Aug. 28, 1999

Aug. 27, 1999

Press Review

During the September 14 government meeting along with the draft budget for 2000 the Cabinet plans to consider several amendments to tax legislation, like imposing personal income tax on dividends as well as profit form bank deposits. Also, there is a possibility that excise tax will be imposed on all bear. The Finance Ministry has intended to reduce real estate tax from 4 to 2% to attract foreign investors for upgrading real estate. The ministry is looking at the possibility to raise the minimal salary to increase personal income tax payments to the budget.

During the September 14 government meeting along with the draft budget for 2000 the Cabinet plans to consider several amendments to tax legislation, like imposing personal income tax on dividends as well as profit form bank deposits. Also, there is a possibility that excise tax will be imposed on all bear. The Finance Ministry has intended to reduce real estate tax from 4 to 2% to attract foreign investors for upgrading real estate. The ministry is looking at the possibility to raise the minimal salary to increase personal income tax payments to the budget. Diena, Neatkariga

Almost 20 MP s chose different Saeima’s commissions yesterday, the day of the first Saeima meeting. The move was connected with the intention of the ruling coalition to ensure majority in all commissions to have the support for the government projects.

Almost 20 MP s chose different Saeimas commissions yesterday, the day of the first Saeima meeting. The move was connected with the intention of the ruling coalition to ensure majority in all commissions to have the support for the government projects. Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna Avize

The World Bank fully supports the amendments to the Pension Law offered by the government and has opinion that these unpopular decisions were the only possibility to save the pension system that was distorted at the time of parliament election campaign.

The World Bank fully supports the amendments to the Pension Law offered by the government and has opinion that these unpopular decisions were the only possibility to save the pension system that was distorted at the time of parliament election campaign. Diena

The Board of Naturalisation is planned to be turned into the Board of Citizenship and National Issues under the supervision of Justice Ministry. The information was released by the Justice Minister Valdis Birkavs after his meeting with Andris Skele.

The Board of Naturalisation is planned to be turned into the Board of Citizenship and National Issues under the supervision of Justice Ministry. The information was released by the Justice Minister Valdis Birkavs after his meeting with Andris Skele. Diena

Due to the hard economic situation in the country it is planned to reduce by one third (200,000 instead of 600,000 lats) the budget allocations to pay bonuses for Latvian language teachers in non-Latvian schools.

Due to the hard economic situation in the country it is planned to reduce by one third (200,000 instead of 600,000 lats) the budget allocations to pay bonuses for Latvian language teachers in non-Latvian schools. Chas

11 schools will be closed and several reorganised this year. Closing of the schools in Bauska, Cesis, Jelgava, Jekabpils, Liepaja, Tukums, Valka, Ventspils, and Daugavpils districts is mainly due to the small number of students there. Last year 10 schools were closed.

11 schools will be closed and several reorganised this year. Closing of the schools in Bauska, Cesis, Jelgava, Jekabpils, Liepaja, Tukums, Valka, Ventspils, and Daugavpils districts is mainly due to the small number of students there. Last year 10 schools were closed. Neatkariga

The participation of Latvia’s Way deputy Normunds Rudevics in the international conference on Gypsy issues in Vienna will cost 457 lats for the Saeima. The Saeima’s Presidium earlier rejected the request to grant the money for the trip as there was no money for unplanned trips in Saeima’s budget. The Saeima Speaker Janis Straume told the press that due to the international importance of the conference and the attention of the OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel paid to it the Saeima decided to grant the money.

The participation of Latvias Way deputy Normunds Rudevics in the international conference on Gypsy issues in Vienna will cost 457 lats for the Saeima. The Saeimas Presidium earlier rejected the request to grant the money for the trip as there was no money for unplanned trips in Saeimas budget. The Saeima Speaker Janis Straume told the press that due to the international importance of the conference and the attention of the OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel paid to it the Saeima decided to grant the money. Diena

Aug. 26, 1999

Press Report

During the press conference closing the visit of the OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel to Latvia he noted that proficiency in the state language is important for integration and is in the interests of the Russian-speaking community. For this reason, he expressed support to extension of the state language program and promised to help to raise the necessary 1.3 million USD to continue the program. In the answer to the proposal brought up by the Latvian Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins to urge the Russian-speakers to learn Latvian the High Commissioner said he was not going to release a special statement and reminded about having stressed before in his speeches that learning the state language is in person’s own interests.

During the press conference closing the visit of the OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel to Latvia he noted that proficiency in the state language is important for integration and is in the interests of the Russian-speaking community. For this reason, he expressed support to extension of the state language program and promised to help to raise the necessary 1.3 million USD to continue the program. In the answer to the proposal brought up by the Latvian Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins to urge the Russian-speakers to learn Latvian the High Commissioner said he was not going to release a special statement and reminded about having stressed before in his speeches that learning the state language is in persons own interests. Diena, Neatkariga, Panorama Latvii, Vesti Segodna

Latvijas Vestnesis provides a detailed report on the High Commissioner’s meeting with the Latvian Prime Minister Andris Skele and the President Vaira Vike-Freiberga.

Latvijas Vestnesis provides a detailed report on the High Commissioners meeting with the Latvian Prime Minister Andris Skele and the President Vaira Vike-Freiberga.


focuses on the possible outcome of the second review of the State Language law. MP from the For Human Rights in United Latvia Boris Tsilevich thinks that the ruling factions will change only some terminology, like the term state institutions, and all articles objected by Europe will remain as before. Dzintars Abikis, the only honest member of the ruling coalition also admitted that nothing substantial will be changed in the law. focuses on the possible outcome of the second review of the State Language law. MP from the For Human Rights in United Latvia Boris Tsilevich thinks that the ruling factions will change only some terminology, like the term “state institutions”, and all articles objected by Europe will remain as before. Dzintars Abikis, “the only honest member of the ruling coalition” also admitted that nothing substantial will be changed in the law. Vaira Vike-Freiberga believes that being the top official in the country has no right to intervene and influence the process around the amendments to the Pension Law. She urged the population to study rationally the amendments, understand the situation and then make a decision on signing for referendum. However, she said that the society should be aware of the rise of the pension age in future as in Latvia it is “abnormally low”.

Vaira Vike-Freiberga believes that being the top official in the country has no right to intervene and influence the process around the amendments to the Pension Law. She urged the population to study rationally the amendments, understand the situation and then make a decision on signing for referendum. However, she said that the society should be aware of the rise of the pension age in future as in Latvia it is abnormally low. Neatkariga, Diena

The suggestions for solving the budget problems released by Social Democrats and the Trade Unions in the opinion of the Prime Minister Andris Skele offer no alternatives to the amendments to the Pension Law. As the only constructive thing Skele mentioned the suggested tax “on wealth”, like houses, yachts, luxurious cars. Skele himself thinks that the budget could be as well raised by taxing the interest on bank deposits and dividends.

The suggestions for solving the budget problems released by Social Democrats and the Trade Unions in the opinion of the Prime Minister Andris Skele offer no alternatives to the amendments to the Pension Law. As the only constructive thing Skele mentioned the suggested tax on wealth, like houses, yachts, luxurious cars. Skele himself thinks that the budget could be as well raised by taxing the interest on bank deposits and dividends. Diena

The Cabinet has decided on electing directly governments for nine regions in March of 2001. The regional reform is intended to have a balanced development of all regions as well as to free the central government from dealing with local and regional problems. Prime Minister Andris Skele was the only one to object direct elections, he suggested that the regions should have appointed governors.

The Cabinet has decided on electing directly governments for nine regions in March of 2001. The regional reform is intended to have a balanced development of all regions as well as to free the central government from dealing with local and regional problems. Prime Minister Andris Skele was the only one to object direct elections, he suggested that the regions should have appointed governors. Neatkariga

During the August 24 meetingCabinetdecided to delay considering the stopping of the May 3, 1994 Cabinet decision “On the fund for Skrunda radar station environment rehabilitation and repatriation of the Russian military pensioners”. Environment Protection and Regional Development, Foreign and Justice Ministries have to prepare a draft document on the Fund and submit it to the Cabinet to be considered this August 31.

During the August 24 meetingCabinetdecided to delay considering the stopping of the May 3, 1994 Cabinet decision On the fund for Skrunda radar station environment rehabilitation and repatriation of the Russian military pensioners. Environment Protection and Regional Development, Foreign and Justice Ministries have to prepare a draft document on the Fund and submit it to the Cabinet to be considered this August 31. Latvijas Vestnesis

Aug. 25, 1999

Press Review

Most papers report on the first day of Max van der Stoel’s visit to Latvia.

Most papers report on the first day of Max van der Stoels visit to Latvia. Neatkariga writes that the High Commissioner has not come forward with any recommendations concerning the Language Law but has suggested another meeting of European and Latvian experts before adoption of the law. After the meeting at the Saeimas Commission for Science, Education and Culture, head of the Commission Dzintars Abikis told the press that specifying what are public events could solve the problem with the article on usage of the language in public events. However, majority of politicians is said to take a principal position in the issue of signs in public places.

Yesterday, heads of the ruling factions agreed that the law should be adopted in its final version on December 9 while the deadline for submitting the proposals should be October 29.

Yesterday, heads of the ruling factions agreed that the law should be adopted in its final version on December 9 while the deadline for submitting the proposals should be October 29.

Latvian Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins in a radio interview on Tuesday suggested that it would be very useful if the High Commissioner addressed the Russian-speaking population advising them to learn the Latvian language in order to leave the impression that his mission is to reach a positive result for the whole society and not to appear as an advocate of the rights of the Russian-speakers.

Latvian Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins in a radio interview on Tuesday suggested that it would be very useful if the High Commissioner addressed the Russian-speaking population advising them to learn the Latvian language in order to leave the impression that his mission is to reach a positive result for the whole society and not to appear as an advocate of the rights of the Russian-speakers. Diena, Neatkariga, Chas, BB, Panorama Latvii

Yesterday’s Cabinet Meeting accepted the regulations on the model of the identity document for stateless persons as well as the order of issuing such documents. A stateless person who has reached the age of 16 gets the document. Persons under the age of 16 get a document for going to a foreign country. The rules are to become effective as of October 1, 1999

Yesterdays Cabinet Meeting accepted the regulations on the model of the identity document for stateless persons as well as the order of issuing such documents. A stateless person who has reached the age of 16 gets the document. Persons under the age of 16 get a document for going to a foreign country. The rules are to become effective as of October 1, 1999. Latvijas Vestnesis

Riga District Court started looking into the criminal case filed against Mihail Farbtuh, a former deputy chief of Daugavpils NKVD in the summer of 1941 for signing the decision on deportation of 31 families.

Riga District Court started looking into the criminal case filed against Mihail Farbtuh, a former deputy chief of Daugavpils NKVD in the summer of 1941 for signing the decision on deportation of 31 families. Diena, Chas, Jauna Avize.

Yesterday, the Cabinet agreed that instead of the current 26 regions the voters are supposed to elect 9 regional governments at the municipal elections in March of 2001.

Yesterday, the Cabinet agreed that instead of the current 26 regions the voters are supposed to elect 9 regional governments at the municipal elections in March of 2001. Diena

Aug. 24, 1999

Press Review

Latvia’s Pensioner Federation has decided not to call people to sign for referendum as there is no conformity of opinions within the Federation about the amendments to the Pension Law. The opinion of the Federation is that each pensioner should individually decide whether to support the referendum. The President of Latvia yesterday listened to the opinions of the opposition parties and NGOs about the amendments to the law and the possibility of having the referendum. She will release her opinion later this week.

Latvias Pensioner Federation has decided not to call people to sign for referendum as there is no conformity of opinions within the Federation about the amendments to the Pension Law. The opinion of the Federation is that each pensioner should individually decide whether to support the referendum. The President of Latvia yesterday listened to the opinions of the opposition parties and NGOs about the amendments to the law and the possibility of having the referendum. She will release her opinion later this week. Neatkariga, Diena

During the Thursday session the Saeima plans to pass over the Language Law to be considered at the commissions. The issue is put on the August 26 agenda. The MPs will decide on the deadline for submitting the proposals exclusively concerning the articles objected by the President Vaira Vike-Freiberga. The ruling parties could agree on the deadline before the meeting.

During the Thursday session the Saeima plans to pass over the Language Law to be considered at the commissions. The issue is put on the August 26 agenda. The MPs will decide on the deadline for submitting the proposals exclusively concerning the articles objected by the President Vaira Vike-Freiberga. The ruling parties could agree on the deadline before the meeting.

It was reported earlier that Latvia’s Way supports a slow quality process for adopting the law. Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK holds a similar position - they want the law to be adopted after the Helsinki summit. People’s Party faction head Gundars Berzins believes that the law should be adopted in the autumn session.

It was reported earlier that Latvias Way supports a slow quality process for adopting the law. Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK holds a similar position - they want the law to be adopted after the Helsinki summit. Peoples Party faction head Gundars Berzins believes that the law should be adopted in the autumn session. Neatkariga

All papers report on the Baltic Way 10th anniversary celebration events yesterday as well as commemoration of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact signed August 23 in 1939.

All papers report on the Baltic Way 10th anniversary celebration events yesterday as well as commemoration of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact signed August 23 in 1939.

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