maijs 3, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

The State Language Centre will not be able to check state language proficiency of six Riga city council deputies from the leftist union within the stated deadline because they refuse from meeting language inspectors. Centre deputy director Agris Timuska told BNS the centre has been attempting to meet the deputies and had been calling them on the phone and inviting to hold the language test. Moreover, the deputies have told the media they will not join the tests held by the centre because they already have language certification. Timuska told BNS the centre had sent a letter to Riga Mayor Gundars Bojars requesting his assistance in arranging the language tests. Timuska voiced a hope the centre would be able to hold in May the tests deadline of which was set for May 10.

The State Language Centre will not be able to check state language proficiency of six Riga city council deputies from the leftist union within the stated deadline because they refuse from meeting language inspectors. Centre deputy director Agris Timuska told BNS the centre has been attempting to meet the deputies and had been calling them on the phone and inviting to hold the language test. Moreover, the deputies have told the media they will not join the tests held by the centre because they already have language certification. Timuska told BNS the centre had sent a letter to Riga Mayor Gundars Bojars requesting his assistance in arranging the language tests. Timuska voiced a hope the centre would be able to hold in May the tests deadline of which was set for May 10. BNS

Hungary backs admission of the Baltic states to NATO in the nearest round of enlargement, Hungarian Foreign Minister Janos Martonyi said on Wednesday. Martonyi, who arrived to Riga on a two day official visit expressed the remark following a meeting with Latvian Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins, Foreign Ministry press office reported to

Hungary backs admission of the Baltic states to NATO in the nearest round of enlargement, Hungarian Foreign Minister Janos Martonyi said on Wednesday. Martonyi, who arrived to Riga on a two day official visit expressed the remark following a meeting with Latvian Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins, Foreign Ministry press office reported to BNS. Latvijas Vestnesis

The Latvian Foreign Ministry believes there are no grounds to relate simplified visa requirements with tourism development in sea resort town Jurmala, as Jurmala mayor wants, and the visa policy should not be altered. Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Liga Bergmane told reporters Wednesday Latvia should pursue it effective visa policy while the tourism development needs good infrastructure, low prices of services and others. Jurmala town council has set up a working group that will develop the municipality's proposals for simplifying visa regime with the CIS countries. The changes in the visa regime are aimed at simplifying the procedure of acquiring Latvia's visas for tourists from Russia, Ukraine and other CIS countries. BNS

The Latvian Foreign Ministry believes there are no grounds to relate simplified visa requirements with tourism development in sea resort town Jurmala, as Jurmala mayor wants, and the visa policy should not be altered. Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Liga Bergmane told reporters Wednesday Latvia should pursue it effective visa policy while the tourism development needs good infrastructure, low prices of services and others. Jurmala town council has set up a working group that will develop the municipality's proposals for simplifying visa regime with the CIS countries. The changes in the visa regime are aimed at simplifying the procedure of acquiring Latvia's visas for tourists from Russia, Ukraine and other CIS countries. BNS

The Latvian embassy in Russia Thursday will hand a note to the Russian Foreign Ministry to voice indignation over incident outside the Latvian embassy in Moscow where one vandal had thrown bottles with black paint at the embassy building. Latvian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Liga Bergmane told reporters Wednesday the note also will request to investigate the case and punish the guilty person as well as refund the damage caused to facade of the embassy building.

The Latvian embassy in Russia Thursday will hand a note to the Russian Foreign Ministry to voice indignation over incident outside the Latvian embassy in Moscow where one vandal had thrown bottles with black paint at the embassy building. Latvian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Liga Bergmane told reporters Wednesday the note also will request to investigate the case and punish the guilty person as well as refund the damage caused to facade of the embassy building. BNS, Neatkariga, Chas, Panorama Latvii

Professor A.Zunda writes about the priorities of Latvian foreign policy. And one should not be a big specialist in foreign affairs to understand how big role in modern Europe is played by Germany. That’s why Latvia tries to maintain good relations with this country.

Professor A.Zunda writes about the priorities of Latvian foreign policy. And one should not be a big specialist in foreign affairs to understand how big role in modern Europe is played by Germany. Thats why Latvia tries to maintain good relations with this country. Neatkariga

Upon the initiative of the Baltic States in PACE has been prepared a draft resolution where Russia will be reminded of her duty to return the buildings of former embassy buildings of the Baltic States that Russia had misappropriated after WW II.

Upon the initiative of the Baltic States in PACE has been prepared a draft resolution where Russia will be reminded of her duty to return the buildings of former embassy buildings of the Baltic States that Russia had misappropriated after WW II. Lauku Avize

On May 2 Secretary General of CoE W.Scwimmer arrived on a working visit to Riga. Today he will open the conference “Local democracy at the beginning of 21st century”, then meet with Latvian Prime Minister A.Berzins, Saeima Speaker J.Straume and members of Latvian parliamentary Assembly members.

On May 2 Secretary General of CoE W.Scwimmer arrived on a working visit to Riga. Today he will open the conference Local democracy at the beginning of 21st century, then meet with Latvian Prime Minister A.Berzins, Saeima Speaker J.Straume and members of Latvian parliamentary Assembly members. Latvijas Vestnesis

Tonight Russian Minister of Culture M.Shvidkoy is coming to Riga to initial a bilateral agreement between Culture Ministries of both countries for 2001 – 2003.

Tonight Russian Minister of Culture M.Shvidkoy is coming to Riga to initial a bilateral agreement between Culture Ministries of both countries for 2001 – 2003. Chas

Yesterday the co-chairman of Latvian – Russian intergovernmental commission informed about two news concerning this commission. The first is a good one – the commission resumed its activities, the second is a bad one – both parties declared different priorities. Latvia considers as a priority to conclude an agreement on co-operation in taxation maters and other economic issues. Russia sees social issues as a priority, especially concerning pensions.

Yesterday the co-chairman of Latvian – Russian intergovernmental commission informed about two news concerning this commission. The first is a good one – the commission resumed its activities, the second is a bad one – both parties declared different priorities. Latvia considers as a priority to conclude an agreement on co-operation in taxation maters and other economic issues. Russia sees social issues as a priority, especially concerning pensions. Chas

Yesterday Latvian Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Centre Director N.Muiznieks presented the Saeima Human Rights and Public Affairs Commission the research on human rights situation in Latvia in 2000. But very soon the deputies instead of discussing the report turned to a discussion on de-colonisation and the negative role of Russian speaking media on integration process in Latvia.

Yesterday Latvian Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Centre Director N.Muiznieks presented the Saeima Human Rights and Public Affairs Commission the research on human rights situation in Latvia in 2000. But very soon the deputies instead of discussing the report turned to a discussion on de-colonisation and the negative role of Russian speaking media on integration process in Latvia. Vesti Segodnya

A journalist from

A journalist from Vesti Segodnya interviewed the Chairman of the Association of Russian Language Teachers T.Liguta about the situation with the Russian language in Latvia. The Associated Professor Liguta thinks that this language needs as much protection as possible although in general there is no total danger for it. What happens in Latvia is a strong canning of the language. People when coming to a strange country keep speaking the language of the time they left Russia and do not know about the new developments there. Vesti Segodnya

Russian National Council member V.Alksnis was surprised when learned about the court decision concerning 3 Russian National Bolsheviks. He sees the long sentence terms for these people as an attempt to intimidate other National Bolsheviks acting in Latvia. Alksnis told the journalist about his recent meeting with the First Deputy of Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs A.Avdeyev, during which he was promised that Russia would demand extradition of those people.

Russian National Council member V.Alksnis was surprised when learned about the court decision concerning 3 Russian National Bolsheviks. He sees the long sentence terms for these people as an attempt to intimidate other National Bolsheviks acting in Latvia. Alksnis told the journalist about his recent meeting with the First Deputy of Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs A.Avdeyev, during which he was promised that Russia would demand extradition of those people. Vesti Segodnya

When members of the Saeima faction For Human Rights in United Latvia learned that in the new ID cards developed for use internally and also in Estonia and Lithuania there was still preserved the record about person’s nationality. They rent a letter to DCMA with a request to explain this. An answer was received immediately and it was explained that there was a mistake when translating from English the term “nationality”. This term should be understood as “citizenship”. But this term is used in many countries in European and the world. And for recording one’s ethnic belonging is used the term “ethnic nationality”. Even more, DCMA Deputy Director Mr.Lejins, who signed this letter, explained that according to the existing concept this record would be voluntarily. It means that most likely this record would be like this “citizen of Latvia” or “non-citizen of Latvia”.

When members of the Saeima faction For Human Rights in United Latvia learned that in the new ID cards developed for use internally and also in Estonia and Lithuania there was still preserved the record about persons nationality. They rent a letter to DCMA with a request to explain this. An answer was received immediately and it was explained that there was a mistake when translating from English the term nationality. This term should be understood as citizenship. But this term is used in many countries in European and the world. And for recording ones ethnic belonging is used the term ethnic nationality. Even more, DCMA Deputy Director Mr.Lejins, who signed this letter, explained that according to the existing concept this record would be voluntarily. It means that most likely this record would be like this citizen of Latvia or non-citizen of Latvia. Panorama Latvii

aprīlis 30, 2001

Press Report

On May 1 the leader of Latvian Social Democrats J.Bojars will present his draft version of Latvian Satversme (constitution). J.Bojars plans to finish this draft and submit it to the Saeima by the end of this year.

On May 1 the leader of Latvian Social Democrats J.Bojars will present his draft version of Latvian Satversme (constitution). J.Bojars plans to finish this draft and submit it to the Saeima by the end of this year. Diena

He explained that the main point of the amendments was to establish the institute of a popularly elected Latvian president to be elected from one-mandate electoral districts.

He explained that the main point of the amendments was to establish the institute of a popularly elected Latvian president to be elected from one-mandate electoral districts. BNS

Students of Riga Secondary school No 49 have developed a large-scale project “Latvian youth towards an integrated and multicultural society”. This project won the contest organised by the Naturalisation Board for students “Towards an integrated society”. To study the possible influence of education on the integration process 4 students inquired 1000 students from 14 Latvian, Russian, Jewish, Polish and Lithuanian schools as well as organised discussions for deeper understanding and exchange of opinions.

Students of Riga Secondary school No 49 have developed a large-scale project Latvian youth towards an integrated and multicultural society. This project won the contest organised by the Naturalisation Board for students Towards an integrated society. To study the possible influence of education on the integration process 4 students inquired 1000 students from 14 Latvian, Russian, Jewish, Polish and Lithuanian schools as well as organised discussions for deeper understanding and exchange of opinions. Diena

During a meeting of intergovernmental commission on Valka – Valga border crossing problems an idea was generated to develop a special Valka law. Taking into consideration the special status of the border town Valka, the general legislation may not always be applied to this town. The working group decided to prepare a list indicating concrete problems and reasons why at least 150 people have to cross the border several times a day.

During a meeting of intergovernmental commission on Valka – Valga border crossing problems an idea was generated to develop a special Valka law. Taking into consideration the special status of the border town Valka, the general legislation may not always be applied to this town. The working group decided to prepare a list indicating concrete problems and reasons why at least 150 people have to cross the border several times a day. Neatkariga

Soon after the local government election the Naturalisation Board evaluated the election results from their point of view. And it was very essential because it came to a conclusion that the statement about the “new citizens” as the electorate of For Human Rights in United Latvia turned out to be wrong. Deputy Head of the Board J.Kahanovics told newspaper

Soon after the local government election the Naturalisation Board evaluated the election results from their point of view. And it was very essential because it came to a conclusion that the statement about the new citizens as the electorate of For Human Rights in United Latvia turned out to be wrong. Deputy Head of the Board J.Kahanovics told newspaper Respublika that these new citizens in Riga gave For Human Rights in United Latvia only 3 seats in the Riga City Council. J.Kahanovics spoke about the situation of these new citizens and naturalisation process in general. Respublika

Vesti Segodnya

interviewed Russian Ambassador I.Studennikov about his life and work in Latvia. The newspaper cites that from the very first meetings with Latvian officials the Ambassador diplomatically but quite strictly pointed out the problems that worried Russian party – language rights of Russian compatriots, huge numbers of non-citizens, danger of reducing the possibilities to study in the Russian language and of course pursuing of WW II veterans. The Ambassador made it understandable that with the current practices of Latvian institutions the progress of Latvian – Russian relations might slow down. Russian Embassy in Latvia promised WW II veterans residing in Latvia to give vouchers for visiting health resorts in Russia.

Russian Embassy in Latvia promised WW II veterans residing in Latvia to give vouchers for visiting health resorts in Russia. Chas

aprīlis 28, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

CoE Secretary General W.Schwimmer will come to Riga on May 3 during his European visit. Answering to the question about Latvian presidency of CoE that was coming to an end, he said that it had been very successful.

CoE Secretary General W.Schwimmer will come to Riga on May 3 during his European visit. Answering to the question about Latvian presidency of CoE that was coming to an end, he said that it had been very successful. Diena

Two cases filed by Latvian residents against the Latvian state about language discrimination could turn out to be important precedents that would make Latvia to reconsider several laws and possibly abolish the norm that forbids running for elections persons who do not know the language on the third – highest level. One case filed Daugavpils businesswoman I.Polocka for crossing out her name from election list before the Saeima election in 1998 and the other was teacher A.Ignatane for crossing out her name from local government election list in 1997.

Two cases filed by Latvian residents against the Latvian state about language discrimination could turn out to be important precedents that would make Latvia to reconsider several laws and possibly abolish the norm that forbids running for elections persons who do not know the language on the third – highest level. One case filed Daugavpils businesswoman I.Polocka for crossing out her name from election list before the Saeima election in 1998 and the other was teacher A.Ignatane for crossing out her name from local government election list in 1997. Diena

During the Russian and EU summits meeting that will take place in Moscow in May one of the discussion topics will be the situation of Russian speakers in the Baltic States. Agency Interfax learned about this from the delegation that would accompany Russian Prime Minister M.Kasyanov on his official visit to Sweden.

During the Russian and EU summits meeting that will take place in Moscow in May one of the discussion topics will be the situation of Russian speakers in the Baltic States. Agency Interfax learned about this from the delegation that would accompany Russian Prime Minister M.Kasyanov on his official visit to Sweden. Neatkariga

During the first three months of this year 180 residents of Daugavpils City and District, Kraslava and Jekabpils Districts have became citizens of Latvia. Totally since 1995 naturalised 3698 residents of this region. But the number of non-citizens in Daugavpils alone exceeds 36 000 that is about 31% of the total population of this city. 21 000 non-citizens by nationality are Russians, 7000 – Byelorussians and 4000 – Poles.

During the first three months of this year 180 residents of Daugavpils City and District, Kraslava and Jekabpils Districts have became citizens of Latvia. Totally since 1995 naturalised 3698 residents of this region. But the number of non-citizens in Daugavpils alone exceeds 36 000 that is about 31% of the total population of this city. 21 000 non-citizens by nationality are Russians, 7000 – Byelorussians and 4000 – Poles. Neatkariga

Riga City Council deputy A.Gilman writes about the case when Riga City Council Russian speaking deputies were approached by

Riga City Council deputy A.Gilman writes about the case when Riga City Council Russian speaking deputies were approached by Rigas Balss journalist E.Barkans and asked them to answer several questions. But the aim of those interviews was to check their state language proficiency level. A.Gilman sees it as a provocation and states that nobody will manage to deprive them of their mandates. Soon Latvia will have to ratify the framework Convention on National Minorities; the next step will be implementation of OSCE so called Oslo recommendation. And when non-citizens receive the right of vote in local government elections, they will come to power in all major cities of Latvia. Rigas Balss

Panorama Latvii

informs that one more Russian speaking school could be closed. This time - in Jelgava. One of explanations for such an action is that the school is planned for 1700 students but now there are only 650. Students would be sent to other schools but 50 teachers and 30 maintenance staff would become unemployed. (also on 30.04.01)

aprīlis 27, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

Latvian Foreign Minister, Indulis Berzins, speaking at the debates in the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly on Thursday, noted that Russia has still failed to return to the Baltic states their diplomatic properties that were taken over by the Soviet Union after World War II.

Latvian Foreign Minister, Indulis Berzins, speaking at the debates in the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly on Thursday, noted that Russia has still failed to return to the Baltic states their diplomatic properties that were taken over by the Soviet Union after World War II. Neatkariga

Jurmala City Council chairman will meet with the directors of Jurmala’s hotels and resorts to discuss introduction of changes in visa regime with Russia, Ukraine and other former CIS countries. The proposals on the procedure providing for easier travel arrangements for tourists coming to Jurmala will be developed and submitted to CoM.

Jurmala City Council chairman will meet with the directors of Jurmalas hotels and resorts to discuss introduction of changes in visa regime with Russia, Ukraine and other former CIS countries. The proposals on the procedure providing for easier travel arrangements for tourists coming to Jurmala will be developed and submitted to CoM. Diena

The Latvian parliament Thursday in the second reading adopted legislative amendments envisaging granting of the status of a politically repressed person and all related social guarantees such as pensions, tax and social insurance payments, as well as medical care free of charge and reduced price tickets in public transport to the persons falling in this category. The law applies to Latvian citizens only. FHRUL deputy M.Mitrofanov’s proposal that all persons who have been repressed after World War II in the territory of the USSR and now are residing in Latvia are to be included in this category only raised strong opposition and was turned down.

The Latvian parliament Thursday in the second reading adopted legislative amendments envisaging granting of the status of a politically repressed person and all related social guarantees such as pensions, tax and social insurance payments, as well as medical care free of charge and reduced price tickets in public transport to the persons falling in this category. The law applies to Latvian citizens only. FHRUL deputy M.Mitrofanovs proposal that all persons who have been repressed after World War II in the territory of the USSR and now are residing in Latvia are to be included in this category only raised strong opposition and was turned down. Neatkarig, Chas, Vesti Segodnja, Panorama Latvii

Yesterday 3-days conference “Russian Culture in the Baltic Countries Between the Wars” was opened in Riga. More than 30 researchers representing 7 countries will report on different aspects of Russian community life in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Finland.

Yesterday 3-days conference Russian Culture in the Baltic Countries Between the Wars was opened in Riga. More than 30 researchers representing 7 countries will report on different aspects of Russian community life in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Finland. Chas, Vesti Segodnja


interviews Latvian Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Centre director N.Muiznieks and the main discussion subject is the essay contest organised by publishing house Vieda. N.Muiznieks finds the idea of the contest is simply horrible, however, according to Latvian legislation, it does not have the ground to file a claim with court for kindling national hate. In regard to integration N.Muiznieks says that for sure it will happen one day, however, at different times in different areas. As a positive example he mentions language – more and more Russian-speakers know Latvian, but the sphere which is very difficult to integrate is information and the means of mass media. Concerning education, N.Muiznieks thinks that very seldom the Ministry of Education is ready to have a dialogue with national minorities. interviews Latvian Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Centre director N.Muiznieks and the main discussion subject is the essay contest organised by publishing house “Vieda”. N.Muiznieks finds the idea of the contest is “simply horrible, however, according to Latvian legislation, it does not have the ground to file a claim with court for kindling national hate”. In regard to integration N.Muiznieks says that for sure it will happen one day, however, at different times in different areas. As a positive example he mentions language – more and more Russian-speakers know Latvian, but the sphere which is very difficult to integrate is information and the means of mass media. Concerning education, N.Muiznieks thinks that very seldom the Ministry of Education is ready to have a dialogue with national minorities. Yesterday the Parliament approved in the first reading the Law on Ruled Professions and Recognition of Job Qualification containing the article according to which foreign diplomas are recognised only if their holders are Latvian or EU citizens or repatriates who have arrived to Latvia not from the former CIS countries. Thus, the law does not say anything about diplomas of non-citizens.

Yesterday the Parliament approved in the first reading the Law on Ruled Professions and Recognition of Job Qualification containing the article according to which foreign diplomas are recognised only if their holders are Latvian or EU citizens or repatriates who have arrived to Latvia not from the former CIS countries. Thus, the law does not say anything about diplomas of non-citizens. Vesti Segodnja

Vesti Segodnja

interviews the director of Ukrainian school in Riga. She provides information about the school, its curriculum and students. interviews the director of Ukrainian school in Riga. She provides information about the school, its curriculum and students. The State Language Centre together with lawyers working for the Government is exploiting whether there are possibilities to examine state language proficiency of 6 deputies of Riga City Council.

The State Language Centre together with lawyers working for the Government is exploiting whether there are possibilities to examine state language proficiency of 6 deputies of Riga City Council.

Rigas Balss

asked OSCE Mission to Latvia head P.Semneby how the cases when deputies have language problems are solved in the civilised world. It is hard to tell, whether such type of formal requirements exist in other countries, however, there is UN Convention on Civil and Political Rights which provides for that all citizens have to have rights and possibilities to take part in the affairs of state administration, vote and be elected without any discrimination and unjustified restrictions. The OSCE recommended Latvia to abolish these requirements, however, there is the conflict of interests. From one side, our organisation agrees that elected municipalities and the Parliament have to operate in the state language and that means a deputy has to speak the language. It could be regulated by the working documents of the sessions. From the other side, a voter has to have sovereign rights to vote for a candidate of his/her own choice not restricted in any way, including those candidates who are not able to work with a full capacity, for example, the blind. asked OSCE Mission to Latvia head P.Semneby how the cases when deputies have language problems are solved in the civilised world. “It is hard to tell, whether such type of formal requirements exist in other countries, however, there is UN Convention on Civil and Political Rights which provides for that all citizens have to have rights and possibilities to take part in the affairs of state administration, vote and be elected without any discrimination and unjustified restrictions. The OSCE recommended Latvia to abolish these requirements, however, there is the conflict of interests. From one side, our organisation agrees that elected municipalities and the Parliament have to operate in the state language and that means a deputy has to speak the language. It could be regulated by the working documents of the sessions. From the other side, a voter has to have sovereign rights to vote for a candidate of his/her own choice not restricted in any way, including those candidates who are not able to work with a full capacity, for example, the blind. It is difficult for me to give prognoses on the further development of the situation concerning the claims against Riga Council deputies – with a big interest I am waiting for the judgement of the European Human Rights Court in the case of Podkolzinoj; it will be of big importance in solving similar cases in the future.

It is difficult for me to give prognoses on the further development of the situation concerning the claims against Riga Council deputies – with a big interest I am waiting for the judgement of the European Human Rights Court in the case of Podkolzinoj; it will be of big importance in solving similar cases in the future.

Of course, the situation concerning the claims against the deputies is a difficult one. The requirements in regard to state language skills exist, but they should not be the reason for banning somebody rights to be elected. In this field the most important thing is sovereign right of voters and only then come secondary requirements, such as, language skills. I agree that this is a very difficult problem, which requires hard work to find a solution; it does not have simple solutions.

Of course, the situation concerning the claims against the deputies is a difficult one. The requirements in regard to state language skills exist, but they should not be the reason for banning somebody rights to be elected. In this field the most important thing is sovereign right of voters and only then come secondary requirements, such as, language skills. I agree that this is a very difficult problem, which requires hard work to find a solution; it does not have simple solutions.

aprīlis 26, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

Non-observance of human rights in Latvia, including the high number of cases pending for trial, prolonged terms of arrest and increased activity of Latvian and Russian nationalist extremist groups may affect admission of Latvia to the European Union. The opinion was expressed Wednesday by Latvian Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Centre head Nils Muiznieks in a ceremony presenting the centre’s annual research about Latvia's human rights problems. He said Latvia is threatened by numerous legal proceedings in the international courts in Strasbourg and Geneva and, losing these proceedings may involve paying big amounts by Latvia. Moreover, there is no political will at all in the country to build an independent court system, which results in deficiencies in litigation and prolonged legal proceedings, Muiznieks said. The centre regards as a dangerous trend the growing number and increased activity of extremist groups. Muiznieks said upsurge in activity of such groups signals of insufficient integration in society. Activities of such groups may endanger security in the country because they are splitting society from inside, he said. The report praised as an achievement in the area of human rights adoption of the state language law regulations and liberalisation of the law on constitutional court, allowing private individuals too file claims with that court.

Non-observance of human rights in Latvia, including the high number of cases pending for trial, prolonged terms of arrest and increased activity of Latvian and Russian nationalist extremist groups may affect admission of Latvia to the European Union. The opinion was expressed Wednesday by Latvian Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Centre head Nils Muiznieks in a ceremony presenting the centres annual research about Latvia's human rights problems. He said Latvia is threatened by numerous legal proceedings in the international courts in Strasbourg and Geneva and, losing these proceedings may involve paying big amounts by Latvia. Moreover, there is no political will at all in the country to build an independent court system, which results in deficiencies in litigation and prolonged legal proceedings, Muiznieks said. The centre regards as a dangerous trend the growing number and increased activity of extremist groups. Muiznieks said upsurge in activity of such groups signals of insufficient integration in society. Activities of such groups may endanger security in the country because they are splitting society from inside, he said. The report praised as an achievement in the area of human rights adoption of the state language law regulations and liberalisation of the law on constitutional court, allowing private individuals too file claims with that court. Diena, Neatkariga, Respublika

The parliament fraction of the Latvian Social Democratic Workers Party (LSDWP) has decided to prepare a demand for the resignation of Minister of Economy Aigars Kalvitis or Prime Minister Andris Berzins, for the unsatisfactory management of the Latvian Shipping Company (LASCO) privatisation process.

The parliament fraction of the Latvian Social Democratic Workers Party (LSDWP) has decided to prepare a demand for the resignation of Minister of Economy Aigars Kalvitis or Prime Minister Andris Berzins, for the unsatisfactory management of the Latvian Shipping Company (LASCO) privatisation process. Diena, Vesti Segodnja, Jauna, Lauku Avize

Yesterday Peoples party deputies organised a press conference stating their opinions about the work of the new Riga City Council. Peoples party deputies are not satisfied with language skills of some deputies and in their opinion Rigas mayor G.Bojars has violated the Law on Municipalities. Peoples party sent the letter where all violations are compiled to special task minister and has turned the State Language Centre with the request to examine Latvian language proficiency of 6 Riga Council deputies.

Diena, Chas, Jauna, Lauku Avize Russian ambassador to Latvia I.Studennikov launched his introduction with the means of mass media in Latvia with the visit to

Russian ambassador to Latvia I.Studennikov launched his introduction with the means of mass media in Latvia with the visit to Vesti Segodnja. The ambassador and journalists discussed different actual topics – Latvian-Russian relations, official assistance from Moscow to Russian people in Latvia, integration of Latvian society, the future of Russian education in Latvia. Vesti Segodnja.

Vesti Segodnja

writes that spring is supposed to be the most difficult time in Russian Latvian relations and this year is not an exception. Russias TV companies RTR and ORT broadcast about the case of the Slivenko in the news almost every day; and on Tuesday Russias Prime Minister M.Kasjanov during his visit to Sweden drew special attention to the situation concerning national minorities in Latvia and Estonia. The same day at night the former ambassador to Latvia A.Udalcov, who currently is the director of Russias MoFA, European Department, took part in live broadcast on TV. A.Udalcov noted that Latvia is a very unique country, which in one night deprived citizenship from one third of Latvias people, including those who voted for its independence. The former ambassador also talked about discrimination in regard to the Russian language. Latvian diplomats reacted to these statements voicing that international organisations, such as the OSCE and EC, are satisfied with the situation in Latvia. writes that spring is supposed to be the most difficult time in Russian Latvian relations and this year is not an exception. Russia’s TV companies RTR and ORT broadcast about the case of the Slivenko in the news almost every day; and on Tuesday Russia’s Prime Minister M.Kasjanov during his visit to Sweden drew special attention to the situation concerning national minorities in Latvia and Estonia. The same day at night the former ambassador to Latvia A.Udalcov, who currently is the director of Russia’s MoFA, European Department, took part in live broadcast on TV. A.Udalcov noted that “Latvia is a very unique country, which in one night deprived citizenship from one third of Latvia’s people, including those who voted for its independence”. The former ambassador also talked about discrimination in regard to the Russian language. Latvian diplomats reacted to these statements voicing that international organisations, such as the OSCE and EC, are satisfied with the situation in Latvia. Neatkariga, Lauku Avize, RespublikaNeatkariga, Lauku Avize, Respublika After three deputies from FHRUL turned to the Latvian Prosecutor General's Office, the Office has resolved to examine for corpus delicti a youth competition of essays organised by Vieda publishers which has been sharply criticised by Russia as nationalistic.

After three deputies from FHRUL turned to the Latvian Prosecutor General's Office, the Office has resolved to examine for corpus delicti a youth competition of essays organised by Vieda publishers which has been sharply criticised by Russia as nationalistic. Chas

American means of mass media have not paid any attention to the visit of Latvian President to the States and no American news agency has given information about this visit.

American means of mass media have not paid any attention to the visit of Latvian President to the States and no American news agency has given information about this visit. Vesti Segodnja explains that obviously Americans doubted for a long time whether to invite Latvian President or dont and finally they chose unofficial alternative – they met with V.Vike-Freiberga, however, pretended that they did not.

Rigas Balss

publishes the considerations of Liberty/Free Europe communication director P.Goble in regard to the latest statistic data about the language situation in Latvia, particularly 2 indicators – 84.4% people speak Russian, however, Latvian is spoken by 81.7%. This is challenging situation for both Latvian and Russian sides, as well as for foreign governments which want stability in the Baltic region. Moscow officials could use the data to force Latvia to adopt Russias requirements, however, most likely the effect will be the opposite. Western countries also face a difficult choice – a majority of western countries has determined the domain of one language in their own countries and if they tell Latvia to do otherwise they would be called hypocrites. publishes the considerations of Liberty/Free Europe communication director P.Goble in regard to the latest statistic data about the language situation in Latvia, particularly 2 indicators – 84.4% people speak Russian, however, Latvian is spoken by 81.7%. This is challenging situation for both Latvian and Russian sides, as well as for foreign governments which want stability in the Baltic region. Moscow officials could use the data to force Latvia to adopt Russia’s requirements, however, most likely the effect will be the opposite. Western countries also face a difficult choice – a majority of western countries has determined the domain of one language in their own countries and if they tell Latvia to do otherwise they would be called hypocrites. Education minister K.Greiskalns and Curriculum Examination Centre work at the regulations which would grant to grade 9 graduates of other national schools acquisition of so called comparative paper which would allow them not to re-take the naturalisation exam in the Latvian language.

Education minister K.Greiskalns and Curriculum Examination Centre work at the regulations which would grant to grade 9 graduates of other national schools acquisition of so called comparative paper which would allow them not to re-take the naturalisation exam in the Latvian language. Lauku Avize

Lauku Avize

interviews publishing house Vieda director A.Garda. He says that he does not hate Russians who live here, he just wants that people who are not friendly towards Latvia leave the country. interviews publishing house “Vieda” director A.Garda. He says that he does not hate Russians who live here, he just wants that people who are not friendly towards Latvia leave the country.

Panorama Latvii

publishes the discussion of Latvian journalists in the TV programme A Look from the Other Side. The newspaper draws readers attention to two topics discussed. First, journalists equalised publishing house Vieda director with the leader of For Equality T.Zhdanok. Second, they expressed their dissatisfaction with the fact that For Equality congress took place exclusively in Russian and no translation was provided although there were many journalists and invited guests. publishes the discussion of Latvian journalists in the TV programme “A Look from the Other Side”. The newspaper draws readers’ attention to two topics discussed. First, journalists equalised publishing house “Vieda” director with the leader of “For Equality” T.Zhdanok. Second, they expressed their dissatisfaction with the fact that “For Equality” congress took place exclusively in Russian and no translation was provided although there were many journalists and invited guests. Rigas Balss gives reference of the OSCE Mission to Latvia head P.Semneby to the study “Towards Civic Society”. “OSCE Mission to Latvia head was rather careful when providing evaluation to the information provided by Soros Foundation Latvia director V.Teraude that 20% non-citizens are planning to be naturalised during this year. European experts persistently recommends to decrease the amount of the state fee, which is an obstacle for many people who want to be naturalised”.

Rigas Balss gives reference of the OSCE Mission to Latvia head P.Semneby to the study Towards Civic Society. OSCE Mission to Latvia head was rather careful when providing evaluation to the information provided by Soros Foundation Latvia director V.Teraude that 20% non-citizens are planning to be naturalised during this year. European experts persistently recommends to decrease the amount of the state fee, which is an obstacle for many people who want to be naturalised.

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