Aug. 7, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

In the next 14 months until the NATO summit meeting in Prague, Latvia must keep progressing, because if in case Latvia is unable to demonstrate good results, even the best lobbying will do no help. This statement was made by the former U.S. administration's NATO enlargement coordinator Ronald D. Asmus on Monday upon meeting Latvia's President Vaira Vike-Freiberga. "Latvia is on the last lap of the marathon, so do all you can to not trip," said Asmus. "If I was your coach, then I would say you have a good speed" - Latvia has caught up to many other candidate countries and even passed some of them, Asmus told reporters.

In the next 14 months until the NATO summit meeting in Prague, Latvia must keep progressing, because if in case Latvia is unable to demonstrate good results, even the best lobbying will do no help. This statement was made by the former U.S. administration's NATO enlargement coordinator Ronald D. Asmus on Monday upon meeting Latvia's President Vaira Vike-Freiberga. "Latvia is on the last lap of the marathon, so do all you can to not trip," said Asmus. "If I was your coach, then I would say you have a good speed" - Latvia has caught up to many other candidate countries and even passed some of them, Asmus told reporters. BNS

Mayor of southeast Latvian City Daugavpils, Rihards Eigims, and his first deputy will be visiting Vitebsk in Belarus from Tuesday till August 8, set to discuss cultural cooperation with the city's administration. Daugavpils deputy Mayor Livija Jankovska reported on Monday that the two parties would be discussing the possibility of organizing an international cultural event in Daugavpils, similar a festival having taken place in Vitebsk. Jankovska said that the heads of both cities might also sign an agreement on cultural cooperation.

Mayor of southeast Latvian City Daugavpils, Rihards Eigims, and his first deputy will be visiting Vitebsk in Belarus from Tuesday till August 8, set to discuss cultural cooperation with the city's administration. Daugavpils deputy Mayor Livija Jankovska reported on Monday that the two parties would be discussing the possibility of organizing an international cultural event in Daugavpils, similar a festival having taken place in Vitebsk. Jankovska said that the heads of both cities might also sign an agreement on cultural cooperation. BNS

Latvian capital Riga and St.Petersburg City in Russia will exchange monuments. The Riga City Council has resolved to present to St.Petersburg the monument of Russian czar Peter the Great, who founded this Russian City in the 18th century. St.Petersburg governor Vladimir Yakovlev, scheduled to visit Riga during the city's 800th anniversary celebrations in mid-August, will return the favor by giving to Riga a bust of famous Latvian poet Janis Rainis. Riga vice-mayor Sergei Dolgopolov told BNS that a St.Petersburg delegation on its previous visit to Riga had made several suggestions as to the piece of art the Russian city could give to the Latvian capital in exchange of the czar's monument.

Latvian capital Riga and St.Petersburg City in Russia will exchange monuments. The Riga City Council has resolved to present to St.Petersburg the monument of Russian czar Peter the Great, who founded this Russian City in the 18th century. St.Petersburg governor Vladimir Yakovlev, scheduled to visit Riga during the city's 800th anniversary celebrations in mid-August, will return the favor by giving to Riga a bust of famous Latvian poet Janis Rainis. Riga vice-mayor Sergei Dolgopolov told BNS that a St.Petersburg delegation on its previous visit to Riga had made several suggestions as to the piece of art the Russian city could give to the Latvian capital in exchange of the czar's monument. BNS, Panorama Latvii

It is likely that youth movement Solidarity will organize this Friday a picket in front of Riga City Council to voice their position on possibilities for every youngster to study in his mother tongue.

It is likely that youth movement Solidarity will organize this Friday a picket in front of Riga City Council to voice their position on possibilities for every youngster to study in his mother tongue. Diena, Vesti Segodnya

DCMA representative informed that 6 foreign journalists have been included in the lists of persons non grata in Latvia. The representative did not want to reveal their names, he just explained that their activity was directed against Latvia and its independence.

DCMA representative informed that 6 foreign journalists have been included in the lists of persons non grata in Latvia. The representative did not want to reveal their names, he just explained that their activity was directed against Latvia and its independence. Neatkariga


Newspaper Lauku Avize interviewed the leader of youth movement Solidarnost I.Stalnoy about this movement and their activities. He said that there were about 50 active members in Solidarnost. During this interview journalists got impression that I.Stalnoy preferred not to speak about many questions and answered to others partially. So when asked about the sponsor of their movement he answered that the sponsor wanted to remain anonymous, and the answer to the questions where this sponsor from Latvia or abroad he refused to answer.

Also Russian speaking newspaper

Also Russian speaking newspaper Chas interviewed I.Stalnoy. He said that in their action in Mezaparks participated about 3000 people and 6000 came during the whole day. They were satisfied with the result but did not think to stop on the achieved. The authorities had to understand that they would achieve what they want.

J.Rimsans in

J.Rimsans in Rigas Balss ponders about the term decolonization in the context of Latvian actual facts and states that nobody has analyzed whether this colonisation is a real fact and if decolonisation is an acute issue.

Tomorrow the Cabinet of Ministers will decide on changing the procedure according to which applicants for Latvian citizenship will take the history and Satversme knowledge test. It is planned that applicant will take this test in a written form. The new procedure envisages including in the test also questions which have to be answered precisely, not choosing any given option. The tittle of this information is “Knowledge of applicants for citizenship will be tested more carefully”.

Tomorrow the Cabinet of Ministers will decide on changing the procedure according to which applicants for Latvian citizenship will take the history and Satversme knowledge test. It is planned that applicant will take this test in a written form. The new procedure envisages including in the test also questions which have to be answered precisely, not choosing any given option. The tittle of this information is Knowledge of applicants for citizenship will be tested more carefully. Rigas Balss


Newspaper Neatkariga states that History and Satversme knowledge test will be more difficult. 06.08.01 Panorama Latvii states History test – differently.

Latvian branch of Barkashiovci organisation “Russian National Unity in Latvia” in Liepaja filed a case with Riga Regional Court against Enterprise register for refusing to register their organisation.

Latvian branch of Barkashiovci organisation Russian National Unity in Latvia in Liepaja filed a case with Riga Regional Court against Enterprise register for refusing to register their organisation. Respublika

President of Russian Commune in Latvia V.Altuhov told

President of Russian Commune in Latvia V.Altuhov told Chas journalist that from September they start stating Latvian language training courses according new methodology - whole families would be trained together. Trainers would come from National Language Training Center, and the Center would pay teachers salaries. The generator of this idea was musician O.Bogdanov who was now out of job. Premises for training is provided by Russian Community in Latvia. This will be a joined project of those two Russian organizations. It is planned that training will be free of charge, but unfortunately they will not be able to train all willing. So the priority will be given to active members of Russian Commune.

Aug. 6, 2001

Press Report

Youth movement Solidarity decided to unite youngsters of different nationalities let to manage everybody’s rights to study in his mother tongue opposite to the planned transition to tuition in the state language. On Sunday in Mezaparks instead of announced 500 youngsters came several thousand for a meeting that was combined with a concert of several groups and singers. Participants of the meeting had slogans and upon a call of Solidarity representative I.Stalnoy shouted “Hands of from our schools”, “We want to study in our mother tongue”, If we are united, we are undefeatable”. Saeima Human Rights and Public Affairs Commission head A.Seiksts said according there was nothing illegal in activities of the organizers’ of this meeting but they had to take responsibility for splitting the society that did not favor its integration.

Youth movement Solidarity decided to unite youngsters of different nationalities let to manage everybodys rights to study in his mother tongue opposite to the planned transition to tuition in the state language. On Sunday in Mezaparks instead of announced 500 youngsters came several thousand for a meeting that was combined with a concert of several groups and singers. Participants of the meeting had slogans and upon a call of Solidarity representative I.Stalnoy shouted Hands of from our schools, We want to study in our mother tongue, If we are united, we are undefeatable. Saeima Human Rights and Public Affairs Commission head A.Seiksts said according there was nothing illegal in activities of the organizers of this meeting but they had to take responsibility for splitting the society that did not favor its integration. Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna Avize

Russian speaking newspaper

Russian speaking newspaper Chas writes about 3000 participants and of different nationalities. The Chairman of youth movement Solidarity I.Stalnoy told journalists that the goal of this action was to attract public attention to the attempt of state authorities to close Russian schools by 2004. They had organized an opinion poll among Latvian youngsters was it worthwhile to close down Russian speaking schools, and more than 70% of respondents considered that it should no be done. I.Stalnoy said that they would fight fort their rights disregarding opposition from politicians. Respublika and Panorama Latvii give more than 5000 participants.

Participants of legionnaires’ get-together on Saturday adopted an address to the President V.Vike-Freiberga, Saeima and government to evaluate the guilt of Communist party in the genocide against Latvians. At the same time the state is called to evaluate impartially the role of Latvian legionnaires in the WW II as well as to claim compensation from Russia and Germany for damages made during the years of occupation.

Participants of legionnaires get-together on Saturday adopted an address to the President V.Vike-Freiberga, Saeima and government to evaluate the guilt of Communist party in the genocide against Latvians. At the same time the state is called to evaluate impartially the role of Latvian legionnaires in the WW II as well as to claim compensation from Russia and Germany for damages made during the years of occupation. Diena

Russian speaking newspaper

Russian speaking newspaper Chas writes in a little sarcastic manner about this get-together and publishes their demands. Panorama Latvii adds that among participants were also MPs O.Grigs and P.Tabuns.

At least 20 non-citizen after finishing a training course in Valka will not be able to take the Latvian language test because authorities have abolished the special state language examination commission for Valka Region. Most of those people are unemployed, and they may take this test only in Riga. E.Poermeiter, local State Employment Office head told journalists that those people did not have money to go there but the Commission had no time or money to come to Valka. Non-citizens find such a situation when there is no Commission in Valka absurd.

At least 20 non-citizen after finishing a training course in Valka will not be able to take the Latvian language test because authorities have abolished the special state language examination commission for Valka Region. Most of those people are unemployed, and they may take this test only in Riga. E.Poermeiter, local State Employment Office head told journalists that those people did not have money to go there but the Commission had no time or money to come to Valka. Non-citizens find such a situation when there is no Commission in Valka absurd. Neatkariga

Russian speaking newspaper

Russian speaking newspaper Chas when writing about the interview of MP J.Leja called the article Saeima Deputy Let non-Latvians go to Russia! In the press conference J.Leja said that he did not agree to Gardas statement about the second Yugoslavia in Latvia (Latvians are a peaceful nation). MP is sure that there should be national policy to drive out non-Latvians. Bu Latvia has no money and neighboring countries should assist in it. Vesti Segodnya

Aug. 4, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

The third Latvian SS Waffen legion reunion on Saturday resolved in urging Latvia's President Vaira Vike-Freiberga, the parliament and government to assess the guilt of the communist party in genocide against the Latvian nation. The Latvian government has also been urged to objectively assess the importance of the Latvian legion in World War II, and demand compensation from Russia and Germany for losses caused during their occupation. Mentioning Russian President Putin's call for Russians to return home, the legion veterans also want the government to ask the international society to offer financial assistance to disloyal residents of Latvia who wish to return to Russia. A document signed at the reunion also urges that those guilty of genocide against the Latvian nation during both occupations be found and tried. Author of the document, Nikolajs Romanovskis, chairman of the Latvian national soldier society, announced that the document has been prepared following a similar one issued last year to which there was no response.

The third Latvian SS Waffen legion reunion on Saturday resolved in urging Latvia's President Vaira Vike-Freiberga, the parliament and government to assess the guilt of the communist party in genocide against the Latvian nation. The Latvian government has also been urged to objectively assess the importance of the Latvian legion in World War II, and demand compensation from Russia and Germany for losses caused during their occupation. Mentioning Russian President Putin's call for Russians to return home, the legion veterans also want the government to ask the international society to offer financial assistance to disloyal residents of Latvia who wish to return to Russia. A document signed at the reunion also urges that those guilty of genocide against the Latvian nation during both occupations be found and tried. Author of the document, Nikolajs Romanovskis, chairman of the Latvian national soldier society, announced that the document has been prepared following a similar one issued last year to which there was no response. BNS

The UN Human Rights Committee will in its next session in October look into a complaint made by a Latvian citizen for not being allowed to run for local government elections in 1997, due to her insufficient knowledge of the state language. Antonina Ignatane's representative Tatjana Zdanoka, a member of the Latvian Human Rights committee, said that her case was meant to be looked at in the UN committee's previous session in July, however, cases are often postponed because of the large amount to be looked into by the human rights committee. Experts have already given Ignatane a positive report, leading her to believe that the UN committee may also satisfy her claim.

The UN Human Rights Committee will in its next session in October look into a complaint made by a Latvian citizen for not being allowed to run for local government elections in 1997, due to her insufficient knowledge of the state language. Antonina Ignatane's representative Tatjana Zdanoka, a member of the Latvian Human Rights committee, said that her case was meant to be looked at in the UN committee's previous session in July, however, cases are often postponed because of the large amount to be looked into by the human rights committee. Experts have already given Ignatane a positive report, leading her to believe that the UN committee may also satisfy her claim. BNS

Two US Republican senators, who strongly support admission of the Baltic States to NATO, will visit Latvia late August, the Latvian Foreign Ministry reported. Senators Richard G.Lugar and John McCain are expected to meet with top Latvian officials, including President Vaira Vike-Freiberga, said the presidential office said. No other details of the senators' agenda in Latvia were released as it is still being drafted.

Two US Republican senators, who strongly support admission of the Baltic States to NATO, will visit Latvia late August, the Latvian Foreign Ministry reported. Senators Richard G.Lugar and John McCain are expected to meet with top Latvian officials, including President Vaira Vike-Freiberga, said the presidential office said. No other details of the senators' agenda in Latvia were released as it is still being drafted. BNS

MP from Social Democrats J.Leja published “Open letter to proletarian internationalists”. There he gives his opinion on the statement of Director of some human rights and ethnic studies center about existing individual cases of nationalism in Latvia. J.Leja stated that such a statement should have a scientific basis but only Bolshevics and ideologists of proletarian internationalism defamed nationalism. And the very intense and one-sided hustle about A.Garda’s book and his letter to EU Commissioner Verheugen speaks about a comparatively united ideology in the ruling tops and mass media. There is a proverb “Don’t come with your statutes in a strange monastery”. Our Russian speakers and people with different point of view have not only entered with their statutes in a strange monastery but also instruct us loudly and reprimand that we do not observe they statutes, but just opposite to their wish want to cherish Latvian traditions and speak in our mother tongue. And strange is the position of Russian speaking mass media against the authors of A.Garda’s letter. It evidently brings harm to Russia’s interests to prevent compatriots to follow the friendly call of Russian government top return to their fatherland.

MP from Social Democrats J.Leja published Open letter to proletarian internationalists. There he gives his opinion on the statement of Director of some human rights and ethnic studies center about existing individual cases of nationalism in Latvia. J.Leja stated that such a statement should have a scientific basis but only Bolshevics and ideologists of proletarian internationalism defamed nationalism. And the very intense and one-sided hustle about A.Gardas book and his letter to EU Commissioner Verheugen speaks about a comparatively united ideology in the ruling tops and mass media. There is a proverb Dont come with your statutes in a strange monastery. Our Russian speakers and people with different point of view have not only entered with their statutes in a strange monastery but also instruct us loudly and reprimand that we do not observe they statutes, but just opposite to their wish want to cherish Latvian traditions and speak in our mother tongue. And strange is the position of Russian speaking mass media against the authors of A.Gardas letter. It evidently brings harm to Russias interests to prevent compatriots to follow the friendly call of Russian government top return to their fatherland. Lauku Avize

Saeima Security Office warned publisher A.Garda about unacceptability of his creative activities to the state security. From different sources, also foreign, SSO got convinced that Garda’s activities were actively used by Russian MFA to prove that Latvia was not ready for participation in EU and NATO.

Saeima Security Office warned publisher A.Garda about unacceptability of his creative activities to the state security. From different sources, also foreign, SSO got convinced that Gardas activities were actively used by Russian MFA to prove that Latvia was not ready for participation in EU and NATO. Lauku Avize

During a TV show J.Leja assured that he was nationalist and announced that they were gradually constructing a national state in Latvia. He did not agree to all statements of A.Garda but felt offended by the tone of Russian speaking newspapers writing about A.Garda that decided to sign Garda’s letter. Answering to a question about the position of his party concerning Garda’s activities MP answered that in Party’s program was stated that there was no alternative to a national state. But a theory and practice of building a national state – it is nationalism. And there is nothing bad in it.

During a TV show J.Leja assured that he was nationalist and announced that they were gradually constructing a national state in Latvia. He did not agree to all statements of A.Garda but felt offended by the tone of Russian speaking newspapers writing about A.Garda that decided to sign Gardas letter. Answering to a question about the position of his party concerning Gardas activities MP answered that in Partys program was stated that there was no alternative to a national state. But a theory and practice of building a national state – it is nationalism. And there is nothing bad in it. Vesti Segodnya, Panorama Latvii

Russian speaking newspaper

Russian speaking newspaper Vesti Segodnya announced campaign offering free advertising in this newspaper for any service and trading enterprises that had their signboard both in Latvian and Russian languages. They ask to inform about such a signboard and within few days the picture of it will be published in the newspaper.


Aug. 3, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

Latvia's President Vaira Vike-Freiberga will be participating in the opening of a new border crossing on Latvia's eastern border with Russia on August 8. The opening ceremony of the Aisgarsa border point of is also expected to be participated by the parliament's Defense and Internal commission chairman Dzintars Kudums, Minister of Interior Mareks Seglins, chief of the Latvian border guards Gunars Dabolins and other officials of the Interior Ministry and border guard veterans.

Latvia's President Vaira Vike-Freiberga will be participating in the opening of a new border crossing on Latvia's eastern border with Russia on August 8. The opening ceremony of the Aisgarsa border point of is also expected to be participated by the parliament's Defense and Internal commission chairman Dzintars Kudums, Minister of Interior Mareks Seglins, chief of the Latvian border guards Gunars Dabolins and other officials of the Interior Ministry and border guard veterans. BNS

National Radio and TV Council decided to stop for one day broadcasting of radio station Radio Daugavai in Daugavpils. The reason is given non-compliance of broadcasts to the adopted conception. Broadcasting will be stopped on August 10. When analyzing broadcasts of one week in May the Council found that the station did not observe the conception on news and informative broadcasts.

National Radio and TV Council decided to stop for one day broadcasting of radio station Radio Daugavai in Daugavpils. The reason is given non-compliance of broadcasts to the adopted conception. Broadcasting will be stopped on August 10. When analyzing broadcasts of one week in May the Council found that the station did not observe the conception on news and informative broadcasts. Diena

Giving as the reason wrong information entered in software program, Russian Councilor in Latvia ordered the representatives of Travel Company Irbe to take out Russian visa from Latvian journalist A.Klimovics’ passport. A.Klimovics had been refused to receive a Russian visa already three times, and Russian MFA gave as the reason Klimovics’ articles that “misreflected” the situation in Chechnya.

Giving as the reason wrong information entered in software program, Russian Councilor in Latvia ordered the representatives of Travel Company Irbe to take out Russian visa from Latvian journalist A.Klimovics passport. A.Klimovics had been refused to receive a Russian visa already three times, and Russian MFA gave as the reason Klimovics articles that misreflected the situation in Chechnya. Diena

Latvian citizen Aivars Smans considers a possibility to address the International Court for help because he thinks that third Secretary of Latvian Embassy in Ukraine J.Lobzova has exceeded her authority wen forbidding a relative of Smans, citizen of Ukraine V.Dudjak to enter Latvia for one year. In the answer, given by MFA Consular Department there is given no clear explanation of such an action. This incident took place this summer in the Latvian Embassy in Ukraine during which J.Lobzova without any explanation called V.Dudjak a representative of criminal circles and after a short time put a stamp in his passport forbidding him to enter Latvia for one year.

Latvian citizen Aivars Smans considers a possibility to address the International Court for help because he thinks that third Secretary of Latvian Embassy in Ukraine J.Lobzova has exceeded her authority wen forbidding a relative of Smans, citizen of Ukraine V.Dudjak to enter Latvia for one year. In the answer, given by MFA Consular Department there is given no clear explanation of such an action. This incident took place this summer in the Latvian Embassy in Ukraine during which J.Lobzova without any explanation called V.Dudjak a representative of criminal circles and after a short time put a stamp in his passport forbidding him to enter Latvia for one year. Neatkariga

The new Polish Ambassador to Latvia T.Fishbah has arrived to Latvia. Soon he will go on an official visit to Latvian President V.Vike-Freiberga to hand in his letter of accreditation.

The new Polish Ambassador to Latvia T.Fishbah has arrived to Latvia. Soon he will go on an official visit to Latvian President V.Vike-Freiberga to hand in his letter of accreditation. Rigas Balss

Next Saturday Union of National Soldiers will held in Smarde Forest the third get-together of formed SS legionnaires. Invitations to state officials have been sent out but no responses are received.

Next Saturday Union of National Soldiers will held in Smarde Forest the third get-together of formed SS legionnaires. Invitations to state officials have been sent out but no responses are received. Chas

On Sunday, August 5 in Mezaparks a concert-meeting will take place to support education in the Russian language. The organizers of the meeting expect about 3000 people. The initiator of this event is youth movement “Equality” and their aim is to protect education in the Russian language, They will try to unite all youngsters because, according to opinion polls, not only Russians but also 70% of Latvians stand for the principle that students have to study in their mother tongue.

On Sunday, August 5 in Mezaparks a concert-meeting will take place to support education in the Russian language. The organizers of the meeting expect about 3000 people. The initiator of this event is youth movement Equality and their aim is to protect education in the Russian language, They will try to unite all youngsters because, according to opinion polls, not only Russians but also 70% of Latvians stand for the principle that students have to study in their mother tongue. Vesti Segodnya

N.Kabanov writes about the meeting of CIS states leaders in Sochi, describing it as one of the most important international events and states that MFAs of the Baltic States could and should have sent their representatives there. But CIS has been already excluded form international policy concept of Latvia and other Baltic States. The main priority for Latvian diplomats is EU and NATO. And they keep their eyes closed towards CIS, to be more exact; somebody closes their eyes on purpose.

N.Kabanov writes about the meeting of CIS states leaders in Sochi, describing it as one of the most important international events and states that MFAs of the Baltic States could and should have sent their representatives there. But CIS has been already excluded form international policy concept of Latvia and other Baltic States. The main priority for Latvian diplomats is EU and NATO. And they keep their eyes closed towards CIS, to be more exact; somebody closes their eyes on purpose. Vesti Segodnya


Newspaper Respublika interviewed several well-known persons about their most important events during last three years. One of the interviewed was the Head of Naturalization Board E.Aldermane. She thinks that the most important event was adoption of amendments to the law on Citizenship, the next important event is that the government adopted Public Integration Program and within this program an information center was opened at the Naturalization Board. The most important event of this year is governments two decisions that eased life for the potential citizens of Latvia – equalizing the centralized Latvian language exam at schools with naturalization test and decreasing the amount of the naturalization fee. And an important fact for E.Aldermane herself was receiving the award of Sorsos Foundation Latvia For Public Harmony.

A web-site mocking and offending Latvia's history, culture and language has been found in Russian at The anonymous authors of this web-site warn users that its content is mainly meant for Latvia's Russian-speaking population, nevertheless, the page also has many explanations meant for residents of Russia. For years high Russian officials have been accusing Latvia of bad attitudes towards its Russian speaking population, claiming that their rights to acquire Latvian citizenship, speak the Russian language and acquire education in their mother tongue are restricted. Latvia, 30 percent of its 2.4 million strong population being ethnic Russians, claims these accusations as ungrounded.

A web-site mocking and offending Latvia's history, culture and language has been found in Russian at The anonymous authors of this web-site warn users that its content is mainly meant for Latvia's Russian-speaking population, nevertheless, the page also has many explanations meant for residents of Russia. For years high Russian officials have been accusing Latvia of bad attitudes towards its Russian speaking population, claiming that their rights to acquire Latvian citizenship, speak the Russian language and acquire education in their mother tongue are restricted. Latvia, 30 percent of its 2.4 million strong population being ethnic Russians, claims these accusations as ungrounded. BNS

Aug. 2, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

A Moscow city executive, declared by Latvia as persona non grata in last November, may nevertheless be let into the country as a part of the Moscow delegation expected to come to Riga in mid-August for celebration of the Latvian capital's 800th anniversary. Riga mayor Gundars Bojars told BNS Alexander Perelygin could be among Moscow City delegates sent to Riga. Mayor's foreign advisor told BNS that official invitation to the Riga anniversary celebrations had been made to Moscow mayor Jury Luzhkov and a delegation but Luzhkov elected to send to Riga his first deputy Vladimir Shantsev instead.

A Moscow city executive, declared by Latvia as persona non grata in last November, may nevertheless be let into the country as a part of the Moscow delegation expected to come to Riga in mid-August for celebration of the Latvian capital's 800th anniversary. Riga mayor Gundars Bojars told BNS Alexander Perelygin could be among Moscow City delegates sent to Riga. Mayor's foreign advisor told BNS that official invitation to the Riga anniversary celebrations had been made to Moscow mayor Jury Luzhkov and a delegation but Luzhkov elected to send to Riga his first deputy Vladimir Shantsev instead. BNS

The chairman of the opposition Social Democrat faction in the Latvian parliament has survived recent attempts to replace him. After several hours of debate, the Latvian Social Democratic Workers Party board Wednesday resolved to stop discussing removal of Social Democrat parliamentary faction chairman Egils Baldzens. Reports about plans to remove Baldzens first appeared two weeks ago. The removal was allegedly due to Baldzens having acted contrary to the party instructions during local election campaign this spring. It was also suggested that Social Democrat leader Juris Bojars wanted to displace Baldzens within the party and in the politics. After the party board meeting where passions ran high Wednesday, Bojars told reporters that the Social Democratic party board had resolved to stop discussing the need to replace Baldzens in order "not to play into hands of the enemies of the party."

The chairman of the opposition Social Democrat faction in the Latvian parliament has survived recent attempts to replace him. After several hours of debate, the Latvian Social Democratic Workers Party board Wednesday resolved to stop discussing removal of Social Democrat parliamentary faction chairman Egils Baldzens. Reports about plans to remove Baldzens first appeared two weeks ago. The removal was allegedly due to Baldzens having acted contrary to the party instructions during local election campaign this spring. It was also suggested that Social Democrat leader Juris Bojars wanted to displace Baldzens within the party and in the politics. After the party board meeting where passions ran high Wednesday, Bojars told reporters that the Social Democratic party board had resolved to stop discussing the need to replace Baldzens in order "not to play into hands of the enemies of the party." BNS, Diena, Jauna Avize, Lauku Avize, Panorama Latvii, Neatkariga

The Latvian Foreign Ministry has received from Russia a note of acceptance, approving the nominee to the Latvian ambassador in Moscow, the ministry reported. The note of acceptance, stating Russia's approval of Normans Penke as the new Latvian Ambassador in Moscow, had been received already July 2, said a spokesman for the Latvian Foreign Ministry.

The Latvian Foreign Ministry has received from Russia a note of acceptance, approving the nominee to the Latvian ambassador in Moscow, the ministry reported. The note of acceptance, stating Russia's approval of Normans Penke as the new Latvian Ambassador in Moscow, had been received already July 2, said a spokesman for the Latvian Foreign Ministry. BNS, Chas

The Latvian top national security agency has reprimanded the head of a controversial publishing company for taking actions harmful to the state. The Constitution Protection Office (CPO) has reprimanded Aivars Garda, the head of Vieda publishers notorious for organizing a youth contest of nationalist essays. CPO deputy head Uldis Dzenitis told BNS the agency had warned Garda that it was inadmissible to take actions that posed a threat to national security.

The Latvian top national security agency has reprimanded the head of a controversial publishing company for taking actions harmful to the state. The Constitution Protection Office (CPO) has reprimanded Aivars Garda, the head of Vieda publishers notorious for organizing a youth contest of nationalist essays. CPO deputy head Uldis Dzenitis told BNS the agency had warned Garda that it was inadmissible to take actions that posed a threat to national security. BNS, Chas

National Radio and TV Council (NRTC), examining the record of Broadcasting Company Bizness&Baltija; of June 1, found that the amount of information broadcasted in a foreign language exceeded the limit stipulated by the Radio and TV law. It was 54% of the whole 24-hour broadcasting program. According to the law it should not exceed 25%. The Company denied this violation assuring that the total time in the Russian language had been 24.9%. NRTC has prepared a draft regulation with a warming to B&B.;

National Radio and TV Council (NRTC), examining the record of Broadcasting Company Bizness&Baltija of June 1, found that the amount of information broadcasted in a foreign language exceeded the limit stipulated by the Radio and TV law. It was 54% of the whole 24-hour broadcasting program. According to the law it should not exceed 25%. The Company denied this violation assuring that the total time in the Russian language had been 24.9%. NRTC has prepared a draft regulation with a warming to B&B. Diena

Financing of Russia to support programs for compatriots residing in CIS and Baltic States has been increase two times in comparison to the previous year. It was announced by Russian Vice-Prime Minister V.Hristenko on Wednesday. According to what V.Hristenko said Russia respected attempts of those states to strengthen their sovereignty but it might not cause discrimination of some categories of residents. Vice –Prime Minister confirmed the information that in October this year in Moscow would take place congress of compatriots with participation of about 500 representatives from compatriot organizations in CIS and Baltic States.

Financing of Russia to support programs for compatriots residing in CIS and Baltic States has been increase two times in comparison to the previous year. It was announced by Russian Vice-Prime Minister V.Hristenko on Wednesday. According to what V.Hristenko said Russia respected attempts of those states to strengthen their sovereignty but it might not cause discrimination of some categories of residents. Vice –Prime Minister confirmed the information that in October this year in Moscow would take place congress of compatriots with participation of about 500 representatives from compatriot organizations in CIS and Baltic States. Diena, Chas

A.Yelkin in

A.Yelkin in Vesti Segodnya writes that the decision of Privatization Agency to sell 3% of Latvijas Gaze stock for privatization vouchers, stating that one of possible reasons for such a decision could be fear that one of the stock holders of latvijas Gaze – company Itera Latvia that is very closely linked with Russian monopoly company Gazprom would buy these stocks to sell them to Gazprom afterwards. And it seems that for many Latvian journalists and politicians the combination of words Russian enterprise causes allergy. Even after 1o years of independence Latvia can not get rid of fear from Russia.

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