marts 9, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

1447 people in Riga have used a possibility to vote before the real election starts, in Balvi 393, Daugavpils Region – 354, Liepaja Region – 284, Venspils Region - 136.

1447 people in Riga have used a possibility to vote before the real election starts, in Balvi 393, Daugavpils Region – 354, Liepaja Region – 284, Venspils Region - 136. Diena

Anita Galica became the 40 000th Latvian citizen through the process on naturalisation. She and 30 more new citizens received the Cabinet of Ministers decrees on granting them citizenship from Prime Minister A.Berzins at the Cabinet of Ministers. In 1995when the naturalisation process started there were 720 000 non-citizens. Last year Latvian citizenship received almost 15 000 people and now there still are about 500 000 non-citizens in Latvia.

Anita Galica became the 40 000th Latvian citizen through the process on naturalisation. She and 30 more new citizens received the Cabinet of Ministers decrees on granting them citizenship from Prime Minister A.Berzins at the Cabinet of Ministers. In 1995when the naturalisation process started there were 720 000 non-citizens. Last year Latvian citizenship received almost 15 000 people and now there still are about 500 000 non-citizens in Latvia. Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna Avize, Latvijas Vestnesis, Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Panorama Latvii

The considerable difference in the political parties popularity research ordered by the Russian speaking newspaper Biznes Shans with the one carried out by the social research company SKDS regular researches data make one think that these popularity data results depend on interests of the customer. Biznes Shans contracted company IBS Management to carry out a research on popularity of political parties. Comparing these data with the ones collected by SKDS and which the government was not very eager to reveal, there was a considerable difference. Comparing both data one must conclude that the most growth of popularity is for the parties that orient themselves for the Russian speaking electorate. Seems that publishing of these data is an attempt to influence those voters who have not made their choice yet.


The Baltic States are afraid that they could become victims of a scheme between Moscow and Washington. German newspaper Frankfurter Rundschau voiced a possibility that the USA could receive Yes for their national anti-missiles defence system if the USA refused to accept the Baltic States into NATO. The same opinion expressed Danish Ambassador M.Liketolf during his visit to his American colleague C.Powell. Neatkariga

Latvijas Vestnesis

published an interview with American Ambassador J.Holmes where his speaks about the possibilities for Latvia to join NATO.

Latvian parliament on Thursday decided not to send to the standing committees the draft law on ratification of convention on the protection of national minorities, signed by Latvia in 1995. Leftist forces union For Human Rights in United Latvia (FHRUL) parliament faction chairman Janis Jurkans told the parliament rejection of the bill signalled of hypocritical domestic and foreign policy pursued by the ruling coalition.

FHRUL MP Sergejs Dolgopolovs meanwhile told BNS the convention should be ratified to lessen tension in the country and promote society integration. The convention envisages the right for national minorities to acquire secondary education in the state language, retaining minorities secondary schools. BNS, Vesti Segodnya. Chas, Panorama Latvii

marts 8, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

Contrary to the opinion of many voters that one voice cannot change much in this election, experience of the previous local government election of 1997 proves just the opposite – to receive a seat in Riga City Council one of the election lists needed only 2911 voices, in Jelgava 562. It has made the representatives of several small parties start hoping that including popular physicians and actors in their candidates lists will collect them several hundred voices thus ensuring their getting into the Council. And this hope rises with decreasing of electorate’s activity.

Contrary to the opinion of many voters that one voice cannot change much in this election, experience of the previous local government election of 1997 proves just the opposite – to receive a seat in Riga City Council one of the election lists needed only 2911 voices, in Jelgava 562. It has made the representatives of several small parties start hoping that including popular physicians and actors in their candidates lists will collect them several hundred voices thus ensuring their getting into the Council. And this hope rises with decreasing of electorates activity. Diena

Central Election Commission together with DCMA took care let also those citizens, who did not have a domicile registration stamp in their passports but were registered at their place of residence, would be able to vote. In such cases commissions would allow also those people who may prove their registration with a certificate issued by the local government residents registration department or DCMA Residents Register.

Central Election Commission together with DCMA took care let also those citizens, who did not have a domicile registration stamp in their passports but were registered at their place of residence, would be able to vote. In such cases commissions would allow also those people who may prove their registration with a certificate issued by the local government residents registration department or DCMA Residents Register. Diena

Let as many voters as possible could use their election right at this local government election, people may start voting today, even those who do not have a domicile registration stamp in their passport. From March 8-10 to election polls may come people, who will not be able to arrive there on March 11.

Let as many voters as possible could use their election right at this local government election, people may start voting today, even those who do not have a domicile registration stamp in their passport. From March 8-10 to election polls may come people, who will not be able to arrive there on March 11. Neatkariga, Respublika, Panorama Latvii

The government coalition parties agreed to call the Saeima not to discuss the proposal of Social Democrats for expressing vote of non-confidence to the Minister of Interior M.Seglins and to postpone it for the next Saeima sitting. This next sitting will take place after the local government election.

The government coalition parties agreed to call the Saeima not to discuss the proposal of Social Democrats for expressing vote of non-confidence to the Minister of Interior M.Seglins and to postpone it for the next Saeima sitting. This next sitting will take place after the local government election. Diena

Latvian Prime Minister Andris Berzins and his Belarus counterpart Vladimir Yermoshin met Wednesday in Riga and discussed economic issues as well as the position by international organizations (OSCE, CoE, EU) concerning coming presidential elections in Belarus. Both premiers praised bilateral economic co-operation, including cross-border co-operation and Belarus co-operation with Latvian ports.

Latvian Prime Minister Andris Berzins and his Belarus counterpart Vladimir Yermoshin met Wednesday in Riga and discussed economic issues as well as the position by international organizations (OSCE, CoE, EU) concerning coming presidential elections in Belarus. Both premiers praised bilateral economic co-operation, including cross-border co-operation and Belarus co-operation with Latvian ports. BNS, Neatkariga, Lauku Avize, Latvijas Vestnesis, Respublika

Deputies of the Saeima Foreign Affairs Commission voiced their perplexity for the fact that the records of the meeting of presidents V.Vike-Freiberga and V.Putin were announced to be secret. Although the majority of deputies have access to the state secrets, still they doubt that both presidents discussed topics that could correspond to this status.


The Latvian parliament on Thursday decided not to send to the standing committees the draft law on ratification of convention on the protection of national minorities, signed by Latvia in 1995. BNS

Yesterday the Minister of Welfare A.Pozharnovs made excuses for the social welfare agreement with Russia. Minister stated that there was no reason for worry that Latvian pensioners would receive less pensions if the agreement were signed. If any political decisions were taken, implementation of those would be financed from the state budget. The Minister also added that there existed another part of the coin – the present amount of pensions in Russia was 16 USD, so those Russian people, who had thought about moving to Russia but had not done it, would be interested to move there as soon as the question of exporting pensions was settled.

Yesterday the Minister of Welfare A.Pozharnovs made excuses for the social welfare agreement with Russia. Minister stated that there was no reason for worry that Latvian pensioners would receive less pensions if the agreement were signed. If any political decisions were taken, implementation of those would be financed from the state budget. The Minister also added that there existed another part of the coin – the present amount of pensions in Russia was 16 USD, so those Russian people, who had thought about moving to Russia but had not done it, would be interested to move there as soon as the question of exporting pensions was settled. Lauku Avize, Panorama Latvii

Russian Ministry of Fuel and Energy announced that on January 1, 2001 Latvia owned Russia for oil, fuel and gas 8.5 million Ls.

Russian Ministry of Fuel and Energy announced that on January 1, 2001 Latvia owned Russia for oil, fuel and gas 8.5 million Ls. Vesti Segodnya

marts 7, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

Commentator A.Brauna in the newspaper

Commentator A.Brauna in the newspaper Diena editorial writes that politicians have lingered for so long with abolishing the existing domicile registration system that about 6% of all electorate will not be able to realise their election right. According to the present local government election law residents may vote only at the territory of the local government where they have been registered or they have a real property. But about 80 000 people live without a domicile registration. According to the Residents Register data every 5th or 6th persons real place of residence differs from his domicile registration and it means that about 200 000 or 15% of electorate have no influence on the local government where they live or work. They may vote only at the local government where they have neither logical wish or need to influence the status quo nor they know local candidates. And it is likely that this part of population will not take part in this election.

Prime Minister A.Berzins agrees to the opinion of President V.Vike-Freiberga that Latvia should abolish the domicile registration system, but he thinks the state should not rush with this process. A.Berzins thinks that instead of this old system should be created a new, more up-to-day system.

Prime Minister A.Berzins agrees to the opinion of President V.Vike-Freiberga that Latvia should abolish the domicile registration system, but he thinks the state should not rush with this process. A.Berzins thinks that instead of this old system should be created a new, more up-to-day system. Vesti Segodnya

Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins will visit Cyprus from March 7 – 9. He plans to meet with the highest officials and sign three agreements.

Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins will visit Cyprus from March 7 – 9. He plans to meet with the highest officials and sign three agreements. Neatkariga

Yesterday Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins met with the President of European Human Rights Court L.Wildhaber, who had arrived to Riga to participate in a seminar “European Human Rights Convention and it Juridical Practice: Application in National Court Institutions and State Administration”. During the discussion both officials spoke about the input of the European Human Rights Court into the development of human rights protection mechanism. On the same day the seminar took place at the Riga Graduate School of Law. K.Malinovska from the Cabinet of Ministers pointed out the necessity to observe the European Human Rights Convention not only in court but also in the state administration. M.Mits from Human Rights Institute of Latvian University Juridical Department spoke about the practice of Latvian courts in observing this Convention. European Human Rights Court judge E.Levits pointed out the necessity for every official to know and observe the demands of European Human Rights Convention in his everyday work.

Yesterday Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins met with the President of European Human Rights Court L.Wildhaber, who had arrived to Riga to participate in a seminar European Human Rights Convention and it Juridical Practice: Application in National Court Institutions and State Administration. During the discussion both officials spoke about the input of the European Human Rights Court into the development of human rights protection mechanism. On the same day the seminar took place at the Riga Graduate School of Law. K.Malinovska from the Cabinet of Ministers pointed out the necessity to observe the European Human Rights Convention not only in court but also in the state administration. M.Mits from Human Rights Institute of Latvian University Juridical Department spoke about the practice of Latvian courts in observing this Convention. European Human Rights Court judge E.Levits pointed out the necessity for every official to know and observe the demands of European Human Rights Convention in his everyday work. Latvijas Vestnesis

The newspaper

Chas published a letter of a reader where he told about his experience at the Employment Bureau. Having lost his job, the person applied to the local employment bureau where he was advised to change his profession and attend free of charge computer courses. But the tuition language turned to be Latvian. The person was not able to understand it. Similar courses in the Russian language were for fee. And he asks - where an unemployed person could get money to pay for this training?

Yesterday two Saeima Commissions – Human rights and Education and Science in principle agreed to grant the National Radio and TV Council authority to impose fines to broadcasting organisations for violating Latvian legislation. Members of those two commissions intend to ask the Saeima Juridical Commission to develop amendments to the Administrative Violations Code. In these amendments should be established the fines for violating the language law, advertisement regulations, misuse of erotic materials and pornography. The punishments would vary from a warning to a fine of 5 000 Ls. Chas

In 1994 was established Latvian – Russian intergovernmental commission that still works on the text of agreement on social welfare. At the beginning of May Latvian party will visit Moscow where it will try for the 6th time to reach an agreement on this matter with Russians.

In 1994 was established Latvian – Russian intergovernmental commission that still works on the text of agreement on social welfare. At the beginning of May Latvian party will visit Moscow where it will try for the 6th time to reach an agreement on this matter with Russians. Respublika

marts 6, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

Several Riga residents told the newspaper

Several Riga residents told the newspaper Diena that the norm to vote at ones registered place of domicile not only proved that the state did not trust voters but also limited their rights in electing local governments. They said those bureaucratic obstacles had decreased their wish to participate in this election. Although the state has acknowledged the absurdity of this situation, legislators do not worry about it, promising to change it only before the next local government election. Diena

People’s Party finds unacceptable the passive position of Minister of Welfare A.Pozharnov on concluding a social welfare agreement with Russia. Due to Minister’s passiveness interests of Latvia suffer. People’s Party faction asked the Minister to give explanations why the Ministry of Welfare had started negotiations with Russia for advantages in receiving pensions for non-citizens and Russian citizens residing in Latvia. After listening to the Minister, the faction came to a conclusion that the Ministry of Welfare had not done economically grounded calculation whether such an agreement was profitable for Latvia.

Peoples Party finds unacceptable the passive position of Minister of Welfare A.Pozharnov on concluding a social welfare agreement with Russia. Due to Ministers passiveness interests of Latvia suffer. Peoples Party faction asked the Minister to give explanations why the Ministry of Welfare had started negotiations with Russia for advantages in receiving pensions for non-citizens and Russian citizens residing in Latvia. After listening to the Minister, the faction came to a conclusion that the Ministry of Welfare had not done economically grounded calculation whether such an agreement was profitable for Latvia. Diena, Neatkariga, Lauku Avize

The opinion poll carried out in February showed that the activity of voters could be even higher than during the last two local government elections. In 1994 election participated 58.5% of electorate, in 1997 – 56.8%.

The opinion poll carried out in February showed that the activity of voters could be even higher than during the last two local government elections. In 1994 election participated 58.5% of electorate, in 1997 – 56.8%. Diena

Latvian President V.Vike-Freiberga in her Monday radio interview called for urgent abolishment of domicile registration system, stating that it was outdated and a relict of the previous totalitarian system.

Latvian President V.Vike-Freiberga in her Monday radio interview called for urgent abolishment of domicile registration system, stating that it was outdated and a relict of the previous totalitarian system. Diena, Neatkariga

On Tuesday the Saeima Human Rights and Public Affairs Commission will consider the proposals submitted by the National TV and Radio Council that envisage granting the Council more authority to impose administrative fines on broadcasting organisations for violating the law.

On Tuesday the Saeima Human Rights and Public Affairs Commission will consider the proposals submitted by the National TV and Radio Council that envisage granting the Council more authority to impose administrative fines on broadcasting organisations for violating the law. Diena

Byelorussian Prime Minister V.Jermoshin arrived on a several days visit to Latvia. Latvian MFA defined this visit as a private one, but Byelorussian officials had announced it as a working one. The main goal of Prime Minister’s visit is to open the exposition Byelorussia Expo 2001 in Riga. Journalists found out that neither Latvian Prime Minister nor President had planned any meeting with Mr. Yermoshin.

Byelorussian Prime Minister V.Jermoshin arrived on a several days visit to Latvia. Latvian MFA defined this visit as a private one, but Byelorussian officials had announced it as a working one. The main goal of Prime Ministers visit is to open the exposition Byelorussia Expo 2001 in Riga. Journalists found out that neither Latvian Prime Minister nor President had planned any meeting with Mr. Yermoshin. Neatkariga, Respublika

The newspaper

The newspaper Lauku Avize interviewed V.Avercev, who arrived to Riga as a member of Russian Foreign Policy and Defence Council delegation. Mr.Avercev told journalists that Russia was concerned about the situation of Russian speakers in the Baltic States, and in Latvia the situation was the worst. Criticism about this had come not only from Russia but also from international organisation and Latvia did not improve it. But in general the relations between Russia and Latvia improve.

Rigas Balss

published complete lists of candidates for the local government election of all political parties. published complete lists of candidates for the local government election of all political parties. National Employment Service plans to organise the state language training for unemployed people, who face problems to find a job due to their state language proficiency level. According to statistics there are about 16 000 such people.

National Employment Service plans to organise the state language training for unemployed people, who face problems to find a job due to their state language proficiency level. According to statistics there are about 16 000 such people. Vesti Segodnya

Yesterday the radio station Maximus in Daugavpils did not broadcast. The National TV and Radio Council closed this station for one day, accusing it of violating the language law norms. Officials found out that 61% of all broadcasting time was in the Russian language.

Yesterday the radio station Maximus in Daugavpils did not broadcast. The National TV and Radio Council closed this station for one day, accusing it of violating the language law norms. Officials found out that 61% of all broadcasting time was in the Russian language. Vesti Segodnya

The latest in the middle of April European Human Rights Court has to take a decision in the case of Latvian citizen I.Podkolzina. Ms.Podkolzina accused Latvian authorities of violating her human rights and discriminating her due to her mother tongue. In October 1998 she was crossed out of the list of candidates for the Saeima election “due to insufficient state language proficiency”.

The latest in the middle of April European Human Rights Court has to take a decision in the case of Latvian citizen I.Podkolzina. Ms.Podkolzina accused Latvian authorities of violating her human rights and discriminating her due to her mother tongue. In October 1998 she was crossed out of the list of candidates for the Saeima election due to insufficient state language proficiency. Vesti Segodnya

The newspaper

The newspaper Chas writes about the case of N.Shevanova. A short time domicile registration in Russia cost her an expulsion order from Latvia. Then she was saved by a stroke. But now it seems that Latvian authorities will have to restore her rights after a European Human Rights Court decision and pay a large sum of money as compensation.

On Friday President V.Vike-Freiberga handed letters of accreditation to the new Latvian Ambassadors to Kirgistan A.Puga and to Malta Republic – M.Perts.

On Friday President V.Vike-Freiberga handed letters of accreditation to the new Latvian Ambassadors to Kirgistan A.Puga and to Malta Republic – M.Perts. Latvijas Vestnesis

marts 5, 2001


Press Report

Political scientist A.Pabriks writes that Latvia has managed to avoid any ethnic conflicts although the majority of population holds an opinion that ethnic discrimination in Latvia exists. According to the research done by the agency Baltic Data House about 28% of Latvian population have experienced ethnic discrimination on themselves but 24% were discriminated due to their language. In Latvian legislation there are established punishments for such discrimination but it lacks the definition of discrimination.

Politicalscientist A.Pabriks writes that Latvia has managed to avoid any ethnic conflicts although the majority of population holds an opinion that ethnic discrimination in Latvia exists. According to the research done by the agency Baltic Data House about 28% of Latvian population have experienced ethnic discrimination on themselves but 24% were discriminated due to their language. In Latvian legislation there are established punishments for such discrimination but it lacks the definition of discrimination. Diena

At the railway terminal in Moscow where the train from Riga arrives, in March is opened an experimental immigration control checkpoint. The passengers arriving by this train will be issued immigration forms. They are to be filled in and submitted to the checkpoint officials. Passengers have to state their purpose of arrival and reason; they will also be warned about their responsibility for violating migration laws.

At the railway terminal in Moscow where the train from Riga arrives, in March is opened an experimental immigration control checkpoint. The passengers arriving by this train will be issued immigration forms. They are to be filled in and submitted to the checkpoint officials. Passengers have to state their purpose of arrival and reason; they will also be warned about their responsibility for violating migration laws. Diena

On Saturday several hundred Russian speakers gathered at the Congress House for a meeting “My vote for my city”. These people voiced their opinions about participation of non-citizens in local government elections. This event turned out to be a pre-election campaign event of the Union For Human Rights in United Latvia during which people shouted anti-state slogans. Left wingers commemorated March 3 as a double mourning day - ten years ago there was a referendum whether Latvia should remain within the USSR, but three years ago was the picket of pensioners at the Riga City Council that was driven away by police.

On Saturday several hundred Russian speakers gathered at the Congress House for a meeting My vote for my city. These people voiced their opinions about participation of non-citizens in local government elections. This event turned out to be a pre-election campaign event of the Union For Human Rights in United Latvia during which people shouted anti-state slogans. Left wingers commemorated March 3 as a double mourning day - ten years ago there was a referendum whether Latvia should remain within the USSR, but three years ago was the picket of pensioners at the Riga City Council that was driven away by police. Neatkariga

Chas and Panorama Latvii write that opinions of speakers at this meeting differed – some called for the Soviet times, some suggested to become Latvian citizens and take the future in their own hands.

With the help of the Chancellery of the State President is prepared the concept of establishing ombudsmen institution in Latvia. The first version envisages establishing it on the basis of the National Human Rights Office. Councillor to the President on Legal Affairs S.Kukule told journalists that the draft concept had been sent to several state institutions, Saeima factions, Academy of Sciences, representatives of international organisations and all ombudsmen institutions in the Nordic States. The working group has planned for the second part of March an extended working session to involve in it also people from UNDP, OSCE and Nordic Council, but for May is planned a large international conference on this issue.

With the help of the Chancellery of the State President is prepared the concept of establishing ombudsmen institution in Latvia. The first version envisages establishing it on the basis of the National Human Rights Office. Councillor to the President on Legal Affairs S.Kukule told journalists that the draft concept had been sent to several state institutions, Saeima factions, Academy of Sciences, representatives of international organisations and all ombudsmen institutions in the Nordic States. The working group has planned for the second part of March an extended working session to involve in it also people from UNDP, OSCE and Nordic Council, but for May is planned a large international conference on this issue. Neatkariga

The Union of Citizens of Russia held its congress in Riga last Saturday with more 600 delegates present from all over Latvia. The Congress plans to establish its own business structure to co-operate with big businesses in Russia. From the earned money the Union plans to provide subsidised or free of charge medical service for war veterans and carry out many other projects.

The Union of Citizens of Russia held its congress in Riga last Saturday with more 600 delegates present from all over Latvia. The Congress plans to establish its own business structure to co-operate with big businesses in Russia. From the earned money the Union plans to provide subsidised or free of charge medical service for war veterans and carry out many other projects. Vesti Segodnya

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