marts 9, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

The State President Guntis Ulmanis admits that it was his and the Saeima’s mistake to declare the 16th of March as an official commemoration day and believes that next year it will not be observed. During the interview for the Latvian Radio on Monday the State President said that at the meetings with different soldiers’ organization registered in Latvia, almost a half of them expressed unwillingness to observe this date. Mr. Ulmanis calls people not to organise mass meetings at this day this year.

The State President Guntis Ulmanis admits that it was his and the Saeimas mistake to declare the 16th of March as an official commemoration day and believes that next year it will not be observed. During the interview for the Latvian Radio on Monday the State President said that at the meetings with different soldiers organization registered in Latvia, almost a half of them expressed unwillingness to observe this date. Mr. Ulmanis calls people not to organise mass meetings at this day this year. Diena, Neatkariga, B&B

The deputies from the social democrats fraction submitted the amendments to the Article 109 of the Satversme (Constitution) The social democrats suggest to state the Article as follows: “Everyone shall have the right to sufficient food, clothing, and housing, as well as to social security in the case of old age, inability to work, unemployment, and in other cases provided by other laws.”

The deputies from the social democrats fraction submitted the amendments to the Article 109 of the Satversme (Constitution) The social democrats suggest to state the Article as follows: Everyone shall have the right to sufficient food, clothing, and housing, as well as to social security in the case of old age, inability to work, unemployment, and in other cases provided by other laws. Diena, Neatkariga

Even after four murders in the Gulbene kindergarten the State President Guntis Ulmanis supports the abolishment of the death penalty.

Even after four murders in the Gulbene kindergarten the State President Guntis Ulmanis supports the abolishment of the death penalty. Diena

Regardless of the Riga City Council’s refusal to issue a permit to have a picket on the 16th of March, the Russian Society in Latvia will organise one to protest against this date and the marching of the legionnaires, the President of the Russian Society G.Astahov told

Regardless of the Riga City Councils refusal to issue a permit to have a picket on the 16th of March, the Russian Society in Latvia will organise one to protest against this date and the marching of the legionnaires, the President of the Russian Society G.Astahov told Panorama Latvii.

Panorama Latvii begins to publish the questions with the correct answers to the naturalisation examination about the Latvian history.

The deputy of the fraction For Human Rights Y. Sokolovsky comments the amendments to the Law on Entry and Residence of the Foreign Citizens and the Stateless Persons in Latvia reviewed by the Saeima Legal Commission last week. The faction had submitted the amendments providing the possibility for elderly parents to reunite with their children who are residents of Latvia, as well as the opportunity for the children who were born and resided in Latvia for more than 10 years to come to live here. These amendments, however, were rejected by the commission.

The deputy of the fraction For Human Rights Y. Sokolovsky comments the amendments to the Law on Entry and Residence of the Foreign Citizens and the Stateless Persons in Latvia reviewed by the Saeima Legal Commission last week. The faction had submitted the amendments providing the possibility for elderly parents to reunite with their children who are residents of Latvia, as well as the opportunity for the children who were born and resided in Latvia for more than 10 years to come to live here. These amendments, however, were rejected by the commission. Panorama Latvii

Commenting the Draft Emigration Law adopted by the Saeima in the first reading, 

Commenting the Draft Emigration Law adopted by the Saeima in the first reading,Chas states that the law contradicts with, at least, two international human rights documents ratified by Latvia - the UN Universal Human Rights Declaration and International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights providing that everyone is free to leave any country, including his/her own. The Draft Emigration Law provides that in order to leave Latvia, a person should receive a permission to leave. Boris Tsilevich (For Human Rights) one of the opponents of the law thinks that the drfat law in the present version is an input into the building of the police state. Chas

Yesterday the Latvian side of the Latvian-Russian intergovernmental commission met to discuss the letter of the Russian Ambassador in Latvia A. Udalcov calling the experts of both countries from the social and humanitarian affairs committee to meet next week. Latvia thinks that the whole commission should resume the work, particularly activating the work of those expert groups which have prepared agreements to be signed.

Yesterday the Latvian side of the Latvian-Russian intergovernmental commission met to discuss the letter of the Russian Ambassador in Latvia A. Udalcov calling the experts of both countries from the social and humanitarian affairs committee to meet next week. Latvia thinks that the whole commission should resume the work, particularly activating the work of those expert groups which have prepared agreements to be signed. Neatkariga

The Riga City Council Education, Youth Affairs and Sports Committee reviewed the information provided by the State Language Inspectorate about 124 cases when the false state language proficiency certificates were stated in the Riga City in 1998. Last year the observance of the Language Law was checked in 1785 institutions, organisations, enterprises and companies in Riga. The state language proficiency of 4765 persons who are the subjects to the state language examination, was checked, but in 653 cases the state language proficiency certificates and legality of their obtaining, were investigated.

The Riga City Council Education, Youth Affairs and Sports Committee reviewed the information provided by the State Language Inspectorate about 124 cases when the false state language proficiency certificates were stated in the Riga City in 1998. Last year the observance of the Language Law was checked in 1785 institutions, organisations, enterprises and companies in Riga. The state language proficiency of 4765 persons who are the subjects to the state language examination, was checked, but in 653 cases the state language proficiency certificates and legality of their obtaining, were investigated. Neatkariga

G. Evdakimov, the SM journalist, analyses Latvia’s chance to join the NATO, and concludes that since Russia has the strong position against the Baltic States joining the alliance (for rational and irrational reasons), and since the NATO will not try to test the Russia’s patience, Latvia will not be accepted to the organisation.

G. Evdakimov, the SM journalist, analyses Latvias chance to join the NATO, and concludes that since Russia has the strong position against the Baltic States joining the alliance (for rational and irrational reasons), and since the NATO will not try to test the Russias patience, Latvia will not be accepted to the organisation. SM

The Baltic Data House survey on the factors promoting the political participation in Latvia shows that only every sixth resident of Latvia believes that he/she can influence the decisions taken by the government and is ready to protest against the unsatisfactory work of the government. The reasons are the low standard of life and the low individual’s self-appraisal.

The Baltic Data House survey on the factors promoting the political participation in Latvia shows that only every sixth resident of Latvia believes that he/she can influence the decisions taken by the government and is ready to protest against the unsatisfactory work of the government. The reasons are the low standard of life and the low individuals self-appraisal. Diena

marts 8, 1999

Press Report

Peoples Party

conference with 235 votes for affirmed the Saeima deputy V.Paegle as their candidate to the post of the State President. Journalist, present at this conference, had an impression that the Chairman of the party, by energetic manipulations, tried to force the people present to nominate nobody else but V.Paegle. conference with 235 votes for affirmed the Saeima deputy V.Paegle as their candidate to the post of the State President. Journalist, present at this conference, had an impression that the Chairman of the party, by energetic manipulations, tried to force the people present to nominate nobody else but V.Paegle. Neatkariga, Jauna Avize, Diena, Chas, Bizness & Baltiya Neatkariga, Jauna Avize, Diena, Chas, Bizness & Baltiya

Vice Speaker of the Saeima G.Bojars, speaking on a Russian TV channel asked Russia to renew the activities of the intergovernmental commission to solve the problems of Russian speakers in Latvia. He pointed out that many of those problems were connected with the fact that Russia was not interested to work in this commission to discuss many social welfare issues of Russian speakers in Latvia. Vice Speaker of the Saeima G.Bojars, speaking on a Russian TV channel asked Russia to renew the activities of the intergovernmental commission to solve the problems of Russian speakers in Latvia. He pointed out that many of those problems were connected with the fact that Russia was not interested to work in this commission to discuss many social welfare issues of Russian speakers in Latvia. Jauna Avize Jauna Avize

Historian K.Kangeris from Stockholm University writes about the problem of March 16 and analyses the reasons of it. Historian K.Kangeris from Stockholm University writes about the problem of March 16 and analyses the reasons of it. DienaDiena

No decision was made whether to send the amendments to the law “On national holidays and commemoration days”. The whole discussion lasted just for four minutes.

No decision was made whether to send the amendments to the law On national holidays and commemoration days. The whole discussion lasted just for four minutes. Panorama Latvii

marts 5, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

Yesterday the Saeima did not support the proposal of the faction

Yesterday the Saeima did not support the proposal of the faction For Human Rights in United Latvia to cross out from the law On holidays and Commemoration days March 16. It is possible that the proposal will be submitted repeatedly. While debating, LC representative K.Libane told that, by supporting this initiative, the deputies would avoid showing contempt to the historians who had evaluated the events of WW II and stated that the name of the commemoration day given in the law did not correspond to the historical essence. This suggestion did not find fertile soil, and the only ones voting for this proposal were the deputies of Latvijas Cels and For Human Rights in United Latvia. Neatkariga, Diena

After this sitting the representative of the faction

After this sitting the representative of the faction For Human Rights in United Latvia O.Denisov sent an letter to the European Parliament with a request to pay attention to the things taking place in Latvia. Panorama Latvii

CBSS Commissioner O.Espersen thinks that after adopting the amendments to the Law on Citizenship, as well as a successful development of the naturalisation process, the issue of granting the right of vote to non-citizens in municipal elections could loose its importance. He expressed this opinion in a discussion with the Deputy MFA State Secretary A.Ronis and Director of International Organizations I.Pundurs.

Neatkariga Of Friday, it will be 100 days term for V.Kristopans government, therefore on Thursday the Prime Minister reported on the activities of the government. But even the representatives of the position factions, having listened to this report, had problems to name any good deeds of the government.

Of Friday, it will be 100 days term for V.Kristopans government, therefore on Thursday the Prime Minister reported on the activities of the government. But even the representatives of the position factions, having listened to this report, had problems to name any good deeds of the government. Diena, SM, Panorama Latvii

Panorama Latvii published the text of the Regulations on the naturalisation tests.

Panorama Latvii published the text of the Regulations on the naturalisation tests.

marts 4, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

CBSS Commissioner O.Espersen considers that the right of vote in municipal elections shall be given also to non-citizens. If, after amending the Law on Citizenship, the number of citizens would not increase rapidly, the legislatures should consider a possibility to grant this right to Latvian non-citizens. The Saeima Human Rights Commission opposed to this , saying that the naturalisation windows had been abolished therefore non-citizen might receive citizenship and take part not only in municipal but also the Saeima election. O.Espersen agreed that Russian demands to liberalise Latvian Law on Citizenship had no grounds. Saeima Deputy Chairman I.Berzins thinks that if Russia wants to see any progress in the naturalisation of non-citizens in Latvia, it should be involved and help at least with a call to learn the Latvian language and get Latvian citizenship. O.Esperson met also the Head of the Naturalisation Board E.Aldermane and pointed out that within two months after the amendments to the Law on Citizenship were adopted, only 16 non-citizens and aliens had requested Latvian citizenship for their children.

CBSS Commissioner O.Espersen considers that the right of vote in municipal elections shall be given also to non-citizens. If, after amending the Law on Citizenship, the number of citizens would not increase rapidly, the legislatures should consider a possibility to grant this right to Latvian non-citizens. The Saeima Human Rights Commission opposed to this , saying that the naturalisation windows had been abolished therefore non-citizen might receive citizenship and take part not only in municipal but also the Saeima election. O.Espersen agreed that Russian demands to liberalise Latvian Law on Citizenship had no grounds. Saeima Deputy Chairman I.Berzins thinks that if Russia wants to see any progress in the naturalisation of non-citizens in Latvia, it should be involved and help at least with a call to learn the Latvian language and get Latvian citizenship. O.Esperson met also the Head of the Naturalisation Board E.Aldermane and pointed out that within two months after the amendments to the Law on Citizenship were adopted, only 16 non-citizens and aliens had requested Latvian citizenship for their children. Neatkariga, Diena

Another author in

Another author in Neatkariga stated that this announcement was more than honey for extremists.

Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee wants to take more active part in the formation of a unique foreign policy and control the activities of the executive power. The first of the planned activities will be evaluation of the MFA activity plan and control of its execution. The Chairman of the Commission G.Krasts informed that the Commission had started to elaborate its priority actions.

Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee wants to take more active part in the formation of a unique foreign policy and control the activities of the executive power. The first of the planned activities will be evaluation of the MFA activity plan and control of its execution. The Chairman of the Commission G.Krasts informed that the Commission had started to elaborate its priority actions. Neatkariga

Consultative Council on Nationalities will submit their proposals to the education part of the public integration program concept to continue the discussion on this important topic afterwards. During yesterday’s discussion there was a rather sharp criticism on it. State President G.Ulmanis pointed out that acknowledging and solving of education problems was one of the most important components of the integration program, and he would be pleased if this issue would be considered in a complex way. The author of et education part B.Petersone explained that education was in reality acting as a splitting but not integrating factor. She stressed that the two major directions of the concept – ensuring of the Latvian language training and development of the education content. The major critics came from B.Cilevich, who considered this education part was nothing new and foresaw abolishing of minorities education.

Consultative Council on Nationalities will submit their proposals to the education part of the public integration program concept to continue the discussion on this important topic afterwards. During yesterdays discussion there was a rather sharp criticism on it. State President G.Ulmanis pointed out that acknowledging and solving of education problems was one of the most important components of the integration program, and he would be pleased if this issue would be considered in a complex way. The author of et education part B.Petersone explained that education was in reality acting as a splitting but not integrating factor. She stressed that the two major directions of the concept – ensuring of the Latvian language training and development of the education content. The major critics came from B.Cilevich, who considered this education part was nothing new and foresaw abolishing of minorities education. Neatkariga

When writing about the picket at the Riga City Council, Latvian newspapers state that about 700 people took part in it, and it ended peacefully

When writing about the picket at the Riga City Council, Latvian newspapers state that about 700 people took part in it, and it ended peacefully. Neatkariga, Diena, Lauku Avize

Russian speaking newspapers estimate the number of participants in to several thousands (

Russian speaking newspapers estimate the number of participants in to several thousands (Chas) or fifteen hundred (SM) and write about some unsuccessful instigations. Biznes & Baltiya, Panorama Latvii

The government forming coalition and the Union of Latvian Social Democrats come to an agreement that the Director of NHRO did not comply with this post and should be exchanged, but also I.Ziemele, proposed by Social Democrats was not the right candidate.

The government forming coalition and the Union of Latvian Social Democrats come to an agreement that the Director of NHRO did not comply with this post and should be exchanged, but also I.Ziemele, proposed by Social Democrats was not the right candidate. Neatkariga

The plan how to introduce society with the national program For Public Integration in Latvia has been submitted to the Cabinet of Ministers. A the Head of the Naturaisation board E.Aldermane explained, the program would be presented to public in a week.

The plan how to introduce society with the national program For Public Integration in Latvia has been submitted to the Cabinet of Ministers. A the Head of the Naturaisation board E.Aldermane explained, the program would be presented to public in a week. Diena

The Community of Latvian Jews will not commemorate March 16, and its Chairman considers that by turning this date into a commemoration day, Latvian officials have found themselves in “ a strange situation”.

The Community of Latvian Jews will not commemorate March 16, and its Chairman considers that by turning this date into a commemoration day, Latvian officials have found themselves in a strange situation. Diena

The Chairman of the Saeima commission Dz.Abikis announced that the draft language law was ready for the second reading and it guaranteed people the right to communicate in the state language in public institutions.

The Chairman of the Saeima commission Dz.Abikis announced that the draft language law was ready for the second reading and it guaranteed people the right to communicate in the state language in public institutions. Diena

marts 3, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

Yesterday the CBSS Commissioner O.Espersen arrived to Riga to present the project on furthering democratic processes in the Baltic Sea region. During two days he will have meetings with Ministers - the Interior G.Kristovskis, Justice - I.Labucka, Deputy Chairmen of the Saeima I.Berzins and G.Bojars, as well as the Chairman of the Saeima Commission on Human Rights and Social Affairs A.Seiksts and the Head of the Naturalisation Board E.Aldermane.

Yesterday the CBSS Commissioner O.Espersen arrived to Riga to present the project on furthering democratic processes in the Baltic Sea region. During two days he will have meetings with Ministers - the Interior G.Kristovskis, Justice - I.Labucka, Deputy Chairmen of the Saeima I.Berzins and G.Bojars, as well as the Chairman of the Saeima Commission on Human Rights and Social Affairs A.Seiksts and the Head of the Naturalisation Board E.Aldermane. Neatkariga

No later than 6 months after the Saeima elections, Central Election Commission and its Chairman should be re-elected. This is stipulated by the law on Central Election Commission. It means that the Saeima will have to decide about the new composition of the Commission in April. The leaders of political parties, represented in the Saeima are very positive about the current Chairman A.Cimdars and admit a possibility that he could be nominated for this post once again, but there have not been discussions on this topic yet.

No later than 6 months after the Saeima elections, Central Election Commission and its Chairman should be re-elected. This is stipulated by the law on Central Election Commission. It means that the Saeima will have to decide about the new composition of the Commission in April. The leaders of political parties, represented in the Saeima are very positive about the current Chairman A.Cimdars and admit a possibility that he could be nominated for this post once again, but there have not been discussions on this topic yet. Neatkariga

Police has stated that the reason, given by the movement “Equality” for the picket of March 3 is a false one. The organisers announced this picket in memory of V.Artemjev who as if died on this day due to an insult after being beaten by the police. It was found out that this man died on in his flat on March 28, and the reason for using his mane could be the fact that it was planned to use during this picket photos, one depicting V.Artemjev peacefully standing in front of the Riga city Council and one more where a policeman hit him with a baton. One of the organisers T.Zhdanok said that “Equality would do everything to ensure a peaceful procedure of the picket. Interior Ministry State Secretary A.Staris told journalists that police was examining the situation and choosing the best option for its activities, but did not reveal how many policemen would be involved. He added that the results will be taken into consideration to avoid any problems on March 16 when the Union of National Soldiers planned to parade from the Dome Church to the Freedom Monument. At the same time The Community of Russians living in Latvia have asked for a permission to organise a picket not far from the Freedom Monument to commemorate the Nazi victims. Riga City managing Director A.Grinbergs told the agency LETA that he would suggest the Community to organise their picket at some other place, e.g. Victory Monument.

Police has stated that the reason, given by the movement Equality for the picket of March 3 is a false one. The organisers announced this picket in memory of V.Artemjev who as if died on this day due to an insult after being beaten by the police. It was found out that this man died on in his flat on March 28, and the reason for using his mane could be the fact that it was planned to use during this picket photos, one depicting V.Artemjev peacefully standing in front of the Riga city Council and one more where a policeman hit him with a baton. One of the organisers T.Zhdanok said that Equality would do everything to ensure a peaceful procedure of the picket. Interior Ministry State Secretary A.Staris told journalists that police was examining the situation and choosing the best option for its activities, but did not reveal how many policemen would be involved. He added that the results will be taken into consideration to avoid any problems on March 16 when the Union of National Soldiers planned to parade from the Dome Church to the Freedom Monument. At the same time The Community of Russians living in Latvia have asked for a permission to organise a picket not far from the Freedom Monument to commemorate the Nazi victims. Riga City managing Director A.Grinbergs told the agency LETA that he would suggest the Community to organise their picket at some other place, e.g. Victory Monument. Neatkariga, Diena, Bizness & Baltiya

Russian newspapers

Russian newspapers Chas , Panorama Latvii invite people to take part in the todays picket at the Riga City Council.

T.Zhdanok, when asked about the picket of March 3, told

T.Zhdanok, when asked about the picket of March 3, told Bizness & Baltiya that left wing parties would propose the residents of Riga to participate in a mass protest action at eth end of March against unbearable communal payments. Bizness & Baltiya

Latvian MFA State Secretary M.Riekstins thinks that the Union

Latvian MFA State Secretary M.Riekstins thinks that the Union For Human Rights in United Latvia should publicly explain its position on some aspects of Latvian - Russian relations. The Union leader J.Jurkans considers that an official has no right to give any directions the political powers. In the situation when Latvian government tries to establish friendly and business like relations with Russia, the majority of political powers have voiced their opinions on this topic and the basic understanding is unique. But, for the Peoples Harmony Party and the Union For Human Rights in United Latvia to get out of a dubious situation they should publicly explain their position on exact Russian - Latvian relation problems, said Riekstins. They should clarify their position of the issue whether Russia should sign an border agreement with Latvia and other interstate documents, prepared for signing, whether Russia prevents development of the interstate dialogue and some more. J.Jurkans finds this demand uncivilised and considers that Riekstins could ask the Union to help the government to establish such relations but not to demand and explanation. Diena, Chas, Panorama Latvii

“Improvement of Latvian - Russian relations do not depend on Latvia, it is the neighbouring state that lacks will to settle this issue,” concluded the MP V.Paegle (

Improvement of Latvian - Russian relations do not depend on Latvia, it is the neighbouring state that lacks will to settle this issue, concluded the MP V.Paegle (Peoples Party) at the end of conference dedicated to the political and ethnic situation in the Baltic Region. Last weekend the international organisation Project on Ethnic Relations invited to Riga for a closed discussion representatives of European Commission, governments of the USA, Northern and Baltic countries. The main topic of discussion was the situation in Latvia, and the decision was that integration of the society was a long and two-sided process. Diena, SM

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