aprīlis 29, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

In a letter addressed to all government-forming parties, the Prime Minster called for drafting the proposals for amending of the coalition agreement. Yesterday the representatives of the Union of Social Democrats and the For Fatherland and Freedom agreed on drafting a co-operation agreement.

In a letter addressed to all government-forming parties, the Prime Minster called for drafting the proposals for amending of the coalition agreement. Yesterday the representatives of the Union of Social Democrats and the For Fatherland and Freedom agreed on drafting a co-operation agreement. Diena

The Director of the Centre of Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Nils Muiznieks believes that for the formation of the integrated society in Latvia it is important that the Latvian history is not taught from the ethnocentric point of view. It is important to pay more attention to the teaching of the history of national minorities in Latvia, and the Latvian history should be studied in the context of the European history. According to the Director of the Soros Fund -Latvia program ”Changes in Education” Guntis Catlaks, the main problem is the qualification of the history teachers who are poorly acquainted with the methodology of the history teaching. The history teacher of Zolitude gymnasium J. Shcherbina thinks that the schools, especially schools of national minorities, lack the methodological materials in order to form the unified understanding about the Latvian history.

The Director of the Centre of Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Nils Muiznieks believes that for the formation of the integrated society in Latvia it is important that the Latvian history is not taught from the ethnocentric point of view. It is important to pay more attention to the teaching of the history of national minorities in Latvia, and the Latvian history should be studied in the context of the European history. According to the Director of the Soros Fund -Latvia program Changes in Education Guntis Catlaks, the main problem is the qualification of the history teachers who are poorly acquainted with the methodology of the history teaching. The history teacher of Zolitude gymnasium J. Shcherbina thinks that the schools, especially schools of national minorities, lack the methodological materials in order to form the unified understanding about the Latvian history. Chas

Yesterday the Advisor of the Moscow Mayor Mr. Pereligin arrived in Latvia to grant “the scholarships of the Mayor of Moscow for the countryman in Latvia.” According to the information provided by

Yesterday the Advisor of the Moscow Mayor Mr. Pereligin arrived in Latvia to grant the scholarships of the Mayor of Moscow for the countryman in Latvia. According to the information provided by Chas, in Latvia 45 people received these scholarships.

SM publishes the official statement by the representative of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs A. Rachmanin on the NATO summit in Washington, in which he, inter alia, states that no country received the the invitation inscribed with the its name to join the NATO. Still, Moscow expresses the worries about the open door policy without geographic limitations. The Russian opinion about the enlargement of the NATO is well known and it has not changed, Mr. Rahmanin states. SM

Today the Saeima will vote on the dismissal of the Director of National Human Rights Office O. Bruvers.

Today the Saeima will vote on the dismissal of the Director of National Human Rights Office O. Bruvers. TheNeatkariga calls this voting the political auction of the post of the NHRO Director.

Joining the discussion about the social integration in Latvia, a journalist S.Benfelde argues that the Latvian population is divided not only according to the cleavege of the Russian speaking vs. Latvian speaking people, but also according to the different historical memory of different people. She thinks that the conviction that the one’s own welfare is related with the future and security of the state, might become the link uniting all groups of people.

Joining the discussion about the social integration in Latvia, a journalist S.Benfelde argues that the Latvian population is divided not only according to the cleavege of the Russian speaking vs. Latvian speaking people, but also according to the different historical memory of different people. She thinks that the conviction that the ones own welfare is related with the future and security of the state, might become the link uniting all groups of people. Jauna Avize

In the context of the social integration and the language situation in Latvia the Ph.D. student of the Latvian University D. Baltaiskalna defines the various myths existing in the society, including“ the myth exaggerating the quality of the Russian language,” “myth about the Russian nation as the one strengthening the friendship and brotherhood,” “myth about the Russian poeple’s inability to learn another language,” “myth about the Latvians as the nationalists.”

In the context of the social integration and the language situation in Latvia the Ph.D. student of the Latvian University D. Baltaiskalna defines the various myths existing in the society, including the myth exaggerating the quality of the Russian language, myth about the Russian nation as the one strengthening the friendship and brotherhood, myth about the Russian poeples inability to learn another language, myth about the Latvians as the nationalists. Rigas Balss

Mr. D Nikolayev, Chairman of the National Committee of the Russian self-government of Latvia- national cultural autonomy, hopes that the implementation of the State Integration Program will not lead to even bigger estrangement of Russians from the Latvian state, and the conformism will not become the forced behaviour of Russians. Mr. Nikolayev believes that the new law on cultural autonomy providing the formation of the authoritative structures of the ethnic minorities would create the understanding about the hierarchy of the national representation in Latvia which in turn, would strenghten the ability of Russians to compete.”

Mr. D Nikolayev, Chairman of the National Committee of the Russian self-government of Latvia- national cultural autonomy, hopes that the implementation of the State Integration Program will not lead to even bigger estrangement of Russians from the Latvian state, and the conformism will not become the forced behaviour of Russians. Mr. Nikolayev believes that the new law on cultural autonomy providing the formation of the authoritative structures of the ethnic minorities would create the understanding about the hierarchy of the national representation in Latvia which in turn, would strenghten the ability of Russians to compete. Diena

aprīlis 28, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

The Foreign Affairs Minister Valdis Birkavs objects the idea of the Latvian Institute to express the opinion about the draft state language law which might differ from the official stand taken by the Saeima. Some weeks ago the Director of the Latvian Institute V. Vike-Freiberga informed the Saeima Standing Committee on European Affairs about the Institute’s intention to publish the expert opinions about the draft language law which might not coincide with the official opinion of Latvia.

The Foreign Affairs Minister Valdis Birkavs objects the idea of the Latvian Institute to express the opinion about the draft state language law which might differ from the official stand taken by the Saeima. Some weeks ago the Director of the Latvian Institute V. Vike-Freiberga informed the Saeima Standing Committee on European Affairs about the Institutes intention to publish the expert opinions about the draft language law which might not coincide with the official opinion of Latvia. Neatkariga

The Union of the Social Democrats sent a letter to the Prime Minster and three government forming fractions calling them to make a new coalition agreement or to conclude bilateral agreements with social democrats. The coalition plans to discuss this proposal on Wednesday. According to the information provided by

The Union of the Social Democrats sent a letter to the Prime Minster and three government forming fractions calling them to make a new coalition agreement or to conclude bilateral agreements with social democrats. The coalition plans to discuss this proposal on Wednesday. According to the information provided by Diena, the Latvian Way supports this idea, while the Fatherland and Freedom express the negative opinion.

The Cabinet of Ministers decided to announce the competition for production of new passports corresponding with the European standards. According to the Minister of the Interior R. Jurdzs, this project will cost 10 millions Lats.

The Cabinet of Ministers decided to announce the competition for production of new passports corresponding with the European standards. According to the Minister of the Interior R. Jurdzs, this project will cost 10 millions Lats. Diena, Jauna Avize

The Saeima Standing Committee on the Implementation of the Citizenship Law has formed the working group which will draft the amendments to the Law on the Status of the Former USSR Citizens who are not Citizens of Latvia or Any Other Country, providing the procedure for the loss and the renewal of the status of non-citizen. It is planned to draft these amendments till St. John’s Day (24 June).

The Saeima Standing Committee on the Implementation of the Citizenship Law has formed the working group which will draft the amendments to the Law on the Status of the Former USSR Citizens who are not Citizens of Latvia or Any Other Country, providing the procedure for the loss and the renewal of the status of non-citizen. It is planned to draft these amendments till St. Johns Day (24 June). Diena

Interpreting the Russia’s silence after the naming of the Baltic States among the candidates to the NATO, the Latvia politicians interviewed by 

Interpreting the Russias silence after the naming of the Baltic States among the candidates to the NATO, the Latvia politicians interviewed byDiena indicate different reasons - the Russian pragmatism, its internal problems, the engagement in the Kosovo crisis, and others. According to unofficial information at the disposal of Diena, it is more likely that the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs will object the joining of the NATO by former USSR republics.

According to the Head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane, the public activity concerning the discussion of the concept document on the Social Integration has been surprisingly big. Since 10 March when the document was presented for the public discussion, there have been 64 events during which the population has expressed the opinion about the conception. The most discussed issues are related with the education and the role of the language in the integration process. The people of other nationalities mostly protest against the Chapter on Education providing the transition to the bilingual education system. Leaders of 12 ethnic non-governmental organisations have signed the joint statement “For real integration, against the assimilation” protesting against the planned assimilation of minorities. Commenting this statement, Ms. Aldermane said that the famous people should not usurp the right to express such a strict opinion in the name of whole organisation. “Every resident of Latvia has the right to express his/her opinion, and it is possible that not all of the members of these organisations share the opinion expressed by their leaders.” Ms. Aldermane rejected the critics expressed by some mass media, that the text of the concept document is not available widely. She also acknowledged that the people’s activity in regions is bigger than in Riga.

According to the Head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane, the public activity concerning the discussion of the concept document on the Social Integration has been surprisingly big. Since 10 March when the document was presented for the public discussion, there have been 64 events during which the population has expressed the opinion about the conception. The most discussed issues are related with the education and the role of the language in the integration process. The people of other nationalities mostly protest against the Chapter on Education providing the transition to the bilingual education system. Leaders of 12 ethnic non-governmental organisations have signed the joint statement For real integration, against the assimilation protesting against the planned assimilation of minorities. Commenting this statement, Ms. Aldermane said that the famous people should not usurp the right to express such a strict opinion in the name of whole organisation. Every resident of Latvia has the right to express his/her opinion, and it is possible that not all of the members of these organisations share the opinion expressed by their leaders. Ms. Aldermane rejected the critics expressed by some mass media, that the text of the concept document is not available widely. She also acknowledged that the peoples activity in regions is bigger than in Riga. Diena

Dienainforms about the letter of OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel sent to the Estonian Foreign Affairs Minster in which he point out that the requirement of the command of the Estonian language for the deputies, as well as for the persons providing the goods and services, are against the European norms and practice. Diena

The official representative of the Russian State President in the State Duma A. Kotenko told

The official representative of the Russian State President in the State Duma A. Kotenko told SM that the draft law on the economic sanctions against Latvia and the protection of the Russian countrymen in abroad has been drafted unprofessionally and the President would not sign such a law.

(SM, 28 April)

(SM, 28 April)

According to MP B. Tsylevich (For Human Rights) the Latvian politicians are openly distorting the information about the results of the visits of the international experts. When talking with the experts, the politicians thank them for the remarks and promise to consider them. Later, when interviewed by the mass media, they state that the experts have no objections whatsoever. Mr. Tsylevich argues that if the Latvian legislation had been such flawless as the Latvian authorities claim, Latvia would not have been afraid to ratify the European Framework Convention on the Protection of National Minorities.

According to MP B. Tsylevich (For Human Rights) the Latvian politicians are openly distorting the information about the results of the visits of the international experts. When talking with the experts, the politicians thank them for the remarks and promise to consider them. Later, when interviewed by the mass media, they state that the experts have no objections whatsoever. Mr. Tsylevich argues that if the Latvian legislation had been such flawless as the Latvian authorities claim, Latvia would not have been afraid to ratify the European Framework Convention on the Protection of National Minorities. Panorama Latvii

Dienain Russian publishes the article by the chair of the Russian Society Duma T. Favorskaya about the national Russian school in Latvia. She disagrees with the model presented in the Chapter on Education of the concept document of the State Integration Program. The Russian Society suggests to establish the national Russian school of Latvia on the basis of some schools with Russia as the language of instruction. According to her, the national Russian school should constitute the system of general education providing the education on the international level, the formation and preservation of the national consciousness of the young generation. The national Russian school should be based on three fundamental elements -acquiring of the Russian, Latvian and European culture, the mastering of Russian, Latvian and a foreign language, learning of disciplines related with the Latvian culture and history in the Latvian language. Other subjects should be taught in the Russian language. Furthermore, these schools should be financed from the state budget. An important aspect in the formation of the national Russian school, is the close co-operation between the school and the family. Ms. Favorskaya suggests to establish the association of the national schools of Latvia, including the representatives of the national cultural societies, national schools, and educators from the schools with Russian as the language of instruction who support the idea of the national Russian school. Ms. Favorskaya invites persons interested in these matters to visit the methodological library of the Russian Society. Diena

Dienaof 27 April published an article about the discussion of the concept document of the State Integration Program organised by the Centre of Non-governmental organisations and the Soros Fund Latvia in Cesis. At the conference participated the authors of the concept document, the representatives of the Vidzeme municipalities, schools, and public organisations. According to one of the co-authors of the document E. Vebers, in such a Latvian environment as Vidzeme region the discussion revealed stereotypes from the Soviet times. He concluded that the vision that only Latvians reside in Latvia, is very viable, but not realistic. The participants of the discussion in Cesis agreed that the State Integration Program is necessary. The discussions organised by the Soros Fund -Latvia (SFL) will continue till 7 May. The SFL reminds that people can express their opinion not only at the conferences but also via Internet. Diena

aprīlis 27, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

Yesterday at the press conference the Prime Minster V. Kristopans assured journalists that he would suppress all attempts to thoughtlessly overthrow the government. Besides, the Prime Minster will not rush with inviting the social democrats to join the coalition.

Yesterday at the press conference the Prime Minster V. Kristopans assured journalists that he would suppress all attempts to thoughtlessly overthrow the government. Besides, the Prime Minster will not rush with inviting the social democrats to join the coalition. Diena

Referring to the draft language law the Prime Minister regretted that the hopes to have the constructive action by the People’s Party concerning the draft language law did not prove right. The deputies of the People’s Party act in destructive way and by doing it they might turn Latvia into “a small isolated country on the border with Russia.” The Prime Minster reminded the journalists that he had submitted to the Saeima the proposals which correspond with the recommendations of the OSCE High Commissioner. “My proposals are logic and do not discriminate the Latvian language by any means.”

Referring to the draft language law the Prime Minister regretted that the hopes to have the constructive action by the Peoples Party concerning the draft language law did not prove right. The deputies of the Peoples Party act in destructive way and by doing it they might turn Latvia into a small isolated country on the border with Russia. The Prime Minster reminded the journalists that he had submitted to the Saeima the proposals which correspond with the recommendations of the OSCE High Commissioner. My proposals are logic and do not discriminate the Latvian language by any means. Lauku Avize

Answering the question whether the coalition partners will support his proposals, Mr. Kristopans said that there will be discussions on this issue within the coalition. Commenting the Prime Minster’s statements yesterday at the press conference, SM writes that the fraction

Answering the question whether the coalition partners will support his proposals, Mr. Kristopans said that there will be discussions on this issue within the coalition. Commenting the Prime Minsters statements yesterday at the press conference, SM writes that the fraction For Human Rights, all of a sudden, has obtained a powerful ally - the Prime Minister on the issue of the liberalisation of the language law. SM

Mr. V. Krustins (

Mr. V. Krustins (Lauku Avize) argues that the revision of the draft language law required by the Prime Minister, in essence, means the restriction of the use of the Latvian language, which in political sense is the precondition for the dissolution of the Latvian state.Journalist Sallija Beinfelde questions the purpose of the transitional provision suggested by the OSCE High Commissioner stating that no sanctions should be applied to the persons violating the Language law provisions till the year of 2001. It is obvious that some kind of investment flooding is expected. The only question is who are those foreign investors who want to invest huge amount of money in Latvia, in the case the Latvian language is not being used there. Jauna Avize

Rigas Balss interviews the Head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane about the concept document of the State Integration Program. According to Ms Aldermane , the main elements of the program are education, language and culture. She believes that the public discussion of the concept document will continue till the end of July. Ms. Aldermane invites people to express their opinion not only about this document, but also submit their proposals for the drafting of the very program. Jauna Avize

Rigas Balss journalist J. Rimsans argues that the Latvian public seems to be more engaged the solving of the daily bread problems than in discussion of the strange undertaking called integration. According to him, the Latvian society is not ready to fruitfully discuss the rather complicated integration program during the remaining couple of months of the public hearing. Rigas Balss

Commenting the discussion of the chapter on Education of the conception of the State Integration Program, PANORAMA LATVII journalist A. Novickaya questions the reason for having such a discussion since the chapter on Education is an exact copy of the Law on Education which has already been adopted. She argues that any amendments to the chapter on Education of the concept document will cause the contradictions with the adopted Education Law. She suggests the Soros Fond not to waste money on the organisation of such discussions, but use it for the Latvian language training and the re-training of teachers.

Commenting the discussion of the chapter on Education of the conception of the State Integration Program, PANORAMA LATVII journalist A. Novickaya questions the reason for having such a discussion since the chapter on Education is an exact copy of the Law on Education which has already been adopted. She argues that any amendments to the chapter on Education of the concept document will cause the contradictions with the adopted Education Law. She suggests the Soros Fond not to waste money on the organisation of such discussions, but use it for the Latvian language training and the re-training of teachers. Panorama Latvii

MP M. Mitrofanov (For Human Rights) tells about the consideration of the draft Emigration law at the Saeima Standing Committee on Human Rights. According to Mr. Mitrofanov, initially the draft law was full of bureaucratic restrictions. That caused the negative evaluation from the European institutions, and even from the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Thanks to the activities of the National Human Rights office and other organisations, the draft law has been improved.

MP M. Mitrofanov (For Human Rights) tells about the consideration of the draft Emigration law at the Saeima Standing Committee on Human Rights. According to Mr. Mitrofanov, initially the draft law was full of bureaucratic restrictions. That caused the negative evaluation from the European institutions, and even from the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Thanks to the activities of the National Human Rights office and other organisations, the draft law has been improved. Panorama Latvii

MP Boris Tsylevich argues that the ratification of the UN Convention relating to the Status of the Stateless Persons (1953) will not amend the discriminating restrictions for the non-citizens imposed by the Latvian legislation, particularly by the Law on the Status of the former USSR Citizens.

MP Boris Tsylevich argues that the ratification of the UN Convention relating to the Status of the Stateless Persons (1953) will not amend the discriminating restrictions for the non-citizens imposed by the Latvian legislation, particularly by the Law on the Status of the former USSR Citizens. Chas

SM publishes the story of a worker of the Laima factory Raisa Kostina who was fired twice. She had resumed her duties by the court decree. After being fired the third time, she did not want to appeal against the decision of the factory administration because we, Russians, will be fired anyway. We will obtain the citizenship, learn the Latvian language, but still, we will be fired and replaced by the Latvians. It is said - we do not need you to learn the Latvian language, we need you to know your place., Ms. Kostina told the SM journalist.

aprīlis 24, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

The Leader of the Latvian Way A. Pantelejevs told journalists that the stability of the Kristopans’ government mainly depends on the pace of the privatisation of big enterprises, and on whether the Union of Social Democrats will become full-pledged member of the coalition. The political analysts state that internal political struggle and economic decline have revealed the breaches within the ruling minority coalition. Some analysts even predict that the new coalition government might appear already by June.

The Leader of the Latvian Way A. Pantelejevs told journalists that the stability of the Kristopans government mainly depends on the pace of the privatisation of big enterprises, and on whether the Union of Social Democrats will become full-pledged member of the coalition. The political analysts state that internal political struggle and economic decline have revealed the breaches within the ruling minority coalition. Some analysts even predict that the new coalition government might appear already by June. Neatkariga, Diena

Due to the lack of time, last Friday the Russian Duma did not consider the draft laws concerning the economic sanctions against Latvia and the protection of the Russian speaking population in case of such sanctions. Now the consideration of these documents is scheduled for the first week of May.

Due to the lack of time, last Friday the Russian Duma did not consider the draft laws concerning the economic sanctions against Latvia and the protection of the Russian speaking population in case of such sanctions. Now the consideration of these documents is scheduled for the first week of May. Neatkariga

The conference about the necessity to establish the Ombudsman institution in Latvia took place last week in Riga. The participants did not reject the need of such an institution. Still, the discussion was about whether the instituion should be similar to the Scandinavian ombudsman, or the mandate of the already existing National Human Rights Office should be broadened.

The conference about the necessity to establish the Ombudsman institution in Latvia took place last week in Riga. The participants did not reject the need of such an institution. Still, the discussion was about whether the instituion should be similar to the Scandinavian ombudsman, or the mandate of the already existing National Human Rights Office should be broadened. Neatkariga

7176 residents of the Daugavpils have signed the petition to the State President and the Saeima calling to grant the status of the state language to the Russian language. The initiator of the petition is the Daugavpils Division of the Russian Society in Latvia. As the chair of the division Y. Krjukovs told

7176 residents of the Daugavpils have signed the petition to the State President and the Saeima calling to grant the status of the state language to the Russian language. The initiator of the petition is the Daugavpils Division of the Russian Society in Latvia. As the chair of the division Y. Krjukovs told Diena, not only Russians, but also Poles, Ukrainians, Belorussians, and even Latvians have signed the petition. The Daugavpils division of the Russian Society suggests to draft the law on the language and cultures of the national minorities in accordance with the framework convention on the protection of national minorities. This week Mr. Krjukov will submit the petition signed by the Daugavpils residents to the Saeima. The Daugavpils Latvian Society, the Association of the Politically Repressed Persons and the Daugavpils branch of the party For Fatherland and Freedom, on contrary, believe that the status of the state language should be strengthened in Daugavpils and that the model of the two -community state is unacceptable for Latvia. The head of the Daugavpils branch of For Fatherland and Freedom J. Zviedris thinks that the draft language law could be even more strict. According to him, the calling for the granting of the official status to the Russian language shows the tendency of formation the autonomous regions in Latvia and the division of the Latvian state. Diena, Panorama Latvii, Neatkariga

Dienajournalist Nellija Locmele argues that the previous voting on the draft language law shows that the majority of the deputies support the strict language law that strengthens the position of the Latvian language as the only state language and does not provide an opportunity for the Russian language to receive the official status. The major discussion is expected to be on the issues of the language use in the private sphere.Diena

On Saturday six MPs

On Saturday six MPs (The Latvian Way and For Human Rights) visited Daugavpils to get acquainted with the situation there due to the activities of the Daugavpils division of the Russian Society in Latvia. The MP Janis Lacplesis (The Latvian Way) believes that the politicians are the ones staring up emotions concerning the language law. The ordinary people already know how much knowledge of the state language they will need. According to MPs, the lack of the Latvian language teachers in Daugavpils is more important problem. The MPs acknowledged that the requirements of the Russian Society have to be respected. However, when voting on the draft language law, they will take into consideration the proposals of the Prime Minister, the recommendations of the OSCE High Commissioner and the international standards. Diena

On Friday the Head of the OSCE Mission D. Johnson informed the Minister of Education J. Gaigals that the OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel plans to visit Latvia at the beginning of May to get acquainted with the draft language law prepared for the third reading.

On Friday the Head of the OSCE Mission D. Johnson informed the Minister of Education J. Gaigals that the OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel plans to visit Latvia at the beginning of May to get acquainted with the draft language law prepared for the third reading. Panorama Latvii

At the conference “The Baltic States on the Road to the EU” organized by the K. Adenauer Fund in Berlin last week, the representative of the Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry A. Trofimov reproached Latvia for its Education and Language laws, as well as for the long queues for the naturalisation applicants. At the same time, Mr. Trofimov said that Russia would like to deepen the political dialogue with Latvia in order to avoid the Kosovo situation.

At the conference The Baltic States on the Road to the EU organized by the K. Adenauer Fund in Berlin last week, the representative of the Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry A. Trofimov reproached Latvia for its Education and Language laws, as well as for the long queues for the naturalisation applicants. At the same time, Mr. Trofimov said that Russia would like to deepen the political dialogue with Latvia in order to avoid the Kosovo situation. Diena

Members of the Saeima Standing Committee on the Implementation of the Citizenship Law who got acquainted with the pace of the naturalisation examination in Liepaja and Jelgava, are satisfied with the knowledge level of the applicants for the naturalisation. The worst situation is in Daugavpils where only 70% of applicants pass the language and history exams from the first try.

Members of the Saeima Standing Committee on the Implementation of the Citizenship Law who got acquainted with the pace of the naturalisation examination in Liepaja and Jelgava, are satisfied with the knowledge level of the applicants for the naturalisation. The worst situation is in Daugavpils where only 70% of applicants pass the language and history exams from the first try. Diena

In order to decrease the number of the applicants waiting for the submitting of the necessary documents, the Naturalisation Board have hired 5 more staff members for the Riga offices and formed the additional examination commission consisting of three examinators. Besides, the NB offices in Aluksne, Balvi and Preili will work full time from now on. According to the NB Press Secretary A. Smiltnieks, the most critical situation is in Riga where in Vidzemes and Latgales District offices the persons are put on the waiting list for the submitting necessary documents at the end of October, in Pardaugava offices - at the end of July, and in Centre office- end of June. The persons who have submitted the applications, have to wait two more months for the naturalisation examinations.

In order to decrease the number of the applicants waiting for the submitting of the necessary documents, the Naturalisation Board have hired 5 more staff members for the Riga offices and formed the additional examination commission consisting of three examinators. Besides, the NB offices in Aluksne, Balvi and Preili will work full time from now on. According to the NB Press Secretary A. Smiltnieks, the most critical situation is in Riga where in Vidzemes and Latgales District offices the persons are put on the waiting list for the submitting necessary documents at the end of October, in Pardaugava offices - at the end of July, and in Centre office- end of June. The persons who have submitted the applications, have to wait two more months for the naturalisation examinations. Diena

During the discussion of the chapter on education of the National Program on the Social integration in Latvia it was argued that in the formation of the integrated society little attention so far has been paid to the creation of the common value system and preparation of teachers, so, that they would be able to teach their subject in both Latvian and the native language. The Parliamentary Secretary of the Ministry of Education A. Tomasuns concluded that after the adoption of the Education Law the Latvian education system has changed, therefore, the chapter on education of the National Program should be re-written. Baiba Petersone, the author of the chapter, agreed with the critics expressed during the discussion. According to her, the teaching of the disciplines of the social studies might promote the formation of the unified values system. The Director of the National Program For Latvian Language Training A. Priedite believes that there are not enough teachers in the national minority schools who would be able to teach their subjects in two languages. She disagreed with the proposal of the Chair of the Saeima Standing Committee on Education Dz. Abikis, to invite the teachers of the Latvian origin for teaching the bilingual subjects in the national minority schools.

During the discussion of the chapter on education of the National Program on the Social integration in Latvia it was argued that in the formation of the integrated society little attention so far has been paid to the creation of the common value system and preparation of teachers, so, that they would be able to teach their subject in both Latvian and the native language. The Parliamentary Secretary of the Ministry of Education A. Tomasuns concluded that after the adoption of the Education Law the Latvian education system has changed, therefore, the chapter on education of the National Program should be re-written. Baiba Petersone, the author of the chapter, agreed with the critics expressed during the discussion. According to her, the teaching of the disciplines of the social studies might promote the formation of the unified values system. The Director of the National Program For Latvian Language Training A. Priedite believes that there are not enough teachers in the national minority schools who would be able to teach their subjects in two languages. She disagreed with the proposal of the Chair of the Saeima Standing Committee on Education Dz. Abikis, to invite the teachers of the Latvian origin for teaching the bilingual subjects in the national minority schools. Diena

Panorama Latvii (24 April) and SM (26 April) publish the articles commenting the discussion of integration issues organised by the National Program for the Latvian Language Training last week. Mr. Sergey Zaletayev (PANORAMA LATVII) and Alexander Gilman (SM) question the efficiency of such discussions, since parties holding different positions on the integration and assimilation do not change their opinion about these issues.

aprīlis 23, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

Yesterday the Saeima adopted the amendments to the Law on Entry and Residence of Foreign Citizens and Stateless Persons in the Republic of Latvia according to which foreign citizens may stay in the Republic of Latvia for more than 90 days during the calendar half a year without a residence permit only upon receiving the required visa according to the procedure set by the Cabinet of Ministers, and when their stay is connected with the research work, commercial activities, assistance to the state and municipal institutions, and the implementation of the international agreements. The Saeima did not support the proposal by the Chair of the Saeima Human Rights Committee A. Seiksts to provide that single and dependent parents of the Latvian citizens or permanent residents would receive the permanent residence permits, if the relatives take the full responsibility for them.

Yesterday the Saeima adopted the amendments to the Law on Entry and Residence of Foreign Citizens and Stateless Persons in the Republic of Latvia according to which foreign citizens may stay in the Republic of Latvia for more than 90 days during the calendar half a year without a residence permit only upon receiving the required visa according to the procedure set by the Cabinet of Ministers, and when their stay is connected with the research work, commercial activities, assistance to the state and municipal institutions, and the implementation of the international agreements. The Saeima did not support the proposal by the Chair of the Saeima Human Rights Committee A. Seiksts to provide that single and dependent parents of the Latvian citizens or permanent residents would receive the permanent residence permits, if the relatives take the full responsibility for them. Neatkariga, B&B

Yesterday the Saeima repeatedly elected Arnis Cimdars to the post of the Chair of the Central Electoral Commission.

Yesterday the Saeima repeatedly elected Arnis Cimdars to the post of the Chair of the Central Electoral Commission. Jauna Avize

The Latvian politicians hope that during the NATO summit in Washington, Latvia along with other Eastern European countries will be named as the candidate to the NATO. Still, they acknowledge that no exact dates of the enlargement will be set.

The Latvian politicians hope that during the NATO summit in Washington, Latvia along with other Eastern European countries will be named as the candidate to the NATO. Still, they acknowledge that no exact dates of the enlargement will be set. Diena

Yesterday at the meeting with the Latvian Prime Minister the EU Commissioner of Foreign Affairs H.van den Broek said that the Latvian state language law should correspond with the international norms and it should not restrict the free movement of the services between Latvia and the EU as set by the European associative agreement.

Yesterday at the meeting with the Latvian Prime Minister the EU Commissioner of Foreign Affairs H.van den Broek said that the Latvian state language law should correspond with the international norms and it should not restrict the free movement of the services between Latvia and the EU as set by the European associative agreement. Diena

The Russian newspaper Obshchaja Gazeta published the information about the pace of the naturalisation in Latvia. After the elimination of the naturalisation windows some 16000 persons have applied for the naturalisation. The Naturalisation Board, however, is not able to review all applications quickly, therefore the applicants should wait a half of a year to take the naturalisation exams. The newspaper writes that 98% of applicants pass the exams with the first attempt.

The Russian newspaper Obshchaja Gazeta published the information about the pace of the naturalisation in Latvia. After the elimination of the naturalisation windows some 16000 persons have applied for the naturalisation. The Naturalisation Board, however, is not able to review all applications quickly, therefore the applicants should wait a half of a year to take the naturalisation exams. The newspaper writes that 98% of applicants pass the exams with the first attempt. Neatkariga

At the discussion about the social integration in the language sphere which was organised by the National Program of Latvian Language Training, the head of the department of the Slavic Languages of the Latvian University Tatjana Liguta said that the social integration process in Latvia might be implemented only after the Latvians and representatives of the national minorities create system of common values. The participants of the discussion also noted that it is necessary to ensure that the integration process does not reach the boundaries of assimilation, after crossing of which the representatives of the national minority lose the belonging to his/her native language. Such a process is partly being observed in the Kurzeme region where in many cities the people of other nationalities have been using the Latvian language as the only language of communication.

At the discussion about the social integration in the language sphere which was organised by the National Program of Latvian Language Training, the head of the department of the Slavic Languages of the Latvian University Tatjana Liguta said that the social integration process in Latvia might be implemented only after the Latvians and representatives of the national minorities create system of common values. The participants of the discussion also noted that it is necessary to ensure that the integration process does not reach the boundaries of assimilation, after crossing of which the representatives of the national minority lose the belonging to his/her native language. Such a process is partly being observed in the Kurzeme region where in many cities the people of other nationalities have been using the Latvian language as the only language of communication. Jauna Avize

Since Monday seventeen detainees at the Riga Centre for Illegal Immigrants have been on hunger strike to protest against the living conditions there. All attempts of the Ilga Ozisha and Tatjana Zdanok (

Since Monday seventeen detainees at the Riga Centre for Illegal Immigrants have been on hunger strike to protest against the living conditions there. All attempts of the Ilga Ozisha and Tatjana Zdanok (For Human Rights) to discuss the situation with the Head of the Police Department A. Grigulis were in vain.

(CHAS, 23 April)

(CHAS, 23 April)

MP Jakov Pliner reminds the readers of

MP Jakov Pliner reminds the readers of Panorama Latvii about all attempts of the fraction For Human Rights to liberalise the draft language law. He emphasises that 7 proposals of OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel and 6 proposals of the Prime Minister V. Kristopans for the third reading of the draft language law completely correspond with the proposals earlier suggested by the fraction For Human Rights. For the third reading of the draft law the fraction has submitted 25 amendments.

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