Feb. 16, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

Prime Minister V.Kristopans thinks that the Director of the NHRO O.Bruveris should be exchanged. He expressed this opinion during a discussion with journalists, answering to a question why the faction

Prime Minister V.Kristopans thinks that the Director of the NHRO O.Bruveris should be exchanged. He expressed this opinion during a discussion with journalists, answering to a question why the faction Latvijas Cels had not supported a proposal to grant additional 24 000 Ls from the budget to the NHRO . Neatkariga

V.Kristopans considers the idea to turn March 16 into the commemoration day of Latvian soldiers not a very successful one because this date is a day of “strange uniforms” and it is difficult to combine it with the fight for Latvia’s independence. The government will decide about its position in this respect during the next few days after having listened to the opinions of security officers on the situation in the state. V.Kristopans refused to make any comments on the decision of the Interior Minister G.Kristovskis not to impose any restrictions for participation of military personnel in the commemoration events.

V.Kristopans considers the idea to turn March 16 into the commemoration day of Latvian soldiers not a very successful one because this date is a day of strange uniforms and it is difficult to combine it with the fight for Latvias independence. The government will decide about its position in this respect during the next few days after having listened to the opinions of security officers on the situation in the state. V.Kristopans refused to make any comments on the decision of the Interior Minister G.Kristovskis not to impose any restrictions for participation of military personnel in the commemoration events. Neatkariga, Diena, Jauna Avize, Chas

Officials of the Interior Ministry and security services consider that situation in the state is under control and no extraordinary events take place. But the journalists of the Russian speaking newspaper

Officials of the Interior Ministry and security services consider that situation in the state is under control and no extraordinary events take place. But the journalists of the Russian speaking newspaper Chas have a different opinion. They compare the current situation, when almost every day there is a bomb explosion in Riga, with the one a year ago and find common features, thus hinting the future development of the situation. Chas

Liepaja City Council has granted a credit of 30 000 Ls to the enterprise Liepajas siltums (Liepaja Heat), which is the fourth credit during last two years, to provide heat to the low income people living in Karaosta (former Soviet military naval base) and Tosmare.

Liepaja City Council has granted a credit of 30 000 Ls to the enterprise Liepajas siltums (Liepaja Heat), which is the fourth credit during last two years, to provide heat to the low income people living in Karaosta (former Soviet military naval base) and Tosmare. Neatkariga

Yesterday the Riga Regional Court passed a decision that the Riga City Council deputy T.Zdanok was the subject of the law prohibiting former

Yesterday the Riga Regional Court passed a decision that the Riga City Council deputy T.Zdanok was the subject of the law prohibiting former Communist Party members (after January 13,1991) to be elected to the Saeima and municipalities. With this decree taking effect, the City Council will have to annul Zdanoks deputy mandate. There were pickets in Riga and Liepaja supporting T.Zdanok and demanding to stop witch hunts. Neatkariga, Diena, Chas, SM, Panorama Latvii, Bizness & Baltiya

Russian government considers a project to introduce a sticker in Russian citizen passport, stating persons belonging to some of the republics - subjects of the Russian Federation. This was announced by the first Deputy Chairman of Russian government V.Gustov. He explained that this sticker would be filled in the national language of the corresponding republic and would have the coat of arms of this republic on it.


Panorama Latvii

published an interview with Marina Shabalina who recently had passed the naturalisation exams. Marina tells the journalist about her impressions during the process of naturalisation and finds the exams to be very easy. The newspaper asks other claimants for naturalisation to write about their experiences. published an interview with Marina Shabalina who recently had passed the naturalisation exams. Marina tells the journalist about her impressions during the process of naturalisation and finds the exams to be very easy. The newspaper asks other claimants for naturalisation to write about their experiences.

Bizness & Baltiya

writes about the 15 Estonian MPs accusing the OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel in escalating tension in Estonia. writes about the 15 Estonian MPs accusing the OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel in escalating tension in Estonia.

Feb. 15, 1999

Press Report

German Minister of Foreign Affairs G.Ferheigen is coming to Latvia on February 15 and 16. During this visit, he will sign an agreement on no visa regime between Germany and Latvia that will take effect on march 1.

German Minister of Foreign Affairs G.Ferheigen is coming to Latvia on February 15 and 16. During this visit, he will sign an agreement on no visa regime between Germany and Latvia that will take effect on march 1. Neatkariga

Linguist V.Skujina writes in Diena about a tendency to mix grammar with politics, i.e. about the problem of spelling personal names of non-Latvians in the Latvian language, treating it as a human rights violation and gives her point of view that spelling of personal names is just a Latvian grammar problem.

Linguist V.Skujina writes in Diena about a tendency to mix grammar with politics, i.e. about the problem of spelling personal names of non-Latvians in the Latvian language, treating it as a human rights violation and gives her point of view that spelling of personal names is just a Latvian grammar problem. Diena


informs that National Human Rights Office is facing financial problems, therefore Director O.Bruveris has decided not only to dismiss several employees but also work more economically. informs that National Human Rights Office is facing financial problems, therefore Director O.Bruveris has decided not only to dismiss several employees but also work more economically. The Head of Immigration Police A.Kurpnieks has passed his attestation test because he had eliminated the discovered drawbacks.

The Head of Immigration Police A.Kurpnieks has passed his attestation test because he had eliminated the discovered drawbacks. Diena

Feb. 13, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

On Friday the official opening ceremony of asylum seekers centre Mucenieki took place. There is room enough for 250 people. Now 10 asylum seekers and one refugee live in the centre. UN representative K.Kalumy thinks that opening of this centre for Latvia is one more step towards joining EU.

On Friday the official opening ceremony of asylum seekers centre Mucenieki took place. There is room enough for 250 people. Now 10 asylum seekers and one refugee live in the centre. UN representative K.Kalumy thinks that opening of this centre for Latvia is one more step towards joining EU. Diena

The Latvian government will consider the commemoration day of Latvian soldiers during one of its next meetings, but Prime Minister V.Kristopans does not foresee any “sensation that the government could adopt” because it does not intend to discuss about using any special means. The Prime Minister made this announcement to the Latvian Radio. He himself is worried that peaceful Latvian soldiers could be involved in some kind of instigation, therefore the government will oppose all activities of unregistered extremist groups such as Barkashovists. Ministers as government representatives will not take part in any activities of March 16, but if any minister would like to lay flowers, it is his/her private business.

The Latvian government will consider the commemoration day of Latvian soldiers during one of its next meetings, but Prime Minister V.Kristopans does not foresee any sensation that the government could adopt because it does not intend to discuss about using any special means. The Prime Minister made this announcement to the Latvian Radio. He himself is worried that peaceful Latvian soldiers could be involved in some kind of instigation, therefore the government will oppose all activities of unregistered extremist groups such as Barkashovists. Ministers as government representatives will not take part in any activities of March 16, but if any minister would like to lay flowers, it is his/her private business. Neatkariga

The Saeima faction

The Saeima faction For Human Rights in United Latvia consider that the ban for former KGB personnel and persons, who were members of Communist party after January 13, 1991, to candidate in municipal elections to be anti-constitutional. If a court deprives Riga City Council Deputy T.Zdanok of her deputy mandate, then the politicians of the Union will show the whole world that political discrimination takes place in Latvia. Diena

the leaders of the Saeima faction

the leaders of the Saeima faction For Human Rights in United Latvii J.Jurkans, movement Equality S.Dimanis and the co-ordinator of this movement T.Zdanok informed the mass media that a court hearing concerning T.Zdanok was planned for February 15. Panorama Latvii

On Friday, with the State President G.Ulmanis present, a regional office of the Latvian Language Training Program was opened in Liepaja. So far such a regional office existed only in Daugavpils. Currently about 500 Liepaja residents use the services of the LLTP: they are railroad workers, policemen, medical personnel, workers of largest factories.

On Friday, with the State President G.Ulmanis present, a regional office of the Latvian Language Training Program was opened in Liepaja. So far such a regional office existed only in Daugavpils. Currently about 500 Liepaja residents use the services of the LLTP: they are railroad workers, policemen, medical personnel, workers of largest factories. Diena

The Saeima Deputy from the faction

The Saeima Deputy from the faction For Human Rights in United Latvia B.Cilevich considers that Latvia will not get away only with the adoption of the Law on Citizenship. If anybody hopes that the EU Council and the OSCE would close their eyes to other our violations, he makes a major mistake. The same statement Mr. Cilevich repeated at the meeting of the Council of Nationalities with the State President. SM, Panorama Latvii (February 15)

A high ranking Russian official told SM journalist that the announcement of German Chancellor G.Schreder that the Baltic countries would not be invited to the NATO as new members, meant that NATO member countries had listened to Russian opinion on this issue, and it gave Russia new stimuli to increase her activities on creating a European security system within the OSCE. Russia is ready to continue working on preparation of European Chart on Security with all OSCE member states.

A high ranking Russian official told SM journalist that the announcement of German Chancellor G.Schreder that the Baltic countries would not be invited to the NATO as new members, meant that NATO member countries had listened to Russian opinion on this issue, and it gave Russia new stimuli to increase her activities on creating a European security system within the OSCE. Russia is ready to continue working on preparation of European Chart on Security with all OSCE member states. SM


Feb. 12, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

The State Language Training Program in co-operation with the UNDP has opened a regional office of the Latvian Language Training Program in Liepaja. A similar office was opened in Daugavpils in September last year. As the Director of the State Language Training Program Aija Priedite told

The State Language Training Program in co-operation with the UNDP has opened a regional office of the Latvian Language Training Program in Liepaja. A similar office was opened in Daugavpils in September last year. As the Director of the State Language Training Program Aija Priedite told Jauna Avize, in Liepaja where are many teachers of Latvian as the second language there was a great needed for the place where to hold the methodological seminars, to have a library.

The Estonian parliament has adopted the amendments to the Language Law providing for the state language proficiency requirements for the employees of the institutions and enterprises which deal with the distribution of goods and services. The Amendments still need to be promulgated by the State President, and it is planned that they will come into force on 1 July. The amendments also provide that the foreign specialists or experts who have stayed in Estonia on the grounds of the work permit, more than a year, should know the Estonian language.

The Estonian parliament has adopted the amendments to the Language Law providing for the state language proficiency requirements for the employees of the institutions and enterprises which deal with the distribution of goods and services. The Amendments still need to be promulgated by the State President, and it is planned that they will come into force on 1 July. The amendments also provide that the foreign specialists or experts who have stayed in Estonia on the grounds of the work permit, more than a year, should know the Estonian language. Diena

In order to avoid possible incidents, the Cabinet of Ministers has planned to discuss how to commemorate the 16th of March this year, the Prime Minister Vilis Kristopans told journalists.

In order to avoid possible incidents, the Cabinet of Ministers has planned to discuss how to commemorate the 16th of March this year, the Prime Minister Vilis Kristopans told journalists. Diena

According to the Minister of Foreign Affairs Valdis Birkavs, the Russia’s reaction to the changes in the sphere of the Latvian citizenship, is not adequate. The Minister stressed that for improvement of the Latvian-Russian relations, certain steps should made, for example, the work of the intergovernmental commission should be resumed, the agreements signed, the economic sanctions lifted. Besides, Latvia cannot accept reprimands concerning the violation of the international standards, since the Russia’s opinion differs from the position of Latvia and of the international organisations.

According to the Minister of Foreign Affairs Valdis Birkavs, the Russias reaction to the changes in the sphere of the Latvian citizenship, is not adequate. The Minister stressed that for improvement of the Latvian-Russian relations, certain steps should made, for example, the work of the intergovernmental commission should be resumed, the agreements signed, the economic sanctions lifted. Besides, Latvia cannot accept reprimands concerning the violation of the international standards, since the Russias opinion differs from the position of Latvia and of the international organisations. Diena

The Program on the Social Integration of Latvia was discussed at the first meeting of the Consultative Council of Nationalities at the State President’s Office. The chapter on the education was criticised by Boris Tsilevich (

The Program on the Social Integration of Latvia was discussed at the first meeting of the Consultative Council of Nationalities at the State Presidents Office. The chapter on the education was criticised by Boris Tsilevich (For the Human Rights) who believes that the chapter is directed towards the gradual assimilation. B&B writes the some participants of the meeting felt that the State President was not fully informed about the opinion of the OSCE concerning the program, the Education Law and the State Language law.

SM publishes a story about the Riga Secondary School No 46 where the State Language Inspectorate found that 23 teachers held false state language certificates.

Dienain Russian interviews the State Secretary of the Latvian MFA Maris Riekstins who visited Moscow last week. According to Maris Riekstins, both sides agreed to resume the dialogue which was discontinued last year. As a positive moment of the visit Mr. Riekstins mentions the obtained authentic information about the Russias position, its arguments and perspective on the future relationship with Latvia. Mr. Riekstins regrets that the discussion about some issues, mainly of the humanitarian sphere, was not of the constructive nature since the Russias position differs from the position of Latvia and of international organisations.

Former leaders of the Democratic Party

Former leaders of the Democratic Party Saimnieks and the MP s of the 6th Saeima Ziedonis Cevers has become the Advisor of the State President on Security and Integration issues. Diena

Feb. 11, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs considers that the reaction of Russia is not adequate to the changes that have taken place in Latvia, as well as to the positive evaluation of Latvian development.. He thinks there is a need for a concrete action from Russia - to start the activities of the intergovernmental commission, sign agreements, annull sanctions, not just words stating some improvement in the bilateral relations. The Minister of Foreign Affairs also added that Latvia cound not accept reproaches on violating international standards, because the opinion of Russia did not correspond with the opinion of OSCE experts and foreign officials.

Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs considers that the reaction of Russia is not adequate to the changes that have taken place in Latvia, as well as to the positive evaluation of Latvian development.. He thinks there is a need for a concrete action from Russia - to start the activities of the intergovernmental commission, sign agreements, annull sanctions, not just words stating some improvement in the bilateral relations. The Minister of Foreign Affairs also added that Latvia cound not accept reproaches on violating international standards, because the opinion of Russia did not correspond with the opinion of OSCE experts and foreign officials. Neatkariga, SM

Swedish Minister of Foreign Affairs A.Linda pointed out that Russia should sign the border agreements with Latvia and Estonia as soon as possible. At the same time Russian National Council should ratify the border agreement with Lithuania that had already been signed.

Swedish Minister of Foreign Affairs A.Linda pointed out that Russia should sign the border agreements with Latvia and Estonia as soon as possible. At the same time Russian National Council should ratify the border agreement with Lithuania that had already been signed. Neatkariga

A good will of politicians and a favourable psychological climate in the society is necessary for a successful process of public integration. This idea was voiced at the meeting of the Consultative Council on Nationalities (CCN) while analysing the concept of integration. The State President and CCN members started on Wednesday and planned to continue for the whole half a year to discuss the concept

A good will of politicians and a favourable psychological climate in the society is necessary for a successful process of public integration. This idea was voiced at the meeting of the Consultative Council on Nationalities (CCN) while analysing the concept of integration. The State President and CCN members started on Wednesday and planned to continue for the whole half a year to discuss the concept Public integration in Latvia elaborated by a group of experts. Diena

The coalition of ruling partied did not punish the

The coalition of ruling partied did not punish the Union of Latvian Social Democrats for their organised re-election of the Saeima Commission on Social and Labour Affairs contrary to their former warning. But, as the Chairman of the ULSD Saeima faction E.Baldzens informed, the ULSD did not intend to step back from their principal issues. Diena

The newspaper

The newspaper SM writes about a strange situation in Jelgava - for more that a year 470 non-citizens have not arrived to collect their non-citizen passports. Citizens are not much more active - at the local DCMA office there are 300 non collected citizen passports. Four thousand Jelgava non-citizens do not submit documents for receiving a non-citizen passport at all. The only activity the local DCMA officials take to improve the situation is to put out in public the lists of these back sheep let everybody knows them.

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