Sept. 12, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

Four families of Russian military servicemen employed at Skrunda Radar station have submitted an application to the DCMA for receiving a permit to stay in Latvia. All together there are 10 people in these families. The Commander of Skrunda Radar station has already submitted a list of 30 families (98 people) willing to stay in Latvia, but the rest of these families (88 people) have not submitted their applications and the necessary documents to the DCMA.

Four families of Russian military servicemen employed at Skrunda Radar station have submitted an application to the DCMA for receiving a permit to stay in Latvia. All together there are 10 people in these families. The Commander of Skrunda Radar station has already submitted a list of 30 families (98 people) willing to stay in Latvia, but the rest of these families (88 people) have not submitted their applications and the necessary documents to the DCMA. Neatkariga

In its turn the newspaper

In its turn the newspaper Diena writes about 10 such families. As a DCMA official M.Zile informed Diena, in three of these families one of the spouses was a citizen of Latvia, so they could hope for receiving a residence permit. The residence permit for these thirty families expires on September 30, but according to M.Zile, they will not be expelled while their applications are not considered.


instructs the future participants in the referendum on the amendments to the Law on Citizenship. It published the voting sign with the question Are you for abolishment of the law Amendments to the Law on Citizenship of June 22, 1998 ? and a brief explanation of these amendments. instructs the future participants in the referendum on the amendments to the Law on Citizenship. It published the voting sign with the question “Are you for abolishment of the law “Amendments to the Law on Citizenship” of June 22, 1998 ?” and a brief explanation of these amendments. In order to find out the position of different parties on foreign policy aspects,

In order to find out the position of different parties on foreign policy aspects, Diena questioned the representatives of five political parties. One of the questions was what according their understanding would be the most important activity to tart discussion on Latvia joining EU?


A.Zunda Latvian Farmers Union - adopt the amendments to the Law on Citizenship ass soon as possible, giving the priority to the knowledge of the state language;


M.Vulfsons Peoples Harmony Party - ... If we are in the government, we will work on alignment of our legislation according to EU and OSCE recommendations, as well as manage to conclude a border agreement with Russia;


A.Ameriks Democratic Party Saimnieks - ... formation of a civic society;


A.Kreituss Union of LP/UCD/LGP - ... To establish the post of the State Minister of Public Integration, the Minister will work directly under the Prime Minister and will prepare integration programs for different age groups, paying maximum attention to the training of the state language. For this there is a large financial support promised from the institutions influenced by Max van der Stoel. Diena

Latvijas Cels

decided not to vote for the draft state budget for 1999 if financing for education and science were not increased. The Minister of Education J.Gaigals (Latvijas Cels) found the sum allocated for this purpose 43 153 650 Ls too little, and he was followed by the announcement of the faction Latvijas Cels that it would not vote for the draft budget in its present form. The leader of the faction K.Libane explained that they did not want to overthrow the government but just want their demand to be fulfilled. Chas

Russian Ambassador to Latvia A.Udaltsov comments on the Russian - Latvian relations in the light of recent events. He states that these relations depend not on the personalia of the leading figures, but the cause of all problems is still the same - the situation of Russian population in Latvia. Russia is waiting for Latvia to implement all OSCE recommendations on citizenship, language, education, and in a broader sense - harmonising of Latvian legislation with European standards and those international documents, Latvia has signed. When asked about the influence of the referendum on bilateral relations, A.Udaltsov said that it would have a direct impact on these relations although he did not want to agitate Latvian citizens neither “for” nor “against”. What concerns the border agreement between Russia and Latvia, the Ambassador explained that the agreement had not been signed yet, and it depended on the bilateral relations. A.Udaltsov also said that the problem of delayed pensions payments for Russian military pensioners was being solved on the top level, Ye.Primakov himself was involved in this problem.

Russian Ambassador to Latvia A.Udaltsov comments on the Russian - Latvian relations in the light of recent events. He states that these relations depend not on the personalia of the leading figures, but the cause of all problems is still the same - the situation of Russian population in Latvia. Russia is waiting for Latvia to implement all OSCE recommendations on citizenship, language, education, and in a broader sense - harmonising of Latvian legislation with European standards and those international documents, Latvia has signed. When asked about the influence of the referendum on bilateral relations, A.Udaltsov said that it would have a direct impact on these relations although he did not want to agitate Latvian citizens neither for nor against. What concerns the border agreement between Russia and Latvia, the Ambassador explained that the agreement had not been signed yet, and it depended on the bilateral relations. A.Udaltsov also said that the problem of delayed pensions payments for Russian military pensioners was being solved on the top level, Ye.Primakov himself was involved in this problem. Chas

A conference “Ethnic minorities, inter ethnic relations and security in the Baltic region. The role of political parties” will take place in Riga on September 19 - 20. It is quite possible that this conference will be attended by the Mayor of MOscow Yu.Luzhkov and the leader of “Yabloko” G.Yavlinsky.

A conference Ethnic minorities, inter ethnic relations and security in the Baltic region. The role of political parties will take place in Riga on September 19 - 20. It is quite possible that this conference will be attended by the Mayor of MOscow Yu.Luzhkov and the leader of Yabloko G.Yavlinsky. Chas

F.Krasilnikov reports from Tallinn that Estonian authorities have started slightly to change the national policy on minorities. The first sign of it was the official “Integration Program of Non-Estonians into Estonian Society”, started last year. With this Estonian authorities acknowledged the existence of 30% of non-Estonian population and did not intend to change the demographic situation by coercive methods. Another sign, indicating this change of attitude, was a program of settling Estonians in the regions with mostly populated by Russians. In 1992 - 1995 the authorities tries to persuade Estonians to move to traditionally Russian cities Narva and Kohtla-Yarve but people did not show much response.

F.Krasilnikov reports from Tallinn that Estonian authorities have started slightly to change the national policy on minorities. The first sign of it was the official Integration Program of Non-Estonians into Estonian Society, started last year. With this Estonian authorities acknowledged the existence of 30% of non-Estonian population and did not intend to change the demographic situation by coercive methods. Another sign, indicating this change of attitude, was a program of settling Estonians in the regions with mostly populated by Russians. In 1992 - 1995 the authorities tries to persuade Estonians to move to traditionally Russian cities Narva and Kohtla-Yarve but people did not show much response. Chas

Panorama Latvii

organises a telephone action asking people to answer the question What do I expect from the list No 6? The list No 6 represents the coalition of left-wing parties for the election to the 7th Saeima. The action is taking place on Sunday, September 13.

Sept. 11, 1998

Press Review

Yesterday the Saeima turned down the proposal of the Union of the Labour Party, Christian Democratic Party and the Green Party concering the new amendment to the Citizenship Law abolishing the “naturalisation windows.” Majority of deputies considered it unacceptable to amend the Citizenship Law before the referendum on the already adopted amendments.

Yesterday the Saeima turned down the proposal of the Union of the Labour Party, Christian Democratic Party and the Green Party concering the new amendment to the Citizenship Law abolishing the naturalisation windows. Majority of deputies considered it unacceptable to amend the Citizenship Law before the referendum on the already adopted amendments. Diena

The Prime Minister Guntars Krasts asked the Latvian Foreign Affairs Minister and the Minister of Finance to prepare necessary formalities related with the providing of the humanitarian aid to Russian population. President of the Latvian Red Cross informed the Prime Minster about the readiness to start the co-operation with the Russian Red Cross on this matter. The Latvian Minister of Agriculture Andris Ravins said that the government will ask the European Union to finance the Latvian humanitarian aid to Russia.

The Prime Minister Guntars Krasts asked the Latvian Foreign Affairs Minister and the Minister of Finance to prepare necessary formalities related with the providing of the humanitarian aid to Russian population. President of the Latvian Red Cross informed the Prime Minster about the readiness to start the co-operation with the Russian Red Cross on this matter. The Latvian Minister of Agriculture Andris Ravins said that the government will ask the European Union to finance the Latvian humanitarian aid to Russia. Diena

If Yevgeny Primakov is elected for the post of the Russian Prime Minister, the Latvian-Russian relations will not improve, the Latvian Foreign Affairs Minister Valdis Birkavs said. Still, according to politicians interviewed by the

If Yevgeny Primakov is elected for the post of the Russian Prime Minister, the Latvian-Russian relations will not improve, the Latvian Foreign Affairs Minister Valdis Birkavs said. Still, according to politicians interviewed by the Diena, the vary fact that there is a new candidate for the Russian Prime Ministers post, can be evaluated positively, since it would allow the Russian government to start working on the prevention of the total crisis in the country. Diena

A program prepared by the Crisis Management Centre concerning the undertakings to prevent the possible refugee flow from Russia, will be considered by the Cabinet of Ministers on 22 September. According to the Prime Minister Guntars Krasts, the program will provide for the co-operative actions of the Ministry of the Interior and the Defence Ministry for the securing of the borders.

A program prepared by the Crisis Management Centre concerning the undertakings to prevent the possible refugee flow from Russia, will be considered by the Cabinet of Ministers on 22 September. According to the Prime Minister Guntars Krasts, the program will provide for the co-operative actions of the Ministry of the Interior and the Defence Ministry for the securing of the borders. Neatkariga

Sergey Zaletayev discusses the recent letter of the OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel to the chair of the Saeima Commission on Education Dzintars Abikis concerning the proposals to the Language Law. According to Mr. Zaletayev, there are almost no doubts that on 28 September when the Law will be discussed in the final reading in the Saeima, the deputies will ignore the most important recommendations of the Commissioner concerning the use of the language in the private sphere. Therefore, Mr. Zaletayev calls people to be active in expressing their opinion before the final reading of the Law.

Sergey Zaletayev discusses the recent letter of the OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel to the chair of the Saeima Commission on Education Dzintars Abikis concerning the proposals to the Language Law. According to Mr. Zaletayev, there are almost no doubts that on 28 September when the Law will be discussed in the final reading in the Saeima, the deputies will ignore the most important recommendations of the Commissioner concerning the use of the language in the private sphere. Therefore, Mr. Zaletayev calls people to be active in expressing their opinion before the final reading of the Law. Panorama Latvii

Sept. 10, 1998

Press Review

Yesterday at the press conference the Latvian Foreign Affairs Minister Valdis Birkavs said that Latvia should seek to promote the economic development of the Russian borderland with Latvia regions, since it is related with the security and stability of Latvia. Mr. Birkavs also expressed a hope that the issue of economic refugees from Russia will not become urgent. Still, the Latvian government thinks that it necessary to ensure the security of the Latvian-Russian border and intensify the border control.

Yesterday at the press conference the Latvian Foreign Affairs Minister Valdis Birkavs said that Latvia should seek to promote the economic development of the Russian borderland with Latvia regions, since it is related with the security and stability of Latvia. Mr. Birkavs also expressed a hope that the issue of economic refugees from Russia will not become urgent. Still, the Latvian government thinks that it necessary to ensure the security of the Latvian-Russian border and intensify the border control. Diena

Yesterday the government-forming fractions agreed to summon the extraordinary session of the parliament on 28 September to adopt the State Language Law.

Yesterday the government-forming fractions agreed to summon the extraordinary session of the parliament on 28 September to adopt the State Language Law. Chaswrites that Mr. Abikis, Chair of the Saeima Commission on Education, refused to supply journalists with the draft law which will be on the agenda of the parliamentary session by saying that it has not been finalised yet. Still, Mr. Abikis announced that the draft law does not contradict the recommendations of the OSCE experts. We came to an agreement with the OSCE expert, Mr Abikis told Chas. Chaspredicts that majority of the deputies will support the adoption of the Law, only deputies of the Peoples Harmony party and independent deputies, earlier representing Socialist Party and the Equality, will vote against the Law on the State Language. Diena, Chas

Ludmila Kuzmina, a teacher of Baltinava Christian boarding school in the Balvi region, is the 10,000 th person who has acquired the Latvian citizenship through naturalisation. The head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane officially issued her documents certifying the Latvian citizenship. In the Balvi region only 43 persons of 1900 who have rights to be naturalised, have acquired the citizenship.

Ludmila Kuzmina, a teacher of Baltinava Christian boarding school in the Balvi region, is the 10,000 th person who has acquired the Latvian citizenship through naturalisation. The head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane officially issued her documents certifying the Latvian citizenship. In the Balvi region only 43 persons of 1900 who have rights to be naturalised, have acquired the citizenship. Diena

Sergey Zaletayev, commentator of

Sergey Zaletayev, commentator of Panorama Latvii, calls the Russian -speaking voters not to give their votes for the parties and deputies who smile on the posters, but have done little in the Saeima. He refers to the New Party and its leader - famous composer Raimonds Pauls. Panorama Latvii

The movement For Equality and the Russian Public Council in Latvia will continue collection of signatures in support of education in the native language in streets of Riga on 12 September, SM informs.

The movement For Equality and the Russian Public Council in Latvia will continue collection of signatures in support of education in the native language in streets of Riga on 12 September, SM informs. SM

Sept. 9, 1998

Press Review

The Central Electoral Commission (CEC) has approved the formate of the referendum-note with the question to be answered during the referendum on 3 October - “ Are you for the abolishing of the Law on Amendments to the Citizenship Law adopted on 22 June 1998?” The amendments will be abolished if at least 477,696 voters participate in the referendum, and at least 238,849 vote for the abolishing of the amendments. Yesterday the Cabinet of Ministers decided to allot 232, 600 Lats to the Central Electoral Commission for the organisation of the referendum which is a half of the amount requested by the Commission. According to Mr. Arnis Cimdars, the Chair of the CEC, it might create queues in some electoral districts due to the lack of the pooling “booths.”

The Central Electoral Commission (CEC) has approved the formate of the referendum-note with the question to be answered during the referendum on 3 October - Are you for the abolishing of the Law on Amendments to the Citizenship Law adopted on 22 June 1998? The amendments will be abolished if at least 477,696 voters participate in the referendum, and at least 238,849 vote for the abolishing of the amendments. Yesterday the Cabinet of Ministers decided to allot 232, 600 Lats to the Central Electoral Commission for the organisation of the referendum which is a half of the amount requested by the Commission. According to Mr. Arnis Cimdars, the Chair of the CEC, it might create queues in some electoral districts due to the lack of the pooling booths. Diena

The Saeima Commission on Education has received the clarified and more tolerant recommendations from the OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel concerning the amendments to the draft Language Law. According to the Chair of the Commission Mr. Abikis, the new proposals are more “yielding” than the ones presented in spring since they provide cases when the state is allowed to regulate the use of the language in private sphere. The Commission has not reviewed these recommendations yet.

The Saeima Commission on Education has received the clarified and more tolerant recommendations from the OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel concerning the amendments to the draft Language Law. According to the Chair of the Commission Mr. Abikis, the new proposals are more yielding than the ones presented in spring since they provide cases when the state is allowed to regulate the use of the language in private sphere. The Commission has not reviewed these recommendations yet.

During his visit in Moscow this week, the speaker of the Latvian parliament Alfreds Cepanis met with the speaker of the Russian Duma Gennady Seleznov, and the vice speaker of the Council of the Russian Federation Vladimir Platonov to discuss the Latvia-Russian relations. According to Mr. Cepanis, both parties were satisfied with the pace of meetings. Mr. Seleznov had expressed the need to resume the work of the Latvian-Russian inter-governmental commission.

During his visit in Moscow this week, the speaker of the Latvian parliament Alfreds Cepanis met with the speaker of the Russian Duma Gennady Seleznov, and the vice speaker of the Council of the Russian Federation Vladimir Platonov to discuss the Latvia-Russian relations. According to Mr. Cepanis, both parties were satisfied with the pace of meetings. Mr. Seleznov had expressed the need to resume the work of the Latvian-Russian inter-governmental commission. Chas

Commenting the statements of the Latvian Foreign Affairs Minister Valdis Birkavs concerning the Latvian-Russian relations, the official representative of the Russian MFA Vladimir Rachmanin said that “Latvia knows that the pre-requisite for the normalisation of the Latvia-Russian relations is the complete fulfilment of all OSCE recommendations, which do not limit only to the amending of the Citizenship Law.”

Commenting the statements of the Latvian Foreign Affairs Minister Valdis Birkavs concerning the Latvian-Russian relations, the official representative of the Russian MFA Vladimir Rachmanin said that Latvia knows that the pre-requisite for the normalisation of the Latvia-Russian relations is the complete fulfilment of all OSCE recommendations, which do not limit only to the amending of the Citizenship Law. Panorama Latvii, Neatkariga

Press Secretary of the Naturalisation Board Aigars Smiltnieks informed that today the 10,000 th person who had completed the naturalisation procedure, will receive the document about the acquiring of the Latvian citizenship. Since the beginning of the naturalisation process which started in 1995, some 149,000 people had rights to be naturalised, and only approximately 7% of them used these rights.

Press Secretary of the Naturalisation Board Aigars Smiltnieks informedthat today the 10,000 th person who had completed the naturalisation procedure, will receive the document about the acquiring of the Latvian citizenship. Since the beginning of the naturalisation process which started in 1995, some 149,000 people had rights to be naturalised, and only approximately 7% of them used these rights. Neatkariga

SM publishes the opinion of Mr. Oleg Shiptsov who argues that the result of the referendum- either abolishing amendments or keeping them - will not change the situation of non-citizens who, in any case, will be subjected to the humiliating procedure of naturalisation. However, if the outcome of the referendum is in favour of the keeping of the amendments, it will give a green light to Latvias movement into the European structures, since neither Europe nor US, nor Russia will have any pretensions towards Latvia. Therefore, Mr. Schiptsov calls for the voting against the amendments.

SM publishes the summary of the Russias response to the memorandum of three European countries concerning the Latvian-Russian relations in which Russia emphasised that the recommendations of the OSCE were not limited to the Citizenship Law, they addressed several other humanitarian problems in Latvia, for example, in sphere of language, and education. SM

Rigas Balss publishes an article about the Riga Secondary School No 40 with Russian as the language of instruction which has established the exchange program for teachers and students with the Pavilosta Secondary School with Latvian as the language of instruction, and could serve as an example of the successful integration. Rigas Balss

Sept. 8, 1998

Press Review

Dienapublishes unofficial translation of the memorandum of three EU countries -ex-presiding, currently presiding, and the next presiding state, which was submitted to Russia last month concerning the Russias negative attitude towards Latvia. Diena

Yesterday after the meeting with the Latvian Minister of Welfare Vladimir Makarov the Russian Ambassador in Latvia Alexander Udalcov said that Russia will not step back from its commitments and will continue paying retirement allowances to the military pensioners. Mr. Udalcov expressed hope that within a week this problem will be solved. 

Yesterday after the meeting with the Latvian Minister of Welfare Vladimir Makarov the Russian Ambassador in Latvia Alexander Udalcov said that Russia will not step back from its commitments and will continue paying retirement allowances to the military pensioners. Mr. Udalcov expressed hope that within a week this problem will be solved.Diena already wrote that due to the economic situation in Russia some 20, 000 military pensioners residing in Latvia have not been receiving pensions since August.

Nellija Locmele draws comparison between the debates in 1994 concerning the singing of the agreement between Latvia and Russia, and the present day discussions about the amendments to the Citizenship Law. According to Ms. Locmele, there are lot of similarities in a way the radical parties, mainly, the

Nellija Locmele draws comparison between the debates in 1994 concerning the singing of the agreement between Latvia and Russia, and the present day discussions about the amendments to the Citizenship Law. According to Ms. Locmele, there are lot of similarities in a way the radical parties, mainly, the Tevzemei un Brivibai/ LNNK objected to the signing of the Russian- Latvian agreement in 1994 and how it protests against the amendments of the Citizenship Law now. Diena

Yesterday the Saeima Commission of Education, Culture and Science discussed the Draft Education Law, and agreed that only in private schools and schools of the national minorities the language of the instruction might be other than the state language. Besides, the draft law provides that if the private schools as well as the national minority schools implement the method of the bilingual education, the state or municipality might participate in their financing. The Draft Education Law also provides that all examinations shall be carried out in the state language. According to Juris Celmins, a member of the aforementioned commission, if this provision is not amended, all schools of the national minorities in Latvia will have to introduce the method of bilingual education, but schools with Russian as the language of instruction will have to choose between the education in the Latvian language or the bilingual educational method. There is also a possibility to become a private school. The Commission believes that the Law on Education should be adopted during the mandate of this Saeima. Once the Saeima Commission of Education, Culture and Science completes the consideration of the draft law for the 2nd reading, there will be the collection of signatures to summon the extraordinary session of the parliament.

Yesterday the Saeima Commission of Education, Culture and Science discussed the Draft Education Law, and agreed that only in private schools and schools of the national minorities the language of the instruction might be other than the state language. Besides, the draft law provides that if the private schools as well as the national minority schools implement the method of the bilingual education, the state or municipality might participate in their financing. The Draft Education Law also provides that all examinations shall be carried out in the state language. According to Juris Celmins, a member of the aforementioned commission, if this provision is not amended, all schools of the national minorities in Latvia will have to introduce the method of bilingual education, but schools with Russian as the language of instruction will have to choose between the education in the Latvian language or the bilingual educational method. There is also a possibility to become a private school. The Commission believes that the Law on Education should be adopted during the mandate of this Saeima. Once the Saeima Commission of Education, Culture and Science completes the consideration of the draft law for the 2nd reading, there will be the collection of signatures to summon the extraordinary session of the parliament. Diena

Members of the Latvian delegation to the regional conference on Human Rights for the Nation Development organised by the UNDP and the Ukrainian government in Yalta told press that in the sphere of human rights Latvia is behind Estonia and Lithuania, although the situation in Latvia is better than in the countries of the Central Asia. According to Ms. Aldermane, the state should pay more attention to the teching of history, since it might promote the social integration. Mr. Antons Seiksts, Chair of the Human Rights Commission of the Saeima believes that Latvia will not be able to solve the problems of integration unless the human rights issues are solved. Ms. Anhelita Kamenska thinks that representatives of private businesses should be more involved into the solution of the human rights issues. Boris Tsilevich, the UN expert and political scientist, who presented his report about the national minorities in the Baltic state think that the very fact that such an issue was included into the agenda of the conference witnesses the concern of international society about these problems.

Members of the Latvian delegation to the regional conference on Human Rights for the Nation Development organised by the UNDP and the Ukrainian government in Yalta told press that in the sphere of human rights Latvia is behind Estonia and Lithuania, although the situation in Latvia is better than in the countries of the Central Asia. According to Ms. Aldermane, the state should pay more attention to the teching of history, since it might promote the social integration. Mr. Antons Seiksts, Chair of the Human Rights Commission of the Saeima believes that Latvia will not be able to solve the problems of integration unless the human rights issues are solved. Ms. Anhelita Kamenska thinks that representatives of private businesses should be more involved into the solution of the human rights issues. Boris Tsilevich, the UN expert and political scientist, who presented his report about the national minorities in the Baltic state think that the very fact that such an issue was included into the agenda of the conference witnesses the concern of international society about these problems. Diena

Panorama Latvii publishes the interview with Alfreds Rubiks, the initiator and co-ordinator of the Union of the leftist political forces, in which he advocates the support to the list of the People's Harmony Party and calls for the negative voting on the referendum question.

In response to the interview with the Deputy Director of the DCMA Andris Janis Lejins published on 1 September in which Mr. Lejins argued that DCMA does not receive mass complaints about the "violate” passports, the

In response to the interview with the Deputy Director of the DCMA Andris Janis Lejins published on 1 September in which Mr. Lejins argued that DCMA does not receive mass complaints about the "violate passports, the Panorama Latvii publishes the interview with the representative of the Latvian Human Rights Committee Jury Sokolovski. According to Mr. Sokolovski, the majority of 19, 482 complaints received by the Committee by 1 August are related with the Alien's passports. Panorama Latvii

Nikolay Buyvid, chairman of the trade union of the VEF, suggests voters who have lost any belief in parties or the electoral system, in general, instead of not particiapting into the elections at all, to put the empty envelop into the ballot box so that no party will receive their ballot.

Nikolay Buyvid, chairman of the trade union of the VEF, suggests voters who have lost any belief in parties or the electoral system, in general, instead of not particiapting into the elections at all, to put the empty envelop into the ballot box so that no party will receive their ballot.

SM publishes comments of several politicians concerning the interview with Guntars Krasts on the Latvian Radio last week when the Prime Minister accused European politicians and officials of the lack of professionalism. Antons Seiksts, chair of the Human Rights Commission, thinks that such arguments do not do him a credit. The similar opinion is expressed by the deputy head of the Peoples Harmony Party Sergey Dolgopolov who thinks that the Prime Minister acted like a "public politician, and not as the head of the government. The vice speaker of the Saeima Andris Ameriks thinks that by criticising the European experts Guntars Krasts prepares the world community that the upcoming referendum might abolish the amendments to the Citizenship Law. SM

Peteris Tabuns, member of the Saeima Commission on Education, Culture and Science, objects to the recent statements in the mass media that "Max van der Stoel has finally understood the situation of Latvians and the Latvian language, and has become more yielding." According to him, the Commissioner cares little about the popular opinions, and "interfered with the revision of the Citizenship Law, now - with the Latvian language law, and there are no doubts that he will do the same with the Education Law."

Peteris Tabuns, member of the Saeima Commission on Education, Culture and Science, objects to the recent statements in the mass media that "Max van der Stoel has finally understood the situation of Latvians and the Latvian language, and has become more yielding." According to him, the Commissioner cares little about the popular opinions, and "interfered with the revision of the Citizenship Law, now - with the Latvian language law, and there are no doubts that he will do the same with the Education Law." Jauna Avize

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