Oct. 26, 1998


Press Review


announced of Thursday that they consider the government declaration elaborated by V.Kristopans to be incomplete and put forward their own theses of the basic activity principles for the new government. Thus, TB/LNNK agreed to the principle, declared by Peoples Party, that, before forming the government, at first an agreement on basic government activities should be reached. Deputy Chairman of TB/LNNK J.Dobelis expressed an opinion that the declaration of Latvijas Cels did not evidence about a serious approach, and it was possible that this document was meant to be as a potential government activity project for the 6th Saeima. Along with criticizing Latvijas Cels, TB/LNNK also named, in their opinion, most important tasks and principles for the new government. The first was strict supervision of naturalization process. TB/LNNK representatives informed that they has submitted their basic principles to all parties involved and the State President. Neatkariga, Jauna Avize


analyses the composition of the new Saeima, finding out that 64 % of all deputies are new comers to the Saeima. One could hope that these people could stop bad traditions of the 6th Saeima, but analyses the composition of the new Saeima, finding out that 64 % of all deputies are new comers to the Saeima. One could hope that these people could stop bad traditions of the 6th Saeima, but NeatkarigaNeatkariga is not so optimistic, saying that internal discipline of parties and their engines could slow down vigor of these people. is not so optimistic, saying that internal discipline of parties and their “engines” could slow down vigor of these people.

Diena does the same but finds different things, e.g. twice as many women, young people, political migrants and deputies with no former parliament experience have been elected this time, but the number of Latvians in the Saeima has decreased.

Ilga Apine, Professor of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology writes about the concept of the national integration program, that has been adopted by the government and now will be put forward for public consideration. Anticipating objections against this program as an assimilation not integration program, she compares it to the processes of the whole world. And integration should not be a one sided but two sided process.

Ilga Apine, Professor of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology writes about the concept of the national integration program, that has been adopted by the government and now will be put forward for public consideration. Anticipating objections against this program as an assimilation not integration program, she compares it to the processes of the whole world. And integration should not be a one sided but two sided process. Diena (Russian version)

Russian ethno-sociologist, Professor K.Habibulin considers that citizenship is not the major problem for non-Latvians. Of course , citizenship is a very important factor , allowing national minorities to feel ties with the country they live in. It is also a precondition for forming a civic society. Buy world experience shows that real integration of a society, making it steady, depend mostly on ensuring national rights of national minorities, and also if the principle of social equality is observed in the relations between the main nationality and national minorities. These national rights are: a possibility to use their mother tongue, having possibilities to develop it, state support to preserve it and a possibility to receive education in their native language - at least the secondary one.

Russian ethno-sociologist, Professor K.Habibulin considers that citizenship is not the major problem for non-Latvians. Of course , citizenship is a very important factor , allowing national minorities to feel ties with the country they live in. It is also a precondition for forming a civic society. Buy world experience shows that real integration of a society, making it steady, depend mostly on ensuring national rights of national minorities, and also if the principle of social equality is observed in the relations between the main nationality and national minorities. These national rights are: a possibility to use their mother tongue, having possibilities to develop it, state support to preserve it and a possibility to receive education in their native language - at least the secondary one. SM

Oct. 24, 1998

Press Review

Central Election Commission announced the official election results on Friday, and they correspond to the unofficial results, announced some time ago. Lists of 6 parties have been elected to the Saeima -

Central Election Commission announced the official election results on Friday, and they correspond to the unofficial results, announced some time ago. Lists of 6 parties have been elected to the Saeima - Peoples Party with 203 585 votes and 24 mandates, Latvijas Cels - 173 420 votes and 21 mandates, TB/LNNK- 140 773 votes and 17 mandates, Peoples Harmony Party - 135 700 votes and 16 mandates, Union of Social Democrats - 123 056 votes and 14 mandates and New Party - 70 214 votes and 8 mandates. Diena, Jauna Avize, Lauku Avize, Chas, SM, Panorama Latvii

The announcement of

The announcement of TB/LNNK about the need primarily to agree on basic tasks for the new government and only afterwards about posts and that the party sees the priority in forming a stable majority government means a change in government formation process. This statement was made by A.Skele. He told that three major parties should start discussion on forming a government on principles of parity. Latvijas Cels candidate V.Kristopans said that the real formation of government would start only when the President announced the candidate to the post of the Prime Minister. The Chairman of TB/LNNK M.Grinblats acknowledged that TB/LNNK did not intend to sign any co-operation agreement with Social Democrats on their participation in the government. These words opened a door for Peoples Party that found it unacceptable to be in one government with Social Democrats. Nevertheless TB/LNNK have not made any decision preventing them from participation in a minority government. Diena, Rigas Balss

Diena commentator A.Ozolins thinks that this

Diena commentator A.Ozolins thinks that this TB/LNNK announcement as illogical as it seems clearly shows their support for a majority government but avoiding to express their attitude towards Latvijas Cels V.Kristopans. And A.Ozolins analyses three possible options of forming the new government. Diena

Jauna Avize

looks into the proposalsof TB/LNNK for the basic tasks for the new government. They stress a need for careful supervision of naturalization process, giving up a possibility to make stricter several norms of the Law on Citizenship depending on the factual procedure of naturalization process. Also V.Kristopans considers that naturalization process should be strict, precise but quick. Our task is to reduce the number of non-citizen in the state, because their great number is a hard burden for us.

Peoples Party

representative J.Legzdins agrees with the party leader A.Skele that there is political corruption in Latvia, and deputies not always act basing on their own opinion or the wish of voters but in favor of some finance groups that try to channel the process of privatization in the direction they want. That is the reason for failure to form a coalition. He also thinks that nomination of V.Kristopans as the future Prime Minister was a demand of these groups. representative J.Legzdins agrees with the party leader A.Skele that there is political corruption in Latvia, and deputies not always act basing on their own opinion or the wish of voters but in favor of some finance groups that try to channel the process of privatization in the direction they want. That is the reason for failure to form a coalition. He also thinks that nomination of V.Kristopans as the future Prime Minister was a demand of these groups.


interviews V.Kristopans about the election results, current political situation and future prospects for the development of the country. interviews V.Kristopans about the election results, current political situation and future prospects for the development of the country. J.Urbanovics from

J.Urbanovics from Peoples Harmony Party thinks that this party won the referendum thus saving the image of Latvia. He predicts that within half a year their coalition will grow into a strong, monolith political power, and the majority will have to take into consideration their party. SM


Oct. 23, 1998

Press Review

Central Election Commission announced yesterday the official results of national referendum on amendments to the Law on Citizenship. For abolishing these amendments were 416 584 or 44,99% but against - 487 559 or 52.54% of all voters. Thus these amendments are to come into force within two weeks. The official results of Saeima election will be known today.

Central Election Commission announced yesterday the official results of national referendum on amendments to the Law on Citizenship. For abolishing these amendments were 416 584 or 44,99% but against - 487 559 or 52.54% of all voters. Thus these amendments are to come into force within two weeks. The official results of Saeima election will be known today. Neatkariga, Diena, Jauna Avize

TB/LNNK consider that government forming parties should agree on basic tasks and structure of the new government and only afterwards about distribution of posts. It was the decision taken by the Board of the coalition on Wednesday. The Chairman M.Grinblats said three major parties should meet for a discussion, and it could take place upon an initiative of the State President. M.Grinblats did not specify their indistinct attitude towards the government formed by V.Kristopans answering that they had received a decision they wanted neither from

TB/LNNK consider that government forming parties should agree on basic tasks and structure of the new government and only afterwards about distribution of posts. It was the decision taken by the Board of the coalition on Wednesday. The Chairman M.Grinblats said three major parties should meet for a discussion, and it could take place upon an initiative of the State President. M.Grinblats did not specify their indistinct attitude towards the government formed by V.Kristopans answering that they had received a decision they wanted neither from Latvijas Cels nor Peoples Party. Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna Avize

Unofficial election results show that from the list of

Social Democrats more representatives have been elected from Adamsons party and from Peoples Harmony Partys coalition list - representatives of this party. The list of Social Democrats represents 2 parties but the list of Peoples Harmony Party - 4. Due to this reason, people doubts about stability of the factions of Social Democrats and Peoples Harmony Party in voting. Diena


writes about the visit of representatives of Russian speaking community of Latvia G.Astahov and T.Zdanok to the Assembly of National Cultures of Europe where they informed the assembly about the critical situation of Russian speakers in Latvia, their aliens passports and found an understsnding audience there.

A.Pantelejevs in the TV show From the position of power explained the position of Latvijas Cels on A.Skele. They are against him as the Prime Minister because Skele had caused a fall down of two majority government. Latvijas Cels will give up the idea of V.Kristopans as the Prime Minister only when he is given a possibility to form a government and fails. When asked about a possibility to form a coalition with Peoples Harmony Party, A.Pantelejevs answered that they have a moral barrier to co-operate with a party largely basing on A.Rubiks. 7 Fridays

Oct. 22, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

It seems that the State President has requested V.Kristopans and A.Skele to stop their fighting for the post of the Prime Minister. Now, when these two parties have realised that the choice should be left to the President, more important becomes a question about the possible co-operation in the coalition basing on programmatic documents - i.e. whether they are able to write a declaration where one article does not contradict to any other.

It seems that the State President has requested V.Kristopans and A.Skele to stop their fighting for the post of the Prime Minister. Now, when these two parties have realised that the choice should be left to the President, more important becomes a question about the possible co-operation in the coalition basing on programmatic documents - i.e. whether they are able to write a declaration where one article does not contradict to any other. Neatkariga interviewed V.Kristopans and the Secretary General of PP G.Berzins. V.Kristopans told journalists that there should be three main topics in the declaration: 1) to determine the most urgent steps to favour Latvian integration into EU; 2) how to limit the impact of the world economic crises on the economy of Latvia; 3) to have an education system that would ensure that those Latvian citizens who have received their citizenship in accordance with this referendum would know the Latvian language upon the moment of receiving their passports. In his turn, G.Berzins said that Peoples Partys most important concern of the new government should be the budget of 1999 because it had been elaborated disregarding the real situation. Neatkariga

Representatives of Latvian MFA meet with experts from several foreign countries to agree on re-admission of illegal immigrants. The first meeting was with Polish delegation, and there are planned meetings with Spanish and Portuguese delegations.

Representatives of Latvian MFA meet with experts from several foreign countries to agree on re-admission of illegal immigrants. The first meeting was with Polish delegation, and there are planned meetings with Spanish and Portuguese delegations. Neatkariga

Director General of the National Privatisation Agency J.Naglis announced on Wednesday that if left wing parties were included in the government, it could create obstacles for privatisation of large enterprises. This announcement followed the information about a meeting of

Director General of the National Privatisation Agency J.Naglis announced on Wednesday that if left wing parties were included in the government, it could create obstacles for privatisation of large enterprises. This announcement followed the information about a meeting of Social Democrat J.Adamsons with the Mayor of Venspils A.Lembergs, whom J.Adamsons has already named as a possible candidate for the post of the Prime Minister. Also A.Pantelejevs has commented on the role modern Social Democrats in Europe, making newspapers to wonder why Latvijas Cels could prefer Social Democrats to Peoples Party. One of the possible explanations was the influence of those party sponsors - enterprises of Venspils and Parex Bank on politicians to keep A.Skele away from the government. Diena

The Chairman of the Saeima Commission on Education, Culture and Science Dz.Abikis evaluates the activities of the Commission during the 6th Saeima and suggests things the next Commission should start with.

The Chairman of the Saeima Commission on Education, Culture and Science Dz.Abikis evaluates the activities of the Commission during the 6th Saeima and suggests things the next Commission should start with. Rigas Balss

The Head of Naturalization board E.Aldermane speaks about the conception of the national integration program that has been completed. This program consists of 10 sub-programs. The most important is the education program, next comes the language program, followed by the culture, citizenship issues, repatriation and migration, etc. programs. E.Aldermane acknowledges that work on this integration program has been started seven years too late - if it were started on time, most of problems could have been solved already.

The Head of Naturalization board E.Aldermane speaks about the conception of the national integration program that has been completed. This program consists of 10 sub-programs. The most important is the education program, next comes the language program, followed by the culture, citizenship issues, repatriation and migration, etc. programs. E.Aldermane acknowledges that work on this integration program has been started seven years too late - if it were started on time, most of problems could have been solved already. Fokuss

Also Russian version of

Also Russian version of Diena publishes an interview with E.Aldermane where she tells about the new functions and perspectives for the Naturalisation Board, opened by the last amendments to the Law on Citizenship.

B.Treimanis in

B.Treimanis in Diena writes about the language situation in Latvia. He finds the referendum and all the discussions on the status of the state language only one part of the problem, because due to the real situation, when many foreign businesses are coming to Latvia, a person should now at least 3 - 4 languages. But Latvian education system is not able to produce secondary school graduates knowing even one foreign language, thus denying them a possibility to compete in the world labour market. But the very learning of a language is not enough, it should be practised. Therefore very important is a tolerant attitude towards language mistakes in the society. Diena (Russian version)

A representative of

A representative of Latvijas Cels, Saeima Secretary I.Berzins, answering to the questions of Panorama Latvii, said that a possibility for A.Skele to take part in formation of the new government was very little after the last consultations because already five parties had expressed their support or at least did not have any objections to V.Kristopans as the future Prime Minister. Panorama Latvii

Yesterday’s to be “marathon” Saeima session was closed after a half an hour. On the agenda there was the question of granting citizenship for special merits. This was blocked by nationally orientated deputies, who, revenging for the outcome of the referendum, did not vote and the Speaker was forced to close the meeting and announce a break.

Yesterdays to be marathon Saeima session was closed after a half an hour. On the agenda there was the question of granting citizenship for special merits. This was blocked by nationally orientated deputies, who, revenging for the outcome of the referendum, did not vote and the Speaker was forced to close the meeting and announce a break. Panorama Latvii

Oct. 21, 1998

 Press Review

Press Review

Yesterday party discussions on forming the new government gave no result. J.Bojars, a representative of

Yesterday party discussions on forming the new government gave no result. J.Bojars, a representative of Social Democrats announced to journalists that LSDA was ready to participate in the government only on the grounds of proportionate representation. But the leader of New Party A.Slesers assured that all participating parties had agreed not to discuss ministerial posts until the State President nominated a candidate for the post of the Prime Minister and an agreement of government coalition model was made. A.Pantelejevs, LC, said that Skele people had not answered to their main question whether Peoples Party was ready to participate in V.Kristopans government and that without an agreement on an exact candidate for the post of Prime Minister it was not possible to construct any abstract theories on ideology, etc. Similar were A.Skeles words, he assured that Latvijas Cels had not answered to their question whether LC wanted to see Social Democrats in the new government. Speaking about the current situation he said, Situation when three right wing parties can not agree and start normal discussion, is an evidence of the high level of political corruption in Latvia. TB/LNNK representative J.Straume stated that these discussions were constructive but not productive. In such a complicated situation TB/LNNK would evaluate this situation and make a decision on their future tactics during the Board meeting on October 31. Neatkariga, Diena, Jauna Avize, Chas, SM, Panorama Latvii, Bizness & Baltiya

Commentator V.Hermanis interviews Estonian scientist Klara Hallik, who is famous for her research on ethnic minorities and state policy concerning public integration issues. Ms.Hallik spoke about Estonian national integration program that was started to take away the obstacles preventing non-Estonians to participate in public life. The main target group of this program is children and youth. Although Estonians have preserved some psychological separateness, but there are no signs of increasing negativism from the side of Russians, they ethnically loyal but indifferent.

Neatkariga Majority of citizen would prefer a coalition of

Majority of citizen would prefer a coalition of PP, TB/LNNK and Latvijas Cels instead of Latvijas Cels, TB/LNNK , NP, and LSDA. This was found out in a public poll made by Baltic Data House. The most often named candidates for the post of Prime Minister were A.Skele and V.Kristopans. Diena


Chairman A.Pantelejevs said after the consultations of parties on Tuesday that Latvijas Cels candidate to the post of Prime Minister from V.Kristopans would sum up all proposals received from parties about claim for posts in the Saeima and government and would give his opinion on the possible composition of the government. Seeing that consolations had come to a deadlock, Latvijas Cels proposed the parties, represented in the 7th Saeima, to keep aloof from forming the government agreeing just on the posts in the Saeima Presidium and commissions. Upon a proposal of the 6th Saeima Secretary of I.Berzins, representatives of all elected parties will come together next Monday to agree on the procedure how to select candidates to the Saeima Presidium, commission heads and distribute offices for factions. Diena

K.Zagorovskaya writes about the situation of the Russian language in Latvia. The attitude towards it has changed - it is no more the language of occupants but an international language. Many Latvian school students choose it as the second foreign language. But this language is driven out of office work and terminology, remaining a language of one of the minorities.

K.Zagorovskaya writes about the situation of the Russian language in Latvia. The attitude towards it has changed - it is no more the language of occupants but an international language. Many Latvian school students choose it as the second foreign language. But this language is driven out of office work and terminology, remaining a language of one of the minorities. Chas

N.Evteyev, Head of the Social Maintenance Section of Russian Embassy explained the situation with pension payments. The section is busy to cover debts for September, and there is not enough hard currency to pay all pensions. It is possible that in October these payments could be delayed.

N.Evteyev, Head of the Social Maintenance Section of Russian Embassy explained the situation with pension payments. The section is busy to cover debts for September, and there is not enough hard currency to pay all pensions. It is possible that in October these payments could be delayed. Panorama Latvii

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