Sept. 27, 1999

Press Report

To CBSS Commissioner on Democratic Institutions and Human Rights Affairs O.Espersen is coming to Latvia on a two day visit to further the discussion on strengthening of democratic processes. He will have meetings with the Speaker of the Saeima, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Culture, Satversme Court, NHRO and the representatives of different NGOs.

To CBSS Commissioner on Democratic Institutions and Human Rights Affairs O.Espersen is coming to Latvia on a two day visit to further the discussion on strengthening of democratic processes. He will have meetings with the Speaker of the Saeima, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Culture, Satversme Court, NHRO and the representatives of different NGOs. Neatkariga, Diena

Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins is going to Sweden and Finland to discuss EU expansion before the, planned for December, EU Council meeting. He will have meetings with the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of those two countries.

Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins is going to Sweden and Finland to discuss EU expansion before the, planned for December, EU Council meeting. He will have meetings with the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of those two countries. Neatkariga

Former CIA officer R.Palmer gave evidence on money laundering scandal in Russia before the Commission on Bank and Financial Services of the USA Chamber of Representatives,. He pointed out that along with Russian banks, special attention should be paid to Latvian banks as well. Among other things he stated that, since the restoration of independence, two main branches of Latvian economics were operating as mediators in the Russian offshore bank transactions and furthering of Russian oil export to the West, and almost all Latvian banks were involved in this. He also spoke about the widespread corruption in Latvia.

Former CIA officer R.Palmer gave evidence on money laundering scandal in Russia before the Commission on Bank and Financial Services of the USA Chamber of Representatives,. He pointed out that along with Russian banks, special attention should be paid to Latvian banks as well. Among other things he stated that, since the restoration of independence, two main branches of Latvian economics were operating as mediators in the Russian offshore bank transactions and furthering of Russian oil export to the West, and almost all Latvian banks were involved in this. He also spoke about the widespread corruption in Latvia. Diena

Sept. 25, 1999

Press Report

Press Report

On Friday was presented the report of Russian Commission on Foreign Policy and Defence Policy Affairs and it was stated there that the region of the Baltic Sea would always be in the zone of vitally important interests of Russia, and it meant that a stable security, corresponding to Russian interests, should be guaranteed there. Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins, commenting this statement, acknowledged, that this Russian position was nothing new and there was only one conclusion – to join NATO and EU as soon as possible. “In reality, they (Russia) have driven us both to NATO and EU because all attempts from our side to co-operate honestly at least in the economic field, as you remember, have ended with sanctions. They do the utmost to distance themselves from the Baltic States.”

On Friday was presented the report of Russian Commission on Foreign Policy and Defence Policy Affairs and it was stated there that the region of the Baltic Sea would always be in the zone of vitally important interests of Russia, and it meant that a stable security, corresponding to Russian interests, should be guaranteed there. Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins, commenting this statement, acknowledged, that this Russian position was nothing new and there was only one conclusion – to join NATO and EU as soon as possible. In reality, they (Russia) have driven us both to NATO and EU because all attempts from our side to co-operate honestly at least in the economic field, as you remember, have ended with sanctions. They do the utmost to distance themselves from the Baltic States. Diena

Deputy Head of the Russian President Administration S.Prihodko announced that Russia was inclined to develop relations with the Baltic States in the amount they were ready themselves. He stated that there was some, although not very noticeable movement to improvement of relations, but reminded that Russian attitude concerning the Baltic States joining NATO was still negative.

Deputy Head of the Russian President Administration S.Prihodko announced that Russia was inclined to develop relations with the Baltic States in the amount they were ready themselves. He stated that there was some, although not very noticeable movement to improvement of relations, but reminded that Russian attitude concerning the Baltic States joining NATO was still negative. Neatkariga, Diena (Russian version), Chas

Latvian elementary school of Jaunjelgava Secondary School, Aizkraukle Region, are taught Mathematics in the Russian language because the teacher does not know the Latvian language. The Director of the school stood up for the teacher saying that she spoke Latvian, only occasionally used incorrect endings and had started to attend the Latvian language training course. The parents’ meeting gave the teacher two weeks to improve her language skills.

Latvian elementary school of Jaunjelgava Secondary School, Aizkraukle Region, are taught Mathematics in the Russian language because the teacher does not know the Latvian language. The Director of the school stood up for the teacher saying that she spoke Latvian, only occasionally used incorrect endings and had started to attend the Latvian language training course. The parents meeting gave the teacher two weeks to improve her language skills. Neatkariga

Russian speaking newspaper

Russian speaking newspaper Vesti Segodnya states that while Latvian President tries to persuade UN that everything is OK with national minorities in Latvia, Latvian MPs try to do the opposite. TB/LNNK representative J.Dobelis at the meeting of the Saeima Commission on Culture and Education shouted that the best argument for those who were against a tough Language law was a gun. He insisted on preserving all the most radical articles violating the rights of non-Latvians. MP Y.Pliner, who represents faction For Human Rights in Independent Latvia, is almost sure that the majority in the Parliament would ignore even the proposals of the President not even mentioning the OSCE recommendations. Not only TB/LNNK but the New Party, Peoples Party and Social Democrats could vote for this most radical version. Vesti Segodnya

Sept. 24, 1999

Press Report

Election Commission chairperson Arnis Cimdars confirmed that the number of signatures in support of the referendum has increased rapidly. He explained the activity by the fact that at the beginning of the campaign the residents had not formulated their attitude.

Election Commission chairperson Arnis Cimdars confirmed that the number of signatures in support of the referendum has increased rapidly. He explained the activity by the fact that at the beginning of the campaign the residents had not formulated their attitude. Neatkariga

Head of the Parliament Commission for Implementation of the Citizenship Law Janis Lagzdins does not support establishing of a joint state language examination center because in his opinion having such a center will give the possibility to force naturalization and lead to a situation that language exam taken at the center will be considered as naturalization test.

Head of the Parliament Commission for Implementation of the Citizenship Law Janis Lagzdins does not support establishing of a joint state language examination center because in his opinion having such a center will give the possibility to force naturalization and lead to a situation that language exam taken at the center will be considered as naturalization test. Neatkariga

The newspaper Noviye Izvestiya is the first paper in Russia to publish an interview with the Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga. The interview has a title “Learning Russian is on my agenda”. The interview covers questions about Latvia’s strategic plans, the place of Russia in them, the language law, amendments to the pension law.

The newspaper Noviye Izvestiya is the first paper in Russia to publish an interview with the Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga. The interview has a title Learning Russian is on my agenda. The interview covers questions about Latvias strategic plans, the place of Russia in them, the language law, amendments to the pension law. Neatkariga, Jauna Avize, Latvijas Vestnesis (full text of the interview)

Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov in his address to the UN General Assembly expressed his concern about the humanitarian situation in Latvia and Estonia, namely, people not having citizenship as well as the fact they cannot speak in their native language.

Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov in his address to the UN General Assembly expressed his concern about the humanitarian situation in Latvia and Estonia, namely, people not having citizenship as well as the fact they cannot speak in their native language. BB, Chas, Vesti

Sept. 23, 1999

Press Report

Representatives of the State Language Center during the meeting with the Saeima’s Commission for Education, Culture and Science stressed that they cannot fully agree with the objections presented by the President of Latvia concerning the passed language law. The Center’s opinion is that public information should be only in the state language while Cabinet regulations should provide for the cases when other language can be used along with the state language. Language specialist Ina Druviete said that OSCE does not take into account the actual situation in Latvia which is why she has officially requested the organization’s representatives during their next stay in Latvia to meet the Center’s specialists.

Representatives of the State Language Center during the meeting with the Saeimas Commission for Education, Culture and Science stressed that they cannot fully agree with the objections presented by the President of Latvia concerning the passed language law. The Centers opinion is that public information should be only in the state language while Cabinet regulations should provide for the cases when other language can be used along with the state language. Language specialist Ina Druviete said that OSCE does not take into account the actual situation in Latvia which is why she has officially requested the organizations representatives during their next stay in Latvia to meet the Centers specialists.

The Center’s representatives agreed that the law could have a more specific definition of what is a “public event”, also, that the requirement to use the state language could be not applied to art performances.

The Centers representatives agreed that the law could have a more specific definition of what is a public event, also, that the requirement to use the state language could be not applied to art performances. Neatkariga, Diena, BB, Panorama Latvii

Specialists interviewed by Diena commenting on the results of the study carried out in Russian language schools admit that the government should clearly declare that Russian language will never be the state language in Latvia and at the same time invest more money and support in society integration.

Specialists interviewed by Diena commenting on the results of the study carried out in Russian language schools admit that the government should clearly declare that Russian language will never be the state language in Latvia and at the same time invest more money and support in society integration. Diena

After estimates, roughly one third of the signatures necessary to start the referendum on Pension Law are collected by now. Information was released by the Head of the Social Democrats faction Egils Baldzens. He is sure that the necessary amount will be collected thanks to the active campaigning work.

After estimates, roughly one third of the signatures necessary to start the referendum on Pension Law are collected by now. Information was released by the Head of the Social Democrats faction Egils Baldzens. He is sure that the necessary amount will be collected thanks to the active campaigning work. Neatkariga

Justice Ministry is having a discussion concerning having the assessors at the court. Most of the judges think that assessors are usually pension-age people passively taking part in trial. Giving up this practice money could be saved.

Justice Ministry is having a discussion concerning having the assessors at the court. Most of the judges think that assessors are usually pension-age people passively taking part in trial. Giving up this practice money could be saved. Neatkariga

Latvian President Vaira Vike Freiberga speaking to SWH Radio from New York said that officials from other countries show good attitude towards Latvia although there have been questions about the serious problems with ethnic minorities in Latvia. The President took the chance to explain the actual situation in personal meetings. During Freiberga’s meeting with Kofi Annan they discussed society integration issues and the process of passing the Language Law.

Latvian President Vaira Vike Freiberga speaking to SWH Radio from New York said that officials from other countries show good attitude towards Latvia although there have been questions about the serious problems with ethnic minorities in Latvia. The President took the chance to explain the actual situation in personal meetings. During Freibergas meeting with Kofi Annan they discussed society integration issues and the process of passing the Language Law. Neatkariga

In her address to the UN Assembly Freiberga mentioned that Latvia is looking forward to develop co-operation with Russia as a strong democratic country while today Latvia’s foreign policy is first of all directed towards the West as joining the EU is one of the political priorities for the country.

In her address to the UN Assembly Freiberga mentioned that Latvia is looking forward to develop co-operation with Russia as a strong democratic country while today Latvias foreign policy is first of all directed towards the West as joining the EU is one of the political priorities for the country. Panorama Latvii

September 21 Latvian government granted citizenship through naturalization to 816 persons, among them 143 are children.

September 21 Latvian government granted citizenship through naturalization to 816 persons, among them 143 are children. Panorama Latvii

Sept. 22, 1999

Press Report

A study carried out by Baltijas Datu Nams that was released yesterday shows that majority of the students of the schools with Russian language of instruction do not feel they belong to Latvia’s society, they are not willing to speak Latvian, most of them want Russian to be recognized as the second state language in Latvia, they do not support the shift to Latvian as the language of instruction. The study was done in 50 schools in Latvia among the students in grades 9 to 11, their parents and teachers. There are more negative answers given by the students than by their parents or teachers.

A study carried out by Baltijas Datu Nams that was released yesterday shows that majority of the students of the schools with Russian language of instruction do not feel they belong to Latvias society, they are not willing to speak Latvian, most of them want Russian to be recognized as the second state language in Latvia, they do not support the shift to Latvian as the language of instruction. The study was done in 50 schools in Latvia among the students in grades 9 to 11, their parents and teachers. There are more negative answers given by the students than by their parents or teachers. Diena, Panorama Latvii

Latvian TV channel LNT in co-operation with the Latvian Language Training State Program plans to start a new bilingual program. The project is initiated and financed by the European Council. The program will be in Russian and Latvian with simultaneous translation (subtitles).

Latvian TV channel LNT in co-operation with the Latvian Language Training State Program plans to start a new bilingual program. The project is initiated and financed by the European Council. The program will be in Russian and Latvian with simultaneous translation (subtitles). Diena

The government meeting decided that teachers in Latvia will see the pay rise only starting the next September instead of previously planned January. Teachers hope to have the funding for education increased up to 29 million lats and the planned pay rise. In case the teachers’ demands are not met it is possible they will stage demonstrations.

The government meeting decided that teachers in Latvia will see the pay rise only starting the next September instead of previously planned January. Teachers hope to have the funding for education increased up to 29 million lats and the planned pay rise. In case the teachers demands are not met it is possible they will stage demonstrations. Neatkariga

Yesterday’s government meeting supported the draft law providing for the defence budget to reach 2% of GDP by 2003 to ensure that development of the armed forces is up to NATO standards.

Yesterdays government meeting supported the draft law providing for the defence budget to reach 2% of GDP by 2003 to ensure that development of the armed forces is up to NATO standards. Diena

After the initiative of Ventspils Mayor Aivars Lembergs, a consultative forum with participation of all social groups of the town, including non-citizens, will convene at the end of the year.

After the initiative of Ventspils Mayor Aivars Lembergs, a consultative forum with participation of all social groups of the town, including non-citizens, will convene at the end of the year. Chas

BB runs a short interview with Eizenija Aldermane where she is quite optimistic about the pace of naturalization after dropping the window system. By now the waiting lines for submitting applications have reduced from 5-6 months to 1 month. 7464 people (among them 1125 children) have acquired citizenship after dropping the windows.

Interior Ministry is looking for the government support to introduce unified ID cards for Latvia’s residents for domestic use. It is planned to start the project in 2001. Then, passports will be needed for travelling abroad only.

Interior Ministry is looking for the government support to introduce unified ID cards for Latvias residents for domestic use. It is planned to start the project in 2001. Then, passports will be needed for travelling abroad only. BB

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