Oct. 13, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

After the talks with the

After the talks with the Peoples Party and the Latvias Way on Monday the State President Guntis Ulmanis expressed a regret that a barrier of personalia has been lifted so high that it was impossible to see any further developments concerning formation of new government. According to Guntis Ulmanis, it is impossible to form politically clear-cut government meeting voters will without the Poeples Party and the Latvias Way. In an interview for the Latvian Radio on Monday Guntis Ulmanis said that he sees four or five possible candidates for the post of the Prime Minister representing the Peoples Party, the Latvias Way and For Fatherland and Freedom. State President thinks that the new government may not be formed by 18 November. Social Democratic Union did not agree to participate in a minority government which would fall during the debate over the state budget, leaders of the Party J. Bojars and J.Adamsons told journalists. The Social Democrats would support a government led by either Vilis Kristopans or Aivars Lembergs, and which would proportionally represent the Social Democratic Union, the Latvias Way, For Fatherland and Freedom, and the New Party. Diena

Diena summarizes articles about the Saeima elections and the referendum published by The Economist and The Washington Post. The Economist writes that the election results witness the Latvias striving westwards. The Washington Post calls the referendum a challenge for the Latvian people while the outcome of the referendum symbolyzes Latvias as a liberal democracys wish to join the West. Diena

125, 000 Lats from the next year’s budget are allotted to the further education of teachers of national minority schools and preparation of books. Still, as a director of Educational Strategy Department of the Ministry of Education and Science Baiba Petersone acknowledged, without financial support of the Latvian Language Development State Program it would be impossible to start implementation of educational programs for national minorities. According to draft Education Law which was approved in the second reading, already in the next school year schools of national minorities have to choose educational programs and start implementing them. Ina Druviete, head of Sociolinguistic department of the Latvian Language institute, believes that, first of all, money should be invested in training of teachers of the Latvian language and other subjects to be taught in Latvian at schools of national minorities, and secondly, it should go to preparation of teaching materials.

125, 000 Lats from the next years budget are allotted to the further education of teachers of national minority schools and preparation of books. Still, as a director of Educational Strategy Department of the Ministry of Education and Science Baiba Petersone acknowledged, without financial support of the Latvian Language Development State Program it would be impossible to start implementation of educational programs for national minorities. According to draft Education Law which was approved in the second reading, already in the next school year schools of national minorities have to choose educational programs and start implementing them. Ina Druviete, head of Sociolinguistic department of the Latvian Language institute, believes that, first of all, money should be invested in training of teachers of the Latvian language and other subjects to be taught in Latvian at schools of national minorities, and secondly, it should go to preparation of teaching materials. Diena

UN member countries have been acquainted with the Declaration on Latvia’s Occupation adopted by the Saeima, Latvian MFA Press Secretary Toms Baumanis told JAUNA AVIZE. Latvia’s position is that the UN should pass a corresponding document which would acknowledge the fact of occupation of Latvia. Mr. Baumanis also said that last week the US House of Representatives passed a resolution in which stressed that the US acknowledged the occupation fact and urged to recognize the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact as illegal.

UN member countries have been acquainted with the Declaration on Latvias Occupation adopted by the Saeima, Latvian MFA Press Secretary Toms Baumanis told JAUNA AVIZE. Latvias position is that the UN should pass a corresponding document which would acknowledge the fact of occupation of Latvia. Mr. Baumanis also said that last week the US House of Representatives passed a resolution in which stressed that the US acknowledged the occupation fact and urged to recognize the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact as illegal. Jauna Avize

Guntis Ulmanis praised the resolution of US House of Representatives that urges Russia to condemn the Molotov -Ribbentrop Pact. “This is a very correct and well reasoned step by the United States to assess history and give a relevant position to the Latvian- Russian relations, “ Guntis Ulmanis said.

Guntis Ulmanis praised the resolution of US House of Representatives that urges Russia to condemn the Molotov -Ribbentrop Pact. This is a very correct and well reasoned step by the United States to assess history and give a relevant position to the Latvian- Russian relations, Guntis Ulmanis said. Neatkariga, Chas

Leonid Fedoseyev, a

Leonid Fedoseyev, a Chas journalist, argues that the part of the Latvian intelligentsia which during the referendum campaign urged to protect dying Latvian language did so to raise their diminishing popularity.

Rigas Balssinterviews a director of the Center for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Nils Muiznieks about effects of the adopted Citizenship Law. Nils Muiznieks does not predict mass naturalization of non-citizens. According to him only socially and economically active non- Latvians for whom citizenship is a necessity, will take naturalization exams. Speaking of efficiency of the Language and Education Laws, Nils Muiznieks argue the command of the Latvian language partly depends on the educational system and partly on labor market. Big financial investment will be needed to ensure the Latvian language training. Rigas Balss

Last meeting of the present parliament is scheduled for 2 November.

Last meeting of the present parliament is scheduled for 2 November. Neatkariga

Oct. 12, 1998

Press Report

This morning the State President G.Ulmanis is meeting with the representatives of

This morning the State President G.Ulmanis is meeting with the representatives of Peoples Party, in the evening with Latvijas Cels, tomorrow - with TB/LNNK. Highly probable is a possibility that the President would propose Peoples Party and Latvijas Cels to think of some alternatives of their proposed Prime Minister candidates. The Chairman of Latvijas Cels A.Pantelejevs told Neatkariga that he had heard about three possible alternatives - Riga Mayor A.Berzins, former Prime Minister I.Godmanis and former Minister of Economics O.Kehris, but considered them to be just rumours without any logic. He did not think that the State President could ignore their position, and he would need very strong arguments to name another candidate. O.Kehris has heard about such a possibility, but he is too much occupied in private business and does not want to leave it. Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK position was rather interesting - they had no objection to any other candidate if the current ones would prevented to reach an agreement, but they did not favour anybody. Neatkariga, Jauna Avize

Diena asked the State President to comment on the current situation, and the answer was that he found the situation, with discussions on forming a minority government, when there were only 6 parties in the Parliament, a ridiculous. G.Ulmanis finds it unacceptable that some candidates make statements as if they already in the post. He also did not agree to the statement of V.Kristopans that in any case the candidate to the post of Prime Minister should come form Latvijas Cels. Diena

According to the data of Russian Migration service from the beginning of this year to July 19 Russian citizens have left the country, naming the reason for leaving the country a job in Latvia. A foreigner, to be allowed to work in Latvia, needs to receive a work permit which Latvian authorities issue only when the employer proves that there is no such specialist in Latvia. As it is very difficult to receive such a permit, the actual number of foreigners coming to work in Latvia could be large.

According to the data of Russian Migration service from the beginning of this year to July 19 Russian citizens have left the country, naming the reason for leaving the country a job in Latvia. A foreigner, to be allowed to work in Latvia, needs to receive a work permit which Latvian authorities issue only when the employer proves that there is no such specialist in Latvia. As it is very difficult to receive such a permit, the actual number of foreigners coming to work in Latvia could be large. Neatkariga

Journalist V.Avotins in

Journalist V.Avotins in Jauna Avize is very pessimistic about the future of the new Saeima. He analyses the composition of it, seeing four richmens parties, one - do-not-know-what-yet and one successfully occupying the niche of so far neglected political interest, and ponders about the future of them. Jauna Avize

People’s Party leader A.Skele, announced at a TV show that he considered participation of TB/LNNK in the next government as mandatory. He thinks that there is a possibility to form a government based on an exact political platform, and it should be right-to-the-center government. The coalition should consist of

Peoples Party leader A.Skele, announced at a TV show that he considered participation of TB/LNNK in the next government as mandatory. He thinks that there is a possibility to form a government based on an exact political platform, and it should be right-to-the-center government. The coalition should consist of Latvijas Cels, Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK and Peoples Party with 62 votes. And maybe also New Party if Latvijas Cels wants so. The former Prime Minister told the journalists that he was against a hasty transfer to the Latvian language as the language of tuition in Russian speaking schools. SM

Panorama Latvii

published an interview with the President of Byelorussia A.Lukashenko. Answering to the question on Byelorussian- Latvian relations, he said that he discussed with Latvian President G.Ulmanis in Vilnius last year the problems bilateral agreement, including border demarcation and introduction of no visa regime between these countries. These issues were not documented, but experts were working on them. And if there would be a meeting with G.Ulmanis, these problems would be discussed for sure. published an interview with the President of Byelorussia A.Lukashenko. Answering to the question on Byelorussian- Latvian relations, he said that he discussed with Latvian President G.Ulmanis in Vilnius last year the problems bilateral agreement, including border demarcation and introduction of no visa regime between these countries. These issues were not documented, but experts were working on them. And if there would be a meeting with G.Ulmanis, these problems would be discussed for sure.

Oct. 10, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

The leader of

The leader of Democratic Party Saimnieks Z.Cevers announced at the DPS Board meeting yesterday about his decision to leave the post of the party chairman. Also notorious entrepreneurs A.Melniks and A.Kaza have decided to leave the party. Neatkariga, Diena, Bizness & Baltiya (12.10.98)

At least three government coalition formation models were discussed at party consultations.

At least three government coalition formation models were discussed at party consultations. Social Democrats have expressed their willingness to support a government led by V.Kristopans even without receiving any minister post, and the most likely model at this moment seems the coalition including Latvijas Cels, Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK, New Party and Social Democrats. There is still a possibility that Latvijas Cels could come to an agreement with Peoples Party , then there could be two possible models - LC, PP, TB/LNNK and NP or LC, PP and NP would form a government without TB/LNNK. Neatkariga, Bizness & Baltiya

The candidate to the post of the Prime Minister V.Kristopans announced on Friday that there was no way to form the government without

The candidate to the post of the Prime Minister V.Kristopans announced on Friday that there was no way to form the government without Latvijas Cels therefore this party would not give up the post of the Prime Minister . Peoples Party have submitted their proposals to other major parties, and they would be evaluated at the board meetings of these parties. V.Kristopans also told the press that they were still working on forming a minority government. It would not be so bad because it is very dangerous when in the opposition there are only left wing parties, said V.Kristopans. The leader of Peoples Party A.Skele found the discussions to be constructive. The most important thing, according to him, is to come to an agreement what the coalition would be like, and only when the structure of it were clear one could start working on declaration, but it was not clear what government would prepare this declaration. Diena, Jauna Avize, Chas, Panorama Latvii


publishes the list of 83 Saeima deputies according to unofficial election result because the Central Election commission is still working on it , and plans to announce the official list only next week. publishes the list of 83 Saeima deputies according to unofficial election result because the Central Election commission is still working on it , and plans to announce the official list only next week. Although the referendum on amendments to the Law on Citizenship is over, the most radical parties continue to explain it from their point of view. TB/LNNK still considers that Latvians were for abolishing the amendments, but

Although the referendum on amendments to the Law on Citizenship is over, the most radical parties continue to explain it from their point of view. TB/LNNK still considers that Latvians were for abolishing the amendments, but Peoples Harmony Party thinks that the achieved result w as due to their campaign. The truth is somewhere in the middle. And one can not say that PHP had advertised their position very actively. The outcome of the referendum should be taken at it is, and people should not be divided according their choice made during this referendum. Many opponents of the amendments are worried by the success of Peoples Harmony Party, and they wonder whether these amendments would not cause essential changes in the electorate, strengthening the positions of the left wing parties. These 18 000 children will come to the election polls in 2010, and none can predict what their positions will be. Rigas Balss

Two high Russian officials - V.Lukin, the Chairman of Russian Duma Commission on Foreign Affairs, and V.Jakovlev, the Governor of Sankt-Petersburg, announced yesterday to the Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs during their meeting that they wanted to visit Latvia. V.Jakovlev pointed out the positive outcome of the referendum and stressed the necessity of further development of the dialogue between Russia and Latvia.

Two high Russian officials - V.Lukin, the Chairman of Russian Duma Commission on Foreign Affairs, and V.Jakovlev, the Governor of Sankt-Petersburg, announced yesterday to the Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs during their meeting that they wanted to visit Latvia. V.Jakovlev pointed out the positive outcome of the referendum and stressed the necessity of further development of the dialogue between Russia and Latvia. Chas, Diena


Oct. 9, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

Yesterday when considering the State Language Law in the third reading, deputies adopted contradictory provisions and finally were forced to return the draft law to the Saeima Commission on Education and Science for a review. As Mr. Dzintars Abikis said, due to adopted contradictory provisions the law has become absurd. He put blame for failure of a constructive work on deputies of those parties which did not obtain seats in the next parliament.

Yesterday when considering the State Language Law in the third reading, deputies adopted contradictory provisions and finally were forced to return the draft law to the Saeima Commission on Education and Science for a review. As Mr. Dzintars Abikis said, due to adopted contradictory provisions the law has become absurd. He put blame for failure of a constructive work on deputies of those parties which did not obtain seats in the next parliament. Neatkariga writes that the most objections caused a provision concerning educational programs of national minorities in state schools. The proposal of MP Karlis Druva stating that the educational programs of national minorities should be implemented only in private schools, was supported by 39 deputies (7- against, 10 - abstained). This provision contradicts with the analogous provision in the draft Education Law which was adopted in the second reading on 7 October. Another adopted provision reflected in newspapers concerns the use of language at meeting, pickets and demonstrations. According to the adopted version, only state language shall be use in these cases. Modris Lujans (Poeples Harmony Party) toldPanorama Latvii that the opposition had took a decision to support the most marasmic amendments, so, that the legislative provisions became absurd, and we managed that. According to the Saeima Roll of Procedure, the commission may review a draft law for unlimited time. MP Ilmars Bisers thinks that the State Language Law will be adopted by the next Saeima. Neatkariga, B&B, Chas

Panorama Latvii publishes a letter of Moscow City Mayor Jury Luzhkov in which he greets leaders of Peoples Harmony Party list with victory at elections.

Yesterday a picket against the State Language Law took place by the parliament. One of participants Tatjana Favorskaya, chair of Russian Society in Latvia, told SM that her organization start investigating the use of money allotted by international organizations for the State Language Training Program. Some 700 teachers of Russian schools applied for the state language training, 400 teachers are learning the language, while for the training of others there is no money.

Yesterday a picket against the State Language Law took place by the parliament. One of participants Tatjana Favorskaya, chair of Russian Society in Latvia, told SM that her organization start investigating the use of money allotted by international organizations for the State Language Training Program. Some 700 teachers of Russian schools applied for the state language training, 400 teachers are learning the language, while for the training of others there is no money. SM

Summarizing the Hague Recommendations on Rights of National Minorities, Oleg Shipcov argues that these recommendations provide Russians residing in Latvia with legal basis for struggle for education in the Russian language at all schools, including elementary, primary, vocational, secondary and higher educational institutions.

Summarizing the Hague Recommendations on Rights of National Minorities, Oleg Shipcov argues that these recommendations provide Russians residing in Latvia with legal basis for struggle for education in the Russian language at all schools, including elementary, primary, vocational, secondary and higher educational institutions. SM

The Russian Foreign Affairs Minister Igor Ivanov told journalists that the Baltic States’ membership in the NATO will make Russia completely reconsider its relations with the organization. “There is a “red line” whose crossing is directly related with the security of Russia. And this line coincides with the frontier of the former USSR, including the Baltic States. “

The Russian Foreign Affairs Minister Igor Ivanov told journalists that the Baltic States membership in the NATO will make Russia completely reconsider its relations with the organization. There is a red line whose crossing is directly related with the security of Russia. And this line coincides with the frontier of the former USSR, including the Baltic States. B&B

Board of

Board of For Fatherland and Freedom/ LNNK thinks that a stable government could be formed by three parties which received the most votes. The party supports the talks between the Peoples Party and the Latvian Way. Leader of For Fatherland and Freedom/ LNNK Maris Grinblats argues that the Latvian Way should look for more flexible candidate for the post of Prime Minister than Vilis Kristopans. According to Andrejs Pantelejevs (the Latvian Way) a lot will depend on the talks with the Peoples Party on Friday. State President Guntis Ulmanis believes that, first, parties should agree on basic programmatic issues. Diena

In an interview for 

In an interview forRigas Balss, State President Guntis Ulmanis evaluates the outcome of elections and the referendum. Referring to the results of elections, Mr. Ulmanis said that he was pleasantly surprised by a chose of voters, since they elected responsible and serious political forces. The outcome of the referendum has two important aspects. First is related with Russian -Latvian relations. According to Mr. Ulmanis, a formal reason why Russia cannot continue talks with Latvia, is gone, now the political dialogue of two countries should be continued. The second aspect is that now Europe also believes that we are proper, pragmatic and politically perfect. State President does not support speculative statements by For Fatherland and Freedom that Latvians voted for the abolishment of amendments. He calls it a dangerous game to divide citizens in good ones (who vote for) and bad ones(who voted against the abolishment of amendments). Rigas Balss

Yesterday at the press conference the Minister of Education Janis Gaigals said that 38 teachers of Russian schools have passed the state language certification, and 677 teachers, majority of them are from Riga district and Liepaja, should take the examination by 31 December 1998.

Yesterday at the press conference the Minister of Education Janis Gaigals said that 38 teachers of Russian schools have passed the state language certification, and 677 teachers, majority of them are from Riga district and Liepaja, should take the examination by 31 December 1998. Diena, Chas

Commenting the draft Education Law adopted in the 2nd reading, a president of Latvian Association of Teachers of the Russian language and Literature Tatjana Laguta argues that neither Saeima Commissions nor Ministry of Education wanted to consider the conception of education prepared by the association, although the association represents schools with Russian as a language of instruction which future is directly related with the new law.

Commenting the draft Education Law adopted in the 2nd reading, a president of Latvian Association of Teachers of the Russian language and Literature Tatjana Laguta argues that neither Saeima Commissions nor Ministry of Education wanted to consider the conception of education prepared by the association, although the association represents schools with Russian as a language of instruction which future is directly related with the new law. Chas

Oct. 8, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

Yesterday the Saeima approved the Draft Education Law in the 2nd reading. According to the law, at state and municipal educational institutions education will be acquired in the state language, while in private educational institutions or institutions implementing educational programs of national minorities, other languages may be used. The draft law does not specify how much private schools will be financed by the state. The Saeima decided to have the final reading of the Education Law at an extraordinary session on 12 October.

Yesterday the Saeima approved the Draft Education Law in the 2nd reading. According to the law, at state and municipal educational institutions education will be acquired in the state language, while in private educational institutions or institutions implementing educational programs of national minorities, other languages may be used. The draft law does not specify how much private schools will be financed by the state. The Saeima decided to have the final reading of the Education Law at an extraordinary session on 12 October. Diena

Today Saeima continues discussing of draft State Language Law in the third reading.

Today Saeima continues discussing of draft State Language Law in the third reading. Jauna Avize

Leaders of

Leaders of the Latvian Way, For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK, and New Party reached an oral agreement on an intention protocol providing formation of a coalition government and support of Vilis Kristopans as a Prime Minister. Leader of the Latvian Way Andrejs Pantelejevs told that on Friday the parties will start work on a governmental declaration. At the same time, the Board of the Peoples Party has passed a resolution to start talks with the Latvian Way and For Fatherland and Freedom/ LNNK about the formation of a coalition government. In response, Andrejs Pantelejevs told press that the intention protocol of three parties is a priority and the Peoples Party has a possibility to join it. Diena

Election results in electoral district in abroad show that the

Election results in electoral district in abroad show that the For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK has received the most of votes - 38.4%, in the second place there is the Peoples Party with 30.6% of votes , in the third - the Latvian Way with 12.2%. Majority of voters participating in the referendum supported the abolishment of the amendments to the Citizenship Law, it, however, will not change the outcome of the referendum. Diena

Analysing the outcome of the referendum, Paul Goble argues that the greatest challenge arising from this vote is for Latvian people to make this system work, to implement the provisions of the ratified law in everyday life.

Analysing the outcome of the referendum, Paul Goble argues that the greatest challenge arising from this vote is for Latvian people to make this system work, to implement the provisions of the ratified law in everyday life. Diena

Yesterday at a press conference the Latvian Foreign Affairs Minister Valdis Birkavs expressed a hope that after the referendum Latvia will receive concrete assistance from foreign countries for social integration and instruction of Latvian language for Russian-speaking population.

Yesterday at a press conference the Latvian Foreign Affairs Minister Valdis Birkavs expressed a hope that after the referendum Latvia will receive concrete assistance from foreign countries for social integration and instruction of Latvian language for Russian-speaking population. Diena

Chaspublishes a summary of an interview with the Advisor of the Russian President Emil Payn in which he called the outcome of the referendum in Latvia small victory of progressive mankind. He argued that international pressure, on one hand, and sensible pragmatism of Latvians, on the other hand, determined the positive results of the referendum. As a positive moment in elections, Mr. Payn stressed the reduced number of national radicals in the next parliament. Chas

Anatoly Chehoev, a member of Russian parliamentary commission on CIS affairs and the initiator of draft law on sanctions against Latvia, told BNS that due to the outcome of the referendum and the elections, the Russian Duma will not speed up adoption of such law. “Now a lot depends on what type of people will be in a new government and what will be done in relation with the outcome of the referendum, “ Mr. Chehoev said.

Anatoly Chehoev, a member of Russian parliamentary commission on CIS affairs and the initiator of draft law on sanctions against Latvia, told BNS that due to the outcome of the referendum and the elections, the Russian Duma will not speed up adoption of such law. Now a lot depends on what type of people will be in a new government and what will be done in relation with the outcome of the referendum, Mr. Chehoev said. B&B

Rigas Balss publishes an interview with the head of Naturalziation Board Eizenija Aldermane in which she argues that if a person knows the state language and wants to become a Latvian citizen, the state should not make any obstacles. According to Ms. Aldermane, neither Europe nor Russia needs elimination of window system, it is necessary for people who live here and does not want to see Latvia as a two-community state. A regular meeting of Latvian -Estonian working group on Valka-Valga issue will take place not on 8 October as planned but on 16 October. Panorama Latvii, B&B

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