtisari also said that neither EU nor Finland would put forward any new demands concerning citizenship issue and expressed his hope that the adopted law giving possibilities for faster integration of non-Latvians in the society would come into force soon. Diena, Jauna Avize, Bizness & Baltiya

Professor I.Lazovskis continues his dialogue with M.Ozolins and explains in

Professor I.Lazovskis continues his dialogue with M.Ozolins and explains in Diena his position on the amendments to the Law on Citizenship. The real situation on Latvia according to I.Lazovskis is as follows - Latvia has expressed its wish to join EU that demands to observe its regulations; the Saeima has adopted a law allowing to grant Latvian citizenship to the children of non-citizens, born after August 1991 without taking a language knowledge test; the question itself to be answered in a public referendum is not known yet. There are two ways to proceed - first is the referendum, it will make the way to EU longer, second - if there is no referendum or the vote leaves the adopted amendments as they are, there is still a solution it would only demand co-ordinated efforts of specialists from education and other fields to establish a system ensuring mastering of the Latvian language at school. Diena

Galina Boicuk from Aluksne has dared to sue the head of the local DCMA office S.Redmanis for her double illegal deportation from the country. While Galena litigated to annul both decrees of deportation and finally won, she could neither find a job, nor receive children and unemployment benefits, as well as had to pay extra for medical services, etc. The defended himself did not arrive for the hearing, a lawyer from the central DCMA office came instead. Tis lawyer managed to prove that the application was not filled in correctly - S.Redmanis was treated as a juridical person but should be as a physical person instead. The court took a decision to postpone the hearing and ask I.Redmanis to arrive to it as a physical person.

Galina Boicuk from Aluksne has dared to sue the head of the local DCMA office S.Redmanis for her double illegal deportation from the country. While Galena litigated to annul both decrees of deportation and finally won, she could neither find a job, nor receive children and unemployment benefits, as well as had to pay extra for medical services, etc. The defended himself did not arrive for the hearing, a lawyer from the central DCMA office came instead. Tis lawyer managed to prove that the application was not filled in correctly - S.Redmanis was treated as a juridical person but should be as a physical person instead. The court took a decision to postpone the hearing and ask I.Redmanis to arrive to it as a physical person. Panorama Latvii

jūlijs 31, 1998

Press Review

On the eleventh day of the signature collection campaign, according to

On the eleventh day of the signature collection campaign, according to Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK data, more than 16 000 signatures have been collected, half of them in Riga. The Head of TB Co-ordination Centre J.Bernans informed that activity of people had increased just during the last days. But they have also received four threat calls. Russian speaking people had called, cursed Latvians and threatened all with the stamp of signing for the proposal would be sent to Siberia. Representatives of TB/LNNK Minister of Justice Dz.Rasnacs, State Secretary V.Jaksons and Prime Ministers Councillor I.Vaidere signed for the proposal publicly in Maza Gilde Maybe to agitate the rest with their example. Latvian Socialist Democratic Workers Party (LSDWP) joined the campaign yesterday by circulating an announcement calling people to express their opinion by participation in this procedure. Neatkariga, SM, Chas

Latvian MFA informs that, starting from August 10, residents of Latvia do not need a visa for going to Malta. The agreement on this was signed on April 15, 1998.

Latvian MFA informs that, starting from August 10, residents of Latvia do not need a visa for going to Malta. The agreement on this was signed on April 15, 1998. Neatkariga

The Mayor of Moscow J.Luzhkov called B.Jeltsin and other political forces to support A.Rubikss pre-election block. This block is the only force that continues fighting for observation of basic human rights disregarding national or ethnic belonging.

SM, Panorama Latvii.

Jauna Avize

makes a conclusion that taking into consideration the position of the Mayor, Rubikss block has guaranteed possibilities to receive unlimited financing for election campaign from Russia. makes a conclusion that taking into consideration the position of the Mayor, Rubiks’s block has guaranteed possibilities to receive unlimited financing for election campaign from Russia.

Jauna Avize

describes the situation with illegal immigrants in Latvia. According to statistics during the first half of this year 690 illegal immigrants were detained. 331 of them are put into an isolation ward, 161 - expelled from Latvia. Majority of the last - expelled to Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, Pakistan. NHRO Director proposed to issue illegal immigrants TRPs that would legalise their status in Latvia till the time all formalities were drawn up to carry out their expulsion. The administration of the immigration police announced that they were busy with preparing a draft law that would solve many problems concerning illegal immigration. describes the situation with illegal immigrants in Latvia. According to statistics during the first half of this year 690 illegal immigrants were detained. 331 of them are put into an isolation ward, 161 - expelled from Latvia. Majority of the last - expelled to Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, Pakistan. NHRO Director proposed to issue illegal immigrants TRPs that would legalise their status in Latvia till the time all formalities were drawn up to carry out their expulsion. The administration of the immigration police announced that they were busy with preparing a draft law that would solve many problems concerning illegal immigration. The President of Latvia G.Ulmanis publishes his opinion on the amendments to the Law on Citizenship and the proposal for a referendum. He has a very high opinion on the work done by MPs in preparation of these amendments but he also recognises that collection of signatures to be a democratic force and an attempt of a dialogue with the society.

The President of Latvia G.Ulmanis publishes his opinion on the amendments to the Law on Citizenship and the proposal for a referendum. He has a very high opinion on the work done by MPs in preparation of these amendments but he also recognises that collection of signatures to be a democratic force and an attempt of a dialogue with the society. Chas

Latvian Minister of Communications V.Kristopans announced that Latvia had to warm up its relations with Russia otherwise realisation of some projects would be started without Latvia.

Latvian Minister of Communications V.Kristopans announced that Latvia had to warm up its relations with Russia otherwise realisation of some projects would be started without Latvia. Bizness & Baltiya

jūlijs 30, 1998

Press Review

Latvia has decided to start one sided demarcation of Latvian - Russian border. There is not much co-operation in this field, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs announced yesterday that, with starting this demarcation, Russia would be asked to sign the border agreement as soon as possible because it had already been prepared. The Minister stressed that this Latvian decision should not be considered as a “hostile act” but just a wish to arrange Latvian border.

Latvia has decided to start one sided demarcation of Latvian - Russian border. There is not much co-operation in this field, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs announced yesterday that, with starting this demarcation, Russia would be asked to sign the border agreement as soon as possible because it had already been prepared. The Minister stressed that this Latvian decision should not be considered as a hostile act but just a wish to arrange Latvian border. Neatkariga, Diena, Jauna Avize, SM, Bizness & Baltiya

The Head of the national program Public Integration in Latvia O.Tipanis has calculated that prepare this program they would need 96 318 Ls that would come from the budget of the Ministry of Finances.

The Head of the national program Public Integration in Latvia O.Tipanis has calculated that prepare this program they would need 96 318 Ls that would come from the budget of the Ministry of Finances. Neatkariga

With the falling apart of the faction of the National Reform and Green parties, the number of government forming factions has decreased. Now there are only 39 deputies. In addition, the NRP representative, Minister of the Interior A.Krastins is now an independent deputy. Despite of all this, there is not any special danger for G.Krasts’s government. It was the minority government even before it, and several independent deputies support it. Therefore it is not anticipated that somebody would ask for a vote of confidence, and it is senseless to do it just before the election.

With the falling apart of the faction of the National Reform and Green parties, the number of government forming factions has decreased. Now there are only 39 deputies. In addition, the NRP representative, Minister of the Interior A.Krastins is now an independent deputy. Despite of all this, there is not any special danger for G.Krastss government. It was the minority government even before it, and several independent deputies support it. Therefore it is not anticipated that somebody would ask for a vote of confidence, and it is senseless to do it just before the election. Rigas Balss

Last week there was a meeting of Russian public organisations from many regions of Latvia, and the result of this meeting was establishment of Russian Public Council (RPC). The aim of this organisation is to unite efforts of Russian speakers of Latvia, especially before the election. Although people in the organisations, represented in RPC, are mostly non-citizens, they still can support the block of left wing parties in the election of 1998.

Last week there was a meeting of Russian public organisations from many regions of Latvia, and the result of this meeting was establishment of Russian Public Council (RPC). The aim of this organisation is to unite efforts of Russian speakers of Latvia, especially before the election. Although people in the organisations, represented in RPC, are mostly non-citizens, they still can support the block of left wing parties in the election of 1998. Panorama Latvii

Representatives of Latvian Committee of Human Rights give chronological description of all events that happened in Latvia in June in the field of integration, naming this article

Representatives of Latvian Committee of Human Rights give chronological description of all events that happened in Latvia in June in the field of integration, naming this article Integration without integration, and describe the activities of the Committee during this period. Panorama Latvii

Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs has no doubt that Skrunda Radar station will stop its operation on August 31. The tender on dismantling of the station, organised by the Russian party is finished, and the winner is a Latvian firm. Russia government will pay rent for all the period of dismantling. The Minister also pointed out that talks on abolishing the regime of most favourite nations status in trade had no grounds. There were some rumours that it would be abolished when the Radar station was turned off. He did not see any reason for such an action although he could give no guarantees.

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