Jan. 25, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

Opposite to the coalition agreement part of FF/LNNK deputies are going to support the amendments to the draft law on real property tax of religious organizations, proposed by Social Democrats. As voting for this opposition proposal that could cause some economic consequences is a violation of coalition agreement, Prime Minister A.Berzins called for a Coalition Council’s extraordinary meeting on Thursday.

Opposite to the coalition agreement part of FF/LNNK deputies are going to support the amendments to the draft law on real property tax of religious organizations, proposed by Social Democrats. As voting for this opposition proposal that could cause some economic consequences is a violation of coalition agreement, Prime Minister A.Berzins called for a Coalition Councils extraordinary meeting on Thursday. Diena, Neatkariga, Lauku Avize, Respublika, Panorama Latvii

Already eight political forces are ready to fight for positions in the Riga City Council because on Wednesday the Riga City Election Commission received 4 more lists from the left wing union For Human Rights in United Latvia, Social Democrats, People’s Party and Russians’ Party.

Already eight political forces are ready to fight for positions in the Riga City Council because on Wednesday the Riga City Election Commission received 4 more lists from the left wing union For Human Rights in United Latvia, Social Democrats, Peoples Party and Russians Party. Diena

The call of teachers’ trade union to vote for those parties that would sign co-operation agreement with it may seem as an indirect intention to support Social Democrats. So far the only party which promised to promote formation of trade unions and sign co-operation agreements with trade unions was Social Democrats.

The call of teachers trade union to vote for those parties that would sign co-operation agreement with it may seem as an indirect intention to support Social Democrats. So far the only party which promised to promote formation of trade unions and sign co-operation agreements with trade unions was Social Democrats. Diena

On Wednesday Latvian Way Council called all political forces running for the local government election to use politically proper methods avoiding slandering and circulating compromises.

On Wednesday Latvian Way Council called all political forces running for the local government election to use politically proper methods avoiding slandering and circulating compromises. Diena

Yesterday Russian President V.Putin said during his meeting with Finish Prime Minister P.Lipponen that Russia was interested in good relations with the Baltic States and hoped for the same position in Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania. In his turn Finnish Prime Minister evaluated this position as a positive one and expressed an opinion that this Russia’s wish would be positively received in those countries.

Yesterday Russian President V.Putin said during his meeting with Finish Prime Minister P.Lipponen that Russia was interested in good relations with the Baltic States and hoped for the same position in Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania. In his turn Finnish Prime Minister evaluated this position as a positive one and expressed an opinion that this Russias wish would be positively received in those countries. Neatkariga

Court of Melbourne will start today considering the extradition case of K.Kalejs, accused of wartime crimes, but the Saeima Foreign Affairs Commission decided that due to the great stir about Latvian – Australian extradition agreement the future of it should be decided by the Saeima factions.

Court of Melbourne will start today considering the extradition case of K.Kalejs, accused of wartime crimes, but the Saeima Foreign Affairs Commission decided that due to the great stir about Latvian – Australian extradition agreement the future of it should be decided by the Saeima factions. Neatkariga

Z.Katc from

Z.Katc from Respublika writes about the PACE decision to stop monitoring of Latvia although it has not ratified the Framework Convention. He tells about he situation with ratification of this convention and states that while in the ruling coalition there are FF/LNNK and Peoples Party, ratification is unreal. He also asked to comment this situation several people standing linked with politics.

At the PACE meeting Russian former Prime Minister V.Chernomirdin called to continue monitoring human rights situation in Latvia. V.Chernomirdin thinks that naturalization in Latvia if the present speed remained would continue for 100 years, it means that the majority of present non-citizens would not live long enough to receive a citizen’s passport.

At the PACE meeting Russian former Prime Minister V.Chernomirdin called to continue monitoring human rights situation in Latvia. V.Chernomirdin thinks that naturalization in Latvia if the present speed remained would continue for 100 years, it means that the majority of present non-citizens would not live long enough to receive a citizens passport. Vesti Segodnya

Russian National Council demanded Latvian authorities to stop any attempts to revive Fascism and close so-called case of WWII veteran V.Kononov.

Russian National Council demanded Latvian authorities to stop any attempts to revive Fascism and close so-called case of WWII veteran V.Kononov. Vesti Segodnya, Panorama Latvii

Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins said to the newspaper Vesti Segodnya that the PCE most likely support returning the right of vote to the Russian delegation. That would also be his recommendation to the PACE. Another Latvian representative to PACE B.Cilevich from For Human Rights in United Latvia faction will vote for this proposal.

Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins said to the newspaper Vesti Segodnya that the PCE most likely support returning the right of vote to the Russian delegation. That would also be his recommendation to the PACE. Another Latvian representative to PACE B.Cilevich from For Human Rights in United Latvia faction will vote for this proposal. Vesti Segodnya

The Head of Russian delegation to PACE and National Council’s Foreign Affairs Committee Head D.Rogozin sent an invitation to the representative s of Latvian opposition faction For Human Rights in United Latvia to visit Moscow to discuss the coming local government election.

The Head of Russian delegation to PACE and National Councils Foreign Affairs Committee Head D.Rogozin sent an invitation to the representative s of Latvian opposition faction For Human Rights in United Latvia to visit Moscow to discuss the coming local government election. Chas

Some time ago co-chairman of Latvian Human Rights Committee L.Raihman and V.Buzayev called people to fight for their right to use the Russian language. Now A.Stroy interviewed them about the campaign of public disobedience and the information center on language issues. V.B answered that the center was not established yet, but the Committee received visitors and registered their complaints about language situation in Latvia.

Some time ago co-chairman of Latvian Human Rights Committee L.Raihman and V.Buzayev called people to fight for their right to use the Russian language. Now A.Stroy interviewed them about the campaign of public disobedience and the information center on language issues. V.B answered that the center was not established yet, but the Committee received visitors and registered their complaints about language situation in Latvia. Chas

Today in Riga at the Baltic Russian Institute is celebrated the day of Russian education. As a present for this event was the draft decree of the Riga City Council Committee on Education, Youth and Sport Affairs to close Russian speaking schools No 17 and Brekshi Elementary School.

Today in Riga at the Baltic Russian Institute is celebrated the day of Russian education. As a present for this event was the draft decree of the Riga City Council Committee on Education, Youth and Sport Affairs to close Russian speaking schools No 17 and Brekshi Elementary School. Panorama Latvii

Latvian government decided that graduates from Russian speaking schools after passing the centralized Latvian language test would not need to pass another test to become naturalized. This exam is also made equal to the one for receiving state language proficiency level certificate.

Latvian government decided that graduates from Russian speaking schools after passing the centralized Latvian language test would not need to pass another test to become naturalized. This exam is also made equal to the one for receiving state language proficiency level certificate. Panorama Latvii (24.01.)

Jan. 24, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

Leaders of FF/LNNK M.Grinblats and Latvian Social Democratic Workers’ Party J.Bojars rejected the information about their agreement to co-operate in the Riga City Council after the local government election, but they did not exclude such a possibility. It could happen it those two parties would collect more voices than the rest of parties, but then this layout could influence stability of A.Berzins’s government.

Leaders of FF/LNNK M.Grinblats and Latvian Social Democratic Workers Party J.Bojars rejected the information about their agreement to co-operate in the Riga City Council after the local government election, but they did not exclude such a possibility. It could happen it those two parties would collect more voices than the rest of parties, but then this layout could influence stability of A.Berzinss government. Diena

During the night from Monday to Tuesday some hooligans smashed the door and ground floor windows of Latvian Consulate General in St.Petersburg. Although such acts of vandalism have repeated already 5 times, Russian authorities have not fulfilled their promise to provide security.

During the night from Monday to Tuesday some hooligans smashed the door and ground floor windows of Latvian Consulate General in St.Petersburg. Although such acts of vandalism have repeated already 5 times, Russian authorities have not fulfilled their promise to provide security. Diena, Neatkariga, Respublika

On Tuesday the New Christian Party submitted an application to the Enterprise Register requesting to exchange party’s name.

On Tuesday the New Christian Party submitted an application to the Enterprise Register requesting to exchange partys name. Diena

Saeima State Administration and Local Governments Affairs Commission accepted the amendments to the law on the procedure for considering applications of residents, proposed by National Civil Service Council. The amendments envisage that henceforth requests and complaints might be submitted to the state institutions also orally. To ease the work of officials, uniformed forms will be prepared to receive oral applications.

Saeima State Administration and Local Governments Affairs Commission accepted the amendments to the law on the procedure for considering applications of residents, proposed by National Civil Service Council. The amendments envisage that henceforth requests and complaints might be submitted to the state institutions also orally. To ease the work of officials, uniformed forms will be prepared to receive oral applications. Diena

On Tuesday with a majority of voices PACE decided to stop so called monitoring procedure of Latvia. This was suggested by both responsible observers T.Deivis and G.Janson. The experts still pointed out that after this monitoring procedure a dialog with Latvia would be continued and said that in the future PACE expected from Latvia two major things – to ratify CoE Framework Convention and to stimulate non-citizens to be more active and apply for citizenship. Latvian President V.Vike-Freiberga in her address to the deputies expressed satisfaction about this decision.

On Tuesday with a majority of voices PACE decided to stop so called monitoring procedure of Latvia. This was suggested by both responsible observers T.Deivis and G.Janson. The experts still pointed out that after this monitoring procedure a dialog with Latvia would be continued and said that in the future PACE expected from Latvia two major things – to ratify CoE Framework Convention and to stimulate non-citizens to be more active and apply for citizenship. Latvian President V.Vike-Freiberga in her address to the deputies expressed satisfaction about this decision. Diena, Neatkariga

Answering to the questions of PACE deputies, V.Vike-Freiberga said that Latvia was ready to ratify the Framework Convention but she did not mention any time.

Answering to the questions of PACE deputies, V.Vike-Freiberga said that Latvia was ready to ratify the Framework Convention but she did not mention any time. Chas

The top issue of this PACE meeting was Latvia and Russia. In the first round Russian deputies lobbied the decision for Latvian authorities to adopt a law on protection of national minorities, they also were the major opponents to the decision to stop monitoring. In the second round Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins reported on the situation in Chechnya.

The top issue of this PACE meeting was Latvia and Russia. In the first round Russian deputies lobbied the decision for Latvian authorities to adopt a law on protection of national minorities, they also were the major opponents to the decision to stop monitoring. In the second round Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins reported on the situation in Chechnya. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Disregarding the fact that authority of the present Russian Ambassador to Latvia A.Udaltsov expired at the end of last year, accreditation of the new Ambassador is delayed due to the protracted farewell procedure of A.Udaltsov. According to internationally accepted diplomatic procedure a new ambassador may be accredited only when the previous one has written an official farewell letter and officially submitted it to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the hosting state. Unofficial sources inform that the new ambassador will be I.Studennikov, who was for a comparatively short time an ambassador to Guinea and Sierra Leone.

Disregarding the fact that authority of the present Russian Ambassador to Latvia A.Udaltsov expired at the end of last year, accreditation of the new Ambassador is delayed due to the protracted farewell procedure of A.Udaltsov. According to internationally accepted diplomatic procedure a new ambassador may be accredited only when the previous one has written an official farewell letter and officially submitted it to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the hosting state. Unofficial sources inform that the new ambassador will be I.Studennikov, who was for a comparatively short time an ambassador to Guinea and Sierra Leone. Diena

Already in the nearest future the Baltic States will be able to apply for different public integration projects in a USA program where there are allocated 5 million USD. This promise was made by the former US Ambassador to Latvia L.Napper to the Councilor to Latvian President M.Bondars. Money will be spent on projects concerning public integration as well as language training. During this meeting L.Napper showed his interests about the events in Latvia.

Already in the nearest future the Baltic States will be able to apply for different public integration projects in a USA program where there are allocated 5 million USD. This promise was made by the former US Ambassador to Latvia L.Napper to the Councilor to Latvian President M.Bondars. Money will be spent on projects concerning public integration as well as language training. During this meeting L.Napper showed his interests about the events in Latvia. Neatkariga

Some experts think that program e-Latvia, developed by the Ministry of Economics, could be a desperate attempt of the political forces linked to the former Ave Lat Group (A.Skele’s property) to take under their control all IT development projects. For involved businessmen they promise huge profit but for politicians – wide possibilities of manipulating. D.Zanfelde describes the scheme of this attempt.

Some experts think that program e-Latvia, developed by the Ministry of Economics, could be a desperate attempt of the political forces linked to the former Ave Lat Group (A.Skeles property) to take under their control all IT development projects. For involved businessmen they promise huge profit but for politicians – wide possibilities of manipulating. D.Zanfelde describes the scheme of this attempt. Neatkariga

Lord Rassel-Jonston described the input of Latvia in the CoE presidency to the Latvian President V.Vike-Freiberga as a very recognizable. During this meeting both officials discussed the process of public integration in Latvia. Also CoE Secretary General V.Schimmer was positive about Latvian CoE presidency.

Lord Rassel-Jonston described the input of Latvia in the CoE presidency to the Latvian President V.Vike-Freiberga as a very recognizable. During this meeting both officials discussed the process of public integration in Latvia. Also CoE Secretary General V.Schimmer was positive about Latvian CoE presidency. Neatkariga

The government supporting New Faction in the nearest future could sign a co-operation agreement with the opposition faction Latvian Social Democratic Workers’ Party. The Chairman of the New Faction I.Udre confirmed that this faction could sign such an agreement on solving social and welfare questions. The Chairman thinks that this planned co-operation should not be linked with the faction’s support to A.Berzins’s government.

The government supporting New Faction in the nearest future could sign a co-operation agreement with the opposition faction Latvian Social Democratic Workers Party. The Chairman of the New Faction I.Udre confirmed that this faction could sign such an agreement on solving social and welfare questions. The Chairman thinks that this planned co-operation should not be linked with the factions support to A.Berzinss government. Jauna Avize

Director of the National State Language Training Program A.Priedite tells a journalist from the newspaper Respublika about the NSLTP activities. A.Priedite finds that the current situation with state language training “normal” because they have received from the state budget 428 000 Ls for 2001. It was an important step from the government and it showed that the state realized the importance of the language training.

Director of the National State Language Training Program A.Priedite tells a journalist from the newspaper Respublika about the NSLTP activities. A.Priedite finds that the current situation with state language training normal because they have received from the state budget 428 000 Ls for 2001. It was an important step from the government and it showed that the state realized the importance of the language training. Respublika

Jan. 23, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

It is likely that on Tuesday PACE will suggest cease three years long monitoring of Latvia, basing on the positive statements made by two reporters. T.Deivis and G.Janson, who went on their last monitoring visit to Latvia in November 2000, in their draft report state that “Latvia has essentially progressed in the fields of democracy and social integration”.

It is likely that on Tuesday PACE will suggest cease three years long monitoring of Latvia, basing on the positive statements made by two reporters. T.Deivis and G.Janson, who went on their last monitoring visit to Latvia in November 2000, in their draft report state that Latvia has essentially progressed in the fields of democracy and social integration. Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna Avize

Before leaving to PACE meeting in Strasbourg, President V.Vike-Freiberga stated in a press conference that PACE most likely would vote for stopping monitoring and she considered that Latvia had fulfilled all international demands concerning national minorities.

Before leaving to PACE meeting in Strasbourg, President V.Vike-Freiberga stated in a press conference that PACE most likely would vote for stopping monitoring and she considered that Latvia had fulfilled all international demands concerning national minorities. Chas

Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins after returning from Moscow described this dialog with his Russian colleague I.Ivanov as “proper”.

Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins after returning from Moscow described this dialog with his Russian colleague I.Ivanov as proper. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Chas got information that I.Berzins had called Moscow to acknowledge Latvia’s achievements in the field of public integration. But Russian authorities did not see any possibility to praise Latvia. When both ministers discussed the possible visit of Russian Foreign Minister to Riga, I.Ivanov announced that in the agenda of this visit would also be included a meeting with compatriots. He stressed that they had not received from their compatriots any signals on improvement of Latvian policy towards Russian speakers.

Chas got information that I.Berzins had called Moscow to acknowledge Latvias achievements in the field of public integration. But Russian authorities did not see any possibility to praise Latvia. When both ministers discussed the possible visit of Russian Foreign Minister to Riga, I.Ivanov announced that in the agenda of this visit would also be included a meeting with compatriots. He stressed that they had not received from their compatriots any signals on improvement of Latvian policy towards Russian speakers.

The group of international analysts Economist Intelligence Unit in their report to the magazine The Economist write that the local government election of March 11 will be a real test for the unstable government of Latvia. While the major parties mostly will use the national question in their pre-election campaign, independent candidates could make use of the reserved attitude of the electorate to the political elite, claiming themselves to be closer to the masses. According to the analysts, the most concern for major parties is the growing popularity of Social Democrats that could endanger the positions of the right-centric coalition.

The group of international analysts Economist Intelligence Unit in their report to the magazine The Economist write that the local government election of March 11 will be a real test for the unstable government of Latvia. While the major parties mostly will use the national question in their pre-election campaign, independent candidates could make use of the reserved attitude of the electorate to the political elite, claiming themselves to be closer to the masses. According to the analysts, the most concern for major parties is the growing popularity of Social Democrats that could endanger the positions of the right-centric coalition. Diena

The functions of testing the state language knowledge will perform Education Content and Examination Center of the Ministry of Education and Science but not the State Language Center of the Ministry of Justice as it was so far. It is stipulated in the draft decree adopted by the government commission. The government will discuss this draft on Tuesday.

The functions of testing the state language knowledge will perform Education Content and Examination Center of the Ministry of Education and Science but not the State Language Center of the Ministry of Justice as it was so far. It is stipulated in the draft decree adopted by the government commission. The government will discuss this draft on Tuesday. Diena

A.Story in

A.Story in Chas comments this news as a transition from repressions to pragmatism.

Yesterday the Prime Minister took an unordinary step – charged to Acting Minister of Economics R.Zile from FF/LNNK to ensure that his party member State Proxy in the Latvian Shipping Company E.Cepurnieks arrived to the Prosecutor General’s office. Although the ruling coalition members after the coalition’s council meeting assured that they had not discussed the privatization of SHC and it did not endanger stability of the government, one may see this act of Prime Minister as a brutal cornering of FF/LNNK, in reality violating the principle of independence of executive and judiciary powers, stipulated in the Satversme.

Yesterday the Prime Minister took an unordinary step – charged to Acting Minister of Economics R.Zile from FF/LNNK to ensure that his party member State Proxy in the Latvian Shipping Company E.Cepurnieks arrived to the Prosecutor Generals office. Although the ruling coalition members after the coalitions council meeting assured that they had not discussed the privatization of SHC and it did not endanger stability of the government, one may see this act of Prime Minister as a brutal cornering of FF/LNNK, in reality violating the principle of independence of executive and judiciary powers, stipulated in the Satversme. Neatkariga

According to the data of the Ministry of Justice, currently there are 50 political parties and their unions registered in Latvia.

According to the data of the Ministry of Justice, currently there are 50 political parties and their unions registered in Latvia. Neatkariga

Political observer A.Jansons in

Political observer A.Jansons in Neatkariga analyses the last tendencies and forecasts the future for the relations of the Baltic States with Russia. He thinks that economic priorities combined with the issues of compatriots will even more influence the activities of Russian embassies in this region.

The newspaper

The newspaper Lauku Avize has unofficial information that Russian Ambassador to Latvia A.Udaltsov will be replaced by some Mr.Studennikov who had so far fulfilled his diplomatic missions in Africa. Journalists asked Chairman of Saeima Foreign Affairs Commission G.Krasts to comment this news, but Mr.Krasts heard this name for the first time.

Chas writes that the name of the new Ambassador to Latvia will be made public in the nearest future.

According to the latest data of CoE, residents of Latvia are active in filing complaints with the European Human Rights Court. Last year in Strasbourg were registered 80 cases where Latvian residents expressed their indignation for illegal activities of Latvian authorities.

According to the latest data of CoE, residents of Latvia are active in filing complaints with the European Human Rights Court. Last year in Strasbourg were registered 80 cases where Latvian residents expressed their indignation for illegal activities of Latvian authorities. Chas

Jan. 22, 2001

Press Report

In an interview Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins, speaking about the future of Latvian – Russian relations after the meeting with his Russian colleague, did not forecast any immediate bright future, but the atmosphere of their meeting for the first time after a long time was somewhat friendly. But to speak about a breakthrough is still too early. Latvia is ready and wants to develop relations with Russia, especially taking into consideration that it is going to join EU, but Russia, as President Putin has stated, considers EU to its main partner. I.Berzins arrived to Moscow with many proposals and said Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Ivanov that they were ready to start discussing all issues – co-operation with regions, co-operation between parliaments, and activities of intergovernmental commission.

In an interview Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins, speaking about the future of Latvian – Russian relations after the meeting with his Russian colleague, did not forecast any immediate bright future, but the atmosphere of their meeting for the first time after a long time was somewhat friendly. But to speak about a breakthrough is still too early. Latvia is ready and wants to develop relations with Russia, especially taking into consideration that it is going to join EU, but Russia, as President Putin has stated, considers EU to its main partner. I.Berzins arrived to Moscow with many proposals and said Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Ivanov that they were ready to start discussing all issues – co-operation with regions, co-operation between parliaments, and activities of intergovernmental commission. Diena

Latvia plans this year to sign no-visa agreements with six more countries – Israel, Singapore, Korea, Chili, Monaco and San Marino. So far Latvia has such agreements with 31 countries.

Latvia plans this year to sign no-visa agreements with six more countries – Israel, Singapore, Korea, Chili, Monaco and San Marino. So far Latvia has such agreements with 31 countries. Neatkariga, Jauna Avize

The data from the concept of the Repatriation program show that within the next three years about 400 people will move to Latvia through repatriation. In 1999 the number of repatriates was 599.

The data from the concept of the Repatriation program show that within the next three years about 400 people will move to Latvia through repatriation. In 1999 the number of repatriates was 599. Neatkariga

Chairman of FF/LNNK M.Grinblats expressed an opinion that in the current situation to swing the government was advantageous only for People’s Party. Thus People’s Party could raise their low popularity rating before the local government election.

Chairman of FF/LNNK M.Grinblats expressed an opinion that in the current situation to swing the government was advantageous only for Peoples Party. Thus Peoples Party could raise their low popularity rating before the local government election. Neatkariga, Rigas Balss, Panorama Latvii

Jan. 20, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

On Friday Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins finished his visit to Moscow during which he collected materials for a report to CoE on situation in Chechnya. The report has to be made on January 25, and it may leave a great impact on solving the conflict between CoE and Russia. Judging from the mood of the delegation, the recommendations I.Berzins is going to make in the name of the Council of Ministers, will be positive for Russia. This hope has been voiced by several Russian officials.

On Friday Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins finished his visit to Moscow during which he collected materials for a report to CoE on situation in Chechnya. The report has to be made on January 25, and it may leave a great impact on solving the conflict between CoE and Russia. Judging from the mood of the delegation, the recommendations I.Berzins is going to make in the name of the Council of Ministers, will be positive for Russia. This hope has been voiced by several Russian officials. Diena

In order to develop mutual co-operation between NGOs and the state in the fields of improving legislation and developing of state policy, Ministry of Justice I.Labucka and Director of NGOs Center K.Gertnere signed an agreement protocol. It is planned to establish a working group to develop a draft law on NGOs.

In order to develop mutual co-operation between NGOs and the state in the fields of improving legislation and developing of state policy, Ministry of Justice I.Labucka and Director of NGOs Center K.Gertnere signed an agreement protocol. It is planned to establish a working group to develop a draft law on NGOs. Diena

With the help of the Dutch Embassy Rezekne office of the National Employment Service organized this year two groups for unemployed persons to study the state language free of charge. Last year 107 unemployed received such training, and 95 of them passed the state language test. In January 2001 the unemployment rate in Rezekne was 11.41% but in the Region – 25.63%.

With the help of the Dutch Embassy Rezekne office of the National Employment Service organized this year two groups for unemployed persons to study the state language free of charge. Last year 107 unemployed received such training, and 95 of them passed the state language test. In January 2001 the unemployment rate in Rezekne was 11.41% but in the Region – 25.63%. Diena

Contrary to the opposition factions, the ruling coalition partners People’s Party, FF/LNNK and Latvian Way – do not link the disputable issue of privatizing the Latvian Shipping Company with the stability of the government. Prime Minister’s Press Secretary A.Lapins said that if somebody wanted to overthrow the government he might find many different ways, but it would be a very unpopular move. Already two weeks ago the Prime Minister learned about such plans. Deputy Chairman of Latvian Way A.Pantelejevs voiced an opinion that it was possible to find a compromise concerning privatization of Latvian Shipping Company.

Contrary to the opposition factions, the ruling coalition partners Peoples Party, FF/LNNK and Latvian Way – do not link the disputable issue of privatizing the Latvian Shipping Company with the stability of the government. Prime Ministers Press Secretary A.Lapins said that if somebody wanted to overthrow the government he might find many different ways, but it would be a very unpopular move. Already two weeks ago the Prime Minister learned about such plans. Deputy Chairman of Latvian Way A.Pantelejevs voiced an opinion that it was possible to find a compromise concerning privatization of Latvian Shipping Company. Neatkariga

Today is planned to establish diplomatic relations between Latvia and Yugoslavian Federative Republic. The new government of this republic already last December expressed a wish to renew or establish new relations with all states in the world.

Today is planned to establish diplomatic relations between Latvia and Yugoslavian Federative Republic. The new government of this republic already last December expressed a wish to renew or establish new relations with all states in the world. Neatkariga

Evaluating the relations of Russia and Latvia after his visit to Moscow Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Chairman of CoE Council of Ministers I.Berzins said that there were too many myths about the situation in Latvia. As one of the myths he named the opinion that Russian war veterans do not enjoy any privileges while former legionnaires had received the status of politically repressed persons. During his visit I.Berzins called the Russian government to sign border agreement with Latvia.

Evaluating the relations of Russia and Latvia after his visit to Moscow Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Chairman of CoE Council of Ministers I.Berzins said that there were too many myths about the situation in Latvia. As one of the myths he named the opinion that Russian war veterans do not enjoy any privileges while former legionnaires had received the status of politically repressed persons. During his visit I.Berzins called the Russian government to sign border agreement with Latvia. Neatkariga

Latvian President V.Vike-Freiberga received the concept of ombudsmen institution from the leader of the working group, established by the President’s Chancellery. The working group consisted of the representatives of all Saeima factions, the President, Constitutional Court, Latvian University, Association of Latvian Lawyers, Ministry of Justice, NHRO, Ministry of Communications, NGOs and other institutions.

Latvian President V.Vike-Freiberga received the concept of ombudsmen institution from the leader of the working group, established by the Presidents Chancellery. The working group consisted of the representatives of all Saeima factions, the President, Constitutional Court, Latvian University, Association of Latvian Lawyers, Ministry of Justice, NHRO, Ministry of Communications, NGOs and other institutions. Neatkariga

On Friday evening representatives of political parties queued up in front of the door of the Central Election Commission to be the first to submit their candidates’ lists for local government election because the lists would receive a number according to their submission.

On Friday evening representatives of political parties queued up in front of the door of the Central Election Commission to be the first to submit their candidates lists for local government election because the lists would receive a number according to their submission. Chas, (22.01)- Diena, Neatkariga, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

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