Dec. 2, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

Yesterday the new Cabinet of Ministers met for its first meeting. In opening of the meeting the State President Guntis Ulmanis said that the first serious challenge for the new Cabinet will be adoption of the state budget for the year of 1999. As important tasks for the new government, Mr. Ulmanis named completion of privatisation, promotion of small and medium businesses, integration into the EU, and social integration in Latvia.

Yesterday the new Cabinet of Ministers met for its first meeting. In opening of the meeting the State President Guntis Ulmanis said that the first serious challenge for the new Cabinet will be adoption of the state budget for the year of 1999. As important tasks for the new government, Mr. Ulmanis named completion of privatisation, promotion of small and medium businesses, integration into the EU, and social integration in Latvia. B&B, Diena

Yesterday the Latvian Prime Minister Vilis Kristopans met with the Russian Ambassador in Latvia Alexander Udaltsov. Both parties supported the idea to resume the work of the Russian- Latvian intergovernmental commission. According to Vilis Kristopans, the commission could prepare grounds for a meeting of Latvian and Russian Prime Ministers. Mr. Udaltsov acknowledged a possibility to change atmosphere of Russian-Latvian relations. The Latvian Foreign Affairs Minister Valdis Birkavs was sceptical about the results of the meeting. According to Mr. Birkavs, Russia has lot of problems, therefore one should not hope for immediate changes in the Latvian - Russian relations. The Latvian State President Guntis Ulmanis said that a meeting of Prime Ministers of both countries depend on good will of both parties. In a telephone interview for the SM, the Russian Ambassador named factors which hinder development of relations between Russia and Latvia. He said that Russia negatively evaluated the Law on Education which violates rights of national minorities. Besides, Russia will carefully follow the adoption process of the State Language Law.

Yesterday the Latvian Prime Minister Vilis Kristopans met with the Russian Ambassador in Latvia Alexander Udaltsov. Both parties supported the idea to resume the work of the Russian- Latvian intergovernmental commission. According to Vilis Kristopans, the commission could prepare grounds for a meeting of Latvian and Russian Prime Ministers. Mr. Udaltsov acknowledged a possibility to change atmosphere of Russian-Latvian relations. The Latvian Foreign Affairs Minister Valdis Birkavs was sceptical about the results of the meeting. According to Mr. Birkavs, Russia has lot of problems, therefore one should not hope for immediate changes in the Latvian - Russian relations. The Latvian State President Guntis Ulmanis said that a meeting of Prime Ministers of both countries depend on good will of both parties. In a telephone interview for the SM, the Russian Ambassador named factors which hinder development of relations between Russia and Latvia. He said that Russia negatively evaluated the Law on Education which violates rights of national minorities. Besides, Russia will carefully follow the adoption process of the State Language Law. Chas, B&B

Jauna Avize publishes an article by the Foreign Affairs Minister Valdis Birkavs in which he discusses four foreign affairs priorities of the new government - enlargement of the NATO and the EU, regional co-operation and relations with Russia. Jauna Avize

Appellate Council of Refugee Affairs decided to grant refugee status to a person from Egypt where he was persecuted on the grounds of nationality and social origin. This is the second person who has received an official status of refugee in Latvia. According to Baiba Kozule, Director of the DCMA Refugee Affairs Centre, this year the Refugee Affairs Centre has received 32 application from 55 persons who would like to receive refugee status in Latvia.

Appellate Council of Refugee Affairs decided to grant refugee status to a person from Egypt where he was persecuted on the grounds of nationality and social origin. This is the second person who has received an official status of refugee in Latvia. According to Baiba Kozule, Director of the DCMA Refugee Affairs Centre, this year the Refugee Affairs Centre has received 32 application from 55 persons who would like to receive refugee status in Latvia. Neatkariga

In an express-interview for the CHAS, ex-Prime Minister Guntars Krasts said that economic interests of such Russian companies “Lukoil” and “Gazprom” hindered improvement of Latvian-Russian relations during his presidency.

In an express-interview for the CHAS, ex-Prime Minister Guntars Krasts said that economic interests of such Russian companies Lukoil and Gazprom hindered improvement of Latvian-Russian relations during his presidency. Chas

SM publishes an article about Irma Tkeshelashvili who during last 5 years tries to get a favourable court decision in a dispute with the DCMA for issuing her a residence permit. The Court of Centre District of Riga kept the decision of the DCMA to issue Ms. Irma Tkeshelashvili a deportation order.

Rigas Balss publishes an article about the Association of National Cultural Societies which was founded ten years ago and currently is headed by Rafi Haradzanjan. Although the Association is an cultural organisation, it also participates in political discussions, such as a debate about adoption of the amendments to the Citizenship Law. The biggest achievement of the association is establishment of the a Consultative Council at the LR State Presidents Office. Rigas Balss

A professor Janis Freimanis in an article criticises the amendments to the Citizenship Law. Mr. Freimanis argues that until adoption of the amendments the major problem was “integration of non-citizens into citizens”, trying to convince them to learn the Latvian language. Now when citizenship is granted to those who do not know Latvian (here the author means children born after 21 January 1991, and elderly people), the problem will be ”how to integrate citizens who do not know the Latvian language into Latvian speaking citizens.” The state will be forced to spend millions of Lats to teach the Latvian language to “these non-Latvian citizens.”

A professor Janis Freimanis in an article criticises the amendments to the Citizenship Law. Mr. Freimanis argues that until adoption of the amendments the major problem was integration of non-citizens into citizens, trying to convince them to learn the Latvian language. Now when citizenship is granted to those who do not know Latvian (here the author means children born after 21 January 1991, and elderly people), the problem will be how to integrate citizens who do not know the Latvian language into Latvian speaking citizens. The state will be forced to spend millions of Lats to teach the Latvian language to these non-Latvian citizens. Diena

Dec. 1, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

The Latvian Foreign Affairs Minister Valdis Birkavs will participate in two day meeting of the Foreign Affairs ministers of the OSCE member states in Oslo. Mr. Birkavs plans to use this meeting to convince European politicians during the EU meeting in December to set a certain date for the EU accession talks with Latvia.

The Latvian Foreign Affairs Minister Valdis Birkavs will participate in two day meeting of the Foreign Affairs ministers of the OSCE member states in Oslo. Mr. Birkavs plans to use this meeting to convince European politicians during the EU meeting in December to set a certain date for the EU accession talks with Latvia. B&B

According to Janis Kahanovics, a deputy director of the Naturalisation Board, most active applicants for the naturalisation are people of the age from 41 to 50. Statistics show that the activity of the non-citizens residing in Riga is 1.3%, in Saldus region - 4%, Gulbene region - 3.6%, in Daugavpils - 3.2%. At the moment, the Naturalisation Board technically can review no more than 10-12 thousand applications per year. Mr. Kahanovics hopes that the European Union will assist with funding for computerisation of all NB regional divisions which would increase efficiency of a review process. Then, the Naturalisation Board would be able to review 20-25 thousand applications per year.

According to Janis Kahanovics, a deputy director of the Naturalisation Board, most active applicants for the naturalisation are people of the age from 41 to 50. Statistics show that the activity of the non-citizens residing in Riga is 1.3%, in Saldus region - 4%, Gulbene region - 3.6%, in Daugavpils - 3.2%. At the moment, the Naturalisation Board technically can review no more than 10-12 thousand applications per year. Mr. Kahanovics hopes that the European Union will assist with funding for computerisation of all NB regional divisions which would increase efficiency of a review process. Then, the Naturalisation Board would be able to review 20-25 thousand applications per year. Rigas Balss

The Saeima Presidium received an application from the fraction of the

The Saeima Presidium received an application from the fraction of the Peoples Harmony Party in which the fraction informs that now it will be called the fraction of Union of Political Organisations For Human Rights in United Latvia. Chas

Approximately 18 thousand citizens have not exchanged their old Soviet passports to the citizen passports, Deputy Director of the DCMA A. Lejins informed the Saeima Commission on Implementation of the Citizenship Law. There are several reasons for that, for instance, some poeple do not have 5 Lats to pay office fee, while others do not really need a passport. According to the information provided by the DCMA, the worst situation is in the Latgale District of Riga City where 3138 citizens still hold USSR passports.

Approximately 18 thousand citizens have not exchanged their old Soviet passports to the citizen passports, Deputy Director of the DCMA A. Lejins informed the Saeima Commission on Implementation of the Citizenship Law. There are several reasons for that, for instance, some poeple do not have 5 Lats to pay office fee, while others do not really need a passport. According to the information provided by the DCMA, the worst situation is in the Latgale District of Riga City where 3138 citizens still hold USSR passports. Panorama Latvii

In order to inform residents of rural areas about the human rights, the Centre of Non-Governmental Organisations starts to implement a new project. In NGO support centres in eight towns (Talsi, Liepaja, Tukums, Jelgava, Jekabpils, Daugavpils, Cesis and Aluksne) co-ordinators of human rights issues will provide any person or organisation with local and international human rights documents, and information about ways to solve the human rights problems in Latvia and other countries. The NGO centre also plans to organise 27 seminars on human rights issues. The financing of this project for 8 months comes from the Soros Fund-Latvia. 

In order to inform residents of rural areas about the human rights, the Centre of Non-Governmental Organisations starts to implement a new project. In NGO support centres in eight towns (Talsi, Liepaja, Tukums, Jelgava, Jekabpils, Daugavpils, Cesis and Aluksne) co-ordinators of human rights issues will provide any person or organisation with local and international human rights documents, and information about ways to solve the human rights problems in Latvia and other countries. The NGO centre also plans to organise 27 seminars on human rights issues. The financing of this project for 8 months comes from the Soros Fund-Latvia.Diena

Nikolay Kabanov in an article for the SM analyses the Latvian -Russian relations during last three years. The author compares Latvia with Finland after the World War II and argues that it represents a country of limited sovereignty. He basis this argument on the fact that Latvia’s economy is built on the oil transit from Russia. According to Mr. Kabanov, the Russian-Latvian relations started to deteriorate after inclusion of the representatives of the national radical party “

Nikolay Kabanov in an article for the SM analyses the Latvian -Russian relations during last three years. The author compares Latvia with Finland after the World War II and argues that it represents a country of limited sovereignty. He basis this argument on the fact that Latvias economy is built on the oil transit from Russia. According to Mr. Kabanov, the Russian-Latvian relations started to deteriorate after inclusion of the representatives of the national radical party For Fatherland and Freedom into the government. SM

Nov. 30, 1998

Press Report

The Russian Embassy in Latvia organised a briefing concerning the issue of military persons employed in dismantling of the Skrunda Radar Station. More than thirty military persons asked the Latvian parliament and the government to assist in prolongation of their visas, since the Russian Federation had not solved problems related housing after their return to Russia. According to representatives of the Russian Federation, the problem is solved now. Thirty two persons have received certificates (vouchers) for acquiring apartments in Russia. Besides, the during the talks with the Latvian Foreign Affairs Ministry and the DCMA a resolution was passed to prolong residence permits of these persons until everything is ready for their departure to Russia. SM journalist Natalia Lebedeva asked Col. Alexander Nikitin to explain the existing situation. According to Col. Nikitin, main issue was related with those military persons who resigned from the active service in the Russian Armed Forces, and who wanted to choose where to reside after their return to Russia. The Russian Ministry of Defence, hovewer, cannot satisfy this requirement of choosing a residence place. According to Colonel-General Victor Smirnov, majority of military persons is offered apartments in Kostroma and Orlov region, as well as Belgorod and Voronezh regions.

The Russian Embassy in Latvia organised a briefing concerning the issue of military persons employed in dismantling of the Skrunda Radar Station. More than thirty military persons asked the Latvian parliament and the government to assist in prolongation of their visas, since the Russian Federation had not solved problems related housing after their return to Russia. According to representatives of the Russian Federation, the problem is solved now. Thirty two persons have received certificates (vouchers) for acquiring apartments in Russia. Besides, the during the talks with the Latvian Foreign Affairs Ministry and the DCMA a resolution was passed to prolong residence permits of these persons until everything is ready for their departure to Russia. SM journalist Natalia Lebedeva asked Col. Alexander Nikitin to explain the existing situation. According to Col. Nikitin, main issue was related with those military persons who resigned from the active service in the Russian Armed Forces, and who wanted to choose where to reside after their return to Russia. The Russian Ministry of Defence, hovewer, cannot satisfy this requirement of choosing a residence place. According to Colonel-General Victor Smirnov, majority of military persons is offered apartments in Kostroma and Orlov region, as well as Belgorod and Voronezh regions. Panorama Latvii, SM

On Friday during the meeting of the Latvian and Estonian delegations in Tallinn, an agreement about favourable conditions of border crossing for persons residing in the border zone, was initialled. According to this agreement, resident of Latvia and Estonia will be able to cross the border on favourable conditions by presenting a permit which will be issued according to list of persons residing in the border zone. Persons included in this list will be able to reside in other country for 90 days per half a year. An additional protocol of the agreement regulates the border crossing issues of inhabitants of Valka and Valga.

On Friday during the meeting of the Latvian and Estonian delegations in Tallinn, an agreement about favourable conditions of border crossing for persons residing in the border zone, was initialled. According to this agreement, resident of Latvia and Estonia will be able to cross the border on favourable conditions by presenting a permit which will be issued according to list of persons residing in the border zone. Persons included in this list will be able to reside in other country for 90 days per half a year. An additional protocol of the agreement regulates the border crossing issues of inhabitants of Valka and Valga. Diena

Nov. 28, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

The OSCE Permanent Council prolonged the mandate of the OSCE Mission to Latvia until 30 June 1999, the Latvian Foreign Affairs Ministry informs. An identical decision was passed concerning the OSCE Mission to Estonia.

The OSCE Permanent Council prolonged the mandate of the OSCE Mission to Latvia until 30 June 1999, the Latvian Foreign Affairs Ministry informs. An identical decision was passed concerning the OSCE Mission to Estonia. Diena

Maris Grinblats, a leader of the

Maris Grinblats, a leader of the For Fatherland and Freedom, told the press that social democrats support to the government of Vilis Kristopans gives a possibility to decision making institutions of the Fatherland and Freedom to revise a negative attitude towards the Union of Social Democrats.Chas in Mondays issue speculates that it is possible that today (30 November) government forming fractions will agree to ask the Union of Social Democrats to nominate their candidates for posts of the Minister of Agriculture and the State Minister of Higher Education and Science. Still, Maris Grinblats insists that leaders of the social democrats who have collaborated with the KGB, should not be included in the government. Besides, no coalition agreement will be signed with the social democrats. Diena, Chas

Concerning a chapter on education, several persons related with education sphere told that the declaration does not provide clear answers on how the stated problems will be solved. In the declaration, it is stated that in order to ensure that everybody who finishes primary school knows the language, qualitative instruction of the Latvian language shall be provided. However, the declaration does not explain how to attain this goal. Minister of Education Janis Gaigals promised 

Concerning a chapter on education, several persons related with education sphere toldthat the declaration does not provide clear answers on how the stated problems will be solved. In the declaration, it is stated that in order to ensure that everybody who finishes primary school knows the language, qualitative instruction of the Latvian language shall be provided. However, the declaration does not explain how to attain this goal. Minister of Education Janis Gaigals promisedDiena that in a half of a month everything will be made more clear. The governmental policy does not say much also about the state language policy. The declaration does not state a term by which the Law on State Language should be adopted, said Dzintars Abikis.

The Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry has positively evaluated statements by the Latvian Prime Minister Vilis Kristopans to work on improvement of the Latvian - Russian relations. Vladimir Rahmanin, official representative of the Russian MFA, expressed a hope that these statements will be proved by particular deeds, since Latvia is aware of Russia’s priorities. Deputy Director of administration of the Russian State President, Sergey Prihodko told SM that Russia has certain optimism related with the new government of Latvia and hopes that it will carefully deal with a solution of problems of Latvian -Russian relationship.

The Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry has positively evaluated statements by the Latvian Prime Minister Vilis Kristopans to work on improvement of the Latvian - Russian relations. Vladimir Rahmanin, official representative of the Russian MFA, expressed a hope that these statements will be proved by particular deeds, since Latvia is aware of Russias priorities. Deputy Director of administration of the Russian State President, Sergey Prihodko told SM that Russia has certain optimism related with the new government of Latvia and hopes that it will carefully deal with a solution of problems of Latvian -Russian relationship. Diena, SM

The State President Guntis Ulmanis in an interview for the Russian newspaper Komersant said that during the last months the Latvian-Russian relations have improved, and he completely supports further talks between two countries. In the same interview, Guntis Ulmanis stated that the amendments to the Citizenship Law should have been adopted three four years later when the society would have been ready for it. According to the Press Secretary of the President Vita Savicka, what the President meant by saying it, was that the amendments were adopted fast and without wide discussion in the society.

The State President Guntis Ulmanis in an interview for the Russian newspaper Komersant said that during the last months the Latvian-Russian relations have improved, and he completely supports further talks between two countries. In the same interview, Guntis Ulmanis stated that the amendments to the Citizenship Law should have been adopted three four years later when the society would have been ready for it. According to the Press Secretary of the President Vita Savicka, what the President meant by saying it, was that the amendments were adopted fast and without wide discussion in the society. Diena

On Friday the Baltic Assembly rejected a proposal of the Russian-Belorussian Assembly to meet in order to discuss a possibility for the Baltic States to join the Commonwealth of the Independent States. The Latvian Foreign Affairs Ministry told DIENA that Latvia’s goal is to join the EU, while the accession to the CIS is not included in the foreign affairs conception of Latvia.

On Friday the Baltic Assembly rejected a proposal of the Russian-Belorussian Assembly to meet in order to discuss a possibility for the Baltic States to join the Commonwealth of the Independent States. The Latvian Foreign Affairs Ministry told DIENA that Latvias goal is to join the EU, while the accession to the CIS is not included in the foreign affairs conception of Latvia. Diena

Nov. 27, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

Yesterday the Saeima with 59 votes for, 24 against and 4 absent gave the new government the vote of confidence. The most surprising was the support of

Yesterday the Saeima with 59 votes for, 24 against and 4 absent gave the new government the vote of confidence. The most surprising was the support of Social Democrats who unanimously voter for V.Kristopanss government. Another surprise was the absence of former Prime Minister G.Krasts during this vote. He explained it with a need to leave the hall for a short while and on returninf he discovered that the vote was already over. During debates Peoples Party was very negative about the proposed ministers, but V.Kristopans was convinced that they would succeed in finding new coalition or co-operation partners. He admitted that also Peoples Party and Union of Social Democrats could have some minister posts in his government. A.Skele categorically denied a possibility that PP could participate in this government.

When speaking about the priorities of his government, V.Kristopans said that he planned to organise a meeting with Russian Prime Minister but could not specify the date of this meeting.

When speaking about the priorities of his government, V.Kristopans said that he planned to organise a meeting with Russian Prime Minister but could not specify the date of this meeting. Neatkariga, Diena, Jauna Avize, SM, Chas, Panorama Latvii, Bizness & Baltiya

A.Skele announced that

A.Skele announced that Peoples Party would remain in opposition untill the moment when this government fell. His party is ready to work in a constructive opposition, and they could support proposals and normative documents prepared by other opposition parties if they corresponded to the position of PP. Panorama Latvii

Several Saeima members criticised the government declaration of the new government as it not giving a clear understanding how this government would solve several important problems of Latvian economy. Prime Minister V.Kristopans, addressing the Saeima, said that this declaration was a political document, not an exact plan of government activities and that they would prepare such an action plan within the first 100 days of their rule.

Several Saeima members criticised the government declaration of the new government as it not giving a clear understanding how this government would solve several important problems of Latvian economy. Prime Minister V.Kristopans, addressing the Saeima, said that this declaration was a political document, not an exact plan of government activities and that they would prepare such an action plan within the first 100 days of their rule. Diena

Diena also published this government declaration.

Experts consider this government to be unstable and fragile, and based of a secret agreement among parties. It is possible that it will last only till the first serious trial - adoption of the budget of presidential election.

Experts consider this government to be unstable and fragile, and based of a secret agreement among parties. It is possible that it will last only till the first serious trial - adoption of the budget of presidential election. Diena

Finnish newspaper Hufvudstadsbladet anticipates that, after the amendments to the Law on Citizenship were adopted in Latvia, a heavy arguing will start between Latvians and Russian speaking minority. The newspaper states that the dispute about granting citizenship has caused Russian speakers to feel angry and frustrated. And now you can expect an arguing to start about the language because the Latvian language will become the dominant language in the education system and it will oust the Russian language.

Finnish newspaper Hufvudstadsbladet anticipates that, after the amendments to the Law on Citizenship were adopted in Latvia, a heavy arguing will start between Latvians and Russian speaking minority. The newspaper states that the dispute about granting citizenship has caused Russian speakers to feel angry and frustrated. And now you can expect an arguing to start about the language because the Latvian language will become the dominant language in the education system and it will oust the Russian language. Neatkariga

Riga Regional Court considered several cases initiated by the DCMA to deprive several persons of Latvian citizenship and

Riga Regional Court considered several cases initiated by the DCMA to deprive several persons of Latvian citizenship and Neatkariga gives a short description of these cases. Neatkariga

The Deputy Head of the Naturalisation Board J.Kahanovics informs that the Board has received 742 application for naturalisation within seven days, and 1090 people have signed up for submitting this document. The biggest number of applicants come from age group 30 -50 years old (421), but also other age groups have become more active. The highest percentage of naturalised non-citizens is in Saldus, Dobele, Tukums and Kuldiga regions. As the local DCMA office Head O.Ulmanis explained it could be due to he fact that there were not so many non-citizens in this territory - only 15 %. Also Vidzeme regional office Head E.Kokins told about positive changes in the attitude towards naturalisation. If previously they received about 20 applications in one month, now it was 4 -5 per day. Most of the applicants are above 40 years of age and well educated. The main problem in this region is the naturalisation fee. These 30 Ls is a huge money for countryside people. Especially it can be felt in Valka and Limbazi region where the unemployment rate is higher. J.Kahanovics commented these statements that this increase was a natural phenomenon after abolishing the “window” mechanism, thus creating a positive attitude towards non-citizens. The Deputy Head admitted that this interest could decrease with time. but they anticipate that about 10 - 12 000 people would naturalise every year.

The Deputy Head of the Naturalisation Board J.Kahanovics informs that the Board has received 742 application for naturalisation within seven days, and 1090 people have signed up for submitting this document. The biggest number of applicants come from age group 30 -50 years old (421), but also other age groups have become more active. The highest percentage of naturalised non-citizens is in Saldus, Dobele, Tukums and Kuldiga regions. As the local DCMA office Head O.Ulmanis explained it could be due to he fact that there were not so many non-citizens in this territory - only 15 %. Also Vidzeme regional office Head E.Kokins told about positive changes in the attitude towards naturalisation. If previously they received about 20 applications in one month, now it was 4 -5 per day. Most of the applicants are above 40 years of age and well educated. The main problem in this region is the naturalisation fee. These 30 Ls is a huge money for countryside people. Especially it can be felt in Valka and Limbazi region where the unemployment rate is higher. J.Kahanovics commented these statements that this increase was a natural phenomenon after abolishing the window mechanism, thus creating a positive attitude towards non-citizens. The Deputy Head admitted that this interest could decrease with time. but they anticipate that about 10 - 12 000 people would naturalise every year. Jauna Avize

According to the information received from the Examination Centre of the Naturalisation Board, the number of people applying for naturalisation is increasing. From November 9 to 15 sixty six non-citizens have taken the Latvian language and history knowledge tests, but a week later this number was 118. About 98% of them were successful.

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