Jan. 10, 2000

Press Report

Opposite to the given promises all Ministries have unfulfilled tasks from the last year. This may be seen when looking into the implementation of the Government activities plan. But the Prime Minister A.Skele, acknowledging the delay of some major tasks, found the total work of the Government to be very intensive and successful.

Opposite to the given promises all Ministries have unfulfilled tasks from the last year. This may be seen when looking into the implementation of the Government activities plan. But the Prime Minister A.Skele, acknowledging the delay of some major tasks, found the total work of the Government to be very intensive and successful. Diena

Ministry of Justice informed that Minister V.Birkavs planned during his visit to the USA to inform about the concept of Public Integration Program and seek for support for it. He has scheduled meetings with the Government, academic circles, public organisations as well as the representatives of the World Bank. The visit will take place from January 21 to 30.

Ministry of Justice informed that Minister V.Birkavs planned during his visit to the USA to inform about the concept of Public Integration Program and seek for support for it. He has scheduled meetings with the Government, academic circles, public organisations as well as the representatives of the World Bank. The visit will take place from January 21 to 30. Diena


Newspaper Chas published Comment on the State Language Law of the Republic of Latvia of the Department on International Humanitarian Co-operation and Human rights of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The conclusion is that some norms and the whole orientation of this law do not correspond to the universal and European standards.

V.Popov writes about the Integration program and states that the real meaning behind it is to assimilate the national minorities living in Latvia. He even gives the sums of money allocated to different ministries and for establishing new institutions to speed up this process.

V.Popov writes about the Integration program and states that the real meaning behind it is to assimilate the national minorities living in Latvia. He even gives the sums of money allocated to different ministries and for establishing new institutions to speed up this process. Chas

Jan. 9, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

TB/LNNK Saeima faction proposed to establish 5% threshold for municipal elections. This proposal could be supported by Peoples Party, which gave up its proposal to increase the minimal number of members necessary to establish a party. Latvijas Cels faction head K.Libane said that the party Council had already discussed whether the election law should be amended before the election. She admitted that at the next Council meeting it could also discuss the proposal of TB/LNNK.

TB/LNNK Saeima faction proposed to establish 5% threshold for municipal elections. This proposal could be supported by Peoples Party, which gave up its proposal to increase the minimal number of members necessary to establish a party. Latvijas Cels faction head K.Libane said that the party Council had already discussed whether the election law should be amended before the election. She admitted that at the next Council meeting it could also discuss the proposal of TB/LNNK. Neatkariga, Diena

Today Latvian President is going on one day working visit to Poland where she will have meetings with the top officials of this country.

Today Latvian President is going on one day working visit to Poland where she will have meetings with the top officials of this country. Neatkariga

Prime Minister A.Skele thinks that there is too much fuss about the criticism made by the European Commission.

Prime Minister A.Skele thinks that there is too much fuss about the criticism made by the European Commission. Diena

The Saeima Commission on Education and Science Chairman Dz.Abikis writes about the situation in Latvian education system. The political emigration has stopped, and now it is time to try to integrate Russian speaking population into Latvian society in order to prevent establishing a two-community society. Mr. Abikis describes the economical side of education and touches upon the problems with national minority education. The conclusion is that Latvian education system creates preconditions for establishing an integrated society.

The Saeima Commission on Education and Science Chairman Dz.Abikis writes about the situation in Latvian education system. The political emigration has stopped, and now it is time to try to integrate Russian speaking population into Latvian society in order to prevent establishing a two-community society. Mr. Abikis describes the economical side of education and touches upon the problems with national minority education. The conclusion is that Latvian education system creates preconditions for establishing an integrated society. Diena

MP J.Urbanovics warns that there is crisis in the society and the consequences of it could be catastrophical. He thinks that Skele’s government during its half a year term has destroyed everything what was possible to destroy, worsened social situation.

MP J.Urbanovics warns that there is crisis in the society and the consequences of it could be catastrophical. He thinks that Skeles government during its half a year term has destroyed everything what was possible to destroy, worsened social situation. Vesti Segodnya

Vesti Segodnya

published critical comments on the newly printed Latvian language ABC book for Russian speakers. And the price of the book - more than three lats is too high.

Jan. 8, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

European Commission and the Director of European Integration Office of Latvia E.Kusners consider that Latvian State administration lacks a unified strategic thinking and culture of administration. EC expressed this opinion before Christmas by sending the Minister of Special Portfolio R.Zile comments on the National Development Plan of Latvia.

European Commission and the Director of European Integration Office of Latvia E.Kusners consider that Latvian State administration lacks a unified strategic thinking and culture of administration. EC expressed this opinion before Christmas by sending the Minister of Special Portfolio R.Zile comments on the National Development Plan of Latvia. Diena, Chas (10.01.00)

The Council of Latvijas Cels, opposite to the opinion of its Chairman A.Pantelejevs unanimously voted against an attempt to amend the Law on Prosecutor’s Office. The council considers the valid law corresponding to the principle of divided powers. A.Pantelejevs, who last weekend spoke for amending this law, did not participate in the Council meeting.

The Council of Latvijas Cels, opposite to the opinion of its Chairman A.Pantelejevs unanimously voted against an attempt to amend the Law on Prosecutors Office. The council considers the valid law corresponding to the principle of divided powers. A.Pantelejevs, who last weekend spoke for amending this law, did not participate in the Council meeting. Diena

The newspaper

The newspaper Chas states that this law endangers the ruling coalition because Peoples Party and Latvijas Cels agreed not to amend the existing law. TB/LNNK does not rush to announce its position but there is information that opinions in the faction differ.

LC Council member O.Kehris acknowledged to the newspaper Diena that Latvijas Cels could not support the progressive tax system as it did not correspond to the program of a liberal party. It was the Chairman of the party A.Pantelejevs who came with the idea to start discussing a possibility of introducing the progressive tax system in Latvia. The Council will take an official opinion on this after returning of A.Pantelejevs from his holidays, but even now it is evident that it would be difficult for the party to agree with this proposal.

LC Council member O.Kehris acknowledged to the newspaper Diena that Latvijas Cels could not support the progressive tax system as it did not correspond to the program of a liberal party. It was the Chairman of the party A.Pantelejevs who came with the idea to start discussing a possibility of introducing the progressive tax system in Latvia. The Council will take an official opinion on this after returning of A.Pantelejevs from his holidays, but even now it is evident that it would be difficult for the party to agree with this proposal. Diena

Latvian MP B.Cilevics comments on the decision of the Istanbul Summit to keep Max van der Stoel in the post of the OSCE High Commissioner for one more year. He compares this post with the one of a engineer responsible for the safe working environment. This engineer makes hotheads to obey safety rules that are written by blood. The task of the Commissioner is to predict and prevent ethnic conflicts. Mr.Cilevics calls journalists and politicians to respect High Commissioner Max van der Stoel.

Latvian MP B.Cilevics comments on the decision of the Istanbul Summit to keep Max van der Stoel in the post of the OSCE High Commissioner for one more year. He compares this post with the one of a engineer responsible for the safe working environment. This engineer makes hotheads to obey safety rules that are written by blood. The task of the Commissioner is to predict and prevent ethnic conflicts. Mr.Cilevics calls journalists and politicians to respect High Commissioner Max van der Stoel. Vesti Segodnya

Dec. 22, 1999

Press Report

The government on Tuesday assigned Interior Minister Mareks Seglins to check whether the current head of DCMA Ints Zitars is appropriate for his position. The government did not approve the results of the tender for making the ID documents as the concept of these documents was not adopted during the previous government meeting. The concept should be ready by next January 15.

The government on Tuesday assigned Interior Minister Mareks Seglins to check whether the current head of DCMA Ints Zitars is appropriate for his position. The government did not approve the results of the tender for making the ID documents as the concept of these documents was not adopted during the previous government meeting. The concept should be ready by next January 15. Diena, Neatkariga, BB

Russia granted citizenship only to two pilots from Latvia who are in prison in India. The issue of citizenship for other two pilots is still being considered. Deputy State Secretary of Latvian Foreign Ministry Janis Karklins forecasted that the court most likely will sentence the pilots to the term they have already served but after getting released they may have problems with entering Latvia due to Russia's move of granting citizenship.

Russia granted citizenship only to two pilots from Latvia who are in prison in India. The issue of citizenship for other two pilots is still being considered. Deputy State Secretary of Latvian Foreign Ministry Janis Karklins forecasted that the court most likely will sentence the pilots to the term they have already served but after getting released they may have problems with entering Latvia due to Russia's move of granting citizenship. Diena, Vesti, Rigas Balss


runs another comment by Aigars Jirgens from Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK about society integration in response to the letter from Elmars Vebers. runs another comment by Aigars Jirgens from Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK about society integration in response to the letter from Elmars Vebers. In the back page interview to

In the back page interview to Diena Eizenija Aldermane, head of Naturalization Board tells about how the situation has changed regarding possibilities of integration in Latvia since the time her institution was established to now.

The parliamentary investigation commission in pedophilia case has submitted an inquiry to Chairman of the Supreme Court signed by 52 MPs asking to check the work of the Prosecutor General Janis Skrastins.

The parliamentary investigation commission in pedophilia case has submitted an inquiry to Chairman of the Supreme Court signed by 52 MPs asking to check the work of the Prosecutor General Janis Skrastins. Diena

Dec. 21, 1999

Press Report

More than a half (54.7%) of the Russian citizens who live in Latvia voted for the Communist Party at the Russian Duma elections. 7794 citizens or 13.4% took part in the elections.

More than a half (54.7%) of the Russian citizens who live in Latvia voted for the Communist Party at the Russian Duma elections. 7794 citizens or 13.4% took part in the elections. BB, Chas

63.1% of the residents in Latvia (72.5% of non-citizens and 60.6% of Latvian citizens) care about the result of elections in Russia.

63.1% of the residents in Latvia (72.5% of non-citizens and 60.6% of Latvian citizens) care about the result of elections in Russia. Neatkariga, Diena, Panorama Latvii

President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga yesterday signed the State Language Law passed by the Saeima on December 9. The law is proclaimed today. In an interview to Latvijas Radio the president noted that the law is a big gain for Latvia as Latvia has declared to the whole world that it will keep just one state language.

President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga yesterday signed the State Language Law passed by the Saeima on December 9. The law is proclaimed today. In an interview to Latvijas Radio the president noted that the law is a big gain for Latvia as Latvia has declared to the whole world that it will keep just one state language. Neatkariga

In an interview to Latvijas radio yesterday Vaira Vike-Freiberga admitted that there is an obvious progress in the naturalization procedure as well as in the attitude of non-citizens. She said it is important for the stability of Latvia that a possibly bigger number of non-citizens strengthen their ties with the state.

In an interview to Latvijas radio yesterday Vaira Vike-Freiberga admitted that there is an obvious progress in the naturalization procedure as well as in the attitude of non-citizens. She said it is important for the stability of Latvia that a possibly bigger number of non-citizens strengthen their ties with the state. Diena, Panorama Latvii, Jauna Avize

Shortly before announcing the verdict for the pilots from Latvia in India Russia has granted its citizenship to them. Latvian Foreign Ministry considers this move as counterproductive as according to Latvian laws foreign citizens who have been tried for criminal offences are forbidden to enter Latvia. The Foreign Ministry warned that Russia may try to use this fact in the campaign of violations of minority rights in Latvia.

Shortly before announcing the verdict for the pilots from Latvia in India Russia has granted its citizenship to them. Latvian Foreign Ministry considers this move as counterproductive as according to Latvian laws foreign citizens who have been tried for criminal offences are forbidden to enter Latvia. The Foreign Ministry warned that Russia may try to use this fact in the campaign of violations of minority rights in Latvia. Diena

Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga believes that a mechanism is needed to check the quality of the work of Prosecutor General's Office. She thinks that the attempt of the MPs to consider the work of the Office is a very serious step and cannot be taken as a political provocation of the chairman of the parliamentary investigation commission.

Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga believes that a mechanism is needed to check the quality of the work of Prosecutor General's Office. She thinks that the attempt of the MPs to consider the work of the Office is a very serious step and cannot be taken as a political provocation of the chairman of the parliamentary investigation commission. Neatkariga

Panorama Latvii

runs a comment concerning the Language Law entering into force saying that it is not possible to forbid more by the new law than it is forbidden now. runs a comment concerning the Language Law entering into force saying that it is not possible to forbid more by the new law than it is forbidden now.


publishes an article about integration through education stating that children in Russian schools after finishing a school with bi-lingual eduaction students will not be competitive in their further studies. publishes an article about integration through education stating that children in Russian schools after finishing a school with bi-lingual eduaction students will not be competitive in their further studies.
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