Nov. 2, 1999

Press Report

Press Report

In the future parties will need the minimum of 500 members at the moment of establishing, and this number should be confirmed by a Notary Public. This agreement was reached yesterday by the representatives of TB/LNNK, Peoples Party and Social Democrats Saeima factions. As the Peoples Party representative J.Legzdins told journalists, after the adoption of the norm, considering the law On Public Organisations and their Unions in the second reading, the existing parties would have to fulfil it by December 1. K.Libane (Latvijas Cels) said that LC would not support this new proposal.

In the future parties will need the minimum of 500 members at the moment of establishing, and this number should be confirmed by a Notary Public. This agreement was reached yesterday by the representatives of TB/LNNK, Peoples Party and Social Democrats Saeima factions. As the Peoples Party representative J.Legzdins told journalists, after the adoption of the norm, considering the law On Public Organisations and their Unions in the second reading, the existing parties would have to fulfil it by December 1. K.Libane (Latvijas Cels) said that LC would not support this new proposal. Neatkariga, Diena

Latvian Ambassador to Russia I.Daudiss was summoned yesterday to the Russian MFA where he was informed about the facts of commercial structures operating on the territory of the Embassy. At the same a meeting on the same topic took place in Latvia – Russian Ambassador to Latvia A.Udalcov provided Latvian MFA Press Secretary J.Karklins with the information prepared by Moscow Tax Militia on the illegal bank operations taking place on the territory of the Embassy. Latvian MFA will evaluate the received information and, depending on the results of the analysis decide on the future steps.

Latvian Ambassador to Russia I.Daudiss was summoned yesterday to the Russian MFA where he was informed about the facts of commercial structures operating on the territory of the Embassy. At the same a meeting on the same topic took place in Latvia – Russian Ambassador to Latvia A.Udalcov provided Latvian MFA Press Secretary J.Karklins with the information prepared by Moscow Tax Militia on the illegal bank operations taking place on the territory of the Embassy. Latvian MFA will evaluate the received information and, depending on the results of the analysis decide on the future steps. Neatkariga, Diena, Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Bizness & Baltiya

Latvian President V.V.Freiberga supports the proposal of Peoples Party to abolish the commemoration day of Latvian solders on March 16. In a radio interview she said that establishing such a day had been a mistake.

Latvian President V.V.Freiberga supports the proposal of Peoples Party to abolish the commemoration day of Latvian solders on March 16. In a radio interview she said that establishing such a day had been a mistake. Neatkariga, Jauna Avize, Chas

Latvian Social Democratic Workers Party has started and propaganda campaign on the radio inviting people to take part in the November 13 referendum on the amendments to the pension law. The Chairman of LSDWP Saeima faction E.Baldzens told journalists that Social Democrats were preparing information broadcasts on TV and radio.

Latvian Social Democratic Workers Party has started and propaganda campaign on the radio inviting people to take part in the November 13 referendum on the amendments to the pension law. The Chairman of LSDWP Saeima faction E.Baldzens told journalists that Social Democrats were preparing information broadcasts on TV and radio. Neatkariga

Latvijas Cels faction submitted a draft law to abolish the norm stipulating the necessary Saeima majority for permitting to impose an administrative penalty on a Saeima deputy. K.Libane grounded the necessity for such a norm with the fact that the deputies were not impartial towards all their colleagues when the Saeima was requested to issue a permission to impose an administrative penalty on a deputy. Therefore the immunity of the deputies should be decreased.

Latvijas Cels faction submitted a draft law to abolish the norm stipulating the necessary Saeima majority for permitting to impose an administrative penalty on a Saeima deputy. K.Libane grounded the necessity for such a norm with the fact that the deputies were not impartial towards all their colleagues when the Saeima was requested to issue a permission to impose an administrative penalty on a deputy. Therefore the immunity of the deputies should be decreased. Neatkariga, Jauna Avize

Latvian MFA will see how they could help the newspaper

Latvian MFA will see how they could help the newspaper Diena journalist A.Klimovics who was regularly writing about the events in Chechnya and whom Russian security institutions had warned about a possibility to be kidnapped. Meanwhile Russian Embassy in Latvia has expressed its surprise that Diena understood this warning as a threat to the journalist. Diena

DCMA consider that the state fee for issuing a new passport should be increased for about three times from the current 5 Ls up to 15 Ls. The Deputy Head of the Department A.J.Lejins pointed out that the draft regulations had not been elaborated yet but discussed in the Department and other institutions.

DCMA consider that the state fee for issuing a new passport should be increased for about three times from the current 5 Ls up to 15 Ls. The Deputy Head of the Department A.J.Lejins pointed out that the draft regulations had not been elaborated yet but discussed in the Department and other institutions. Rigas Balss (November 1,1999)

Trade Union of Latvian Education and Science Workers will meet with the Reconciliation Commission of the Ministry of Education on November 3 to discuss and try to agree on the demands of teachers. But TULEW think that this meeting will not change the Government’s decision to allocate only 6.24 million Ls to teachers’ salaries therefore the strike will take place, and it is possible that some other strikes will start, and they could last for indeterminate time.

Trade Union of Latvian Education and Science Workers will meet with the Reconciliation Commission of the Ministry of Education on November 3 to discuss and try to agree on the demands of teachers. But TULEW think that this meeting will not change the Governments decision to allocate only 6.24 million Ls to teachers salaries therefore the strike will take place, and it is possible that some other strikes will start, and they could last for indeterminate time. Rigas Balss (November 1,1999)

Panorama Latvii

published answers to the questions of its readers on the process of naturalisation. The readers wanted to know whether: a daughter of a Latvian father, naturalised two years ago, and non-Latvian mother, received Latvian citizenship through naturalisation, should pay the state fee when receiving citizenship through the process of registration; did Latvians by nationality had the right to receive citizenship automatically and who might submit a request for granting citizenship for a child through the process of naturalisation. published answers to the questions of its readers on the process of naturalisation. The readers wanted to know whether: a daughter of a Latvian father, naturalised two years ago, and non-Latvian mother, received Latvian citizenship through naturalisation, should pay the state fee when receiving citizenship through the process of registration; did Latvians by nationality had the right to receive citizenship automatically and who might submit a request for granting citizenship for a child through the process of naturalisation.

Oct. 31, 1999

Press Report

More than 15 000 teachers have agreed to take part in a strike on November 16 to protest against the insufficient financing to increase teachers’ salaries, and about 90% of all persons working in the system of education support this idea.

More than 15 000 teachers have agreed to take part in a strike on November 16 to protest against the insufficient financing to increase teachers salaries, and about 90% of all persons working in the system of education support this idea. Neatkariga, Vesti Segodnya, Diena

The deadline for submitting proposals for amendments to the Language law is approaching and the Saeima Commission on Education and Science stated that all together had been submitted 51 proposals. The Saeima faction of the Union of Political organisations For Human Rights in United Latvia proposed to regulate the language usage in private sphere only when it concerns public and consumers’ safety, health care and administrative supervision. The OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel and other international institutions have already expressed their opinion to President V.V.Freigerga that this law does not conform with international standards. Also the National Human Rights Office has stated that the law is not precise.

The deadline for submitting proposals for amendments to the Language law is approaching and the Saeima Commission on Education and Science stated that all together had been submitted 51 proposals. The Saeima faction of the Union of Political organisations For Human Rights in United Latvia proposed to regulate the language usage in private sphere only when it concerns public and consumers safety, health care and administrative supervision. The OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel and other international institutions have already expressed their opinion to President V.V.Freigerga that this law does not conform with international standards. Also the National Human Rights Office has stated that the law is not precise. Neatkariga, Chas

Latvijas Cels representative and Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins proposes that public information in Latvia should be provided in the state language, but it would be permissible to use a foreign language at the same time in short announcements of private institutions meant for tourists as well as information of national minorities schools and cultural organisations.

Latvijas Cels representative and Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins proposes that public information in Latvia should be provided in the state language, but it would be permissible to use a foreign language at the same time in short announcements of private institutions meant for tourists as well as information of national minorities schools and cultural organisations. Diena

Vesti Segodnya

asked two Latvian politicians – Yu.Sokolovsky (FHRIL) and the Minister of Justice V.Birkavs the same question, When the concept of integration will be adopted? Yu.Sokolovsky answered that TB/LNNK would try to stop the adoption, for sure, but the document would have no practical value, anyway. The concept was necessary for Latvian authorities to show Europe that the problem of national minorities was being solved in Latvia. V.Birkavs thought that the concept would be adopted in the nearest future and the work on implementing the program would be started simultaneously. The most important thing was to have an effective mechanism to implement this program. Vesti Segodnya

“If the Latvian – Lithuanian agreement on the see border is ratified, Latvian fishermen will start a blockade of Latvian ports”. This announcement was made by the President of the Association of Latvian Fishermen I.Voics. Lithuanian Parliament ratified this agreement a few days ago, and Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins was glad about this fact.

If the Latvian – Lithuanian agreement on the see border is ratified, Latvian fishermen will start a blockade of Latvian ports. This announcement was made by the President of the Association of Latvian Fishermen I.Voics. Lithuanian Parliament ratified this agreement a few days ago, and Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins was glad about this fact. Vesti Segodnya

Oct. 27, 1999

Press Report

Saeima’s Standing Committee on Human Rights has developed several proposals for the State Language Law. The committee suggests that “public events” are defined as events where the organizers have not determined any restrictions for participation. Also, the committee wants the law to allow for using another language along with Latvian to be used in public information and in letterheads of institutions, companies and NGOs.

Saeimas Standing Committee on Human Rights has developed several proposals for the State Language Law. The committee suggests that public events are defined as events where the organizers have not determined any restrictions for participation. Also, the committee wants the law to allow for using another language along with Latvian to be used in public information and in letterheads of institutions, companies and NGOs. Jauna Avize, Diena

Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga on her acquaintance visit in Brussels met the top EU and NATO officials and heard praises regarding Latvia’s development and the further participation in these organizations. Her visit to NATO headquarters was an unprecedented case for a Latvian leader.

Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga on her acquaintance visit in Brussels met the top EU and NATO officials and heard praises regarding Latvias development and the further participation in these organizations. Her visit to NATO headquarters was an unprecedented case for a Latvian leader. Diena, Jauna Avize, Chas

All papers write about the developments in the Latvian Embassy to Russia off-shore bank scandal after the news report of the Russian NTV company this Monday.

All papers write about the developments in the Latvian Embassy to Russia off-shore bank scandal after the news report of the Russian NTV company this Monday.

Russia’s tax police announced that it has found and stopped activities of an illegal off-shore bank Mosprom in the hotel Talava on the territory of the Latvian Embassy in Moscow. Latvian Foreign Ministry denies the activities of any commercial institutions on the territory of the embassy. Yesterday, Latvian Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins requested an explanation from advisor to the Russian ambassador to Latvia. After Berzins, the Russian embassy could not confirm the information released by mass media.

Russias tax police announced that it has found and stopped activities of an illegal off-shore bank Mosprom in the hotel Talava on the territory of the Latvian Embassy in Moscow. Latvian Foreign Ministry denies the activities of any commercial institutions on the territory of the embassy. Yesterday, Latvian Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins requested an explanation from advisor to the Russian ambassador to Latvia. After Berzins, the Russian embassy could not confirm the information released by mass media. Diena, Jauna Avize, Neatkariga, Vesti, Chas, BB

Yesterday, Naturalization Board and Riga City Council held a celebration event to mark granting of citizenship through naturalization to the 20,000 person. Press Secretary of the Board said that currently the naturalization procedure takes 4 to 6 months but it was possible to make it faster by allotting more funding and increasing the staff.

Yesterday, Naturalization Board and Riga City Council held a celebration event to mark granting of citizenship through naturalization to the 20,000 person. Press Secretary of the Board said that currently the naturalization procedure takes 4 to 6 months but it was possible to make it faster by allotting more funding and increasing the staff. Panorama Latvii, Chas, Jauna Avize, Diena

Information provided by the Saeima’s Commission for Implementation of the Citizenship Law says that there are several thousand people living abroad who illegally hold Latvian citizenship. It is mostly people living in Israel and CIS countries who have double citizenship. Latvian legislation states that persons who have obtained citizenship of another country and reside abroad for a long period of time do not have the right to keep Latvian citizenship. The situation causes roughly a million lat losses to Latvia in pension payments.

Information provided by the Saeimas Commission for Implementation of the Citizenship Law says that there are several thousand people living abroad who illegally hold Latvian citizenship. It is mostly people living in Israel and CIS countries who have double citizenship. Latvian legislation states that persons who have obtained citizenship of another country and reside abroad for a long period of time do not have the right to keep Latvian citizenship. The situation causes roughly a million lat losses to Latvia in pension payments. Jauna Avize, Diena

Columnist of Radio Free Europe Paul Goble thinks that closing of Skrunda radar station does not decrease Russia’s influence in the Baltic countries.

Columnist of Radio Free Europe Paul Goble thinks that closing of Skrunda radar station does not decrease Russias influence in the Baltic countries. BB

Oct. 26, 1999

Press Report


informs about the letter from Mr. Max van der Stoel's office to the Saeima's Education Commission. By the end of this week proposals should be submitted before the repeated review of the Language Law. Up until now only the left block has suggested amendments. The final adoption of the law is scheduled for December 9. informs about the letter from Mr. Max van der Stoel's office to the Saeima's Education Commission. By the end of this week proposals should be submitted before the repeated review of the Language Law. Up until now only the left block has suggested amendments. The final adoption of the law is scheduled for December 9. The opinion page of

The opinion page of Diena published an article by Aigars Kimenis, member of the board of Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK where he names and explains the partys objections regarding the draft concept of Society Integration in Latvia.

Today documents granting citizenship through naturalization were given to 81 person during a celebration ceremony at the Riga City Council. Among the 81 was the 20,000th resident of Latvia who obtained citizenship through naturalization.

Today documents granting citizenship through naturalization were given to 81 person during a celebration ceremony at the Riga City Council. Among the 81 was the 20,000th resident of Latvia who obtained citizenship through naturalization. Neatkariga

Latvia’s Social Democrats could consider uniting with the Democratic Party Saimnieks after the referendum. Chairman of the party Juris Bojars noted that merging could be a difficult procedure as Social Democrats would need to develop a new program.

Latvias Social Democrats could consider uniting with the Democratic Party Saimnieks after the referendum. Chairman of the party Juris Bojars noted that merging could be a difficult procedure as Social Democrats would need to develop a new program. Neatkariga, Chas

First deputy head of the Russian Army General Headquarters Valery Manilov told a Russian newspaper Vremja MN that Russia could carry out “assimetric steps” to avoid the NATO expansion: withdraw the troops from the border in order not to scare the neighbors.

First deputy head of the Russian Army General Headquarters Valery Manilov told a Russian newspaper Vremja MN that Russia could carry out assimetric steps to avoid the NATO expansion: withdraw the troops from the border in order not to scare the neighbors. Neatkariga

Latvian Foreign Ministry has considered the note submitted by the Russian Embassy requesting the permission to visit the Russian citizen Yevgeny Savenko who is accused of genocide against the people of Latvia. Savenko currently is staying in Riga Central Prison hospital. The Foreign Ministry has decided to grant the permission.

Latvian Foreign Ministry has considered the note submitted by the Russian Embassy requesting the permission to visit the Russian citizen Yevgeny Savenko who is accused of genocide against the people of Latvia. Savenko currently is staying in Riga Central Prison hospital. The Foreign Ministry has decided to grant the permission. Neatkariga

Yesterday a parliamentarian delegation from Chechen Republic Ichkeria came on a visit to Riga. They were received by the MPs from the Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK faction. Latvian top officials and the representatives of the MFA did not agree to meet them.

Yesterday a parliamentarian delegation from Chechen Republic Ichkeria came on a visit to Riga. They were received by the MPs from the Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK faction. Latvian top officials and the representatives of the MFA did not agree to meet them. BB, Chas, Panorama Latvii, Vesti Segodna

The last Russian militaries who worked at Skrunda left Latvia yeasterday. Several militaries have stayed to live in Latvia as they are married to a Latvian citizen or have received a residence permit due to other reasons.

The last Russian militaries who worked at Skrunda left Latvia yeasterday. Several militaries have stayed to live in Latvia as they are married to a Latvian citizen or have received a residence permit due to other reasons. BB

Oct. 25, 1999

Press Report

Latvian Foreign Ministry has expressed the deepest concern about the military activities in Chechnya and the big losses among civilians, and calls for using a dialogue to regulate the conflict.

Latvian Foreign Ministry has expressed the deepest concern about the military activities in Chechnya and the big losses among civilians, and calls for using a dialogue to regulate the conflict. Neatkariga, Chas

Russian State Duma has not decided on the date for the second reading of the draft laws on sanctions against Latvia, however, documents are being prepared to be submitted at one of the nearest Duma sessions.

Russian State Duma has not decided on the date for the second reading of the draft laws on sanctions against Latvia, however, documents are being prepared to be submitted at one of the nearest Duma sessions. Neatkariga

Latvian Saeima’s Commission of Education has received a letter from Mr. Van der Stoel’s office before the Language Law goes for a repeated review by the Saeima asking to separate usage of language in private and public sphere, stressing the need to indicate legitimate public interests when regulating the usage of language in public information, explaining that the requirement to use the state language in letterheads violates the person’s right for privacy.

Latvian Saeimas Commission of Education has received a letter from Mr. Van der Stoels office before the Language Law goes for a repeated review by the Saeima asking to separate usage of language in private and public sphere, stressing the need to indicate legitimate public interests when regulating the usage of language in public information, explaining that the requirement to use the state language in letterheads violates the persons right for privacy. Neatkariga, Chas, BB

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