Aug. 22, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

According to the Central Election Commission data, in 22 regions and larger cities have been collected 12 307 signatures for the proposal. But the total number of signatures could exceed 200 000. There are no data from Riga Election Commission yet, but the last information was about 70 000 signatures collected in Riga.

According to the Central Election Commission data, in 22 regions and larger cities have been collected 12 307 signatures for the proposal. But the total number of signatures could exceed 200 000. There are no data from Riga Election Commission yet, but the last information was about 70 000 signatures collected in Riga. Neatkariga, Diena, Rigas Balss, Bizness & Baltiya (24.08.98)


writes about the case of Anna P. who wants to legalise her staying in Latvia with the help of European Human Rights Commission. For three years she has been contesting at law with the DCMA which annulled her non-citizen passport in 1995. Anna P. has sent a letter to the NHRO threatening to commit a suicide if she is not allowed to stay in Latvia. It is possible that the DCMA will ask for a help of psychiatrists. writes about the case of Anna P. who wants to legalise her staying in Latvia with the help of European Human Rights Commission. For three years she has been contesting at law with the DCMA which annulled her non-citizen passport in 1995. Anna P. has sent a letter to the NHRO threatening to commit a suicide if she is not allowed to stay in Latvia. It is possible that the DCMA will ask for a help of psychiatrists. NeatkarigaNeatkariga Yesterday, a Human Rights Centre was opened in Daugavpils. The authors of this idea are the head of the Centre M.Mitrofanovs and politician B.Cilevics. The objective of the Centre is to further formation of a civic society in Latvia, inform people and render them juridical help.

Yesterday, a Human Rights Centre was opened in Daugavpils. The authors of this idea are the head of the Centre M.Mitrofanovs and politician B.Cilevics. The objective of the Centre is to further formation of a civic society in Latvia, inform people and render them juridical help. Neatkariga

At the annual session of the Sub-commission for Observing of Discrimination and Protecting Minorities took place in Geneva, Russian delegation representative O.Malyginov announced repeatedly about a necessity to discuss the situation of Russian speakers in Latvia. They did not ask anything impossible from Latvia, just to created normal living and working conditions for non-Latvians. And Latvian-Russian relations might improve only when Latvia would implement recommendations of all international experts.

Rigas Balss

One of the founders of

Latvijas Cels, the former Chairman of the Association of Worlds Free Latvians G.Meierovics announced that he did not want to be in the party any more. He was not satisfied with the internal life of the party, unwillingness or incapability to strengthen unity of the Baltic states. Lauku Avize, Neatkariga (24.08.98)

Association for Supporting Russian speaking Schools reproached the Ministry of Education and Science for its instructions what to do with those Russian speaking teachers who do not have the necessary knowledge of the Latvian language. They called them undemocratic and contradicting to the Ministers promise to consider every case separately. One paragraph of this instruction has a wording that gives an inspector the right to dismiss the director of a school if he/she tries to keep at the school a teacher with not adequate Latvian language knowledge. The association also requested not to demand the highest language knowledge level from pre-retirement age teachers. Neatkariga, Chas (24.08.98)

Aug. 21, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

Latvijas Cels

has started an active political campaign to achieve that the majority of Latvian people would support the amendments to the Law on Citizenship at the national voting. has started an active political campaign to achieve that the majority of Latvian people would support the amendments to the Law on Citizenship at the national voting. Latvijas CelsLatvijas Cels considers that at this national voting a decision will be made on Latvian orientation to the West or to the East and hopes that people will take the correct decision. considers that at this national voting a decision will be made on Latvian orientation to the West or to the East and hopes that people will take the correct decision. Latvijas CelsLatvijas Cels plans to allocate a part of its election campaign money to explain the essence of the law and their position, to publish propaganda materials and paid advertisements in mass media. The campaign will be based on exact figures but not on emotional slogans. plans to allocate a part of its election campaign money to explain the essence of the law and their position, to publish propaganda materials and paid advertisements in mass media. The campaign will be based on exact figures but not on emotional slogans. DienaDiena, , Jauna AvizeJauna Avize The Chairman of Central Election Commission thinks that the national voting could be organised two weeks after the election to the Saeima. If the Central Election Commission members vote according to their party positions, it is possible that the voting will be held simultaneously with the election. Almost all political parties hold the opinion that the voting has to take place simultaneously with the election - it would guarantee participation of the majority of electorate in the voting. Central Election Commission plans to start discussions on this topic on Friday.

The Chairman of Central Election Commission thinks that the national voting could be organised two weeks after the election to the Saeima. If the Central Election Commission members vote according to their party positions, it is possible that the voting will be held simultaneously with the election. Almost all political parties hold the opinion that the voting has to take place simultaneously with the election - it would guarantee participation of the majority of electorate in the voting. Central Election Commission plans to start discussions on this topic on Friday. Diena

On Wednesday the Chairman of

On Wednesday the Chairman of Peoples Party A.Skele voiced two different personal opinions on the amendments to the Law on Citizenship - in the interview to Rigas Balss he said that he was for declining the amendments but at the same day to TV broadcast Panorama - that they should be kept. On Thursday the representative of Peoples Party J.Liepnieks voiced even the third opinion of A.Skele - he was for none of the options, but PP would forward a new draft Law on Citizenship. Diena

Ministry of Education and Science representative informed that 820 teachers could not pass the language certification by August 19. This number is twice as big as it was planned by the Ministry in June. The Minister of Education told the press that contracts would be concluded with teachers, who had the necessary higher pedagogical education, giving them a possibility to pass the state language test till December 31, 1998. Teachers not corresponding to this criteria must be dismissed. There is no reason to worry about the lack of teachers because present situation in the labor market allows to find substitutes with no problem.

Ministry of Education and Science representative informed that 820 teachers could not pass the language certification by August 19. This number is twice as big as it was planned by the Ministry in June. The Minister of Education told the press that contracts would be concluded with teachers, who had the necessary higher pedagogical education, giving them a possibility to pass the state language test till December 31, 1998. Teachers not corresponding to this criteria must be dismissed. There is no reason to worry about the lack of teachers because present situation in the labor market allows to find substitutes with no problem. Diena, Neatkariga

Jauna Avize

informs about the visit of High Commissioner Max van der Stoel to Latvia. MFA representative A.Pildegovics explained that the visit had been planned long time ago and was not connected with the referendum. The High Commissioner would have meetings with the State President, MFA State Secretary M.Riekstins, Minister of Education and Science J.Gaigals and other officials. informs about the visit of High Commissioner Max van der Stoel to Latvia. MFA representative A.Pildegovics explained that the visit had been planned long time ago and was not connected with the referendum. The High Commissioner would have meetings with the State President, MFA State Secretary M.Riekstins, Minister of Education and Science J.Gaigals and other officials. A.Daukste, commenting on the referendum in

A.Daukste, commenting on the referendum in Rigas Balss, states that a great part of people who signed for the referendum did not know the essence of the amendments and had not read the Law on Citizenship itself. They just gave in to the slogans Latvian, do not yieldor Away with Russians. The driving force that made them go to the signature collecting districts was the old archetype now we will show those Russians how to learn the Latvian language. The hysterics was heated up by Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK by involving famous Latvian artists, state officials, even their party member Prime Minister G.Krasts. Assuming that the signers are the potential voters for Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK during the 7th Saeima election, it may be concluded that a polarization of the electorate has taken place, and it was caused indirectly by this spring events and Russias attack campaign against Latvia.

A.Pantelejevs, as the Chairman of the National Security Commission, informed about the meeting where they discussed the situation with Skrunda Radar station. Latvian authorities consider that it will be closed down by August 31, and the personnel will leave the territory of Latvia, taking their equipment with them.

A.Pantelejevs, as the Chairman of the National Security Commission, informed about the meeting where they discussed the situation with Skrunda Radar station. Latvian authorities consider that it will be closed down by August 31, and the personnel will leave the territory of Latvia, taking their equipment with them. Rigas Balss


Yesterday Peoples Harmony Party Chairman J.Jurkans and Our Home Russia Chairman V.Chernomirdin signed an agreement on co-operation. This agreement anticipates three basic things - regular meetings, some mutual activities and agreement of positions on the level of international organizations, e.g. on the level of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. Chas, Bizness & Baltiya

Aug. 20, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

The Deputy Chairman of

The Deputy Chairman of Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK J.Dobelis announced yesterday that not less that 170 000 people have signed the proposal for a referendum instead of the 135 000 necessary. He called these last days of the campaign mental barricades. According to TB/LNNK data within 30 days 70 000 signatures have been collected in Riga, 5230 in Tukums, 8722 in Jelgava and 7000 in Madona. Mr.Dobelis also said that the activity of people since the last signature collecting campaign in 1996 had doubled in Riga, Kurzeme, Zemgale and Vidzeme but in Latgale was still decreasing. The Chairman of TB/LNNK M.Grinblats said that the proposal would make Latvian people to view this citizenship issue in point of fact - could it be acquired with or without knowing the language. He also acknowledged that, if the referendum took place after the Saeima election, activity of people would be less. Practice shows that there is a political slackening after elections.

Minister of Foreign Affair s V.Birkavs announced yesterday that foreign countries might express their opinion on the referendum but might not doubt it because such a democratic procedure - national voting - was anticipated in the Latvian constitution.

Minister of Foreign Affair s V.Birkavs announced yesterday that foreign countries might express their opinion on the referendum but might not doubt it because such a democratic procedure - national voting - was anticipated in the Latvian constitution.

Socially Correlative Data System publishes public poll data where people have been asked about their intention to participate in the referendum. 52.6% of all citizen plan to participate, 31.3% would refrain, 16.3% have not decided yet. Answering the question what their vote would be, 38,9% would be for annulling the amendments, 32,7% - for keeping the amendments and 23.4% have not made up their mind.

Socially Correlative Data System publishes public poll data where people have been asked about their intention to participate in the referendum. 52.6% of all citizen plan to participate, 31.3% would refrain, 16.3% have not decided yet. Answering the question what their vote would be, 38,9% would be for annulling the amendments, 32,7% - for keeping the amendments and 23.4% have not made up their mind. Neatkariga, Lauku Avize, Chas, Panorama Latvii, SM, Bizness & Baltiya


Newspaper Diena found out that none of the most well known political parties but TB/LNNK will ask their supporters to vote at the referendum for annulling the amendments adopted by the Saeima.

Although the majority of the most popular parties consider that the referendum should be organised simultaneously with the Saeima election, it may be impossible due to uncertainties in the law. A national voting should take place no sooner that one month and no later than two months after it has been announced, but it is in the competency of the Central Election Commission to fix the date. In this case the date could be in October. As the law on national voting permits to organise it simultaneously with the Saeima election, several political parties consider it to be right to organise it on October 3 - simultaneously with the election. But there is one juridical contradiction, allowing to question the decision of the Central Election Commission to organise it simultaneously with the election or even question the result of the very referendum if it takes place simultaneously with a referendum. According to the law on national voting, a referendum shall be organised on Sunday, but if it takes place simultaneously with an election on Sunday and the Saturday before it. The Saeima recently amended the Satversme and limits the Saeima election for one day - on Saturday but not on two as it was before. There were no corresponding amendments made to the law on national voting and it caused a situation with two possible interpretations of the law.

Although the majority of the most popular parties consider that the referendum should be organised simultaneously with the Saeima election, it may be impossible due to uncertainties in the law. A national voting should take place no sooner that one month and no later than two months after it has been announced, but it is in the competency of the Central Election Commission to fix the date. In this case the date could be in October. As the law on national voting permits to organise it simultaneously with the Saeima election, several political parties consider it to be right to organise it on October 3 - simultaneously with the election. But there is one juridical contradiction, allowing to question the decision of the Central Election Commission to organise it simultaneously with the election or even question the result of the very referendum if it takes place simultaneously with a referendum. According to the law on national voting, a referendum shall be organised on Sunday, but if it takes place simultaneously with an election on Sunday and the Saturday before it. The Saeima recently amended the Satversme and limits the Saeima election for one day - on Saturday but not on two as it was before. There were no corresponding amendments made to the law on national voting and it caused a situation with two possible interpretations of the law. Diena

Tomas Alatalu, a deputy of Estonian Parliament and a member of Baltic Assembly writes about achievements of Latvian diplomacy, comparing them with Estonian ones. When speaking about establishing of an OSCE Mission in Latvia, he says that Latvian government was wise and agreed to it on two additional conditions - European part received a task to follow the withdrawal of Russian troops and the Head of the Mission had to be an American. Therefore it was not an accident that OSCE Mission repeatedly and openly sided the Latvian government against Russia’s ungrounded demands for the Baltic states.

Tomas Alatalu, a deputy of Estonian Parliament and a member of Baltic Assembly writes about achievements of Latvian diplomacy, comparing them with Estonian ones. When speaking about establishing of an OSCE Mission in Latvia, he says that Latvian government was wise and agreed to it on two additional conditions - European part received a task to follow the withdrawal of Russian troops and the Head of the Mission had to be an American. Therefore it was not an accident that OSCE Mission repeatedly and openly sided the Latvian government against Russias ungrounded demands for the Baltic states. Diena

Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs informed that a meeting of Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Nordic and Baltic countries and Russia (5+3+1) would take place in Sweden next week. This will be the first meting with a representative of Russia Ministry of Foreign Affairs after a longer period of time. V.Birkavs acknowledged that no bilateral talks with Russian representative were planned, adding, “We work on that.”

Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs informed that a meeting of Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Nordic and Baltic countries and Russia (5+3+1) would take place in Sweden next week. This will be the first meting with a representative of Russia Ministry of Foreign Affairs after a longer period of time. V.Birkavs acknowledged that no bilateral talks with Russian representative were planned, adding, We work on that. Jauna Avize, SM

Bizness & Baltiya

informs about the visit of OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel to Latvia that will take place from August 24 to 26. He and a team of experts will examine the laws on education and language. informs about the visit of OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel to Latvia that will take place from August 24 to 26. He and a team of experts will examine the laws on education and language.

Aug. 19, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK

Co-ordination Centre informs that at least 125 000 signatures have been collected by Monday evening and on Tuesday more than 10 000 people came to signature collecting districts. The official summary of the results will be known on August 24, but Co-ordination Centre informs that at least 125 000 signatures have been collected by Monday evening and on Tuesday more than 10 000 people came to signature collecting districts. The official summary of the results will be known on August 24, but Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNKTevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK is sure that the necessary number of signatures has been collected. is sure that the necessary number of signatures has been collected. NeatkarigaNeatkariga, , Jauna Avize Jauna Avize


writes that the total number of signatures collected could be 151 000. In Riga about 70 000 signatures have been collected, in Liepaja - 7882, Ogre - 6000. The greatest activity of people was on Monday and Tuesday when there was much advertisement in the mass media. writes that the total number of signatures collected could be 151 000. In Riga about 70 000 signatures have been collected, in Liepaja - 7882, Ogre - 6000. The greatest activity of people was on Monday and Tuesday when there was much advertisement in the mass media. Today the Saeima National Security Commission will discuss the closing down of Skrunda Radar station and the fate of Russian military personnel working there. Although some people have expressed worry that about 30 militaries with their families could stay in Latvia, DCMA has not received any concrete applications, yet. The deputy Head of DCMA A.Lejins said that they have only a list of 30 military servicemen but it should be still clarified. He acknowledged that dc had no legal grounds to issue those people residence permits. The Department would consider every case individually. At the same time, Latvian institutions do not have any information from Russia about the tie of the Skrunda agreement to the status of the most favoured nation. According to unofficial information, OSCE Mission representatives are going to inspect Skrunda Radar station on September 3 to verify that the station is closed down. Meanwhile Skrunda people do not worry about all this fuss concerning Skrunda Radar station. They are getting ready for a festivity called “With love and no hatred” that the Mayor of the town V.Danenbergs has decided to organise to celebrate this event. The Mayor does not worry about militaries willing to stay in Latvia because he thinks that the majority of them have already been citizens of Latvia and every case will be considered by DCMA. A public observer I.Folkmanis told

Today the Saeima National Security Commission will discuss the closing down of Skrunda Radar station and the fate of Russian military personnel working there. Although some people have expressed worry that about 30 militaries with their families could stay in Latvia, DCMA has not received any concrete applications, yet. The deputy Head of DCMA A.Lejins said that they have only a list of 30 military servicemen but it should be still clarified. He acknowledged that dc had no legal grounds to issue those people residence permits. The Department would consider every case individually. At the same time, Latvian institutions do not have any information from Russia about the tie of the Skrunda agreement to the status of the most favoured nation. According to unofficial information, OSCE Mission representatives are going to inspect Skrunda Radar station on September 3 to verify that the station is closed down. Meanwhile Skrunda people do not worry about all this fuss concerning Skrunda Radar station. They are getting ready for a festivity called With love and no hatred that the Mayor of the town V.Danenbergs has decided to organise to celebrate this event. The Mayor does not worry about militaries willing to stay in Latvia because he thinks that the majority of them have already been citizens of Latvia and every case will be considered by DCMA. A public observer I.Folkmanis told Neatkariga that he had observed Skrunda Radar station for 10 years and during last four years since the agreement had been concluded, the intensity of the electromagnetic radiation had never been exceeded considerably. Neatkariga, Diena, Jauna Avize

On Tuesday there was a meeting of the heads of Russian and Estonian delegations to restart the talks on Russian - Estonian border agreement that had been interrupted for almost a year. Some Estonian foreign policy experts consider that the meeting will give no results because Russia lacks political will to sign such an agreement. Estonian party has already announced several times that the agreement is ready for signing and the next step is up to Russia.

On Tuesday there was a meeting of the heads of Russian and Estonian delegations to restart the talks on Russian - Estonian border agreement that had been interrupted for almost a year. Some Estonian foreign policy experts consider that the meeting will give no results because Russia lacks political will to sign such an agreement. Estonian party has already announced several times that the agreement is ready for signing and the next step is up to Russia. Diena

The Chairman of the Saeima Foreign Affairs Commission J.Sinka informed that German Bundestag Defence Commission deputy E.Marshevsky, during his visit to Latvia, acknowledged that the forecast of German Minister of Foreign Affairs K.Kinkel on possible introduction of no visa regime with Latvia already that year was a bit overestimated due to the election in Germany this September. Most probably this issue could be considered by the next government . Germany would not have any objections to introduce this regime even then, if Latvian borders were arranged and controlled on the necessary level. When speaking about EU demands concerning receiving Latvian citizenship, E.Marshevsky said that “Brussels has overdone this time” because, according to regulations adopted in Marstricht and Amsterdam, citizenship issues should be left up to the parliaments.

The Chairman of the Saeima Foreign Affairs Commission J.Sinka informed that German Bundestag Defence Commission deputy E.Marshevsky, during his visit to Latvia, acknowledged that the forecast of German Minister of Foreign Affairs K.Kinkel on possible introduction of no visa regime with Latvia already that year was a bit overestimated due to the election in Germany this September. Most probably this issue could be considered by the next government . Germany would not have any objections to introduce this regime even then, if Latvian borders were arranged and controlled on the necessary level. When speaking about EU demands concerning receiving Latvian citizenship, E.Marshevsky said that Brussels has overdone this time because, according to regulations adopted in Marstricht and Amsterdam, citizenship issues should be left up to the parliaments. Jauna Avize

Historian A.Farovsky writes about or, to be more precise, against several myths spread by Russian speaking press in Latvia. The first is the statement that Latvia deprived 1/3 of its population of their citizenship in 1991. He proves that the Soviet Union did it in 1940 with the whole Latvian nation depriving them of their Latvian citizenship. Therefore, restoration of citizenship for Latvians was a legal and logical act. And adoption of the Law on Citizenship did not deprive this 1/3 of Latvias population of their Soviet citizenship, and it is not Latvias guilt that The USSR fall apart. The other myth is that the majority of Russian speakers supported re-establishment of independent Latvia. He proves with figures that it was not so. Discussing the national policy of Latvian authorities and their plans integration of the society, he is pessimistic judging from the experiences in Cyprus, Sri-Lanka where people of different civilisations live together. Integration of such a society could take place only in several generations,

Diena (Russian version)

Aug. 18, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

According to Latvian - Russian agreement on Skrunda Radar station, about 35 families of Russian military personnel have to leave Latvia. But it is known even now that about 30 families plan to stay in Latvia. The Saeima deputy O.Grigs has voiced an opinion that the Saeima should consider this issue in the nearest future. DCMA has already received first applications from those families about their wish to stay in Latvia. DCMA specialists acknowledge that every case will be considered separately. Although the agreement anticipates leaving Latvia by August 31, but many militaries have married and received Latvian citizenship. There will be not many permits to stay. Meanwhile, Russian Embassy in Latvia has voiced its opinion that this is not an issue of Latvian - Russian relations and is in the competency of DCMA.

According to Latvian - Russian agreement on Skrunda Radar station, about 35 families of Russian military personnel have to leave Latvia. But it is known even now that about 30 families plan to stay in Latvia. The Saeima deputy O.Grigs has voiced an opinion that the Saeima should consider this issue in the nearest future. DCMA has already received first applications from those families about their wish to stay in Latvia. DCMA specialists acknowledge that every case will be considered separately. Although the agreement anticipates leaving Latvia by August 31, but many militaries have married and received Latvian citizenship. There will be not many permits to stay. Meanwhile, Russian Embassy in Latvia has voiced its opinion that this is not an issue of Latvian - Russian relations and is in the competency of DCMA. Neatkariga

Tomorrow the Saeima National Security Commission will consider the question why Russian diplomats speak about any connection between Skrunda Radar station and the status of the most favoured nation. The Chairman of this commission told

Tomorrow the Saeima National Security Commission will consider the question why Russian diplomats speak about any connection between Skrunda Radar station and the status of the most favoured nation. The Chairman of this commission told Chas about the possible measures from Latvian part should Russia make any ultimatum. Firstly, no ultimatum was acceptable from Russian side, secondly Latvia would demand that all obligations of Latvian -Russian international agreements of 1994 would be fulfilled. What concerned the status of the most favoured nation connected to Skrunda Radar station, A.Pantelejevs considered it absurd and contradicting economical interests of both countries. Chas

Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK

Co-ordination Centre informs that about 115 000 signatures might be collected by Sunday evening. Riga Election Commission says that 46 300 of them have been collected in Riga. One day before the end of the campaign citizens even queued up to sign the proposal. During the last days activity of people was very high - on Sunday - 5.5 thousand, on Saturday - less than 3 thousand , but on Friday 3.7 thousand. Central Election Commission (CVC) has information that, from 30.2 thousand Latvian citizens abroad, 70 have signed the proposal in the USA, less that 500 in Australia, more than 300 in Canada, UK - 48, Germany - 40, Sweden - 125, but no one in Israel. More than one thousand Latvian citizens live in Estonia and Russia, but Latvian embassies in these countries will sum up all the data only when the campaign is over. The referendum will be organised if 1/10 of all Latvian citizens, having the right of vote, request it - all together 133 435 voters. Neatkariga, Diena, Rigas Balss, SM, Panorama Latvii

Jauna Avize writes that a day before the end of this campaign the CVC did not know the real number of Latvian citizens having the right to vote. CVC Chairman A.Cimdars told BNS that they would make a decision on the exact number after receiving data from DCMA. In 1996 this number was 131 104. Some official admitted a possibility that in 1996 Latvian citizens living abroad were not included in the total number, because they were not allowed to take part in the signature collection campaign at that time.

Rigas Balss in its comments column published the article of A.Kluinis who considers that the most important thing is not the referendum but that Latvians themselves have to talk to Russian speakers in the Latvian language thus easing them learning of the state language. Mr. Kluins also writes about Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK - a union that has been in the government coalition from the very restoration of Latvian independence but has done nothing to persuade Latvians to use their language freely.

Panorama Latvii

interviews the Head of Valmiera DCMA office O.Balins. When asked about issuance of non-citizen passports, he said that they did not have this problem. From 8000 non-citizens in this region half of them already have the violet passports. From the very beginning there were lines and he had head only one and a half working loads. Now a non-citizen passport can be received in one month. interviews the Head of Valmiera DCMA office O.Balins. When asked about issuance of non-citizen passports, he said that they did not have this problem. From 8000 non-citizens in this region half of them already have the violet passports. From the very beginning there were lines and he had head only one and a half working loads. Now a non-citizen passport can be received in one month.


publishes another anti- publishes another anti-Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK article written by former TB/LNNK newspaper article written by former TB/LNNK newspaper Nacianala Neatkariba Nacianala Neatkariba editor J.Derums. He says that this union planned to spend 400 000 Ls for its election campaign, it was not enough. So they found a witty solution - to organise a campaign for collecting signatures at the state expense to start their election campaign. editor J.Derums. He says that this union planned to spend 400 000 Ls for its election campaign, it was not enough. So they found a witty solution - to organise a campaign for collecting signatures at the state expense to start their election campaign.
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