Sept. 15, 1999

Press Report

Press Report

The future EU Commissioner on Expansion Affairs G.Ferheugen said to the Financial Times that due to the Kosovo crisis negotiations on joining EU could be stated with all candidate states of the second group not just with the best ones.

The future EU Commissioner on Expansion Affairs G.Ferheugen said to the Financial Times that due to the Kosovo crisis negotiations on joining EU could be stated with all candidate states of the second group not just with the best ones. Neatkariga

From September 20 to 24 the President V.Vike-Freiberga will attend the USA on a working visit. She has scheduled meeting with UN Secretary General K.Annan.

From September 20 to 24 the President V.Vike-Freiberga will attend the USA on a working visit. She has scheduled meeting with UN Secretary General K.Annan. Neatkariga

On Tuesday after a long discussion the government agreed on the draft budget of 2000. They agreed to decrease the expenditure part let the fiscal deficit would not exceed 2% of GNP.

On Tuesday after a long discussion the government agreed on the draft budget of 2000. They agreed to decrease the expenditure part let the fiscal deficit would not exceed 2% of GNP. Diena

During the discord in the government, arisen between TB/LNNK and Peoples Party, the coalition partners hope to find out and settle this in a bilateral negotiation. They did not confirm the unofficial information that TB during the discussion with LC, scheduled for Wednesday, would ask the partners to think over possible models of a new government.

During the discord in the government, arisen between TB/LNNK and Peoples Party, the coalition partners hope to find out and settle this in a bilateral negotiation. They did not confirm the unofficial information that TB during the discussion with LC, scheduled for Wednesday, would ask the partners to think over possible models of a new government. Diena

The most possible version is so called “Union- 52”, consisting of PP, LC and New Party. The Prime Minister could be a representative of LC, but not an ex-prime minister or a deputy, just a well-known person, acceptable for all three parties. They say, that the name of this person is already known, but by a few. It is no secret that half of partners would not like to have A.Skele in the executive branch. There are some other options as well.

The most possible version is so called Union- 52, consisting of PP, LC and New Party. The Prime Minister could be a representative of LC, but not an ex-prime minister or a deputy, just a well-known person, acceptable for all three parties. They say, that the name of this person is already known, but by a few. It is no secret that half of partners would not like to have A.Skele in the executive branch. There are some other options as well. Bizness & Baltiya

Russian Community in Latvia calls to vote for organising a referendum on the pension law by publishing an open letter in

Russian Community in Latvia calls to vote for organising a referendum on the pension law by publishing an open letter in Panorama Latvii.

The validity term of former USSR pasports expires on January 1, 2000 but about 100 000 non-citizens have not taken out their passports. DCMA has enough capacity to issue these passports but there is no interest among the non –citizens themselves.

The validity term of former USSR pasports expires on January 1, 2000 but about 100 000 non-citizens have not taken out their passports. DCMA has enough capacity to issue these passports but there is no interest among the non –citizens themselves. Diena

Sept. 14, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

The representatives of government forming factions consider that Prime Minister A.Skele should change his attitude towards his coalition partners. Otherwise the relations in the government could get worse. TB/LNNK Saeima faction Chairman A.Pozarnovs said that if the Prime Minister had undertaken solving issues which were in the competence of the government forming factions, he should not hope that all the decisions of mandatory vote at the Saeima would be supported.

The representatives of government forming factions consider that Prime Minister A.Skele should change his attitude towards his coalition partners. Otherwise the relations in the government could get worse. TB/LNNK Saeima faction Chairman A.Pozarnovs said that if the Prime Minister had undertaken solving issues which were in the competence of the government forming factions, he should not hope that all the decisions of mandatory vote at the Saeima would be supported. Neatkariga

In an interview to the Latvian Radio President Vaira Vike-Freiberga expressed her willingness to be involved in a dialogue with Russia, but she doubted Russia’s readiness for such a dialogue.

In an interview to the Latvian Radio President Vaira Vike-Freiberga expressed her willingness to be involved in a dialogue with Russia, but she doubted Russias readiness for such a dialogue. Neatkariga

According to the data of the public opinion research centre SKDS, large part of population - 31.8% do not agree with the statement that Skele’s government would last until the end of 7 th Saeima.

According to the data of the public opinion research centre SKDS, large part of population - 31.8% do not agree with the statement that Skeles government would last until the end of 7 th Saeima. Neatkariga, Chas

President Vaira Vike-Freiberga considers that the Latvian language law should be adopted with her proposed amendments otherwise Latvia would face serious difficulties at the next EU summit meeting in Helsinki.

President Vaira Vike-Freiberga considers that the Latvian language law should be adopted with her proposed amendments otherwise Latvia would face serious difficulties at the next EU summit meeting in Helsinki. Neatkariga

The Saeima

The Saeima Social Democrats faction are preparing to summon an extraordinary Saeima sitting let the Parliament would be granted a right to take decisions on privatisation of large state enterprises - Latvian Shipping Company, Latvijas Gaze, Latvenergo, Lattelekom, etc. Neatkariga

Latvian President thinks that the government should take care of its stability because now, before the EU summit meeting in Helsinki, the processes in Latvia are closely observed by European community.

Latvian President thinks that the government should take care of its stability because now, before the EU summit meeting in Helsinki, the processes in Latvia are closely observed by European community. Neatkariga

Latvijas Cels

Press Secretary D.Gulbe informed Press Secretary D.Gulbe informed DienaDiena that LC had prepared and would submit this week to the coalition members proposals on new amendments to the pension law that would allow women to retire before the fixed age of retirement and improve the situation of working pensioners. that LC had prepared and would submit this week to the coalition members proposals on new amendments to the pension law that would allow women to retire before the fixed age of retirement and improve the situation of working pensioners. DienaDiena

On Monday the Saeima Foreign Affairs Commission supported submitting of Latvian - Lithuanian sea border agreement to the Saeima in the first reading. There is no full conviction about the ratification of the agreement because two of the ruling coalition factions -

On Monday the Saeima Foreign Affairs Commission supported submitting of Latvian - Lithuanian sea border agreement to the Saeima in the first reading. There is no full conviction about the ratification of the agreement because two of the ruling coalition factions - Peoples Party and TB/LNNK plan to discuss this at their faction meetings and take a united opinion. Experts of several economic fields doubt the conformity of this agreement with interests of Latvia because Latvia would loose a huge part of possible oil fields and territories for fishing cod. Diena, Vesti Segodnya

Yelena and Sergey - the grandchildren of 62 years old T.Talkovska, were born in Latvia, attend the local Latvian school, but their life has become very complicated due to absence of proper documents they were almost sent to an orphanage in Russia. Children’s family moved to Russia in 1993. Soon after the father died in a car accident but mother started drinking and 1996 Ms. Talkovska received a message from Russia that she should go there and take the children if she did not want them to be sent to an orphanage because their mother would be deprived of her parental rights. And the grandmother brought the children to Latvia without drawing up the necessary documents.

Yelena and Sergey - the grandchildren of 62 years old T.Talkovska, were born in Latvia, attend the local Latvian school, but their life has become very complicated due to absence of proper documents they were almost sent to an orphanage in Russia. Childrens family moved to Russia in 1993. Soon after the father died in a car accident but mother started drinking and 1996 Ms. Talkovska received a message from Russia that she should go there and take the children if she did not want them to be sent to an orphanage because their mother would be deprived of her parental rights. And the grandmother brought the children to Latvia without drawing up the necessary documents. Diena

A journalist interviews TV star I.Vinik about the problem why Russians here in Latvia can not unite. Ms.Vinnik thinks that there are no such thing as Russians in Latvia - just Russian speakers, persons who do not know anything about Russian culture.

A journalist interviews TV star I.Vinik about the problem why Russians here in Latvia can not unite. Ms.Vinnik thinks that there are no such thing as Russians in Latvia - just Russian speakers, persons who do not know anything about Russian culture. Chas

The deputy Head of the Naturalisation Board J.Kahanovics informs about the current situation with the naturalisation process.

The deputy Head of the Naturalisation Board J.Kahanovics informs about the current situation with the naturalisation process. Panorama Latvii

A.Krumins writes about the meeting of the Saeima Commission on Implementation of the Law on Citizenship during which were considered amendments to the status of a non-citizen. “ Of course, there was no discussion on equalising the rights of “Negroes” with the ones of citizens”, states Mr.Krumins. The aim of the amendments was to decrease the number of non-citizens, e.g. by introducing a norm that the status of a non-citizen would lose not only persons who had served in foreign armed forces on the territory of the Republic of Latvia and were demobilised after January 28, 1992 but their family members as well. The same refers to persons who have received compensation from the Latvian state for leaving the country but do to some reason had not left it, as well as those who have left the territory of Latvia after July 1, 1992 for abroad and got a domicile registration there but returned to Latvia. The same refers to persons who served in foreign armed forces after July 1, 1992.

A.Krumins writes about the meeting of the Saeima Commission on Implementation of the Law on Citizenship during which were considered amendments to the status of a non-citizen. Of course, there was no discussion on equalising the rights of Negroes with the ones of citizens, states Mr.Krumins. The aim of the amendments was to decrease the number of non-citizens, e.g. by introducing a norm that the status of a non-citizen would lose not only persons who had served in foreign armed forces on the territory of the Republic of Latvia and were demobilised after January 28, 1992 but their family members as well. The same refers to persons who have received compensation from the Latvian state for leaving the country but do to some reason had not left it, as well as those who have left the territory of Latvia after July 1, 1992 for abroad and got a domicile registration there but returned to Latvia. The same refers to persons who served in foreign armed forces after July 1, 1992. Panorama Latvii

Sept. 13, 1999

Press Report

The Cabinet of Ministers in its extraordinary sitting on Saturday started to consider the draft budget for the next year and the corresponding draft laws but did not adopt any of them. The most discussion was on the amendments on the state social welfare-fare submitted by the Ministry of Economics.

The Cabinet of Ministers in its extraordinary sitting on Saturday started to consider the draft budget for the next year and the corresponding draft laws but did not adopt any of them. The most discussion was on the amendments on the state social welfare-fare submitted by the Ministry of Economics. Neatkariga, Diena, Jauna Avize

The Economist published the list of tasks carried out by the OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel and call his activities in the Baltic states as one of his successes.

The Economist published the list of tasks carried out by the OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel and call his activities in the Baltic states as one of his successes. Neatkariga

K.Malinovska, Director of MFA Juridical Department analyses the situation with Latvian - Lithuanian sea border agreement, stating that Latvia and Lithuania had never had a sea border established according to international law. Therefore it is not correct to speak about the territories once belonging to Latvia or Lithuania.

K.Malinovska, Director of MFA Juridical Department analyses the situation with Latvian - Lithuanian sea border agreement, stating that Latvia and Lithuania had never had a sea border established according to international law. Therefore it is not correct to speak about the territories once belonging to Latvia or Lithuania. Diena

Sept. 11, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

Russian President B.Yeltsin sent to the State Council a negative conclusion on the Council’s draft law anticipating ceasing all economic and political relations with Latvia. The President considers, “There is no doubt that the Republic of Latvia has to obey its international obligations concerning human rights. But, taking into consideration the consistent and corresponding to international standards steps, taken by the Russian party, both on political and economical fields, adopting a federal law anticipating to break up the relations with Latvia do not correspond to the interests of Russia.”

Russian President B.Yeltsin sent to the State Council a negative conclusion on the Councils draft law anticipating ceasing all economic and political relations with Latvia. The President considers, There is no doubt that the Republic of Latvia has to obey its international obligations concerning human rights. But, taking into consideration the consistent and corresponding to international standards steps, taken by the Russian party, both on political and economical fields, adopting a federal law anticipating to break up the relations with Latvia do not correspond to the interests of Russia. Neatkariga, Diena, Vesti Segodnya

G.Kokars thinks that this step of B.Yelstsin is just a political manoeuvre taking into consideration the coming election.

G.Kokars thinks that this step of B.Yelstsin is just a political manoeuvre taking into consideration the coming election. Neatkariga (13.09.99)


Union Latvijas Cels has authorised party representatives in the Cabinet of Ministers not to support introduction of tuition fees and refusal to finance the Culture Capital Fond from lottery and gambling tax, as well as increasing of taxes. Neatkariga

President Vaira Vike-Freiberga reminded at the Baltic and Black Seas countries summit meeting pointed out the symbolic meaning of this event, the possibility for each country to chose its own development in modern Europe, as well as the necessity of co-operation between the states of both regions.

President Vaira Vike-Freiberga reminded at the Baltic and Black Seas countries summit meeting pointed out the symbolic meaning of this event, the possibility for each country to chose its own development in modern Europe, as well as the necessity of co-operation between the states of both regions. Neatkariga, Diena

During his work visit to Liepaja, the Minister of Justice V.Birkavs announced that the system of domicile registration should be abolished. Such proposals had been submitted to the Cabinet of Ministers but not considered yet. Currently a working group was working to prepare amendments to the corresponding legal documents.

During his work visit to Liepaja, the Minister of Justice V.Birkavs announced that the system of domicile registration should be abolished. Such proposals had been submitted to the Cabinet of Ministers but not considered yet. Currently a working group was working to prepare amendments to the corresponding legal documents. Neatkariga

Documents have been submitted to the Ministry of Justice showing that on August 21 a new political party had been established - Well-being Party. There are 207 party member candidates and 47 supporters.

Documents have been submitted to the Ministry of Justice showing that on August 21 a new political party had been established - Well-being Party. There are 207 party member candidates and 47 supporters. Neatkariga

Riga City Council deputy J.Zhuravlov appealed the decision to annul his Latvian citizenship, but the Supreme Court decided to postpone the hearing for October. Meanwhile Mr.Zhuravlov exchanged his nationality from Russian to Latvian. He thinks that this exchange will help him to get back his Latvian citizenship.

Riga City Council deputy J.Zhuravlov appealed the decision to annul his Latvian citizenship, but the Supreme Court decided to postpone the hearing for October. Meanwhile Mr.Zhuravlov exchanged his nationality from Russian to Latvian. He thinks that this exchange will help him to get back his Latvian citizenship. Diena

The Saeima deputy I.Udre (

The Saeima deputy I.Udre (New Party) considers that Prime Minister A.Skele has planned the amendments to the pension law not to improve the situation with the state budget but to set on each other representatives of different social groups of population. Vesti Segodnya

Sept. 9, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

The discord between Prime Minister and Minister of Economics on privatisation of Latvian Shipping Company, the different opinions within the ruling coalition on amending the law on pensions show that the government forming faction is not united, and thiscould lead to a government crisis. This is the opinion of politicians. TB/LNNK representative G.Krasts stated that if the Prime Minister demanded the resignation of the Minister of Economics, TB/LNNK could leave the ruling coalition, but such a possibility had not been discussed yet.

The discord between Prime Minister and Minister of Economics on privatisation of Latvian Shipping Company, the different opinions within the ruling coalition on amending the law on pensions show that the government forming faction is not united, and thiscould lead to a government crisis. This is the opinion of politicians. TB/LNNK representative G.Krasts stated that if the Prime Minister demanded the resignation of the Minister of Economics, TB/LNNK could leave the ruling coalition, but such a possibility had not been discussed yet. Peoples Party faction Chairman G.Berzins thinks that resignation of one minister could not cause a threat for the whole government. Neatkariga, Diena, Vesti Segodnya, Bizness & Baltiya

Saeima Foreign Affairs Commission did not submit to the Parliament for consideration in the first reading the sea border agreement between Latvia and Lithuania. They decided to go on with the discussion next Monday. The majority of the Commission members were inclined to forward the agreement for consideration, but the Chairman G.Krasts wished to continue the discussion.

Saeima Foreign Affairs Commission did not submit to the Parliament for consideration in the first reading the sea border agreement between Latvia and Lithuania. They decided to go on with the discussion next Monday. The majority of the Commission members were inclined to forward the agreement for consideration, but the Chairman G.Krasts wished to continue the discussion. Diena

The Ministry of Justice wants to establish immediately one institution for solving citizenship and national minority issues - Citizenship and National Affairs Board on the basis of the present Naturalisation Board. On Wednesday the Minister of Justice V.Birkavs introduced the members of Saeima Human Rights Commission with his intention to establish such an institution by the beginning of the next year.

The Ministry of Justice wants to establish immediately one institution for solving citizenship and national minority issues - Citizenship and National Affairs Board on the basis of the present Naturalisation Board. On Wednesday the Minister of Justice V.Birkavs introduced the members of Saeima Human Rights Commission with his intention to establish such an institution by the beginning of the next year. Diena

The Mayor of Moscow Y.Luzhkov accused Latvian authorities of violating human rights for starting court proceedings against a former KGB officer accused for deportation of Latvian people to Siberia.

The Mayor of Moscow Y.Luzhkov accused Latvian authorities of violating human rights for starting court proceedings against a former KGB officer accused for deportation of Latvian people to Siberia. Panorama Latvii

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